Low Elo Legends #3 Castles are FUN!

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alright ladies and gents welcome to what will hopefully be a episode number three in low evil legends I have gone through dozens of games to try and find the third episode I've not yet been satisfied we have Caleo who's in the blue he's playing us to Spanish and noob Mick poop-poop who's playing as the Franks and that's how you know this is a low e low legends episode when you have a name like that so right off the bat I saw Blu built two houses which is good that's normal and he's making a mistake already by not sending that next villager to the Sheep remember hunts decays so you do not get exactly 100 food from your sheep a lot of people don't know this so if you're splitting up villagers on multiple sheep you're not collecting food fast enough for me cheap to eliminate decay so it's not that end of the world but I would try and keep six on one sheep and then put six on the next and then okay villagers have a mind of their own sometimes and now it looks like red will go to wood okay he's going to wood all right so so here's the deal I'm gonna laugh I'm gonna cry I'm gonna be sarcastic I'm gonna make jokes I always do all right I'm an emotional person but I'm not gonna be picking on these guys in fact this guy's picking on himself he need names he has pooped twice in his name and the word new alright so if you know there are some things where you're like wow t90 he really shouldn't have said that cuz this guy's just trying to play his game he's trying to have some fun and t90 is acting all high and mighty and picking on them I'm not trying to pick on people okay now what's gonna happen here is Red's villagers are gonna choose separate sheep so you want to keep your sheep whoa well I've been proven wrong okay I I think he clicked them to the next sheep nice job I was really scared he was they were gonna take all the Sheep I would keep your sheep around here and then send them in one by one okay so Red Nose - Laura borer - on wood isn't an exact build order he's also has TC idle time he's not creating villagers this is a very big mistake a very common one at that blue has four on wood I don't love the lumber camp position it's better to put it up against the wood and leave one tile gaps for mills and for mining if you do ok this isn't bad the players are playing on Arabia and they're pretty close together so I'm not sure if Callie ol really likes conquistadors and castle drops or what he's gonna do but he's scouting his base right now Opie's house Oh panic luckily Spanish villagers build faster oh no don't build the house over there that's just extra house time just panic one up anywhere so you can create new bills right away oh no that's gonna take forever that's okay red wasn't creating villagers so it didn't make much of a difference it's fair that's just red trying to even the game out like Oh your house it's alright I'm gonna have an idle TC and I won't create villagers so I won't catch up nice see alright blues bringing in his boar I like it what's the scouting looked like oh he hasn't found his Pig well that's a mistake then this scout should not be out here if you're looking for your Pig could be here could be here could be here could be here it could be here good can honestly be in a lot of spots except for the center of the map where his scout currently is so that's gonna hurt him now if you're down a boar you want to farm or you could build a mill on your deer what's red scouting look like see red scouting is a much better example of how you should Scout this is good and here's his bore oh no don't take the sheep it's a 99 food please tell me you're gonna eat that Oh God okay all right I mean it's still not great you'd prefer to have all your villagers on board oh boy wait yeah so this a lot of this 340 food is gonna rot away okay more than it would if you would have everyone on board but at least at least he's creating bills creating bills is key Frank's have a forge bonus so it's a really good sieve to start with I think if you want to choose a save fords bonus their farm upgrades are free that's very helpful their scouts get extra HP their Knights get free essentially free bloodlines they've cheap castles it's a good sieve okay red would need a house they definitely I wouldn't say they have build orders oh wait he wants to go feudal age okay yeah wouldn't say they have build orders but they have a general idea of what a build should be but blue is I know pig and his he's still scouting the other area of the map so he's probably not going to get that pig Thank You Paulie dude I did have a good time I uh it's bittersweet because I ate way too much food so I liked when I was flying back they almost didn't let me on the plane because I gained 150 pounds but I made it back and I'm trying to be healthy and now I'm sick but anyways thank you for the $5 hope your holidays went well as well so red wants to go Scouts but he has five on would normal Scout build will be ten on wood this is gonna be problematic because you can't afford the stable he also needs a house blue is on his way to fuel age I would send three or four