HUGE PROFIT I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Auction / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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Gold yes gold over sterling silver right there mm-hmm big score this this might be that could be the son's name right there the son that might be the son that we're looking for that actually gets the silver where was it the daughter that gets the silver where we got to find the Roger silverware and see if we can get it back to Jim Beam we're back at the warehouse we've been going through this 310 dollar unit that we bought in Loudoun ve'lo hi oh we found the will and we found things that are specifically outlined in the will we've got to see if we can find those things in the totes so we can get those to the people that they were supposed to go to so let's see what treasure we can find and by the way don't forget this Sunday night livestream we're gonna have a live auction and it's gonna be a hails of a good time and then Monday morning George and I are headed to Texas [Music] this is a first for me I've never gotten a storage unit in 20-plus years where the person took their life and then I find their will and testament last testament in the storage unit I'm going to share with you because I think we have to get this back to the family because things could be in question still to this day see this little piece right here found that in there too you never know you never know when your time is up and so let's see what we got here okay we got the will and testament I'm gonna share pieces of it with you I do have a subscriber coming to pick up some cards football cards baseball cards they're gonna go ahead and start pricing looking at those things for us so we've got a couple of totes here they should be there's some football binders they should be here in a couple hours so let's get right to it let's get to work back in the trailer oh here we go here we go let's see how far we are now remember totes wall was all to this edge right and we've already looked at the treasure chest I just haven't moved it again because it's heavy and my tendinitis just hurt him like crazy so we are hmm there's one this has pictures let's just peek because these haven't been really accurate we've been finding gold and silver and all kinds of toys judi work we gotta find oh wow what is this okay carnival games we gotta find yeah this looks like carnival games we got to find that silverware set that's in the will all right let's start let's start with this one let's see what's up with this we this is said bedroom at one point but it does say carnival games I'm not sure why but I think we're gonna we're gonna figure it out pretty quick okay this looks like that looks like for fishing definitely have tickets and tickets alright okay melt jugs these look like the milk jugs you would get over these are definitely the Ducks but you pick up more chips look at this more tickets more and more tickets okay we got ring toss there's quite a bit of it interesting let's see what kind of treasure we can find here right from the beginning look at that look at that you see that we've got a buddy cam Express so buddy cam Logitech to back and live video to your favorite and semester scene software service brand-new this has got to be a little old from Logitech and AOL remember that who all had AOL Instant Messenger okay if you were on AOL Instant Messenger let me know type of one in the hello this is old old school that's a piece of tech history right now we've got Oh looks like we have Woody Woodpecker look at that oh and there's there's somebody inside there to see song off chirp looks like that's open her up oh it's got a screw I can't so apparently this is some kind of woodpecker hanging dangly thing looks pretty cool because we have a look at that it's made in Germany we have a cuckoo clock how COO there's the cuckoo bird right there made in Germany okay now the chains the chains are a little tangled you guys keep telling me to get to get jewelry untangled use baby powder so I may have to do that let's peek right back in here let's see is what it's all in there scared take it off there oh there we go okay it looks like it's all in there just drop something it looks like a piece of something came undone so we're gonna have to we're gonna have to work on that get it cleaned up there's a spring maybe I should have taken that spring out probably shouldn't have taking that spring out it probably goes to something I'm gonna set this aside so we've got a German clock there we've got the twist board stretching toning this is like so 80s right here would people actually buy this twist your way to slimmer ABS hips and thighs let's twist away like we did last summer let us twist away like we did last year [Music] brand-new whatever it is it's the hook and hang we've got brand new hooking hangs right there I'm sure that stuff that you put all your clothing on we have a CBF 1956 1998 print edge piece that it uh oh look at this this is like they must have made circuit boards product and I lock breaks air bags cruise control doesn't this has got a customers in Flint Kokomo Singapore that's gotta have some value right there okay we have we have the International Bazaar ivory and gold you see that gold right there so we've got the ivory and gold nativity set on a wood base in the box looks like the tape of sealed boxes a little rough but the tape is sealed let's see oh yeah yeah it's in there for sure it's in there oh yes we found the cuckoo clock weights that's incredible we found the cuckoo clock crystal legends it's not a storage legend it's a crystal legend quartz crystal legends by who's that by who got a nerd God in her this has got to be real crystal just toss us pictures obviously if we have family pictures and let me get them back to the family so we're gonna take a look in here see what can we find we've found some really cool ones yesterday let's see what we got here and remember the GM money clips there we go is that GM Herbie is that GM I think it is right wait Motorsports Delco electronics Motorsports I guess this isn't GM I was