No Loom Confidence? Low Elo Legends #25

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i mean we always do live games for low evil legends but normally we're like five or ten minutes behind no this is going down right now so we have a like you guys might be uh we probably had a few people who showed up today thinking is this king of the desert three finals and they are shocked to find out it's low elo legends and they're more hyped for this than they were for king of the desert three finals we have creasing salt 650 so funny enough yay is around 650 elo and now we have pickles for days uh playing as the franks up against creasing salt how do you crease salt is there something i'm missing here and oh pickles for days more than one sheep all right it's fair guys lovey the legends been out for a long time and everyone's got their own little way of playing uh whether that's chopping straggler trees or not setting waypoints or taking more than one sheep or both or all um i love low elo legends because for me i try and step into the mind of that player we all are we we've all kind of been ruined uh in a good way because we know things now but many of these players are new to the game or returning after a very long time but i noticed that creasing solid 650 so far anyways in dark age looking pretty good i like the lumber camp and no straggler tree chopping i also like the scout i mean the scouting looks really solid so far we've got waypoints being set creasing salt already has one more villager blue i'm a little bit concerned about um i'm concerned that blue thought it'd be a good idea to go on the internet and change his or her username to pickles for days i mean you know pickles aren't bad but i've never thought hey let's change my online username to that i'm concerned that pickles for days doesn't have a lumber camp yet but i like the fact that i bring in some food here we'll see what pickles for days ends up doing uh this is something that that is concerning to me though uh no waypoint set on any resources so watch blue will go to the tc create a villager and then instead of like right clicking the bore or right-clicking a wood line villager just pops out here and then blue has to make more clicks and more work for himself and oh okay now we've got a waypoint okay we're he's only getting better all right what's the situation here why these villagers stop working okay they're working again extreme focus on the dark age eco for pickles for days don't you do it no don't do it make a lumber camp damn it stop it oh i hate this well okay this one isn't bad because it's not too far away from the tc this one bothers me a bit also it's the extremes that people take to chop the straggler trees oh the enemy's here garrison with more villagers with more you know what he's such an eco-focused player he's such a macro focused player that he only garrison three there so you might think wow he should have garrisoned more to kill the enemy scout but you know what he's weakened the enemy scout and his eco is better for it look back at red's base red base looks pretty like this looks pretty standard um both players are going to have idle tc time but the middle position is good the lumber cam's good the board timing's pretty good now what's the thing to remember about players who look like they're having a 900 or 1000 elo dark age somewhere along the lines things will change what type of player are you chat um i know many people will say that they might be more of a defensive player and they have a really good like dark age and feudal age and then fall off in castle age and imp are you the type of player to be strong early or strong late hey someone said bad player what type of player are you bad player i love the level of honesty there oh god there's still so much food here that blue just oh wait never mind blue's still gonna eat it strong early i always go for fast kill very good early i'm just [ __ ] okay you know what's pretty cool about blue is he is walling early which is very important skill to have um just make a lumber camp you don't have to walk so far to chop the trees it brings me pain okay this is the perfect time to build a lumber camp and what a lot of players do let's see if i can call it a lot of players who like the straggler tree chopping they will build a lumber camper around this time but they'll build it with like two or three bills and they'll leave the rest of the villas on stragglers to get rid of them because they look ugly oh boy look look what i say three villagers to build the lumber camp but still villagers are going to stay on each tree because they look bad this is this is common if there was ever a low evil legends meta this would be it it makes sense the majority are better early t90 as you don't always go to mid late game more practice early zen i disagree with you on that type of one if you're like nah that's not the case games always go late for me and uh i might be better early but i'm trash later on i don't know i think it depends i'd say more often than not low elo morning camp no he's practicing his hot keys and he made a mistake oh pickles for days oh god oh well now i just feel bad for spending so much time here let's go over to red's base and see what red's up to red is um on the way to feudal age two lumber camps this is freaking good this is a solid up