LANDLORD vs TENANT / SHE LOCKED ME OUT Of My Warehouse / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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let's give her to try the biggest question on everybody's mind right now if you're what the hells fan jeremy update on the warehouse do you have access let's get on the road let's head on over let's see [Music] as we head to the warehouse we're passing the salvation army right here so a lot of homeless are right around the warehouse as a matter of fact they usually hang out here and we'll go over the bridge so i'm just a stone throws away from where a lot of people go for help and if we go over the bridge there's what's called the hope center and the hope center is a community effort as well and nobody's there right now i think it's wednesdays and fridays and saturdays right there the hope center they pass out food hope center warehouse literally across the street i'm here i got the keys now let's find out are we still locked out i've been leasing this warehouse space for over two and a half years as a matter of fact we're standing in the exact spot where i met marilyn for the very first time she was here with her insurance company they were renewing rates they had to do inspections and the very first words that came out of her mouth how much are you paying brian rent every month i said 400 she said great you got to believe that the insurance people are gonna be subpoenaed for that conversation as marilyn continues to try and push her business partner out brian i'm stuck in the middle as a renter except her and her lawyer tried to state to the local police that i'm not a tenant yet i have this certified letter from her lawyer that says your rent continues to be delinquent lease result and litigation his words not mine ah how you can tell somebody that their rent is delinquent if they're not a tenant and that you're going to pursue litigation if they're not a tenant here's the issue my rent is not delinquent my rent goes to the joint business account bmm storage every single month it has never been late it's always been there it always will be there and to get evicted you have to go through the court system and her lawyer is more than aware of the video in the one of the local facebook groups for worcester even his former business partner tagged him right there caught on tape we interrupt the crazy warehouse drama with this beautiful peace and tranquility seeing a mama bird on a nest in a cedar tree hey mama bird as a matter of fact i built her nest up even higher because it was falling she's got three eggs inside there one two three the second time i actually met marilyn was in this location as well she started the battle with her business partner and tried to push him out and came to me and lied straight face to me told me that the building was sold and that rent would no longer go to the bmm storage i asked her who bought the building she refused to tell me and my employees were here to witness the entire conversation i asked her how am i supposed to send rent to somebody who i don't know owns it she refused to answer and left agitated thankfully being a landlord for well over 20 years i know quite a bit about landlord and tenant law and tenants have rights first and foremost you can't change the locks on a building no matter if it's residential or commercial on anybody on anybody without a proper eviction order from the courts let's give it a try okay it goes in it went in before though too the tumblers are still changed it has not been changed back to the original key if you saw the video with cop number one of the worcester police department telling me that there was a trespass order on me for a building that i pay for let me give you some clarification here on the law number one most cops do not know civil law all right that's just the nature of it they deal with criminal law not civil civil law is very very very different and no landlord who is leasing out property of any kind can actually put a trespassing order on anyone an eviction is different you have to get that through the sheriff department there is no trespassing order there cannot be any trespassing order the only type of trespassing order that can actually be filed is by me the tenant if the landlord goes into the premises that i am legally and that i am paying for on a monthly basis without 24 hours proper notice i can file trespass order on them sure is a good thing that i found those lock picking sets in the 18 and 1700 units they're really coming in handy welcome inside the warehouse after months and months with no utilities not being able to have employees actually work with light for five months they worked in the dark and i still paid rent i think it's beyond time for new ownership of this building many are concerned jeremy how do you secure the place to make sure this doesn't happen again well number one the locks haven't been changed back to the key that i have uh number two there are other things that we can always do and have been doing don't worry the property is secure there's cameras hidden all over the place just like this one outside we know when anybody is on site at any time to further protect myself and the building i've got high speed fiber optic going in today here's the upgraded security system being installed with the fiber optic going in and so this is from swan and we were fortunate enough that swan actually gifted us