thinking GM because of we found two gold money clips yesterday this is not this is not GM this has made four seasons and it's a large we've got that Looney Tunes Warner Brothers 2000 copyright 2000 that's a pretty cool clock right there made in China well just takes a few batteries so we're just missing some batteries Max and min oh you know what there's all right there it must be glow-in-the-dark it's got a it's got a little solar a light detector thing I don't know what you call it look at this must've got shifted around in the box okay all right let's see what we got here okay let's see what we got let's see what we have here because if this is solid silver oh my goodness that's a big piece if it's silver okay let's take a peek let's take a peek not a not not a leak let's take a peek what does it say guys guess see nine to five I can't see in the viewfinder it's higher than I am right now is that nine to five you guys let me know hopefully doesn't feel it doesn't feel like silver it's too heavy silver silver silver and gold or much lighter so this doesn't feel like silver and then we've got a set of earrings too now remember on your earrings sometimes you actually have to check the back to find out if it's actually marked 925 or carat as far as gold this doesn't seem to have any markings although we do have we have the set right there we'll put those in the auction this Sunday put that in there to set that over side we got some stuff we do have some stuff we got some stuff that costs $10 it is tranquil sleep massage oil Wow brand-new vanilla lavender I'm just gonna go in the pile to go home all right okay now we have found tambourines already we found tambourines that were made in Israel and here we got a box actually I see another one down there too this shelf is already coming out a little bit let's see what we have was pulled out oh nothing this looks like he could have been personally handmade by the person that is okay nothing there here we go in three two Oh some set of gloves and we got a marker and we got some chapstick there we go glows marker and chapstick okay may the road rise up to meet you may the wind be always at your back may the sunshine warm enough its rainfall you know what we should turn that into a song keepsake plaque we could what's this okay we got a black case here and it is some kind of razor not sure what kind but it is a razor this this might be that could be the son's name right there the son that might be the son that we're looking for that actually gets the silverware was it the daughter that gets the silverware we got to find the Roger silverware and see if we can get it back to Jim Beam we got [Music] Sweet Caroline whoa whoa whoa the time never seemed so good [Music] all right brand-new it looks like we have a quartz watch the stuff the stuff is high-dollar now because it's collectible brand-new in-the-box it looks like it's an actual necklace that is cool that's going into the auction what do we have here we have pet attack Kotak if George was here my official linguist she could tell me what to say it looks like somebody did some bead projects those are cool oh you know what I feel those any option to somebody might be interested in that and Cain and Abel the all-purpose massage it's all for $14.99 just like those other massaging things we've been finding in this unit just throwing it out there maybe maybe not okay God maybe there's some could be a wallet nope nope nope no it was sewing kit sewing kit not a wallet old-school desktop calculator look at that that's a giant one ten money holders ten money holders ten money all for Christmas time Christmas I might my grandpa always gave us two dollar bills what did your grandpa your grandparents give you did they give you this in money holders come Christmas let me know in the comments oh we've got another wallet right no some of their any Federal Credit Union oh wow wow wow oh wow old school right there check that out check that out that's cool okay God get some bracelets 12 zodiac postcards and I set that down 12 zodiac postcards a collection 12 posters from the book together paints the signs of the zodiac okay there's 12 zodiac postcards lastly we have oh sweet sweet sweet look there's a stamp collection let me take my glove off let me take my glove off I know you guys go crazy when I take my glove off but come on we got to open this oh yeah how cool I don't know if it's worth anything but it has got to be worth something right I mean at a bare minimum it's worth two cents still each one of these is worth two cents so right there I probably found 20 cents maybe more I'm you know math was never my strong suit you guys know that math isn't my thing okay that's cool I gotta look those up this we have here Oh Rory jewelry nice okay so costume jewelry a lot of times can be worth more than actual gold and silver see okay I'm trying to see it if this is marked with anything and it is not but look it's got some kind of marking and if that's a trademark I don't know what that is here's another one here's another one ready here we go are we open nope there we go sire holy cow look at that look at that there the horse cufflinks we found the tack Pope almost lost it here we go captain fun no nuts again we found the tack not too long ago check those out I wonder if it's silver it nah doesn't feel like it I don't think that's silver my hands getting cold this one just keeps on giving what is this animal mask it works definitely works here oK we've got I love this unit it's oh there it goes oh okay we have got a sewing kit here we got a massive sewing kit sir it's thimbles looking for money cuz I found I found foreign money in the soil at once so every time I find one now I'm always looking for foreign money that's the way it goes you find something someplace and then you're like oh well it's got to be more in there right we think it is oh I did some money I did I found money there's a dime right there sweet okay oh wait we might find some right here check that out little teddy bear teddy bear wallet yeah teddy bear kind of teddy bear wallet thing that'll sell it's s Virgie Savur ji-sub Virgie