Low Elo Legends | Friendly Fire

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listen this someone just said no elo this is as close to no elo as it gets in low elo legends they're playing right now let's do this all right so i think everything's set for me with capture age we should be in the game um no one's moving yet okay um welcome ladies and gents sorry that some of the names might be cut off here this is low elo legends and this is as i just stated here on the stream possibly as close as it gets to no elo legends out there uh we have alexandra here and alexandra leel has played about 40 or 50 games has 252 elon love the videos went from 400 to 700 with your advice nice all right all right people improving that's good to see and then over here we've got 340 elo from atavanio augusto and that house is very close actually he forgot to make a house okay yes this is what we do low elo for this is a completely different world all right if you have the lel emote use the lilly mode this is a completely different world um 252 elo is definitely near the bottom of the barrel now it's important to remind people because some people just lose perspective in life big goal here is to make sure that we we get into the mind of the player right these guys probably aren't going to have hotkeys for a lot of the things they do which is something that we become used to when we're watching and playing the game um they probably they probably don't have build orders they probably they might not even watch youtube and twitch right so they might not even have an idea of how you're supposed to play so this is a completely different world for them and i'm just excited to see what happens here um you know italians versus the goths fairly even civ matchup actually i think at low elo i might prefer to have goths you can see that for now how do i say this uh a taviano we'll say otto otto has all the sheep or pigs underneath the tc and uh this villager is just gonna happily chop some trees for now yeah auto works oh boy look at the stragglers now i imagine that since this is low elo they probably do not have small trees so i almost i feel comfortable switching it over to the big trees and it makes quite a difference when you chop a tree man suddenly you can see so much more on your map and people have told me in the youtube comments that the big reason that they like to chop the straggler trees is just because it doesn't look good when they're there those trees are very big and the map is gold rush where there's a lot of well i guess not wolves but snow leopards in the middle actually while we're here let's also enhance the graphics yeah look at those snow leopards i don't know why snow leopards are on this map it doesn't make any sense it's very very hot out there there's a lot of sun high tea 90 always wow to watch your streams i mean i am pleasantly impressed with how they're playing so far the fact that we actually have good lumber camps the fact they're making lumber camps at all right now is pretty impressive for 340 e-lovers 250 elo i was not expecting this i can uh see the scout for red went all the way to the corner did he just click it there what's the deal here let me see okay so that's how red scouts red just clicks to the corner then i see oh wait is red gonna click it back to the other side is he just gonna like mow the lawn here i don't know how many of you people know what i'm trying to say here okay interesting scouting technique it definitely i mean it definitely is that lawn mower technique just go back and forth back and forth back and forth all right well i'm wondering if they're going to bring in boards look we got a mill all this is solid so they didn't stay on track straggler trees the whole game it looks like he just kind of took them for a time until he decided where he wanted to place his lumber camp that's good are we going to see them farm in dark age are they going to take boars what we're going to have him even bring in a boar well the boars are over oh wait a second you can't do oh you can't okay wrong one wrong one he got confused for a second he said all right i'm gonna lure in the deer the deer doesn't chase you the deer doesn't get angry the deer actually just gets upset and then dies so okay all right red said okay that's not a good idea let's just all right now i'm starting to see the 250 elo a little bit of indecisiveness and now we're gonna see stone it is the dark age but it's not the stone age we don't need the stone all right so stone maybe at this point red's thinking well i want a castle someday the stone would be nice hmm so my guess is maybe red's the type of player to not make any farms until after the berries are gone because he's like why would i ever do why would i take multiple sources of food at the same time we took the pigs now we're going to take the the berries and man are these villagers bumping look at that very inefficient the lawnmower scout is here and don't tell me that one arrow is going to eventually kill the scout there is one villager inside the tc okay and red just moved a little bit further this is this is great man and look at the way blue is walled in his uh lumberjacks look how efficient that is that is some pro stuff that's next lever stuff three on one side four on the next i like it blue scout still chilling neither of them using auto scout and no alexander what are you doing man this is the low elo strategy of my goal that home is safe so let's take the risky gold for now and he must not realize that there's actually animals protecting and the snow leopard gets a kill now this lady's like well i can handle that and she gets the hill bonus now he does have loom thankfully but yes the idea the logic here is kind of backwards from what high level players would do the logic here is take all the gold in the middle that way if the going gets rough then i'll have gold at home to work with still but when i think in reality what you should do is use the gold at home to make military to protect the gold in the middle but low elo legends they're not like what military offense what oh offense we're gonna even see a barracks here i was just about to dis low elo legends and say they wouldn't go offensive how dare i what the ah okay two barracks in the back of blue's base um this is about to get wild and he's making militia he's made a militia barbaric so far okay more houses also that one villager is still inside the tc so i guess maybe that's the king maybe he's role-playing and he doesn't actually have a king cause it's not regicide on the way to feudal age now is blue but he's out of food underneath the tc red is um time for our new dlc new campaigns and o4 looking good like child red has the village now i'm wondering what he's going to do now that he's out of berries right he still has the boars he still has the deer around he doesn't want to eat animals except for pigs interestingly spaced houses over here okay thinking ahead is this a house wall it's a interesting housewife suppose it's not a bad idea to house well that the whole way to the edge also this wood line is very weird it's nice for red to use that but it's also very odd um all right so villager's in the middle barracks in the middle blue realizing that blue will need gold and these are some spaced mining camps man these are some socially distanced mining camps that's that's really far away from the stone and really far away from the gold normally you want to go one tile away um also it's cute how blue likes to make the houses so close around the town center and how he mills uh he farms around the mill that's really cute jeffrey is still in that town center jeffrey you're crewing so much idol time for your team get out of the tc do you think in some way maybe blue maybe blue thinks that as there's more villagers in the middle on gold did all the berry villagers go to gold how are you going to spend this much gold early on red this is crazy um do you think maybe blue always wants to have a villager in there in case the enemy comes by and he could shoot it maybe clearly blue wants to go for militia but he doesn't really have the res because i only have one on gold i was wondering why he started to build palisades and delete them ah i understand okay he