SHERIFF SHOWS UP / Landlord Is Suing Me / POLICE CALLED And Onsite

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i'll i'll come meet you at the door right over there i'll come meet you at the door okay so sheriff is here at the warehouse i'm gonna record and by the way anytime there's any public official you have every right to record just pulled into the warehouse this all right we got some kind of vehicle some kind of van makes me wonder this vehicle right here that is maryland's personal white minivan okay so i know for sure this is maryland i have no idea who this is so inside there somewhere and look at this i'm still locked out of my place that is maryland here at the property i'm not sure who the other guy is that is marilyn and marilyn's now peeking around the corner should be interesting she's hiding around the corner right there she's with the other fella [Music] not sure who the other guy is i'm looking at the outside of the building marilyn's in and out of the van not sure what the other guy's there's a logo on his shirt just not sure what it is so i don't know what he's here for whether it's a quote potential buyer [Music] marilyn is leaving the other gentlemen still don't know who he is [Music] heading out now to [Music] the plot thickens despite all the interruptions to my business that potentially could be losing me tens of thousands of dollars every single day hundreds of thousands of dollars every single month despite the inconveniences and the harassments and the the list can go on and on and on i literally if i want to get into a building that i legally am leasing i've had a lease since april 2018 i have to break into a building that the wayne county prosecutor says that i legally can get into and so does everybody else the show's got to go on let's see what the hell's happens today last time patience beat me she pulled a 450 croc a 4 gallon croc out of a garbage bin how she beat the boss with garbage i have no idea today though i'm calling rematch you ready i'm ready you ready i'm ready rematch bring it okay i'm thinking avon you're giving me avon is it able you don't even know what avon is how could you give me armor you don't even avon is a city in ohio yeah uh what do we got in here oh look look at that inside uh nip on cups that's japan look at that right there three nip on cups that's japan sterling something is sterling yeah take that patience you just gave me pure profit in silver all right here we go we've got this wonderful garden design man this woman loved bunnies look at all them bunnies okay bunnies are cute i'll give you that what's this stamps 35 cents for okay 1948 stamps dang some little kid by a fire what is this two dollars 1950 1950 maybe these are just like for greeting cards this is crazy hunters that's got to be worth some money there 100 stamps all right um oh look they're babies no no look i just found hangers for patients clothes look at that christian look these are hangers for patients clothes there you go patience there you go uh constellation prize you ain't gonna be winning today she ain't winning shane that's the consolation prize you can hang your clothes up on that thanks all right kerosene lamp everybody needs a good lamp right okay what else come on we're scary where is oh oh that's for butter come on that's gotta be worth some money christian i'm relying on you for prices okay okay i have a feeling i kind of get cheated in this process because christian has a little thing for patients so so i really think this is a one-sided holy cover them cover that up what's going on this is youtube wait she's got one showing she's got two showing my goodness my goodness you didn't talk like i say there's three things you always find in every storage unit you find drugs you find adult material and you find adult toys so that can kind of go for both right there that kind of hits all right we got a there we go look at that 10 on that cup you're asking 10 bucks christian i hope you're taking note of all of this and if that one was 10 bucks this one has got to be at least 10 bucks so i think you think you're gonna win you think you got this patience you got nothing jeremy i always win look at this oh no oh no the sticker just blew away i'm sure it said looking i think it said it said fourteen dollars i saw fourteen thousand dollars no you so i saw fourteen thousand dollars that's crystal that's pure crystal right there that's pure yep that's crystal all right christian how much money do i get in this box forty dollars forty dollars yeah forty dollars yep i'm telling you this is rigged man this is rigged i need to get a new person given a mouse i just found the perfect box for patience ah yeah it's a christmas tree yeah christmas tree try and beat me with that one ah box for patience here we go patience there's your box i really thought you were gonna give me the one with the stink bug on it there was one with a stink bug did you see one with a butterfly no no way ready oh my goodness look at that she's throwing the legs around i only see one there's only two legs there's one there's one underneath it there's a third leg there's a third leg right there okay you never have enough legs it goes in the bottom all right oh my goodness i can't do it there we go and all right she shoot up she has three is all you gave legs just a tree well it's cute though and christian you can get ten dollars for that what are you talking about ten bucks for that you should have said fifty ten bucks yeah do you think they won't know that it's rigged if they said 50. this is so i can't even believe he just gave you 10 bucks for that why don't you give me a garbage can do you want the garden why don't you give me a garbage can fine your garden [Laughter] see here's the funny thing is patience thinks that i'm not thrilled with garbage cans i actually love them we collect them here because we always have a lot of garbage and she's playing with her belly button so she eats chalk and she plays with her belly button i told you umbrella listen this is worth money right here my country is of the sweet land of liberty of the i sing can i get a little something for that christian a little song uh just a little sound song you need to take some lessons what about this you're doing big money feeling big big wait is this a toilet brush yeah it's a toothbrush what about the i should probably this is to wipe the competition with it let me see all right so we got nuts i don't know oh you know what