SEXY COSTUME I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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Jerry here and George and I are back at it again after a couple days off now come hails or high water we're gonna get that 225 dollar unit sorted through today and show you some more treasures but before we do I'm actually on storage treasures comm right now looking at a unit that I want to buy up near Cleveland if you know all about storage unit treasures comm you can move ahead in the video to this spot right here but for the rest of you stick around I'm gonna share some tips and tricks for you and if you find this video helpful entertaining you just like it make sure you give it a thumbs up share it on your Facebook or your Instagram or your Twitter feeds and if you don't like it yeah I hate it hit that thumbs down two times if you don't mind like most websites storage treasures calm is easy to navigate as long as you read and follow the rules the important things that we want to know is you must create a profile to bid on an auction and to actually bid a successful bid on an auction you have to have a credit card on file so we can see right here this current bid price is $60 we also can see that it ends in 10 minutes and 17 seconds if I don't have a credit card on file I cannot bid and therefore I will not win so that's extremely important to make sure that we have that on file as we are looking to purchase some other things that I think are important in regards to storage treasures Calm is you have to adhere to their guidelines remember they're a third party they're taking the business and you the buyer and just creating a platform for you to to connect okay and so they're gonna take a percentage 10% if you actually subscribe to their premium services or 15% if you're just gonna buy one or two here and there you'll have to decide what you actually want to actually do but the rest of the money your purchase price any sales tax things along those lines are gonna go to the business and your clean-out fee so you'll have so much time to go clean that out and take care of that unit but you have to figure out how much time based on the terms in the option terms are always going to be listed down below you'll want to see what those are some units may give you 24 hours so I may give you 72 some clean-out fees maybe 50 some maybe a hundred it all depends storage treasures calm is gonna bill your credit card whereas you're gonna pay cash for the unit and the clean-out fee when you go and pick it up we're getting down to five minutes and when you place a bid within the last three minutes of an auction it actually adds three more minutes to the auction so it would be smart of us as bidders to not up the bid price during the rest of the week when if it's on there for two weeks or what-have-you but to put our bid in within the last three minutes because today is Wednesday and it happens to be 10:08 a.m. and where's everybody on Wednesday at 10:08 a.m. they're at work and probably not a lot on their computer so in the last three minutes is when I'm gonna put my bid in but remember people can put a max bid in as well somebody could have put three thousand dollars in here and so I can keep going up in ten dollar increments until I hit their max bid when bidding it's important to refresh often so we can see what's actually happening with the bid price which we're still at sixty and the time remember we're gonna put a bid in within three minutes and see what happens now if you do not follow all of storage treasures comms policies for example if you don't clean out the entire facilities see all this stuff here couch and tables and things that you may want to leave behind mattresses and things like that they are going to ban you from the site and that's not really an issue because you easily can just create another email with Gmail Yahoo whatever I'm sure you know how to do that and then create another profile with the exact same credit card so not a problem if you go man there's a lot of garbage and I want to actually forfeit my security deposit leave it behind just create another profile and you'll be ready to bid on another unit now that we're under three minutes still 60 dollars we're gonna go ahead and put in the minimum bid which is going to be $70 so we're gonna type it in and then we're gonna confirm the bid over here and it's gonna add three more minutes to the auction yes we want to bid the 70 now we're gonna have to refresh you see what just happened all right I'm currently the high bidder we just added three minutes now hopefully any other bidder is at work and can't bid against us this does have a storage unit clean-out fee and this does have a sales tax we can see right here and I do have 72 hours to clean it out so the goal is to actually bid on it today then go to the warehouse finish sorting the 225 dollar unit and then tomorrow go and pick this one up with cash now we're gonna have to keep refreshing to make sure we didn't get outbid because any other bidders just got an email saying they were outbid as we're waiting to find out if we actually win this unit all the additional rules and terms can be scrolled down below okay bids are in $10 increments bids placed within the last three minutes will extend three minutes if you have a basic plan your buyers premium is 15% in other words they're going to charge you 15 percent of your bid price to your credit card if you're a pro member in other words do you pay for it they're gonna charge us 10% it all depends on how much you use the system and if you violate any terms it may prevent you from using the storage treasurer service in the future which there are other services like this locker foxx storage options dot-com and there's a few here and there but this is the biggest one so this is the one that you're gonna get the most units on right now as far as online bidding because everything is headed this