said i misclicked i wanted stonewalls freaking palaces walls palisade walls they're too weak man we're way too weak let's go for stone cape man says team 90 official no small tree no we need to be inside the mind of the low elo as we see militia for red i mean i'm all in on red right now he might be 100 elo lower than blue and that puts him at 250 elo but we're seeing double bit x come in we're seeing militia with goths i mean the eco balance is really poor let's be honest 500 gold what are you gonna do with that oh make archers okay well you also need wood but okay archer's isn't bad and he's getting town watch now just so we can see stuff feels like blue's approach is full defense hmm interesting tower spot i'd say that's a 4 out of 10 tower it doesn't even fully protect the stone sadly um one year we did it thank you for ordering i do like i do like the thought process of just get some defense up and focus on economy because these guys i'm not trying to be rude here they're obviously not the best when it comes to the basics so protect yourself and practice the basics is completely fine now two barracks maybe that's a bit a little bit too much protection i i don't know if that was really ideal is jeffrey still in the jeffrey's still quarantining inside the town center what in the forgot about jeffrey in there you know i i had myself fooled here i thought red was gonna go aggressive and he i think he's just gonna play defensive too he's just gonna camp the gold look at this scout's waiting over here militia here i don't know who's gonna build that tower oh she's gonna build that tower that makes sense and it looks like red's gather point on his tc is set here for the farms only he doesn't really have a lot of wood income but don't worry he has 900 gold so his thought process of taking all the gold in the middle that at least is working but i mean i don't know what he's going to do with it right now i am on the edge of my seat man all right let's double check eco upgrades farm wood and wheelbarrow upgrade all came in for ateviano definitely gets the house award for me um and now there's the villager making more stonewalls what's blue scouting looks like wait and how did red lose oh yeah red lost a villager to a wolf where's blue scout at oh it's just over here so this is so low they don't even know auto scout is a thing he doesn't even know the gold in the middle is a thing and i guess you could you could maybe assume that he doesn't have the experience to know what gold rush is the gold rush that sounds cool whoa double archer range and a market okay everything is very cluttered here i don't know where the farms are gonna go maybe i guess around the berries once those two villagers eat all of them blue's name definitely seems like an ai name i agree i think it's pretty funny i i i am sure that these guys are playing online though they do have profiles so maybe red has realized that he needed a few more villagers on wood yeah um whoa fox ride thank you for the 25 gifted thank you thank you oh no that farm though wait a second is his next villager going to show up on the landing pad this is what fat slob does please please please please please oh i think that red wants his villagers to go to a certain spot and he wants that spot to be visible which is why i think that gap is here let's see if i'm correct on that again according to the youtube comments on a lot of fats videos people said the reason fatsop did that is because he doesn't check his idols and he wants to be able to see them so currently he's just sending him to an open spot of the grass another mill talk about a fish in farms what's wrong with this mill no seriously what's wrong with this mill it's not that far away is it too forward for you okay it's too old oh it's a berry mill duh it's got berry juice all over the all over the middle that's disgusting all right update over here on blue blue okay all right now i'm really really excited to see what's gonna happen here i'm also a little bit worried that the second blue sees the tower he's going to resign because that can happen at this elo so i'm really hoping that doesn't happen he actually is getting quite a few upgrades he's fleshing for the archers he'll see any armor for the two men at arms so if the tower wasn't there you could clear this but towers make people panic low elo either run away screaming from towers or they send everything to attack the tower and everything to attack the tower well if he had more infantry would actually be the play and then with red's build order he might be thinking well like this is the that was the whole strategy take as much gold as possible and then if you end up losing it someday supplies no way supplies it's so not worth it here but low elo see and they're like apples i like apples i wonder if the devs knew that would be such a low elo trap when they added that tech it makes the food cost on your infantry cheaper but it's 150 food and 100 golds you need to make at least 10 minute arms for that to be considered worth it and a taviano here only has seven on food so not ideal and wait a second red scouted this did i miss the villager going down i'm i missed the villager going down i'm hold on we have to make sure that we cover this game in all of its glory let's go back see what happens let's witness this all right anyways um here comes the villager villager trying to wall red with a good micro and oh my goodness he's blocking oh my that was amazing yeah blue didn't react there um i guess supplies is about to come in now so just fast forward a little bit again that's fine it's fine or maybe supplies is already in okay blue's moving out blue's not happy about this and blue is gonna drop his own tower and this is after the tower's already there in defense so this could be considered somewhat offensive and red sees this but i don't think red understands that he's completely out tacked here yeah the archers and the man at arms are way better than militia and one archer and now blue does blue just want to complete the walls [Laughter] wait a second what's happening here is is he sending villagers to rush down the tower or does all he want to do his wall up he's sending he's that worried he won't even attack it he's like nope that's scary but what we can do is we can make sure he doesn't send more units in now funnily enough when you send 10 villagers to wall it's actually less efficient than sending three because they bump into each other like no that's my wall that's my wall that's my wall okay well this is giving red time to make another tower blue is really okay now these villagers are scared and where are they going i actually don't know well i think blue okay more wall oh my goodness more walls okay so it's the offense defense strategy and red's just gonna make more towers i mean red red's reaction here is pretty good he's panicking though he's making archers he's making scouts which i suppose isn't the worst and he can see that the enemy's just trying to wall here okay honestly blue i respect it now neither players creating villagers out of their town centers throughout all this because they're so stressed a new lumber camp i should respect that too but blue just doesn't have the confidence to really push forward so blue said whatever i'll let you have the middle for now and i guess it's just gonna make sure that he or she does not die as he just bought 300 stone with all that gold oh no oh boy man low elo the lowest elo they love stone and gold reminder that red is 250 elo blue is 340 elo but red is seem to be the stronger player of the two so far blue has 40 some wins or no sorry 40 some losses and 14 wins hey more upgrades now from the blacksmith the biggest issue for for blue is just the fact he's not creating villagers as frequently as red and they're just going to stack towers here i guess is anyone ever going to make it to castle h oh wow there goes red okay well up to him red's on the way to cass lake and that's that's i mean 32 minute castle just isn't uh it's not gonna make the guinness book of world records or anything but it's it's respectable considering everything that's gone down here and respectable considering their elo right so more stone walls less panic now is blue if red makes nights and