Greatest Troll or Biggest Throw?

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initially I was going to do this for YouTube only cast however after seeing this game on long stream the other night while I was like five white clothes in by the way I decided that I would actually stream this because I want everyone to see I want everyone on YouTube to see their reactions from people when this goes down if you don't know Huang he plays on his long account where he has over 2,000 games and then he plays on his celts account where he has like 1400 games i have the double check but long has way more games than any other player in Age of Empires 2 but a big reason is because the games are so quick he he just loves to be aggressive and you can see right off the bat he's up against capatch he goes forward to Lane he's ruthless man Huang is freakin ruthless okay so starts the game runs forward will steal three sheep and he's gonna steal Kapaa cheeseboard meanwhile capatch he didn't Scout the front of his base which he probably should against Hong and said he was pushing an ostrich and being a little bit greedy as Vikings so already this starts off and I love capatch because he's similar to me this would make me a little bit frustrated right first off you don't know your boards been stolen you also don't know the sheep have been stolen so you're like hmm I already know what Wang is probably gonna do he's gonna go for his Yolo strat but now I'm gonna be down resources and that sets me back okay so great start for Quang I have genuinely never seen high level players do what we are going to see in this game I have a lot of backstory because long had some comments about it as we go okay but truthfully I think a patch might have known that he lost one sheep because he was scouting with it but he's looking back of his base and now he's gonna even see the extra sheep and he even received some hits on a scout so it's even worse for him now his Scout is weak his Scout is actually weaker than Wang scalp this was a tournament Huang would be jumping up and down right now and he would be able he'd have the time to do that too because he's that far ahead what's this one like to do Walt likes to build the barracks Wang likes to make militia sometimes endless militia and then he likes to go for fast castle into siege in tonight's into high aggression he actually has his ostrich back here and he's both of his board back here he didn't even know until now he didn't need it oh and he's he gonna find oh my god he's gonna find this sheep - he's so much food and then you look over here Kapaa and if he has any chance does he know oh it doesn't know where his boar is either Oh literally everything has gone wrong here man now I didn't even see the feudal age to be honest I only saw the late castle age this is no food underneath the TC lost a boar and three sheep and now Oh oh my god that is so unfortunate so if he was ever gonna be salty he would be salty right now okay has to build a mill for the ostrich I respect him for trying and yet your only option here is to go full wall he's probably so confused though and we're where on earth are my boards like Huang obviously still won his Scout as weak but where's the other one no pigs I no Pig no sheep and fortunately long it does not have the militia coming forward yet one might even see this like look long seize the board this is so Hong's like wait a second okay whatever he actually is not having to clean his builds here because he got PopCap's he has eight sheep he has he has more sheep under his Town Center that some of the people watching right now have friends oh I'm sorry it was a joke it was a joke it's kind of true for me as well I don't I don't have many friends I just have you guys I'm it was just a joke I sorry don't leave me don't unsub it's what I'm gonna make militia everyone's making okay so good thing for Capades you got a hit bad thing is still 15 HP verse 22 but he's gonna wall so wall wall wall wall I figured he would find this thing but he still can't find it is he ever gonna find that but he's fully walled his only chance now is to go fast castle long is investing in two militia which were normally one will make them to break through the walls and then delay and then go fast Castle himself long rightly decides I am NOT going to make any more and it's capatch really not gonna find the is you really not gonna fine the board at all wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second heat at this point at this point just don't even eat it all right the board doesn't deserve to be eaten okay does not deserve to be you but yeah that saves a big time because he didn't have the res to go up yet Wow Paul he is building houses awkwardly has so much food and it's on his way to feud ladies he's trying to fast castle with this this is not NFC build for him since he will be in feudal age faster he's gonna get extra speed he will kill cap off his Scouts the Vikings are actually a fantastic sieve to to counter Celts because they're eco you can go a guard tower defense great eco to counter that hall in coach and it's not the best but it's not the worst either freewheel and futile and free handcart and castle is no joke I don't know what home is doing again I have actually not seen the build-up to the 25th minute where things get really interesting how many people have not seen this I like we've got three thousand people here I know Huang had 250 viewers and there were also a lot of Spanish viewers at that