Low Elo Legends #11 Sneaky Base vs Goths!

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alright ladies and gents welcome to another episode potentially of low e low legends starting off the game in the red we have Goths for ya Lola him and he's starting off with his houses beautiful beautiful beautiful no urgency with the Scout because multitasking is not so easy to do and they're blue we have egg lots and he's playing as the cumin and what I'm really excited about here I want to see if he'll go for a second Town Center in a few delayed with humans I also want to see if the red player goes for a lot of militia I'm casting this live on my twitch stream and I'm gonna aim to do LOI legends every Tuesday and I'm actually okay with doing LOI legends on weekends as well but that's only one there's not tournaments and there's been a lot of events over the past few months so maybe like once a month will do on a weekend and then Tuesday's are a good day shrug or trees oh boy okay so still it's gonna take me time because I'm really bad with edited content which is it's so time-consuming but I am eventually going to get the straggler tree video up on YouTube and I'm just gonna break down how these are your flexibility trees so it's not a bad idea if you're scouting to use the straggler tree at the start but I hope that he does save these for later and I can explain and he doesn't chop them instead of building a lumber camp at this map you get a lot of water buffaloes that's 150 food each unlike a sheep or a goat that just has 100 and then you get two rhinos which are like boars except they have more food and they attack faster and then you also have a lot of fish out here so what you should be doing is building a lumber camp I thought that was a house and I was really hoping that was a house so he could house wall between the wood lines but instead I think he wants his lumber camp to be part of that future wall so the chopping is not going to be very efficient because after he chops through this tree there's a large gap in between the lumber camp the wood line but he's he's at least building a lumber camp and I hope that he uses wood to make fishing ships ah Wow red seems to be this is this is a good lumber camp see how you can have villagers on either side taking trees after he chops a tree or two he's still gonna be right next to that wood line that's a good one that Goths also do more damage against rhinos and boars their villagers do so I'm curious if he knows that if you know it and you work with it it can be good otherwise what that can lead to is killing the Rhino or the boar way out here in front of the TC if you're used to regular sue so I don't know if he's Oh these houses yeah yeah it's um it's very cluttered in here this is a bit like my room at the moment I need to clean my room this afternoon so yeah just just cluttered like put that in the closet you know get get this out of here do your laundry maybe build the houses in front of your base or out here I think sometimes low e low players really and it might be the resolution they're playing on like they're they're not thinking about everything else out here they're just thinking about what's on their screen so what I would have suggested here is build the lumber camp here because you see how far his villagers are walking now so that's just because of a bad lumber camp build the lumber camp here or here and then build the houses like this there he goes attacking the Rhino wow I thought she was gonna die and red has well done okay now Red's building a mill you don't get berries on this but he's building the mill next to the deer for the most part I really like it these are things that you should try and avoid because again that's inefficient but so far pretty good game what's blue doing with the scalp oh he's Auto scouting let's go you could always tell it's Auto scalp because autoscout will go to the corner of the map we're not using control groups who are not trying to go from our TC back to our scalp pressing one twice or and then press it aids to go back to the TC or whatever the hotkey is instead we're just Auto scouting and letting the game do it for us alright what's red scouting looked like I think this is also Auto scouting I think he's gonna scout the south so I'm so torn on hot the auto scale thing because on one hand yes this game is very complicated yes it's not easy however if you're just opting to use auto scout I don't think you're ever gonna get used to scouting normally right so it eases lower levels into the game more but it also gives them a kind of a way out so to speak I mean it definitely isn't it's not like it's the most Opie Scout ever but I'm still very torn on it and oh man if he wasn't Goths that villager would have died yeah demonize er I think what you should so Damon Iser says he uses it after finding the starting resources what what I would suggest is use it when you've already found your enemy you know what your enemy's gonna do and rip villagers dead but you really need to use your scout to see what's going on like if red were to scalp and see the blue is docked you know he could maybe adapt the strategy around that but I do understand that might be a little bit might be getting ahead of ourselves here you put it into Auto so most of it how many people with the show of one's put it into autoscout immediately after finding their starting resources before finding the enemy okay all right I mean there's a decent amount but