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this is a first for me I've never gotten a storage unit in 20-plus years where the person took their life and then I find their will and testament last testament in the storage unit I'm going to share with you because I think we have to get this back to the family halo this is where the magic happens every Sunday night on the livestreams and this Sunday we're gonna do our first ever live stream auction on what the Hales George has been working on putting Lots together let's see what she has she's got the tablets brand new tablets oh look at that that's for JK we got that we've got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of brand-new brand-new dinosaur toys what else we have matchbox jewelry look at all this costume jewelry oh my goodness tiger stone we've got watches and we're even going to do its unchecked gift cards from storage units you're going to get the bid on those as well unchecked gift cards and then we're gonna do a video and we're gonna see who won you with your bit amount or us with our amount as we check and see the actual amounts of the cards it's going to be a hails of a great experience make sure you subscribe hit that Bell [Music] 300 he's laughing why he does it he is laughing why does it three times oh my goodness Ashley wanted no stinking way no stinking way remember they Pat second had to cut the wedding band off and to cut the wedding band 14 cave right there I'm sure you can see it hope you can see it got a stack just a huge stack of Bibles here's another one here I found on this tote and I think I see I think we got like a high-dollar high-end this looks like a high-end toothbrush [Music] here we go again much better weather and it's gonna be a beautiful day let's see all the beauty that's actually inside the trailer from this three hundred and ten dollar unit we have found gold so far we have found gold two females and I'm sure there's protected from the storm all right we saw that treasure chest already in film number one we've got this wall of totes more totes than we know what to do with totes in our Goten let's start digging in and joining the treasure hunt pull a couple coats that look promising now this one says bedroom let's see what we got okay and bam okay got some ice George she just brought me lunch you guys just met some people some people never have to dye it we need to find these people and hurt them true do this might be all and there's another bug magnificent I would like to see more uranium glass like you found already but looks like we're just finding teddy bears we're getting one more try one more try let's pull this right here flexible nice high dollar it's nice this looks like random everyday mugs and glassware I don't think this is the collectible box on this box and definitely was not the box paperwork I have my recycle bin right next to me oh my god Oh fun jewelry look at this guys look at this yeah yes look at this look at this look at this okay let me get rid of these rubber bands there's an antique oil little tin right there how cool is that that's not what we're really interested ok cvs/pharmacy let's get that out of the way all right okay that's all the way foam cord oh my goodness okay let's look here first we have got Tom and Jerry fruit snacks that's not a bad fine George did just bring me lunch so I'll put those in the garbage this time there we go all right here we go three two it's got to be in here somewhere we sunk gold yesterday I have a feeling we're gonna find more today come on okay we've got a guardian angel there's a we'll put this in the jewelry lot on this Sunday's live auction we've got that's a hair that's a hair sure what that is okay all right we we have we have a full ball of jewelry okay now this butterfly this beautiful butterfly right here see it right there that looks to me as if it's gold but I would have to untangle this whole thing and find a marking it's an awesome butterfly look at it again it's an awesome butterfly necklace really is it's a nice one but I'm gonna have to untangle all this or the other thing I do is I just I put it in the option and not even mess around with it so there's that here's more here's more jewelry earrings oh my goodness look at this this looks like silver because it is alright again right there and what do you see on the back right there you see sterling right there okay so we've got silver in here as well probably have gold I wouldn't doubt that we have gold all right I'm gonna have to go through this better and then show you after we get done with this box because everything's tangled so let me open it back up okay I wouldn't doubt if we find some more great naturalizer you find some more great jewelry working woman's wedding planner I will save that for George send that there and the Carters we got a Carter stamp pad I don't think we'll need that well all we found we last one of these we opened yesterday my tendinitis is acting up my arms don't work the last one we found of these yesterday had a gold ring in it I'm gonna do in lucky night I know this is gonna kill some of you but my tendinitis is killing me and I can't get the zipper open so I own it I can do what I want with it is there another gold ring no there is not unfortunately no there's nothing nothing in that one all right here there is an Avon pin and you're the top tribute 1991 some kind of hat it looks like there's quite a bit of cool stuff in here that's stickers brand new stamp pad pink red ink got some mailers those would be good what else got a phone book 2001 nobody uses those anymore Avon somebody was definitely selling Avon look at this Avon bags now remember Avon did put out some sterling silver so we could still Oh still find it okay just not gonna find it in there what do we have oh oh we're looking at military now look at that it's on a strike all right I'll set that aside something that's film okay see pictures what's this foil stars we don't need foil stars oh definitely stuff down here it's gonna take a while to get down there okay here is Hawaii remember we're gonna do a keychain lot as well so options okay let me do this let me go through all this paper and then let me go through the jewelry and then I'll show it to you after I do a fine-tooth comb sort of this actual deal thank you promise after a more thorough sort here's a picture of the horse with the tack that we found yesterday so this is the actual tack and this has got to be from the 70s check this picture out old school truck driving lady absolutely love it now we got all the jewelry and I still have a web here that I can't exactly get all untangled I know some of you guys got some good ideas on how to get it untangled let me know in the comments below because it'll probably just go for sale that way in the auction on