FOUND TREASURE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars Auction

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[Music] what the Hales are you up to today here inhales corplan we still have to get the 190 dollar unit out of the trailer that we worked on with treasure hunting with Jebus hey and if you haven't subscribed yet then what the Hales or treasure hunting with Jebus make sure you do it now subscribe hit that Bell so you get notifications because you never know what the Hales were gonna find on either of our channels and sometimes we find each other I've got to get everything cleaned out because I have an auction tomorrow at noon in Massillon so if I'm gonna take the trailer and buy units I got to have space to actually haul it so we got to sort this all today no matter what even if it takes us all through the night or we're not gonna make any big scores tomorrow there's so much work still to be done in this unit I had to call in the big gun well actually the small gun actually it's a small Egyptian gun and we both have our puny we have our Connie pad you ready George Oh Cheers okay Cheers all right no PDA except for Kimmy pads that's the Egyptian rule so look at this look at that remember monsters need love too especially a monster like me oh is that another snapper so if you don't remember I love doodles if you don't remember this guy had other turtle shells as well and all kinds of Indian artifacts look at that on to Oklahoma you know who we should send this to roof trader yep that's going to trade that one's going to Jason some he can discover Oklahoma those are brand new yeah they still have does that gram are that's miss Kay miss Kay this one has duck the halls get it I get it I get it and then this one is redneck of the year is that uncle sy that is uncle sy okay I guess I guess that picture frames not doing too well I don't know he got those deer but there's a couple deer United States coins that would be great if we could actually find some coins and paper money all right beads for my babies what's that more of the crafting artwork that he was doing so deer antler Indian coin bead yeah definitely was into that for sure we've got a let's see we have a guided meditation for stress and anxiety this looks like this is it's a book on plate play away you know yeah you know who we send this to treasure hustlers this one's for you Jackie and Sarah yeah yeah don't worry it's a guided meditation for stress and anxiety here it's an Indian girl and horse picture oh nice except okay so thing the clock mechanism isn't in there but man that is a beautiful clock face plywood we got looks like we've got some hats so buck knives great brand there everybody loved buck knives we got marine United States Marine Corps we've got I could fall madly in bed with you that mean I could fall madly and I don't get it so high oh look at that that's good I bet you this has some some value to it the old gas stations so so high oh right there trucker hat here's a marathon one but that has some collectability - I think it's all for that rule America the American experience myth Sounion institute's goalless scholastic magazine in historic posters pictures look at that look at that look at all of that huh Americans moved West it's an entire history and poster form we've got C D Paris we got a purse and if I was smart I would have my gloves on right now but oh we've got a ring we've got ringing money hopefully no razor blades I'm looking to see does anybody see any markings in there I can't exactly see right now it's hard to actually see when you have to keep it up close to the viewfinder I didn't see any markings and we've got that I think that's a nickel we got 15 cents we got a ring and 15 cents hopefully that's sterling silver and we've got George you thinking what I'm thinking I'm not sure what I'm thinking what are you thinking I'm thinking it's a bad idea whatever you're thinking so do you have a better one what's going through your head right now nothing setting that aside here's a Ted lily card and we got a leather jacket this is g-33 this is 3x anybody ever heard of g3 before this might have been a hunting jacket you check in the pockets you need no chicken oh we're on something we're on something here put your hands out both of them probably garbage someone's pointing a chain wait we got something for sure there's some money there's a Butterfinger wait I just dropped a ring we got it all except for some dirt okay bring it up bring it up bring it up okay we got we got some money looks like we have some costume jewelry now okay see like this if this were I don't think this is I think this is just plastic if this were the old bakelite then if that were a bakelite ring that would be worth something I think that's just plastic though but things like this if it's marked that might be sterling just keep looking I'll show you this one this one definitely looks like sterling yeah okay that one's not okay this could be gold that might be that one's caught on the earring okay this could be gold right here and yep we're stamped and I think that's tiger's eye I think that's tiger's eye stone right in there as well this one looks like it might be sterling I don't see I didn't see a mark okay no marking there feels like sterling looks like sterling all right so we got all of this what lo boxes oh it says eye shadow yeah we don't want that this no that's what we want no you don't when you're profiling units you always want to read boxes you want to read totes obviously this one was so packed if you go back and see when we actually bought it for $190 that we couldn't see this but at the same time as we're working and pulling stuff out we thought this would be a fun one to show just because it says garage sale things and hopefully we learned through that process you're gonna do the owners and garage sale things we got an eagle picture isn't her I'm the black one and I got a lion some kind of weird lion thing like a porcelain glass one of those teddy bears that you pull isn't that for baby crib [Music] and I'm the other spectrum we've got a hat with a skeleton [Music] look at this do you remember