time i don't know what the game plan is because there's no barracks yet but just two lumber cams placed against the woodline a few to gold i mean overall i think red seems to be the much better player now it's always as as we have a barracks now double bit x and horse collar all right eco upgrades it's always instinct for many of you watching to think that a player is a quote unquote smurf okay i like how he spent resources on the mining camp blue okay so he can't just delete it he has to leave the mining camp there so he can mine and he's gonna make a mill on the other side but yeah let's not rush to judgment and say that blue is uh eretta's smurfing or you know a stronger player on a lower rated account because he hasn't garrisoned yet oh wait here we go two ville garrison technique reveal garrison technique blue blue pickles oh god oh god pickles you know what normally i have to act like i'm not biased i'm completely biased one's in chat if you want pickles to win i am i'm on team pickles hashtag team pickles obviously practicing the strategies right and practicing the hot keys realizes that walling's important there's still a gap here there's still gaps over here pickles has potential second lumber camp also pickles does not have small trees okay which actually oh okay pickles also doesn't have loom and just lost a villager oh no pickles attack fight back woman fight back hit loom pickles guys get loon before you go feudal please okay there's loom for pickles bill count still pretty close 26 to 24. there's the archery range for red but he's just been chopping straggler trees and thinking about farming then ready but the eco still looks so good for red okay check out the uh situation though you can tell blue doesn't have the small trees mod because the lumber camp here is three tiles away without small trees the trees go to here so he thinks that's right up against the wood line and then here with that without small trees the tree goes to about here so we can't see there's a gap there there's a reason players play with small trees so those mistakes aren't made you if you're rooting for pickles like me the unbiased casters you might be worried and you might be thinking favorite o2 strategy and why is it spanish kavacha you might be thinking well pickles is franks and not farming there's a problem well i believe that i've got pickles nailed down and i can tell you what pickles is gonna do these villagers here are all gonna be farmers in a bit but as the scout which is weak like that scout should never kill okay there we go villagers fight back come on micro microring is cheating increasing salt come on now um anyways i i think that it's tough for some players to see villagers as villagers that can do different things and multiple things so he doesn't want to pull villagers off of wood to farm right now because in his eyes they those are forever lumberjacks okay the walling's happening here comes the first archer for red red is howls but red could click up the castle soon with those resources um blue look called it now we have eight farms yep eight farms placed with the farmers well if you're ever gonna be oh we're gonna have farms over here and now we delete the mining camp okay oh is that because there's a farm needed there is that why we deleted that i'm gonna mark it listen if you're ever gonna play without military playing with walls is the way to go but if you don't get the walls up this is what happens market in the back walls on this side seem fine but there's a hole here now plot twist what if red doesn't have small trees and red doesn't see the hole like for us it's obvious but red hasn't run through yet that's amazing they both don't have small trees so red doesn't see it now really what you should do is click past to see if you can go through oh yep yep that's what you do and then if there's a hole your units will find it uh oh this is a problem blue blue is probably super stressed right now there's also three farms that don't have farmers now the archers don't have fleshing so it's not the end of the world but you still don't have military and rip to that bill ripped more if towers aren't up for protection militia no pickles and pickles is so cute i love pickles but i think pickles is dead at least pickles is building a house here that's good so pickles realize the mistake hey listen delt made the same mistake once in a tournament don't worry about it yeah militia are clearly not the answer here right you could just make a stable and go for scouts with your food you could uh i'll make an archery well hello red okay they can arch your range and maybe make a few skirmishes here funny enough it's 36 villagers versus 39 ready red despite having the resources for it i guess is waiting for these buildings yeah maybe blue could hold on here fighting with the villagers kills one archer and we'll kill more i mean it's only two archers no fletching i think the idle time for blue is pretty massive though just no military momentum for blue which sucks alex hello hope life is good uh filster says someone clipped t90 saying i love pickles please no please don't i'll finish this stream and i'll just be like oh i wonder what was clipped today i wonder if they clipped that hilarious moment from earlier i wonder if they clipped that moment from that epic move in this competitive game and