villas over to the deer they're close enough where you can do that this is a close game it this is a low E low Legends episode right here noob Mick poop poop and blue and red doesn't have any fills underneath his TC so blue doesn't even need to be scared to that okay I guess real red realized he needed houses when he got to the next stage forgot about that one he's queued up wheelbarrow okay so we know it's not Nico and now he's getting set Wow he queued up seven militia did he just did he say well I don't have the wood for a stable let's just make militia what well oh boy these if these are ferocious villagers alright I I don't love this move my militia are so weak and if you wanted to go man-at-arms you would need gold and oh boy this is gonna be this is gonna be interesting I love how at the very least he's focused on creating fields that's good that's key okay blue has gone from having no villagers on dere to ten villagers on here it's a little bit reactionary if you ask me in fact I don't even think all of these voters can surround that one okay but he's going to the others alright I'm not I'm not gonna stress too much about this but they both gone feudal and they obviously didn't have a strong game plan for what they wanted to do and whew so that does concern me like there was no scalp build there's not even a barracks for blues so he's just hanging out here in feudal age and if you want to go to the next level you're really gonna need to either go feudal for a game plan or just go fast castle all right now Reds going to Gold's I would love to see him build another lumber camp please don't tell me oh they're all going to gold holy cow huh what's nine on gold that is a lot on gold it's 20 gold militia so if he's planning on making more that is that is a big investment oh no oh now he's gonna build houses with these six villagers I think they have a really I think their boss sent them a really insane deadline then normally you would think you could build the house with one villager and take your time but no these people want their houses now more people are moving to this area it's an up-and-coming city we need to force down the houses with six villagers not one not two not three six I guess five she's she's taking a break all right yeah but he will build a lumber camp automatically which is much better eco balanced now newb mcpoot poop is like well I've watched you know you I've watched t90 cause two experts before they always go for three man-at-arms so that must be the number yeah you are correct it's just the timing is just seven minutes too late blue has decided to farm without walls so it the man-at-arms attack could work really well oh I wonder what he'll do if he sees the pig he sees the boar now will he just kill it because he thinks he's supposed to kill boars I would just leave it there there's no sense in taking it after his blacksmith has completed he will click up to castle age so this is not really a fast castle but a slowish castle allô allô legend castle h creek a leo all right Oh red don't now he's making stables well I mean this is cool but please just farm a lot and go castle age do not make Scouts now it's way too late oh he gets the first kill of the game though let's go let's get this party started hype it up hype it up red dodge dodge dodge good micro okay where did all Reds food go alright so guys one thing you can learn like I said it's obviously don't have built he could see his 18 on wood and eight on food so you should constantly looking and say wow I have a lot of food I don't have a lot of I don't or sorry I have a lot of wood I need food what should I do oh wait build farms right adapting is the best skill you can learn in this game I don't know what blues gonna do in castle age he does not have a stable for Knights Knights would be a good move he's not on stone for conquistadors so he's gone fast castle but with what plan I have no clue okay red is not creating he's refreshing his lumber camp that's good he's not creating Scouts that's good as well because I want him to go Castle age just where's his food I could have taken the deer could have built farms faster you need about 16 17 farms here all but the men-at-arms are doing work the men-at-arms are doing work blue arrives in castle age but the enemies here noob noob make poop poop is ready to go now he's not he's dead alright first thing that blue does is get handcart probably not the best timing for that eco upgrade but it is nico upgrade and i can appreciate it now what no stable so he's not gonna punish right at all for now being in castle age snow stable for a night one night on the wood line would wreak havoc but nothing he seems to be chopping his way through this wood line he needs a new one eventually here would be good there's two villagers here and there's 18 villagers here walking long distance Oh Red's crating Scouts oh no wait a second or oh yes blues not expecting anything oh don't tell me what it blew over chops this how funny would that be wait did he already overtop it no I didn't shred just wait just wait just wait just wait back up back up check the tree and wait check the tree and wait he keeps trying