Sunday night dice we know Pamela Lynn loves the dice but look at all this jewelry here now I did see another piece of sterling which was this one right here you see right there sterling right boom right there sterling so that one doesn't have a match we already identified that one as sterling as well and all these other pieces check this out I said we were gonna do an actual keychain a lot as well so look at this that is super cool utopia calculator keychain in its holding case this has got to be worth some money we'll put that in the keychain a lot button lot and look at this definitely Avon we saw Avon but brand-new Avon stuff still in the box not to mention the coolest thing of all World War two and here it is United States of America freedom right there with this crazy plastic connive garbage cans are filling up this is normal garbage and that is recyclable and looks like we might have to recycle this lid it didn't make it to well here let's go ahead take the lid off oh nice check this out I love this unit there's so much good stuff so if this is tie which it is yep it's tie so this will probably go in the lot oh my goodness there's more beanie babies whisper I believe that's deer whisperer and let's see yep whisper now remember when we're looking at beanie babies the ones that are worth the most anymore are the ones with errors on the tag so you open the tag up it'll be misspellings it'll be spaced wrong it'll be you name it so you just got a look at that double periods things like that so that's what you want to look at as far as where things are actually going to be worth the most with your tie what's this one here uh that one I'm not sure what that one is but we have more tight we sure do we have a ton of good tie there's Luke and what else um man got I don't see let's take a look at this heinie mmm needs to wipe we've got more tie there we go looks like we got bunch so look at look at this look at this is a little horse purse all right let me see if I can open it up and let me see you know here we go what are we having there's something in there there is something in here what is it we've got mmm hard to tell what it actually is I'm not sure but there's more in here too there is a oh look at that oh nice yeah we found our first cache as far as dollars in this unit is it a star note nope not a star note sweet okay I'm gonna set that back in there and set it aside that was pretty cool oh those who say we don't find cash Yeah right three this little piggy press my hand to the left to begin oh wait the other left no okay looks like old Raggedy Ann Andy oh there's there's good stuff in here guys there's there's Happy Meal toys there's money in here there's absolute money in here look there there's the other the other half of the Raggedy Ann and Andy some of the some of the things blueberries look at that that sold for originally 4995 look at that so some of the things that I've sold on on eBay that have brought the most amount of money stuffed animals some can bring thousands of dollars believe it or not especially the older ones there's big money and stuffed animals antiques and fat Jilly so this has got to be a good one right maybe this will warm us up out in this cold here we go oh my not anticipate finding this it looks like we have the last will and testament of the previous owner we'll get into this in just a little bit we'll see what's in there here are there's some nylon strengths this is for Spanish guitar and it looks like brand-new yeah those are going home with me see what I've always a watch and it is a Timex expedition watch well put that in the watch lot for this Sunday night so that'll that'll go over to watch lot oh look at this oh the bunny just lost its head what is that oh my I think those are jelly beans from 1960 would be my guess so they're probably they're probably still good don't you think probably will just talk those right in the garbage we've got oh yeah Alcoholics Anonymous for whatever reason find one of these in every single unit almost so we've got some bees like risky bees here [Laughter] I just got my first kiss on YouTube I finally got a kiss on YouTube that was amazing we've got today's kids bracelets excellent way to go looking good okay so it looks like some encouraging words there teddy bear with a heart so we've got some more oh no way look at this another pound puppy it's in a baggie even the bag looks a little a little stained is the pound puppy know it's brand new Oh oh nice oh this is so cool this is so cool all right oh I see gold guys I see gold look at this looks like a money clip that upside down it is upside down it's a money clip it looks like it's got some jewels in it what does that say I can't see I can't see in the screen I'm holding it up to the screen can you guys tell me in the comments what it says and are those gemstones real maybe there's 14 karat gold usually these will be 14 karat gold alright let's see what else we have faith hope and love the greatest of these is love that's a good verse they're got salt and pepper shaker oh this is old Tupperware yeah I remember this old Tupperware salt and pepper shaker yeah this is old school look at that you'd put salt and pepper in there this is old old school check that out that's cool that's nostalgia right there that is cool we've got some kind of ice hockey video game there looks broken honest with ya we got looks like a fox all this is for keys hanging keys hang this on the wall and then hang your keys there okay hey arnold urban games two-sided game boards some kind of game there's something founders grant your friend alright your friend cuff yeah your friend called us she was concerned because you had not shown up for work now now called not called in she said you had worked 18 hours on Friday she also stated you had medical problems we were unable to locate anyone to contact you do to that do do do to you can you are being parked here and I forced the door to check on your welfare if you want the department to reimburse you please call thank you oh this is glad you're alright this is from a police officer very at work everyone at work was worried you hadn't reported off you didn't know anything the police department I was worried in everyone department okay Cleo we did we did find out that this individual and if you have to if you haven't seen yesterday's video this individual to put it put it in like not lightly but to put it delicately this individual took things into their own hands and looks like we see some more and there was there was other evidence that yesterday show this is some more of it here see what we have here Maxwell standard grade I don't think I've ever seen this one I'm pretty sure I've never seen this one before I haven't even heard about it I don't I've never heard that one okay we've got a boomerang