Dating A PROFESSIONAL Pokemon Card Player [Weird Dating Story Time]

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hello you guys and welcome to my page my thoughts will probably offend you and today I'm going to tell you a little story about what I did a professional pokemon card player yes be jealous forget the football players forget the rich businessman get all those things I won okay because Pokemon so let's just hop right into this story time so in my early twenties all I did was gym and train people that's it that's all I did because I was afraid that if I did go out and I would eat too much and I would gain all my weight back so not healthy we all know that but that's why I never really went out my fear of just eating too much and then I'm gonna gain weight because you know when you're having fun you want to eat food is fun I am a social eater and analog eater I'm just an ear okay so I wasn't meeting uni dudes at the gym cuz I'm not really interested in gym guy ones that I do go on a date what if it was like talking to a brick wall and I didn't want to go to bars to meet men so I decided to sign up for OkCupid which by the way is our sponsor today just kidding I don't get sponsor so I signed up for OkCupid which is actually still my favorite feeding website so if you are a single male or female or anything in between I suggest OkCupid I'm not saying that you'll meet anyone that you will fall in love with but it's fun and honestly it was a lot of fun for me I love online dating because I am NOT a goer alder at least back then I wasn't so online dating was great for me back then I had a black I can talk to these guys from the comfort of my own home without having to be out of my house I could sit on my couch I love the attention I love the weird messages that I look gay that me and my friends would laugh at I would post on Facebook because some of the messages you get on those sites are weird and I love talking to dude I am just being real I'm not gonna sit up there and lie and say I don't like the attention I love the attention so I had a lot of conversations with different men and this guy ended up messaging me and in my bio I put a lot of freakin hard work in my bio I made it long and I put little like things in there so that I would know if you'd actually read it a lot with little like key points that I wasn't fed that you just have to kind of respond to I put a lot of cartoon references so I got this message from this dude and he responded to every single point that I put in my bio along with rose wanted you every single cartoon reference in my bio he got my cbz references he got my chowder references flapjacks references he was just responding to all my a cartoon stuff so I thought of course I'm gonna message this guy back so we start talking back and forth you know the small talk and sweet he was making a lot of good jokes that I was legit lol into and eventually I asked him what do you do for a living and I see the little tiny thing go up and then it's off and then ask people little tiny thing go up again and then it's off and then I see it again and then I get to say well it's kind of weird I was like well I'm weird and I like myself telling me you probably have a good chance of me thinking it's weird and if I do I probably won't care but on the inside I was like oh god you're probably like a photographer or something for like finished so then I see the little technic thing go up again and then stop and then I see it again then it stops and then a message is me and he types out that he is a professional professional pokemon card layer I don't know how much those people get paid I didn't even know if that exists it all I heard was professional and pokemon card player and I thought it was the coolest they'd come for me okay I thought it was cool I liked Pokemon when I was younger and I still think it's cool though I don't want to date with professional pokemon card player we start going on a little date ice cream couple dinner dates and then eventually he says hey do you want to go to the arcade with me duh what kind of question is that obviously I love arcade beats they're fun they're exciting you're not just speeding across you know a table interviewing each other you're engaged and you're fighting to the death if you're playing Mortal Kombat like I like to so yeah I was definitely down to go to the arcade and I was just very excited to just have some fun so I get there because I don't believe in going into people's cars that I don't really know so I Drive myself so I get to the arcade it's an arcade slash bar in San Diego and he goes you know I'm not gonna go easy on you and I was like oh you should know I haven't played in a while and you should also know that I'm not very good at arcade games because I play these kind of game it was not joystick type thief I like those I thought I would let him know that it might not be as much fun as he thinks because I might not put up that much of a challenge and I want to tell him that because he according to him won a bunch of video game tournaments and got paid money I played video games but I was like oh if you're winning money then you're obviously extremely good I'm not gonna tell you that I'm gonna you're gonna whoop my ass so so we start walking in the bar and he goes so what do you want to play and I was already trading to Mortal Kombat we're fighting to the death first baby let's go no I haven't played Mortal Kombat in forever at this point and I've only played it on PlayStation and I see it in his face oh she wants to start with Mortal Kombat hahaha I guess video game thought this thing to be sure even before we start so I think storm the only black female in the game you know had to represent and he chose I don't remember I don't remember well to say sub-zero we fight and guess what I went and he looks genuinely confused like literally just flabbergasted and so he goes let's play again I beat up let's play one more time [Music] and he says let's just play Randy let's do this I remember that game I love that game all you know is freaking eat that shits in my soul I told him I'm an egg chubby girl you serious this is my game and it's not that hard to play like arcade style so I was stoked so on the purple lizard he's the blue fox guy and when I got the small when you get keep getting hurt you turn back into a human and so when I got tall I thought he walks over sees me up and eats me and then he leans on over and says just so you know whoever gets the highest score wins let's do this thing Oh so we're quiet plan okay let's do this thing so I just start beating him literally like not like real life literally like in the game you can like swipe him and punch him and stuff and if they get hit too much they turn little and every single time you turn a little oh it is scoop him up and eat him over and over and over again and I got the high score and this went on for about three more time and now he's not smiling