drops a castle i don't see how red ever loses this game right look at that even use the towers against the snow leopards he knows i see armor coming in on cav it's a little surprising to see a low evil player making things other than infantry with goths but it's it's something you you kind of need to do in certain stages apparently blue is is blue actually italian that's funny if he would pick italians every game as an italian and yeah this is just the classic situation where a player continues to get few age upgrades when you should just go castle h oh blue wants to make a tower here oh no what is that okay sending more villagers to complete this tower hmm it's a little awkward mbl salute in chat for nbl we were just saying go up to him welcome uh people coming in from nbl's stream if you want to see real quality content you have you've finally arrived to the right channel it's low elo legend day i'm just kidding hope everyone's doing well what's up mbl thanks for the host man so it's just a tower war here and red is winning but blue's on the way to cass lage i like how red has three on stone and he thinks it's wise to get the second stone mining upgrade which is so expensive instead of just sending a few more villagers to stone we don't create more villagers to send them the stone we just let those three villagers do their work a bit faster now now i haven't seen either player garrison inside towers do you think they know that's a thing because they had archers that would be good i think red's just going to get all the texts now red's getting crossbowmen and elite skirmisher i would say castle drop on this hill would be the go-to here on gold rush has blue even scouted the enemy this game no blue's just protecting the relic it would be rather funny if the first thing he does is go out for that relic i don't know if he just left his scout there coincidentally or if he really wants to protect the relic there's the castle from red that is a gutsy castle well not really but it's a it's an aggressive castle i like to see it and is he gonna repair this now really okay well she's dead but everything should still be fine blue's about to be in castle age now russell says why is red making like kev when he has over 1k gold to save the gold silly geez man the more military you make that doesn't cost gold the more gold you have for later it's a savings game that's why he sent 15 villagers to golden dark age and he didn't take any of his gold at home he wants to soak up as much gold as possible gold is a precious resource so why spend it that's the low elo logic blue using the market big time just to buy stone and i guess wants to make his own castle now red you're gonna have to give this up you're losing too many villagers you have a castle these towers aren't that important i guess it is as red is making like cav and there's a night for the person complaining about the lack of gold units now there's an upgrade that red does not have i don't think he'll need it here because he's towers too but at low elo it is seen as one of the stronger techs from the university and i'm wondering if murder holes is ever going to come in what it that's a town center whoa that is a sim city tc right there this is what we call a farm tc at higher levels it's normally important to put a town center on a resource okay it actually placing tcs like this does make your town look a whole lot better i'll say that much winning with style we see a defensive castle from blue now but if you look at the total resources collected this game red is way ahead blue actually i and this is this is hilarious blue actually has more gold collected i don't know how that's possible when red has been in the middle for so long but uh anyways it's the food in the wood that's really high for red ah that could be so important i guess blue's gonna run out of gold then because he's he's mind uh you get four tiles and then three tiles at home and so he just he's taking out three tiles three and a half already okay this game has been here for we've been in this game for 40 minutes blue's tc has not been working for half of that red's tc has been a bit more active but if you want to know how to improve at this game just work on keeping your tc's producing villagers and sending them to resources we see a university and a monastery at home for red who's getting town patrol making more stables making a siege workshop so red likes to make the buildings and get the techs there's even anarchy now so he can produce husk girls from his one barracks okay got a lot of man at arms back here for octavio who wants that relic i called it i freaking called it he found that relic in dark cage and he didn't even try and scout the enemy he's like nope relics are important let's protect it oh it's so cute man i love it thank you firestorm for five months thank you uh harvey god for the 23 months of support raging red thank you for two and welcome back thank you jay barker for the brand new sub also i missed this earlier fox right thank you for the year and baba thanks for 26 i'm sorry there's no cat cam today if we could please get some smileys in chat too for cigar bossa uh i did i believe i said something but anyways i gifted subs earlier which was super kind thank you crash bond and life lots of two month three subs here coming back to the community after hidden cup appreciate you guys i know a lot of people probably started to watch um some people stopped during that qualifier and then led up towards the main event all right guys red continues to sacrifice villagers to repair that tower red did get vodka though so his towers i mean there's more of them you should be able to shoot that down does blue have a chance here i feel like getting imp and making trebs could decide this game it is cheaper for italians to go to the imperial age what's up flabby walls says 1890 just got here what's the surprise well if i told you it wouldn't be a surprise we will have a special surprise today though and really impressed that 250 elo are are doing the the things that they're doing in particular red now both of his tc's they're creating villagers blue is getting pavice and that gives your it keeps your archers armor that's not a cheap upgrade either when you have nine farmers the red seems to know some stuff well the surprise be on youtube later i gotta go to work um it will actually yes red is going to bring in his first relic first relic blue brought in one the scout's still there though now we're seeing light calf from blue as well their fascination with light cap is a little interesting i think it's just because it doesn't cost gold and they know gold is an important resource oh boy here comes blue is blue gonna just use all this and attack the wall if he right clicks the wall piece the magnel will attack the same piece that the military units are and he could kill all of his own units because he sees the gate so i'm thinking that he kills this and then he might right click that gate and if he does he could actually kill all of his own units red blue orange yellow green sorry that's a weird thing when i go by colors i don't know like my brain just cannot keep up sometimes now we have pikeman there's another oh that's the scalp scout has seen this relic so that's going to be two relics for red you think when he gets around to it and another farm tc okay cute 37 months of absolute class from t90 thank you so much for everything you've done for me and this amazing community less than three dolphin every time you resub i i just get shocked at how long it's been because i remember the day we met thank you for 37 months those that don't know uh dolphin was reminiscing playing some age of empires hd 37 months ago and we raided him um i you know he had a few viewers chilling out with some friends and then a couple thousand t90 elites show up and start spamming him with salutes he absolutely lost his mind uh and then all of chat was saying yo bro play force nothing play force nothing and i'm in chat spamming in all caps don't do it cause he was a noob he did not know what that was like don't do it and then he was stuck in a four nothing game for six hours because of chad so um yeah and then he subbed to the stream he's been hanging out ever since so that's