FOUND HIDDEN INSIDE THE JEWELRY BOX / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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do the honors all right so she's still cranky i'm still cranky no sweat and no sleep no food and here we go unit number three that we bought in norwalk but actually this is the very first unit that i bought it was the very first unit that went up for auction check out the trailer already there are two units in there two units one more to go george was not paying attention when i bought this unit i got it for 170 george i'm gonna give you a paint i had no idea you were bidding tell me if you see anything you recognize i was very busy talking and chatting away what do i see oh my goodness this used to be my kitchen table that is the exact table george had when i first met her is that why you bought this unit that's why i bought it because i knew you loved that table households microwave a nice bedroom it's particle board though we're always looking for solid wood it's basically furniture you smell that funk that smells like nasty man butt do you smell it just stuffed up my allen that's rough 170 now 80 take a look here 170 hearing aided above home 370 here in indianapolis what do you say 170 170 170 where am i at 170 170 170 now 80. this unit was an easy buy for 170. i'll get 200 just out of this dresser let's take a nice dresser in the dresser oh look at that look at that george we are we are set for water balloons okay we're gonna be launching water balloons everywhere and especially i got jesus on my side okay so we've got water balloon launching let's just check because sometimes they hide yep definitely different stuff in there that's not exactly all the same things like a concoction it's a cocktail there there is some money in here that's probably cherish teddy's no maybe i can't tell right off the bat but uh there is some money in here with some certain different collectible things i mean we'll sell those in the warehouse and believe it or not people on ebay will purchase the underwear we're not going to sell them we're just going to donate them or throw them away i don't i don't know what we're gonna do with them we definitely aren't gonna sell them we know oh look at that oh wow are you eyeballing this yeah okay we know we've got here look here's a scentsy warmer okay check that out i want to see what's in there daniel skill now remember this is this is the bedroom dresser so who the hell's nose is actually fine i think there's two of them yep there's two of them there's another one right there oh that's cool okay but the coolest thing is got to be this little treasure chest should we open it now or should we open it later let's save it for later oh you just love to build up the anticipation don't you who doesn't everything's pure profit after the dresser and i typically try and make 100 an hour it's going to take me an hour to load this it's going to take me an hour to unload it so i need to make 300 roughly dollars after the sale of that so 500 bucks to actually pay for anything so if i don't find any treasure at least i found the ultimate treasure i found jesus in a storage unit that's a good title of a book let's see what else we can find here okay we've got um we've got linens that's pretty normal wouldn't you say george probably that'll all be donated we have two toasts anything hidden back there totes there's a lamp down there it's kind of hidden look at see this here see the doves nice that's a good sign things are on oh wait a whole second all right let me know when it's safe to record focus up on my face okay okay um i'm getting you there are you looking at my bald spot yes how did you know serious why would you do that guilty all right because you bent over and you're in there come on back all right we got hearts do you smell cleaner whatever it is it smells pretty unless it's scented bags i always get lemon scented garbage bags with gain yeah you do love that don't you do you must have made in china i don't have a knife on me what's this this looks like home decor it's kind of a beautiful candy dish maybe whatever is in here it's setting me off it's like a caustic acid cleaner like when you use toilet bowl cleaner that makes me gag i don't smell that yet oh i do but you have a better sniffer than i do okay broken chipped looks like they knew it was broken and chipped probably made in thailand i was going to say maybe occupy japan but no oh something [Applause] what's this george this could be an asmr video i got that from the beach is this relaxing apparently it's relaxing too okay all right let's see oh i just dropped my rocks what is this you got you think it's in here there's one thing oh i was gonna say we don't we don't need any more cell phones we have more cell phones than we know we find so many in storage units let's see you want to use your teeth well that or just manhandle it there you go there you go all to see some candles candles okay that was not worth manhandling now there's some other little things down there pots and pans speaking of coffee who didn't have coffee this morning you and you've been completely and totally spicy oh boy i smell that caustic acid setting me off you want to put on a mask [Applause] do you remember how much we sold your table for on facebook marketplace it's like 250 wasn't it tammy sold it for you i had tammy sell it for me and now i gave her a commission i think it was like 250 so i rescued your old table even though this isn't the table it's like it well i spent five like six hundred dollars on the table when i bought so where's