Kill Lists, Charybdis, Cookie Crisp (with Mike Mearls)

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from asamar to asimov nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] joining us today we have matt kirschen hey becca scott hello and amy vorpal hi i have here a stack of statements these are false statements about uh franchises that you love or that somebody loves and it's up to you to find the thing that i've said wrong and correct me and there's only two rules uh you must proceed all your corrections with um actually if you don't say i'm actually you won't get a point and secondly uh you can interrupt me whenever you want you don't wait for me to finish it um actually okay cool yeah you got it you got it how often do people end up on zero points uh a couple times it happens don't worry it's still shameful yeah all right well let's jump into it with our first question here which is about harry potter mooney wormtail padfoot and prongs are the aliases of the marauders a group of four anna magi who attended hogwarts as members of house gryffindor years prior to the birth of harry potter [Laughter] um actually they're not all for anime can you yeah can you be more specific um anna magi are specifically magicians who or wizards and witches who can um animate things or turn things from one transformation people uh uh yeah yeah that's yeah you're mad one of them is a werewolf that's correct that's what we're going for here three of them are anime ji which are witches and wizards who can turn into animals but one is a werewolf uh who turns into an animal not of his own accord uh that's what we're going for oh me there's a werewolf that's an anime um yeah i mean that's good okay i'm actually goddammit oh my goodness oh matt i feel for you what a roller coaster i gave matt a point does that count that might be the only thing i get right all episodes and i don't get the point for it unfortunately there there is really only one rule that i need to struggle to keep straight myself uh and so we have to abide by it so that is that is a point for becca but perhaps a point in all our hearts uh to matt um i feel a little bit bad all right well we will move right along here to question two this is about the hobbit bilbo and his companions escaped from a group of fearsome trolls named tom burt and william when gandalf appears the last minute and turns them all to stone um actually the sun turns them to stone that's correct gandalf himself doesn't turn into stone he just distracts them long enough for the sun to rise and it's the sun that turns them into stone that's uh that's correct there you go yeah not contested do you remember it from the movie or the book the the book definitely the book yeah 100 like i watched all three i watched all three movies and i really i did like them i'm sorry yeah yeah i did like them i mean they're coming they're charming and fun sure you know but but that was a very condescending show oh sure in short novella turned into three feature films that is a point for amy there well yeah thank you deserve it becca has decreed that amy deserves her points becca the point thief has said this is about game of thrones although the bulk of arya stark's training in the art of killing was done with the faceless men of braavos her first fighting instructor was serio pharrell the water dancer whose death she has yet to avenge um actually charity avenged that death uh she did uh can you be not that you have to be but can you be specific i'm gonna guess it was probably marin train it was marin trent yes she eventually the killing of marin translation top of my expertise list right there is just reciting arya's kill list to yourself as you go to sleep every night i sure do do you know who she has left very few yeah thanks seriously yeah there's probably a few that weren't like important enough to be put on screen like someone served a cold food on the way to somewhere well that this is about the walking dead negan the leader of the saviors and a brutal sociopath kills a glenn and abraham as retribution for the death of his soldiers with a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat named lucille after his dead wife yeah matt um actually he only kills one of them as retribution for death of his soldiers that's correct do you remember why killed uh killed the other was it for trying to escape uh it was not um he kills uh abraham for retribution he kills glenn because daryl lashed out at him i only am aware of it from the show and i got to like a couple of seasons in and i was like yeah this is i think i'm developing heart palpitations yeah like i don't know too much i mean like i am a nervous person and that that doesn't help any of like my psychosis yeah that uh then is a point for matt so we have one for matt one for amy two for becca good job matt deserved and we will move on to our first shiny question shiny questions uh just like shiny pokemon are pretty much exactly the same they're just a little bit different and a little bit rarer [Music] now this is a game called order up please place these dragons in order from the most to least powerful first person to have the correct order will get the point for me this is just roll some dice yes becca you are buzzing in i i want to interject here and say that i actually as as much as i might not win this i am very happy that these are all dragons and not wyverns please what do you take us for we'll be mixing worms and wyverns that's insane all right so the white one black red green blue incorrect okay matt okay i've gone uh scary dragon sporty dragon crosstrack oh that's ginger posh and who have i missed out baby that's baby dragon that is incorrect uh amy what do we even got for you got white in the in the lead with green black blue and then red following that is incorrect the uh the correct answer from most to least powerful is uh red blue green black