just curious look he just Auto scouted them meet the TC Oh autoscout oh man just passing red is on the way to feudal age he has not docked so he is behind big time up here I think he had more Idol TC time and blue added for fishing ships so I always say if you have the dock potential to do it Ballu I don't know what blues plan is in the next stage remember crewmen's can build a second TC in feudal so I'm thinking he might do that man so many of his villagers walked the gold back to the TC instead of the mining camp I see blues made a berry or sorry I don't know Keller's apparently red is made of barracks and he is Goths now what's the discount in Dark Age guys 20% on Goths or is it yeah I think it's it's 20% in Dark Age and it's 25% in feudal age so it actually might make a little bit more sense okay he's only made three this is fine but just make the next ones in the feudal age so you have a nice little early punch and then you can make more all right all right red is in feudal first thing you should be doing double bit axe upgrade get that wood upgrade okay blue built a lot of Dark Age farms which means they will expire okay and he is PopCap's he needs a house and he's going to place the house over here cities this is better I like these houses more now I could have used these houses over in this area and already have a fool he's also making fishing ships something I really like what what what they have gold in their hand wait a second he wants to TC there so he was he knows his sieve I'll give him props he knows his civilization but he walked to the most unimportant area of the map ever I think it's a safety thing I think he feels more secure down there what's funny is he went to an area that autoscout didn't even scout it's not like he went to this corner which was scouted he went to the other corner and there's no gold or Stone down here okay yeah Dave Dave says he didn't even see the wood line down here yeah exactly so he this is kind of a farm TC all right he is getting double bed ax read got double bed X and horse collar and read is uh he's getting man-at-arms now okay now guys I think I'm not saying Red's gonna win this game but in terms of the the small things like lumber camp placement lumber camp timing mining camp placement I think red is is more experienced in that area he does have way too much on gold to make the man at arms he's going for but he might not know that but the mining camps good whereas blues mining camp is a Tetris mining camp and you see this villager how far he has to walk now there's only two villagers on that gold but if you had like eight they'd be bumping all over the place so try and keep a one tile gap between your minds and your mining camps now we have a barracks here for blue so I honestly blues doing a great job keeping the builds producing and he also fished on a fish map so well we'll see what he can do red has he found blue nope he's Auto scouting so he still has not found the enemy yet no what if autoscout finds the base oh oh yeah go to the corner autoscout go to the yo autoscout is MVP oh I wonder of red Red's gotta be so confused what if he's never heard of cumin before what if he didn't know about the second TC in feudal oh god please don't wait a second he's changing direction oh this is amazing he's gonna go after the sneak base because it's the only thing he's scouted he hasn't even gone to the main base of blue at all he doesn't know about it yet autoscout we'll figure it out soon okay gastly just coming in for blue which town centers doing that oh it's this town center doing it there no way that men-at-arms can destroy that right I guess it depends on the blue reacts he did did he ring the bell I think he rang the bell so he's noticed the autoscout autoscout still scouting and here's Blues point of view oh he rang the bell again okay so he noticed about the Bell hotkey now this whole eco is going idle you should avoid ringing the bell that's really hard to see you just garrison bills and the TC you need to but hey the guy is gonna kill the men-at-arms and he will keep his t seized up so he's he has the lead now red he's building a blacksmith he actually would need one other building he needs a blacksmith market or blacksmith archery range or stable because you need two feudal age buildings to be able to get Castle age he's probably okay alright so I now I don't like how he's built his blacksmith and his stable right up against the mines to make things inefficient but he realizes he needs the buildings and he's gonna go up and now he knows there's two bases 1891 boy t90 raked okay here comes the autoscout blue seem to seem to react really quickly blue doesn't have lube though don't ring the bell because of an auto scowl no just guys the best thing I suggest for you if you're a bell ringer is just learn the garrison hockey for me it's gee so I'd select these two bills press G click the TC and they go in and then I think W for me is go back to work inside the TC I think I have the classic hotkeys for that makes such a difference trust me I forgot I wanted to add a belly mo for lo Hilo legends okay so blue his fish and chips are getting more inefficient I would suggest redocking that way the fishing ships don't have to travel so far to drop off food he doesn't have loom red attack this one dude attack this one this one this one this one this one well how can you argue with these results how can you say t90 that the Bell is bad when blue has all of his kills because