the security system after everything that we deal with on a daily basis this is a five thousand dollar system not only that two-way audio i will actually be able to talk to intruders and i already know what i'm gonna start saying i'm gonna go this is god thou shall not break in or change my locks i think it's time to get back to work we've got all of this to continue to sort through and find out what treasure is inside but before we get into all of those boxes and totes i want to go through these boxes george just found these picked them up let's take a peek let's see what's inside you probably guessed it already george found six boxes of look at that thai beanie babies now this these are all mcdonald's see that there these are all mcdonald's so a lot of these can go for a decent price now some people don't like messing around with them don't like the actual ties but there are other people that still love them and some are still worth a ton if let's dig let's see if we can find the ones and we'll try and show you some of the ones that are worth a ton so these are all mcdonald's look at that even got the mcdonald's bag with all the ties oh my goodness if there's the baby platypus can i just see the baby platypus look there's a frog all right there's a seal this stuff is yep there's the there's the actual mcdonald's happy meal bag so we've gotta look at all these but uh george already told me she wants to sell them in this sunday's auction she's gonna start selling them off so be ready they'll probably be many beanie babies so these all look like the minis let's set those aside and then we've got okay here's legends teenie okay there's peanut there's peanut the elephant now peanut the elephant is one that actually is worth a lot and i've sold one worth a lot so this mini one not worth a lot it's the full size and the full size came out two different colors you've got to get the error color and it's worth a lot that's how beanie babies have their value still you find the errors errors make things rare just like coin collecting you find an error coin it's worth a whole lot more than a normal coin so peanut the elephant is one we would definitely be looking for look at these international bears these are all they're like all brand new these still have still have the tags the tags look at that and there are a ton all right so there's a bunch there let's look at another one there's another box right here and we've got uh oh i smell a rat in the warehouse wait might actually be the person who owns the warehouse currently currently okay so look at this there's all kinds of all kinds of beanie baby stuff here lots of it so all has tags that's phenomenal it all has tags there's a couple more boxes let's go look at them real quick three more huge boxes here and oh my goodness i can't believe it yeah this is fantastic this is absolutely look at that there's even official tie collectible cards i've never seen the collectible cards before well you can see that one was purchased for 13.95 now here's i just want to see i'm not sure that's probably dilbert um i know some of these i'm looking for rarer ones okay so let's just we'll say like this one or we'll say okay we'll say this one okay we've got the tag right there so what you would want to do to find out if your beanie baby is rare or not you actually want to open up you're looking for any misprints misspelling it could be the off color of the dyes it was dyed wrong so beanie baby all right and what you would do is you would look for anything that's misspelled wrong pronunciation could be you know punctuation i'm not sure why i said pronunciation because i just mispronounced punctuation so you would look for anything now i can't see in there right now you probably can a whole lot better than i can but even a lot of the misprints are ww it could say www dot it could be there's a space that's where you get and don't forget the back as well that's where you get the errors and the errors are ending up being worth quite a bit because it's rare it's very rare there's one of a kind sometimes there's multiples like there's a bunny look at that there's a walrus um there's a seal check that out some of these are so cool so they're not they don't have the value that they once did when everybody was going crazy the ones that have the value are the rare error ones and those can still sell for thousands i've shared that with you in multiple videos teaching you how to figure all that out but even besides that they're still cool to collect all right let's look at some more we got two other boxes here just to see what she has because these are all going up for auction look at this oh my goodness there's so many there's a chameleon uh now okay there's a platypus now i can tell you there's a rare platypus as well it's patty pattied the platy see there pl patty so there is a rare platypus and oh there's a little wiener dog all wiener no feet frogs i mean if if you can if you can think of it this is probably in here oh look at that that's for joe exotic the tiger king okay even rare halloween ones so this box is just filled to the top let's see what we got in here more oh my goodness there's a dragon even check that out there's a dragon that looks like a hedgehog it's probably sonic nope that's prickles prickles little baby aardvark wow okay there's a little chimpanzee so a little dolphin all kinds of stuff oh is that princess no i'm just gonna say is that