why i say it it really is a shock to me how much time has gone by every time i see his resub red please don't i mean if red doesn't kill his own units he wins this game right surely surely blue just hates villagers that's what it is blue hates villagers this refuses to create anymore why would he need more eco he can barely control 32 villagers why would he want to make more that's his logic this game's too complicated it just makes it more complicated the more villagers you make hmm um let's see if my prediction's correct here he might he might really hate that tower oh he's right-clicked the tower with everything oh my goodness okay well at least some of the units at least the archers go down but don't he's still going to friendly fire his own stuff guys the magnets are still quick get masonry blue blue the longer this tower stays up the more you kill get masonry come on look how the knights are bugged into the wall as well all right it could have been worse for red but my worry for him is if he right clicks that gate the gate would be really bad oh no no don't do it oh god he's killing so many of his own units here oh my word it's not worth it okay now he's just clicked a different piece of the wall now he's clicked the same wall all right all right well these guys know what they signed up for did he just click the different wall piece oh god i can't believe i'm witnessing this just yeah okay stick with the magnels and crossbows and skirmishers and cavalry that's better that's better there we go all right so blue now actually has a force which can compete with this which is what's funny like kevin and longswordsman need to help out here there you go so i mean the towers and the castles awkward but crossbows man at arms and knights could honestly deal with this that is a very confusing kd right there that kd though almost doesn't make any sense the knights come out for the magnels and blue seems to have much better unit control and so he mopped this up and we have a game now and i wonder if blue's gonna continue to fight though i think blue should back away and just make more walls oh no red see red just doesn't know how to control his units that's the problem his economy is good oh no okay there we go yeah and blue's actually gonna make another couple layers of walls here okay so now i'm understanding why red is 250 elo because he really doesn't he can he has the economy down but the fighting is not so good at um but i think with the next couple waves he should be able to clear what blue has blue needs to run behind the walls again and it's actually happening which is hilarious and also blue can go up to the imperial age with his resources no way we have ourselves a game people because if he starts making trips from behind walls red might not know what to do now it's really important actually that blue gets the wall pieces down here because red is very close to breaking through that wall piece that's a 99 hp yeah baby and there's no magnels now so i think that wall piece will go down and again red will run into castle so there's not much he can really access back here i love mangoes javier thank you for the five months i'm sure red does too look at this ai army comp isn't this beautiful it's a mix of everything how can you ever lose a fight when you have everything a scarlet pikeman long sword uh skirmisher i think there's a skirmisher in there yep have archer light cap and knight legend mug thanks the only thing that's missing here is a magnel a ram and a scorpion and then maybe a monk beautiful is there a crossbow in there oops sorry i don't know why that happens is there a crossbow in there oh there is a crossbow too classic low evo legend as we have a backup base for red and is going to add oh look at this stable archer range barracks siege workshop one of everything it's classic but red has 74 villagers red has double the economy of blue and amazing eco upgrades and access to gold so our 250 elo player here should never lose this game but i could see it happening if the panic sets in when the trebs come out red actually has a villager queued up behind imp which is a surprise to me maybe feel maybe after witnessing villagers going down did i say red again i meant to say blue um blue probably feels as though now he needs more villagers okay all right so a lot has gone down in this game i noticed that alexandra is uh protecting the relic still we'll have two relics because there's a monk on the way back see treb's now on the way for blue and we're believe it or not about to hit the one hour mark in this game thank you the devil herself for the year of support now will blue go for upgrades from the blacksmith in the imperial age not really seeing it right now it can't afford much to be honest red will be an imp in about 60 seconds and don't make more magnels stop making magnels okay scorpions are fine but i'm sorry red i don't have faith in your control of back in health and if he panics guys if he panics when he sees a treb and really wants to take out the treb what do you think he's gonna do he's gonna try and bust through the walls i'm so terrified especially if he upgrades to onager too oh no all right all right all right i'm i'm so i'm so ready now blue might not have heard my advice on keeping villager production going blue might not have heard my advice on on farm placement and i'm definitely the go-to on that uh but blue does know not to trickle trip even though here i think when you have the walls you should have just sent the trebs out already so he's gonna wait for three trebs again red should never lose this game but it's low elo and well anything can happen that said this has been a really good game i just done a really solid job look he's still creating some bills here there still adding farms here there i like it okay here come the trebuchets now red is an imp it hasn't gone for a single imp upgrade blue really wants to get these walls down that's actually really important i wonder where red will go okay this is red's point of view let's just let's just watch this in silence and see what he does okay well you saw the light cap there i don't know if he was even controlling his units there but like have goes down i feel like blue's gonna send another villager to finish this because he took out that one annoying tower oh god what did he click what did he click what did he click where is he going please tell me he didn't click a wall oh no he clicked the wall with everything oh goodness always click that wall now well it depends on what the magnets have been told to do at what point does he realize that he this is bad though [Laughter] this friendly fire is so extreme at what point does he realize he needs to do something else oh he's through he made it in oh my goodness and this is why he'll continue to do it because it works people might not be pretty but you just need to get the job done and so the goal is to take out the trebuchets and i think that will be achieved here also there will be another hole on this side or will that be achieved actually stick out one uh oh counter attack is here oh red please don't lose this game right if you lose this game i'm gonna lose i'm gonna be so sad for you i'm having a good week i don't need to be okay takes out two traps at least i really it would it would be absolutely gut-wrenching if you were to lose this but it would also explain the 250 elo as now he's beginning to get worried so he clicks cavalier and then hussar for whatever reason and then he's also he clicked heavy cav archer and now he's making crossbows do you have red high go blue if you were to mix blue and red together it would be a really solid 500 to 600 evo player the problem is red doesn't really know what he doesn't know how to use units and he doesn't really know what units do what so he's just clicking everything and he's hoping that will work i guess blue's kind of doing the same thing but at least blue i don't know a doc he's making fishing ships in the south and he's getting gill nets so the fish is extra efficient on that one shorefish this guy's crazy he he just loves options but he needs to make stuff in the middle here comes blue it was about to trip down the hussar stable or i guess i'll take the tower first i don't know