No Economy vs No Blacksmith... This game KILLED me!

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this is bleeped out they censored it man oh except for right there ways it's gonna be censored it that is so funny dude oh wait just my okay this this is a rather interesting start so this is a low e low Legends game 1v1 on Arabia we're just hopping in live we saw the game was on going on a v2 net where it said that cone Java cone a Joe virus which I assume that someone told me is Spanish for rabbit something and kovat 20 was playing so I thought it was pretty crazy how in a ranked game oh my god it's the Great Plague Cup okay ducks the savior must be working on the scoreboard right now the great plague Cup best of 69 cones Oh viruses here in the red playing as the Malians and then any blue we have bleep according to in game because I'm apparently not responsible enough to make my own decisions on what I read yeah so that's bleeped out because of the game but thankfully my casting overlay actually shows the proper details be as funny to me how they censored the name in the lobby and they censored the name in game but in the load screen it didn't censor the name is not the best sensor so kovin 20 against Kondo virus the Battle of the viruses okay well one thing I've always been proud of is that in awkward times or rough times in life I'm always be able to take life not too seriously so that's what we're trying here except for the Sheep oh boy I was just talking about the names okay so that's I believe three sheep that blue is eating at the same at the same time and the problem there is there's a lot of decay wait what's going on a red space what the Oh No he tried to scout with sheep like the pros do but he forgot to bring one home I just saw he had his whole eco Idol well prop see you he's building a lumber camp you'll never learn if you don't try okay there we go all right he's got it I believe but yeah it's not ideal to be taking multiple sheep with the same builders byzantines first Malians all right unlike you I'm like Arabia open Maps perfect scouting for blue he's setting waypoints ever holy wit what the waypoints everywhere okay all over the map so he'll find stuff eventually however guys this is really bad scouting you've got a scout the dark areas that are close to you so try and make a full circle just shaving off the edges of the fog of war now I got fortunate here he's finding the goats you should come back around here you take this area you see there's a boar he hasn't scouted there's goats he hasn't scouted but he's going forward the fast male straggler tree approach now deep down inside you're thinking this is hilarious because I know it bothers t90 but I've turned a new leaf alright I'm untouchable now I am untouchable this does not bother me at all I like it when villagers walk long distances to chop trees it's not efficient but it's more it's more fulfilling you know really that's what it's not how much wood you have at the end of the day it's how you feel about the wood that you bring in so it's fine that that said for no particular reason I really do like opening from konjo virus here it just looks better but again for no particular reason better build order - but saying that he's had more concerns keeping villes producing at all times what's his scouting look like whoops okay he found his ostrich now I really do like the fact that blue is taking the ostrich I feel like too few low Ehlo players will take the ostriches also that is pretty convenient that the ostrich are next to the mill with the berries don't take the goats there okay we're going to take the goats there next perfect alright can't see is bored no problem bore here I'm not sure if he's gonna take I feel like he's gonna build one more house here he really should build a lumber camp but I think symmetry is really important to this player now remember Kobe 20 probably really hard to predict so this is this might just be some social distance oh my goodness ah oh oh all right no it doesn't bother me it doesn't bother me it's not a big deal all right he's shopping he's gonna chop the trees now good perfect all right chop the trees great you don't need to build it up against the wood line it's not important mmm not important how's it scouting doing well he was you agley points earlier and he forgot about it now so it's fine that lumber camp sir he obviously put a lot of focus into the lumber camp placement so I would say going autoscout here as long as you're done scouting your base I guess mentally he already is autoscout would be a good suggestion if you really want to learn I would I would say you practice doing yourself which is doing cool 18 villages for him 16 Freret so despite Reds builder looking prettier he is struggling to keep the bills pumping outs now did he lure any boars he didn't they didn't build a mill here which I would suggest especially with Malians opt ninety farm gotta leave the gaps in between the farms boys and girls got more walking distance just like we saw over a blues base man this is a great low evil legend game because they they have the same weaknesses in different ways or or they are similarly noob I guess you could say no boars red really all right lose on the way to fuel age he's going for the mega strong mega no bore attack okay just pulled this villager from here to go somewhere actually this villager was a forager what's happening wait now okay thought twice about it so basically that village is interviewed for two different jobs and he couldn't decide one was closer to home one paid more who decisions okay all right I actually I need to look somewhere else at the moment this blue have a barracks he does not he also has not collected more red don't shoot the board a whole man you are a madman oh he is no loom he is one villager underneath his TC so I don't know what who he's bringing this to blue just scouted right past it who's gonna kill this thing yo that's next level he blocked the board with the back villager he didn't take a hit Wow well hats off to you sir that was impressive alright so they will arrive in fuel H first thing that blue did is you got the lumber camp Tech that's a good move I would suggest getting horse-collar before building farms I can tell that in his mind he is enough on food right now and he's gonna be very reactionary and build a bunch of farms right when this Bush finishes no real builders so you don't plan ahead with one or two farms it's just boom everything at once I hope he gets four scholars to his farms of 250 food instead of a hundred and seventy five group oh boy okay we're gonna build the you know oh I got it filled the farms around the mill the villagers might not be protected from any attack but if you ring the town build and your whole eco isn't idle okay I would suggest building farms around the town center because then they're safer but this does look very pretty no horse collar wheelbarrows good for efficiency that's fine poor red he does not have the lumber tech he also does not have the farm tech and it's no wheel barrow yet if you're wondering when you're supposed to get wheel it really depends in high level games you're normally getting it around anywhere from 27 to 33 villagers but at this level I just suggest getting your text because every little bit helps okay so if if I was the type of caster to get frustrated I would say that building 10 farms 60 would a farm and then researchers researching horse-collar afterwards would bother me because he could have hundreds more food if you would have waited till after horsecar but he got horse collar after the fact and I'm not the type of person to get frustrated by this itty-bitty mistakes fortunately I wasn't in the past cool alright so in general he has the right idea is creating more villagers this is where straggler trees are very helpful so you send them to the the straggler tree so they chop wood while you're waiting to give them a farm to go to Red's farms they're not the most efficient and he doesn't have horse collar or bit axe but man are they straight okay they are really straight building an archery range now and funny enough he has way more resources in bank it's crazy but Blue has invested food into eco upgrades right and all three big important eco upgrades has gotten so blue is definitely better off despite that however deceiving that maybe our red might still get to Castle age faster that's the thing with the fast castle you don't get eco upgrades but you could pack a punch real early in Castle age because sharkman says I love t-90s comments also and I laugh at the players but secretly I do half of this [ __ ] as well yeah can we please get I want people to acknowledge that who might watch this on YouTube more casually