time because River playin otherwise known as nacho who's an Argentinian streamer posted long and so the to give you an idea of you know what we're gonna reenact what Long's chat looks like when all the Spanish viewers were watching can we please get jaja jaja jaja jaja shot in the chat everyone ja ja ja ja saw it seems so much more fun to laugh in Spanish than it is to laugh in English I'm so jealous okay yeah that's what the chat would play exactly yep shoutout to nacho I guess wala really felt like he could f fast castle with this and honestly he's pretty close to it good adapting from him to not make excess militia I guess we should have saved the laughter for later blacksmith stable and then after this field he'll click up he will click up okay so here's my question what do you guys think is gonna happen do you think capo CH is going to live or do you think he's going to die what do you think if you had to guess he's gonna die yeah okay logic would tell you that he is completely screwed there are other words for it however this is a PG stream so I'll just say he's fudged okay you just don't you don't see many games or high level players miss out on that many resources he's done what he could do to get to this stage and have a chance but long of all people is he is the freedom to come forward how long is actually gonna go for men-at-arms now so maybe even longsword and you know that long is gonna go for siege it's gonna be really difficult for Capone to deal with he's going to stone now and he's gonna try but just get ahead of this please salute capo CH for trying because I would have GG already well no I might not have GG already because it would be good YouTube content but if I wasn't a youtuber I would consider tapping out already especially if I saw a long making siege on the front maybe he's currently thinking that if the man-at-arms upgrade is in that that there's a chance that he's staying in feudal age but now it's actually gonna be a 1544 Castle age what I like about long - is long will let you know what he's doing sometimes he'll build the siege workshop right up against your wall so you fear him a more houses good work more men-at-arms monastery now this is some crazy aggression crazy aggression long doesn't really look at his eco too often long could go from a gun l he could go for a ram he's gonna go for Ram in a scorpion notice how nowadays he goes for other siege weapons so he knows I can just Ram the houses down and then I use the scorpion as my ranged unit to take out the repair villagers behind the only chance for Cappuccio just hold on play defensive and hope long make some mistakes okay more houses more walls by the way at this time capatch was about a hundred 150 a little higher than Wang well capatch on this account was top 25 the other day so he's no joke right now he's in excellent form but Huang is he's a type of player no high level player wants to queue up against back in the day back before there was a queue people would dodge long they would never join his games there'd be like like five top 50 players spectating Wong's games but no one would actually want to play in the the long swords are inside juju they're inside of the ramp Huang has repaired the RAM surprised buddy surprised look at that look at that play from Wang he doesn't care just like an AI would he loads up the long sorts into the RAM repairs the rain with the villager takes the tower out but capatch is like you know what I mean his mind he's probably thinking well I probably lost this let's continue and let's hope for the best right so this is what Celts or falling sees you seize the castle now this is another reason why Vikings are really good against Celts elite berserk shred elite world rated and now if you make enough desserts you could maybe just maybe pick off the the lower numbers of siege so tough against Celts scorpions but you might have a chance with my key equals the point right back to pong space what's he gonna do now long is he gonna add eco no he doesn't have any eco upgrades whatever okay Wow comes forward with another villager I mean truthfully it wasn't the wisest move to lose that bill and it's looking rather close do you consider the fact it's 33 villagers verse 32 and the fact that capooch has eco upgrades and don't forget that he has handcart now for free is vikings it's not too bad but guys what is Huang's motto what did long respond to one of his viewers when they said Wong why do you always choose Celts long doesn't speak the best of English all he said was quel et Cie so here he goes the two Rams underneath the castle villager inside the RAM and then there's long swords over here the Knights come around capooch is currently preoccupied long as not paying attention hasn't on garrisoned the long swords yet the T sees been eaten and the villager what the where'd she go that was weird okay she's dead now but she teleported for a moment there well the T C is now down for kibosh so Celt e TC TC has been eaten the berserks did fairly well however as they retreats he will lose quite a few of them that poach is now on one TC and he's going to build another TC now Hwang is gonna have to make a decision because it's really difficult to move around the castle fire obviously kapow is gonna have to reform elsewhere he doesn't have any own food right now it's super awkward here you go TC goes up well I'm just gonna have to move around or move back so it's shifting towards Paul I'm having to do something else right it's getting to that