FOUND TRUNK I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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oh no way no way is that real why I bought it because I saw the truck and I thought there had to be more antique toys in here there were antique toys in the other box here we go yeah Hales yeah it's gonna be a Hales of a great day today we have three locations on this storage auction caravan we go from one location to the next to the next so my goal I'm gonna try and pick up as many as I can because I get extended time to work on these and then tomorrow I'll be in Columbus there's like almost 90 units so I'm bidding today buying as many as I can hopefully filming then headed to Columbus got a room for the night because at eight am more storage units make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the bell notification that way you get notified every time we upload every time I go live cuz you never know what the hail is we're gonna find [Music] of course I recommend you know I'm a little better than okay hi how you doing can you can I sit on your shutters interesting get six units here rest of my being home as well they've got all my papers I think he said there was foreign Holmes Ville over at the last location [Music] alright folks you got a look at it a lot of boxes bags what you'll find and I'll take 50 on the unit that's 50 pack 50 now 50 now 50 give me 25 we're at 25 at 25 now 5 give me 25 give me 20 give me 20 give me 10 10 dollars give me 5 bucks good for you 10 dollars where I got 5 10 give me 10 bucks 10 bucks any interested in 10 dollars five 10 and a hush fell over the crowd five dollars sir and right behind you this bad sign that hold TV that's the that's the good sign hi folks you see it let's go give me 25 on the unit at 25 another five three twenty five twenty bucks we're at 20 at 29 29 22 give me ten dollars we're at $10 $10 $10 $10 Knudson give me five bucks no he's just pointing you're just pointing you're not baby right I'm just double-checking that's fine enough by five $3 dollar bill not $1 now $1 now 1 $84 do dollar bill dollar bill no sale there's money to be made for some people today but not my unit yeah see this you got an antique and toy trailer right there conky would love that there's random [Music] there's a treasure chest 65 70 80 1995 you're done I'm done $95 less call 95 and I sold it right there at $90 on it this is the same guy I just bought I got 25 in the back $30 ma'am at 39 39 35 sir 35 now 40 that's forty nine forty five a hundred dollars hundred ten ma'am 110 120 120 hundred thirty cutter 30 now 39 39 51 50 now 50 now 61 67 I won 70 at 170 now 70 now 72 180 I got 170 from Delaney I need 180 where 170 now 180 now 180 now 180 you're done I gotta be 170 here 180 last call 180 right there 170 go see them they're back there so far it's better for better units in the last place we work okay sounds good got furniture in this one too hard to see but it's here little lighter color except for this one looks like some decent furniture in there trying to take it from there and give me 50 bucks $50 table 50 $50 now 50 now $50 now 50 give me 25 we're at 25 I got 25 30 I got 25 now 30 now $30 now 30 25 right here save 30 bucks at 25 save 30 now $30 now $30 now 30 25 here $30 you're done I've gotta be 30 bucks last call $30 $25 go see him like I said just drop one shoulder in George salata it's a lot of wood furniture in here yes and it's not particle board well there is some particle board but there's actually wood furniture the bathroom toys it's better than unicorn horns yeah it's a couch sitting up on end and then the loveseat is over there or the sectional pieces 5060 where I can be right there 1607 day at somebody now 1880 dollar now 90 at 900 that's 110 now ten hundred ten hundred twenty hundred twenty nine thirty hundred thirty now 4140 in a hundred half 150 160 170 170 now 1707 you got 160 back there hundred and seventy 169 170 now 170 now 170 160 170 you're done I gotta be hundred and seventy dollars and last call 170 right there 160 bucks I bought three units today okay this has been a great day and there's over 90 units going up for auction tomorrow and once I show you why I got this unit you're gonna be excited 290 dollars on this unit let's open it up let's find out what's inside I know I know you're not too excited about this but this come on you gotta be excited about this oh wait that's not why I bought it not at all there's a treasure chest back there and you guys know how I love treasure ooh doggy let's dig in and let's find out what's inside first thing I am gonna do is get this out of the way here so this is the actual well that's probably garbage too this is the actual bench probably a van I'm gonna see what's inside here though oh we got personals you can see we got baby personals already but look at this we got we got birthday cards we got plates oh we're gonna have a collector plates yep we're gonna have collector plates we sure are look at this another one here okay this is great because we're just digging in the front of it we're already finding collectibles this is awesome okay let's look where we got in here oh there's another look at that that must have been beautiful porcelain okay there's glassware there's no doubt there's more stuff in there okay coach so car ramps we have the car ramps I'll tell you what I have lots of car ramps but I don't have these nice plastic ones and these don't slip as much so I'm gonna hold onto these I still say that I could easily get $25 $25 for those okay we also we got the fire extinguisher and if it isn't expired let's see is it charged it is it is charged yep so we probably get 20 bucks out of that we've got a garbage can right here the garbage can I'll use at the warehouse we've got