Sisters That Weigh 1,000 Pounds!!!! TLC New show!

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[Music] that's right it's my turn to be on this channel my Prezi and yes I'm gonna get you and that little dog Yoshi to [Music] it's only a matter of time before she shows up hi guys this video is sponsored by me if you're looking for a workout program along with a very supportive group where I share advice answer all questions post free gym workouts and home workouts where you get to stay in the group forever that's right it's a lifetime group because we want a lifestyle change if you're interested the link is below hello YouTube welcome back to the channel my name's michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug a past theatre nerd gone grown-up cosplayer and i am cosplaying as a Wicked Witch of the West with a little spin on it with these beautiful eyes it's been said I'm never looking to my witches character's eyes oh you did it you're dead and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person if anything is offending you today let us know in the comments section this is the place to tell the world what is offending you go ahead my prissy tell me everything that's bothering you so that I can tell you I don't care ok let's be serious so you guys were acting me to react to a show called 1000 pound sisters on the always trolling Network TLC on my last DLC video when we talked about 90-day fiance in hell they really played up the whole trailer-trash persona with Angela [Applause] someone commented TLC trolling like crazy and I loved that because it's completely true TLC comes up with some of the absolute best shows of quality that aren't scripted ever so I personally don't watch shows like this i watch fun things happy fun things like anime rug rack regular show things that make me laugh so this is me reacting to a show that I haven't watched yet and that I probably would never watch I'm sure it's gonna be a Dana life of two 500-pound women and with my job in my very more really obese family I already know what that looks like and it's not fun but TLC loves to make inspirational shows but they're honestly really making fun of everyone in the show and trying to get a huge reaction from the watcher once again in my 90-day fiance video we talked about Angela a overweight white older woman from the trailer park giving her 30 something year old Nigerian black boyfriend trunk gear but and they really played that up because in America it's not okay to like Trump if you're black and so people freaked out when they got more people talking about their show that's more people watching their show so I know let's make a little prediction list of what we are probably going to see in this show a whole show about two fat sisters I'm just gonna guess it I'm pretty sure there's going to be a lot of eating most likely messy eating chortling to walk either using a walker or one of those scooters that I always get ran over when I go to Walmart and lastly they're probably going to be going through a journey to lose weight and probably get the patriotic surgery and I'm just guessing that because the show my 600-pound life seems to be the goal for all of the people that appear on the show so I think that COC will stay with the same format except they're gonna make it a little more quirky because they're two sisters so let's add quirky to the list as well guys I know this eyelash is wonky right here but I'm not gonna fix it so we've got a lot a lot going on on here I don't I don't I don't want to fix it so just complained about it in the comment section okay let's see what this show is all about so the first one that I want to look at it's kind of like an intro to the whole series and it's it says meet the 1000 pound sisters so let's meet them well that checks off one thing off my list I knew they would have this accident why wouldn't they TLC loves that trailer park tight because I do pay taxes and I pay a lot as a single frickin Nemo Nemo Nemo persona you're supposed to do shut up between the tourists me it can be probably way ELISA that wasn't pounds oh the struggle check so we just said it then we're gonna have weight-loss surgery mom what do I need Erik surgery I don't think you make it I think you're chickened out in order to get a proof for surgery we need to lose a lot of weight what about Big Daddy because we both giggle we don't say should have put relateable on that list so that is one of the most relatable thing ever I don't want to live off frickin sounds like I won't make it so more struggling which is what I expected they're big girls and if you're that big you are struggling to do the most simplest everyday physical action breathing walking lifting your arm is a chore I know if I struggled with my sugar addiction food addiction just in general and my binge eating disorder I know damn well these girls are struggling hard you guys it was at the point where I would cry I would get upset I would lash out I would start scratching just itching because I just I felt like I needed that sugar it's very much like kicking a drug addiction except your drug is everywhere and socially acceptable holy I'm predicting that I'm gonna love this sister what does my weight every late that you ready I'm ready to cancel the surgery I don't see us going forward with it with the progress that you're making right now we better for us to get separated for a little bit yes they most likely enable each other to eat me and one of my friends who's latina so whenever I go to her house it's just lots of family which means lots of food but when we get together something goes off in our weird little heads and it's just we want to eat hola and I'm talking 10 p.m. at night running to Target getting two gallons of different flavored ice cream and a whole 24 sugar cookie platter with a side of burger and fries from whatever fast-food restaurant is open yeah we cannot live together because we are bad influences on each other okay so even though I know TLC knows exactly what they're doing they honestly love making shows about morbidly obese people which it's fine I just