the original princess die that one's worth a ton let's see and look at that you even got a cleveland browns one i'll get that all loaded up in the truck for auction let's see what else this open tote what is that recycle america this thing has just been calling out to me and i've been thinking what the hells is in there so let's just figure it out right now like this look at this 22 dollars for this piece of fabric it's a table runner i don't even know all right let's see what we have here i think we got old tupperware so let's pull the tupperware right there we got gold we have dairy gold six for ten i bet you there's gonna be silver in here for sure look at this look at this right here this looks like sterling silver yes or no definitely bent over so let's say there wallace xxx i don't maybe you just used it like this pardon me would you happen to have any bent handled spoons all right let's see this is the best part they had everything priced whether they were selling it or whether they were buying it it's all priced what's this is that 300 whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay all right i think that's this i think that's 3.50 i think oh if this is going to be two dollars i think that's a caviar spoon okay definitely some stuff in there right without a doubt some stuff i don't know if there's actual silver is there any more gold what's this one that one is okay that's either 300 or three dollars my guess is three dollars let's set that aside okay let's set that aside and oh look at that gelled seat cushion look at that that's like memory there's one thing you probably don't want to remember it's my backside but this here that's going on my seat okay oh look at that hello you hi jeremy nice to see you i've been buried for a while all right that'll go i suppose with maybe this hat potentially okay so here is a may company hat 22. huh i think that's a female hat what about this spirit of saint louis aftershave let's see what we have here no way check that out it's brand new and it is well it's in one hand at least one piece all right let's see what that looks like got it there it is brand new out of the box but we're gonna put it right back in the box let's just set that aside let's see what else we got in here because there's got to be some pretty cool stuff in here smithsonian book of inventions and plastic bag this is just crazy look at that 25 oh it's from france see i don't know any of this stuff this is probably stuff that i generally probably i probably donate all this stuff to goodwill generally speaking i mean i just don't know this stuff there's no way you're ever going to be able to know absolutely everything you come across and at the volume that i buy at there's no way there's enough time i would never be able to hire enough employees to search for everything okay what else we have here looks like a bed frame gloves yes more gloves although i don't think i'll be rocking those ones what do we have here another one how much is this one worth okay that one's a five dollar thing whatever it is we know there's money in here all right treasury of ornaments i mean there's money with resale value and then there's like money money like they have hidden money just about everywhere look at that exactly what i need right there yep exactly what i need a good screw perfect all right that's i'm keeping that okay and [Applause] that is definitely a celluloid what is that ban 806 er that is definitely one of those old celluloid dolls christmas tree topper it's gotta have some value to it look at this look at that that's an old ice skate check that out that is an old ice skate and then you would tighten you would tighten the nuts onto your shoe looks like it's a kk size whatever the size is okay oh look here's more linens oh my goodness all right huge metal thing in here another ice skate and two dollars and fifty cents on that linen three dollars on that linen two dollars these are old handkerchiefs these will go in a handkerchief slot for sure [Applause] there's a ton of them linen napkins three dollars each i'm sure they're old school and then you've got this thing three for 35 from france okay oh what's down in here look at that there's something down in there okay let's get let's get this huge metal thing out of the way first how much is that 2450 embroidery old antique embroidery okay what do we have we have a giant number three honestly i don't know but it's an 1879 vice for 45 dollars actually it's kind of cool and that oh look at that we got a box down there too this could get interesting in a hurry please be coca-cola even better 1961 disney oh my goodness 25 1961 disney it's an old tv tray hopefully i don't damage it look at that i think that's scrooge mcduck no that's professor von drake if i remember correctly i cheated i read it okay what do we have in here we have this is going to get interesting oh you already know more than the money money money she like the bunny bunny bunny dollar for that bunny here is another bunny i think we might have to do another bunny lot okay definitely another bunny in there and here is another one another dollar dollar bunny there and then we've got oh electrifying [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 112,896
Rating: 4.907228 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: QMPC43kycbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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