to click past it won't let him ID Alan noob is gonna look to see there's 20 20 foot wood left there ah man there goes the surprise if you would have waited oh wait hold on blue might overtop this he's gonna be focused about walling behind blue will over top this will red realize noob Mick poop noob big poop poop that's a hard name to say oh no you put the wrong way he didn't know wait does he know Willy no does he know did he see it Willy come back this way will he click up to the next stage he's getting his buildings blue cannot house wall there because there's a bamboo tree blue does not see that as open blue is on to town centers and he's just now gone the stone so the timing on stone if you want to kinky service is way too late and red is all the way to Castle age this is a close game and blues trying to house wallet okay okay he realized you can't now alright alright so red has armor I mean he's he's armor and attack on the way Oh No alright blue spotted it now a blue chop wood here again cuz if so that has six wood on Red's like up I never could get through what a bummer he's like dammit but buddy told me to go Scout rush and just run through the holes in their walls but this freaking guy walled up there was never an opportunity for me to get through damn it why do pros even go for Scouts wow that's a lot of stables okay well I mean the scouts could kill bills alright it kills that scout kill these villagers blue went blue and castle aged did he try and click while there oh no don't build the tower do not build a tower to protect from Scouts guys that seems to be like a very common decision from people actually he quick wall though alright whatever I'll take it yeah whatever floats your boat it could have been a palisade wall instead of the tower what is it that it would have been a much cheaper investment but nice palisade wall okay red is getting light calves for his three Scouts it's probably not worth it he really needs houses which will take him some time to figure out oh no he's gonna build the houses out here so there's no panic when they get house panic when you have six villagers in feudal age but when you have four staples to produce nights from in Castle age don't panic take your time okay the lake have attacked the spears now the light caps they have upgrade so they could kill the spears but I feel like low level players freaked out and they think you know wow that thing counters me it's pointy I need to run that hurts and so blue as a villi I think now would be the time for blue to build a castle where its most vulnerable and that is right here if you drop a castle there blue you're good okay Kelly oh but if you don't drop a castle the Knights are gonna Cali oh you so know why there no that's dude there was just army here well maybe he thinks the two Spears are enough oh goodness gracious oh and he hit the castle - so if Rhett attacks that he could you could blue would lose the stone I think he's thinking about securing the gold oh no oh no oh he's gonna chop the tree - he's gonna chop the tree oh it's panic time in kaleo's base no Kali oh don't throw it all away [Music] red attack it attack no red attack the attack the foundation and blue will lose all the stone Oh blue deleted it alright good move back up Oh yep click wall quick wall nice quick wall ok Castle here castle right here in your base forget about these villagers they're dead red might not even kill them anyways cuz he's attacking the tower just Castle here you still have a villa you have to make military at some point in this game oh boy oh boy alright well he has Spanish builders so I think this castle will go up but red spotted it this is gonna make the game a lot more even let me tell you because the castle will go up but blue will lose a whole bunch of villagers in the process this is such a close game so if you combined blue and red you would have a really solid player red he doesn't boom so much but he attacks blue booms but he doesn't attack I think I prefer reds position though he is on two tc's producing Hills now and he has the Knights so now red might be thinking well what do I do so there's a couple things you can do here first off you might need to expect conquistadors so what I would really like to see read do is make him monastery and try and collect some relics he does see relics so make a monastery collect relics cuz this games going to him alright you could also use a monk or two to convert conquistadors at home and to just heal up your Knights all right what blue should do as he needs to make some freakin units and he's doing it now so making conquistadors but guys is 65 population to 65 it is so close man Kiki stores are very very strong units when you get enough on them and they're really hard to count or to really the best thing you can do is damage the person before the gets it conquistadors blues gonna need some upgrades now it's it's Archer armor upgrades for conquistadors and then getting bloodlines and husband tree from stable for the HP and the speed is really important and you got to be able to Micra with these bad boys too I also see blue is making pikemen I I don't mind this conquistadors are enough