the only thing that my chat clips is like random things like that my girlfriend thinks it's hilarious um not the fact i love pickles but you know the jokes the clips now we have villagers going to stone for creasing salt i mean truthfully the game hasn't been very close but i still would like to believe in pickles for days good defense there fully walled now minute arms no hey you've really got to get used as you're trying to learn age of empires and play age of empires you've really got to get used to pulling villagers off of certain resources a miner isn't just a miner lumberjack is not just the lumberjack you've got to pull you've 21 on wood and 600 wood in the bank and you need food pull them off of wood and make farms games can be pretty crazy so you've got to get used to doing that but i also think blue just used the market there and blue is on the way to castle age guys i think i i remember what type of player or i think i picked up on what type of player red is you guys sense it i know that many people watching right now are low eagle legend experts as i would consider myself at this point what type of player's red what's he gonna do what's he not gonna do here it's the no blacksmith player he's not going to get blacksmith upgrades he's going to do everything half decently he's not going to get blacksmith upgrades he doesn't have fletching yet like the simplest thing is just to go to the blacksmith with all your resources and click upgrades but red's not going to do that a blue as skirmishers with fletching right and also amended arm there yes skirmishers fletching would be fine deal with this especially since there's no castleage upgrades waiting to see what red's plan is beyond that i saw a second tc so red wants to work on booming which is great a third tc eventually okay that's good too i don't know who's building that oh these villagers are building that ready i don't know why them but okay assuming those three tc's create villagers red's gonna have an eco lead but it is 41 to 40. nickels for days who is around the same elo is going to build a form tc this is what i like about this ebola because red i think he's probably watched a few more videos red he knows a little bit more overall about build orders blue still hasn't gotten there yet but what blue does have is pickles and blacksmith upgrades and is now getting elite skirm as red is getting scale barting and forging that is not for archers hello that's not for archers okay well the archers are gonna run away i heard a stable though so i guess greasing salt is this a bait maybe like show the opponent uh archers and then make knights hmm all right i'm really curious to see if red can produce out of all three tc's it kind of seems like it blue we don't like these tc's guys farm tc's are no bueno because you're not able to send villagers anywhere you ideally would have them like read as done on a wood line this is actually a perfect tc as is this these are really good town centers we have them on resources nickels for days does not seem to be the most confident player uh because has the council unit but has not moved out yet hello t90 it's been a while i must say you look splendid in your little overalls wow t90 superficial hello i was really weird about that as your mom said the same thing to me last night uh just kidding hoodlum uh thank you for the 17 months otaku thank you for the two thank you fatalica for the 16. bearded sock thank you for the prime thank you matkins very much for the five months barizard thank you for the year enjoy the gold badge thank you for a year uh m5 says t90 how do you feel about the current balance for aoe2 i'm 27 minutes late to responding to this question do are you still here overall i think it's really good um there are a few things i don't like like they're i still feel like there could be a lot of buffs with some civilizations um i feel like there needs to be a few nerfs i don't like how in team games currently red doesn't have loom what red doesn't have loom 58 villagers three tcs but no loom upgrade what's happening how how do you not get loom um but we have a crazy raid here no i what i don't like uh there's some aspects of like how the game is missing features or just not is not that great overall like the big thing that comes to mind is wow that's a lot of knights with a lot of upgrades and blue is no answer to that currently team games i feel like 99.9 percent of team games are not random civ because and it's just the same civilization so like every team game you play is going to have khmer indians something like britain's ethiopians and i feel like people who like to play random civ are kind of not we're a year after de's come out and we still don't have like consistent random 15 games which is kind of it's a bad thing in my opinion um but yeah balance wise i think it's it's as good as it's ever been but could be a bit better is pickles for days dead i think pickles for days is dead despite the raid over here with skirmishers and man at arms that just seems that he just seems like a better player overall with the no exception of missing looms and missing like you know making nights with britons which can sometimes be bad but i'll tell you what guys nights are still nights simple way to say it but they're still really strong units if you get the upgrades no seeberg it's it's