of the Bell if it works it just works okay but it's whatever it's Gotham country you can just toss those things away he doesn't care and another Paris I like help both players are playing to their strengths I like that seven kills and one death for blue and then zero kills and seven deaths for red does that mean blue lost if it would go to a wolf somewhere or a bear or Jaguar or tiger or a llama I don't know how many people think we're gonna see a castle drop I see stone income Fred right now and he's getting stone mining oh the boar at the start obviously I forgot yeah we're there or the Rhino but I think he's gonna try and drop a castle I really wonder how I haven't talked about this much yet I wonder how they're going to deal with the gold in the middle I saw blue made a single step Lancer where did that go oh oh he's gonna raid with it pokey Popo oh the micro - okay so he killed a Ville I really wish you luck worked so I could I could watch their view lot let's see building a farm building another farm oh now he dude he's Mike doing really well this is really good for this eel oh this is really good unit control had the tiger there and regista tacking with villagers and now he's running around now he's actually not Mike cooing the scowl I think that's autoscout so he's just trying to find areas to hit step plants is our great raiding unit red get your longsword over here dude [Music] okay and the auto Scylla autoscout just chilling here that's great yep just run all around alright so that was a little bit of u-lock there 48 eco verse 37 blues also on stone so he's thinking about building a castle the autoscout still running all the rounds and blue is in the lead right now definitely he's creating out of both of his TCS he has some real t90 farms that does this stable double as a mill did I not hear about this because he's treating the stable in the barracks like a mill starting to farm around it I really hope he farms on the other side here and build the mill I guess he can't fit it in between the stable and the barracks okay okay he's queued up a plunge to steppe lancers nice I love his eco upgrades a Greg didn't get he would upgrade he's making some fire galleys now like blue definitely played his sieve and played the map well and for 800 elo this is pretty impressive I feel like 800 elo now is way better than 800 either when you started this series in Reds now going to three town centers so he's gonna start catching up with the eco really once a castle I'm sure and I'm sure most of you guys know that Goths are really hard to stop if they get to late game so even if they fall behind early does anyone know if cumin skate champion I know they don't get handcannon it could actually be really difficult for humans to fight champion huh sterile and halberdiers [Music] all right update on the farms okay he's building a mill here III get it I am not really the person to to talk about farms however if you really look at it that is probably the worst mill he could build whereas if you build the mill here you can farm more on this side okay whatever that's fine it's fine he should pick qamar next time oh they do get champions okay oh my god who's building a castle in the middle with two villagers three villagers and red doesn't rent doesn't know about that he just carried out a fire galley but I think red is very he's scared I think every time he goes to blues base there's a bell well we have another forward TC from blue he's spreading around the map taking map control yeah I think he's really scared to leave his base I don't think he'll turn to entertaining us okay hola amigo paver thank you for the $5 look at look at blue sneakiness I love it I love a sneaky play okay like it could easily look really dumb no there's autoscout autoscout found the castle they could look silly to do this but at least to you there's some stone and if he loses one area then he has the other I guess that's his logic he's sneaking in with the speedy steppe lancers I have a little bit of range as you saw before and oh wow red actually wanted to build houses there so this is awkward garrison okay alright so blue did damage he's running back this is honestly how you should use steppe lancers this is exactly how you should do steppe lancers as a rating unit and then probably hey you can make arguments for 4 against archers and some situations but with the speed of them that's the way to go all right and now red is spent time chasing this and meanwhile blue is taking the whole map he's getting murder holes okay so in case red tries to attack that castle there will be no minimum range also think steppe lancers are better than long swords blue is you've got to make like Pike or longsword yeah blue is winning this one what 68 Eco 69 Eco now and then 57 per red but can he win the game he has the Gold's I see him without getting quite a few upgrades right now step husbandry which one is that does that can you guys remind me does that increase the production of the steppe lancers I thought that increased the production of calves archers - how many units is that apply to production speed obviously it's a step plan just do that also apply to there it doesn't apply to there paladin's - right smile steps like calves and Kip check ok I thought it applied to calves archers I thought is in 80% faster which is really Oh P by the way holy house walls oh my god blue is a late game machine he wants to take all the map red can't see it red actually can't see it now