can we please type a 1 in the chat if you laugh at some mistakes that these guys make but also realize you do the same stuff yourself this is some this is actually why players chop straggler trees because I think a large reason that people chopped straggler trees early is so their farms don't look like this but this here right you could chop it and then build the farm there just just give it one chop and boom farm but he might not know that all right now I think he's looking for his second building so he can go to castle age has the range we'll need a stable blacksmith market anyone will do splendid 7:176 says I never make mistakes ever uh-huh [Music] [Laughter] ok so notice how blues resources are rising his base is definitely more random which I guess is how competitor house wall I thought it was random but I just could not comprehend what he was going for all right well then I would suggest a new lumber camp I would suggest two buildings and then I'd suggest going to Castle age I'd also suggest using Auto Scout it doesn't I feel like Kovac 20 is a player who played this game a lot in the past does anyone else get that vibe I feel like honcho might be new like newer I don't know if he played as much in the past I feel like blue probably played this game before Auto Scout existed che 93 paying attention to the mini-map as all players and casters and viewers on Twitch to do he says red has a full reveal those are actually goes good eye but I did spot that as a caster it's really it really annoys me when there's like red dots that don't mean anything in the opponent's base palisade walls sometimes the same thing like this Scout I keep looking back at this because I noticed that I'm gonna team up their spies the other spies oh boy well we have Co vid 20 against konjo virus and so far everything has spread rather slowly right so if we're comparing these two a virus has not been too rapid yet but you never know with Byzantines and hopefully everyone stays safe out there what's the plan from red no eco upgrades still if you click up to the next stage you should probably get eco upgrades oh he does he have auto farm don't tell me you bought a farm no water farm no the the really bad thing about having auto farm is that oh wow we have an attack well we had an attack the bad thing about auto farm is that if you don't get your farm up raids and you leave auto farm on you might never realize as a weak player that you are investing so much more into wood than you should be any amount of food in return you're getting on those farms oh it's cotton a whole cotton a whole virus like that Yash I should have picked that up sorry it's not cool Joe such such an American please listen I only did I get it cone a cone a hole right yeah look at the Micro but look at this look at this he wants to go for the doink man he knows it's a week Billy knows it's a man which one look at all blue is blues paying attention to oh he's trying to reposition the bills oh my goodness there it is he's weak on the right side can he get it oh sorry I only pass Spanish thoughts because my buddy was from Guatemala and I cheated on homework Oh Oh like first kill of the game let's go Conejo beautiful now did he create villagers at home nope it's it's just so funny how oh wait he goes in again no there's no way he gets that one right nope that was a perfect example of this right here he got the highlight I will give him that but in that three minutes he wasn't creating villagers at home so if you would have spent that time creating like four villagers at home he'd actually be better off in the bill difference but it's 34 to 34 okay still no eco upgrades he's getting thumb ring for oh he has military ye of little faith or me of little faith I did not think he would actually have that all right blues Byzantines and if that tells me anything about him it's that he loves options you know those players who make a little bit of everything because they want to have all their bases covered yeah that's what Byzantine players tend to do that's what Byzantines are good at so he has two stables three barracks and then we'll soon have three archery ranges Wow and he's making camels he's also making Spears did he make all those Spears and now 10 camels because he saw a scallop like I kind of feel like because he saw that single Scout he is now making all the Scout counters which is kind of a worrying sign considering red is going archers it's because of the discount well I mean but Byzantines also gonna discount on skirmishers - he didn't make a single skirmisher right he's not expecting archers okay okay I mean Malians can do anything so it's kind of hard to know what's coming but alright they are cheaper it's a good point chat good point I also just saw that Conejo virus just researched for scholar no Castle Age eco upgrades for either player still lacking fuel age eco upgrades red 41 to 37 new town centre for blue new lumber camp okay you know what it's it's way better we'll leave it at that and it's getting better every time I all I ask for is a little bit of improvement each time can they can they balance to TCS at the same time I'm gonna check red is okay and he still has this army just sitting here just chillin but I think it's really hard to them to attack at the same time as boom so what artisan crossbow and husbandry yeah Blue's gonna get all the texts he is going to get everything he'll probably get elite skirmisher when he can afford it now my tip to you would be send a single unit forward and just see what your opponent's up to like maybe I don't know the starting scalp blue forgot about this man this job has been sitting here I guess red can't see it but it's been sitting here for a long time he could see the town centre and everything but you know just send it around even if you lose it just know you'll know what buildings they have what I would suggest let's see you really struggle with multitasking queue up 10 bills out of each TC and then just send you don't have to look back to your base just send the scout in and pay attention to what he's making whoa whoa whoa guys crossbows vodka narrow leather Archer armor full armor no ballistics but as close as it gets to having full upgrades blue is getting his eco upgrades now he is pikemen he has some of zone Carl's posting his camels but he does not have upgrades on any unit he built this brilliant house wall here which happens to have about 16 and a half holes so that could be a huge problem for his economy fortunately he does get free town patrolled byzantines so he can see this coming pretty far away or free town watch sorry and red Oh micro God let's go micro God right back at you okay so Cove in 20 please the farms he has twice the amount of military how much will upgrades matter here quite a bit red sees that Reds probably freaking out because he doesn't know enough to click to see the upgrades he's probably gonna lose these crossbows but you could turn around then at least get good value from them yeah so pure numbers with the cheap units working there for blue now what's Reds reaction gonna be do this you see how red benefits and from this he at least knows what blue is making he has economy so he'd say okay I'm gonna make pikemen now and so he's gonna make pikemen I have no clue why blue is getting mad at arms after seeing archers probably because he wants options but CAV archers and pikemen is quite a good composition it can struggle against full lead skirmishers keep in mind or even full range from Byzantines in general but keep in mind that Malian pikemen do extra pierce armor per age so they'll hold their own a little bit more and if you have pikemen CAV Archer I do think red has the better military 55 villagers for red 54 blue but what's the big difference in their economies it's the Eco upgrades such a simple thing it's like if I wanted to go ultra clickbait and be like hey we've players can improve their gameplay with these simple tricks and that I have like Billy Mays or I don't know whoever you would associate with those types of videos no I got to do like to to do the video but anyways if I were to to do that I would say go for eco upgrades because it's you have the same number of villagers they're just working so much more efficiently for you yeah I don't hate the castle position per read it's in the front of his base next to stone and Gold's oh my god red spot of the scalp he's gonna attack the scout the scouts gonna attack him he doesn't have looms so he's gonna lose the villager and now now blue remembers he has the scout and now blue is like hey what's up forgot about this guy what do you have over here oh my god that's hilarious okay so now he sees the castle oh what a mistake now he knows everything about everything but he