LANDLORD vs TENANT / WHAT'S NEXT / Warehouse Auction / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit

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more concerning you never know what the hails the landlord might do today we're keeping our eyes peeled to find out what happens it's auction day at what the hails and nobody knows nobody knows what the hails the land lady may do today that's the biggest fear so far we're in court we've got a court date may 10th she's changed the locks on me she's not paid the water bill the power may go off at least we have the porta potties let's get to the auction word is everybody's going to be at this auction my buddy rob second sense he's going to be the actual auctioneer we've got barbara our favorite dummy she's here and i even heard george is supposed to be here signing autographs everything is for sale today everything's going to be auctioned yearly every spring every fall we try and get rid of all the household goods that we haven't sold anywhere else the only areas that aren't for sale is this area this is where the employees actually work on ebay if we don't move merchandise and if we don't move it fast we can't keep buying so the goal is move things like we always do it could be anything it could be look at this could be this beautiful body thing here or it could be the ugliest of ugly skeleton sticks there so today everything will be sold regardless of what it is and that gives us the ability to continue to buy to continue to move merchandise you never know what the hails you're gonna find there's treasure trunks everywhere but more concerning you never know what the hails the landlord might do today we're keeping our eyes peeled to find out what happens our first auction attendee is here hey nice you're the first guy here cool uh where are you coming from carrollton harold 10 was that hour 45 minutes away hour and a half what's your name all right what brought you here how did you hear about the auction i saw you guys on youtube both of you youtube nice you're going to get a good deal today i hope so yeah so do i go to market sell tomorrow look at that he's already he's already flipping it and selling it so you brought a van today huh yeah and it's a van uh empty yeah pretty much are you playing the lead with it empty no is it is it locked in the back can we peek yeah just just watch the door draw it out pretty good oh you know what he's got plenty of room he's got plenty of room to buy things that way if you see something you really really want make sure you point it out to us a few things are not for sale here but mostly everything is for sale all the primitive antique stuff that's mr hale's favorite so he likes that the display case is his personal favorite student the moose he's not ready to give up the moose but i'm sure if you give him enough money he will give up the moose because he is a businessman who wants to make some cash money once again everything today so as is where it is how it is to the highest bidder we have a buyer's room no sales tax so 15 of cash money we take all the major credit cards there is no sales tax and we'll go um if you buy your items just paid your items before you take them off you can load up as you go you can uh there's lots of stuff here and when i have any questions before you start going in register i have a bid card i always hate selling my first item brand new box came from the 1800 1700 unit dehydrated [Music] all day long i got 10 15 10 15 10 15 15. now 29 29 25 25 25 25 25 29 25 29 25 brand new in the box 20 now 25 eight year old jerky at home that's [Music] life right you just said i saw your real life am i taller in person or on video what do you think i'm five one and a half a half yeah you're a lot taller all right so there you have it a lot taller i look taller in like real life i'm taller i'm six one without shoes for this sword 20 25 it's sold mr hills right here 29 57. [Music] is they look like they're full of halloween stuff here i don't know i mean we got skulls this says uh witch's way deadly desserts cauldron cakes apple spiders all right and then this one here so we're gonna sell both totes one money two toes of halloween fun and whatever else is in there you never know jeremy might never looked all the way in the bottom it could be a gold coin down there what are you gonna give it i'll give 29 to go now 20 get 20 out of ten ten dollars for both halloween totes here 10 to go and you get the totes this one has a lid with it oh they both have lids the totes alone are worth money at least they're ten dollars now can i get 10 10 to get ten five bucks for both toast of halloween fun now huh another go you have divided yeah let's go five seven and a half seven half bolts are fun now five nine you bought it here 10.71 you get them both ten dollars 71 with a great buy 10.71 and we got so much more to go the auction's still going on what you're doing fine stuff all right what would you buy you're getting all this stuff we got stuff for you to load what'd you get oh a whole shelf full of cds and dvds for 10 bucks you got every single dvd in every single cd absolutely that's the hails of a deal right there all right 12 and a half 10 12 and a half 10 now 12 in the [ __ ] house overnight twelve minutes over there overnight right there on that deer ten twelve downs yes better than that 10 now 12. everyone and now 10 now 12. hauling all done he's happy he came today sold the 52 10 52 52 10 another 