Low ELO Legends #6 More Barracks!!

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ok ladies and gents I hope you like LOI lo legends all please build a TC Oh sora no sora this is a different map on any other map you start by building two houses but this is step and you don't start with the towns that are here you you have to build one before your two houses no sora build the TC ok red is going to place his TC here oh no sora please build it build it build it ok you know what it's fine everyone relax take a deep breath it's fine so if you don't know step is kind of a complicated map so I can see how like newer players will be confused on this you actually start with yurts which give you pop space and you obviously don't start with a town center so the better play is to build the TC as soon as possible so you can create new villagers but we have sy the red voice he's playing as the goths and Sora who's playing as the Franks in this lo ela legends matchup they're both around 700 eloah I think Sora is on a 2 game win streak from what I've heard so there's sheep there's boars there's also a lot of deer in the center on this map so if you're looking to pick a sieve here Mongols is really strong for that bread as well that's building a whole lot of houses he doesn't need right now probably the best skill you could learn is just look here all the time 7 out of 30 pop space yeah you don't need to put all your wood into houses right now zero on wood well I probably should send one or two to wood so I can afford things later on those types of things but what what is gonna make life complicated for newer players are these different maps like Nomad starts specifically because you do things in a completely different order so you start with a horse and you can scout with that and Sora seems to have excellent scouting or like that red also is scouting with his horse yeah so I'm not gonna stress a lot over them not knowing how Nomad starts work but it's pretty much about adapting here so Nomad can teach you a lot about how to adapt constantly looking at the top left to see okay eat on food that should be enough for bills let's bring in some wood yeah I mean red is doing okay oof that lumber camp hurts my soul because after he chops that tree that will be very far away from the other trees whereas if you build it literally anywhere else on that wood line it's better like here or here then you can chop cheese trees on either side but yeah we'll see I feel like this is a really good castle drop map for LOI lo because there's so many resources in the center and players will freak out if they don't have them but remember we will laugh we will cry I'm a human being with emotions and I am always I can always have the players at heart when I am being critical or we're talking about their gameplay all right I'm trying to help people improve here and also help people relay and oh no why are you eating sheep up against the gold now that guy can't drop off his food it's just I haven't all right let's we'll be good to the baby t90 if you fail to find a mate what's my wife will be a surrogate for baby teen ID if you fail to find a mate I'm gonna pass thank you for the offer I guess it's Krrish thank you for the 13 months 16 villagers both 16 villagers for both I wonder if they're little if they will lower boars also blue is is going for crazy scouting do with that much wood you should have for villagers off wood pulled them off build a mill on the deer look at that that's so much wood start hunting my friend yeah it's true his wife basically said I'm hot thanks man hmm what are the odds we see man-at-arms here I feel like this applies upgrade in the barracks is like noob bait they see it and they want to click it God's don't get that Oh two barracks in Dark Age 350 wood into the double barracks well when I said infantry I didn't truly think we'd see it at least not now all right well that that's a lot of investment into barracks that I don't think he can afford sheet use right now hey already he is doing better than blue did in the Imperial Age in the previous game he's produced more than one military building or more of one more than one of the same building yeah he probably listened to my cast on the previous game except then it was the Imperial age so oof alright blue did Laura Pig red did Laura Pig smile TC time from both of them he's going out to bring this oh no he doesn't have loom not only does he not have loom and his this long-distance but he has 27 food in that villagers hand so if he loses this Ville oh no that's okay he had another board he didn't need the 27 food it's fine he's scouting over here and he has scouted the double barrack strategy now how the further triple barracks the triple barracks in dark age what's three that's a lot of barracks Wow okay he's going to bring in this board what if he makes a wall of barracks what if he makes a whole wall of barracks that'd be amazing oh come on shoot shoot the pig shoot the board all right nice he's not using them yet so so let me just back up and talk about like seriously why this is alarming if you're investing 175 wood into a barracks you should use it if you want to just build them for later that's fine in Castle age but that could have been farms and you could have had you could add hundreds more food now you know no way he's building more of them oh my god is he preparing for it five I've never seen anything like this and he's ahead in eco that's the thing he's ahead in eco he's keeping his Vil's producing so he has eight more bills he wants to I don't know like it's weird how he has the house walls going to