point again I'm really impressed with the composer's ability to fold and his determination to try and win along is completely open at home he still does not have any eco upgrades oh so bad at least get double bed X okay he just canceled some bills okay now see this is what he does he's either a maximum boomer or he's a maximum TC killer so he's just decided well I can't pressure like I wanted to I need to have some economy and as I say that he has monks forward to convert berserks and he is actually making maghen ELLs so you never know it is 37 villages verse 40 at least long new to get some equal rates long two years ago would have never done that by the way turned into a rather close game another TC perk approach the problem is Capas while he has eco he doesn't have military to deal with this right now Huang has already melted one TC with Celts he's about to go for the next I needs to take out the lumber camp so the mag and L can fit in here let's check Wong's eco second TC this is this is the new pong he can boom now a bit when he wants to look how fast this TC goes down to two Macan else it's insane I think the only thing you can consider if your capatch is maybe your own seat but then your seat still doesn't fire as fast and you can engage with these because if you do there's scorpions and there's also monks to get conversions this is going to be a massacre this is going to be an absolute massacre there were eight berserks there and now there's no berserks I think was nine actually ah desperation mode for capooch loses everything even if he had doubled the numbers it wouldn't have worked while was too quick for the conversions and the scorpions are too they fire too quickly as well all right ii TC has been eaten I know what you're thinkin t90 this is like every pong game I've ever seen except ki lanes what's so special about this so guys you see there's a big score lead right along at this point feels capatch is wasting my time or capatch is dragging out a game that is over that that is what he feels later he was asked why you troll and he said Mino troll he won troll no resign as if to say what I did was because he did not resign okay now you guys now that's gonna pique your interest but just keep that in mind as this game develops I have an actual screenshot of what he said but that's what he said he was like no no no I'm not trolling he should have realized he was dead now this it's so funny how you feel like that castle in the middle was gonna protect so much but not against long he'd he doesn't care the monks are always there he's gonna find another TC and this is where two of the golds for kibosh is located bill difference there's not much of a bill difference in all honesty but the TC difference is gonna be pretty huge and this TC is also going to melt I have not I've not spoken to capatch about it so like maybe he was maybe he was tilted maybe he wasn't it's it's fun for us to be like oh he's tilted because we all get frustrated sometimes and we were late but realistically he might think he had a chance here I think my guess is that he probably wouldn't have continued to play on at this stage if he had not been lamed so heavily in the beginning just my guess because how epic a comeback would it be plumb was actually damaging his own nights while attacking the market but he was healing them at the same time so how many t C's now for Kappa he's lost three he's on one he's about to be on two and now he's building up on the front and Wong's gotta find a spot to hit amazing Micra from long considering he is also focusing on his boom but also great microphone kaput aful and beautiful stuff there's only one Maggie now remaining no repair villager there which long tends to have long building a market because he has a lot of resources in the bank 3t C's hello Lily lo ela legends is over but trust me you're gonna want to stay for this Kapaa CH is such a beast man he's so resilient he's like no I'm almost almost 2,000 score behind no I will not resign okay here come the berserks again if Flom pays attention it gets conversions he'll have quite a few here it's one conversion gets two gets three maybe all four there that was a great fight oh all the berserks go down again castle eight desserts not so good Imperial aged desserts wreck woods but you need upgrades unique oh and capatch has been struggling to expand his eco he's doing doing a good job with it though but by considering the circumstances but there's a pretty big difference now and now Huang is gonna come back with more yeah well he doesn't have the food to get blacksmith upgrades if you're wondering why because he's trying to get his veal count up he's using food for villagers so one literally loop the whole way around his base he's gonna melt every TC he can see he can find new TC new TC for long to kill pretty simple three maghen ELLs now so far kapakos tried to zone Megan elfs he's tried the zerks but he's so far behind he should GG write the score like there's a reason P players look at the store this should be over all Hong has to do is go up to the Imperial H and win the game right exactly a forward Castle then you make trebs as if it's even needed and then you're good Kapaa CH slamed so heavily had such a rough start he's trying his best someone says it's GG at imp not before you know normally beautiful shot normally that would be the case however you'll notice that belongs making more maghen ELLs remember the quote from long like 20 minutes later he said I know troll he