this table gonna go are we selling it or are you gonna make me assemble it and keep it where would we put it a house in florida okay all right i guess we're keeping it so i'll have to load that up but did you see the sleigh bed back here look at this solid wood sleigh bed mattress box springs the whole set is there that's an easy three maybe four hundred dollars so beautiful beautiful sleigh bed to get to it we've got to go through some more of this stuff like looks like somebody got in here looking for their fancy pants there's some fancy pants right there if it's missing me no classic yeah if we find a purse which we just did is that coach no that's not coach i was mistaking the shapes of a heart toward the sea so if we find we find something awesome it's down in here a bag in a bag oh you know what that is some dirty socks that's some dirty i don't even want to know what they use that for let's look over here whatever it is i'm allergic to allergic to me huh okay excuse me did you ever have one of these this looks like something my mom would have never owned anything liquor i eat so much fiber i fart out liquor it was like wicker strawberry that's how much fiber that's cause i love my metamucil you know i love my metamucil yeah you sure do you don't ever stop talking about it you love it so much i'm telling you it's that good spirit will unpack gingerside okay something about ginger garrett there's another coffee oh there's a little um ash tray what ashtray lobsters crabs meat or crabs okay whatever uh oh does that remind you of anybody uh-huh are roosters yeah here's a coffee pot that you've been dying for since you're so hangry you want me to see if i can hook that up and get you a little coffee so you're in a better mood flavored creamer i'll figure out something there's an easy thousand dollars resale value of furniture in here we're on a coffee table right now looks you see the cubbies down there there's four cubbies that go under there oh george i do love storage look at this wash is that a rooster um no i think it's just a wash basin like there's your like that i thought maybe the top of it would be the head of a rooster i mean i guess it could be if you wanted it to be and we got brand new tea bags i know there's one thing you love it's a good tea bag so sweet tea with lemon yeah always with a lemon slice or a splash of lemonade yeah you like that too definitely not where the fudge is made though all right so less clothing more clothing okay let's take a peek at this we look at that look at this table look how cool that is that's really pretty and then under each side you slide out the cubby the cubby is on wheels and there's four on there it really is i've never seen anything like it i love it i've never seen anything like it either it definitely needs some touch-ups well i like the distressed look i think that'd be good that's that's the end thing right now the better the distress the more it's worth that shabby chic look just like me i'm shabby i'm chic we is running out of room georgie let me show you something tight in here really cool though you saw how you can pull that out yep then look at that more more seats so when you're in trouble i'll tell you go sit at the kids table is this the kid's time this would be the kids table yeah i'm not gonna mind that you know why there's always more fun at the kids table than at the doll table i live at the kids table cause you're a big kid i like it i like it a lot i do look at this piece of furniture right here this could be uh i don't know side table dresser drawer or usually there's cool stuff in there not just emery's sticks oh i don't know i don't know um i didn't even know there was anything underneath those are towels towels flippy flops you want some flippy flops more towels family photo and towels so this is what we would call a typical household unit don't expect to find a lot of collectibles in here expect to flip the furniture really quick right because it's solid wood yeah i'll make i'll make thousand dollars easy 1500 maybe even 2 000. what did you just do do you think the gummy bears are in here these are our favorite gummy bears okay let's open some boxes to get down to there and see if they are all right i'm just going to handle oh okay well that's not gonna help us very very much here we got green glass an empty wine bottle some of these wine bottles are collectible yeah i think that smells like lavender um so basically this is a household now this is a kitchen decor box we can probably put that one back up okay because we don't care about that we care about gummy bears gummy worms someone's getting hungry i have the box for you then it's labeled canned food and it's stuff can i interest you into some chunky light tuna can or some sweet tomatoes potentially some chef boyardee beef ravioli it was frozen out of a storage unit i would never do such a thing what about i have you on tape would you like some cooked ham no thank you this is probably okay to eat that's probably what your grandma used for the ham low we revealed what the answer was the secret ingredient no i'm not talking about the secret ingredient that would be what she would use we were a full grocery store with a full butcher shop we had the meat slicer or the crab we had full cows and full pigs come in non-stop all right this is just like bathroom more kitchen stuff it's a nice little cutting plate all right so that's kitchen stuff i'm just gonna i'm gonna set that aside too so we can see if we truly do have gummy worms or not gummy bears gummy bears gummy worms albanese all right don't you peek