Live PD COPS CALLED For Crime Scene Investigation CSI / POLICE CALLED / I Got Robbed

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there it looks like they've absolutely destroyed that machine so i'm hoping something got connected because would that be nice if we had a blood trace the craziness of the warehouse just doesn't seem to stop been locked out security camera systems have been stolen and now we officially have a break-in there has been a major theft [Music] uh black jeep grand cherokee did you know when the last time you saw your building normal yes i had employees in the building yesterday they left at 3 pm and it must have happened anywhere from last night at 3 p.m till they just contacted me about 25 minutes ago and said somebody broke in i told them not to go and wait until i arrived okay well if somebody actually make a report for you just open the building okay yep won't go until they get here thank you thank you bye-bye honestly i have so much stuff i don't know what is mine what isn't mine here's a full tool bag christian does this look familiar at all i don't recognize it but it seems like it's probably from there yeah it's probably from in there so there's items all over on the outside and um who the hells knows how much is anywhere and everywhere we should probably go check the creek as well don't you think yeah all right let's do it i had a break-in and i haven't been in the facility yet so my employees were here last night 3 p.m they were gone they just got back here contacted me and said had a break-in obviously they went in through there and my pop machines are definitely destroyed i see merchandise back here as well so i've got i've got tools and merchandise back here and we haven't checked the rest of the facility yet but here's the full bag this isn't unnatural for for what i would be selling so there's a tool bag right there i've got a full brand new cobalt ratchet set over here brand new bike pump and there's probably stuff other places as well so this is what we just saw called you guys saw the entry point and waiting to see you to go inside and see exactly what happened well i think they stashed it to come back later for sure without a doubt that i'm on my way down so no idea what's stolen no idea or anything like that don't know anything yet i haven't gone in i can go in and open it up what do you think the exit point is exit point was the same place so they leave that up absolutely do the same place okay so that's an issue we don't have a key for the door and that's because the landlord has illegally changed the locks on me building is in litigation right now and um the trial isn't until may 10th so youtube channel what the hells the uh the entry point is obvious that's going to be the exit point as well that's where they leaned it up and they definitely stashed over here we haven't looked at anywhere else yet that's about the effort a year or two ago for this and they might have broken in over here as well i haven't checked yet but i did text him and say hey somebody definitely broke in that's the trim for the window over in this one wagon back there and there was stash and stuff girls don't touch those tools i touched the outside of the black bag with my back of my hand i don't think i touched that i mean i touched the blue one like a while ago probably well we've all touched it in transportation but the freshest prints are gonna be whoever touched it pulled it out there so so all of us would have touched it so i buy storage units at one time at one time the freshest prints nobody's touched it today so it had to happen anywhere between three o'clock yesterday and between now than when we got here so yeah there's brian brian's here now too so yeah i contacted brian yes i leased through yep exactly exactly i haven't checked i haven't checked the other building yet facebook marketplace that's how we caught them so definitely be monitoring all of the buy sell trades and all that crap let us know if you guys see it and then we will hopefully get your stuff back like we did for brian that is such an easy thing to say except i own so much stuff i don't even know but we do have a security camera if that wasn't stolen as well so brian's gonna go grab that so lord willing that's all on camera right over there so they had to walk by it when they were staging the other tools this is one thing after another with this place man yeah it's not a big part of town it's almost a forgotten part of town but people who live down in these areas they know what you guys have in here right now they'll target you for sure so where they very good they definitely went right in through there as far as we can tell they came out right through there and we don't know what kind of damage they did yet brian's next door he's got security he's gonna check security as well and see if they did anything if you guys are good i'll i'll open it up so we can check or sir where the point event this door here here there and right both the garage doors are locked and the door right there is locked so then over here they staged items this would be the only other i mean you've got high high windows but there's no way so what we've seen so far right there and we see over here they've staged this over here as well we haven't checked anything else then i called you can you guys say that we haven't touched anything so hopefully you can get prints at least from the opal look at everything all i ask you guys stay outside we'll go inside so can i just push this up or how's that you're gonna have to go in the same way they went in see you can't go through any of these other doors besides that front remember the whole issue with maryland she changed the locks on you remember we're out here for that so we still need to go through that one that's all that you're going to have to do it will be finalized in court may 10th i told george the very if i buy this property from maryland the very first thing i'm doing is putting a high fencing around all two and a half acres right here but i don't know what that's true or not probably probably two weeks we did spill a lot of pop syrup right there it looks would that be nice if we had a blood trace absolutely destroyed my machine they destroyed barbara that's barbara and they destroyed jesus yeah without a doubt i mean they they destroyed all that it doesn't look like they touched the why would they do this one but not the pepsi one like they realize they couldn't get out of that one they they definitely i'm not touching it right now but they definitely fought with this as well let's walk through here all right come on um just get a hold of us we're gonna be out here just kind of processing what we have here because i mean what about this guys this wasn't here so this this was out here for sale i have so much stuff was there anything in this shopping cart before jeremy i don't think so but mass stuff is over here most importantly the thieves did not get the moose okay so i think you know what i'm starting to think the high moneyed items are here i think this was more of a scare tactic potentially because this is this is ridiculous i think they were homeless because they took shoes pots and pans so that's what they got yeah because the shoes are all over the place the parts and pants oh so you guys had pots and pans there everywhere yeah they're all on these ones right here christian those ones were all full of pots and pans yeah did did you have anything on the camera no it was dark all the time i went through the last two days really yeah they definitely were out there are they turning