he's on his way to the imperial age he is Goths he has two castles up but red doesn't have town watch so he can't see that there is a castle going up there meanwhile blue is sending a bunch of steps in here he's also on the way to the Imperial aged excuse me plenty of gold around the map for him and oh boy red is building a town center here I'm just wondering if he can accidentally spot this nope I don't think so that castle goes up it will do so much damage and our keys on the way and chainmail armor for you about give alas that means he can produce HUS girls from barracks here comes blue with the steps probably shouldn't be fighting underneath the castle fire and there's two castles in here he of course doesn't know that so he wants to hit from this side and then have the castles from the other but yeah long swords is so bad such a bad unit you really like Goths need to flood and they need to be aggressive defensive and that's that's not how God's will play okay red can see the castle now but it's too late he hasn't reacted to it because he's doing with the steppe lancers blues castle will go up is crazy eco numbers crazy upgrades and I wonder what Red's reaction to this is going to be well he hasn't noticed yet oh okay he made he's making trips I would suggest sending villagers away from here though read instead of just sitting here another castle from blue okay so I think this one's a little bit unnecessary but the first one did a lot of damage so alright alright red make pikemen dude make pikemen yo this is the castle wall this is the castle wall this is what I uploaded to YouTube last week it's the castle wall strategy well I mean the thing is blue it in order to keep these castles up he has to take out that trip and if he needs to take out that trap he needs to fight underneath castles and Red's going to protect the trebuchet so the reason I don't like this second castle is because you could lose two then instead you could have built that next castle in the middle or maybe on the right side I like how he left a gap between the houses as well so now blue is thinking well shoot I've got to deal with this he's getting a lead step Lancer let's see how it leads steppe lancers do should do pretty well against just regular house girls but then you have the castle fire and longswords he just wants to take out the trebuchet we're still looking at Castle age units for red with the exception of the traps he doesn't have inferior late upgrades on any of the units and blue sacrificed his steppe lancers but he keeps his castle up now red will need to make another trebuchet but there is a risk against Goths that they could eventually plot against you so you've got to be very careful if you're in blues position but yes I've liked the economy from him he is way more on every resource except for stone and he spread out all around the map so it'd be very difficult for red to kill him any blue could send them the husk girls after the TREB okay just blue was able to macro better that cumin T C 2 T C boom in futile age really helped him I'm wondering if he's going to make more than one stable though he's only producing step glances out of one stable and sending them to the corner and now the husk girls come out from red and he's going to give blue the exact same treatment let's say goodbye to your trebuchet x' and then blue say goodbye to your castle - all right so goth infantry incredibly cheap incredibly dangerous blue has the resources to win this game right now but will he be able to do it okay he's building another stable in the North now so we'll have one stable production from both sides death is not great I have to say that it's not great murder holes doing work here against the HUS girls though yeah but that castle will go down so that my point earlier was first Castle did enough damage build the next castle in a safe position in case you lose that so he just lost over a thousand stone because of that decision yeah all right I think at this point is blue still makes evils yet he might be struggling to add villagers and add military so make more buildings and here we go he really wants to go step Lancers and guys goth Halberdier and huskar Oh destroy that the pointy boys destroy that husk girls if you look here at this number eight pierce armor that's good against archers we're good at raiding they're also good against archers they are not good against I'm not great against steppe lancers pointy boys are can we please get some t90 boys in the chat thank you they're blue in that emo but no pointy boys are needed okay blue really likes the sneak attacks is really annoying player to play against I bet cuz here he comes now he's just gonna poke the castle and retched also been affected by this he's been playing defensive because of these attacks do you think breads I bet you red is saving for elite Husker all right now yes strode I feel like that when I say that helps destroy steppe lancers it's because of the cost I just want to be clear on that you're you're creating these units with gold at 70 food 30 gold it's not cheap whereas Helms of dirt cheap and they create instantly with perfusion so how should win that now what you could do with blue is you could you could go in for the kill here right you need to mass something instead of just raiding have seed with it did he get relics no relics for either player okay interesting the cumin don't have a lot of strengths against God's of God certainly boons maybe someone just