like the way it works for team games is if one person disables random then all people cannot play random so if you have a 4v4 team game and everyone on one team enables random and three people on the other team enable random but one person wants pixiff then everyone's pixiv i don't think it should be that dominant it should be uh if it's 50 50 it ends up being pixiv okay but if like the majority wants one thing it should always uh end up going to the majority yeah overall balance wise i think we're in a good spot um but there will be some changes with the new patch which you guys may have heard of uh that's coming soon i'm looking forward to it i just i guess at this point with 54 bills pickles for days is going to try and go pikeman and it's not a bad thing to go for in this situation it is going to be an uphill battle because he's so far behind an economy but maybe he can take a fight against red and then red might not tech switch into archers red could go up to him bread could do so much with these resources i say go up to imp add three or four r2 ranges and start thinking about making your best unit which is archers the new ui guys if you're just getting here and you're curious my thoughts on the upcoming patch and the little video they posted i actually talked through it at the start of the stream and we gave her thoughts and opinions so maybe re-watch that i also have a video on it so yeah maybe red wants to go long though that's true maybe you'll go into castles um at higher elos what you'd want to do is make that tech switch now instead of making more nights red is making he's just queued up 10 more nights it's a little bit concerning but i don't see how red could possibly lose this game all right blue's going into pikeman red not taking a fight against it trying to run around and around and around um craziness still here it's 21 idols for blue and 13 for red i think blue is going to try and fix some of those problems after he takes this fight he'll win this funny enough pickles for days could actually go up to imp i i don't think you should when you only have six on food but oh jesus is so messy and the night goes down okay so what is red going to do after losing knights to pikeman make more nights and run right back in here if you can micro i say go for it a tech switch makes sense okay and now red's agreeing with me and uh is queuing up eight archers in one range i don't think red is played like a 650 elo player though i don't know there's just been a difference between them so it's hard to say i'd have to see more games but i think red has been like he feels 200 elo stronger but then again if pickles just would have been able to get the walls up a bit earlier and pickles probably thrives when he's not pressured like maybe red is the type of guy to pressure early i'm around a thousand eleven hundred evil and i feel like red would beat me hmm yeah he's like 90 villagers right now where's his account creasing salt oh so started playing um i mean i don't know but definitely doesn't have that many games like only has a little over 20 games and started playing on the 24th there's no way this guy started playing on the 24th and is this good though right i don't know but you know like you never know no one someone's background like maybe they came from other games there's still a lot that could be considered questionable if the game was a little bit closer we'll see but i like red's gameplay i like how red's making that tech switch but i think red just needs to go up to imp i just go up to imp my friend blue's making some nights now to clear up those archers no blacksmith upgrades on the archers by the way red's just running around and around and around this is crazy blue fought back with villagers let's go pickles that's what i'm talking about look at freddy such a nerd it's so unnecessary right and now losing all the archers over here it's so funny how like the second we question someone's skill level they do stuff like that hmm he bruiser says you rock in the sauna pants today no i take that's my uh tuesday is my day off from sauna pants every other day i wear the son of pants another joke about getting a baby from t90 haha funny p.s he's so cute you should see him just passing thank you for the nine months congrats on taking care of our twitch baby can red throw this he wants to go longbows so someone in chat called it a lot of idols over here 30 idol villagers which is the bill difference right now vodka now coming in blue with a ai army comp counter attack and and oh my god blue pickles pickles pickles fight it pickles that's good fight red should fall back to the castle who's creating phil's behind this at the same time from the farm tc's the decent engagement quite a few longbows will go down there but there's castle so think blue should move along oh god blue you're moving into the castle fire why why if you're gonna go this way didn't you just attack the longbows well i mean in all fairness the skirmishers are being used against the longbows now blue's gonna run away now red two castles to make longbows out of still lots of resources from the large eco lead ready red also still doesn't have loom very weird and blue wants to drop a castle here what pickles you mad man against longbows really is there a university for red no university so no upgrades there but full blacksmith