My Gay Story Time

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yep it's gonna be a big ol gay storytime today whoa are you pissed because of the title calm down my god take a seat break out that wine it's story time and then once you listen to the story then leave a comment okay let's do this hi you guys if you're new here this is my page my thoughts will probably offend you and my name's Michelle and McDaniel on this page we talk about fitness health relationship and a bunch of story times all while being petty if you are not new here that means you are a subscriber or some weirdo that hates me and just watches my videos for some reason but if you are subscriber well here is your trophy for being just amazingly as fabulous alright so I told this story on Facebook a long time ago but I figured I would tell my YouTube fan because honestly I like YouTube a lot better so when I started on YouTube I actually didn't post a lot about fitness I actually posted because I was single all the way up until I was 24 and I would post you know relationship videos because I was a virgin for a long time and I wanted to wait for someone that I thought would not hit it and quit it basically so I basically didn't want my first time to be with some little boy with a little dick and a little cheap bastard personality to be completely Frank with you guys I don't talk like that but I just had c4 that's one second but I was my goal and a lot of the guys that I was running into they were just not going to get the kitty so I'll kind of post the bells certain guys and how they were great at first and then they figured out that it's going to take on it that'll work to get up in here and how they would just run away so pretty much stories like that about being single a single virgin that happened to be fit so because I was post about being a virgin it gave off the impression that I was some ultra crazy Bible then Christian waiting for my knight in shining armor so that I can serve my king so anyway that's probably read too many Christians that I was very traditional so they get a lot of Christians commenting in my father section and messages from a lot of Christians you know giving me Bible verses and don't worry God's gonna send you the perfect man to take care of you and you know all that Bible stuff by the way I am a Christian I believe in God and being a good person and blah blah blah I just can't stand well you know uh you'll you'll you'll hear it in the video so I'll there just talking to this guy at my job and I honestly didn't really like him he was very like the kind of Christians that I don't like the very abrupt type Christians on this just the ones that believe that this is the way you have to believe or you're going to hell you know those kind of Christians we are gonna call him meat loaf not that I don't like meat loaf like the food I had it last night but just because I guess I had it last night and that's what I'm gonna call him so we actually watched as quite a bit of my videos and seemed to like me because he you know thought that I was probably a very like China Christian well I'm actually just having a normal like pretty peaceful discussion with the sky probably talking about what we're doing over the weekend and then from the back of me I hear oh my god this [ __ ] I turn around and I see this very flamboyant dude walking towards me let me correct myself he was walking towards me [Music] girlfriend was freak like me looking right at me and I didn't recognize it and so I'm like do I know oh my god this was my friend let's call him rainbow because obviously back back back in a high school though we start talking catching up changing numbers he exits the stage and says call me [ __ ] you better call me so then we laugh and say our goodbyes he walks on and blah blah blah so then I turned back to meatloaf and his whole demeanor has changed and he goes [ __ ] those people are so disgusting so I thought he made a super flamboyant dudes like rainbow so I go yeah he's a great dude hes just super extra you know and he goes those days freaks that's not exactly what he said but I'm trying to not put a lot of vulgarity in this video even though in the beginning I kind of had a lot that's just not exactly what he said that's the nice version so he goes those gay freaks just need a stop know me I'm super sarcastic so I say doesn't really bother me what people decide to do with their buttholes I'm super sarcastic and kind of like Mia whatever but he did not take it in in that way like in a joking way away he then slammed his fist on the desk I look at him all the sudden he's holding a Bible in one hand a picture of Jesus in the other and wearing a robe oh I thought you were a Christian but yeah well that's not something God would want you talking to and then he proceeds to yelling me and says he's going to hell and are you for even associating with that trash with that abomination hold up look I have no problem with religious people I have no problem with non-religious people I have no problem with gay people liberal publicans Egan's you know all those groups of people like oh you're a liberal oh you're a republican oh god you are vegan those kind of groups that we like to talk about like on social media I don't care I really don't care but one I can't stand people that try and shove their beliefs down your throat - are you Jesus you don't know what someone else's fate is 3 I can't stand hypocrite so get fit because I was friends with his girlfriend at the time who was one of those oh my gosh I'm gonna pray for you come to church with me I should state you had a people she was really sweet though I really liked her actually him didn't like so much her I do