needs to make the decision maybe it's read it will make a decision to leave his base taking a risk please get help adhere please get halibut here okay he wants to take this castle out so blue is a force over here blue as a force over here as well he's a lot of units as more than red does actually and it'll probably react to this not love that he's about to lose that castle and try and take out the trebs reg trebs are unprotected the step plants it's around the way man aren't step Blanche is such a cool-looking unit say what you want about how effective they are in games but they look really pretty cool and boom trebs down that red is just feeling more and more hopeless but is the definition of insanity to continue to repeat the same thing that's not working over and over and over again yeah why not make more units and what is that lumber Kim these guys really like to build their lumber camps between two wood lines regardless of how much space is there that's just just as inefficient for each clump of wood that's what that lumber camp is got a save on wood they only have thousands okay all the steppe lancers they're fully upgraded the husk girls aren't oh man now I haven't seen this before actually elite husk are all her steppe lancers I just assumed yeah oh man beautiful play from the steppe lancers beautiful play but you need help red you need halvah dear i think blue is just like if you would have switched the positions blue just seems to have played this better right it blue was Goths and red was making defensive steppe lancers I think the Goths would would proud be winning fantastic okay now he's making more barracks for more production he must like HUS girls how many people out there either you supply like this or still do where you just decide to go for a certain unit in strategy and if it doesn't work then you lose and if it does work you in there's no there's no changing of strategy in game that's far too complicated right you just say something it's funny I see jabroni TV in the chat I saw him streaming a few weeks ago and he was Frank's and he was like I'm gonna go champions it was Dark Age and I think he was against Britain's and I was just like oh you're Frank's why why why would you say champion of all things I went back like three hours later I think you had won that game - okay it's a lot of elite Huskers I'd love to see some demos here all right the Huskers are elite so that I have 10 pierce armor they still have crappy melee armor only - that's that first number steppe lancers should do quite well here now there were more huh Scarlett's going into this end before and so the well-read click the Trib for a while there instead of the unit's first and up being fairly even now red will have reinforcements yeah it can't forget that and with the high pierce armor that can say underneath the cast for a bit longer and take out these scrubs maybe blue actually tread down the blacksmith it's not like red was gonna get upgrades anyways so who even cares and then oh wow ok a stinky castle in this corner from blue and down goes that trebuchet 36 military against 44 so it's does anyone else just have a feeling that blue could throw this with those resources I mean I have I've said time and time again he seems like the more experienced player but I do have this this feeling that it is actually possible for him to loses here if red produces and just surprised his blue blue has no defense on any of these bases right even the castle is not really protected right now ayuk blue right now he's waiting to add trebs and he wants to go for a side attack to win the game but reds productions hi this is why I said if you make the pointy boys the how but yours with the HUS girls it's perfect all right this is the strength of Goths they can still stay in games like this I blues just protecting the trebuchet is here now you could make champion or you could just make with those resources you could continuously make these stamp Lancers it's actually great when you have a wood line on the side because you have that one tile range so a lot of reds units can't fight while the steppe lancers can group up and fight correct play for red is to fight the steppe lancers before taking out the tread if you kill the steppe lancers then you can take out the trap oh my god I mean it's still really costly losses for red but he's gonna take out the trap and hold on for now blue is sending in its one stable one stable you have eight thousand would make more stables haha it's speaking it's like the biggest pet peeves with low ela legend is how they use their wood either they don't produce buildings or when they do chop trees they want ten tile gaps between the lumber camp that wood line like this if I were to choose one thing that bothers me with Lowell legends it's how they use their wood alright alright you know if not everyone is able to control their wood how they like that's just life that's what I've told all my previous ex-girlfriend's but it's fine it's fine you can still live life you can still play games I'm not trying to discourage you guys from doing your thing pikemen bike men let's see how the pikes do now bodies only click the trip so we have to wait and see once the trek goes down boom take that pointy boy I've got my own now now he needs 600 gold for halberd here the blue has him completely surrounded hey with its if red wins this game did he really place the lumber camp there with what with what why is there a lumber camp there it's