knows so much more and you gotta kill you always prioritize the wood upgrade first in each age horse collar I would say get before you builds quite a few farms in feudal age I mean it depends unfortunately the answer is it depends but in general get your wooden farm upgrades when you're entering each age definitely in feudal age with the farms and then Castle age you can delay the the farm upgrade a bit like for these players like Red's had the resources this whole time right it does it does kaiju depend I don't want to say I can't give a general advice and one or I can't give a specific advice and one to get it every time because it's strap dependent and game dependent but if you're new just get them get the wood and food upgrades like you I have to give advice on what's realistic or like for your average player and for your average player streamlining the exact time and build is probably not possible so I say sooner rather than later based on what I've seen this is based on watching hundreds of mid to low level games conscription ASAP and imp as well yep conscription ASAP and imp of course only if you don't need to go into an immediate red board ok blue is on the way to the imperial age making taking advantage of the cheap Byzantine Imperial aged and red is going to go for a big passage attack as far as I can see these cabbages don't translate that well into the other stages of this game ok murder holes very important you get that there was a scout around this castle earlier so you need to make sure in case that scout shows up again that there's no minimum range on the castle so murder holes but yeah Malians don't get bracer so any Imperial age these cab archers are not that impressive actually they're really bad in ballistics though do I have a depends emote I usually take a shot whenever you say that but I can't anymore oh god I'm surprised you're still alive man yeah we have a depends emote and in 40 years when my channel is going downhill and you guys are all maybe 50 years you guys are all starting to fit into adult diapers we will have a T 90 depends promo code and you can use that promo code to get discounts that will be my business plan all right so here come the CAV archers this is the way they went last time now there's a castle here so we avoids the castle and now red might I think that's really going to discourage red who doesn't have any blacksmith upgrades but but red has all the blacksmith upgrades red doesn't have many eco upgrades blue has all the eco upgrades this the title of this YouTube video will be military upgrades verse eco upgrades [Music] red will slaughter blues units with these Cowboys he is lacking blood life which is pretty big here but he will take such a good and effective trait keep in mind blue just entered the Imperial age yeah I would prefer the cab archers hit-and-run so here you go take the hill and just just hit my friend hit hit micro oh what a what a god three and a half thousand gold by the way I'm aliens do get that gold mining upgrade for free that helps maybe that's why he picked Malians and he saved with free eco upgrades let's go big Frank's next oh this this is so painful for blue what did he go to the imperial age to gain oh boy no he can solve this problem because he has solid eco and he has solid resources she just needs he doesn't have a blacksmith he doesn't even own one I thought he had it and just forgot it existed but he doesn't even have a blacksmith well the Town Center's doing work here red red red red okay he's out here he's out here okay you just noticed yeah I assumed guy knows to get his eco upgrades and boom I mean you assume certain things doesn't matter guys the units are cheap all right so red does have more villagers I would argue that the economies are just as efficient though it's 70 for villagers against 59 but the fact that red doesn't have most of his eco upgrades is pretty bad and I think it was wrong about auto farm unless he removed it because they're not automatically receiving their I don't hate auto farm I just think you need to be very you need to pay attention to well what happened with that line what did the line get a kill there what you you need to pay attention to how things are going economically let's get some woo boosts in the chat it killed something wow I'm such a noob caster sorry I pay attention to more important things like far [Laughter] well the lion must have built a blacksmith and got an upgrade my god they are blessed without even like he's giving look logística figure out will that help him figure out the logistics of his build order and then he'll build a blacksmith just because the word logistic is in there or logic is somewhat mixed in will that mean that he will realize he doesn't have a blacksmith I'm hoping because that's a pretty specific tech that technology I'll actually bring it up for you here that technology gives cataphracts trample damage the issue is if they don't have upgrades they're not gonna be alive by the time they get in there to trample I can tell you that much TIG we is the unique tech for Malians and the TCS now fire arrows when you sail by them I mean I love the cataphracts I love I love those units but now what's funny is fred is he is getting upgrades but he doesn't have a lot of upgrades available from aliens with what he's going for so the CAV archers like first off I think he really needs blood lines at this table that would give cab archers that would take him from 50 to 70 HP husband tree also increases the speed their VA doesn't get bracers so he could get chemistry at the university he has the University so I would go for that normally you're seeing champions cavalier like have Gepetto not normally seeing a lot of cattle archers nice play from red to heal up those CA the guy I love the castle spots from blue okay he's building a university so he knows about a university tell me he's going to get ballistics for archers or something actually I have a feeling he's waiting for a certain murder technology what's the first tech gonna be with the university I forget what it costs wait for it wait for it doesn't it cost some food and stone or something the food in would wait for it's okay he's busy right now making cataracts with no upgrades now also I should point out that elite cataphracts are there's a huge huge difference between right your cat effect and leave some units you can get by with just having regular like manga die for example cast likes manga and I are pretty decent even though there is spike from mega die to elite manga die that's significant regular cat effects are just bad 9 attack very little armor he's on his golds now I like how earlier the only thing that got his Scout to move and scout the enemy was it getting attacked and I guess he was just trying to run back home with his unit he wasn't really trying to scout well regular unupgraded cat effects are not that good vers infantry they only have to melee armor and 110 HP they're pretty they're pretty trash but I guess bonuses and all that all that yada yada good stuff but yeah we're not seeing any infantry from or like champions I guess from red 53 minutes a hundred and twenty population for both this has all the criteria of a youtube upload it is the great plague cup first off second we have one person who's getting blacksmith text via the person who's not getting blacksmith picks other person doesn't even have a freaking blacksmith I'm not even sure the purpose of the University because he hasn't used it yet then the other guy is getting his eco upgrades he even got gold shaft mining a moment ago ironic that the person who got the eco technologies in this game also built the worst lumber camps 4000 gold thread whoever dies in this game is gonna die with a whole lot of resources I could just feel it these up these units have not been upgraded at all Oh chemistry okay that will help his range students he got heavy camel he has plus two defense he's gonna need okay heavy calves Archer that helps a little bit yeah I feel like bloodlines is a tech did it take you guys a little bit if your experience did take you a while to get used to bloodlines I can see that it's in the stable but it also affects calves archers the same with husbandry you get you get twenty extra HP on the camels and the calves archers and then husband G gives you more speed now two-handed swords in for blue weight he cancelled it he's getting halibut here first smart does he has pikes funny thing is on upgraded Byzantine units and this number verse the crappy Malian units cuz he's not really making the right things right here could work oh [Music] boy guys I wanna vote on who you guys want to win here I'm very torn I feel like red is more aggro also Conejo Conejo it's really fun to