on the on their own if you get enough but going pikemen and conquistadors actually a really good combo against Franks alright okay so you got a hit and then you got a run buddy hit I don't think you have enough Kong's to comfortably fight here you also don't have husbandry you don't have any upgrades blue so you better run back to that castle and red this is fine for red this is good stuff now red runs back not bad so again Wow lots of houses going up it blue builds a stable he could get those upgrades fighting what one pikemen against 10 nights is never going to be good though crystal placed Oh it's blue listening to you uh if you chirp Lou is listening to me oh he's getting the wrong upgrades oh no this is I can see why he would think this but he's getting the wrong upgrades so he thinks that chain barding armor and scale mail armor applies to conquistadors but it doesn't it's it conquistadors are confusing one it's actually Archer armor for these so yeah that does not affect them at all and that's a huge waste of resources now it does this does not affect comps its Archer armor that affects comps and then you need to get bloodlines in the stable to give them the plus 20 HP so in some ways they benefit from CAV upgrades in other ways they benefit from Archer yeah if you guys didn't know that today you learned it's kind of silly because you would assume that if some upgrades apply the CAV that that upgrade wasn't applied to these as well but it's actually a balanced decision but right I think it's a balanced decision because now it's not stupid because if you were if chain barding armor affected conquistadors and Knights Spanish would be so much stronger like they could make clunks and Knights and they would just invest into the same amount of upgrades so so it applies gunpowder are affected by Archer armor right so actually that's not true for all gunpowder sure but yeah anyways for conquistadors no upgrades on them he doesn't realize so I doubt he'll get those upgrades this game unless he gets for something else if he had the upgrades he'd be much better off and he's taking a good fight no upgrades no problem whoa it's a forward castle for red though whoa hello that is an all-in in-your-face castle where will blue place his castle right there okay well red doesn't have military anymore he's getting murder holes because you know that's important got a research murder holes when he dropped castles it's a lot of nights with full upgrades I think I think what red wants to do is shoot the market down and then drop another castle I think he wants to castle drop blues eco if you're blue when you get the stone for it just Castle here to prevent that he could do that if he purchased some yeah red wants to take the market out in Castle again I'm pretty sure so just sitting around Blue has more villagers than red this is a very very close game and honestly has to be said castle aids play has not been bad from them I'd say the early game was their weakest would you guys agree some players have strong early game and they have weak late game these guys I think there's stronger late-game than they are early game oh I hope red realizes this oh boy oh boy nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope just when I said they had better late game Red's gonna commit to it he's committing to it oh no you can't--no newbie poop poop don't do this why why do this to yourself what have you done to deserve this fate the funny thing is he might get the castle up what is making petard boys he's making Fateh arts the Knights are taking in the arrow fire now red blue-blue is making Rams what on earth and the Rams will get taken down no way if Rhett destroys this castle I'm gonna lose it boom boom petard time more petard he could just go in and make traps but no petard that's necessary look at that petard micro nope will red drop another Castle though I mean these Knights are slowly picking off hills the castles picking off bills chivalry alright so now as stables are gonna produce faster he probably thinks chivalry applies to be tards because he's not making anything out of his stables yet he's been doing it all game I'm sure it will happen so the better play by the way is to not send the tarts in one by one mask them wait til you have like a group of six or seven Hank you need eight for a castle but just make enough and then once you have enough of them then run it and then one or two died but the rest make it you know red has he is bodkin arrow on his castles and blue doesn't even have fletching or bodkin I feel like blues gonna lose this game I really feel like blues gonna lose this game he really seems to have been shocked by this already doesn't know where his golds are he can't take this one either okay here we go I mean still three is a bit it's not enough oh man that's so sad can boot and blue take out one of these castles can he deal with these Knights can he come back now I mean I say come back but Reds population is not all that high Wow red once not only one Ram he wants four Rams it's a lot of siege they're both really light on gold they both stopped trading villagers to both so focused on the attack and blue will get