I Discovered I was FAT! [STORY TIME]

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and as I ate my two bags of hot cheetos and three white chocolate chip cookies during math class I noticed I was a bit cold so I reached down to my lap - grab my bunched up sweater and as I grabbed it I was shook oh [ __ ] I'm fat hey you guys my name is michelle mcdaniel this is my page my thoughts will probably offend you and here we talk about fitness relationship story time and really anything that i think of because they are my thoughts so you guys once again have been in my inbox then I get this recurrent question saying so what was your initial wake-up moments when did you decide to get healthier well this is that story and I hope you enjoy it so through my childhood we knew absolutely nothing about healthy food I literally could eat whatever I wanted as a child I had full access to the kitchen at all times I could eat whatever I wanted the only vegetable I would eat was smothered in cheese are drenched in ranch Vince my love for cheese and ranch now as an adult I remember as a kid I went to one of my friends houses and her mom made meatloaf and her mom fed the meatloaf on my plate oh yeah okay that's good she put the dinner roll on my plate oh yeah mineral that's great and then she put this green object that looks like a miniature tree on my plate what is this why are there tiny trees on my plate ma'am let me just roll that in here really quick now when I was young I was pretty big my mom was naturally if they don't have our same body type up until I started puberty my game I played you guys this before but my nickname was a she er chol yeah there's that pic roast me so I was in I never really had to worry about being fat or I didn't really worry about getting fat no I don't know what fat was just give me more Chi and let me just tell you my love of as a child and still till this dad's can't control it let me just give you a little insight on how horrible my diets used to be my mom told me this story I mean this goes way back to me and my brother baby we were literally like little black rug rats okay who loved butter so my mom's cooking in the kitchen right with us off to the side and she turns her back on me and my brother and we're both like let's do this target acquired and as she leaves the room we start crawling on over there he gets on all fours and I climb up and my mom walks in and then hides behind the wall to just watch what her little rug rats are doing and she said I snatched that butter broke it in half and me and my brothers started munching away on pure butter wait you're right Yoshi I'm over this Josie is not about that health wife you guys should know that but yeah we snapped that butter and we had to be like two ish at that moment my mom should have known she needed to do something but she didn't and she thought it was cute and she went about her business but anyway thumbs up for that mini story of my buttery childhood okay so back to me being super skinny and being the female version of Irbil so I was been until I hit puberty I hit puberty Maxine years old on my birthday if you catch my drift that lovely day of becoming a woman great all of a sudden hips popped out I got these these things on my chest called boobs you didn't know I had to wear a contraption called a bra I wasn't allowed to go outside without the contraption wearing my little tank tops like all my friends could anymore all the men were hitting on me and my hunger was out of troll and suddenly I started noticing that I was a little squishier in places that I wasn't used to being so squishy but I really didn't know what to do about that because I wasn't taught any type of healthy value so I just continued to eat the way that I always need but I started working out as well which made me even hungrier so a more and got more squish here and then I worked out more and still got more hungry and more squishier and the cycle continued so now I'm in middle school and you guys my boobs were popping they were almost double D's in middle school I had some knockers in eighth grade watermelons and butter analogy you want to use so I was pretty good at math up until eighth grade I hated math I didn't get math and I really didn't want to do math because it made me feel rather dumb I mean once they started throwing in like logarithms I knew it was over for me I was that kid that was show up before school started and get help stay after class to get help stay during lunch to get help and would go back after school to get help and it just wasn't going in and my teacher was just like I'd really know that I think about it I think I only passed because he saw how much effort I was putting into it he just felt bad for me shoutout to anyone else who's bad at math are you bad tell me in the comments section makes me feel better now combined being horrible at math and my anxiety at the time and you're not gonna get a very good combo but my teacher let us eat in class by God even though I hated math I really looked forward to that class because eating so math was right after lunch so along with eating my lunch I would make sure to get my snacks for math class so that I could just eat I really didn't know what was going on in my class but I get my food so every day I would get 2 mini bags Hot Cheetos and three of those delicious cookies with the nuts in the white chocolate yes delicious I still have a thing for those cookies you guys like every once in a while I will go into subway and get like three of them and that's literally what I did back then I would get three of those white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies and I could totally eat more than three but I only had about seven dollars for snacks so it forced me to limit myself so I'm in class and my teacher has the nerve to make longer rhythms with division instance anxiety so I break out my snacks food thank the Lord so I'm having a good old time eating the hell out of my snacks and as I ate my two bags of hot cheetos and three white chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies my teacher talks about logarithms and I zoned out just focusing on my food I noticed I was cold so I reach down to my lap to grab my butt stuff sweater and as I grabbed it I wish I grabbed it again I squeezed it and as I looked at the cookies in my hand I said holy [ __ ] I'm fat you guys the thing that I grabbed was not my sweatshirt in fact my a beautiful sweatshirt was on the ground near my feet so what I grabbed was my gut I never really noticed how large my gut gods until that exact moment I was so devastated I didn't even want to eat the rest of my food but we all know I did but at that moment I knew I wanted to change my body and I said hello of years of being confused about food crashed guys and being unhappy and insecure about my body I knew I wanted to change my body I just didn't know how but I knew I didn't want it guts that I mistook for a bunch of sweatshirt and that was literally my oh [ __ ] on fad moment and the breaking point in my head where I was like I probably not the healthiest person I figured that out in eighth grade took me a long time to get actually healthy but we're here now that just proves guys that it does take time definitely didn't take me overnight so what was your ocean I'm fat moments did it happen recently or a long time ago and what did you do to help get yourself healthier I personally feel like for most people there is a point where we never thought about our bodies and then one thing happens and then that's all we ever think about ah growing up isn't it just grand it makes me feel all warm and cuddly inside just thinking about eggs Yoshi came back to say hi anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to share it with a friend hit the thumbs up button if you enjoyed it or the thumbs down but not too sure why you would be offended by it but some people are hit that subscribe button if you want to see a more of me and follow me and yes Yoshi does have an Instagram right there and we will see you guys next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 214,619
Rating: 4.9630198 out of 5
Keywords: I was fat story time, story time i was fat, storytime im fat, im fat storytime, story time fat, when i was fat, am i fat, how i lose weight, weight loss, i found out i'm fat, fat girl story time, weight gain storytime, weight gain story time, cartoon story time, animated story time, funny story time, fat, skinny to fat, michelle mcdaniel story time
Id: NiUn1F5w5ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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