actually the lumber camp so bad that it gives him vision over blues units next to the stable it's a wow that's actually that's not even bad that's just legendary that's 300 IQ right there okay red is struggling to be able to produce as well and that wolf is how he's getting halibut here oh my goodness oh my goodness the blue should win this game blue could build a wonder for goodness sake boy red is I like this actually not only is he bringing the pointy boys but he's bringing the female farmer she's there to boost their spirits and these also sending Hobbs this way for a bit of an attack work or defense of some kind aha blue is making Kip checks now so he sold the pointy boys and figured I'd make some range now but that's that's the problem with God's is gods can make HUS girls against archers I think red could win this his eco is way worse but at least he's spending his resources blue click to go after these trebuchet 'z with the steppe lancers and he gets one he won't even get to all my goodness it's happening oh my goodness it's happening 10000 food in 5000 gold blue just he loves the sneaky raids but he could never finish the guy off this is a YouTube episode 110 percent this is going to the playlist on YouTube oh my goodness did he make fish traps out here by the way he what that's so far away from your dock you can make them you know it's fine it's fine alright so here comes red he's clearing up the north he still has the lumber camp there he's saving that wood for later 140 poppers 118 ok Red's got to be regrouping right are blue rather okay he's making Kip checks I think he's probably freaking out right now he's probably freaking out he doesn't know what to do and truthfully it's really hard to know what to do again Scouts which is why you need to kill early with you know the resources you have unbelievable okay red wants to do something he just dropped up okay wants to build the TC so I've seen red do that a few times just so you guys know if you have gold or wood in your villagers hands and you build a farm or a mill or a lumber camp regardless of the resource you have you actually drop it off in your bank you don't need to drop off gold there and then build a TC either once the T sees up you get the resource so he's making life a little bit too difficult for himself but I used to do that all the time myself look at the military difference does that work with any building that works with let's say it the biggest one that's gonna confuse people and while people is the it works with lumber camps mills and mining camps regardless of the resource you have so if you have ten food and you build a mining camp you get that ten food when the mining camp stuff doesn't make a whole lot of sense but it happens or if you have like ten golds and you build a farm or twenty wood and you build a farm when the farm is completed you get the resource so so many people are dropping off wood before they build farms for example you don't need to do that alright so now red has gold here and now blues getting Cavaliere one hour in he's going for calves but there's this this rock-paper-scissors game you have to play against Goths they have one of the best post imperial army compositions because they can kill anything you make range there's husk arles you make cab there's pointy boys you make a counter to that and champions they have their own champions the only thing they really don't counter with that is a lot of gunpowder but that's a lot of gunpowder [Music] okay so I mean red is going to go for an attack oh hello I like how that little gap that blue left there earlier which I assume he left there for his his steppe lancers to run through the trebs roll through and blue just rang oh my god Blues falling apart he's falling apart he just rang the bell and now you see it guys every bit have a Zico that was near town centre is idle wait now now he's evacuating and he does take out the trebs he's making calves archers now okay is he sending the villagers to the other corner oh this game is never gonna end [Music] all right well calves archers with the calves archers are really bad with humans because they lack racers and again how huskarla is a combination that can beat it but it's still on bread to have the proper combination I think bread is having a similar issue to blue and it's gonna take him some time to finish off the game he's gonna need more barracks in forward positions best thing blue could do right now with this villager is let her die so sent her over to the side if she continues to chase with the others by the time she's dead these will have another target to go after what what all right I think he had him on a control he had those units on a control group you really needed them over here it's 77 bills for blue but has he unrung the Bell okay I think he just did he just has a ton of idle villagers it has 14,000 food but look at that pony tea boys go against the Kip checks I could have sworn those were elite earlier maybe I clicked the step Lancer whoo oh my goodness if this game isn't lo ela legends I don't know it is new TC alright one relic for red good in the strangest eye I do relate I can't understand that these players have issues finishing off long games I I understand I think the average game for low elo players is well over an hour no don't sit underneath the town center you're just giving well you know what the town center doesn't have fletchings that might actually be decent but you are receiving more