his gold back I think that's three ramps three Rams and Castle fire three Rams will win and now Red's I oh boy I need Knights so he's producing them are both castles gonna die I feel like I feel like both castles are gonna die Reds repairing the guitars are complete waste or are they helps red you gotta get your Knights in here red Garrison's he's now he's microing his castle guys he's mic hearing his castle but it's not gonna work oh no just give it up dude just build the new one just just get rid of it it's not like you're your childhood pet that you gotta like put through five surgeries to keep alive at the age of 20 just get rid of it it doesn't have a personality just build a new castle you know that you don't need to be attached to that thing all right there's a siege workshop oh man blues I bet you red still wants to destroy that castle he's still making guitars if he gets it I'll lose it man but now the Rams are over here red could still win this game and by the way blue has 10,000 wood so if you're getting older and you're having some trouble performing ask blue he'll be able to give you some advice maghen ELLs and now a castle here no oh god no noumic poop-poop this is not gonna will it oh okay so Magon ELLs are not good against conquistadors so he might be thinking they are cuz it's a ranged unit my god he's made so many Qatar's this is crazy red could still go in if red just clicked in right now it's started making trebs you could win I've no clue is gonna win this game blue could also sell all that wood and have thousands of gold which would be very nice and but Reds Castle is in range I didn't even think about that he is vodka narrow so his castles and range of Blues and he's on his way to imp what's this is this is definitely episode number 3 we found it we found lo ela legends episode number 3 what on earth am I seeing right now bread has he needs wood man he needs a wood for trebs he needs wood for future farms he needs resources but my goodness me he also has 33 villagers inside of his castles right now blue needs to respond by going to impetus well I mean his eco is definitely better and same thing for him just just back up and build a castle here in your fine iiiiii oh no don't read don't know no no no be very careful that's 400 gold sitting right there should they raid oh for sure a night or two a conquer two in the wood lines like basically any attack from either of them would do a lot but I think they're so focused on the castles I blue really wants to take Reds castle out and maybe Reds just tricking him into focusing on that instead of raiding blues like well he wants to do it so it must be good okay there's a town center from red I mean if blue sent these conks and Red's economy just imagine the destruction but he doesn't know that and then he feels like you wouldn't have any defense at home by sending one conch alright blue is all the way to the Imperial age blue is on the way to the Imperial age red is in the Imperial age he cannot afford a single trip and he I have no clue what he's planning on doing he made Mackin else so yeah I'm a bit confused come he's two doors against Knights even though the cup oh wait no he got he got the first armor upgrade alright the conquistadors are gonna win especially in the numbers that blue has but blue only has one castle I like how bluest has spread out his economy a little bit red wants to convert conks and he tries to and now right is microing Lewis microwave oh oh minimum range oh that was a good shot okay I see barracks for blue so is he thinking house comps still a good game plan I hope both of them get chemistry though I highly doubt they're even gonna have a university oh no red got a university but guys chemistry is really good here if you get chemistry then you can make ball more cannons and then you can use those instead of trebs but yeah Cavaliers on the way for red he's not creating any units out of the stables yet but he's getting his upgrades at least both of them need to be creating more Vil's red he seems to really he's basically saying this is it for me if this attack doesn't work this is it for me because he's not creating any more eco blue created more eco look at those resources so Cali Li I consider ahead if I were to hand these situations to pro players blue would definitely win but you never know I mean blues not gonna have his blacksmith and Wow red is attacking the blacksmith where blue is getting his upgrades that's a smart play there my friend no upgrades for you all right so those how veneers aren't that upgrade now if blue doesn't have a lot of conquistadors are sorry yeah if he doesn't have a lot of conquistadors and he's making only helps well red could do is make throwing Axman throwing Axman would definitely be the way to go but guys if read just one unit here one unit here one unit here one unit here on attack stance he would probably kill like 50 plus bills because blue wouldn't react oh my goodness red is getting paladin oh my goodness that's so expensive I can't believe he's done this well red be able to take any good fights against the pointy boys though alrighty Snipes that trap and he loses his Cavalier red