also reminder that blue has not seen red's economy this entire game 44 military verse 10 military red is producing light calf from some of the stables cavalier okay just he's just clicking random stuff look scorpion scorpion on interupgrade heavy scorpion two-handed swordsman huskarl monk casually walking in with the relic he's just click he's just making the biggest mix of units he can the concern here is if he sends him in one after the other they're all gonna die so he needs to mask them first i can't believe we're witnessing this another castle now for blue and blue is even re-walled which i i guess has been a winning ingredient here blue needs to get well doesn't have the stone actually for a castle in the middle because he's placing this one so i would say a castle in the middle backed up with trebuchets would be huge here neither player getting imperial age upgrades when they're blacksmith either the game's too stressful now you just forget the blacksmith exists at this point hi t90 i've been binging your youtube videos becoming a better old player nice question though that i need for a school assignment is cereal a soup thanks my dude you need an answer for a school assignment listen my suggestion is just it's just quit school you know school's not going to take you anywhere just i'm kidding um see is cereal a soup that was a joke i guess technically it is yeah we'll say yes cereal is a soup i really don't want to waste too much brain power on that question i don't have a lot of brain to use so oh man well red has been able to get his mass up and he's been able to clear what blue has up and blue this whole game has not had access to that middle gold so he still doesn't really have a way of taking that and he is completely out of gold now so as blue is going to re-stonewall over here and the fishing ships are actually not even working that's funny fred's got too many other things to work on red has gold red has 34 on food red should still win this game yeah but he researched onager if red's gonna win this game he needs to delete his siege workshops right now do not make them anymore do not try and break through walls that way because you just will kill your units even faster now a blues treb is going to town here let's see what red will do now it can friendly fire with any of these units all right which piece of wall has he clicked wait he's actually clicked the castle how is that possible the villager could it could have take out the castle there okay the scorpion goes down to the trib at least red is telling the hustlers to do something different than the uh then the ranged units okay now red's like uh this isn't working let's back away wait oh there's still a hole over there but he just clicked his house let's start went around here and somehow out of the gate what in the world was that hold on can we can we watch that let's instant replay that with capture age pro let's go back real quick i need to see that again okay hustler goes in because i think he clicked the castle at this point the only way the hustler should be able to escape is is back through that hole hussar has been clicked to the middle and it just so happens that the hussar can leave the gates that the scorpion is leaving oh my god that's funny hc5 confirmed that was great all right i mean red is really queuing up a lot of units he hates infantry apparently which is very un-goth like wow that trap just got a sick kill okay ah man there's i really want blue to win this game but it'll also break my heart you know red should never ever ever ever lose this blue with the offensive scorpion rush not really the best looks like red lost his monk in the middle earlier how many relics does he have he's still two to one and there might be another one all the way back to his monastery right now because i'm only seeing one in the middle um the thing is and this is probably the case more so for blue than red but i think it is very much a thing at this stage of the game players here don't reboom ever they get to a certain ville count and then that's it so if you lose villagers or you feel like you're running out of resources you don't think to add more bills what he's adding more fills okay never mind i was wrong siege workshop archer range stable eric's archer range archery range stable i love the way red places buildings he just wants a little bit of everything such a fine mix okay blue knows to use the market and had just had to sell wood to get gold for elite skirmisher i think that tells you this situation oh well we have a fish trap over here actually what's funny is this fishing ship is blocking the other fishing ship so this fish trap i think there's another one there yeah it cannot be used wait but he didn't even take the shore fish first okay he said screw your shore fish i want whatever's down under the water there okay red is um gonna make another castle and found the blacksmith oh boy no don't make connagers don't make the auditors oh goodness gracious please don't make any more we don't you don't need this basically this whole game the only reason we're watching is just to see how many units red is going to kill and not enemy units at this point red i feel like we'll eventually win but i just need to know how many times he's gonna friendly fire his own stuff still a hole in blue's wall that's true that's true and you know maybe that'll save him because if he clicks anything behind the wall the units will run around and then blue will be in trouble he refuses to make trebuchets though that is really an interesting fact about all this he has had the castles okay the monks are here did they not find the relic i saw there was another monk over here idol he's probably you know he's distracted look how many houses he has how many 45 houses i don't think you need 45 houses mbl should learn a thing or two from this guy is he going to heal his army now well that's that's a way to counter the onagers oh yeah just heal up your army all right whoa whoa look at them like you're healed you're healed you're healed you're healed you actually get to with this angle you really get to see what's in those pages making sure everything kind of looks like a comic book to be honest some calvin hobbs action there all right red what's what's you what's your plan here my friend crossbows pikeman guys it was clearly it was clearly calvin and hobbes i don't know why you're telling saying anything different another doc what are you going to take the shore fish this time at least don't tell me he's gonna dock every single pond um okay so two fishing ships here okay now this is this is the rare moment where i get to spit out a fun fact and i'm not sure if they fixed this but fish traps when placed up against the edge of the map bug out so it's very possible and again it's such a obscure thing i don't know if it would have ever been addressed but it might not work here okay there's the fishing ship here's another dock does he know that pond is there as well oh god all right he's gonna have to find that well i guess he's he's he's booming oh god he's made more he's making more auditors no no no no no no no hey let's see if the fist trap works let's go seven months it looks like it's working official when are you doing community games again let's see is it working this is the most important thing on the map right now no one can tell me different also this is yet another oh no he can take that one too okay i think this fishing ship cannot drop off the food of the dark though okay it is working well well well done devs we don't have spec chat yet but at least fish traps against the edge of the map can work looks like their priorities are straight um here comes blue with some cheeky gold miners all right so hey oh you're kidding me of all the tiles to take those are the perfect ones someone said blue is attacking i wouldn't get your panties in a wad just yet he's moved out of his walls i don't know if that counts as attacking um but he's protecting his gold miners um [Music] got a ram i mean 46 villagers is way more than i ever thought we'd see from blue in this game i'd like to see a new lumber camp can we get 46 lumber camps please right red is now getting um what's that tech oh perfusion and then conscription and then elite