IT'S ALL GONE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker With LunkersTV Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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there's Rob down there there's Grimes right there look at this we have a gun safe it's been a while since I've been in Texas so I was just thinking and maybe I should go back [Music] [Music] [Music] robbed of lockers TV invited me to come on out and show them all about the storage option life so we're headed back into Texas it's been a while can't wait to go see my old friend and then make some new ones [Music] we don't end the unit we did for outside as soon as I say so boy it's gonna ask you to sign your paperwork she collect your money at the door she will be charged so sex unless you have stupid Obama's Christ all the auction you got the broom sweep the unit and having vacated by the end of the day Saturday you don't have any dumps your fujas please remove excess trash any items of personal nature you want to turn those into the office guys there's a $20 deposit you get there back when you leave the unit clean you guys ready to go all right guys there's some guys here that takes the picture in there well they my world-famous a YouTube channel mattresss elevator my arch-nemesis 25:25 you can anybody now 50 $50 $50 to get 50 safety bouncer 75 we can save a dollar five hundred hundred dollars quarter 125 where need to be 125 sorry to get 125 last call 125 somebody brought their $100 number you think you don't think so no bedbugs are free dollars you oniy number 11 location number 2 here we go you like it you don't like it get this thing down man $350 edeka three and a half they don't all see it $350 a beacon three and a half last call $350 350 now 75 and 400 ceedric $400 and even for in 400 hours of get for 400 that look 400 dollars last call hello right there 375 dollars what's your number I think we need 17 somebody put a body in it at least they took the neck brace off first after smashing the head in the wall yeah we didn't get one over there right sure the question is their deposit they're asking is there the security deposit we're not sure on this one to unit same money 3436 been on both of them Victor do you know what's in the back you don't make a jam or what's in the trial take it now be in one [Music] unfortunately the first run nothing nothing to bid on neither of us bid on anything so it's time to go on another what the Hales did we just do Rob we stood up yes we did and by the way this is Rob do you want to introduce yourself I'm the guy I make fishing hunting and random videos kind of like this I'm Walker's TV lunker's TV go check them out why we check out what the hills it's inside let's open it up let's see what we got on this thing okay look at this right here yeah come on down here camera check this thing out all right let's see let's see okay we've got a nice little Suzuki and actually actually one of the what the hell subscribers was bidding against me I think you need to come on over here need to come on over here and introduce yourself who are you on YouTube and Ronnie Brawley what the hell why were you bidding against me I've seen this back when my voice was all right so he bid me up and that was not nice whatsoever but because I believe in restoring the love the bike is now yours but we have no idea if it actually works so we're gonna restore it to the love we're gonna give we're gonna give him the bike so the boys have at the ranch what's your son's name Logan Logan Logan is going on the bike are you gonna see come on we got compression let's see if it starts up yep I think it's gonna go wait wait wait don't worry don't worry don't worry here we got with the bike we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna give you the gas as well what do you think is there anything in there we got compression this thing's gonna start up so what do you think on the bike how much I'd say five hundred there's $500 I don't even know what do we spend on this 800 800 there's 500 to the 800 right there so now I am if I'm doing my math right I'm about 2,000 in the hole because it just gave all right so we actually look this up and I already have an interested party for this you want to guess who's interested yeah all right all right just sold it the lunker's TV for how much did I sell it to you for 35 it's actually it's worth $235 but he's been such a great host here in Texas we're just gonna go ahead and give that away - okay so there you go restoring the love so if you're keeping track I am now about three thousand dollars in the hole okay so three thousand dollars in the hole that was a two hundred and thirty-five dollar item that light was from about 1980s but light goes over the billiard table really cool this is this is a pretty incredible unit you're gonna admit that you what are we gonna do with all this we actually we have another subscriber that we're gonna go ahead and restore the love - so who the hell's are you I'm late this is Lady Luck junk and you've got a business where okay you want to get the location 8127 why cinnamon road sweetie okay if you want to get any of this junk you can get it right there so she's gonna get all of this stuff we're gonna restore the love there - so if you're keeping track now I'm roughly I'm Way in the hole one of the areas we always tell you to check is the drawer you got a desk drawer right here now it's on its side if we if we actually this is crazy I mean I don't understand why people put stuff in here like this but they do so we've got tons of stuff in the drawer and let's see what we have here we've got the stuff here here's the notebook all earlier earlier I found the old cellphone too so we're gonna have to check that out and see what we can find on there Rob just found a love letter it reads a little