upgrades at least and good micro yes so the longbows will win and also with amp get extra range red is going back home and waiting for elite long moment okay why don't you use ca for these casts i don't the new overlay isn't quite at a point where i'm really excited to use it also i can't especially with streams i'll use it for youtube videos but can't have everything that i typically have up as a streamer up with that overlay so it's not worth it for me sorry if you really wanted to see it but that's just where it stands i gotta be motivated to use it i think with some changes we'll get there i feel like red and obviously red's gonna be in a good position because it takes a long time to mask longbows and he has he has that time but i feel like if he doesn't kill fast he's the type of player who might not read macro if blue right now could go up to imp and maybe go into cav blue really wants to draw forward castles which is so peculiar when you know you're the opposition's an imp but maybe in in pickles mind it's like forward castles are tough to deal with so it'll help me come back hey now blue will go to him dropping like this is a recipe for disaster to drop forward castles against someone who's an infant can make trebs and the trebs are already going to be on the way so i i'm rooting for pickles i just don't think this will work i think he built the university thinking he needed uh it to go to the imperial age because he scrambled up the monastery and then he also made the university cav archers with franks i mean technically wait wait a second why do they only have 60 hp i thought that the extra uh hp on the cav applied to the cav archers for franxx was i wrong on that did they make a change there i thought they always had a little bit more hp i mean you should never go frank ca but i swear at one point it applied to the cav archers filster's frank only player he should know i'm pretty sure that it applied to the cav arches at one point they used to on voobly okay see you're right filster i believe you but yeah cav archer's so bad with frank's you can't get bloodlines so you you can't get extra hp to save that lacks bracer yeah thanks for confirming my suspicions on that i think if blue made the castles more defensive and was just massing cab this whole time to try and get into cavalier now we could eventually take this fight but red is just he's gonna go long bows and trebuchets and blue's not gonna have the army comps so i love pickles and i like this player as well i just don't see this going anywhere i think they are affected at the moment well no they wouldn't be right because 68 60 hp is the uh is the base hp for cav archer so if you're getting uh extra hp on it it'd be higher than that i think it was 72 before oh you're right actually oh you you guys are right that's true um i think regular is 50 hp and then with bloodlines it takes you to 70. yeah yeah and then heavy would be 60. okay so you guys are right so i suppose a lot of people are surprised to learn that frank have archers do have a little bit more hp pretty unimportant because you you really shouldn't be going skirms in the situation with frank's but especially when you've got the gold but you notice how pickles is queuing a lot and if the game was a little bit closer never know guys red doesn't have loom just a reminder in case you didn't hear pickles pickles with the attack and red is backing up is this why red is 650 elo cause he can't finish off games and does he doesn't get lube it's 78 villagers for both and red backed up to the hill and red might also see the skirms and get scared of them all right pickles i see you if you're just getting here pickles had a really interesting start and i admitted my bias towards him in this game also relic update pickles has one relic now it could be two another thing i need to mention with skirms is you don't just need attack upgrades you need to get armor so the pierce armor is high makes me enjoy this game so much more oh oh oh pickles no pickles don't do it don't do it rip i'll see what what red's micro is like as red backs up but red should destroy everything pickles has you have four pierce armor on a skirm with no defense upgrades it's 11 damage from a longbow yeah there's just no chance however i don't know if ballistics descend for red that could be tough red is maybe trying to conserve onto his numbers a little bit too much you could go onager longbow i see the siege workshop now you could go like have longbow i like how blue is so insistent upon building castles that can be trapped like the enemy's right here and he's like yep go for it oh my god are you kidding me red really heated shot [Laughter] heated shot let's go i think maybe he he believes he did shot affects the siege because he's getting onager now ready but uh with heated shot upgrade towers and castles do more damage against ships and there's no water on this map so that's not going to be a very effective upgrade what if blue gets into red's eco somewhere reminder it's 78 villagers for both blue is creating more villagers is pickles gonna win this if pickles finds the blacksmith you never know red is so defensive like red is making one of the most devastating death balls to deal with in age of empires history but here come the cav full castle age defense upgrades easy pickings here and so ripped