husk okay red saw the one villager i think on gold 39 oh boy that's funny to me how he he is docked so many times and made two fishing ships and two fish traps in every one he actually hasn't done it at home it's the same strategy like taking the forward gold except it's taking the forward fish water control he's a pure hybrid player he goes for full water and full lance control if he were to play cup or bay he'd be a beast hmm all right the relic's still in the middle by the way monks are just healing and more blacksmith upgrades coming in yeah i mean red red should and probably will win this as we have been saying for a while now whoa red is pop capped but look at all the traps cued up in that castle all right well finally red remembers trebuchets but will red have the presence of mind to no delete villagers here you almost have too many villagers working also did you guys see red get his gold mining upgrade yet because something tells me i know he got his all of his stone ones but i almost feel like he didn't get his gold mining upgrade [Music] all right blue is going on offense for the first time in this game and this is what blue can see now for the first time while red probably will kill some of his own units he's not going to kill primarily his own units and he will mop up blue and blue just doesn't have the numbers here right so i'm curious if blue has it in him to continue to play or blue is just gonna you know resign now because before blue is sitting behind his walls which might work on arabia actually but on gold rush you really need to have the middle now you start to see these villagers go down and all right great micro here from blue as he's going to micro down the hussars he only needs about 100 more villagers and he can kill one all right runs away on they go back to gold all right back to work the enemy's gone you don't get you don't get any personal days you don't get any sick days you don't get you don't even get to take some time off after a hustler killed one of your fellow employees you are right back to work what a tough life oh man and red probably feeling some confidence now it looks like ballistics is bugged on our screens but that's clearly in and um yeah i mean this is the moment we've all been waiting for finally red has trebuchets he's got two now and blue's trip blue strip gets a direct hit already don't tell me is he going to trip the enemy trip is that what's happening here i can't tell what he's aiming for oh please don't tell me he clicked the wall again oh please don't okay if the treb goes down he's gonna click the wall right okay he won the trevor he's clicked the wall oh no oh no not again not again okay the auditors can't get in close enough which is a good thing and wait has he clicked the amateurs elsewhere well not really well sort of i mean it's getting better guys he's learning oh god uh i guess this is why you make a lot of units oh man friendly fire and now he's going back oh no he's just clicked another wall oh no well again thankfully there's range units blacking up blocking the average so he's gonna make it through look at the overall kd again and try and make sense of that and the hustlers are in now as red continues to honor some of his own units there are trebuchets here now and that will take out the castles and i think for blue this might be his last stand depending on how red does or does not micro this i'm not sure if you can really as he clicks the tree i'm not sure if you can really consider this micro it's just you know you just put the units there and hope for the best all right click the farm now with the onager priorities all right good good good but it's 75 military verse 4. you know what it is red just wants to lead in every statistic in this game he wants to well now he's red red red you don't this is not how you take out castles red oh everything's gonna go down i mean good he did everything else right it's just when he tries to attack walls and castles he just does not you know what it is he doesn't have patience some of us have patience and we can sit back for red he just wants to kill everything as fast as possible all right while this castle's still going to go down for blue blue has freddy or jeffrey or whatever his name was in the tc again i don't know why he always has one villager inside the tc um here he comes now with some pikemen and skirmishers to take out the trebs and red again just don't make onagers and you're good here what a unique player i almost want to see more from red but i'm also a little terrified i don't know if i could take more than just one of his games on any given day uh oops i have the wrong one here i wanted to do this thank you wonderful yeah i have to speak to the capture age team there's been some weird lags in late game which didn't happen during hidden cups so i mean i guess it's good it didn't happen during hidden cup but still would prefer not happen now okay and we're just pretty much waiting for blue to give it up now guys i once saw um i forget who it was but anyways i saw a low elo player playing age on twitch once and they didn't know how to resign they didn't know that you have to go to the menu and click resign it wasn't clear to them so they just kind of sat there and waited till the enemy killed everything because they didn't know how to leave the game and so i'm kind of thinking that maybe that's a common thing lower evo they don't know to go to the menu and look for that because it's not clear hmm uh stars are in now we can't see spectate it would be funny if these guys were talking to each other but uh red why are you backing up this this is a guy who's having fun all right let's look at the variety of units do we have every single possible unit in this army compton let's start with the stable units we have hussar we have cavalier and infantry we have husquarel we have um well actually we're missing some infantry units he did have pikemen earlier right i don't think he got the help upgrade maybe he had long sword before too yeah and you've got crossbow now we have oniger heavy scorpion um siege tower trebuchet monk he's making bombard cannons he's making cave archers there's a skirmisher crossbow which i think i already said the funny thing is the one thing he's missing from this this ar army composition and this is probably going to be his final final uh killer blow attack is infantry and he's goths i don't know how how pressing that is for him how important it is for him to make sure he gets that but the t90 if you have every single unit you can't be countered don't you know that of course and now i know that i've learned in this game and blue is still trying here blue is making a few harps oh man so let's talk about their elos for a second now granted when you're below a certain elo i don't think raiding really tells you too much but red is a full 100 elo below blue and they have similar amount of games you guys think it's fair to say that the way red plays is maybe suited more for gold rush he seemed to be more the aggressor and go taking risks to go to the middle maybe he does that on arabia and he leaves himself exposed i think the other thing is that maybe red's 100 elo lower because in closer games he kills all his own stuff i mean we've seen him kill how many of his own units like 100 this game the game was a little bit closer and he didn't have all the gold i could see that being an issue people are saying that red is a smurf please please we're almost to two hours man look at the variety up here hmm what is red waiting for he's pop capped now okay he is hus girls and treb's cute all right here he comes with everything now it's not easy to control such a crazy army composition and you can only group up 60 units in one uh one selection so one army one dream a little bit of everything let's go now there's still a hole in the wall wait a second oh there's palisades now oh that's cute wait why is blue making a new mill did he lose a mill actually his farm's queued up in his middle too that's unique guard tower oh it's his last stand guard tower you know how expensive it is to get guard tower when you only have 24 villagers and so many of them are idle the condo tierra is holding the line here and here comes the enemy all with two big