$2,000 HIDDEN IN JEWELRY BOX / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit / Storage Wars

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which one which one do you think first sean this one we found that one first so let's do that one my guess off the top of my head bare minimum two grand easily two grand that's at a minimum this piece after further investigation investigation it is genuine ivory wow look at that with the 12 carat gold filled that is an ivory but that is ivory any idea what was going on with this person at all passed away oh they passed away they passed away and uh the daughter came by and uh looked through uh jet they had two units and uh daughter came by looked through it took a couple things and said that's it huh there have been some absolutely epic finds in here like who can forget the millions upon millions of vhs and we had a minimum have a thousand dollar tote just in silver plated items so i'm thinking sean you got you agree with me on this there's got to be something worth money in the back the thousand dollar tote was over here in this corner there's got to be something worth a whole hails of a lot more back there yes okay but to get there we got to look at totes so let's see here we go we got it again there's the pink panther we got the v pete's dragon [Music] okay it's uh lots and lots of totes how much do you how much do you think i have just in totes 200 i'm just in the totes if i were to buy it if they were oh just without anything in them just just to buy about 10 bucks a piece so a little more than 200 yes and totes right the cell the bird cage alice in wonderland holy cow talk about loving your vhs this guy had a lot of time on his hands he loved there's the ten commandments the original robert de niro the deer hunter i've never seen that one before hallelujah trial yeah some of this old stuff can be worth money that's the hope and the desire what do you know oh there's another e.t there's a sealed that one's sealed that one is sealed there's finding nemo oh man look at that look at that you remember this that's that's dull masters of the unit dolphin so yes dolph was in rocky and and then he was in masters of the universe as well so that that's actually a really cool piece right there anybody who collects masters of the universe you definitely got to have that and is that sealed that one's only sealed there's cellophane on the top of it but the tape comes out at the bottom okay eeny meeny miny moe what do you think box or tote i'm gonna peep we'll pick that one we're going with this one i'm going to assume that there is probably not vhs tapes in that one i don't know what is this is that a x-ray or that is it's an x-ray what is that okay you know anything about looks like veins or something somebody's eyeballing maybe pointing right there that'd be somebody's eyeball that i don't know that is interesting that is interesting okay we got a tote and we got a tote that doesn't actually have have vhs but it does have a lot of naked men and women okay i gotta set that one aside okay interesting artifacts we were right he did all over the stein he did collect other things birth of a nation that's miller right there okay this might be an entire stein collection i think you may be correct here we go here we go yes yes he did collect other things okay look at this look at that okay [Music] now if you have the right stein i've never seen one that cranked up neither have i and i've sold some for a couple hundred bucks a piece dude there's something in here there's something in here it's a key there's two keys okay we have an antique stein and we have a key look at this this is king arthur's round table and then there's another key as well okay there is a place in kissimmee florida and i believe it is a medieval kissimmee kissimmee kissing me that's what i tell george all the time she never does don't ask me never does so you're saying if i go to king arthur's night of the round maybe maybe it's a locker at that place because it is a maybe all the money and the gold and the silver and the jewels are hidden in the walker at the king arthur's night table how far away is kissimmee from here it's about 20 minutes south of orlando i'm going to king from i-4 i am going to king arthur's night table this week we have to figure out what this is the place i'm thinking of what else would it be i don't know okay let's see what else is in here okay so we definitely we got a collection he was hiding it in the stein now my guess is without knowing without looking up this stein is probably worth at a minimum a hundred dollars easily that's my guess with the top i've never seen one crank up and make music before what is this this one's heavy whatever it is this isn't a stein this is oh no oh no stop broke it's got broken pieces looks like it was broken before what do you think it is it is a creepy old man is this a gavel yeah i think you may be right yeah might be a judge some kind of judge yes it was broken before there's a leg missing it's probably in here okay he doesn't have a leg to stand on and he's the judge i'm gonna set that aside just because i don't know i don't want to lose anything if it's worth a lot all right what do we have here we're getting into we're getting into some good coats yeah some of this stuff is out of my realm