i think i think that might go on the end of a hose oh it's like a car brush yeah like a car brush and then we've got some insulating foam we got oh some flowers you can give those to george so george does not like flowers that is not her thing i tried that once that didn't go well all right garbage cans got to be worth at least what 50 christians uh i'm seeing a lot of junk yeah but the garbage can itself has got to be worth 50. and i sang to you patriotic i'll give you 10. still beating you beating you bad i guess just a little patience yeah yeah seeing this one i mean really if i could just find i can find another 10 christmas tree we'd be doing okay how about okay i got it i got it okay you give me a piece it's heavy all right here we go all right you're getting in the can you're getting camped this bear's talking smack you're getting canned that's for talking smack what up now angels and santas this is what you give me that's what you're gonna need to beat me oh my god there's actually stuff in there they're ornaments though like there's this thing it's playing like a man i don't know what that is i'm gonna say mandolin but i don't it's like a bunch of think yeah they're just all ornaments angels and santas this is what it is garbage look at this there though he's cute his name's bob that's bob yeah it's not santa no it's bob santa i thought it was christopher christopher oh bob belly over belt she just have a spider on her i don't know what it was it tickled it though butterfly butterfly that was a butterfly that'd be awesome oh that's a snow baby it's a snow baby yeah don't don't no i'm worth anything they're not worth anything else oh no that weird wink makes me think they are worse were you talking about a wing i can't wink but if i could i'd show you you you can't wink no no all right let's see you're right you have winking issues hey i tried you definitely this is this is gonna take me days to go through is that another angel yeah they're only angels and santas oh you got a little angel to help you wow there's one too oh look now you got two angels to help you this is santa these are all ornaments this one's creepy it's kind of like a clown thing ew is there something that you do on the i don't know i don't know i don't know it's witchcraft don't tell patients but a lot a lot of old ornaments are worthless is this one is it what it's drinking some stuff that broken piece of junk is it broken i don't know it's supposed to why is santa ryden a bear why is santa he's riding winnie the pooh look he's chasing honey i know that's not what he looks like but i know that's not what whitney looks like but he's yellow see there you go people even santa's been chasing honey his whole life so there you go funny oh this one's little another little oh oh this one's big oh you finally got a big one yeah he's blowing like a horn why is santa like flying through the air he's a penguin he's penguin listen you don't have to open all of these because we already know we already know that um there's no money in here so christian what are you going to give her what are you going to give her as far as the price well since you said that old ornaments would be worth a lot i said old ornaments are worthless i said no you said a lot i said they're worthless there's no money in here oh i'm gonna give her forty dollars you're gonna give her 40 she can't even wink why would you give her 40 dollars still half a thing in here we've already opened like 50. yeah look that thing can wink you know who can't you stop playing with your belly button we're on camera we're on your camera or a camera come on come on all right we'll see see you know what you know what you know what you know what what wait a second yeah that's what don't be trying to get more money from me no no don't give me the candle i'm not i'm seeing the one underneath those jets i think it's literally an empty coat this is not funny oh no no i actually i i take that back she did give me something oh man look at this look it's crikey look at this this oh do you guys know how rare this is this thing is worth probably at a minimum minimum see it's got the little hangy thread right there that's got to be a thousand dollars on ebay easy stop stop thousand dollars on ebay easy right there that right there that's that's big money make sure you remember that christian all right i've got i've got something else here okay we've got small oh did you just give me i can't believe she did the same thing to me that i did to her she did she did it look there's 2130. i at least have 21 and 30 cents in there christian don't try and rob me on this one tree skirts mini tree skirts mini ornaments it's all brand new there you go there's a there's a gift um we know they loved crystal stuff so there's probably a ton of crystal stuff there oh this one that one was bought for 449 made in taiwan taiwan santa must have fell off the sleigh my goodness okay well stuff blowing everywhere we got oh look my stuff's brand new 250 sealed in the box little creepy dolls look at that look at that weird santa head it's like a santa head gourd right there that's weird whoa whoa whoa whoa we got keepsakes we got look at this we got box after box wait wait wait there's something else down here what's this come on come on be money be collectible money this is we have found so much money in these units ready ready they're little baby presents they're they are they're little baby presents and little baby bunnies and little baby all right of course bunnies all right talk to me christian thousand dollars thousand dollars right here i'm not sure about that but did you do your ebay research no i taught you you even taught me anything all right well that's besides the point give me so i'm feeling like maybe 15 still beating you still winning okay i'm thinking christian how much money would you give her for this if it's just one item no no no no no he just nope we're not picking that we're not picking that at all all right that is going back we're gonna oh here's another toad ten um how about you know what you know what you know what you know what what you're getting the cell box it is rigatti mascara there you go sell it kristen loves penne i love pennies too but fur i prefer dollars these are pillows you know does everybody know how you test the pillow everybody know how you test a pillow no you don't know how to test a pillow this is the money maker right in the money maker did you people see that i did not do