these when you were a kid look I see three of them remember these you know these are these are Weeble wobbles you remember the slogan weevils always wobble but they don't fall down well except the camera might the weevils always wobble but they don't fall down see that's that was the whole slogan that's a life lesson right there no matter what comes at you you can wobble but remember you gotta get back up again no matter what because sometimes you go through hails and the important thing is getting right back up right George we was always wobble but they don't fall down what was that there goes George breaking stuff again brand new Richard Peddie number 43 would you just find I just found the three pigs and the wolf finger puppets you know what that means yeah it's time to give them a show once upon a time in a woods not so far away from where you lived there were three little pigs minding their own business until a big bad six-foot-one huge monster of a wolf man came and said little pig little pig let me not by the hairs of my chinny-chin-chin so then the big bad wolf he huffed and he puffed and he bent over and farted and he blew their house down ah yankin yep yep yep boys and bacon yep I'm a big pig you could be a big big to duel I was laid off well you ready to get back at it George I think you got a baseball figure down there look at this we got some cars let's see what cars we actually have these are race cars so if we take there's a 29 W that's WCW 29 and whoa just lost one I lost the 500 there's the Hulk man or monster or both your nickname for me oh yeah so we've got we've got the Hulk we've got two we've got 29 4329 you know what we really have we got like car car 32 a bunch of them there we go anything else in there you know these are the McDonald's collections I'll have to look those up things open that box up George this one is labeled sure Dale hotdogs it's about what 7 o'clock at night right now so we're lucky that we got some more Sun we've been working non-stop again big auction tomorrow stickers or stamps yeah okay so so right there there's the value eight dollars and forty cents and stamps that's as good as money in my pocket some of you may go Oh nobody uses stamps anymore I use them every single day who's that that would be a Harley Davidson bear I don't know who is it you teddy bear are we doing Elvis yesterday doctor I'll take you in oh let me be you what did we decide journey would be helped Hales this help Hales this I just wanna be your teddy bear oh yeah is it a jewelry box BAM careful get this we've got a Chevy watch and if I remembered we just edited it out all the personal information and if I didn't well I'm sure you'll let me know in the comments and I'll be I'll be gently reminded by our subscribers Chevy it's a Chevy watch and TM GM oh you know what that is this this is the Bible so I used to have this one when I ran the ranch 175 Acre Christian camp and conference center so I used to have these cowboy for cowboys is just the Bible Orange County chopper there's an eagle kind of reflective kind of cool something on the back I'm not sure what that is oh that's what was on the back okay so Miller's on yeah they do Millersburg Ohio this is where I lived before Worcester so I was there for eight years it is the largest Amish population in the world believe it or not Holmes County Ohio generates more tourism dollars than Cedar Point or the Great Lakes Lake Erie so I know all the good places there know just like me no cash value keep telling her I'm poor I've got no money postcards here huh all right let's get back to work and we'll grab another box this is what we're down to again the goal is to get everything emptied so we can actually go to auction tomorrow and everything over here is everything we've sorted through so far we just take a few things here and there we'd pull a box when we can pull a box that's garbage recyclables and we show you as we've got time because this is a time-consuming thing Oh Jer I think there's ham I think I tripped and the entire bottom of the box actually broke okay so I'm okay where's the silver oh we got Chuck let's check here check that I can't believe that whole thing just busted out the house a heavy box this one this isn't from Holland this one's pewter okay so this one's pewter like like how do you get on YouTube on the pewter on the pewter yeah that's how you get on YouTube okay great so the only marking that I see on this is that little guy see ya let the Playboy bunny yes on both sides well there you have it guys we found our adult item out in here that one's Holland - that one looks like it has some tarnish to it I don't know what this one is oh look at this look at that Vietnam some serious pet hair WI NASA for rockin 10 since 1865 air right in there baby that's silver it says right in there it says silver plate you were right it's silver Lisa's plated silver here's a Wendell August Forge this is this is an Amish country near us about half hour away that's cool that is really cool that's a cool piece I just I haven't any luck today I am tired I have been at this is this real yeah what's the date expiration for dare me don't dare me I don't wanna just dare me one who do we have we've got Steve Jackson Maurice jones-drew and then okay Tony Romo we got collectible Pepsi cans but look at this here's a little mini spider-man 3 there's this orange that's my favorite well this one should be okay don't you think do you know why me my brother's always loved Dr Pepper why because it made us burp you know who talked about taught us that made us Berk the best our Uncle Richie don't go Richie taught us that dr. pepper makes you burp the most I don't see an expiration date said just like a candy jar there's another Zippo but there's nothing on it looks like you got a couple more things down there what's that [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 43,050
Rating: 4.9103522 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, comics found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters
Id: apzVRuYPkt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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