direction in our culture so we are still high bidder three minutes six seconds with one minute 11 seconds to go it says current high bid $80 bid again you are not the high bidder so someone came in and bid against us that's gonna add more time and so we're gonna have to refresh and so what we'll see now is 3 minutes 55 54 53 seconds we're going to put in another bid and see if we can get this one I've shared this in another video that what I don't like about storage treasures comm is it opens up the platform to everyone everywhere it doesn't matter where you are and so the skill doesn't come into play when actually profiling units buying units things along those lines so anybody at home or anybody at a computer can bid on anything at any time that can drive prices up which I'm not too thrilled about because that drives profit down but what I do like about it is I'm not standing outside in the freezing cold right now but I'm bidding against somebody who's add in three minutes onto the actual auction we're just gonna have to cross our fingers and see if we can win this one if it doesn't go too high what our goal is now is to put a $90 bid within the last ten seconds okay and so what that's gonna do is that's going to give us three more minutes to the auction and we're gonna go even with the 15 seconds and we're gonna hope that that pushes them off we are the high bidder okay we still have it okay current high bidder now we've got three more minutes to figure out if we get this or not $100 is usually a threshold in people's minds that they won't cross so they'll spend $99 but $100 which would be the next bid they go oh no I can't go $100 but they would spend $99 without an issue it just happens to be a threshold in people's minds that they won't cross so we might have them on this bid because they won't hit a hundred or more we'll have to see 20 seconds to go we're still the high bidder we're gonna hit refresh 16 15 we're still the high bidder we're gonna hit refresh again we're down to twelve ten all right we might get this I think we got him on the threshold of 100 bucks seven six I think we got him I think we got him I think we did three two here we go Kurt I'm bid all right we got ya so we got another one to pick up tomorrow which is gonna be fun with the unboxing and we'll have to see what we got but until then let's swing over to the warehouse and finish up the unboxing on the $225 unit and see what other treasures we have in store and here's the number one reason why do not like online versus live auctions the right of redemption applies differently so I won the storage unit auction and then a minute afterwards I received an email that says that they cancelled the auction because the previous owner came in and paid their back bill if I would have gotten there 30 seconds before they came in I would have owned the actual unit but because they got there before I did they owned the unit and then storage treasures calm calls me and says hey we wanted to let you know we just went ahead and cancelled it we're not charging your credit card bill and Allah da-da-da-da-da every single one that I've been on this past couple months on store treasures calm been the same thing it gets cancelled it's so frustrating when you're trying to run a business and you're wasting hours upon time that you don't have the waste as we get ready to get started a huge shout out to Mick G and also Rachel Karen take er e and thanks so much for your subscriptions and all your love and all your support let's see what we got in here today let's swing around to the other side and start diggin in more Tinkerbell look at that we got some more brand-new Tinkerbell obviously this family was for sure Tinkerbell collectors what do we have here signed autograph Paul Warfield number 42 I don't know what the date is can you guys see what the date is they're 1977 I think that's the year I was born we've got a giant bobby pin never seen one of these before we've got the Bible the KJV versions seen a bunch of these before and we got even the magnifying glass looks like it's brand new cool I'm sure there'll be something interesting right next to that Bible oh of course there is it's Tupac right next to the Bible so we know already we've seen a lot of items where you hold a second exploding the marijuana miss medical marijuana just opened up today in the state of Ohio so apparently they were all about their marijuana and their Tupac what do we have here we've got we got keep busted America's top crime paper you got to be kidding me all right so this paper obviously tells you who got busted that week in your area there's the mug shots remember when you get arrested you're gonna get arrested for anything they can arrest you for anything it doesn't mean you're guilty which hot girl done what ok charges let's take a quiz charges a probation be possible meth see retail fraud third degree D Patrol parole violation E PAH scheduled one two three four or five driving under suspicion is f G retail fraud or H neglected child so which one of the hotties did what you tell me in the comments so number one two three we'll go one two three four five six seven eight just like they're listed and then you tell me ABCD efg or H which hottie did what odd things people save okay we've got some Gro Me's this is a birthday cake looks like something you'd probably get wet and then it gets bigger princess that's what she said ah cat grow me as well looks like we've got an Xbox controller we've got another beautiful doily look at this wonder if this is pewter we got a castle with the flag up top we got the knight in shining armor thank God we're missing is Rapunzel and the dragon see what we have on the bottom we've got some identification we just oh there we go f40 six seven if I flip that around for you guys but we don't know who made it cool piece though so they obviously collected Dragons as well here we got got an eddy fault well here