won troll he know resign so long soon gonna think hmm you know what why should I play meta if this guy won't resign when he's behind maybe I should do something a little bit different all right castles going up for Kokoschka posh is losing so much lose home I caught these villagers dude oh my word these villagers oof Long's like I've got to have this now look at the score look at the score he's gotta have this right that's a doubt Castle Long's repairing Long's almost in him again as we said could polish off the game from the Imperial age he's thinking though you might not see I I don't know I don't know Huang's actually like I've never heard him speak I don't know his inflection I don't know if it he's like come on dude like he gets annoyed I don't know he cancels the imperial H he's not happy about the fact that capatch won't resign he has won fair and square and his opponent won't resign so it he is going to teach his opponent a lesson now I the lesson that you were about to see I have never seen at a high level and it is so risky he might just lose the game all right Megan ELLs Macan ELLs Megan Ellis Megan Hills Hwang is gonna stay in Castle age and make Megan else cap Hotch is losing so many villagers and a still trying he's still trying once to get this castle up it's a 95 percent 97 percent okay the castle will go up okay Castle goes up fortunately for Capone she's going to he's gonna take out the mac and lzb targets them that's really good work I had normally Hwang would be an imp have a castle you'd make traps he'd make world writers at bgg long is can we appreciate how many villagers along has queued up right now Hwang has 24 villagers queued 20 30 30 to 36 30 36 he has as many villagers queued as capooch has villagers working right now 14 in this TC 15 in this TC 5 in this TC he's just chewing up eco right now again another thing from this that I've never seen before now he's gonna get gold mining now he's gonna get stone mining staying in Castle aged capatch is like yeah this is a good time to get horse color I guess we could talk more about what you guys think but I I agree with long I think that I'm not saying this is necessarily be his response it's gonna be freaking hilarious but Kapaun should he is good enough player he knows he's dead here you know you normally would resign long is gonna go full mag Annelle full wagon oh and has some monks of course how many bills 112 bills 43 bills cute / long 43 freakin villas cute sick another TC as well so this should tell you that whatever plumbs about to try and do it's extremely risky and could actually lose him this game believe it or not it could because it's so unheard of I remember it really bothered me that long was not getting relics and get really bothered me he was not gonna be relics you're gonna boom and you're not gonna get relics that's confusing me you know forty bills queued with 125 bills still creating Magon else do you guys remember those old commercials it's like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll pop do you guys remember that and I don't know if everyone's seen that well how many maggin ELLs does it take to take out a castle you forty damage I don't even know how the mag and L damage translates to buildings because I think it's more than forty at least three I'm thinking might be more than that siege is so expensive long currently has 11 and kibosh can see this he's just boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom iron casting now so it's gonna be world Raiders it's gonna be maghen ELLs long wants to take out these castles with Maggie knows now I before this all happens I just want you to be prepped to be impressed for kept watches defense cuz he right now has zero military okay so keep that in mind like you look at this on paper you're like well yeah it should go down but Oh deleted he deleted the berserks they've been massacred for their crimes alright 31 bills queued with 144 bills here come the old Raiders full cast Elite upgrades and all home wanted to do is make sure that there was not a maggot out there this is what kaput can see 18 maggin ELLs going after his castle if you won't resign then say goodbye to your castles pal boom using maghen ELLs against castles am i dropping frames i think we're good boys I think we're good he made so many mad canals I actually dropped frames on my stream I'm sorry I'm sorry or I think we're good alright this TC melted celts melt everything and capatch is probably thinking well I have an opportunity for some big shots and maybe maybe I could actually come back here because he's going all in with the siege he deleted all the loads as well Rome is looking to send a message he upgraded those things too and now there's two castles here guys there's two castles how much does warm commit to this because if he commits to everything he could actually lose this game kappahd she's using both of his castles against the maghen else he's now trying to repair the castle and and consistently garrison so we can keep the castle up wall has to try and target the villagers Kapaa cheese out of stone he bought stone so he could repair more he's still trying to keep the castle up can he do it he'll do it long just lost someone's gonna have to do the math but Huang just lost thousands of gold and thousands of wood and now he doesn't have monks here because he probably deleted them he doesn't have berserks here so more siege is gonna go down so it's a great way to send a message it's also a great way to potentially