these barracks I wish he would have connected them Oh what if what if what if blue is listening to some some previous caste of mine where I say well sometimes the best counter is actually to mirror your opponent strategy that just happens sometimes and then he's like oh really boom boom boom boom boom and builds like six barracks to counter what red is doing oh my goodness ooh boy alright well he's on his way to feudal which red is not he's chopping his wood long distance he is on he's heavy on gold he is 623 gold for every hundred gold that he has his opponent has a barracks another barracks is going up I was actually kidding I didn't think he'd have another one all right there's just massive gaps here - like whatever just walk around all my buildings and attack my people our legends huh Oh red he's going to scout the TC a blue Wow blue reacted instantly just passing let's get some just passings in the chat Red's thinking wait what well he's not gonna have the wood for barracks because his lumber camp doesn't have any Lumberjacks there but there's a new lumber camp now BK d dude thank you very much wait you're driving laughing out loud to the brink of crying and donating to my stream well please do not donate and drive a 7th Bear no what do you talk dude how many barracks is he gonna build seriously say a number one two three four five six seven eight barracks right now and there's still plenty of spaces for more what ok what if he goes for an instant attack and wins what if he actually produces out of every single one technically he has enough resources to produce eight militia at once I bet you any money that you any money not any money because at he's building more I think he's gonna use only one he's gonna Purdue he's gonna make all these pigs and he's gonna use only one I can just feel it he is getting his eco Tech's he's getting his lumber camp tech his farm Tech so he knows about that stuff he's even getting all of his mining texts she's getting it all out of the way you know what I think the name of the game for red is think ahead think ahead get the Eco text regardless of the time get it as quickly as possible farik's quickly as possible there's no adapting here this is all this is all about playing towards a certain strategy oh also blue is scouting but he has not scouted the Great Wall barracks yet oh but he's on the way you see where he said his waypoints oh my god wait where's the other way point Wow okay he has waypoints all over this map Wow it might take an hour for him to get there what is blue doing by the way 1000 gold it's funny he is 1200 gold one two three four five six seven eight nine okay so he now has more he does not just have a hundred gold for every barracks red has oh that's cute the horses are passing each other he is even more than that how do you set waypoints hold shift okay blue is chasing Reds horse is he actually chasing his horse or does it just look like that why are the horses racing Seabiscuit now it's just the waypoints okay now we have a market and a blacksmith like I can't wait to show you blues point of view okay ready ready ready ready ready oh did I just pause it ah okay we're good he set his waypoints so randomly my zoom hotkey won't work it's what I tried to do oh I was pressing the wrong one right here he goes oh he's making houses exactly like red makes his barracks talk about intimidation factor all right he sees the vales he sees the fields you set the waypoints all throughout Reds base red if you can snipe this thing you'll hide your strategy from your opponent Shay's the farms take forever he I mean listen there's nothing wrong with setting waypoints like this there's nothing wrong however at this point I feel like get at this point you should probably Scout at the front of your opponent's base you saw three barracks or two confirmed you should at least see if he's making stuff wait where'd it go all right this this guy scouts yes now he's making an archery range a stable a barracks alright he's making a lot of stuff and red also not concerned not concerned with what blue is doing at all and also set waypoints ransom me throughout the map lots of waypoints ok here comes blue scout he just sets the waypoints at the beginning of the game all over the map now he doesn't have to do anything anymore yep pretty much okay he sees the stone please tell me he's going to the right oh she's the houses one barracks to barracks he doesn't see the great wall barracks wait where's this Waypoint guy maeĆ­n so he's only going to confirm that there's five barracks whoa whoa that's a lot of houses red okay like why not build the barracks in a straight line and then use the houses to full-wall your so I don't understand these shapes I don't understand the shapes man this is like some low-level players they play SimCity and they try and place things all cute but this gift this bothers me if I fly over this in an airplane am I gonna see is this like a crop circle except an Age of Empires equivalent like what type of message is behind this okay red will go to castle age after the next two villagers blue he decided to farm on the front of his base after seeing that red has five barracks all right he's getting armor he just researched armor he's getting blacksmith techs and he's building buildings and he's going to this stone because this stone isn't enough so let's just get all the stones yeah cuz if you lose the forward stone then you have the backup make sense alright and now he should probably go Castle age I hope he goes Castle age no don't make Scouts not what you know what I want to see Reds reaction to the god the