we go we got oh but I think it is look inside you guys see that more teeth I can't believe that somebody left us a message and said that teeth actually sell on eBay so George and I were curious and we actually looked it up and teeth used human teeth sell on eBay what in the world would somebody be buying used human teeth for on eBay well there we go we got a bunch more I'm not sure why they would be selling them on eBay or buying them there's another some another old pin but would that be a bobby pin would they call that a bobby pin it's cool pin I've got some costume jewelry I wonder if she made that out of the stones lighters definitely loved lighters Eagles we've seen all that as well there's another grow me princess get it wet it grows oh oh what do we have here look what we got you see that that's coin if I could just I could get inside there we go okay let's see what we have okay I'm gonna take I'm gonna take the glove off see what we have so if we have anything in here significance not seeing anything currently there's the oldest thing so far 1962 smashed penny here we go here we go there's a wheat head see what the year is it needs a little bit cleaned up 19 if I could I could only see 1957 1957 okay let's go ahead we'll set this money aside we'll keep sorting through here what do we got here we've got it looks like we've got another lighter with a laser we got a laser and a lighter combo definitely lighter lighter collectors - let's see if the lighter works nope we had it we still got some butane in there be nice because it's freezing in here right now here is a stay at home what is this this is one of those stone Gardens the Asian stone Gardens all right now you're thinking George will tell you what to do with that for the last time she's not Asian 100% Egyptian that sweet low George oK we've got some more jewelry it's rough to check later see if it's silver or not some other random things what is this absentee anybody know what absentee means absentee let us know in the comments we're not gonna have time to figure it out here's another laser pointer oh it works got you in the eye and we got some tattoos and looks like we've got a salt or pepper shaker I don't remember which one three holes of salt or pepper we should be able to get done with this full unboxing and then move on to the next storage unit we just got to find one so storage shredders calm obviously not helping me at all we got a brand new hardhat helmet that looks great I'm sure somebody could use that in this area look at this brand new Batman brand new KB ethos Ethel booth offs I don't even know what that is ethos it's got the tag on it brand new Cleveland Indians there you go man there's a lot of new hats in here and it was covering up hmm beautiful picture oh look at that right there can you see it pure aluminum made in the USA so this picture right here hot percent aluminum we've got it looks like it is what it is it's a hub assembly a brand-new hub assembly let's take a peek at it see if it's used or new it is it's new it's brand spankin new still sealed up now you go Jeremy what would you do with something like that this would go on eBay and would sell in a heartbeat so we've got the part number we know all the information and this could ship easily in a flat rate box with the US Postal Service so this is an easy sale easy money right away to get your money back from unit what else do we have we've got mystical creations a dark fairy led water fountain not too much into the dark fairy thing let's see if it's even in there let's see if we're in yep definitely in there got the crystal ball and everything in there so apparently that's a fountain doesn't look like it was ever out of there we got a nice tote here let's bring it on up okay first thing we have looks like a little fishing box here we go nope not a fishing box this is this is like an exacto razor see all the razor blades right there on the magnet and there's your handle so what they would be doing them with that your guess is as good as mine what do you think okay oh yeah there we go we got the storybook sweetheart California costume I have an idea for that I'm just gonna tuck that away to the side to go home all right we've got we've got some Texas Instrument calculators you may or may not know this but this kind of thing sells really well people love this kind of thing Texas Instrument calculators again eBay would be the place to do that kind of thing weird but true number six 300 outrageous facts let's find one all right Donald Duck's middle name is fall fall or Leeroy fault Leroy and I didn't know that if I don't even I'll spell it let's see there's a machine that turns sweat into drinking water I am glad I know that now never wanted to know that um let's see this there are about 300 dimples on a golf ball so now you know weird but true facts we've got a frog in here we got a button on the bottom look at that lights up so our frog lights up does all kind of LED tricks there it's all of you frog collectors you know it F ro G stands for if you know F ro G stands for let me know right down there in the comments spongebob right there Krabby Patties I have the first 100 episodes on DVD for the kids oh oh oh nice look at that those look brand-new I should try those let's see I mean they're not gonna be as warm as these ones but I may be able to grip a little bit better and my beat I might come alright wow you can actually see my hand this is like going from a 3 X to an extra large shirt I just I don't I you know I don't wear tight clothes cuz I don't want to make the women stumble so all right here we go look at that nice and blue made in Belgium it's got a bunch of tacks some other odd things in there we'll set that aside we got a DC hat another hat never have enough of those apparently we got a belt let's see what the buckle is see if we can push it out and we oh it's Hello Kitty it's Hello Kitty looks brand-new $19.99 plus tax