throw the game Huang still making Magon else and he's gonna make more word Raiders logic makes sense delete world Raiders make war graders he's so angry at those berserks man he's still he's he's actually giving them free burial service it's actually a nice thing for Kapp Putsch honestly he probably needs masonry for his castles and he probably needs to get bodkin arrow just upgrade your castles at this point pong has 146 villagers right now so he knew it was gonna be expensive to get all this now you see what the patch is starting to do Huang did a really bad job at stopping eco expansion so he's starting to think about like finding these other stones and gold's he could even get the relics as far as I know Huang doesn't see this villager but hong does see the stone when she's going to and he sees the gold of the stone down here which he's going to think he's gonna sell the stone to for gold back up to 2:19 maghen ELLs still know him another castle it's still so easy for long to just go in and win this my god that was a sick shot it's so easy for Huang to just go to the imperial age and win this if he wants but he wants to continue to play this way we have Knight attacking that villager long realizes and along has an outpost here so we can see these stables 200 pop but quite a few pills 26 Maggie knows three castles looking all over the map is so much eco it's ridiculous now guys this villager here sneaking around to be careful pay attention to her trust me pay attention to her someone says long has no microphone for now he only speaks through his gameplay that's funny alright say goodbye to your stables you build the stables I eat the stables yum yum yum nom-nom-nom-nom-nom me eat Kelly eat all your market I'll eat that too that's cool your palisades oh yeah your farms oh yeah I'll eat it all TC mine castle on the side and he's deleting villagers because he has too many even though he has more queued this TC will also get melted we have Kapaa up here kibosh is a freaking cockroach man he really realizes at this point he's being trolled obviously and he does not want to be trolled so he's gonna try and raid with like calves and he's going to have to buy stone again so he could repair long is gonna lose so much but he wants to take the castle out and he will take the castle out crazy still gonna lose a lot of seeds but still has 24 siege weapons here and he could just move on to the next castle Magon ELLs against a castle oh don't kill your own units here home I think he's fine meanwhile just keep an eye on belongs Ville count because he doesn't realize that they're like cap raiding him and the like cab will raid him from all sides he is no military there keep an eye on the score guys someone needs to go back in the YouTube comments and look at the largest score gap in this game I think this might be it right now 23 Magon ELLs here long sees the berserks so while he's underneath the castle he decides to fight them like this is somehow normal and this is this is dangerous because in this moment he's gonna lose a lot of his siege and he's also losing villagers on both sides I will happen on both side spoilers scale mail Armour maybe a little bit late for that upgrade and I like a long solution to the berserks being here he's just drop his own castle right next to the siege that's so stupid he could drop a castle here to defend but nah who cares just just build it right next to the Magon else and that way you have some cover fire and now he's getting fletching I think 25 maggin ELLs is his magic number though look at look at this now I was watching Long's point of view I don't know if he's gonna upload it to his YouTube channel or what but he was fully focused on this he figured I blonde I've won the game he won't resign Rose I you know like this is his way of saying get out of my game but guys his farmers his Lumberjacks everywhere it's starting to die it is starting to die is this the greatest troll of all time or is it the biggest throw of all time and Capas realizes this he's like that's quite good for me I'm gonna repair repair repair kill as many Magon ELLs as possible and then he will garrison when he gets the time so suddenly the populations are evening out and kibosh has a chance here so what's wrong me to do is he gonna go in no no no he's gonna make the tarts now yeah we fight with Vil's now we make petard x' we fight with Vil's we eat kelly all Kell eat Castle Kell eat everything GG to that oh wait a second the repair bills there GG to that castle look at plums economy look at this and cap watch is on the way to imp and now suddenly Wong is panicking he can't believe it he's like oh no oh no what have I done and so he clicks up to the Imperial age now I don't know if you noticed this little tidbit at the top left Huang has 34 petard skew 34 125 population against 145 population a lot of idols for pong in fact the Ville counts even we have word Raiders we have villagers we have maggin ELLs and we have guitars for home it is there's so many areas of fawns farming eco which is just blinking he really needs him will he make it to employ lose his TC who knows but here comes the siege he's going for Rams now Rams you take my eco I'll I'll take your eco he cancelled imp again suddenly he's filled with confidence Huang has cancelled the Imperial age for the second time despite the raids he doesn't care he doesn't care cancelled imp again to send a message Rams and petard is going after this castle now the word Raiders are here the maghen