say so I'm kind of leaning towards red but I don't know who you guys are rooting for so some people say red some people say blue but blue he got his eco technologies which makes me really happy he's getting ballistics now that's very important he also chose byzantines which is pretty awesome are you rooting for the virus people Wow people were rooting for another co vid you guys are the worst okay alright so I gave him credit for getting black Smith upgrades I'm giving him a lot of credit for it because blue has zero he's still lacking quite a few important ones but he knows the castle's there okay let's let's see how blue reacts to this this is blues point-of-view he can see the trebs attack noise time to get scared immediate reaction sent into cataphracts send in the house send in the are blessed send it all the enemy is on the hill we have a Byzantine castle more HP they have logística let's see how they can do running in after the CAV archers that don't have bracer it's actually tipping up Kay oh my god oh my god they actually did okay okay well the castle go down though I think it needs one more volley after this if it fires castle will go down watch that crumble beautiful Nevin to be careful not to have units around when that happens otherwise they'll get smashed no game of thrones spoilers here stay I say spoilers I meant spoilers sorry ok so 55 military verse 50 I wonder if Fred will be happy with that or upset with that what red probably should make well its blacksmith upgrades and he really likes to build he really likes to block up the choke points with his military buildings but um it's not gonna be easy oh wow that's this we're blue really lensses castles apparently it's not gonna be easy to break this variety of units I'd really like to see siege against it actually on adjured would be quite nice marimbo gives those camels a lot of attack had he brought the camels and previously the flight would have been a lot better play blue got an upgrade what upgrade did you get what up oh he got fletching wait no that's chemistry he didn't get an upgrade did he hey red ones to Castle that Hill which is an amazing Castle it's a castle high level players were built to lock down the golds there's a villager in blues army oh there is a villager blues army okay so it's blues turn for a counter-attack and he has traps only the castle for the Malian player will not last as long as the Byzantine player so I feel like with fort Rebs I love how he's not trickle trouble with fort Rebs that castle will certainly go down and this castle will be denied on atures on the way however there's no auditors out for Conejo and Conejo is about to come in I mean I've never seen these units fight before especially with you lack or no lack of upgrades but red should own this wretched coldness where are the cataracts is gone red flight plates fight okay he was too cute there I think you just commit to the fight so you clean maybe lost a few too many candles there but yeah he just mops it up and now it's his turn to push back now this is actually hilarious because he's gonna arrive he's like it's counter-attack time we probably took out that castle [Laughter] wait for it what I just destroyed that thing how was it there I just destroyed it what you probably I bet you he didn't even look at his army rent run away that was in the exact same spot red no he didn't know he didn't know was there he just wanted to sit there and now he's got to be thinking I I could have sworn look at my off mic what what's happening here my off my rocker so now I needs to make more traps he's sending more villagers to build this castle that's just too good man it's just too good now do you think blue like you take that fight you have a large mix of Byzantine units you know how strong those units should be do you think that he's questioning himself now do you think he he ever stopped to think hmm can I make them stronger like I would like to believe so but I'm not seeing any changes here ah but those resources to with Byzantines I props to red he's really spending his resource as well props to him for doing that Chico Chico such a great game here two relics for both about to be three for read he's gonna take that hill no sense of urgency because he's a confident cookie ten thousand wood yeah you guys are just jealous get out of here ten thousand wood that's that's just four more buildings and even saves wood - because Malian buildings are cheaper alright I like it I like it I don't like the fact I think honestly I know blue has less villagers right now but he you could say that he's straight-up gonna lose this game because of no blacksmith tax and if I don't know I don't I just don't know what to think right now oh boy especially cuz logistic is not cheap how much does logistic a cost oops I think it's eight hundred eight hundred or something ridiculous he can at least get heavy camel and and we cataphract as well logística is a thousand food 600 gold so to get that technology and to not get elite and to not get blacksmith upgrades man I check the market prices now I'm not gonna check the market prices sorry I just it's not I can tell when they sell right and it's not something I really expect now that the guys at eleven thousand would such a close game red will have the hill is he waiting for more trebs I don't know what he's really waiting for right now blue is building another Castle here so he's making it really hard for whoa he's getting heavy camel yo improvement heavy camel will that make him start to think about other upgrades I don't simplex myth anywhere oh boy there's another gold over here by the way did red see that oh wait red mark it he just built that he might start selling and he does see that gold alright wait he no he just bought stone didn't he did he just buy that stone what happens how does he get 1100 stone did he have that before I don't know you guys probably would know if he what did they go afk did they forget is it trash night do they have to take the trash out are they are they teenagers is their mom like I told you to do the dishes before you played sorry mom and then he just masses the hill like okay there we go he's selling wood what what happened here another Castle now for blue yeah so he sold a bunch of wood what's he spending right now camels and calve archers and trebs hopefully traps and Auditor now I think he forgot about that he researched on adjourned forgot I think blue unless blue gets blacksmith upgrades I think he dies to this or if he raids if he were to raid red Red's really exposed and red might freak out and send everything back home but I hope he realizes okay he's just built a market so he might want to try and sell maybe he doesn't know about the black spit I mean at this point who even knows okay all right for trebs he actually how did he find oh his scowl died to the castle he sees the traps from red now now he has to react a hundred military against 100 military not fully upgraded from red but certainly more upgraded and with the hill red patrol and my friends patrol in bring it all the town bring it all the town let's go melee in front CAV archers behind see the cataphracts just oh no they didn't die the back here there's more no don't no don't attack the treads don't it I can't look I'm looking at chat let me know when it's over I can't look I cannot look at it is it done oh my god ah okay so I'm gonna explain what happened there this game is not over because the production remember blew his units are weak I'm gonna explain what what happened red freaked out and he solved the siege and he thought I need to target the siege because I don't want to lose my castle would he have kept his castle off likely if he just kept the Patrol going kept the attack stance and took out the army first see he's doing the same thing he's targeting the trap huge mistake instead the logic needs to be if I kill the army I'm gonna get the trebs anyways wow that that was so unbelievably painful but red will take out the trebs blue still doesn't have a blacksmith Willie will lose these tribes as I just said and I guess blue will have to make em more units himself so there's actually another example I can give you it's a less extreme example with that situation how many people here if they go archers and they get into someone's base let's say you have ten crossbows and your opponent sends four scams at you but you're next to a bunch of villagers a lot of you out there not saying names would probably say oval kills are good and kill villagers but then lose all your crossbows the play instead is to kill those four skirmishers because you have more numbers and then after the skirmishers were dead the villagers are still there anyways and then you're still in that position