Hello Kitty belt huh look here's another belt right over here we've got a Domino's Pizza belt how cool is that especially if you own a Domino's Pizza never seen one of those before the first time I got that in a unit wonder if they worked there or something along those lines here's a digital watch by VTech and looks like it'll take pictures USB home screen not sure what it all will do I have to look that up a little bit later absolutely we've got a okay PG I got that item number okay it's in here whatever it is a meat market barbecue branding iron oh you know what this does look look look look see all the letters and it goes on here and then you turn this into here and you brand things just think of what I'm thinking what the Hales on my burger huh or the steak we should try something all right we'll set that aside we'll see if I can get talk George into something tonight with that okay this container and oh now all the teeth makes sense we've got dentures now it makes sense Oh grody okay now all the teeth makes sense somebody lost all their teeth and now we found the dentures okay Jack Daniels number seven couple alcohol glasses oh you know what this is Happy's number nine this is a gun cleaning gun cleaning kit I get these in almost every single unit this seems like so we the Glock gun cleaning kit is great I got a ton of them I want the guns okay let's see what we have here I think we saw one of these before already it was markers yep more artistic markers yep so maybe the exacto knife the markers maybe they were really into their crafts something along those lines let's see what we have here we've got a Sylvester keychain see if we can see a date Percy won cameras kind of hi there I can't see right now go out there's something in there remember people will hide anything everywhere there we go there we go there we go there's some more stuff in there okay my guess probably because of everything we've already found I'm guessing that's pretty corroded to be silver I'm gonna have to get that checked out let's see if we can get the rest of this stuff out oh I just lost something here goes here goes found it and can you see it it's there we go it's a shroom it's a mushroom marble I think they were into there marijuana there mushrooms and there silver okay that's all that was in there and that aside here's another jar and we got more rocks we know they love their rocks oh here we go remember Sunday night we told you guys first time ever we found we found an urn and so there you go there's cremation right there there's the tag I don't know why it's not on the arm but it looks like that's what goes with it odd very odd that would be separated hmm okay let's see what else we have here we have a bag of pot no that's a hacky sack a hacky sack probably with pot in it okay let's set that oh look what we have here it's about three o'clock and I am starving we've got some gum gum and ricci pcs these look like the old carrots from Easter okay alright I got to get something in me because George hasn't fed me today and that's okay she doesn't need to either but let's see eeny meeny miny moe catch a tiger by its toe if he hollers let go you mimmo all right we see pieces it is I'm hungry oh I do love a good resi PCs I'm just I don't know do you guys think those are still good those look all right you see the expiration date best by 1997 well sometimes you just have to do what you have to do to stay alive not too bad not too bad at all I've had worse I've had worse um oh drop one and we'll just believe that gum for later okay all right let's see what else we have in here wash that down with something in a little bit all right we've got a Sarah Payton earth-tone candle set wow that peanut butter is dry dry we got a jgermeister another shot glass what do we got here oh we got a wolf hungry like a wolf there we go I wonder if you put it this way or this way all right let's see what else we have oh we got a look at that we got a coca-cola glass wrapped in a plastic bag and a Tupperware I wonder no nothing else is in there but obviously they wanted to keep it safe we'll set that aside they took better care of that than anything else there's nothing there we've got nine-inch bamboo chopsticks huh so we got a bag of chopsticks we've set that aside we've got something a scarf wrapped around more Jack Daniels they loved their alcohol didn't they huh okay we've got a mason jar with a star we've got Walmart bag here something pokey now three something pokies you know you screw into the into the faucet are these those are these those do you fill up all the water balloons at the same time time on the end thing because this doesn't look like you fill up 100 water balloons at once and how in the world do you even put them on the end or is this just kind of a spray alright I don't know there's three of them they obviously go on the end of a faucet and then you do something you spray or water balloons or something so let's keep going looks like we got oh we got two more things in here here's a looks like a digital watch or something and then we've got we got a bag full dose filled with skulls better than teeth I suppose the artworks starting to make a little bit more sense now it looks like this is a keepsake tote that you can actually be creative with so if you got an artist in the family that'd be a really cool thing to get them so let's dig in let's see what's going on in here and oh who would ever thought Tinkerbell okay I don't I don't hear anything but at the same time we never want to pass up paper money so we're gonna look I let you look I didn't look okay I don't I don't see anything in there so we'll put that plug back in we'll go over there some sandwich bags wait wait wait we got more than sandwich bags we got a walking dead shot glass and a hot hot hot scratch-and-sniff you smell it smell it yeah scratch and sniff hot hot hot so walking dead shot glass and sandwich bags let's just check