something like this are you ready oh I'm ready hey baby I know I was supposed to write this long time ago but I wanted you to be surprised I just want to say you know what forget it there's getting a little too intimate says I love you let's set that aside you got purses now usually we find gift cards and random change at flats that's another thing we got the flaps right there let's find out is it in it oh I thought it was [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] all you got something yes yes I got my good knife right there remember always always cut away from the sausage we go man we will I promise you we will this was this was pretty nice that's not bad do you think I could take this from the air for me when I go home yeah oh you know what boots a lot remember what I always told you what I tell you about booze always check inside boots so I've been here in Texas hanging out with lunker's TV and we've been going through a lot of storage units whether they've been online or at auction we've been we've been having a ton of fun and one of the things I told them is you always always check inside the boots because people hide things yes they are people hide things inside the boots unfortunately not this set just socks right there but these are some really nice boots and oh oh here we go here we go here we go all right my personal favorite we got the Harley Davidson boot set as well right there so that's that's gonna be goes up those Harley's are about $50 right there so look at this look at this we got more now usually I do this with gloves on but since I'm in Texas Texas gloves aren't as big as my hands they say everything's bigger in Texas I can't I can't fit them on my hands and there's a lot of good boots in here awesome awesome I see what it is another side another sock let's see what we got [Music] what is that what is that guys alright if you know what that is let us know down in the comments what could that be Rob just found this down in this box with all the boots here leave this here okay we got we got some very odd things in here number what we got a key holder yeah what's on it come on come on all right if this is gold a lot of these are gold is it it is this one is not gold okay let's look at the rest this is just in the key holder and this might be silver that little horse there might be so it's not marked it's not mark I'm gonna hand that off to you Ron all right let's see what else we have in here all right we got the harmonica this is the echo this is a Horner if this thing actually was cared for which it's not this would have been a good fifty dollars but it's it's not in the best condition and I'll set that right down in there and hopefully we there we go so we got a Zippo we got a brass Zippo I see you get a write-up on their brass Zippo and that is gonna be worth some money right there this one will be source of money that was from 85 let's see what else she has here we got another Zippo we've got another Zippo so that's worth money so we've got we've got a solid at a minimum fifty dollars in Zippos but we also have what we got here we got some kind of lighter let's see what's in here let's see what's in here and what would that be what's that right there is that what that is what is that what could that be it's definitely supplies that doesn't look like tobacco they're whole second that doesn't smell like tobacco either wait wait wait that'll smoke like tobacco either okay now this is one that I actually saw why we were bidding and I was really curious right there Frisco pink store pickup so I'm curious Frisco's of the city here let's find out let's find out what's in here you wanted to know tube in your um all right here you do the honors on three man open that thing up yeah no no no this is great this is this is I'm still losing money on this unit this is a bunch of stickers this is a ton of stickers okay so I probably they were crap that's true they were crafters it's not too bad right there look at that they're so old gasoline this was probably part of the man cave would be my guest that was in the man cave with with the Bud Light light over the builders so this this one actually I'm gonna give you a price at $6 you got to dig down in the corner they're hiding something Rob Rob Rob Rob they're hiding something [Applause] [Music] all right so bunch of kids clothes for me you know I donate all of that fridaya goodwill comes with a semi-truck picks that all up but today that's all going somewhere else we'll see what else we find in here yep they were not only was it a craftsman this was a crass woman as well this crass woman did all kinds of crafts and she was a drama queen I'm pretty sure drama queen without a doubt look at this this is like the first time I actually found a unit where the balloons are actually balloons that's like the first time that's for all of you all you faithful followers you'll know what I mean there and we read their condition good stuff in here this is like this is like a joke value right now well my $800 if I were selling this personally my $800 would have been recruited recoup within the bike the minibike and come on back here with the washer and dryer so my $800 after the bike in the washer and dryer is complete and total profit so anything after that that's all profit this arctic or stuff people will buy this up all day so that's good too even furniture furniture sells really well so as far as profit so far none I gave it all the way so that's a solid that's a solid $25 but who knows what's in it and I got some more toast where yeah this is a big one this was heavy here my hand that down and that's this is where the money is oh man we got two washers we have two washers yeah easy easy so that's actually this set I think this set right here actually goes together so we've got more in there let's