of strength elite Gepetto is he gonna switch it up okay but yeah that is um it was a horrible example but it's a lesson that I think a lot of people can learn jeez this game is going on for a long time one hour in 17 minutes no wheelbarrow and no double bit X double ved X is the castle age would upgrade none of it didn't need it and then no wheelbarrow or hands part for red and then no blacksmith for blue and what's stupid is the the weaknesses cancel each other out now if you're ten crossbows verse 20 screams you kill the bills because you know Expos are already dead right exactly exactly I mean it kind of depends if you can think you can get out of there and keep him alive then you know maybe it's better to have ten more crossbows in the next night but in general yes I'm just wondering if blue is ever gonna build one Oh red was like I'm running out of gold I need gold boom Gold's so he's going over there now I just went to Gaia's line of sight by accident what's funny is Gaia had more debt just as many blacksmith upgrades as blue does sorry that was too mean these couches really are bad though they still like think about it if you get 20 extra HP on the calves archers and the camels 20 extra for each one and all the cowboys and camels he's fought with that upgrade does make such a big difference maybe he's just making the game or even because Byzantines don't get that they don't get bloodlines all right like I I respect these players so much because they they are they have so many good aspects of this game down also their user names are hilarious troll username so check and appreciate but chemistry bloodlines husband tree hey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just wave after wave after wave after wave but that's over 2000 gold right there I don't think blue can afford oh wait he's selling stuff wait did he buy did you see that our DQ okay cute our blast yeah I don't know I just I just can't you know it's it's too much for me Oh patrol in good now if you can run the camel's back and forth I'd be ideal but see how he committed to the fight and he's getting a bit of a reward for it now do you want to lose camels to help like that no but because blue doesn't have upgrades just commit to the fight commit to the fight your units without upgrades should do just as well as blues units dink I've actually never seen yeah it's working he has more so props to him for reinforcing it's the house actually that will do the most damage here because they do a lot of damage for his cab so you do need to run with me see those oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy [Music] hey he's running away now elite chebet Oh wouldn't be a bad mix in but it really beat champion here I know it sounds silly because there's cataphract South but champion would do with Malians has eight pierce armor so you have you have are blessed with seven damage output that do one damage a hit one damage a hit to the champions halberdiers would get shredded by the champions The Cataracs without upgrades also gets shredded by the champions so champions wins this game in two minutes if blue makes that or red makes that switch okay cataphract 36 is wide do these games that they are so boring what what boring if you are not captivated by the no eco upgrades verse no military upgrade battle I am I am shocked I am shocked and also your name is cataphract you should be ashamed of yourself did he split why do I always miss the highlights I missed a lion attacking the calves Archer this is what I get for communicating with chat now he remember he research donnager he kind of forgot about it auditor would be amazing like three or four auditors in that previous fight and woo say goodbye 98 population against 105 and Blue has the Eco upgrades it doesn't seem like red is bringing in as many resources consistently and Byzantines have better trash units boy like I just really I really want both of them to have an in-game realization it's a bit like you can't teach old dogs new tricks but I want blue to somehow realize that building a blacksmith here would make sense I highly doubt it and I want red to look at his stable maybe when he goes to get Lightcap because he runs out of gold he'll realized bloodlines but thousands of HP has already been lost tell me he's making Audigier here [Music] what's he using as gold for trebs oh he's got a few treads here okay okay here come the house again champions and font would be beautiful all the micro - trying to block the trips no just keep dis keep that's fine just fight it just fight it just fight it just fight it just fight it you're gonna win he's being really cute with the micro here [Music] okay should take out blues castle might take blue a little bit of time but blue can take out the trebs actually no yeah Alps no upgrades castle goes down now that extra gold is paying off so much for red my goodness and he takes out another castle now at this point there's no stone left on the map oh no there is stone here for blue and blue seize it oh boy another castle okay Hasan okay so another option this is an option that does not cost gold that's great Byzantine huh Tsar's not very impressive but if you were to build stables over here and raid Reds economy it would win him the game regardless of upgrades I'm sure of it because now they're playing this but I do not believe that they are I don't think that thought is gonna really cross their mind look at the kill value here by the way and the relic Gold's actually unfortunately not oh I am locked in the game now beautiful okay alright can you get this castle now I think red should have a less expensive meat shield you've seen the camels without the final armor upgrade and without the final attack upgrade and the calves are chewed without the bloodlines and that without the you know you got you catch my drift but I think that he should have maybe huh stars in front or helps or pikes the camels aren't even attacking right now which is pretty bad you see how ineffective blues army is it will take out the trebuchet but blue will lose his forces again he's down below a hundred population and that's a lot of gold units to do you think blue made a blacksmith no he didn't I dude I've been pressing I have pressed the blacksmith hotkey more times than we have viewers here and I'm assuming we have we still have over 3,000 people here this whole game I've just been crank pressing my blacksmith hockey while I'm lose like I guarantee I'm when it comes up I'm gonna find him my hotkey is all s for blacksmith so I'm just like non-stop man oh boy alright so does blue see this castle or a red see dis castle he does alright so he knows about that almost out of gold over there needs to make more tribes they are really taking their gold time here guess it's hard to create stuff and light at the same time what a great day of low evil legends though thank you guys for hanging out I'll probably take a moment here yo with six months says I love you Tina I D and hope one day to be in the top and get casted just for you to watch me build two archery ranges on a random Isle you know what you think you're funny but the joke was three not to get it right I'm kidding Thank You foresting for the two months think you are lucky for the 16 months wait no 13 Harry I don't know if these people are still here I hope so because this has been a very captivating game but Harry thank you for 43 months Harry has never once considered unsubscribing actually he'd be crazy if he didn't consider it thank you for sticking around though fluffy is bunny doesn't Conejo mean bunny or rabbit or something someone before the game told me Conejo might mean that thank you very much for seven months of support and thank you spider monkey for two logic loves you peep cat food says shark fin soup roasted rhino horns this snow leopard paul skewers okay I missed that I think he's trying to trigger Lorena who doesn't like the fact that shark fin soup exists thanks guys obviously I love casting though evil legends but I wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't for all those people I just listed off so thanks for the support here on Twitch hmm okay this is what this is this is what I call trickle Trebek sending in one tread is a mistake you notice how blue sent in for earlier and it worked yeah don't trickle trip and said send in two or three at the same time funny enough blues units are just melting anyways look how little damage he did there he kills the trip but the sacrifice my god ah he's pouring the FedEx yep just wait til you have a few and then you'll definitely take this out I think blue must have bought stone I'd love to see red make like Kevin raid I don't think these guys are thinking about raiding at all though what is that