those bills pickles for days takes the villager lead and is also moving microing away bada bing bada boom and reddish is chasing now it still doesn't mean that pickles has an answer to this large force it's still gonna be really tough to deal with red should still win this game 99 times out of 100 but it's low evil legends you never know if you lose your blacksmith do you lose the upgrades until you build a new one no no no you do not blue is currently housed a bit blue needs to make get blacksmith upgrades there hasn't been a single imperial imperial age excuse me blacksmith upgrade also do you do you sense what's coming lou's going to want to save that castle and there's onagers there and i think pickles for days is about to get smashed oh boy oh boy also it's even worse for pickles as red sends villagers forward wow okay uh it's even worse for pickles because the castle will go down and then he'll get even more pop gaps actually i would say that if he's going to have his units alive but oh oh geez the castle falls the skirmishers are all falling oh pickles pickles pickles pickles frank skirmishers are so weak and he didn't get upgrades oh god i think what onigers have contributed very little to this the longbows are enough yeah he's in a he's in a pickle all right so pickles for days has now clicked paladin which will take a while to come in how many fully upgraded frank paladins would you need to clear this up there's 60 longbows you'd probably need like 30 and he doesn't have full upgrades so i think it's just desperation time for blue it would depend on micro and all that but yeah i want to say look at that that uh villager in that group you see that joan of arc over here there's actually two jones yeah red's gonna try something more archer ranges i i really like the determination from pickles to continue to try in this situation because i feel like this game has been over for a while oh you know what i'm hoping for i hope that paladin comes in and then blue immediately runs in with the calf like he doesn't feel like it's worth it now but once the upgrade comes in he's gonna go in for the raid it's the villagers running to the right-hand side is pickles evacuating is pickles not gonna give up okay okay i think pickles is trying to evacuate and stay alive here look there's even more villagers on the left side rip to the tcs rip to the paladins pickles just accepted it's it's game over it was a close game not really just accept it my friend pickles mom probably said only one more game so pickles is going to play until there are no units remaining any time you play against someone who stalls just remember he probably told his mom one more game that that's probably what went down and look i called it the paladin's moved in so here's that raid that's nice um actually i don't think that was intentional i think maybe a unit went over here which brought they're they're sitting there on attack stance i'd even reacted to that geez guys my this is a little bit uh off topic my mustache is so long and straggly it keeps tickling my face as i'm casting and it's really it's a lot to deal with chain fire says i don't think children play this game this isn't fortnite um that's a little bit weird to say when every single person here had probably played this game as a child [Laughter] uh dude there's i'm pretty sure there's plenty of children that play this game maybe not maybe not online but i think you're a bit off on that one like type of one in chat if you played this as a kid or if you like or a father or or mother who has a kid who plays the game now yeah a lot of people played this as a kid why do you think we're here in nostalgia also you say this isn't fortnite but there will be battle royale age of empires as of this weekend so get ready and blue won't give up okay pickles for days will not give up i used to 1v1 my grandpa really nice stuff okay i'm gonna never mind i'm not gonna make that joke i was gonna make a joke which might have been a little bit over the line a little bit too far his red cueing units um not really no 18 idols not making units maybe blue's just playing on until red disconnects that's a strategy maybe he looked and he saw that creasing salt was from australia and he's like wow their internet's really bad over there maybe they'll disconnect soon and red just like please god resign wait red only has 38 bills what and and pickles for days is 57 and pickles for days actually rebooms and starts adding more farms in eco it is winnable also to my australian viewers i'm just joking um i i mean i'm not joking but i'm just trolling i think you guys know gotta be careful man there's a lot of those guys out there especially on youtube and imagine if pickles for days just had upgrades man if he just had imp blacksmith upgrades but this is the problem with low elo you can save villagers but you've got to retask them onto farms and other resources there's zero on food for blue so he's just spending everything he's got red is not focused at all at home it's just all about microing the military he does have and also a lot a lot of these groups are split up so say goodbye to these longbowmen say goodbye to these longbowmen what's happening what's up yo this pickle's about to win the post-imp master pickles is about no has the population lead forget about the disconnects forget about