and white who would have ever owned that it's almost like taekwondo belts except the blacks are the wrong thing here's the thing i should have gotten this right but do you know that you don't want to give him a dragon like i haven't looked when you're a dm you don't want to give your players yeah you want to play dungeon dragons take this other monster yeah i take this cloud giant you know like dragon's two on the nose exactly like i don't know i don't remember the last time i i fought a dragon as a player or gave a dragon to the players as a dm yeah i play as a dungeon you notice the mistakes that we made in the last episode and here they are at fangziggy141 says um actually marion doesn't agree to sell indy the headpiece of the staff of raw for three thousand dollars he initially offers her 3 000 but she says that amount wouldn't get her back in style he then says that he can get her another two thousand dollars when they get back to the states making a total of five thousand dollars excellent bookkeeping from bang ziggy 141. at corolla a says the mark hamill laugh you played and hear me roar was technically from mask of the phantasm not batman the animated series thank you for being very good at identifying laughs and from our dropout discord fred the invisible last says this is super pedantic but um actually the sea in los angeles county should have been capitalized because it's still a part of the proper name well being super pedantic is what this show is all about one point perfect the invisible last well we'll move on to our next question here this is about cowboy bebop anime cowboy bebop based on the popular manga of the same name follows the adventures of a bounty hunter crew traveling on the bebop their spaceship okay um actually the manga isn't called a cowboy bebop uh it is it is um actually the anime came before the manga that is correct the enemy is not based on the manga the manga is based on the anime very rare like wow this tv show is so great we should turn into a book you know like have you read the novelization of the bible movie it's really long it's not bad they go into like the backstories a lot more and it's kind of interesting they flesh out the world interesting well that is a point for becca this is about the magicians after being introduced to break bill's college in the exciting world of magic young magician quentin coldwater has quickly introduced to the monsters that inhabit this world including caca demons dragons and the dreaded nithin part of a species of monsters made of blue fire that hail from another dimension [Music] yes i appreciate both buzzing in and raising your hand um actually a niffen is a human that does so much magic that they turn into a ball of magical fury and no longer have a corporeal form that is correct it would be very funny if i were wrong you had such an innocent voice going into sad sucks to um get things wrong in magic school i guess you know like those are some high stakes you don't have to worry about that with calculus or anything like that right it's like it's going to become pure math a being of pure math and rage we will move on to a question here about star wars boba fett whose distinctive mandalorian armor and bow caster make him a fearsome opponent indeed pilots a ship known as slave one yes um actually that's not what his armor is made of uh no it is mandalorian armor um actually his ship is named clone one ah no um actually he doesn't use a bow caster that is correct that is the last noun remaining in the sentence process of elimination do you know who does use a bow caster sure is that what your backer has that is what chewbacca has yeah um i'll still give it to me and that brings us to our second shiny question [Music] this is a little game called name that wizard just you write in and name as many of the wizards as you can let's flip these around let's see what you have here all right my handwriting's also pretty awful we'll go wizard by wizard and let's let's see what you got number one i put gandalf for that one that is gandalf second one doctor strange yep the third one got that dumbledore fourth one merlin that is merlin um this one's a little tricky because it's from books so you have to rely on other people's uh illustrations but this is rincewind uh from uh from the discworld series uh next to rince win oz that is the wizard of oz number seven jiffy how about next to jafar do people know this is merlin that is not merlin his name is schmendrick third row far left does anyone know who this one is no no i put rick uh it's not rick that is quoth from the name of the woman number ten uh this is tim the enchanter there's some man tim next to tim uh who's this i did put willow but i put a question mark just in case i was being sizeist and it was a different little person far right on the third row this is vivi from final fantasy nine thirteen this is urza from magic the gathering and next to that strawberry shortcake i put curtains [Laughter] it is omadan from flight of dragons next to that that is howl from howl's moving castle far right on the fourth row jason bourne the wizard john constantine from dc comics far left on the bottom row this is jonathan strange uh next to him that is quentin coldwater from the magicians third over on the bottom row i mean like he writes from the books you'd think that would be harry potter right got headway but that is that is tim hunter from books of magic um this last one does anyone know this one wizard crush i called him abracadabra this is jarvis the cookie crisp wizard of course it is six uh correct wizards from matt five correct from becca five correct from amy so that is how whistle that one to be fair i am from the country of wizards now of course we're not perfect here either and we may have made some mistakes if you spotted something that you want to correct you can do that by tweeting at um actually