is going to defend with trebs very much expect him to lose his castle bluest so many resource so the benefit of being in Reds position is that you're applying pressure and it stresses blue out yeah that wall maybe just wait a minute before you try that wall blue like I said he's stressed out he's really scared so he's not able to focus too much all right I think Reds should fight anywhere but here reg to try and hit blues economy and then blue will have to chase him right Blue has not built a new blacksmith by the way he assumes that blacksmith is researching things it is not it you have to check your own upgrades just to make sure I think red is going to pack up his traps and attack blues TREB I say trap it's only one it's about to be two and I mean it's very possible red keeps his castle alive he just needs to land a few shots and that Mac and L will not kill a trebuchet red is 50 population behind the guy who named himself noob mcpoot coop is 50 population behind do not fight help do not fight punchy boys with with paladins dude that's not good boy what does read build against his helps well Axman would be great his big issue is just he doesn't have a lot of options because his eco fell off I think he read is realizing that now yeah you could go sperm you could go elites curve with paladins but finally he's starting to create some more villagers though the I would go I mean the best composition for Frank's is ax men and and paladin you could go hand cannon I'm just not a fan of it because of the cost but yeah and unlimited resources you could go for that too okay I hear a stable oh boy oh boy Caleo has decided it is time to leash the beasts please tell me he will go paladin or at least HUS are powered on her huh star he's making a lot of stables oh boy I want to believe in noob mcpoot poop because imagine the amount of self-belief you would have to have to name yourself that that's no self belief whatsoever he didn't say I'm gonna be good one day he said to himself no we peaked this this is this is where I am and I'm happy with this he's accepted it it's like it's like when a guy starts to lose his hair going into his 20s you just got to shave it right off cut your losses and realize I'm a noob alright I'm a noob just accept it before you know you don't want to go into denial auditors all right you can get some big shots I don't love it but it's doing it's like I said it's doing okay here but blues pushing back and blue.i one thing i like about blue is hehe had more eco and he's producing so it continues to fight yes he lost units but he's producing look at the top left so don't get too attached to your units guys all right don't don't get too attached to your units they're gonna die all right they're fighting for a cause so you can send in a wave get some value and then create more that's something that new big make poop poop is not doing a lot of its producing Oh headshot okay what should what guys what is the one unit that blue should make against this composition okay what should he do champs wrong I disagree how sorry yeah how stars five you don't even need you don't even need a gold unit for this pulsar and you're good save your gold for other things house are it up man make huh stars the only thing you then can't really kill with house ours is paladin for red doesn't have a lot of it so it's not a big deal red should be taking this gold I think here you really have to look to the mini-map to see what you can find resource wise this is getting concerning for him now they do any of them have relics blue has one relic red is one - I think right yeah okay they just don't have the confidence to go on raids you know it's it's so interesting oh boy oh boy oh oh my goodness don't build that tassel dude he's right now Greg doesn't have petard it's fine as long as as long as Fred doesn't have his own castle or petard this castles fine because the only thing we needed to worry about before was batard and castles he's gonna lose that stone that castle is going to be destroyed before it's finished all that stones gone okay we have a leak conquistadors what's that's where he used his gold so elite conquistadors are gonna be really good here and he is making like keV and he has full armor on the light keV this is good work this good work from blue but oh no the conchs the conchs and now we're getting to the point where red should make Alves and red red has more resources kind of why is more food and wood anyways yeah red should be making pointy boys himself now chopping away choppa choppa choppa choppa choppa he just sold a lot of food I guess for paladins oh and he told all of his wood right there and now he's making the pallet ice who's gonna win guys who's gonna win I think blue is gonna win I think he's producing enough I think I like his upgrades I like his composition mm-hmm he I mean that all changes if Fred sends excuse me any units in the blues economy but right now the opposite is happening and red is sending units into Reds economy this is really the first time that they've been in each other's economies in a long time I would die a phred sends paladin's into the farms and the wood line and they both to