the fact as mom said only one more game red is throwing and now red is like well let's make more longbows but red you you you had to actually go in for the kill maybe uh red rested on his laurels a little bit maybe he felt like this was gg and just was taking his good old time and enjoying the moment but pickles for days again if he just looks over here and starts adding farms adds a couple other tc's like it's 38 villagers versus 48 some type of reboom it'd be so epic reminder pickles for days has the eco lead and the military lead but just slightly pickles for days did have relics but the monastery got taken out what level do you think players reboom in these situations because this is 650. we're not seeing a lot of rebooming here but at what level do you see rebooming like maybe 900 800 somewhere around there you've got to be kidding me you've got to be kidding me i can't believe what i'm seeing pickles for days what do i say with low evil legends you think uh someone's smurfing blah blah blah no some people just are good in some stages and bad in other stages and we got the reboom the reboom from pickles wow extraordinary he's added more farms in five seconds than than red has done in 30 minutes red can't take pressure only gives pressure fair yeah maybe that's the case um so blue is just taking his time sniping whatever groups of of military you could find uh but remember is it kind of low on resources to make units like certainly make paladins red is still struggling to deal with the pressure of the paladins again lack the imp armor which is so massive and the skirms lack all imp upgrades even castle age defense upgrades no upgrades whatsoever which is why longbows are still getting kills there it's a lot of longbows and enough long bows that should take out three paladins if these start fighting soon um yeah and now pickles could lose this tc okay i bet you pickles panics and sends all this military back home i think that's what we're seeing right now watch the waypoints are set oh yeah oh yeah this is panic time for pickles really scared about these longbows really does not want to lose this town center this is so messy this game is stressful and we're seeing a perfect example of it right here blue's coming back home the carrier pigeon dropped off a message to the army to the leader of the group the captain oh my captain the king is in trouble come save us and we've got the repairs the epic repairs because we can't just run away and make a new town center we've never done that before so we've got to repair this one and funny enough repairs are working well and red is really determined to take out the tc so he's clicked oh god this could be a big mistake he's used his long post on the tc they're not attacking units and they won't automatically attack units and blue will use the paladin against the onagers or on a juror and other skirms are here pickles pickles he's gonna survive and it's 70 population for both what's happening they're both like both of these players are dead they should both resign at the same time and both lose points that would be the gentlemanly thing to do i don't know how that would work exactly they're both dead they should not be alive oh my god and now creasing salt's gonna make some spearmint i mean greasing salt does have a lot of wood and a lot of food and scalps okay so now it's time for the trash units um but oh my word keep in mind there's still stone here to mine if you're creasing salt what is this game man this is 650. this is like we saw a difference between the two players in feudal and castle we felt like nah this game is over this is the classic um this is a classic situation where people on youtube are going to be like 15 minutes i saw i thought the game was over but then i saw there was an hour remaining in the video um a nice t-90 form there but yeah anyways i i just i was struggling to see how they were even until we hit the hour mark okay hey i'm seeing the 650 now what's so dumb about this though is because blue doesn't have the final armor upgrade on his uh paladins he can't really even fight next to tc's and castles but he doesn't have gold income so i don't know how he's ever gonna make siege and then red was making siege but now i'm concerned because he's kind of stopped making siege he's at least going to make non-gold units blue is a bit unfortunate like there's resources out there there's gold here i think blue should probably take out these long posts and take this gold take these relics take this relic mine that gold but i don't know if blue i don't know if they have the apm and the skill to do that blue did sell a lot of wood at the market but you've got to get back to creating villagers in this situation red still should be favored because of the amount of resources and the 30 long posts with imp upgrades like that's those are fully upgraded longbows there oh man red should have stolen the relics yeah and he also should have created villagers at one point over the last 40 minutes so there's a lot on the list of things they probably should have gone for it's just what is manageable for them and the truth is what is manageable is making military with whatever resources you have and going in again i still think red's gonna win this game it's all down to if pickles can reboom because there's gold out there to collect and also