Live PD COPS CALLED For Illegal Activity / She Locked Me Out Of The Warehouse / POLICE CALLED

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so what's your plan for security now just until the camera system another camera system you have an alarm on building no i don't even have a key to get in the building you've all been asking for a warehouse update today you're going to get one as a matter of fact it's going to be an in-depth one it gets more interesting just look up there windows are open in the adjacent building all the security cameras have been pulled the monitor has been pulled who the hails would do such a thing brian what the hell is going on here today so i kind of today i come down to the warehouse to see if jeremy's down here and i just wanted to go into the warehouse check to see how things were going because a couple weeks it came down here and all my cameras were unplugged well today i come down here and i check i want to check and see if they're unplugged again and they're all gone all the cameras my tv the dvr all missing go through the warehouse all maryland stuff seems to be there all my other stuff seems to be there my security system is completely stolen but they took the whole system we've got an auction coming up a live auction in the warehouse august 15th i'm still locked out of my warehouse not only that the things put up for sale and realtors have been bringing people in under my tens of thousands of dollars of merchandise not one person has contacted me to let me know there's going to be a viewing completely totally uncalled for if not completely and totally illegal i'd like to report a theft 852 spruce street thank you [Music] this just gets crazier and crazier [Music] uh i'd like to report a theft 852 spruce street yes it looks like security system i haven't didn't go through the whole building because i wanted to to get out of there i didn't want to mess around with anything but my whole security system's gone tv all the cameras uh the guy across the street said he saw a van over here in front of the building on tuesday i'm not sure if that's when it happened but he said he saw a van in front of the building on tuesday um tan shorts and a black shirt nobody's going to break into a 25 000 square foot facility and only focus on this only steal a security system there's thousands of dollars of other merchandise in there owned by other people and all they took was a security system makes you ask the question why why would somebody only take the security system and the answer that i get at is information information that could be used to implicate in the court of law yes good um i came down to the warehouse and i wanted to go in to see how my stuff was doing and my whole security system's gone [Music] the dvr's gone all the cameras the tv i didn't look around much after that because i didn't want to mess around with nothing so i just got back out nobody else goes in i mean she's got the building up for sale uh my partner owner type deal i went from having some issues and it's just i mean a couple weeks i came down here and all my cameras were unplugged so i plugged them back in and now all of them turn up stolen marilyn raby she's the owner of the property yeah marilyn raby she's the owner of the property i have i have no idea but i mean her she's got stuff in a bay right next to where i had the security system none of her stuff is touched i've got other stuff in the building nothing none of it as far as i can tell as quick as i look i didn't see anything else missing but my whole security system is no yeah it's just hard copy uh no i don't but if you look it up because we had cops called down here i don't know maybe two months ago so she'll be in the system r-a-b-y yes they were unhooked a couple weeks ago yeah like that's my suspicion also okay okay okay thanks somebody went out of their way to actually open a window go out on a roof take the camera that's pointed directly at my warehouse space and everything that goes on here but they didn't take the two cameras on the other side that were directly attached right next to the actual dvr with all the information and they did take the dvr this is the complete other side of the two and a half acre warehouse property obviously dilapidated building big time there are two cameras that remain two the only two cameras right there and then there's one up there only two cameras that are not pointed towards my personal property or brian's personal property were the only two cameras that were actually left remaining all right worcester police just showed up oh [Music] how you so we've been having a dispute with the owner she took my partner we've been having a dispute every couple weeks she changed the locks on both buildings today i came down here just to check all my stuff and a couple weeks i came to go i came down here when the building checked my stuff all my cameras were unplugged today i go down there and i was like i'm going to check which part of his security system is part of my security system i'm a legal tenant i had two cameras sitting up there that watch his building i uh one camera inside are you in this building or i'm in this building over here i'm completely in this and you're in this one okay and i also had a camera set up directly on my stuff all those cameras are gone the cameras that are on the side view are still there they were actually directly next to the dvr player because the dvr player not those cameras only the ones that we have these things and my hands okay now now the uh let me see let me grab my camera yes all right i'm sending a deputy out there so that was officer said that he's trying to get a hold of maryland but they're sending a deputy because marilyn hasn't responded to anything you have a problem with squatters or anything here um i've got a lot of stuff in here i just didn't know people have broken in the past well if you don't mind i appreciate it pallet jack so this is where my camera is sitting i'm sitting on this this is all my stuff okay it's directly facing this this one's missing then i went upstairs to check on the other ones all right well let me show you this too this is actually where the dvr and tv work my tv and dvd were sitting right there there's a camera right there that was attached to media that one's still there that one talk about that one's been here for years that's not okay there's one right underneath it all right so they didn't pull the cameras that face to the north that would have captured anything they only pulled the cameras that faced yeah the two that were yeah yeah facing all the merchandise entrances untouched untouched yeah saying the cheeky and the cheese yes put your stuff in it well you guys don't better now still there i had another line that ran through here the two cameras where that windows open they actually they actually went out this one was actually attached to the roof so um they went out there they crawled out there ripped that one off but they didn't take the one that's right beside the d bar accessible and then there was another one on that does it slide down or is that permanent it slides down okay all right and then there's another one there is this normal well they probably came in that laser probably stepped on and spilled it so they left the camera port on this one they just ripped the camera out so what's her like i know you said a couple weeks ago or whatever that she turned off like what sparked all this we're having a partnership this dispute she took me on his partner about five years ago and all of a sudden she's denying that she ever did so we're we we're in litigation right now okay him she's saying he's not a tenant a legal tenant that's why she changed all the locks without going through litigation she just came down here and changed it big problem and the cops came down told jeremy he had right to the property but she wouldn't still give him a key so yeah that's kind of one of those things we're like we can't sometimes we can't force the issue for one side but we also can't force it for the