damage from the TC no but we saw a Blues problem he just needed more buildings and to push earlier and now blue is here with bills I guess he really wanted gold but red should be ok here where where did those bills even come from oh he's gonna take this gold because this is yeah red we'll never see that red actually doesn't see that that's amazing yeah don't take this one just take this one right on the end ok I mean it's not a bad idea to mine whatever gold he can while he can and these calves archers do spam really quickly but they also die really quickly too huh snarls meanwhile over here blue is losing farms to trebuchet and he will lose that castle now I think blue is slowly losing hope now he's gotta be I I sensed it I just sensed the blue wasn't gonna finish off the game and that you would have a really tough time finishing it off once red pushed out with this this goth trio actually it's it's been a duo of us girls and helps that's it well I have a lot of tips I can give both these players later blue does seem to be almost a faster player in many ways but when the game gets late and a game gets messy it's really hard to stabilize the eco that's one thing that much higher elos do really well he lose 20 villagers you create 20 more you build new lumber camps but blue doesn't have his zero military but don't worry he is fifteen thousand food and just researched hustlers so he's waiting and he's probably gonna make yeah here we go so he's good he likes the side attacks he's all about the side attacks but he can't kill this right now honestly what's the best way for blue to win this now twitch chat license guy good to see you and everyone else thank you I'm too focused on the game right now thank you for the Rhys ups no the best way for blue to win this in my Tumtum is to bring Reds military back into Reds base by raiding him this is the way that lost him his position the way that made him fall behind of going for the side attacks is actually the best way to win just just raid and then what red hopefully red will overreact and send everything back and then you can stabilize and go for a push to the middle it's actually the best way but he doesn't have the best units champions would be good here even some some cavalier would be better against the husk barrels yeah red to stout with it immediately he experienced this once or twice before and red takes the score lead Oh No remember Goths get ten more population space in the Imperial age so 210 is their Max and here come these huskar's from red but you see what I mean it blue were to attack there and then have a champion hand cannon he doesn't get hand cannons I guess so just champions to push the middle and then drop a castle he could take the middle back but that's that's pretty advanced thinking I think pool boy T dunks is t90 what to do to counter mass British archers and post-imperial once they have all their upgrades it depends I need map information I need to save information and what happens in feudal age Castle age my friend like so much of this game right now blue could be a guy showing up to my twitch chat and he could be saying how do you counter Goths with puma n--'s once they're fully boomed and if you saw the game you could say well you kill them earlier you use your resources you you you know take an eco lead all of which kind of happened right so it's hard for me to answer those types of questions because what happens in the early stages of the game is the most important a hundred and twenty military against three i thought it was possible red could come back i didn't actually think it was gonna happen this is low e low legends props to both though if you combine these two players into one there 300 e low hired suddenly their lumber camps are looking a whole lot better collectively suddenly like red and blue combined would mean that we'd have a hundred cumin army his red would have actually or blue would have produced his army and then red would have expanded his economy a bit more throughout this game these guys are around 800 ELO which i still despite these struggles in this game i do feel like this is really impressive for the e low and props to these two and let's salute them now for and then taining game because this has been good I just what's blue gonna do now is he he might see how much food he hasn't think he can still win but is he trying to reboot is he oh he's gonna try the other side never give up do the same thing on the other side now red I would die if red sent how much does he have here it's over sixty Huskers I would die of red send everything back to this side see it's true right you see how red has very little in the middle sometimes if you if you need to take position attacking the flanks and making them overreacted then take the middle of the way to go yo he's gonna drop a castle here what okay the correct move red would be to send reinforcements here to defend and send this force forward in the blue space that would be the correct way and I think I think he's going for that right now Oh Oh ohhh doubts doubt castle Oh you rang the bell so now his eco elsewhere that's absolutely interesting how the other Town Center bells didn't ring there but yeah this game I'm fairly certain now it's just over [Music] wow what a match [Music] just had everything man the players knew their civilizations the players they knew enough about the game to make this really entertaining but there's also some pretty big takeaways I think from them if they