has that lumber camp in here this whole time did he build the lumber camp in between two four wood lines and now it's just as a fish inefficient for both it I didn't realize that till now but look Wow okay you could just build two separate lumber camps dude it's alright at least he has his eco upgrades listen if you build some any lumber camps you're not gonna have the wood for a blacksmith obviously both of these guys I actually got really excited because I pressed the blacksmith hotkey and I was on reds point of view thinking I was on blues I thought that was it but man like both of these players are gonna rewatch this and they're just gonna be it's gonna be a mix of cringe like self cringe right like oh man why didn't I do this it's so obvious when I'm watching but also I hope they learn and I don't think they'll make these same mistakes multiple times let's put it that way I noticed blue has had these idle villagers over here for it honestly proudly all of the Imperial aged we got about those suckers and red was running this direction and sees there's another castle so he'll probably just back up crop rotation there we go now there's 25 farms that blue has are gonna last even longer [Music] but he loses the castle oh boy one hour and 38 minutes guys I figured it out I figured it out I remember the strategy okay so back when I lived in my parents place I'd be like gaming way too much and being irresponsible right and they'd be like hey go do your chores and I'd be like oh mom can I just have one more game and they'd be like sure one more game and I realized that Age of Empires 2 games can be really really really long that might be it they might be teenagers read said okay we have to make this challenging blue said no black Smith's that way I never have to do the dishes I did it now I'm on to them and blue with this with this many houses and huh stars I don't know if you can keep the castle up but he's certainly gonna take out the treads but he's not taking out the trash you catch my drift take out the treads not the trash that's a good mater with him break out the trebs not trash all right so unfortunately just two more volleys would have taken out that castle and blue has the population lead I I it is the stoppable force against the movable object I cannot handle this what is happening like blues just defending and eat he's not going for a killer blow he's not going for raid he's not going for a blacksmith now red I believe guys Reds gonna make units I just wish you would make he seems really committed towards gold units and I think that's gonna discourage him so he should make skirmishers like calves and pikemen just make that it's fine oh man I swear I swear to God every time every time my girlfriend's gonna come over and I have to like do the dishes and clean up and act like I'm not a little bit of a slob you know it happens I have a really long game like I missed dinners with family members because of long Age of Empires Games but it's like the long ones the really really long ones only come when I wanted to stop at a certain time it's like you guys know t90 when are we getting more rollercoaster tycoon - dude this game is enough of a roller coaster for me I am not doing more roller coaster tycoon for months because this is way too much of a roller coaster back and forth I've gotten sick multiple times we've all waited in line for the game to end geez what is this is he chopping those screens without a lumber camp he's gonna build lumber camp great he's actually gonna build lumber camp there right lumber camp police okay we'll just avoid that corner for a while who's repairing to tea pot oh my god he bought he actually bought like 700 more stone and now he's repairing wait no did he it was even mining the stone okay he actually mined all the stone I remember seeing that and making a joke like the game was gonna go on for another hour because of it but it was actually a joke I didn't think that that would actually happen where's wood on this map there's not many areas to get wood there's wood in the south there's one over here they have chopped almost they've chopped over half the trees on this next game for us nothing let's go oh my goodness I just got a text I'm thinking of stopping by the grocery store for something drink what I want to drink tonight chat whatever you guys say I'm going to ask her to pick up beer redbull IPA chocolate milk this is a long list okay whiskey tequila water skim milk bleach alright alright I can't forget your bleach cider got it alright thanks guys appreciate it Thank You al Kyle no for the 14-month resub what a journey here what a journey elite skirmisher oh great another cheap trash unit to stall that came out with for 20 years alright if he makes a blacksmith he wins he could get he could get forging an armor and he could get basically all the fuel age upgrades I'm pretty sure he wins the game I think so anyways okay just wait for 200 pop and just go again Conejo go again and by the way some people are bringing up the idea of contacting these players don't do that don't intervene okay I've never actually played this game but I love to tune it all the time yeah no no interventions here alright these guys it first off they probably don't realize thousands of people are watching them and who knows how many more on YouTube they the beauty of low evil legends is that this is how people play on a daily basis we need to appreciate it also appreciate the value bottom left for red that's the magic number right there wait for it boom wait getting there all's close I think he's getting iron casting okay so he remembered the blacksmith that is really promising wait a second wait wait a second blue-blue has mustered up the courage so I believe attack Reds castle this is the first time that he has gone for a counter-attack and if that happens red might have to defend and this whole game could just repeat itself over again for the next two hours as red starts to rebuild castles and repair on the hill three trebuchet s-- red he thought he was the offensive player and now he's getting bozo better chopping wood real fast there's not much left on the map all right down goes the castle what's red gonna do he's going for a counter now well blue comeback like I always wonder what players will do in that type of the situation cuz if red two runs in all this is so satisfying to see the units move past that hill oh my goodness blue will have to come blue is to come back with everything don't you okay Kay right good okay so the town center is doing more damage to the actual units are so at this point I'd probably back up you've drawn blue back which is a good decision back up wonderful now husbandry would be a fantastic upgrade I have faith because you just research bow saw so I think you can realize husband tree and bloodlines is a thing I still believe that with Malian Pyke's with moderate upgrades and these calves archers that you could push this I think so but he is wait last numbers oh my god one second I need to I'll be right back all right two minutes I'm gonna look at the hill I got to go do something real quick like I was supposed to stop streaming over an hour guess I'm sorry but wait does view lock work view lock for red that's decent that's decent guys I'll be right back twitch chat is the all-knowing group on the Internet you guys could just cast [Music] hello then looks like Red's doing a pretty good job guys I don't know if that view luck is entirely accurate but it seemed decent there all right a hundred and twenty pop against 89 unfortunately for us blue still has just as many resources as he did before he spammed units out last time so he's probably gonna make a whole bunch more who trick City he says well then thank you for the 14 thank you for the amazing casting decibel says love this game so much thank you for two months rizz a says I never actually play this game but I love to tune in all the time there's a lot of people out there who are now typing 13s who also rarely play it's a fun game to watch thank you very much for for sticking around giving me a reason to talk about other people playing one Ram one ram oh my god the other thing is if he had a wheelbarrow he would be bringing in so much more food one Ram what really worried me a moment ago is that he started attacking the TC with his cab archers and that is it's a Byzantine town centre that's not a great idea okay weird bug I'm having again fixed okay there we go killed a month on the micro he's definitely paying really close attention to his army I just wish he had oh my god oh my god guys he doesn't have a castle anymore he lost all of his castles he can't make trebs and if he can't make trebs this game will legitimately never end I didn't realize that