that to her she did that to me oh my goodness these people are violent it's a quilt is it really yes oh my goodness it's beautiful all right that is a handmade quilt and um i hate to say it but handmade quilts are worth the right one is worth hundreds of dollars and that is definitely look at that it is big what is what would you think is it full size or full size yeah oh oh oh oh somebody's pulling in give me the camera give me the camera i'll i'll come meet you at the door right over there i'll come meet you at the door okay so sheriff is here at the warehouse i'm going to record and by the way anytime there's any public official you have every right to record but this is for court purposes for my protection i'll explain that to them i'm gonna i'm gonna record our interaction just for my protection with court and everything okay not a problem yeah i don't care okay doing good good and i'm not sure what it is um kind of explained it but i exp you know he's familiar with the situation and you must be as well too so i'm in the middle so they have a so basically they have a partnership dispute and i'm a tenant i've been a tenant since april 2018. and what i know is her lawyer filed for a preliminary injunction and for a permanent injunction instead of an eviction and my lawyer is aware of that and good so you have an attorney oh yeah all set my my attorney has been in communication with her attorney the only thing that i see normally i try to find like a court date for you sure the only thing i see is it just says um um required to serve upon the plaintiff's attorney which i which is that doug yeah doug jerusalem um your answer or whatever yeah she's getting yeah she's getting countersued okay very good that's it my friend so just so i'm clear they're filing this is an interviction you guys you so this is a preliminary injunction that they're filing for i have every right to still be in this building as a tenant correct none of this paperwork says anything about you need to get out okay i don't see anything so i have a legal right to be here as far as i know i don't research it though so your attorney is gonna have to be the answer to this as far as what he's shared with me so far and he's seen the paperwork as well i have every legal right to be here yeah have any issues if i continue to work before court to your knowledge to your knowledge don't okay anything i mean there's there's nothing that says stop stop working i mean we can read through this if you want me to because i mean i try not to get too involved yeah i understand you're not the judge and you're not an attorney your job is to serve i i i try to kind of let people do their own thing but i mean if you want me to read through everything just i just want to know for sure that i'm okay i don't want any issues whatsoever i don't want anything i mean i'm caught in the middle and i don't want i don't want any issues to come back on me for anything so here's the issue then and obviously while you're recording me you don't want to be caught in the middle correct and i'm not going to get caught correct so i'm not going to tell you one week okay that's fair tell you this is the paperwork that's fair you need to talk to your attorney your attorney will tell you the right way to proceed and but as far as you know as a sheriff here in wayne county they have not said there's there's nothing that says jeremy hills can't be in the building as far as your knowledge this is not a no trespasser yeah there's no no trust pass order complaint for preliminary and permanent injunctive relief claritory judgment and damages this looks like your notice that there's going to be a court date marilyn gravy ruby raby raby has filed some sort of lawsuit i guess against you uh batuski is there another person yeah yeah there is okay um now nope the only instructions for service are please issue and serve summons together with a copy of the complaint that's it to the defendant upon the address given by a personal service by wayne county sheriff so i shouldn't i should be okay i mean as far as i know i mean yeah i don't see anything that says i'm not trying to put you in the middle either i just don't want to yep yep you're my you're the authority and i want to respect the authority and so now you're going from south park well i've never seen south park but oh who hasn't seen south park me i'm a person that hasn't you don't decide no signage you guys doing okay out there with all this chaos you know what we live in a good area yeah we do we're fortunate yeah we don't have a whole lot of that so you always have bad apples everywhere but it's life well appreciate you serving stay safe you too um if things continue and i told brian if you know if your attorney knows there's more paperwork yes don't want me coming here or you want to pick it up at the justice center give me a buzz okay or is your number in here it's always it isn't it's always on a card and i didn't leave a card this morning but your attorney can always yeah i can just pick it up if that works better or usually i'm here most every day okay okay and i asked i asked uh brian as well because there was a different address on his paperwork and i had asked him the same things hey if there's more stuff coming automatically and he was fine with that okay so if you're finally coming to your automatically do this yeah usually i'm here it'll be me because i'm not the only guy that does this yeah yeah for sure okay all right thank you thank you sir have a good day you too all right stay safe out there well you heard it wayne county prosecutor said i have a right to be here now the sheriff department is saying hey there's no no trespassing even though worcester police lied and said there was a trespassing order on me all right we know that right but there is no no trespassing i can't be kicked out unless there's a judge order so i have every right to be here it is not okay to lock the doors it is not okay to go months without paying utilities when you have a renter who's been here since april of 2018. work will continue on until a judge says that i can't [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 154,068
Rating: 4.8686905 out of 5
Keywords: cops called, police called, sheriff called, suing me, being sued, sheriff served me, landlordversustenant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 11sec (1571 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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