it's will pickles does he even have a blacksmith okay the blacksmith is still there oh i got it baby pickles will think about the relics or think about the gold down here and then when pickles is on this part of the on the screen he's going to see the blacksmith and remember that those upgrades are important so he's probably doesn't have a go-to blacksmith hockey he's not looking down here currently so he can't think oh i need to use my blacksmith the only thing that's going to get him to use the blacksmith is if something takes him to this part of the screen someone says pickles has this in the bag i'm not so sure a town center a second town center and more villagers for pickles now they're all idle because they're not going directly to a resource there's no waypoint that's something and okay is red patrolling with this army oh boy oh boy expect the paladins to die here but how many longbows will go down oh boy oh my oh my oh my oh the longbows there's no gold for red frank paladins they're pushing back the longbows with micro i feel like the paladins would die in that situation steal so many skirms and again the blacksmith the blacksmith the red still has food in the bank still could take stones still could still could take gold actually still could take relics there's a lot that red could do but 33 villagers for red we are one hour and 23 minutes into this game so we are 83 minutes into this game actually 84 as red has 84 pop so one population per minute played here as red i assume was just forgot that he flicked this paladin and resigns with the score lead pickles pickles pickles pickles did it he freaking did it what look at that timeline red was overconfident couldn't finish off the game somehow and just didn't didn't boom up and didn't keep the eco rolling oh my god what a game pickles was so dead it felt like like right here pickles felt dead here i thought pickles was dead here i thought pickles was dead here i thought pickles was dead and then i started to believe a little bit okay this what someone just said in twitch chat might be the title of the youtube video this will be low evil legends um shout out to ito who said you don't need to be the better player you just have to convince the opponent you are that's a perfect way to describe it increasing salt had more blacksmith upgrades he boomed more in the mid game he did so much more but what blue is able to do probably really got him stressed out the raids and some of the fights like just remaining active just staying in the game i think staying in the game just put so much pressure on red where he maybe like did you ever feel like you're under more pressure when you're you feel like you're decent at something or your head you know like like your parents are like um i'm trying to think of a real life example but like there 4 000 score lead ahead and not being able to finish off the game does that not put a little bit of pressure on red and the paladin raids start coming in and he might be thinking no i'm throwing i'm throwing i'm throwing what's happening i don't know that's 600 elo there let's let's talk we talked a lot about what they were doing what they weren't doing boyfriend is paying for this wahoo let's talk about what players could do better right i think with with red uh get loom just get loom okay pretty easy um red and blue keep your villager number at a certain uh at a certain number like keep it above 70 i'd say and post it for 600 elo keeping it above 70 is reasonable ideally you want to boom to 100 villagers stay between like 100 to 120 but yeah keep creating extra villagers if you find some time create new eco blue did a little bit of that and post it but not much and then for blue getting blacksmith upgrades certainly would have helped him here and i think for red maybe go rams and maybe just spend the rest of your resources yay i'd say longbows they're a fantastic unit but it's more so longbow halberdier or longbow like some combination with boost that makes it really tough to stop because they have a meat shield and that's something that red lacked in this game even still with these resources the long bows could have been pulled back you you wait for these like have to come out the like have clear out those skirms i mean this is not a game that red needed to resign in i still think red was in the winning position here but uh as someone said you don't need to be the better player you just need to convince the opposition that you are okay that was a game uh 323 kills for creasing salt i also feel like on some level a lot of people watching related to red throwing 90s related to red's problems finishing off the game um that's the maps are big there's a lot going on it can be tough i have seen it enough times and yeah uh 768 relic gold if that mattered even though the relics were lost in the end for pickles for days and there's a final glance at the timeline twitch prime i think it was
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 78,447
Rating: 4.9489174 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, No, Loom, Confidence, Overboom, Mistake, Noob, Throw, WTF, Low Elo Legends, Funny, Impressive, Pickles4Days, Salt, T90, T90Official, Noob Game, Tutorial, Spirit of the Law
Id: dsT1sEUGbiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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