iPHONE 11 GOLDEN TICKET Inside The High Limit Coin Pusher Jackpot ASMR

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it's on the edge it's on the edge it is literally on the edge it is on the edge oh my goodness I'm getting it right now right now right now while we were away on our little excursion George didn't just play one time at the coin pushers multiple times intervention is what we really need but until the intervention let's go back to the future wait no no wait let's go back to the past and see what happened the second time George played and our little honey hole if you haven't already be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell icon so you get notified every single time we release a new video and when we go live [Music] how much are you starting on this one it doesn't look like it but my lucky bag is holding 25 dollars in quarters right now right that's a hundred quarters after buy-in let's see what you got she picks the one with the pillars of cash now I'm pretty sure if you get that that gold $20 bill the fall that you get your choice of the iPhone or the Droid let's see what you get so which one do you want the iPhone or the Droid I told all the way I don't know why you love iPhone so much you know I didn't know that I would love it as much easier because I've had Android since I was 16 I love the droids I switched over to four years ago and now well if you've got a four year old iPhone I'd say it's time for an upgrade and oh nice nice I'm a droid man if I get the oh oh nice you just knocks it over like it's the iPhone you can use them we could be twenty even if you win the iPhone I'm not sure I would ever want to I love the Droid my mountains birthday's coming up maybe I'll just give it to her for her birthday for momma George yeah well you're not moving too much there you only got 25 dollars in quarters we'll see what happens you know what you need you need Elvis to sing a song cuz it every time he sings a song you get a good push that's so true it's the thrust in his pelvic bone boy this is a tough one like nothing's moving oh oh you got a quarter got a quarter back oh you got another quarter back starting to move now come on what's your what's your tactic this time well Simon oh oh yes it fell backwards I'm an iPhone lover yeah I'm favoring to the left okay so if she's playing little because she loves iPhone let us know down below do you love iPhones hashtag iPhone or a hashtag Droid if you're a droid lover more hash tag I owe you [Laughter] that's to be determined you got two pillars to fall down oh here comes here's all there's the first push it always happens when he sings [Music] come on come on oh I'm old [ __ ] go you did get a little mini push there so I always help feel good that's not bad I wouldn't help you how you doing on quarters oh you're running low you can't have but a couple bucks that fell oh there's a little bit better this is this is one of the tougher ones you've done oh she's stacking on what she's stacking them to one side oh yeah you have a butt oh there you go you had a few bucks going over there - there you go not bad not bad this reminds me a Plinko on The Price is Right go here right down the slop set your last quarter oh nice Bush perfect placement so you went from playing the middle back over to the iPhone I see what you did there bounces like Plinko last shiny quarter oh you're just gonna get a push no earthquake happen in there 15 25 is all she pulled out oh it's gonna be a tough beat just gonna keep on that left side I [Music] think we got you back that much oh it seems going to the side does better than the middle wait everybody has their theories and philosophy and the reality is it just pushes what it pushes but you seem to get better when you take hug besides but there are those who are gonna swear by their their strategy are you gonna swear by your strategy yeah you going to the left that it falls off on the right there you go that was nice there it goes so there's no rhyme or reason I just love the outcome maybe just love shiny quarters I do love shiny quarters I mean who doesn't love a good shiny quarter true true come on we know this is gonna be a good one yeah I bet you'd there I'm sure it's designed for a rollback everything goes backwards although that golden 20 that golden 20 is getting closer that golden 20 is getting closer and so if you get it you're going for the iPhone yeah she wants the iPhone ladies and gentlemen suite at the latest and the greatest is that the new one that they could just came out nice push nice push all right drop them quarters drop it no no oh here comes the big money pushes Elvis is singing [Music] funny got really close [Music] probably gold leaf I mean it could be real gold leaf or it could just I mean is it magnetic I don't know you got a man find out ching don't you dare try it don't get a bit out of here you gotta cover me no you got to cover me make sure you stay right there and cover me how many points you have left a couple bucks oh nice nice you just got a couple bucks you see how these ones over here are hanging on for dear life it's all gonna Apple inch and then it's gonna make that sound ever [Music] all right down to two for two more quarters left we've got two quarters she wants the iPhone I think my mom would love it so you're gonna give it to your mom come on no your two quarters did pretty good your lucky bag is looking a little slim there I'm down to nine dollars in quarters but I have confidence that I'll win it back and then some nine dollars as much to work with but he's singing again just got a couple quarters back [Music] everybody at home Oh try shaking try shaking your tablet or your phone to help George get some quarters to fall everybody out home shake it and shake it shake it shake it's working keep shaking shaking at home techniques Casino techniques whatever it is it's working Elvis techniques sharing Porter techniques Elvis worse lucky bag techniques oh they were