he didn't have a castle I thought he might still have one out there he is just one trip and he doesn't have chemistry so he doesn't know he can get pom barred cannons he could buy stone maybe Conejo Conejo I like how blue has had these voters sitting over here for a while it would be funny is it blue notices the idol villagers because he looks at this side of the screen whereas he's chasing down these units the only way he realizes the idols is if he you know gets brought over there for something Conejo is rabbit in Spanish yeah I thought so all right look he could go for a side attack of some kinds there's a lot they could do it's just no like past a certain point we're closing it on two hours does anyone really win you know I mean obviously you're gonna feel worse if you lose but two hours two hours man man and there's no end in sight we were in the exact same position that we were in an hour ago I'm not even exaggerating the only difference is that red doesn't have castles and in blue he has less castles that that's it that's the only difference the only difference is that actually no a few upgrades came in like a attack upgrade but red spotted the built that's so funny and and now blue fights with the villagers classic blue didn't even care about them until they were being attacked Oh No daddy's on up imagine if the Helms had upgrades I just blew I maybe he didn't want to take the trash out or something but blue should win now I think if he makes strips he should win because I don't have faith in red being able to ever kill the Cova 20 so Conejo virus verse Kovac 20 the great plague Cup best of 69 this is game 69 and this is this is a head scratcher and a half right here yeah it's it's the unstuck it's the stoppable force verse the movable object because neither player can finish off the game McHugh has the mental strength actually right here this could be it we could see GG after this this curves they at least have chemistry I think that with the sperms and Hobbes that are here Reds going to lose an awful lot and he really likes Mike remain CAV archers but that's it like if he doesn't have CAV archers I don't think he's going to have a will to live anymore didn't make like have a champion would have won in the game elite skirmisher oh my god all the gold units are gone time for trash units time to make sperms and guess what if he makes skirmishers his skirmishers will be stronger because he has blacksmith upgrades oh my god ah you know that's haunt you played two hours to die like this it is officially accurate someone will die at some point can we please so at some point like one of these buddies Steam friends got a message and be like hey t90 just casted your game he said you were fantastic you should watch it these guys might find out at some point can we please give them some salutes no it has been an absolute struggle for them we have witnessed every step of that struggle and this is truthfully something that happens a lot more frequently than we've seen in low evil legends because I don't know like people just the other aspect of LOI legends we see a lot of early resign so on the flip side of that it's very difficult for this eloah to finish players off especially when you don't get eco upgrades or black snake I just like the eco thing I've seen before but no blacksmith techs at this stage of a two-hour game is just unbelievable look at how many scams he's good wow wow wow he needs archery ranges build them all up against the edge of the map this is panic time here are two ranges let's go okay so you compare the stats look at the stats so this is red skirmisher this is blue skirmisher pretty big difference there ting ting ting ting ting the helps are taking out buildings I have no faith that the 100 population from blue can actually win the game none like five range against seven range five attack against four but mainly the armor right like look at that look at the lack of armor on these skirts look at the armor on these skirts they have melee and pierce armor I think the skirts I think Malley unupgraded non chemistry non ring Archer armor oh no he has ring Archer I'm new yeah I think non chemistry Malley and skirmishers can actually kill all the helps in skirmish free from glue let's see oh wait a second know what if Fred gets overwhelms the trebs are coming in home you could pop cap in his greatest weakness it's it's the strategy you normally see to counter a pro player from Norway who loves to steal Boers it's the counter to MBL take out the houses get him pop caps he'll never remember to build more he day actually I make that joke he has like 23 houses here that could work ting ting ting ting ting ting ting oh my god man and Bloo just continues to produce this is gonna continue forever oh wait bahut czars huh Spurs I actually want to see how much damage these things received from skirmishers because they should huh stars in this situation should mop up sperms but if it's just scams and no pikes then we'll see like the scrims let's eat that there's zero pierce armor on these things the scrums were doing five damage so as skirmishers could actually kill us out here in a second watch this red is PopCap's he's losing huh stars to skirmishers you just can't you just can't make it up wow they maybe will kill five skirts [Music] okay this is red building more houses as you realized he is not reacted yet I don't see him building houses anywhere he actually has house foundations on the front of his base a hundred and forty seven population versus 125 you could easily lost a few more house it's blue don't take out the bear it's not important take out the houses take out the houses that's probably much more effective I just like to repeat just just in case you didn't realize the magnitude of the situation we are past two hours into a game and the malian player is beating a byzantine player with trash with trash units and it's so tragic because blue obviously knows that hussars should be good here but it's not working because he doesn't have a blacksmith and believe me I've been checking oh man poor blue like now I just start thinking about how blue will feel when he when he rewatch is this because it's such a simple thing that goes such a long way like it's all the wood gonna be chopped on this legitimately how long is this gonna go I [Music] I hope not I really hope that I I actually like okay I just got a text from Lorena she lives 25 minutes away from me and she says she's on her way I might be finishing this long ass game so I got to move my car so she can fit let me know when you are minutes away ah hi yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I got a it's possible I'm gonna finish the game at our I'm gonna finish the game but I do have to move my car a little bit because she won't be able to fit their car all right blue build some houses somewhere already built them over here okay Oh cataphracts really at least they have logística dying de skirmishers I just it's it's tragic what car do I Drive so light my little garage here is listed as a two-car garage it's really mod you can get two cars in there but it's tight fit it's not the biggest place so here we go there's a winning fight yay so excited so um yeah I got it I have to put my car close enough to the edge of the garage where I'm close enough to hitting the wall so it's it the funny thing is here it if you look at blue right that blue got blacksmith upgrades he wins the game if he doesn't get blacksmith upgrades but he doesn't get eek if he doesn't have good eco he loses the game so his good decision and his bad decision cancel each other out - just molasses nothing moves because he has amazing economy so who always have the resources to do this but he has crap upgrades so he could never actually push and then there's red who it's the other way around who has some blacksmith upgrades I guess his eco is not that bad but he still doesn't have wheelbarrow I just I just can't what kind of car do I have I have I mean depends my day-to-day car is Lamberg my business car is a Ferrari but in general like I don't like to talk about it much you know not kidding it's not that type of guy Luna would I noticed that I noticed he's having some wood problems that's true but he does have wood around here he could just create more villagers I have ford focus all right Ford Focus 2001 that's more my type of car did it to skirmishers attacking Travis dude today to do that our foundation is still there is blue able to produce Kermes right now not really [Music] not really does red still have a TREB or did he'd lose that while was gone he lost the trap yo guys I you gotta give me a couple minutes I'm sorry listen I'm going Buell lock on red this is this is peak t90 content I have to do some