lights on let's see all right so this is our ebay death pile this is honestly this is where the actual money is yeah it looks like they went through this stuff looks like they dug through here [Music] looks like they dug through here but frankly honestly they probably had no clue most people don't have a clue what really is worth money i probably shouldn't touch it huh in case you can get prints from it so this definitely wasn't open they went through the gun case from what it looks like on that plexiglass there's zero fingerprints gloves on so that's and with them wrenching on that pot machine and then also on your the main door i'm gonna probably have to sit and probably using gloves but this is sealing the texture on this anyway yeah very rarely you guys are not going to get anything so you can see the dust on on the sun if you look down yeah okay yeah let's see however with all these ridges you're not going to get a clear detail or the lady finger press so if you want to see if anything is missing out there i honestly i have too much stuff to be able to tell you this is missing or this is i would tell you if the moose was missing or what was in the display pieces is anything missing on display kit to my knowledge no they didn't touch the display case they didn't touch the moves they didn't touch the high-end tools over there right by the door but you said there's pools out that are staying here yeah they're from in here for sure for their they were back in here these guys were selling them online i don't understand why they would get something you guys ever use these yeah when we're storing stuff that comes in but we haven't used them probably in over a week i do remember tobacco i don't know for any fact at all but there was a plastic bag that kind of like has chinese food in it that you would think of and then uh there is a chinese smooth box right there but it could be nothing else it doesn't ring a bell but that doesn't mean honestly that i didn't own it where i saw the crowbar guys is when we came back here and there's a crowbar right in here which i wouldn't have put there these guys wouldn't put there but there's a crowbar right there we didn't touch it this yes the crowbar no right the wires i don't know i can tell you the crowbar no because the crowbar would have been set out on the floor to sell the wires potentially yes this is a scrap metal drum so we would sell off robots all metal tools he checked his security system and he said he said he looked past the past two days he didn't see anything you didn't even see the light go on and that's the light right there just went on when you walked by it instead of the light which they were definitely here here but he doesn't have any cameras on the side no the camera is right it was right there he said for sure for sure i i can i can show you a video where that came from and the cobalt set right by it as well i'm gonna ask you a question how often do you wear gloves whenever you touch your items that you purchased probably 75 percent of the time okay uh we've got a bigger problem here we might be able to lift so all right you got your uh you guys okay if i go look down by the creek and everything yeah no by all means i those are the um that's probably the easiest very difficult dnas yeah much easier i'm gonna run down there you guys have a basement no it's kind of just a hole down there i've been down there once there is actually a door to get down though at the back of the building it feels like a crawl space yeah kind of i don't even know if you can get in or not though but they look very yeah i mean who knows that was definitely i'm sorry yes it was it was right in front of the window so like if you walked by the window you'd see a mannequin and this would have been pushed back in there did you guys have any change in here no there was nothing in it those were also something that he got from storage units and he had emptied the change whenever he got him yeah poor barb huh so i'm sorry is there a price tag on that one no there's no price tags on any of it uh oh um some items that come from like the floor in there like the big area you'll see price tags on but uh items like that we post on ebay and we just kind of put them in totes and it's just on ebay nothing at the creek didn't find anything a can that looks like it was open oh jeez it's probably 100.00 excuse me one last time you drank something out of here we never have we they're probably only like a couple months old and they don't even work so you guys put the pop in there we haven't put any bob in there no i'm pretty sure yeah i'm pretty sure those sun kisses were the only pops that were left in that dirt pop drink or yeah that one and i'm pretty sure there's nothing even in the next one where's jeremy i believe he's down on the dock over there this machine right the only thing that was on it so i opened it i got some of the old vintage sun-kissed cans out on it and it was up top okay so i never stocked it with anything but i pulled some of the old cans up onto everyone so they were on top and there was probably 10 12. this one's wide open all right they were all closed every single one of them was sealed i only had original sealed sunkissed cans these are vintage cans i know it sounds stupid they're worth money but everything in here is worth something but this they were all sealed that was the only reason why i had it they drank it or poured it out one or the other hopefully they drank it they'll set it off get a good print off the bike thing no just a bunch of smudge marks so far no good print maybe dna on the pop can that's that's the goal there was one guy i was on kelly's island all this week there was one guy over the weekend he parked over here i came down here i said what you doing can i help you he said i'm going in the creek i said you can go in the creek but he can't park here and so he pulled out and he went flying and i told i told george i said i'm gonna park right here i guarantee he's jonah circle he's gonna come back and thank him for gone and we did and in 15 minutes he came back did another round and he saw it still here and he peeled down he went off again that's the only thing that i've seen recently uh like an old i'm gonna say like an old bronco hey george do you remember what that vehicle was what type vehicle it was that dude that was peeled out all right so like it was cool and it sounded atrocious you could hear it from a mile away dude wear no shirt when's the last time he goes out and watching we just had one on 15 15. find anything give us a call all right we'll come back down and grab one you know if you guys locate anything okay got any questions for me just give me a fist bump man appreciate it all right guys thank you hopefully we'll get something um but it's always a shot in the dark you never know what they're gonna find or if everything in that can be evaporated i don't know especially since they've been in there for a while all right guys all right thank you everything i appreciate it worcester police did a great job but here's the crazy part of it all number one the thief returned the very next night and you're gonna see us capture him in the act in tomorrow's video and number two if somebody would have just came to me and said they had a need i would have helped now he's going to jail if we catch him [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 55,460
Rating: 4.941236 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: Zwm90r9mN_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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