okay but look at this he's hiding rubber ducky these are old that's an old whistle old whistle toy this is so random and weird [Music] okay let's set that over here here's a piece of look at this you saw me pull it out it's right in there dude we're getting into the good stuff come on what kind of knife is it it is a knife it's like oh is it a box it's an old case it is it's an old case 2159 l ssp it's an old case score nice nice nice nice okay i knew there had to be more than just vhs you were right you were right you were right i told you good luck you were right you oh check this piece out dude sean look at this oh wow look at that that is a solid brass that is solid brass i would i'm thinking this is what would be a paper weight yep an old paperweight that's cool that's really yeah it is okay all right that is cool oh what else that's gonna be dude what do you think's in the back man this is just the beginning dude check it out oh ho ho ho ho i started to lose heart i started to lose faith but sean kept me kept me grounded even though we're flying now oh man there's some good stuff always keep believing now that is a square i know i can already tell you what it is okay this is you know you know what this is it's a display case for you've seen these before i've seen newspapers some kind of die cast in here dude i can't wait to get in there now we're talking now we're talking is that tony stewart when he used to drive indy car i don't know i don't know any indie i know egyptians wait i do know one indie george has a friend so i know one indy here's the person others that ole miss is duesenberg i don't know dude you got money i just want to peek okay let's see what else is in here this feels heavy like probably somebody in the family made that mosaic clay pottery yeah no doubt worth something to somebody that is taped shut never been open feels like metal will be a silver bar what is that he was a lawyer james weaver attorney at law he was a lawyer a lawyer who loved his vhs now normally we would never ever share the names of the individuals on on purpose but since this individual's passed away and his daughter said will you please just give it all away i think that this is actually a way to honor him with this collection and we say hey this guy had some pretty cool stuff and that's part of the best thing of what we do we buy it it doesn't go on the landfill and then somebody else gets to love it and so james we appreciate it we thank you that's cool what an awesome collector so we know he was a lawyer we haven't seen a single law book had we not yet look at that he loved his die cast as well i can't wait to see what's in the rest of these boats now now it's getting exciting now it is we know we have a lawyer there's another one right there another model a collector of all this is heavy this is heavy look at this i think this is jewelry box yes this is italy hand carved okay okay let me oh okay okay okay okay here sean i'm gonna set that right there we're gonna get to it we're gonna get to it we're just not gonna get to it yet [Laughter] jeremy happy thank you all right i'm keeping this oh that is nice i'm keeping this this one is going to stay with me i love this glass i love blown glass for some reason i don't know why i love it but i do so i'm going to keep that piece that's going to be a personal piece i might take it with me to king arthur's round table now if that's a gardener gartner blown glass that could be money because i have a few blown glass pieces that are made by the artist gartner and it's worth quite a bit yeah a couple hundred dollars nice all right i'm gonna use the king arthur round table key to actually cut into this see what look at that snow globe at that beautiful little don't see don't see christmases like this in florida do we no okay that's cool another collectible piece more there's more in here there is more in here here's there's another little little toy there wow you like those airplanes you did maybe the key is to a hanger where he has an airplane what do you think what kind cessna no i meant g5 probably a cessna this is a pakistani knife this is made in pakistan not a bad knife no but that's kind of cool wrapped up okay so that's two con i bet you this is number three yep this is gonna be number three and multi-tool top sport multi-tool this is so interesting okay i bet these are shot glasses or espresso espresso glasses right yep i don't drink coffee okay so that's like espresso i'm just gonna leave that right there okay we haven't opened this yet here we go here we go this might be this might be the money maker this is a 200.00 lead crystal that's a 200 decanter sweet if that's at a minimum that's a 200 decanter right there nice yes i had to know what was in the back corner now we're still gonna get into the jewelry chest no doubt about that i had to know what was in the back corner though first because the best stuff is always in the back so i dug my way out to the back this is the very back corner here we go he did he kept the best in the back corner right there jesus right there okay um i'm kind of stuck but let's see if i can get out of here now oh there's another tote right there that i pulled out let's let's take a peek at this we're gonna get in the jewelry chest i just i like that anticipation build me too and um i'm looking