rewatch this a small part of me really hopes that these guys knew what time I was streaming low evil legends today and they wanted to play a game before my stream they're like out it'll be quick and then it ended up being a long game so when this game ends they'll show up what if they're one of the regulars and they're just like oh that was me oh whoops whoa whoa whoa did you see how cool it looked somebody clip that that was beautiful see Viper couldn't do that what a noob this huskar looked amazing take out that university that way blues people will be less educated there'll be less jobs and then the economy will be even worse than it is now perfect there's a bunch of random blue dots on this map like the lumber camps again very interesting but that blue is dead his blue going to is he gonna try and build more stables because he kind of has the wood forest I wonder if he's gonna go for one last attack okay he made a maggin L now rah rah yes blue probably should resign by higher ehlo standards but also I think low evil players and Red's position really enjoy defeating people so just let it happen every once in a while I would prefer that people would fight longer so I could kill them with my army I worked all game to build up GG oh man that was a doozy look at the KD red was getting slaughtered for half of the game I guess got so P got strong yadda-yadda-yadda but earlier the KD was two-to-one for blue he had castles on each side he had so many units so many resources 513 kills for blue and 522 deaths one death was to a rhino the rest was to red scoff military I just we summed it up didn't we from for blue my tips for you would be use your resources when you have them and go in for the kill you were going for a nice little attacks with 150 pop you had fifty more population space to kill and yes if red gets to help us Carl it's difficult if you really want to use your resource sufficiently I think step plants or some champions make sense but regardless just use your resources there I think you're better off I think you in the game there's a couple other things that I didn't like from blue and I mentioned it you remember the two castles here the first castle was very I appreciate it but maybe building the other ones in safer positions I got an extra castle in the middle might help when you were trying to hold on when red was pushing back for red uh in some ways he played this better in other ways he played this worse than blue it was always gonna be tough for him because blue was on that second town center in fuel age to be a headin economy he also didn't dock so at the very least like I would say doc on a map like this and take fish like blue had all the fish in the middle and you can't you can't give that up for free on any map that has fish that was a big mistake so blue had fish and he also had T C's that's why his eco was so far ahead now that and just red was a little late to getting to halibut here but my goodness what a game let's look at the achievements we already saw the KD the largest army was a hundred and thirty-five really only possible with goths Thanks and more food wood stone collected for AG lot and he actually had less gold collected which is fascinating so you look at this and it really tells you that red was spending his resources and Baloo was not at that one stage of the game now I just want to end damn I was gonna say I want to end with this and I actually forgot what I was gonna say that's how bad it was it I had a great thought and it left my head within two seconds what was it gonna say I don't know but this is going YouTube that's officially episode number 11 for LOI lo legends and if you guys would like to watch on the livestream over there on YouTube then I'm gonna be doing this every single Tuesday in my twitch stream and the twitch link is below in the video description and can we get some some teen idol L in the chat I guess I didn't use this me much during this game but that happens I'm sure there was just so many other things to pay attention to look at the timeline look at it look at it look at this oh that makes me want to cry what is that 70% of the population here I think he had 70% of the population that was on the map maybe sixty sixty-nine something like that he just didn't produce and but it also did he allowed red to get to the point where he got to his unit count so there is in some situations you can play it like blue and just starve your opponent out but when you're up against the goth power there's always a sense of urgency there and I can see why in some ways blue was probably hesitant to keep sacrificing units but sometimes you just you got to do that and produce more behind it quality game low e low Legends and that was actually game number one on my live stream here today so everyone else it's gonna be hard to match that but we'll do more see a bunch of people just got here yeah you can watch later that's fine real vortex hello he says hi T 90 first stream smiley face hello hello hello No
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 191,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Low, Elo, Legends, #11, Sneaky, Base, vs, Goths, Cumans, SNeak, Impressive, Strategy, Malay, Noob, Lowest, Golden Swamp, DauT, T90, T90Official, Commentary, Kitboga, Welyn, WTF, OMG, WHY
Id: LmB7y8Tgb_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 16sec (3376 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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