it's labeled no peeking [Music] you know i usually would not eat food from a storage unit but if there's albany's gummy bear in there i may have to question myself there's strawberries there's pepper salt and pepper shaker yep right there jinx there's salt water in my next salt and pepper sugar a lot okay no gummy bears but no gummy bears yet but there's another box could be gummy bears right here gummy bears everywhere no they had good taste look strawberry everything strawberries they had good taste so this stuff is all going to sell well i want to get this out of here so let's grab a couple more boxes okay because i need to load this loading is like playing tetris you have to do it right or you will fail and we will run out of right to load family love laughter generations [Applause] got a lot of support let's set that aside i'll say i'll set said i said i'll say give us some more to cola is that what you said that's what michael scott would have said oh there's definitely candy in here but not the kind of candy yeah but what about this you're hungry you keep telling me how hungry you are snack crackers hasn't even been opened i ain't joking these are butter crackers what is this bisquick look this is sealed you've been telling me how hungry you are because we didn't get breakfast we stayed in a hotel no breakfast because of covered yet not even like breakfast to go look all sealed i'll test one for you it's probably gonna be so stale no transfer [Laughter] i told you it was stale wasn't it that's still that's that's beyonce yeah that's beyond sale are you gonna try one of the candies and see if that's stale too i was just trying to hook up hook a sister up but more decor well there's a tootsie roll pop in there how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll or a tootsie pop one can't get it to pop use your eye your eye socket there we go there it goes um if that's the way they look heck yeah i'm inhales yeah i'm gonna dig in i don't think we're gonna get too far on this box and find out some munchies okay more canned goods crushed pineapples pineapples just like your crushed hopes and dreams that there was some good food in here look at that big box though that one could have some good snacks in it i don't know even if there were unless it's gum albany's gummy bear how do you know it's not in there i'm not interested they had two albanese gummy bear boxes how do you know yeah probably buy them more than you do you buy them by the five pound bags i do or three pounds three pounds or five pounds some camels i think it's five pound bags strainer do that nice little wooden box that's cool that is cool [Applause] i tried to find you some snacks big failure dug her out i didn't find any money but i dug her out let's see what we have i got word finds new brand new never done okay we've got uh rent was paid 203 dollars do you think no no no no no no i'm thinking maybe a get well card and it went to that room room 203 thinking of you and don't let anyone dull your sparkle amen excuse me a women i like what i'm finding look here's the microwave brand new rival bam bam pretty clean it is very that's gonna resell great and if that's not enough look at this seven piece cut knife set what brand new very nice and i had a connection i could open this there's probably gonna be there will be one in there there's more strawberries for all the strawberry lovers oh this will be this would actually be better for slicing my apples every morning yeah maybe we can upgrade you do need an upgrade that would be cool all right so that's all that's all kitchen stuff i'm gonna slip that over let's see what the heels with this thing maybe uh i was gonna say a rug but that's bubble wrap a lot closer it's good tape too that's really good tape i have to guess that it's some kind of breakable thing and is it a bog oh no oh i do know there's a big metal thing that i already put in the trailer and that sits down in it it's probably like a three foot candle holder probably a giant candle goes in here or a vase no definitely a candle okay i'm finding really good stuff look at this brand new five piece take a sip of water they got it for 15 bucks okay let's see what we have here we've got another crystal set right there they got it 40 bucks right there you see that tag's still on they got an anchor hocking set here look at that beautiful set there as well that is really nice yeah you like that one oh it just slid off i think it's okay i think it's okay it should be fine it'll be all right uh we got magic bags what are magic bags uh you vacuum them and then you get more space you know here there's definitely something in here something crazy something taped up oh get up ah candles candles lots that's why it smells so pretty in here because of all the candles no no because i all um let's see what else is in here more strawberries oh yes pure gold pure gold right there george pure gold right there look there's even one under there gold yeah i think everybody knows about the 2020 toilet paper crisis the tp pandemic but you know who didn't go through a crisis this guy this guy right here let's see what's over here okay come on daddy wants to go home it's been a long two days a very long two days we didn't expect to stay the night at a hotel nearby so we didn't know we were gonna buy three units we didn't know that we were not gonna get them all there look at that pure maple syrup look at that sharing our adventures with you guys definitely makes everything 10 times more so and it increases expenses and the whole deal but we enjoy it it's part of the fun yep we