man won't stop he's making more I'm actually getting hoarse because of this he's making more did use the first barracks nope second nope third note fourth nope now we need twenty barracks before we attack our opponent will never expect it is he Goths yeah he's Goths but the issue is like someone do the math on that that is a total of 13 barracks multiply that by 175 he still has 800 wood banked up imagine the resources he would have if you would have farmed with that like make them right make them but make them at the proper time is my only point here oh man and here blue sits where's the scalp okay let's look at the waypoints and see how long it's gonna take him to get to scouting the center again he wants to scout that area this area nope he's not gonna scout it at all not gonna scout it at all and he's also has not clicked up to cast lights because he's making fuel a jar me like really late I sees he sees reticent cast late and he's sprung into action oh stop the barracks boom first villager kill of the game and now he's running back no now he's running forward here comes the attack how will red react to this he has pikemen Squires longsword and arson all coming in in all of his barracks no he's researching all four texts and one single barracks I knew this crap was gonna happen oh but he's producing out of he's producing out of the the others alright so one is that one is basically the blacksmith of the barracks and the other ones are for production I like it and he defends from the scouts and he knew to make pikemen and now blue is on his way to Castle age he really needs I think ideally in this matchup you actually need throwing Axman I don't expect low-level players to know to go for throwing Axman guys if red went like this set a gather point and just produced full longsword he'd win instantly he would have a hundred and fifty pop he instantly went in his defense that is a de bug if you select four barracks and research for text it will queue them all in the same one I don't think that's a bug right I think that's just how the game works they've here like what you would have to do is is select I don't think they should distribute the text throughout multiple barracks but maybe it should I don't know I mean crossbow would be fine against the pikemen crossbow sucks against the HUS girls the Reg could make and red is getting anarchy so you need if god's get to this stage you need to have a castle and throwing ax minutes franks he's making scouts and he's making archers and that's just not gonna work i mean he could fight now but okay he's going to castle there oh boy i would prefer to see the castle here it's closer to the economy I'm just I'm just so excited for red to mass-produce anarchy means he can produce barracks from his bare produced barracks from his barracks at this point his barracks might as well produce other barracks because that seems to be what he would like HUS Carl's you can produce oh my god with anarchy you can produce HUS girls from the barracks sorry this is frying my brain my brain is fried in a good way in a positive way he has 2025 marvels he's east booming on three town centres and he's still building these weird house walls fascinating so yeah I mean if you if this guy can boom on is that for Town Center's for Town Center's if he can boom on for Town Center's if he didn't build that many barracks early and just went to castle age fast then boomed then build the barracks he'd be in a fantastic position red is a neat-freak do you think so I don't know on some level I'd agree but on many other levels I disagree okay blue has its castle up and he's going to read with Scouts he sees the pikemen he's running away from the pikemen he has not taken a single hit yet Allred wanted to trap him imagine how blue how blue must feel right now follow the long corridor of houses oh oh the micro blue brought him back to the castle and now he has crossbows oh wow and he'll go right back through the tunnel what a god let's go okay he's also getting a lot of upgrades he's getting armor and attack he's getting armor for his stable units and armor for his infantry units oh boy you need Axman you need a lot of ax men actually you could go Knights against house girls but then you know Pike's can come out I don't think red can comfortably fight underneath this castle though okay my focus now is on Wow okay a castle between the three lines but why is he standing villes this way if he's going to build a castle there who's building that castle whose job is it this is very interesting I don't know oh that what that one villager okay yeah I don't expect lower level players to know they can go for the accident you could go for champion yeah are like long swords I guess but the difference here is purely down to the economy okay he's gonna build that with four villagers now what's fascinating about red is he he seems to have this skill set to boom because in the previous game we didn't see players go for this many pills 95 bills it's a lot for this Evo I think red could be two times the rating if you worked on builders yeah for sure if he just didn't build ten barracks and Dark Age he'd be fine for sure I mean blue just seems completely she's probably completely confused but his tc's been idle he actually all that skewed his horses underneath his TC not producing more fills just raiding he's killing villagers and he seems to have good micro but bouncing everything is tough ah I see red built the four barracks so he'd have to back up barracks later on it's not what trick it's all part of his master plan and he's now on the way to the imperial age so with