show we might even give you a point question 10 this is about lord of the rings aragorn and arwen share a profound love in lord of the rings irwin's father l ronde wishes for her to go west to the undying lands because despite her pure elven blood her immortality will be lost to her if she chooses to stay in middle-earth with airborne um actually my old roommate's name was aragorn and his sister's name was arwen so i'm just weirded out by the question is that true yeah really wow what a coincidence yeah they've never read the books um actually it isn't west uh no it is actually she isn't pure elven that's correct arwyn is actually uh half elf uh uh elrond her father is also half elf does that make you a quarter elf unless both parents both parents are also half of them then it's still half healthy yeah but they're still called half elf and if you have human and elf blood you're just a half elf yeah it's like you could be half human but because i think what i think what they thought was like well no one else is going to do this ever again you know mate with each other like it's only going to be half out it's just me that wants this weird thing i'm the i'm special yeah we all want to sleep with the elves again as someone who comes from the country of elves it's not what you think like it's not all it's cracked up to me our next question is a video question a guest question here hi everybody i'm mike murrells co-creator of dungeons and dragons 5th edition the outer planes such as mechanism limbo and the astroplane are all affiliated with various alignments the upper planes such as arboria mount celestia and the beastlands are all affiliated with good while the lower planes such as gehenna batur and the abyss are associated with evil um actually the abyss is uh counter-intuitively super good there's like a big like tourism campaign biscuits are a bad rap don't let the name fool you there's plenty to do this oh mike merles i'm so sorry i'm gonna i think i'm gonna disappoint you mike um actually his name isn't really mike i wish i didn't know enough but not enough you know because i could be having so much fun with this right yeah if you don't care then it's just like yeah cool who knows i'll say i'm actually the astral plane is not in the outer planes uh let's see what what uh mike merles has to say about your correction um actually the astral plane is a transitive plane not an outer plane yeah okay great okay you're not happy at getting that right you're just no longer quite as aggravated yeah you always describe people yeah i just need a nap like that's it also this is pressure like mike merle's like he can't see you nobody's looking at us we are going on to our last shiny question [Music] this is a game called fictionary now folklore is chock full of mythical monsters whose legends permeate through all sorts of fantasy franchises but some characteristics stay the same i want you to draw to the best of your ability the monster that i will name you your monster is charybdis charybdis can you spell that uh c-h-a-r-y-b-d-i-s amy is buzzing in show me what you got here this is obviously a monster in the caribbean um he's kind of a pirate but he's a sea monster so he's got scales he's got four claws and uh and wings under the water he's a real like parrothead jimmy buffett fan uh no that is that is incorrect matt what do you have so kryptos is either obviously either a dog or a sheep depending on how i drew it and is from greece uh that is also incorrect uh okay well what we've got here is the cherub part squirrel heart snake and uh it makes you fall in love with um your blood relatives you're really hysterical you are all equally wildly incorrect but uh uh you you are accurate in that it is a sea creature uh that we're looking at here and you're accurate that it is greek correctness is is from the odyssey um uh let's take a look at what charybdis should look like here i'm so sorry how is this amy get some points look i don't need all i needed what were teeth so oh my god [Laughter] trapped well look trap fins cookies scales i just didn't draw teeth but they were implied the most important thing to have in the drawing here the thing that i needed more than anything else was the whirlpool the whirlpool was the main feature of charybdis um i don't know how you missed it the first time hey wait a minute that wasn't there all right well i'm giving myself a point i'll give you a point in your heart that is one point in your heart for amy uh three maybe points in your heart for matt so i don't need heart points all right well this brings us to our final question of the game which as always concerns real life skills sharp kitchen knives are essential for fast and safe food preparation you should use a honing steel like this every two to four uses of your knife to keep it honed and a wet stone like this to sharpen your knives every one to two years um actually you don't need to keep your knives super sharp at all it's actually less safe because you could drop them or cut yourself oh i see actually that's not a wet stone that's correct this is not a wet stone this is a brake pad this is a brake pad for your car i've never sharpened a knife in my life so that could be anything you should visit oh i should be more specific i don't cook so final score here we've got three for matt five for becca three for amy that makes becca our winner uh for congratulations i'm sorry about threshing you all in the hot points competition deserved for those as well thank you well that is it for this episode please join us next time for even more hyper-specific standard corrections here on um actually [Music]
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 146,209
Rating: 4.9555459 out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Id: xyViPMplguU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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