balls two big balls of military and siege yeah with enough walls red might just kill himself so you just have to the strategy here is to just make enough stone walls for the next hour and then red will be all out of gold in the middle and then red can't make any more units thank you platinum turk for the 28 months thank you scooby and welcome in with the new sub salute to you mia thanks for 39 didn't you just reset the other day which can be weird sometimes oh red is clicked behind the walls clearly and there is still that hole there so i don't think we'll see red friendly fire here blue forgot about that gap and okay red has clicked the market now please don't tell me he clicked everything on the market look at this traffic jam this is rush hour right here this is why i like to work from home so i don't run into any huskarls on my oh oh oh god we have the wall from blue and the wall has been denied and red said whatever i'm just gonna make a new hole as he's slaughtering all of his units why do you think it's because it's just too many clicks to try and move units around properly he just is whatever i feel like if my dad doesn't play this game but i feel like red would play like my dad would it's like ah this is too many clicks for me whatever i'll just make more units why would i micro when i could just click and make more you know it's a boomer mindset these darn kids nowadays is it's too complicated i can still get the job done my way back in my day we used to kill 50 hussars not 25 it's gotten a lot better you guys don't know what it's like after my dad sounds like that at all um well don't ask me what the siege towers are doing but tell you that the trebuchets really made their mark and now that one villager's inside the tower wait a second i'm sorry to keep going back but since i can do this with capture h pro i need to find out is that the same villager that was in the tc oh no it's just another one okay anyways we'll go forward again it's fine hmm it makes me feel like he always wants a king he doesn't know he does is there's no regicide here a lot of people really like to register game mode definitely makes me feel like that is his king let's pretend it's the king let's see if the king goes down okay wait a second it was a queen that was confusing i think that might be a capture age bug um but yeah blue is still desperately creating what he can and what he can make is three pikemen and then there's villagers over here now i think it's really common at low elo as well even if they know how to resign to save every villager and drag the game out and i suppose red is just going to continue to kill his own stuff as these buildings go down right but at least now he has bomber cannons and trips because that will take the buildings out and the auditors will kill so many of his own units oh god blue is escaping blue is making a run for it boys let's go now i don't want to encourage this behavior you know at all levels but i think it's fair to say when you're a noob of all noobs as he's gonna go for a counter attack he found the enemy's eco after one hour and 46 minutes and he is going for it is he gonna make skirms here but anyways what type of one in chat if there was a point in your age of empire's career if you could call it that where you would always hide your the last units and this was part of the fun for you um i okay gotta make sure you have houses i definitely had times where i would do that not so much online because when i played online i had a bit more experience there oh wow you're kidding me red had a hustler down here earlier he used the hussar to protect his dock and he actually spotted the villagers that went down here and the market okay we have the skirmisher attack he can take gold he's still in this he can finally take gold and it's not in the middle forget about that he's actually taking the gold at red's base because red refused to take any of the gold at home this is red safe gold this is like his stash of sweets that he only breaks out every once in a while and that would i mean that would tick me off if i was red get off my lawn kid these villagers are still chopping trees wait a second is red taking out all the walls no wonder he's not doing anything else he wants to this is scorched earth right here he wants to take out every speck of blue on the map all right well he doesn't have enough food to make any infantry or make any other units that would make sense let's see how long it takes red to react to this attack now i'm here forever send help sub for hidden cup three and now i'm here forever send help mr gerry i'm glad you're addicted just like i am thank you for the year well one down and 87 more to go red red is trying to take out the walls oh town bell okay red noticed his reaction time of a god he notices and now will blue notice now blue has a lot more to focus on with 15 pop he could be distracted by the gold villagers the lumber villagers his walls getting destroyed a lot more complicated to react here and it does seem like he's distracted with his booming economy and um has lost his skirms now and he's now down to 11 pop meanwhile red is still thinking let's take out all the walls um and i really don't want to sit here watching him destroy walls for the next hour red just send some hussars send something over here i guess he just doesn't know he doesn't see this yeah i can fast forward but that ruins the everyone's my immersion don't worry i have a good threshold for it if he genuinely sits here destroying walls for the next couple of minutes then i'll move on but i think he's going to move out here you go anything clever so i'll use this opportunity for all those powerful viewers t90 salute just because i fast forward and rewind every now and then for specific situations doesn't mean that as i'm here trying to put in my best effort to cast and entertain that you guys are suddenly get spoiled with that feature and get to just go oh just fast forward man just fast forward uh just do this go backwards go chat i love you to death but if you want to have full control on the speed and where we look at games then load up the game yourself it's available all right and capture h pro is available too i want to experience red's experience here and see what he's able to achieve and he's found it and blue is blue is not happy about this but blue is going to lose these villagers and still no reaction over here as we do have some marvelous now like you have to trust me as well i'm not going to sit here if red wasn't going out to attack the villagers then obviously i would uh i would speed up for you not trying to be a jerk about it but fish louise man so you guys are the ones who uh show up my youtube analytics is the people who skip ahead to the end of games there's some pretty clear examples man when i look at the analytics like people will get to about 10 minutes in and then skip to the last five like okay who's gonna win this oh yeah i knew they were gonna win that i definitely knew they're gonna win that you know but don't worry the market's gonna go down here um the walls are as well this is some real multitasking and then the only thing that will be keeping blue alive is this and i think that's something that red is yet oh yeah oh yeah red noticed it i think he had sent a hand cannon here and it died yep he was looking all over now you could actually research spies with this much gold and it would show you everything the enemy has i like how blue made a mill so that villager could collect the shore fish which is rather funny because the player who has made zero docks has now collected more shore fish than the enemy who made four docks he just skipped the shore fish in every single dock the fun little stat all right so auditors have killed a lot in this game both red and blue units and the villager don't tell me he's gonna make a freaking run for it i wish we could do mission impossible music or is he gonna hide it in the trees the best hiding spot would definitely be in the trees all right here come the arbor arboles and skirmishers here to defend and that's not gonna work out too well in fact i don't know are they gonna attack nope okay buildings will go down over here houses don't keep you in games it's any building that can