start dropping villains like flies [Music] definitely mistake from red he's getting the armor for his Kermes now that's not your problem skirmishers are just not good against us are so Oh evacuate he's doing it Rhett's guys I have a feeling that Reds paladin's will destroy Blues villes me at least blue has a castle here but still red still has so much less he has 40 idols out of 8 evils and they'll probably lose these the trebs are coming forward to destroy the buildings Red's not tech switching now I don't I don't see a way back now I think noumic poop-poop is probably gonna lose this game at what I'll game man this game has been so good back and forth talked about the eco expansion the raiding the compositions just it just the builders in general but I think right now he's not doing anything it's not producing anything I think he realizes he's probably dead and so he's he's kind of giving up hope that or he was Mike growing his paladins maybe it's both I don't know fighting with Villas here really interesting game really interesting game I think they should both be really really proud of this blues composition though a whole lot cheaper and he had a whole first off beautiful t90 farm here but he had a whole lot more economy look at this when we look at the resources collecting this game Blues gonna have so much more and that's what one of the game [Music] all right well wouldn't be a low a low Legend game if it wasn't for someone not resigning on time okay all right he's producing Spears now I doubt he's doing it two counts or anything I just think he's just producing unit so he he delays getting defeated as long as possible he has a light cab here he has villagers here I fully expect him to to run around the map until Gallio kills them hey don't tell YouTube just switches a two time speed they do that already Rick I saw that mods get him out of here hmm did Bill the Wonder yeah it doesn't even have his ten gold all right now well played blue look at his pop - he should be proud of this man 195 pop way to go he didn't even Scout these Gold's on the back oh that actually scared me GG I imagine red called the GG because we can't see the in-game chat all right let's look at the Chiefs shall we what a performance 37,000 food collected way more wood collected more stone collected not as much gold but food and wood Eco cannot be underestimated that's what Kalia used to make those helps and I think Frank's do have the option to counter the helps but only if with a lot of economy a noob mcpoot poop went discourages and blue realized he needed to make the hustler that was it ever ed didn't react in time or didn't foresee the fact that he was vulnerable to that composition there's a lot of that yet you have to do in this game the better you get if you start going with one unit like let's say I'm going with a bunch of archers I have to expect my opponent's gonna go for his skirmishers from a canals and then I have to prep for that so I make a switch in tonight's and that's similar to what blue did here he sold a noob mcboot poop I hate the fact I have to say that out loud as an adult but yeah noob mcpoot poop was only making skirm and on udders and the second the hustlers which came in the game ended I think there was an opportunity for red to push his advantage a little bit more and when he was in him and he had those castles there he just kind of stood at home I think it's a very low level e low thing to not read but building a stable or two in the corners and beginning to raid with like calves is always good and it would have probably clamp down on blues economy a bit more but man such a close game red really needs to work on his on streamlining his build orders nube mcpoot poop was in futile age at 11 minutes he didn't hit castle age still 26 minutes he did make futile age military but if you streamline it make it a bit better you can actually have scouts out at 11 minutes and then you can be in Castle age of 17 or 18 so that potential is always there to improve and then there's the total look at the villager high and the relic count and there's the timeline like up down all around zigzagging crazy crazy game and that is legend sorry that's not legend that's low evil legend number three for sure I think that was good for people who are watching at home I hope so anyways what do you think chat do we all vote yes have we found our third episode YouTube if they vote no I'm gonna do yes anyway just don't tell them that their vote doesn't count okay yeah they don't they can't hear me I I've muted my mic for Twitch only YouTube Kinnear this exile thank you for the new sub alright so luckily you guys all voted for making that in the new episode because if you would have voted no I would not have uploaded
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Views: 188,086
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Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game player, casting, expert, rts, low elo legends, low elo, legends, noob, new player, learn to play, Noobs, Funny, Lol, LMAO, Castles
Id: 05KsorjRbo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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