shaking and no they were shaking for us maybe if they just tipped their tablet or their phone forward and yeah it just worked again you've got so much fun stuff on that [Music] well I know certain those are tricky look at that pillar has gone from the back all the way up to the front has involved no the one right there to the left three quarters you better make them count [Music] make it count or have Elvis star sing in one or the other that looks less than last time I got seven dollars and 75 cents back and quarters but not 20 just fell back I like to do rapid fire and breathe that's your trick that's rapid fire that's a trick three quarters at a time so some machines actually have a stopper on it to where you can stop the pushing mechanism this particular machine that this casino does not have a stopper so you've got a you this is skill it's not it's not stopped you've got to actually have some skill in your drawers [Music] oh nice flick of the wrist click pick up pick a little wrist ring oh you push them on is it me or did that 20 just that pony was buzzin all that was close I was waiting for the boom Shakalaka oh wow that was a good push tell us for sure good push must be that rapid fire of three I think you got three more back on that one [Music] come on come on come on last two quarters 50 cent right here make the fitty cent count let's pull the house hasn't won yet I'm down to $6.75 pretty close though rapidfire to the left here she goes we've watched a little bit just budging little by little there is a good drop oh that was good that was really good [Music] all nice everybody loves an underdog 675 come on big money big money big money nice push all that quarter brought it back getting something to work for you now [Music] yes week so I rapid-fire three quarters and usually three fall down it's good if they can all fall and they don't they're definitely all bunching up over there no doubt about that they're bunching up for sure three this is your last rapid-fire of three [Music] come on Elvis sing for us sing for us Elvis oh you got some not letting the house wind I'm back up to $6.75 isn't that what you just pulled out last time you put in 675 and you pulled out 675 that's right all right let's see what you got I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it myself this is wild see what you got come on go oh nice nice you got those ones matches [Music] Oh a mole she's built all got those couple back you had a minimum got a dollar back so far the bells are going off okay okay I'm starting to be a believer now I'm starting to believe [Music] comeback kid of the century right here with $6.75 oh nice I would love for this 20 and that roll of money to fall down it might you never know how much money alright she's got two quarters after this oh my goodness I can't believe you're actually pulling this back I thought you were gonna lose it again I cannot believe you're actually pulling this back it just bought it budged you're making a believer out of me nice bag along with some dirty fingers 23:50 let's see what you got can't believe she's actually pulling this back out this is never never I'm saying never but you still made me a believer this is crazy oh my goodness I thought for sure it was I thought for sure it was over but she got that 2350 back oh man man oh man the lucky bag is done you liked that before when we didn't show that as a matter of fact if you lose on this one we go till that one either are we this will be deleted in the archives the one who wants to see somebody lose [Music] [Music] it's on the edge it is literally on the edge it is on the edge oh my goodness right now right now right now I can't believe it it is a lucky bag miracle I should be nice and leave some phrases for the other people that want to play um no play that bag play that bag at that point look let's be left with oh that's a roll of 20s over there so make sure you play the left [Music] you know what I'm gonna do since we don't release when you actually you lose I'm gonna make a compilation video of all the times you lost yeah yeah I will release that video this one was a tough one come back in here you're going for that role right like now I got I'm gonna get the iPhone alright she's gonna play out the bag and then you're gonna stop after that and then tell them you got the iPhone ticket and then I'll save these prizes for the rest for me are you gonna let me play yeah you gonna let me play that's not including you [Music] come on come on come on some things about to happen right now no it's budging I think it's actually stopped so close so close bounce bounce bounce bounce come on one more push one more push would do it oh you got it are you playing the rest of your coin so you can show now I don't know how much you got now keep um come on be nice to keep on me quarters left in your bag and after we pulled what's the total 1575 in quarters not bad not bad and then the lucky glue all right gold certificate so we got to take that up and let them know you want the iPhone and then all right let's see come on come on those look like all 20s be hundreds in there though and are they there's not a hundred in there but there is a hundred [Music] what No how'd you get a roll of 5 and a roll of six I got a feeling a staff member miscounted that's awesome you got it may be dark inside but it's bright with the flash on that camera phone she gave it to you sweet talker [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 93,822
Rating: 4.9430604 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, coin pusher jackpot, playing high stakes coin pusher, won money in high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin pusher big win, coin pusher game, coin pusher money, high risk coin pusher jackpot, high risk coin pusher big win, won bitcoin, high risk coin pusher videos, progressive jackpots
Id: U5YdTwNqaQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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