create stuff so market would actually work but the market's now gone he doesn't even have the resources to make anything out of the barracks so that will be gone too and now this is what this is blue's experience over the last couple minutes here that's all we'll do this is what we like to call on my stream high quality content can only find this content on this stream right it's what sets me apart from the rest of the content creators out there i've worked many years to get to this point very happy to be able to deliver it says he's a lumberjack so i don't know if he clicked a tree somewhere there he goes through the enemy town oh he's got a wheelbarrow though that's a pretty nice wheelbarrow okay all right he's looking to move at this point he wants to relocate he doesn't like the weather in the south it's too hot and sticky he wants to move up north all right keeps going around tell me red's chasing this are we just gonna oh my goodness there's a monk over there [Music] oh now you can't actually do anything with this villager he's walked over enemy lumber cam foundation i guess as he's gonna run towards the left corner so he can stay alive red is now going to take red well red might not know actually he might think that you have to destroy all the houses he also might not know spy's the thing has he got spies yet oh no he didn't research lumber camp how did he afford that didn't he have 75 wood wait a second rewind let's go backwards because all the people that's whatever what everyone wants for me how did he get a hundred wood oh he had a hundred wood all right fine it's fine all right we'll go forward again well now i'm actually okay with fast forwarding a little bit because if red's never gonna i i could foresee red going for all the freaking houses at this point and all the walls he might not know the villagers there yeah guys it it looks like for a time it was 75. oh someone said he deleted the house he was making that makes sense he might have had a house foundation down that would make sense here do you want me to rewind let's rewind and find that house all right let's go back no i'm kidding i'm kidding guys i can't fast forward anymore because we're actually at live time in game i can't go any faster this game has been live and we were behind but we're actually caught up to the actual time they're at right now and blue is is back in this game i just wish there was chat now this is again i don't want to encourage you out there unless you're playing against your brother or something if your brother who cares but i don't encourage people to actually do what blue's doing here because this is briefing at this point and if everyone did this it would be kind of a problem at the same time though red could just research spies and he'd be able to see it he probably doesn't know spies as a tech though um but yeah at this point the only blue he can see are the walls so he might think is actually i think that that foundation was gone there i think maybe blue deleted that is there stone available okay blue why are you making houses that's what i want to know you have one villager why do you need two houses you have like a summer home and a winter home i mean i don't understand how you're ever going to need that population space you can build a market that's true save for a market and then you won't have any resources to sell or buy i must be so confused right now i killed everything this is where he should start to look for the corners and logically he should go to the left corner right oh you know his lumberjacks might do it for him here in a second okay here he goes this force he's got a horse down here in the south okay i can't go any faster but let's talk about the youtube title for a second because i think this one needs to go to youtube what do you think about friendly fire just friendly fire armies or something along those lines because while this game wasn't the most competitive red killed so many of his own units he's absolutely it's just a slaughter man are there really 5 300 people watching this there are because it's quality content man it's it's rare unique and quality okay again red where are you looking here okay so maybe he thinks he hasn't scouted this yet okay he look here this is the scouting party i don't know why you'd want to have a a slow hand cannon behind your horse but that works so he's cleared out the east he knows the east is his he knows the north is his so it's got to be south of the west as we see [Laughter] how much time does blue have it's a tuesday don't you have to take out the trash or like go do some work or something dude he is so ready to continue this game oh my word the content i and red it's gotta be so confused he still can't see him over here to make it more confusing he actually scouted that earlier oh he got spies okay he just got spies whoo there we go all right so he got spies and let's see does he send in his whole killing squad to take out the villager or is he just gonna send one to the moment this village created and follow him for all of his awesome journey oh venevero thank you for the five dollar donation you want me to rewind and follow and find the moment this bill was created sure yeah i mean you know you're supporting the stream it'd be rude of me not to do that okay looks like the game will end here except that hand cannon is hardly no he clicked the house sorry gta oh that's why blue built the houses because red always kills his own stuff and red has to click houses and buildings that's why ah it's all making sense that's his win condition the more buildings you're able to make the more likely it is that red would accidentally kill his own units he's a genius all right just happily chopping the trees here i think though in blue's eyes in this situation he wants to kill all the buildings before he kills the villager i think that's the most satisfying ending here but i think his units might automatically attack the villagers so it might ruin it yep villager's going to go down here and this will be the end the 240 elo player who just loves to kill even if it's his own units wins the game what a ridiculous game that was now i mean i guess you can see it reflected pretty clearly here on the timeline and also the resources collected red just made more economy i wasn't expecting to start off the day with a with a um game that was that was that low and for those on youtube we do low elo legends on tuesdays here on twitch um but that was a treat man if i ever have the time i think i'll go into uh alexander's profile and just see how he has played other games because i think gold rush might suit him in fact do you guys want to look at his profile real quick we can do that maybe before it gets cut off and it's the end of the youtube video you can see the amount of buildings he made the amount of units he made uh army high hit 382 total military units in that game he just was he was better off in every single stat here lou was far too passive let's look okay so we've got alexander okay so here you go look at the profile all right from brazil whoa all right two hours ago played that game but also played four before ai hard that's epic on amazon tunnel nice okay here alexander lost an arena to a 400 elo player i suppose that makes sense i guess when you're 200 some elo you don't face up against a lot of people that are at your elo rick james here with nine wins 28 losses and 500 elo got to win there on four legs 2v2 noobs two noobs 3v3 black forest okay 2v2 australia says he's brazilian he's a liar okay so it looks as though alexander picks some sieves and sticks with them though because we've got saracen saracens but it's not necessarily an all in goths player just one for goths in that one cool stuff well guys that was a treat
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 124,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, aoe, aoe2, aoe2de, Haha, WTF, Crazy, mango, mangonel, onager, catapult, SO, low, elo, legend, legends, LEL, lowelolegends, friend, friendly, fire, ff, friendly fire, whoops, age of empires, aoe4
Id: 40jMXuc3vQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 19sec (4879 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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