and he's red and the Fantas cheeks look extra puffy and his eyes are bulging and he's also profusely sweating oh this just might be shallow of me I'm not sure but I am sure that you guys are going to tell me now when I was single I personally gave everyone every not everyone every dude a chance if he was a nice guy he was a nice guy and he wanted to take me on a day and I feel like why not maybe there's a connection maybe we'll see that if there wasn't a connection I would tell him and just to make this clear usually I would pay for my own food because I don't want any guys saying I used him for free food on my own money I come food I just want to get to know you so I didn't want anyone paying for me just to clear all that up so I would give everyone who is nice a chance just to see maybe there is connection you might not have the love but there has been times when someone didn't have the look and I got to know them and I was smitten deeply so this guy definitely didn't have the traditional attractive look he was a straightener looks like a nerf yeah the long like single ponytail long nerd type Harry had the glasses but standing them watching him look very agitated over the $0.25 video game I started noticing little things like tons of acne around his face the glass that is fogging up the untamed beer the sloppy shirt not buttoned correctly the khakis and he does reminded me of that nerd from the Powerpuff Girl and I couldn't and still can't get that image out of my head he will always remind me of that nerd dude from the Powerpuff Girls so I see that he's obviously agitated so I said hey let's let's get some food I'm kind of hungry let's let's eat some something and he says two words Mario Kart and starts walking toward Mario Kart oh I I followed you okay What's Up now Mario Kart is something that i religiously played at the time my family loves some Mario Kart people would be in tears that's how hard we went sorry for the change of quality but my other camera overheat even though it's a better camera and this one doesn't so uh just go with back to the store so we walk over and it is the full-on experience it's like single booths like you're in a car type booth you know the steering wheel you have to strap yourself in all while this thing takes a picture of your face and they liked you in the game in the Mario Kart amazing I was super excited he was looking like he was excited too he was laughing we're making fun of each other or our faces are in the car stupid all these things he looks happy I was happy I was ready to race the only thing like a lot of the other games I don't play with a steering wheel I'm not good at that we had a steering wheel at my house and I never eat what is in my eye hold on whoa all right we're good I know you guys were all worried there for a second we're good now anyway we had a steering wheel like at our house that we would that you could plug into the Nintendo 64 I would never use that ever because I would just fall off a cliff every single time but I was still excited it's Mario Kart it's a nice day in San Diego he'll probably win he will then be happy and then we can go eat because I'm hungry so the game starts and I'm pretty wobbly but then I get the hang of it he's in first I'm in fifth and you know the lower your rank on Mario Kart the better items that you get so look I just smooth on down to about seventh and get a turtle shell but not just any turtle shell no no no a new turtle shell and then I wait for that specific man means you see when you play Mario Kart you must be precise and you also must be specific to do a nice clean job in defeating someone at Mario parks and my research a video game what I have found in my endless study is that the blue turtle shell yes only the blue C spouts the first player so you must then ever say precisely so I wanted to plan it perfectly where he wasn't gonna get first second or third now that I got a hang up the whole steering wheel my competitiveness nature went on and when it came to video games and I was ready to strategize I knew those checks well and I wanted to take full advantage of that so I waited until he was a couple seconds away from a road that had no railing and I noticed because I like to creep on other peoples pages that when he would pass through those railings before and he would stay near the edge instead of over here not near the edge not good my little professional pokemon card player who's won at video game tournament it's not good but good for me so I shot smiley turtle show and behold edit nettie reference 5 million virtual berries who whoever got it one piece reference double the amount of berries for you if you got that so I stopped my blue turtle shell and guess what it hit him at the right time that I wanted it to hit him he falls all the way off the course were expects you behind everyone else so he is now in last place Oh while I speed up and toss out a couple more few red turtle shells and get a nice crisp third place and that was it for him he was done with the game and me literally he didn't want to get food after that he just wanted to go home and I also didn't hear anything from him after that cinema Texas couple hours after the day knows like hey thanks for the great date nothing crickets on my on my phone nothing at all haven't heard from him since so that was the time that I went on a couple dates with a professional Pokemon card player who was partly a sore loser I didn't even get free pokemon cards out of that one anyway if you enjoyed the video be sure to thumbs up hit that subscribe button if you want more story times come on press it but you can't actually click this one you have to actually click below the buttons just right below just get bring your cursor there you go follow me down here and there you go you did it there you go nice follow me on Instagram you guys that if you want to hear more about my dating past because I've I've had some good ones tell me in the comment section and what was your weirdest dates I want to hear that to you remember I read all the comments if you want to sign up for a 25 minute Skype session it's on my website we talked about fitness health how to get to your goals check out my website sign up and we've all get you with time so we can't chitchat thank you so much for clicking on my channel and I will see you guys next video bye guys [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 40,801
Rating: 4.9723301 out of 5
Keywords: Dating a professional pokemon card player, weird dating stories, funny dating stories, hilerious dating stories, dating a professional gamer, dating a professional pokemon card plaer, dating a nerd, dating advice, dating a gamer girl, how to date a gamer, video games, hilarious, mortal kombat, games, gamers, gamer, story, time, storytime, dating, xbox, arcade, relationships, love
Id: xmyf_DJz76o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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