Goths just go lead husk barrel champion and flood I've yet to see him make use of all his barracks I'm blue is just building castles everywhere if the villager count wasn't what it is I would say that blue could easily win this game but I'm not so sure he pays in his university he's researching treadmill crane murder holes which alright whatever whoa look at the deer whoa what is happening this is like a hologram or something what is that bug the dear what's in the castle Bambi don't do it don't do it the gate will fall on you there's two deer there wait there's two is that - deer I think it's one and it's just glitching Oh nope there's one this is like Frank wake up we've got a job to do blue is on the way to the Imperial age he's not making units that would work for him here can you imagine if I just if I was dropped into this game to cast it from this point I would have so many questions that seeing Reds walls and barracks it's just so confusing to me now remember this meme here blue has killed way more villagers than red has killed in fact I don't think red has killed any villagers but blue hasn't been creating villagers so he's feeling really confident because he's sniping bills and then he looks at the score and he's like what how do I not have eco I killed more villagers than him well you're not creating any my friend he does have ten bills after him that's good i I really wish you would make Axman hey red is now getting perfusion which means his infantry creates faster so with 7,000 barracks and perfusion he should be golden again blue killing a few villagers here they're not really a big deal hmm he does also have a lead HUS Karl and he's building more he's surrounding the guy he's building more oh my goodness okay so he has about 80 population space ready for military this better be better fully pop within 5 seconds otherwise I may be really disappointed now I mean his eco he's still producing bills I am really impressed at this helo that he's been doing that blue is getting a lot of texts now he's getting two handed swordsmen he's getting cavalier but he doesn't have units oh oh oh here it comes here it comes the flood let's go alright he's produced about two units per barracks but it's still it's still units it still counts as something I'll be sending in the horse all right produce a little bit more I mean it's over right two handed swordsmen aren't bad still lacking upgrades numbers yeah look at red oh there he goes again not using these but these here here they come so he did use all the ones on the front props and now he's 200 pop just like that well done oh what a rollercoaster ride that was kreygasm though I love Gotham postin oh and now all he made these barracks for this castle ah that makes sense now okay I see well blue probably can't believe it does he did kill so many villagers but blue lesson learned my friend if you're gonna punish punish but you have to create your own units and you have to create villagers you need eco and the game ends there so let's do a final counts okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty barracks twenty on the nose my missing one twenty barracks all of which he used in the Imperial age so the simple lesson I will I will tell you here blue create pills Craig fields I don't even care if it's one TC this TC was about as as hmm it was about as inactive as Dave's twitch stream alright don't be Dave Swift stream stream more all right uh and then read you could improve a lot like read of if you look at the two players could really go places but he put over a thousand wood into barracks and Dark Age and never use them so I would say if you do want to improve read I mean maybe you just like playing like this but if you want to improve use those resources for your economy and then when you're prepping for the attack then make the barracks however very cute placement well done I want to try red strat now no don't do it don't do it like do it but do it later okay build the barracks a bit later more food more wood more stone more gold the economy won the game look yeah that's just huge right the economy won the game sore if you watch this get the economy sorted produce a few more villagers and also unit wise against Goths I would say full throwing ax men can do it there's not much that Goths can do against full throwing accidents I mean they get on injure but even on udders and great against axes they can maybe go sperms but even scurbs aren't great so that's what I would do it was a winning strategy my dropping 16 town centers on the same person it was just that he was lower rated player so I would say regardless of the rating of the opponent I played you should definitely go 16 town center drop in dark age every single time because it worked once gals do get hand cannon yeah you know there are some options there but anyways axe men are definitely the way to go t9 official do you think it's better to build 10 barracks in Dark Age or 3 Archer ranges on a neutral ok stop listen this is the YouTube outro if this goes to YouTube YouTube if you'd like to stop by the twitch stream and enjoy LOI lo legends in the future the twitch link is below in the video description you have a good old time here hope to see you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 153,220
Rating: 4.9629517 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game player, casting, expert, rts, noob, low elo legend, coaching, Low, ELO, Legends, #6, Goths, Barracks, WTF, Noob, Loser, Fun, T90, T90Official, Black, Forest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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