some sporting supplies in here these tennis rackets are these Wilson's these are they're really nice so we're looking we're a lot profitable $10 right there so that's a good buy oh there's a there's yeah there's all kinds of things to look into in this unit oh there we go I'll send that to auction this will get me a good 10 bucks right there that'll definitely bring in $10 here's the toy truck that I actually saw and one of the reasons why I was bidding I thought man if there's toy trucks there what could be inside this trunk here okay let's move the birdhouse that's an easy that's ten dollars right there brand-new and we have a plunger router too yeah yeah I don't even think it's been out of there it's just dusty so gee whiz we're looking at all right we're looking at Chicago we're looking at 25 bucks there okay so if that's in there you know there's the old toy right there what's in there and look it's unlocked oh and what could be down here I don't even see that you know trying to try to bid and film at the same time can can often I think we're gonna have a lot of tools here we'll do really well with that local option ac/dc if we trying ot we're looking at money man see see let's see oh yeah yeah got full we got full wrench sets there's an eight-piece craftsman Black & Decker drills there's drill bits right there yeah we got we got plenty here so let's just estimate this bucket a bare minimum and this is the bare minimum this bucket is gonna bring me in $25 okay just for the bucket let's do it let's do it let's open this up what do we have or something in there at some point we've got Sudoku puzzles [Music] we got hunting gloves we do have hunting oh we have collectable matchbox fire let's get this down because we got we got to figure out what's actually in here okay cuz I'm seeing stuff and I'm seeing stuff I like I did find one of the things that you find in every single unit this handful is filled with but there's more oh there's more it's filled with you know what it's filled with okay we got flip phones let's see do we have any red lines not red not red what we're doing is we're looking for a red line on the tire not red not red wool though cool nonetheless so he left his black book his old cellphone all of his boiler magazines I see what this is oh I like this already look at that looking at hunting for butterflies oh we've got more collectibles I just opened this I had to edit it out this is filled with porn which I'm guessing yes this one is as well so the porn is in with the car collection but look here let's find out what else could be tape yes alright turn it around this is country Conway Twitty Clint Black Arts Brooks I'll have to look up every single one of these now I share with you how to look those up on our videos if you don't know how to look them up and find prices go back to watch all the videos plenty of things to show you what is this American Eagle I think no that's Arizona and then and what do we got I didn't do that with my teeth flying solo oh we got McDonald's Happy Meal toys that's good to the right toy can sell for a nice amount of money I saw this as well when I was bidding this looks like an old erector set no no it's not it's a something big boys tool chest Oh check that out how cool is that look at that Gilbert's big-boy tool chest I thought it was an old erector set oh wow and you have the original song there so this makes me happy because I'm hoping come on I'm hoping for more antique toys give me toys give me toys give me toys come on I need toys or I'll take I'll take vintage Rock cheese as well okay there's personal paperwork more personal paperwork and we got camo let's see is there anything else hidden in here what's that that's just a light feels like there's stuff hidden in here doesn't there alright maybe not too much more in there let's find out what's in here we oh we've got paperwork alright the cool thing is is definitely had cool stuff this looks like an old red would you call it a breadbox something I can't get it to open alright I can't get that to open let's see what's over in here how about this right here that's gross see if we can dig in a little bit more closer to this trunk got some axe okay old gloves look at this old gloves could go for good money the axe not so much I wants to axe you a question look at this there's one and we have hunting oh my goodness that could be it could be something hidden in here 1 2 3 4 5 I mean we've got 5 or 6 gloves yes I have my money back just in softball baseball gloves right here 90 bucks easy easy so I'm gonna set this aside let's take a look at the top of the trunk it's a beautiful one it really is I like it already oh there's a there's a oil oh man I can't even think what you call them right now oil cats are for changing oil and that's some stuff over here too let's see what else we have all right oil changing tools all right this bucket will probably make me another 25 dollars and that's a minimum at auction I just send this stuff to my local auction house this bucket more tools yeah this is gonna make me another $25 even though this fan the stanley fat max retail on that would have been $25 so move that Oh Shepherd's hook just tried to attack me all right so we're gonna set the Shepherd's hook over here and there we go let's see what do we have here we got a dart board that's a good 20 bucks honestly more but Divya I give you love numbers what is this ah kinda like Cleveland I don't know what this is well I guess we'll figure that out oh oh oh my goodness oh you guys see what I'm seeing I bet you it's in here I bet you it's in here could be back there here's a nice heater yeah oh yeah that would at least get us $25 right there that heater so that's a safe heat that's nice right there whoa we got horse