Trisha Paytas is a CLOWN!

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[Music] hey Yoshi why don't you come on down here and hang out with your friendly neighborhood clown you see I don't have very many friends and I'd love for you to so be my special friend I've got balloons well what about this I heard you like potatoes okay that's it all right come on hug I gotta jock some other check into this sewer you see the cheap infinity dogs in my car in the Kitty Hawk do you secure the buggy I get the hello YouTube welcome back to the channel and if this is the first video you're ever watching of me hello welcome to clown week yes for the next few videos me and my brothers and sisters will be in town talking about the freaks the creeks and the clowns in your community would be such a good idea for a bunch of clowns talk about a bunch of clowns hi guys before we start I really should introduce myself my name is Sean McDaniel I'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug in a past theater nerd gone grownup cosplayer cosplaying as it the murder is but quite cute clown and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person and you know the jail by now and if you don't you do now if there's anything offending you right now let us know in the comment section this is the place to do it and while you're down there you might as well hit that subscribe button because I post once at two times a week sometimes three and sometimes dressed in a variety of characters for today's video topic today we are diving into the on world of a popular youtuber called Trisha Paytas who you guys have said is acting quite clownish you guys are saying she deserves to be in my buttface Hall of Fame right next to little lid from 90-day fiance so we are gonna decide right here right now shall she be awarded shall I drag her to the depths of my sewer let's get into it Trisha Paytas has been on a give me attention rampage for a few weeks now and I have not been following it at all because it was just a lock and I didn't understand why people were making such a big deal of it from what I understood before I started really looking into it I'm watching the videos and seeing what was going on she ended up calling a girl crazy there's a girl disassociated or something I think I think she's British and like I watched it I was like oh like she seems crazy and the girl that she called crazy ended up having a mental disorder oopsies but in my head without doing all the research or understanding what went on I was like okay we know Trisha credit talks too much she probably called this girl crazy she seems crazy she didn't know that she had a mental disorder all she has to do is just say sorry and we can all move on but now that I actually looked into it it's pretty bad Trisha is freaking up and she keeps freaking a youtube channel called disassociate di D is a channel that educates people that have di D aka this associative identity disorder di D is previously known as multiple personality disorder is thought to be a complex psychological condition that is likely caused by many factors including severe trauma during early childhood usually extreme repetitive physical sexual or emotional abuse this associative identity disorder is a severe form at this Association a mental process which produces a lack of connection and a person's thoughts memories feelings actions or sense of identity disassociative identity disorder is thought to stem from a combination of factors that may include trauma experienced by the person with the disorder the disassociative aspect is thought to be a coping mechanism the person literally shuts off or disassociates himself from a situation or experience that's two violen traumatic or painful to assimilate with the conscious self nan who is the creator of the channel has been diagnosed by a professional that she has di D and she shares the information to the world to help bring awareness because I will completely admit I did not know what di D was and you guys kept commenting that Trisha was pretending to have di D and I didn't know what that was all I know is that traditional loves to pretend but then I did a little research and I was like okay give Tricia a little bit of slack she probably spoke out of her butthole without really you know knowing what was going on I've been in that situation before remember I told you that story of the guy that kept like blinking at me making all these weird facial expressions I was like what the hell is wrong with your face you weirdo just cuz he kept staring at me and he ended up having Tourette's and I was like yeah you're pretty cute and I fell in love yeah that story's down there I'll link it sure it's it's like a cough or a sneeze that it isn't contagious like some people think and a lot of people who do not know what the ID is or didn't know that someone had it if they were talking to a person or like was watching a video and all of a sudden there's just some some switch going off in that person and they changed it to a completely different individual different personality they'd most likely be like what the heck is going on because they don't know and all just you had to do is say you know I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend everyone no instead of that she decided to do the complete opposite and say that she also has the ID so it's completely okay that she called her crazy a youtuber called Anthony Padilla who had ninh from this associate d ID on his show and saw Trisha claiming she has it and says that claiming you have disassociative identity disorder is not a cool excuse to mock people in the community and call them crazy and Trisha her you know extra self went insane you Anthony buddy out here if this gets monetize well you it's really acting like some sort of white knight went on a huge tirade against Anthony you you you watch my video and you're you made an assumption saying I'm mocking people with disassociate if I didn't disorder what suck you I'm sorry I didn't mean to stop it just just this face she is going and dumb little prick and the most common quote that I'm seeing being taken from these videos is when did I mock then when did I mock them and you will see just how much she mocked them in this video and now Trisha is down to prove that she does have di D so now that you're all cut up that's what we're going to be doing today washing Trisha proved to all of us that she does in fact have di D so Trisha as far as I know at time that I'm filming this video has five different altars Trixie which is hurtin Toto Balter T which is not of this world most likely one of my brothers and tyranny and Tyson twin boys tyranny is the crazy one and Tyson is the sensitive one though how did she prove to all of us that she in fact has the ID instead of going to a professional and actually getting diagnosed she just shows us live footage of her switching what's better proof than that so she posts a video called reviewing chick-fil-a spicy sandwich normal right that's what she