ELLs are still here cap watches using gates to just do whatever he can to block the passing of these units capatch will make it to the imperial age but he's starting to lose so much it was actually the petard sand the rams that changed things I guess it's a little bit more realistic than using just paganella at Kapaa chi spent most of this game buying stone to repair castles there's no way he does it here that castles are gonna be a goner how long don't use the guitar do you have the Rams if don't use it beat arts don't all right that's fine back to plums eco if you're wondering it's pretty trash it's it's it's god-awful actually but he does have some areas to to go to still gonna be very difficult for Kapaa to really benefit from the Imperial age while I was just using petard against farms and TCS he doesn't care he perhaps should care but it's 130 population against 70 and if a few words remain here they will go right to the wood line where capooch I got it at this point he doesn't have eco like the sneaked buildings were nice but he does not have consistent eco and Long's like all right I need safe eco let me just build in your base now oh my god I think I the fact that long has committed to this troll however how many people would have gone to imp the second time just to make sure Kippur took the score leave for a moment there like I I don't know if I would have had the guts to continue because I would have I thought I was gonna lose and that situation or you know if I were in his shoes I would have thought that starting to add some beautiful t90 farms this is how you know belong is a big fan beautiful man this is like villagers have to walk miles and miles to get to the farms but the score is telling a lot right now capooch still has not resigned and here comes along with more tarts Kapp Putsch is trying to farm back here but the world Raiders are here you know you have a lot of pitar it's when it doesn't matter that you lose them oh wait here he goes oh yeah I'm just gonna put your stable worth it worth it I just I don't know if capatch was salty or what but he's still playing he has no Town Center at this point Stone might be so expensive he might not even be able to buy a hundred stone 40c do you think about it and he has been disrespected to the point where I think he will fight until the final ville so let's just backtrack what has happened so far first off Paul aimed the trap out of kibosh capooch tried to survive he fell lay behind spawn melted T seas and castles with siege maghen ELLs and petard he canceled Imperial age twice and now to make this game even more interesting we have a pro player refusing to resign and he's going to make long hunt him down caveman says this game would have been so good to cast live dude cape man I had I was stronk dude I was I was so drunk it would have been hilarious I was tempted to go alive but I didn't catch it until Castle age onwards at Kapaa cheese at 2923 pop now but long spotted this area of his eco so it's just a matter of time I like health Wong had as so many random farms all over the map so many idle villagers still queuing up bills but yeah the houses will go down the stables will go down Hitachi has stables over here which he has been raiding he's killing villagers at a rate which Huang is creating villagers that's what's funny Huang is has consistently stayed above a hundred bills despite the losses because he has so many tc's pumping bills we saw earlier he had 40 Q this is why he does it that's addicted to uh stables are gonna go down and it's now 15 population for kibosh yeah I think I'm with foo Neeta I don't think there's really salt at this point I think this game was so Mimi and ridiculous that I think kibosh is just like let's make it more interesting let's let's I haven't done this since I was 12 let's hide all of our population let's let's try and survive right this is running around with the light tab oh yeah a part of me misses these games now I don't want it to happen to me on a regular basis but look look Market University walling in the villager he's gonna try I guess to buy stone what is the price of stone actually okay he could buy Stoney just bought stone and he's gonna try and get to a new TC funny enough he doesn't have any Lumberjacks right now you have the villager on the farm which he probably doesn't know about and then what on her he's still ready with like calves look have any bills long is lost but it doesn't matter because who owns creating so many so one is looking for him he can't research spies because he's in Castle age he's pitar ting mills he's still creating petard he's pitar ting mills and houses and lumber camps which i've also never seen before the KDS at the bottom left long lonely has 40 more kills and deaths yeah long look fortified wall like there might have been some frustration or assault before at this point I think a patch is probably laughing forward a fide wall to wall in this villager just like the good old days I I think he's probably checked for idle bills he probably does not know this farmers over here so she's got to be careful what a flex and now Hong is gonna click to the Imperial age I assume just to get spies it's not like he needs it now but he's gonna click to him might not be a bad time for it I like how cap watches my crowing this look he knows there's a risk in attacking the batard which is like that so he does and he doesn't want to lose it so he's trying to get hits he's gonna like hit and run away I think yeah oh