I guess looks like a boomerang I'm guessing you throw it and it comes right back to you that would be my guess as a boomerang natural contours a little kids toy boomerang actually it could be a fishing pole even just couldn't be a fishing pole never know we've got and had an alien pen it's kind of cool alien pen there Altoids wintergreen and sealed you know they're still good if they're sealed that's awesome right there we've got this says house land and deed and so house land and deed info let's just [Music] alright there's the total value of the house land right there I don't know what date this is this is from this isn't Indiana it's property in Indiana and it doesn't give me a date so I don't have the date on that but man there's a lot of stuff in here gummi gummi coca-cola bottle oh nice look at that coca-cola sealed and these are gummy coke bottles in here I don't see I don't see a date anywhere they're in there you might have to put that in a Sunday night auction we've got looks like we got a empty definitely empty we've got secrets of serenity treasured inspiration we found the actual serenity prayer plaque yesterday Huggies Oh somebody was hugging that's a lot Oh slippery stuff is this like wd-40 oh yeah liquid lubricant this is probably this is probably just an off-brand wd-40 probably put that on your nuts and bolts and and you'd be good to go so it's just an off-brand right there okay you guys all smile ready gotcha okay got some kind of Nike something here not in there flex on maybe a little chalice well it looks like we there's another dice we've got we've got jewelry yeah we sure do got peace earrings in there see those right there we've got Indiana a lot of this stuff is from Indiana oh oh I see gold I see gold color what is this it looks like earrings look at that Santa Claus yeah Santa Claus earrings Wow look at that a little bit look at that speaking of gold oh man that is a heavy basketball that'll go in the keychain lot that is cool that's super cool Avon purifying facial purifying right there look this is what you need after you watch this then you need to purify yourself right there right there love someone to stay close enough to touch and still have space to grow suck that a sign it's this aroma k-- botanicals massaging oil sweet almond kay may sue [Music] Tirra came a suti rah you guys see that they're some kind of came a suti rah I'm not sure about that Ollis almost twenty bucks a lighter a little a lot more in there oh look at this little Activision that's gotta be Burger King that's a Burger King here's another here's another keychain here's a pipe oh here's a Magic Bullet magic that we didn't get shot right there look at this oh look at this GM money we already saw this right no there's another one look at that it's in the box GM money clip right there we found another money clip Sony high-fidelity right there these act as a shield this is worth money on eBay stop there and this we got Avon I mean really you name it we've got it in here there is a ton of stuff in here a ton of stuff here's a here's another connive strike King here's jewelry in here here's jewelry in here I'm gonna have to check this off for gold and silver oh look at that I think that's a micro machine I think that's a micro machine those are worth money to micro machine guys look at all this there's still a ton more stuff down in here I'll have to go through all of it individually and off to see if it's gold or silver this is a first for me I've never gotten a storage unit in 20 plus years where the person took their life and then I find their will and testament last testament in the storage unit I'm going to share with you because I think we have to get this back to the family because things could be in question still to this day see this little piece right here found that in there too you never know you never know when your time is up and so let's see what we got here okay we got the will and testament I'm gonna share pieces of it with you so this is the last will and testament I a resident of Howard County Indiana being of sound and disposing mind and memory do hereby declare this to be my last will and testament revoking all former wills and Testaments by me here for made item one I direct that all of my dad's funeral expenses and expenses in connection with the administration of my estate be paid as soon as practically after my death that's pretty pretty normal to a will item number two except for the five acres previously conveyed to such-and-such I give devise and bequeath to my daughter such-and-such a life estate for the term of her life and in the two fields consisting of about 15 acres in the northwest corner of the filing describe real estate along with a strip of ground 20 feet in width north/south adjacent along with the north property line alright so daughter gets 15 acres somebody else got five acres and to the strip to extend to something ditch there for running west of the fields alright I give and devise my fee simple interest and said real estate the two fields and the strip of ground subject to the said the life estate to might to the children of my said daughter share and share alike so now the grandkids are getting the property item number three I give devise and bequeath to my son guess what the son's name is George George a life estate for the term of his life and in the residue of any real estate which I own at the time of my death and all contract sale the real estate which I own it did I give device fee simple okay so George gets the life estate okay and item number four I give them bequeath to my said daughter the shipment or there's a shipment organ which was my mother's all quilts featherbedding feather bedding and pillows right there I give him bequeath my daughter the shipment organ that uh okay and item five I give him bequeath to my son all my Roger silverware I haven't even seen the Roger silverware in there the Roger silverware may still be in the organ could be in here the quilts the featherbedding item number six of a great resident remaining inappropriate I given device bequeath my children equally item item number seven a nominating constitute my daughter to serve as executor is my daughter's the executive her executor of my estate as well and last things this instrument okay it's the acknowledgement so here we have the last will and testament and there's items listed in here that go to the kids we have to find these items and we have to get them to the kids somehow someway [Music] you [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 27,723
Rating: 4.8866296 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: boyLx7ZIDu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 28sec (1948 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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