always says but outlook what is this the next day she films another video titled reviewing chick-fil-a spicy chicken sandwich claiming oh my god I had no clue I posted this it must have been one of my alters I didn't know so in the first video she's acting very different than her normal Trisha we're going to be doing a little bit of a spin on the my ping game she's slurring words but it's 2013 she's speaking a lot quieter than normal suddenly people are doing things okay we got it we all know Chris as loud as she thinks she sees Peter Pan eyelid ship thought Peter Pan was in my yard well let such a shadow peeta peeta is such a shadow catch it but book runs away and in the second chick-fil-a review video she's kind of similar in my opinion hey guys what is up today we are going to be reviewing a anniversary product from the new chain restaurant chick-fil-a so not quite like the first video but not quite like Trisha either but you guys she caught the switch right on camera are you ready for the complete proof that we all need to believe her groundbreaking footage is about to come through everyone who didn't believe her is gonna look completely stupid not Trisha everyone else is gonna look dumb cuz she she's about to prove this this is new spicy a chicken sandwich I can't mine with no pickles so basically she takes a bite out of the sandwich and says and she sticks it back into the bag that the sandwich came in because I'm guessing in trishy land the rapping is an oven walking the other girl under Jesus sky daddy Buddha somebody shane dawson come get your friend I'm guessing does she think people have the idea are just stupid go back in the other room water dumb when did I mock them Trisha I am NOT a therapist I am a clown that's not too fond of children but I don't think one of the side effects of GID is stupidity so she puts it back in the oven for 20 seconds that's her alarm I set a timer I think about Ferris I step and then the alarm ding goes off and she's switching fall time all right let's try this again at this price what you can see how much yes and she says ok let's say that she did switch who in the holy heck would open their chick-fil-a sandwich bag see that there is a big old bite taken out of it and then decide to take a bite out of the sandwich in the same spot that some random person took a bite out of Shane Dawson get your friend before I do another video titled my alter switch caught on camera live footage we see another set of proof that she does have the ID and that she does switch I mean look at this thumbnail eyes cross people with D ID they always cross their eyes and morph into the next alter when did i mock them I actually did a heavy research on D ID and by that I mean I looked up a few things on Google and watched about four or five videos from noon so if I get something wrong sorry in the video she didn't cross her eyes from what I saw maybe I missed something but I watched the whole thing I didn't see her start crossing her eyes so why it's in the thumbnail is beyond my thought process when did I mock them anyway so let's get to this live footage so Trisha wobbles into her kitchen with a camera already set up that's very convenient she's starting to get water then all of a sudden there's the big old switch right there caught on camera the camera that is conveniently set up in her kitchen at the perfect angle and she starts acting like a child complaining that she's hungry breaks out a bag of Doritos and fruit roll-ups throwback by the way love those she also stares at the camera balls up the fruit roll-up it's shoved in her mouth another throwback that's literally how I used to eat my fruit roll-up and then right when she's about to swallow the fruit roll-up she switches back to Trisha she's confused she's flustered her stomach is killing her because she just ate so much food which makes no sense she ate about six Doritos okay correction three Doritos and she didn't even swallow the fruit roll-ups and in all those months big video she's eaten way more than that so after her episode she needs the water that she was originally getting before her Switzer she goes to the frigerator and starts getting her water after that really just intense episode of whatever it just went on and she just leans down in a very dramatic Crouch in the video jesh shuts off so people who didn't believe her now look at you you look so dumb don't Jeff she threw her Cup on the floor she she ate torito's she almost ate a full fruit roll-up she crossed her eyes she thought Peter Pan was in her backyard such a shadow Peter PETA is such a shadow and she caught it all on a camera so you guys who are dusting Trisha you're the ones who looked up she proved it she did that she also proved that her alters love to eat loud and for the people who don't know I have misophonia if you eat loud around me just know that I have imagined grabbing your body and dragging you down into the sewers whether you're a kid or an adult okay and the whole time Trisha ate very loudly and I sat through it while my ears bleed thoroughly and I don't like when my ears bleed why does not one of her personalities believe in eating with their mouth like this something I noticed that in her meet my ultras video is that her alter tyranny lies a lot here nice caddy [ __ ] is a lot she literally said that that her alter lies oh is a lot so that's really all I needed she just admitted that her alter ego lies Trisha has been caught in a variety of different lives and I think we just caught Trisha actually telling the truth for what is a lot so now time to answer the question does Trisha Paytas belong on my thoughts we'll probably it bends used famous everyone knows of this prize buttface Hall of Fame with Edie from 90 day fiancé yes for all of this but also because she eats with her mouth open no one makes its ears bleed put her up Congrats Trisha yeah made it anyway I've got to make a call really quick hey hey laughing Jack yeah make sure to clear your schedule you've got to come down to earth and uh yeah talk about that weirdo from 90 day fiancé yep let's get on tune in next time to see my brother he's coming you see the trippy I'm sitting up in my car in the kiddie I do you secure the bag I get the bar get up you see the trippy unfitted and my karma kitty he's secured of my key I get the bugs I'm gonna flexor stretch I ain't never scared like bone crunch I don't feel my love
Channel: undefined
Views: 185,131
Rating: 4.9680982 out of 5
Keywords: trisha paytas, trisha paytas alters switch caught on camera, trisha paytas meet my alters, dissociadid, dissociative identity disorder, DID, multiple personality disorder, Mental Health, nin, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, meet my alters, anthony padilla, reacting to trisha paytas: meet my alters | dissociative identity disorder, dear anthony padilla..., trisha paytas dissociadid, trisha and shane
Id: GxRb6ZH8Dk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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