think they troll and over spread to the episodes I get it but I also think it's great that people see how much of a struggle it is to be that obese you know with this whole fat acceptance thing I'm not too sure how anyone that says that being morbidly obese is perfectly healthy he'll fit every size test holiday not true can look at these girls and be like yep they're fine they're completely healthy and thriving let's watch this one call Tammy's online dating struggles I was an online dater it's a hard place for a witch but I met my boyfriend of five years or six years after - I just stopped counting so let's see because it's relatable to me how do you know he's legit what if there's a fake picture she seems so sassy just a Sassy's aspersa happy video chat idea yeah you want to yeah I'm a little scared he won't actually like what it easy oh oh that did something to my heart you guys with my job it is super heartbreaking when I hear that I've heard it multiple times from thin obese average-sized people men and women because men can also be insecure about their body I've had every single size in tears just being insecure about their bodies and feeling trapped but it is the most amazing thing when they start to change and they put in work and I start receiving those selfies of confidence it's just the feels right in my little witchy heart field humming all your pictures yeah but that's just face sure I had so many online relationships I never walked out I questioned myself wondering why it's hard for people to love me Oh but to be fair this happens to a lot of people relationships are a struggle for everyone there's not one person that I've heard and just have like a blissful time dating and if you have you must have put a spell on somebody and that's a spell that I even haven't mastered but just remember just because you lose weight doesn't mean you're going to magically find this amazing relationship yeah me too my friends when they saw me there talked to some new guy does he have a job can he speak in complete sentences does he watch anime and cartoons cuz that's a huge deal breaker right there years older than you so I would love to see my sister happy but Tami's been catfished before Montana is catfished online she just eats emotional Binger that is so hard to kick I'm not too sure what I was I never seek out help I had to do it all by myself took forever and a lot of screwing up the thing I want for Tammy the most is a longer life quit worrying about the me and worry about your diet yes that's a dope quote that's sure worthy about Jerry means there for me talks to me I mean I get it dude because before Michael I thought I'd never find Oh so this sister is in a relationship I feel like that's probably a little bit lonely she's probably happy for her sister they seem very close but I feel like at the same time it's like oh man I wish I had something like that okay so let's look at one more their goal is to lose weight so let's see what new exercise equipment for Tammy is all about David owner is off Tammy never goes so I thought I'd give her some equipment to work out at home I do notice that a lot of morbidly obese people do not go out because it is literally eight shorts you just move in their body a very painful tour especially walking yep you're gonna be so liberated in your house alone unable to move Congrats have fun the main reason is to get healthy of course and hopefully she'll get off that walker one day I had those oh my god I remember I would do five minutes straight of just with my thighs because I was very bottom heavy and after I would have a cheese sandwich with top ramen noodles and a side of hot cheetos perfect post by master meal you guys they're rubbing on me I like them oh my gosh not that thing who literally thought of a portable [ __ ] oh you it just reminds me of South Park introducing the shake weight a spring-loaded workout device you pump with your arms just grab the piston and go to work one-handed or double-fisted one-handed or double-fisted they know you're doing the nasty with exercise machines the way that they laugh probably how my boyfriend sees me and my sister because whatever we get together including my mom or anyone from my family whenever we all come together we just a cackling bunch of witches so that's it those were very short clips of this show I can't say that I would go out of my way to wash it I'm a little busy watching a lot of cartoons but I might tune in from time to time I like their personalities when it comes to these clips and it would be very cool to see them actually follow through and lose the weight I do feel that with reality shows like this it's kind of hard for them to lose weight because in their subconscious mind they're kind of like well I got attention for my weight this is fine amber Lane comes to mind she still gets her attention even though she's obese and she constantly starts new journeys that she profits off of but that's just me from the outside looking and being the little judgment which that I am but I wish the sisters the absolute best so tell me would you or do you watch this show and what is your favorite cartoon that is the most important question in this whole video you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did make sure to hit that thumbs up and remember every thumbs up we get is a treat for Yoshi it is I'm not lying it might be a witch but I'm gonna lie which I must steal people's dogs psycho which not a liar rose and for that judgment I will help you you see the champion sit in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag I get the bag it up you guys could go slow yo squashing my boys yeah nombre sweet go go go go go though she doesn't know no go
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 235,810
Rating: 4.9644876 out of 5
Keywords: 1000 lb sisters, sisters that weight 1000 pounds, tlc, tlc reality shows, reality, comedy, reaction, weight loss surgery, michelle, mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: bhBfH5lOeZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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