and buggies going by and semis going by there's a is that a pioneer Oh JB see there's an old JVC that can have some value let's check out what let's dig in we've got huh not sure what that is something the Wellness business kit okay it's kind of portfolio oh there we go glass chess and checkers Coast deluxe what is that there I can't but let's look in here I guess first we got anything got some glitter we got that here let's see oh there is our horse's hoof so we're good to go there again your money nope yep there's a penny or two and let's see what do we have down in here we got post-it notes and always use that and safer eco sense American spirits safer for your home alright that looks like maybe traveling salesmen let's for the fun of it let's move this old truck which I think this old truck I haven't looked it up yet oh it's an Earl - yes oh that is awesome all right so what we're gonna do because I haven't looked it up yet but this Earl we're just gonna say the herbal is a hundred dollars I know it's probably more but we're gonna say a hundred dollars for the old Earl here okay and everything else after that is profit see what we have in here looks like we could have some more collectibles here makes me even hungrier to get inside there and see what kind of toys we have in there got some kind of binder was this what is this holy cow Quicksilver Bibi's right that's that's an in line with what we've been finding already right old phone okay so we did find some BBS okay let's move that out of the way and we're gonna move the turtle truck just a hair down what are we getting into here okay time to grow up we're not 10 anymore on the outside but on the inside you're still what is this and hopefully I remembered to edit that out this was all porn so more porn in there ax come on big money no checking book huh okay let's check one more thing how about a suit that suits in here it's this it's a t-zone you know what I think it is we already know what it is that's a personalized bowling ball right there for the t-zone see what we have hiding back here in the corner we got a sewing drawer box with God well looks like we got a bunch of speedy rewards some Cubs let's see where those are from Syd battery down there battery maybe some Bob Evans coupons that would be good for afterwards Bobbitt Oh bummer what all Swiss Holmes okay that's where my kids go to school I'm down Millersburg where my kids are so it's Wes homes all right set that aside we've got a Eddie Rabbitt I don't know who Eddie Rabbitt is I'm gonna put that over there all right let's see what do we have brief caves zero zero zero zero zero let's see are we lucky enough oh yeah we are and yeah combination zero zero zero combination zero zero zero so here we go oh I like what I see and Johnse alright let's see what's back here we got post it's got we'll go through that more later see if we can get that back up just like we got bills and a little bit everything alright got it back up okay let's see if we can get this open I'm gonna do it with my teeth here we go is why I need a full-time filmer and editor alright here we go we've got speedy rewards oh no way no way is that real is it real it's real look look look there's three of them there's three of them let me see if there's any more this right in here with some bills and receipts no stinking way it was right here no I can't even focus right now no way oh this was was that the note that was gas I thought maybe that was the transaction well there's three Hondo right there I would call that profit margin see what else we have under here I've got open it oh there we go this looks personal yeah that's personal that's family photos so that's not I'll go through that I'll go through that independently and then looks like that looks like all personal - all right I'm not gonna go through that I'll do that on my own there's a bunch of baseball bats and then tenha there are horseshoes that's a good 10 bucks there's another heater if it's an actual heater let's dig down in there let's find out let's see what this is first of all go since a bunch of socks Oh hunting oh look at that some serious stuff there ok there are there's there's hunting vest there I'm not gonna get into all of that well we got in here porter-cable all it's all in there all the tools are in there ok bare minimum 50 bucks ok we're looking at 50 dollars easy just in the porter-cable tools which the box you know what the box is right there oh let's find out if that heater is in and it sure is there's another ten dollars right there I opened this up in the first shot and it was filled with porn so I'm guessing this is as well I had to edit that out and my guess is there's probably more okay I see a lot of paper in here I got to be careful that there's not more in here okay so I have to go through this all by myself we're so close to figuring out what's gonna be in these things before we do let's figure out what's over here and there's a trunk down here too anything in the coffee nope nothing in there so okay now I am in the heart of Amish country I'm in the largest largest Amish population in the world now you couldn't tell it with all the traffic going by right now but if a horse and buggy goes by you'll know from what I can tell so far I believe this was a former Amish man and then they choose do they go in English or do they go Amish and he chose to go in English so I've seen a lot of his paperwork and I've seen a lot of things that I've had to edit out I don't think we're gonna go that far show oh wait wait wait wait wait this is definitely not real man take money ah you know what I'm gonna hold on to this I might use it on Chapo and Guapo I was for some reason always think he's chapo and I always screw it up but it's Guapo in Chapel