oh we got something else Oh lay your hair I'll scratch it for you alright go ahead and sniff yeah oh they own a Olleh Olleh Olleh Olleh Olleh Olleh alright we'll take those home we've got a giant heart here let me see if i can show you better a giant heart it looks like a pillow wait there's a zipper here so we got a pillow and we got a zipper and oh you got to be kidding me somebody was hot in there whiskey let me see what else is in here it feels like there's more in there it's empty but it feels like it feels like something else was in there well you know I did have those greasy pcs and I need something to wash it down with so Wow ain't gonna happen I don't drink so we'll just throw this away we'll put the cap back on I'll either throw it away or I'll use it to clean something or kill something one or the other there is definitely something else in here I can feel it but it's underneath you see there I don't know what it is and we're gonna find out if only I had oh you know what Ron sent us those knives and I left it at home Ron I apologize you sent us nice and I actually left my knife at home it's still over where we do the live store all right well just we'll figure out what we can get there we got a Steelers bear or at least it's got a Steelers slap bracelet around it brand new guess the smile with star oh there we go there we go we got the marksman repeater let's see yep I got a couple to do that home already I find these a lot in the storage units - we got a Steelers hat go figure huh we got a Batman got a Batman baby hat it's like we got some Dial soap that's my kind of soap right there I'm allergic to anything except for that that straight Dial soap so even this is seaberries I can't use it but maybe George can whatever we can take home and use we will that looks like is that a hair thing do you put that in your hair or ponytail ponytail clip whatever it is is going in the garbage all right it's more garbage this just looks like it's like a kid was hiding everything oh there's Suicide Squad mug yo yo that's a shame again you find it in every single unit guys and so there you have it so there's your pipe so we're hiding the whiskey and we were hiding the pipe and they bought this whatever it is for 1295 okay everything's being hidden in this thing I'm just curious oh all right it's another pipe it's just another pipe it's a shame all right we got some shells we've got some other random things some lighters for the pipe i mustache you a question all right we got got a frog we've got okay let's see ah don't tell me this is another urn no this can't be another urn that other urn was sealed this one this can't be an urn this would have some kind of marking as an urn but look see all that there and then okay here's my guess we're gonna have to look all right I don't want to inhale any of this what does that look like to you guys what do you think okay I think my guess is off I think this might be an urn another one if it is I'm pretty sure that might be another urn although that's not typically how they're stored okay let's just keep on going oh here we go now we got a kunai f-- okay where were we with this I always remember cut away don't ever want to do hurt or damage to yourself let's find out what was inside here okay we're in there now and something was being hidden in here I felt it look there it is again and it looks like okay must have just been some electronics all right nothing good there we got a few more things here skip-bo we've got uno we've got look at that we got some chocolate scratch and sniff you never go wrong with chocolate we've got some root beer scratch and sniff and we got some cherry scratch and sniff and we've got gain that's what I need I need game or I break out as well because of my allergies let's see we've got a pills we'll throw that away mmm another chain there's some bee bees I think this goes to these dragonfly lights yeah we've got some dragonfly lights on and off so just some random things here this was bought for $2.99 looks like a little girls who wasn't so little anymore hiding stuff room I'm not sure what everything this connived uhz but it's like a novelty knife looks like it's supposed to do quite a bit set that aside my fingers are too cold right now to even be messing around with that and we've got some more shells that's what this is what I was gonna say what I think was in that jar is I think it's sand from the beach so I was hoping this was sand from the beach and although it's tough to tell because that looked like a whole lot more chunks down in there we've got some dub we got shale on a chain we've got some earrings something cool watch we got some more money down here as well so I'll clean that all up this has been Jeremy thanks again for watching don't forget to subscribe hit that Bell so yeah you get your notifications and remember if you like the video let us know give it a thumbs up if you dislike it hit that dislike twice and don't be afraid to share it all over your Facebook with your friends as Georgia always says adventure awaits you got to go find it once we get home all the change we found a bucket to be cleaned at a later date so maybe someday I'll actually get some time to hit all this up in the CLR just helps clean it up before I take it to the bank and turn it in so all of it goes through the machine what are you doing I'm making a sandwich all I've had to eat today was ricci pcs can you make me a sandwich ah what kind do you want surprise me Bon Appetit George here you go my love did you find a Brainerd today I did I was busy I found a Brander are you gonna let me braid your booty uh you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 75,407
Rating: 4.8569636 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found sex, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: zP5yPLk7z0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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