national swedish national costume the subversion this is from Sweden nope oh forget the Swedish Chef I was just singing Swedish Chef what is this look at that alright this was in an envelope I got some of this is plated maybe maybe not was that Tennessee can you guys read that Tennessee something look at the back no I thought that was I thought the thing was the front this is it looks like that's cool okay if there's anything else in there man I love this unit this unit is awesome I support the troops and Desert Storm all some buttons look at this okay now buttons are really collectible as well do we have the rope there's more down there let me format oh no way Cabbage Patch Kids and thanks welcome home that's gotta be whoo [Music] USA look at Jess [Music] look there's more there's more I think the comments funny there's more there's more let's be friends I'm not messing creative friends are for heavy what is this buck 49 air thank you better reach of children avoid I can't over the eyes first oh oh my goodness what did I just do it's some kind of it looks like it's some kind of round can you guys see that okay there's an acorn on it can you see that and can anybody help identify this okay and there's something inside of it is that like a captain I don't know more stamps look at that more stamps it's again stuck all over my gloves that's why I hate where it was you see like this this is why you don't want to wear gloves because everything gets ruined some kind of jewelry Cabbage Patch Kids each Cabbage Patch Kid came with a birth certificate and this is Elaine Shaina this is a Cabbage Patch Kid birth certificate no way north central Indiana there's more postcards was this school days my teacher played time we know this must be the yearbook of the ancient days the days of old wow that's cool that's really cool look at this more autographs Oh more stamps 10 centers I don't think I've ever seen 10 centers I'm something with something is this this is totes awesome oh look at this charms remember when we were little and everybody collected charms and you would put them on your shoe and stuff like that is this day at a time here's a coin oh serenity okay that's for alcoholics okay I get that I get that we did find the serenity prayer on the plaque in this unit you know put that over there with the massage oil oh here's a here's a watch to watch right there what's in here Oh more jewelry more jewelry bicycle it's sealed it's like a ribbon and it's a bike like you would get a ribbon for a bike ride well shoehorn pick away shoes that could be collectible what to check that out on eBay here is another here's a pin let's see is it is it gold I don't see any markings on it so it doesn't look gold or plated this good good for one free hut on my goodness there's two free hugs that is going with the massage oil look at this look how old these are this is this stuff is beautiful I've tried to share with you guys before that this stuff look how blurry that one is that one's of the child I'm sure the child was having troubles you know sitting still they had to say so still oh look at that that's war that's somebody in the military and you've heard all the old stories they never smiled because they had to wait so long so they yeah you just didn't smile look at the history here I found a super cool tote I was digging a little bit to find a really good one and that one dropped and felt everywhere we're not gonna look at that one I didn't know everybody who still wants to know what's in the guitar case that one fell fell on me then I had to get out check this tote out though okay you can see I've got sorting totes the whole deal you don't always get to see that process this is what I saw jewelry right then right there so we're gonna see here we go more musical items a little music option for Sunday Night Live because by the tambourines like maracas now we definitely we saw clothes I think we saw clothes there's a purse and men please understand I'm not trying to be disrespectful of anything I have one hand so I can't set things down gently I have to set it aside if I had both of your hands right now I'd be doing great but I don't ones on the phone and one is digging like that we got socks I bet there's jewelry hidden in it just in Stillwater there's been stuff hidden everywhere National Rifle Association what is this Avon rings designed to oh look at that look at that so we got a ring that's that's good it's a good start or something going on there I my soft outside I just went in the scrap metal going dude okay oh we're getting somewhere we're definitely getting somewhere this I think it's for actually clean jewelry Oh a black cherry oh that's for sore throats that's from the day my goodness what's that oh that should I should use this to help with my with meningitis all right Mary Kay now we definitely know she was some Mary Kay and Avon no doubt about that swap over see oh I think we're getting this stuff definitely this is my bad arm barely even works at the joint right now hurts so bad okay swap over see what we got yes okay 18 inch gold yes gold over sterling silver right there mm-hmm big score big big score nice I like that all right let's see what else is in here pictures and again I'm not trying to be disrespectful if you were doing this you would have to do it as well or maybe you'd have more people than I do with me I'm sure you do some things differently look at that look at that beautiful letter opener that's beautiful is it not stainless steel I was thinking maybe maybe their guitar tuning heads right in there you see so many guitar supplies of all kinds of stone look at this old this is a matchbox our lesson there's a yeah sorry guys my tendinitis my arm just literally is not working anymore it won't do anything and I don't know what to do right now that's a beautiful car don't put that one in Sunday night's auction too [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 46,437
Rating: 4.8670888 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: oEms-OOfDck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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