but I'm gonna use it on them so you just wait and see what's this say you beat us B or is that just that's just Wireless okay but if we were if we were to find any USB memory cards flash drives everything like that I go through all that with you every Sunday night on the live so 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard let's find out what junk is in this trunk and three two [Laughter] [Music] okay I can't believe it I bet these are old no that's a John Deere ah this is why I bought it cuz I thought for sure we don't even know what's over there yes I was so hoping there was gonna be more this case what is it there's the manure spreader international manure spreader what do we have here what do we have we've got I don't know what we got but I know what I am happy happy happy yes let's let's jump in over there I'm ready to dig into both of these and see what's inside so I move that off to the side and then this one's right there now I see what looks like to be a wall tool box back here check this out I bet you this is a sawzall alright here we go here we go I love this unit already cash and all kinds of oh yeah there you go a t-bolt here's will just say $50 okay easy $50 right there if not more I always go conservative so let's find out don't look at my backside we've got a there's a assembly bearing there's another $50 man we've got brakes as well if I don't break anything there's $50 okay let's get into this thing and it is is it's a bunch of tools so this was probably a toolbox that was used on the back of a truck all right time to see what's in here because I think it's gonna be old toys let's let's go down a little bit here see what we can do and adjust here we go all right this is why I bought it because I saw the truck and I thought there had to be more antique toys in here there were antique toys in the other box here we go in three oh I guess this one's I'm done this one wasn't to one oh okay not what I was hoping for piece of leather strappy we've got this looks like a little just a little Amish dress yep that sure is so this is this is a little Amish dress boy that thing has been tattered look at that now I live down here I'm in Miller Park right now I lived in Millersburg for eight years so absolutely love the people down here love the area oh here's a piece that might be silver absolutely love it down here get some more yep some more Amish clothing okay let's see what we have here something okay what we do have we have newspaper let's check out the date okay you guys like the days and the date is 1968 1968 all right let's put that back in yep sure it does comes out oh look guys look look look look I'm gonna give you a better view look at here here come on inside with me here we go oh my goodness okay this might be this might be the no no no this is that's binoculars nice look at the detail on the binoculars look at that okay so that's binoculars I think this just easy spirit all right oh is this what I think this is what I think it is and I found a one like this already there's balloons in there too there's balloons in there hopefully I didn't show anything and I don't have to edit that oh there's a hair cutting system okay what else do we have we have all there could be money in here there could be money in there Snickers oh my goodness look at this oh oh okay maybe I need to maybe I should go through that first I was trying to go through the smaller stuff purse this looks like old bull tools maybe a grinder oh no these are old Bibles these are old Bibles I collect look at this new Testament and Psalms Wow there's a New Testament okay here's a child's scripture question book let's see if we can find a date see if we can find a date not easy with gloves on okay gloves are coming off guys everybody's freaking out now because I'm throwing the bible's you'll be fine I'll be fine and you know what this is gonna be Roman numerals no oh my goodness I had 1853 there it'll be okay I promise you give me a date I don't see a date on this one all right let's see what's in that Snickers box so kind of antique gold there too let me put this stuff back here so the boss doesn't flip on it again let's see what do we have here all right oh oh you guys seen this look at this come on you guys seeing that and it's not focusing why is it enough there we go eagle buffalo nickels nice let's see what else we have we've got looks like we got a gold ring inside yep inside this I don't have help so I'm just gonna have to drop it that's what I have to do you either get a video or you don't so I have to drop this stuff there's a locomotive Oh something just came out on it some kind of knife I think a nice right there look we got some cellphones got another ego we've got an eagle bolo and another self lighters antique BIC you know antique dick see this an old-timer yep it sure is this is an old-timer there you go there's an old-timer right there that nice mmm another lighter listen here oh here's some money there's two ran is that African I forget I remember 2008 here is something come on open up Oh it's like we got a gold something with a gem in it I'm sure that's probably gold that's probably gold right there - some more knives huh knives what's that Harley Harley Davidson nice we got in here we got six silver come on zoom in looks like silver this is probably gold we got another eagle looks like we got another harley-davidson lighter so it zip oh no and we got American River nice what a find [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 77,963
Rating: 4.8679547 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 7byt1hnywOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 56sec (2276 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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