are exhausted yes we are exhausted damn angry can i interest you in some pinto beans or garbanzo i love beans beans things are good for your heart the more you eat them before you taste tart uh-huh okay so we've got some more household there i can't wait to get in that little treasure chest check this out that wooden box check this out there's a snowman what's that elsa barbie okay it could be barbie i was thinking cake molds are moldy moldy are they moldy i would say you want to mold the cake yes please oh empty some apples look at that look at that i got some grape graveyard grape okay that's a little scary and look at that i got some i got some chocolate poo poo that's what it is in here [Applause] okay we got [Music] pamphlets it's like more wax more candles more candles there are one more box under here okay it's a big one it is a big enough we didn't expect we knew going into this one we didn't expect to find ebay collectibles this one we bought because the furniture is gonna be a very fast easy cash sale oh george what who saved you who saved that's my favorite oatmeal chocolate chip oh those are good but i thought you would like that even better no these aren't your berries come on do these look like gummy bears to you let me get a little bit too hungry am i getting sugar sugar when are you not hanging i didn't so i didn't take my hormone pill this morning because she's always like we we weren't planning on staying the night neither of us had deodorant and she didn't take her pills interesting more big boxes i'm feeling gummy those are those boxes are labeled original bagel you think there's bagels in there um i'm gonna hope so there's gonna be some original in here look at that more candles warmer or something you know all of this i mean really if you if you do the math you go okay jeremy bought this for 170 if i get one dollar for every random thing in here one dollar i made a thousand dollars just off of the random nickel and dime things but i think the big money is probably oh there's the candle that goes in that big giant what you call the vase there's the candle that goes into it look at this that's the cool candle hole you know where this would be cool at that would be cool hanging on the hamper although you hate it when i decorate but i like going out on the campground that would be cool i never said i hated it i think you need more lights i think it'd be cool if you decorated with lights you're gonna hook lights up to that and cut don't cut me don't cut me here's a toast hey i found a look at that for your bagels wow do you want that one for your bagels no why not because you already bought me a toaster from dude i got you a really cool one a wine closer for bagels i don't know how that opens another tin it'll open somehow all right let's go let's go peep let's go peek in the box okay all this hard work two full days not eight hour days 10 12. i don't even know how many hours we were here yesterday it was ridiculous today is less hours but look show them the trailer we just literally we packed it you cannot open it you cannot open it everything fit like a glove this is the only thing that didn't go into it this is how beautiful the box is you hear that we love beautiful ornate bodies here we go there's definitely something in here i'm so tired maybe you should do the opening no i'll let you why because you ain't got no deodorant they can't smell you do the honors all right so she's still cranky i'm still cranky no sweat and no sleep no food and here we go all right we got oh what is this oh it's got like a cool red lining look at this oh we should open this first look there's a knife in there there is that's a piece of blonde glass isn't it you could wear it like a pennant it's pretty long glass there's a nativity right there is conkey still here yeah we found jewelry okay um they actually haven't seen that video yet even though we filmed that first they're not gonna see that and they're not gonna understand yeah but i want clunky to hear us yeah but they won't understand what that actually why that was funny until later in the week so there's stuff in here too in the glove you see that okay what about this down here look at this costume jewelry oh cool it actually matches my glasses bullets yeah bulletproof matches my glove so is this one pretty awesome some disc oops sorry some disco balls there i don't know what those are but they look cool got some other oh i see something over there that's gonna be worth something look at that like a little angel um okay look over here this this is probably a little silver the three little pigs oops i was wrong the four little pigs is this gold george this is probably silver this piece right here this is really light like gold oh golden look later let's look now i only one hand is holding it so i'm so tired okay i can't even get it i'm exhausted we still have a live tonight korea so no not gold we gotta get home for the live stream tonight so just to let everybody know look at that am i just really hangry and seeing things or is that what i think it is that a burger what's it taste like a deliciousness just so everybody knows you you rarely ever see things in real time we always record it and you see it later so today is actually sunday morning afternoon actually evening we gotta get home we got a pretty amazing live stream tonight [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 48,970
Rating: 4.9129367 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: eygjmvn9Rjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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