at it over there i don't know do you think that thing that might be jade you think maybe it's jade which one that jewelry chest over there that we set aside you think that's no maybe not i don't know i don't know hard to tell looks like we got something over here for sure okay reward center does that say what i think it says you know i can't read harley davidson there we go okay you know what this is going to be right another jackpot die cast diecast bikes there's more there's more all right i'm sweating me too like crazy in this climate control i don't think they have the air turned on in here there is no air whatsoever shawn and i were sweating like crazy yesterday i literally got a room locally i put all this in the washing machine had no no laundry detergent just put it through a standard wash dried it so that i could wear it again today and now i'm tearing it up again i was going to ask you if i should have wore the same clothes too always always i see you and jerry are you in georgia look at that look at that there's another one another harley davidson there can't be sean get a peek over here get a peek just over the edge look at this one two three four this totes full of them look at this look at this there's another one right there sealed in the box do any of them have an age a date ah that's a good question that is a good question 2004 i got a feeling there is gonna be more collectibles in here okay here's another check that one out there's another right there oh and they all have an item number two so we can look them up so there's one there's one they're all in here they're all in here i wish i wasn't sweating on at all but i don't want to stand over you because i'd be dripping on you too you know what there's one way to lose weight in florida yep sweat it out george puts 40 pounds on me florida can take 40 pounds off of me there it is right there they all are still in there so you didn't take them out and put them on display or anything but it's so evident that this gentleman he was a collector let's see what oh come on come on yes yes yes yes yes yes come on i don't see any i thought for sure this would be that's pewter you see right there but that's another old for drinking with the boys old piece of pewter he was back back in the colonial days yeah yeah um this is getting better and better and better okay oh put this put this over there with the jewelry box put that right over there we'll do that at the same time i can't believe it i cannot believe it yes believe it the only thing that's going to get better is if i find 100 ounce bar of silver in here another oversized there you go nothing hitting it sean it has the crank on the bottom too another and it works box one this one looks like a spine [Applause] yes is there something inside that one wiser there is there's some kind of something i thought i saw something really quick in there something i don't know i think i think this whole way down is [Music] collectibles another one no crank on that one okay these are german german i know with the tops on them are very very collectible very very well look at this remember you ate uh candy cane yes i did what do you think those are probably m m's yeah give them to me now you ain't eating those ones too but look here's another here's another old-school stein that's cool not sure why the m m's are in it i like chocolate i like it a lot i do oh here's an old shaving kit look at that yup old shaving kit the razor head is in here too there's the razor head it's never been used it's literally just in here try not to break it out of excitement try that's a try it doesn't mean it ever happens it's trying oh yeah yep another german one geez we're probably looking at this is just a guess but based on what i've sold in the past we're looking anywhere between 75 hundred dollars for that one for that one based on what i've sold on the past without looking that up in other words score we're doing good yeah just give me a big old picture okay we're doing good how random was that the other tote had the uh had the knives in it i remember those things what's it what's this it's got like strings in between the joints and you can make it do funny actions and dance okay well it broke a leg that was it broke a leg i didn't break that leg just so we're clear before everybody starts going you're too rough check that out moonshine jug moose milk loose milk made in japan moose milk see is it sealed oh it's a bop it's cork i want to smell it if i can get the cork out i'm gonna smell it i can't get the cork all the way out okay let's see what we have here crystal glass right there this feels like another spine yep that sure is i have actually sold this one before so we are looking oh the top is off though uh this one was in if anybody remembers 2020 i bought a unit for eighteen hundred dollars and seventeen hundred dollars filled with antiques this exact stein was actually in there except the top was on it i believe we sold that for just a hair over a hundred dollars nice on ebay okay let's see what else we have newspaper or something here here there's an old coca-cola bottle something else is on there what's that there what's that walgreens does it say walgreens i don't have my glasses on i'm blind it does it says walgreens coca-cola walgreens check that out little piece of pottery [Applause] huh never seen it with the button before that must be maker's mark could be something like that yep dude you're sweating as much as i am stop telling you it's an adrenaline rush it's intense check that out apache that's cool okay this hard work filming for youtube is yes it is anybody that think that this is easy should come out and try it someday at he was definitely into planes look there's a whole set there's a whole decanter plane yep this is going to be a whole set in here look aviation plane sure is in it yes okay now you may not be able to see through all this paper trying to make you see you see this wooden piece right here it holds the whole aviation set in it for the whole collection right there nice okay i'll tell you what let's heat things up even more let's go look at all the gold and silver we found deal no joke i am going to king arthur's round table the first which one which one do you think first sean this one we found that one first so let's do that one okay now we did take out some personal information in here there were some cards so we removed that and look at this look at this already is that gandalf this is definitely gold i can tell you already that's gold and that looks like that's probably a pewter maybe gandalf okay remember the eighteen hundred and seventeen hundred dollar unit where i found all the fifty cent pieces there's another one there's a year on that 1971 oh just missed it there's a penny so it's not that one's not missed it by year for the bicentennial okay well 50 cent pieces from 1970 down are 9.25 silver that's always a good thing okay these earrings can we see any markings i see i right now i can't see a marking on them that doesn't mean they're not gold all right i'm gonna put another one out here okay this i can't tell either can't tell without without magnifying glass now everybody always goes well why don't you bring a magnifying glass with you because we don't do find two swords here we film it we get it back then we do the fine two sword this looks like gold that looks like gold for sure but i don't see a marking on it and this this absolutely this is gold but it's all tangled okay see if i can find the marking all right this is tangled the cross is tangled right now with this piece these are both gold all right sean what's your guess emerald maybe sure does look like it and if that's an emerald we're probably looking i mean my guess off the top of my head geez that looks like it it does my guess off the top of my head bare minimum 2 grand easily two grand that's at a minimum okay markings are there for the gold yes it's not focusing yeah it never does okay we got we got a pin i'm not sure what this pin is that might be for aviation this is our money piece right here so far this is good too but this is our money piece i think that's a couple grand all right here's here's a ring and i think that's sapphire and this is gold as well and i think that's a star sapphire in there it might be opal oh yep yep there it is it is it's open i think that's opal there it is it's opal all right so we got emerald we got opal you're right i got can you say that again you're right i say that all the time to george i have to edit it out though there's a little charm okay now if i had to guess just based on what we know about the individual i'm saying those are real i'm going to guess they're real just because of the individual the fluency that came with the individual the pair together is probably a quarter of a carrot maybe okay we've got a bracelet here we've got this is i don't think that's cool but i think this is gold something's buzzing around it's a fly that one's not marked that one's not marked and then this that's that's that's not that's not silver there okay how cool is that box i like it unfortunately cracked but how cool is that all right our money without a doubt our money is right there that that without a doubt is gonna pay for everything but if that wasn't enough oh you didn't even get to i haven't even you know yet so this is i peaked and i was like surprised for me and the viewers all right here we go i only saw what was on top and i knew there was going to be something good look at this okay united states army military police right there look at that nice now if we have the right i knew it i knew i knew it right there's an inspector right there pin right there the right pin we've got some uh we've got some military pins that we have found in units that are worth thousands look at this oh man i see i only saw that one and i knew we had something okay that's pin as well all right what i'm gonna do dump that out and united states of america bicentennial right there this is not marked and this is not mark those are ranking things maybe i don't know i'm not military i'm sorry if i'm offending anybody mr weaver actually served in the military so not only our boxes are falling not only did mr weaver was he a lawyer but he served in the military and so we want to say this thank you for your service thank you for your love and your collections and we will make sure to continue to get them into the hands of other people that love them [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 60,572
Rating: 4.9187317 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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