stuff oh I'll be back we'll probably be at the same spot see you in a few minutes thank you for your patience [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here we see a strong push from Balu who have survived as massive military forces [Music] [Music] red is flanking the treads with scars what how many scurbs does he have yo hold on hold that what what happened what happens the red lost his relics he blew his traps but rams and oh my goodness it's 62 popper blue Conejo is gonna win oh that's just a beautiful sight isn't it dad let me just check the blue bill the blacksmith oh no blacksmith I'm not sure if I should be thankful at this point or if I should want one like a hundred and fifty foot he is 29 Bill's 29 bills 154 skirmishers against Byzantines whereas skirmishers are cheaper you just can't make this up so I actually had it up on my phone but I was doing things oh now we got long swords with no upgrades great let's just pump up the variety of Units we all get upgrades on okay now the monastery with two relics is right here so that could be something that red could take but he's not really using gold so whatever well he lost a lot of his base over here holy he is zero guys he has zero on food so if this game lasts for another hour he might lose oh god I wasn't I was it big serious oh there's more it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay I didn't sorry it's really hard for me to get used to how many skirmishers are on the map holy cow and okay late to the party thank you for the five gifted subs yeah I was just looking at twitch chat i saw people screaming the relics and trebs you know oh my goodness I think blues dead but it might that might take some time yet because he has woody code he has crew Tico you know what I might do eventually these villagers will just come to these trees instead of these trees and then red will find it oh oh trips more trips I don't know why blue I mean I really hope he doesn't but I don't know why he doesn't just make house ARS here to take out this trebuchet Red's castles pretty cute though right in the cliff the thing is though blue has the potential he's really not dead because he has the potential to make just as much military as red does right now and blue has more working economy hey guy believe me I I kind of want this game to end as well but if you think about it with those resources blue can make more military than red has on the field right now he could actually win this and red is just going to toss away his traps okay hold on I need to let the rain to know the situation here he doesn't have his blacksmith upgrades that's what blacksmith upgrades she said blacksmith upgrades even I know about blacksmith upgrades [Music] sorry I've really I I'm not good at texting 2 hours and 37 minutes [Music] okay well oh yeah you just attack the attack the mining camp yeah just make sure you clear out clear out every little bit of blue specks you can find a hunt does you see what I said though about the population blue can get more military and I think realistically you can make it for longer I'm not too sure on that statement but what was he at 9,500 food not too long ago he's now at 8,000 so just a few more waves this I don't even think this can be low eel legends this is this is like its own video with a different eye I don't even know what the title would be on this video the longest noob game ever or something but holy cow [Music] unbelievable skirmishers killing huh stars and I maintain if blue and and red at this point I guess they're just so so they're struggling to keep up with it wait a second you see this red scouting thanks for living through this for us red is he's scouting oh god no [Music] did he lose those butts 98 population to 110 pop all here's brewed up blew up all I hear is the that you this skirmishers being created from the side archery ranges but again he's doing the five thousand food he is less on wood and he doesn't have any farmers he's just gonna fight with everything he can I don't think he can kill blue red no Town Center blue no Town Center there's no rebou mning here it's just it's it's I don't know no TC for either player you know a good take out to make up for your absence because of this game yeah bunny warned you she hasn't said anything to me yet but you know I didn't I wasn't able to get over to her place yesterday was a frickin birthday so can a whole virus in covent 20 I'm just gonna be like listen connait I'm gonna say that kovat is what the latest and her celebrations tonight man so Geppetto the pretty low HP unit you're gonna use their gold I wouldn't use them for Geppetto just saying but he's hooked 250 skirmishers again the Rams were a good idea the treads were a good idea you just have to protect them at all boy blues starting to reboot new town center alright these [ __ ] betters where are they going they're dead no okay I find the idea of blue going out to raid hilarious because it's very possible he won't find any economy when he gets to Red's base okay red is patrolling into a mining camp thanks to e he's fighting uphill with most of his army let's see how he does here with skirmishers against byzantine skirmishers and also HUS horse he's freaky waiting he's freakin winning the fight this should not happen shouldn't happen Malians Kermes against counts or units oh ah oh my god let's wait what what did who wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second did they drop don't tell me red resigned Rann is more pop what did he think it was over or was it a drop so earlier today I have no way of confirming unless I get Conejo on the phone I'll try and see if I can get him on the line but I have no way of confirming the situation but earlier today we were casting a game and at the end we were similarly confused only it was two and a half hours it was like 30 minutes into the game instead of three hours and it said here a save has been save file has been saved so that told me then that someone drops there nothing says disconnected but there's no way to really know on de because they don't like us to have information Oh Reds mom figured out the plan he was taking out the trash in game but he needed to take out the trash out of game oh and 1321 kills largest army 158 verse 141 still with all of that only 38 buildings were raised as the highest who 78,000 food collected 71 thousand would collected 29 thousand gold collected he put that into camels and calves archers which does not have full upgrades but somehow was unable to push that Byzantine trash 93 percent of the map is explored you see that a lot in high-level play and low-level play where Byzantines are losing to skirmishers from aliens you don't see that too frequently I'm sure impressive that is the most low evil legend late game timeline you will ever see you can clearly see every single time they've went into a fight with over a hundred military and then lost everything and then it's back up what this looks like uh what do I I mean I'm kind of bummed for red at the moment because I'm happy for my you know my by evening but while blues position was certainly going to be a bit stronger was he creating more fills I'm not sure but like I said blue had more sustainable food and would read at least in this fight was winning he would have cleaned and it would have been let's say eighty military against thirty blue would have made more like we saw so many times but man well hmm guys that was a treat if you have title ideas for YouTube let me know I don't even know if I want that to be in part of the low E low Legend series it was we didn't really it wasn't quite as constructive as a low ela legend cast might have been it wasn't it wasn't the same as a normal low a low Legend game this was just a grind the Great Plague yeah probably getting monetized or something alright thank you for your ideas there's a relic cold everyone this is both the end of the stream tonight and also the end of the YouTube video I've never done this before xeno Thank You Yaga Zeno vixx ons a bunny Warren clockwork you guys are all amazing alright thank you for watching your final words on this stream will be the final words on the YouTube video you guys are awesome I gotta head out love you all and got to be honest hope I never cast a game that long again
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 124,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: No, Economy, vs, Blacksmith, Upgrades, This, Game, Killed, Me, Byzantines, Malians, Bulgarians, T90, T90Official, Commentary, Casting, AoE2, AoE2DE, Definitive Edition, wtf, regret
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 4sec (6304 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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