like it didn't like the fact that they were together because he's an ass so because he was being very vocal about his opinion about how my friend we're going to go to the bottomless pit of hell with Seton I say hold up wait a minute meat loaf don't you live with your girlfriend we're gonna call his girlfriend Mary cuz she was like super holy you know and she doesn't have absolutely no ring on her finger oh and you guys have sex don't you in fact remember you've dated my other friend we're gonna call her Tila Tequila because she was basically a stripper so I told him I know damn well you also had sex with her a lot of raunchy sex he told me the details all weren't even together y'all were just a fling flang also didn't you cheat on your recent girlfriend Mary wit good old Tila Tequila didn't Jeff you just manipulated Mary to forgive you because that's what the Bible says what it does say you should forgive but you should not forget I wish he just kicked him in his nuts and moved on because he was a [ __ ] anyway I'm pretty sure the Bible said you're not supposed to put the penis in the vagina before marriage and I'm sure enough sure that you are not supposed to be putting your your penis and other girls vaginas when you're with someone else I think that's called adultery this is sold ultry if you're not married it shetan and you know what's wrong and God said not to do it so please explain why him being gay is different from you actually do not because you can't so then after all that he goes well I don't care what he does or what gay people do but I hate that they shove it down our throat okay so we're changing the original reason why you're upset but let's let's go with it and I can personally understand that point and where he's coming from because I've seen poser I've heard in real life you know someone will ask somebody's opinion about you know homosexuality and they'll say something like you know what they can do whatever they want but I just don't agree with that lifestyle and the other person will literally jump down their throats rip them apart and then kill them with their work it's like you have to have their opinion or you are a bigot which I don't like I like people to have their own opinions as long as everybody's respectful but at the same time mr. meatloaf was saying how this is a sin and this is horrible all at the same time that he is sitting and doing horrible things he just happens to be straight so as they come on man you're a hypocrite you're just annoyed because he's gay and very flamboyant you're doing some freaky Fifty Shades of Grey type moves with multiple women all while you are in a relationship with a very committed woman look at yourself ugly sorry I really didn't like them there's other things that happened with that guy that does like oh you're just so gross why did you date so many people that I knew and they had to tell me all of it tragic he was just one of those people that always had to say what women did wrong and always had an excuse for why men were the way that they were and not irritated me because when they can be [ __ ] and so can men not just one of them anyway him and his girlfriend broke up she actually started competing in bikini after they broke up because he wouldn't allow her because it was very ungodly I recently decided to just look at his Facebook and it turns out that he's still hosting what is right and wrong with various Bible verses and no one likes his for comment I know he's still watching my videos and I'm sure he'll watch this one because it's got gay in the title I see you're still a loser also Mary's doing way better off without you anyway people kept asking me what's my opinion on gay bar like this gay movement that's going on I guess like the acceptance movement of homosexuals and trans and whatnot and my opinion is first of all I have some gay followers that I meet in real life at events when I have my business and they go hard for me if someone said anything about me oh my god have you ever been told off by a gay person a gay man that was in my car I can break you okay and so put it in my car if you did so that in their currency exactly I bet you won't go in my car both sides are so smart Stanley like I said put it in my car no it will get broke put it in my car okay I get to put it in my car Stan are you gonna thank you okay bet is all right when you compare this is for kron4 News den de Robert this is for people behaving badly on channel 4 what about people overeating on channel 4 badass how about that thank you sir why don't get in chubby bet have a good day you too badass thank my opinion about you know gay people or trans people is I don't have one if you're a good person and you're funny sarcastic you wash cartoon then you recite old school spongebob with me we are good alright well that's my big ol gay storytime thumbs up if you enjoyed it comment below if you want another gay story time because I do have another one that I want to tell you guys if you want me to tell you um and yes a bear roll be my amazing drawing don't forget to subscribe to my channel and turn on the notification button so you do not ever miss one of my videos also follow me on Instagram and I will see you guys next time remember stay fabulous because this is a game video and be a beast [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 49,835
Rating: 4.9271622 out of 5
Keywords: gay people are going to hell, are gay people going to hell, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, christianity, blog, stroy time videos, vlogs, funny story times, animated story times
Id: LtlYYgRIspA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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