52 stealing it today great bye but from here down your choice anything on the show five bucks 25 25 take one home today now 25 25 i'll get 10 bucks 10 nether any one of these plus you want now 29 lego now typical 10 your choice 10 now to go him or her that is that's a beautiful amount right there all right what kind of deal did you get 15 15 yep all right if you were to have that done professionally how much would it have cost you a couple hundred easy couple hundred that's a nice lot a lot of money you're gonna tell everybody you you shot that one i don't know let's just go ahead thomas you got it you got it i shot that deer there you go the coolest thing that you think you bought is it that box that christian's helping you with yeah that box or this trunk right here all right where are all the deer heads did you get all the deer heads too okay all right let me see the trunk that you got is there any junk in that drone this little one okay so he got the treasure chest it's missing here it's missing handles with down there rather than currently there's a cobbler he could probably handle yeah he'll put handles on and then you got the big trunk all the gears holy all the purses the cabela's stuff you got coolers i think i've got them this is all yours look at that look at this eric's list i got that and then the uh rabbits and toys in the baskin uh kitchen pulse everything they're like in the middle of me yeah so being the first person at the auction it pretty much paid off right yeah nice nice the big e for eric i love it i love it here's his new here's his new uh christmas decorations did you get a did you get a santa to go with him yes i did you did i love it i love it i got a couple other things in here another little pile in here i love it how much i get you for today seven dollars seventy seven dollars and five cents and the outback looks completely and totally filled all right that's not too bad no pretty good i got a good deal i got uh i got these for five bucks each that's not bad at all and i took a lesson from you where you said look up look down yeah and after the choice when we were down to two bucks yeah you're probably gonna want to hit me over the head with that phone uh oh uh oh what do you get you're gonna you're not gonna like me too much did you get i got the yamaha rx v585 for two dollars you've got to be kidding me you forgot to set it aside or something what are my employees doing to me and you wonder why i make no money oh i know what they were doing what were they doing that was restorage of the love project right there eric is actually going to take everything that he bought today straight to the flea market tomorrow so this is this is a quick flip eric how much money do you think you're going to make tomorrow at the flea market with all this that you bought today rains holes off just depends usually has a good crowd uh hopefully as much as i paid for everything today that'd be nice so you think you'll get a grand 1500 yeah i'll be awesome maybe 450. i mean almost everything but you know please get my money back if if you sell if you sell these deer he's got a thousand dollars right here just in deer he's got a thousand dollars just right there he's literally loading and we'll just unload tomorrow at the flea market after good auction always important to have a good meal we're out here with the crew right now but we've got some unfinished business even though the auction is over we've gotta choose who won the 5 000 lasik eye surgery package so here we go i'm back at clear choice lasik eye surgery center in brexville ohio it is time it's time to actually pick the 5 000 package winner i don't want to lose my eyeballs here there is a winner contained within all of these eyeballs now just just to remind everybody this is what's happening here they went ahead they fixed me here and now you get the chance to get fixed as well so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna dig in we've got all of our entries we're gonna dig in we're gonna pull one out and then we're gonna crack inside and we're gonna see who won look at that somebody with blue eyes won we got a winner inside okay it's time to crack open we have all of the contestants right in here here we go here we go actually you know what all right here we go here we go the winner is hey i can't see with this eye over my eye it is kathy poddling all right right here right there can you see it kathy all right kathy here's what you got you've got seven days from the time this video gets posted and goes live on youtube you have seven days to contact us at what the hails what the hails if you do not claim your prize we're going to draw another one in another week let's hope like hails kathy gets a hold of us did you make it to the auction why are you naked why do you have a muppet baby tattoo on your stomach and around your nipples [Laughter] really okay she did not make it to the auction why are you naked no holding a plastic knife to my neck where i had my cancer surgery yeah she's back to her feisty self people no i'm not what are you back to i'm still off oh it's gonna be a while before my body feels normal again i said she's back to her feisty self i didn't say her body fat [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 66,043
Rating: 4.9559488 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: ROb9JYyhYeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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