my god no didn't work she's still over here farming she has a hundred and forty food left on that farm okay I think Wong realizes there's something back here so all he needs to do is use petard to go through the walls or make a tower or make a skirmisher and any range like anything's fine but true to form well I was gonna have something else in mind he's already killed enough villagers he's gonna make a monastery instead so he can convert her so she will not die but she will live with him in his peaceful non imperial aged town yeah again I've never seen anything like this in a pro game before I've seen bits and pieces of it I've seen people hide bills before but funny enough long is he is 200 pop so he can't create the monk had to delete something the other villager over here is she dead now where is she I think she's dead says he's too pop and it's two villagers though oh she's right there oh yeah she's hiding this is what Kapaa chicken see he could see that long as in him the villager goes down and actually at this point kept watched Gigi's now the first thing that comes to mind do you remember the person in my twitch chat who when long was forward and in castle age said that capooch would resign when Huang hit him do you remember that Huang was like 30 bills ahead he was on his way to imp he had the castle so he can make trebs and somebody was like oh yeah like Huang so far ahead Kapaa will call him instantly he will not call him instantly he will call the GG instantly when he sees Long's in him well my friend salutes for you cuz you were actually right you were actually right Fairplay to cook pots like I said he said GG Huang gave the GG back sign a respect from both of them and that was the game yeah yeah he did GG he did GG he's he called GG instead of deleting the bill but what a game dude like Hong lost so much he lost so freakin much he almost threw and then he's still committed to the troll that was unbelievable and while many of us would agree and I'm sure capatch would agree he was dead he almost won that game by holding on like that like that the castles really held their own I really wish he would have got masonry and bodkin arrow though I think that could have helped his castles just a little bit more a little bit more HP and then a little bit more firepower from the castles but cap watched his GG easy win with no lame I love it Kapaa cheese like rematch me long rematch me you you only win with lame right nice to see you capatch in the chat very entertaining I'm really glad that collage kept fighting okay so I I want to see the time line 359 kills 320 losses a hundred and fifty four buildings raised without a single trebuchet without a single Imperial age upgrade 99% of the map was explored by capooch great great job from him to expand and attempt the light cavalry because without that he wouldn't have stood a chance and then home didn't get any relics which really bothered me he actually deleted his mom's Kapaa she could have maybe snagged some but he was doing so many other things a hundred and seventy-nine Ville hi okay what's this timeline um Wow you know I really wish it showed castles it doesn't the only thing that's really weird about this are the IMP times that that's the one thing if you didn't see any of this game you look at this you'd be like well it looks like the red player got a head got a big e---coli but what happened here suddenly the green player got more eco even though the green player had no military what's like how did that spike happen you hit imp into dying oh man so I think my youtube titles gonna be something like trying to think like what do i title that there's been over a thousand videos in my channel now so this one has to stand out I was thinking greatest role or biggest throw right because long almost through the game and you know people going into it might think okay one's gonna win this obviously but then kibosh took score lead some something along those lines long eat the world's right or pong actually already did that in a title before me no imp Celt ET ce quelle ate world's salt throwing megan hills he'll eat everything killed eat all yeah i don't know but yeah Celt did eat everything in this game I love that from long um I don't know how to sum this up feel like you already did but I'm really glad that I casted this on twitch and will eventually send it to YouTube because I was just going to do this offline after the fact and I think this was one where we needed to have that job if we needed it have the chat interaction made it so much more fun that's that's it that's the worst outro to video ever I hope you people on YouTube enjoyed just knowing my luck because you can't predict a YouTube algorithm this is probably going to get 10,000 views and then the force nothing video is gonna sit there with 1.5 mil knowing my luck that's going to be the case now capatch will be very happy about that he'll be like oh that's great Thank You YouTube's algorithm but I have absolutely no control over how many views this gets or where it goes but we'll see
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 156,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greatest Troll, Biggest Throw, Mistake, Rare, Unique, WTF, How, What, Where, Why?, What?, AoE2, AoE2 Definitive Edition, Age of Empires 2, Hoang, Villager Rush, Forest Nothing, Commentary, Strategy, T90, T90Official, New
Id: EAGRdOvB54g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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