other side it's like all civil um obviously if you know it starts turning physical that's different but um all right perfect and there's nothing else that's affected just this area i don't know why it's theft yeah this isn't civil this yeah right yeah did you have any uh i told the officer anything with the cameras um yeah i got the receipts okay perfect um but i told the officer that i i didn't go through the rest of my stuff yet i wanted to get out of here yeah so i didn't look at it to see if any of my other stuff yeah i can't i probably can't be here for like two hours or anything but if you want to look through just while we're while i'm here yeah i just have that one section down here i got i got my bright lights but i looked quickly why do you pull the dvr and the cameras that were pointed to right where people would have been if you leave everything there too yeah you know that they're there and what's uh so marilyn's about 70 years old actually i think she's 80 okay so probably not her that musically did it no i mean i can't make assumptions i guess but no i don't i don't believe her second parent but she might know who the guy across the street or maybe not um robbie told me there was a man up front tuesday okay you got to cross the street like that okay i'll talk there's a robbie on you all this stuff here none of this stuff has been going through this door has been raised and this tv was without actually out here and they pulled it in but i mean all none of this other stuff is even going through and that's locked you can okay so yeah it don't look like uh they touched any of this stuff actually pleasure building my building's fine all right cool do you have an alarm on building no i don't even have a key to get in the building oh you still got that she literally has me locked out illegally i have to break in legally every time together if you get this figured out like beyond court and everything my best advice like get an alarm system would help cameras are better than an alarm system but if you get an alarm system contact or dispatch let them know hey got an alarm system like this is the you know give them like three people to call yeah because a lot of times especially on night shift we get like you know alarm drops or whatever we have no key holders or no one to call or they're outdated numbers so just like stay on top of that but i'd recommend it so obviously you guys got a lot going on with you know this whole nesting cord it sounds like yeah it is a big mess it is a huge choice but there's no way that that's coincidence just the three cameras that are on our stuff yeah none of my stuff is touched and two cameras that were sitting right beside the dvr right especially since you know you two are working together or whatever you know so it happens to face that way so well what i can what we think and what we can prove obviously are two different things so let me do some digging and see what i can work on like i said i don't suspect that she physically did it it doesn't sound like you do either but um she might know she knows yeah her niece knows some shady people so you know just have to make some phone calls maybe make some contact with people and go from there it's not always an exact science i mean you know unfortunately but i'll get a report done up for you i'll collect some info from the outside and get you attached i'll mention you in it too just since it's kind of tied together yeah so i'll just probably put you as a witness yep so all right sounds good and then um receipts the type of system or seats like brand whatever as much as you can get i'm pretty sure i have the receipt for that i don't have the receipt for the tv but i mean like if you don't have receipts it doesn't necessarily but they help tremendously obviously because if she wants to turn around and say or whoever you know whoever wants to say like yeah i took them because they're mine because i own the building or whatever if you have actual receipts where you paid for them i mean that's pretty hard to argue at that point so one fair argument is that there she bought him a hurt why didn't you take the rest of the cameras right and that yeah exactly so um we'll go outside get some light i'll get some info and we'll go from there i'll type something up for you you know what you leave the way i can't remember how i have to get out of here it is quite a maze yeah these buildings are cool though we've i had an alarm or a break in or something uh over on spruce extension yeah uh that like far left building in the back and uh i just want to take that okay yeah the older buildings are cool yeah it's like it's just oh cool she's on the phone perfect let me call her all right give me about 30 seconds um i'm gonna call her she's waiting on the phone for me so don't go anywhere if you don't mind and then i'll come out and get the rest of you guys marilyn's on the phone with the police so i talked to her uh obviously she said she doesn't know anything um if you could point me so is that person there now probably yeah all right i'll go talk to is that like just common access to go knock on the front or is there a better one she says no knowledge no nothing yeah which you know she's like but she doesn't she's not concerned about any of her stuff not missing well she said that she had some stuff missing too she that she noticed before she mentioned anything about jewelry like some cold spoons and maybe jewelry things like that did she say where that stuff was on her side in that moment she said there's like three sections there are three sections her section still locked up okay um yeah i mean as far as that's separate and it's been blocked for how many now for how long almost a year almost a year he's he had stuff blocked yeah i mean there's no forced entry i mean someone had access someone had keys that access let me do some digging type of report for you guys only one person who has keys and it isn't me what's uh if you don't mind um if you want to come unless you want your social media um obviously my first suspicion is something to do with them and it probably is but i can't prove it so we'll i'll have a report at the very least um how soon before you can get like the documentation like your seeds anything you can get on that system i probably won't have a serial number unless that's on every seat i don't know but i could i could probably would you one was walmart so all right um i'll go over there before i leave something comes up just give us a call uh you called the non-emergency number a assume i called 911. okay all right let me uh just ran out of business cards so let me give you uh another something comes up or if you just have that stuff just give me a call if i'm not in um leave me a voicemail or something or you know another officer might be able to come out and take it out okay go from there all right i'm glad to shake hands first pump yeah i could do the thing you serving hey thank you yep no problem i really mean it thank you all right yep if you know something comes up or something just call us we'll come down check it out okay i just wanna let you know before i leave i'm gonna bring another security system down here today okay i'll hook it back up all right i also noticed i went back back in while you were talking there's a camera that's as soon as you walk in the front door but it's also stolen so there's actually three cameras but they're all the same type they weren't fixed yes okay they weren't facing our stuff okay that are still there um yeah keep me updated anything that you got in there so i'm gonna go over there and talk to them so uh we should get more for you guys right now but we'll see what happens someone knows something somewhere all right thank you yeah thank you guys who the hell's not right what's gonna happen next [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 78,364
Rating: 4.931181 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: QqGrozXM3jY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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