find out let's find out what the hell's in here exactly what I thought it was money we don't we don't shuttle when we find big cash on what the Hales don't know what he's doing is he learning this thing very quickly but this one this was good what is it okay this one says very breakable this one says dowels how do you see dowels in Texas dolls dolls I just said dowels wait how do you how you guys say dolls in Texas dolls isn't that what I just said it's Dallas that's what I said I said the same thing they all said all right let's see what we got good well this isn't bad this isn't bad all right Brandi holy that is old as that all right so once again creepy doll collection now I think is this one that one music well nope that one's not musical here we go there's another one there's another one if you if you want you want to get scared at night put that right by your bed sign that'll get you time and this would that would actually put that one by your bedside that was creepier that's the one right there all depends on the actual how do you say it again no it all depends on the actual what he said whether there's money or not so we'd have to look up each one of these on eBay with the sold figures and the items and find out exactly what the value is Rob just found this big bag what do you think of this I got you know you're all hope that you open it all right here we go I think I know what it is unicorn horns a bag filled with unicorns yeah yeah this is probably where they're hidden I wouldn't doubt it what do you got oh yeah yeah Nucor works it's another bag filled with unicorns chug it chug it it is it's folded alright this is not okay alright I think I know what do you think it is it's one of those canopy things it's the cannon it's a Marvel smokin so this that's a pillow how do you say pillow in Texas all right well apparently I said everything else right then - okay let's see what we got no bags I think this is the third bag and I think this is where the unicorn horns are and that pack doesn't do anything but let off pressure so this is a this is a tent so we've got a brand new we got a brand new red tent with a ton of bags I just found Canha deodorant and Rob back there Rob doesn't like big crowds with stinky people he's been saying I stink the entire we got been here we'll just see what we can do oh yeah we're good good all right let's see what else is in here actually I think we have some in here nope Rob jittery Oh nope all right he passes on the Gatorade I found a whole other can of deodorant that's two I'm actually doing all right now you know what this is wrong hmm was that you it's like a mini skateboard put your foot on it and go there's two of them I think I got it 42 year old this is this is not just a big dowel this is a giant bronze is that how you guys say it in Texas brats that's no brats like hot dogs and brats what'd you do what are you gonna do take your home put in your bed next to you bleh I don't know dog here we go we're down to the last few boxes this is John Ross said it also says kitchen storage [Music] look at this with the airplane right back home I leave early tomorrow this is going with me this is why I bought the unit this right here made it completely and totally worth it all right we got the beats pill but even better than that it's not in there that's okay look we're finally making money back down here you see all that yeah that's like First National Bank of Hale's yeah that's a favorite thing here at what the Hales we got stuff you gotta open it up here wait here you didn't bring the connive can you get the tonight the connivance is right over there and you're clear the sausage you ready here we go all right we're good okay we're good now here we go Oh actually this is this could be probably is that like Oh Oh actually listen I'm the business where'd the unicorn born this is where the where the gloves where the globe yes okay yes you are gonna fly out here for nothing I think it's hidden in here it's a unicorn clothes bata candy is this what I think it is no no you thought that was what I thought okay that's what I thought too oh I guess you should take and get this developed developed we never show personal pictures but I have a better idea fine whoever gets it developed they're gonna get a selfie okay uh let's see what else we have in here I think I see Barbie oh here we go there's a brand-new Barbie this is Asian geisha Barbie how do you say Keesha in Texas Keesha see I got the damn thing right - so there we go wait actually this is Chinese Terry - Theater limited edition that's kind of cool oh I knew it I knew it finally are you kidding these people will probably storage unit buyers - it's exactly what we need to go through the units this this is how you do this business right this is how you do this business right making the money there's Rob down there there's Grimes right there look at this we have a gun safe Rob stars robber you gonna never open this thing open all right so Rob's right here if you want to see what's inside the gun safe you got to go to lunch or TV I'm gonna put it right here you got a you got a swing on over there you'll get to see exactly what's inside the gun safe do you think there's a gun inside there goes he knows this he knows the state he knows the town he thinks there's guns I had a ton of fun in Texas I got to see an old friend and I got to make new ones and yeah it's all gone everything from the storage unit nothing came home with me but that's okay because you never know where the Hales I'm going next and what the Hales I'm gonna give away max [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 125,975
Rating: 4.8308458 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: sIFVzUlIHyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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