Sailor Moon, Pacific Rim, Fate/Stay Night

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from radagast to rad mobile nerds like a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] joining us today we have ken knapsock my entire nerd life is built to this moment i'm excited to be here great determined and stern uh we also have emma fife hello it's great to be back uh you know this yellow couch i just couldn't stay away i just felt like it's just i just really feel home here it's very 70s decor i'm feeling the vibe yeah it's nice and warm and destiny draws you back uh and michelle wynn bradley hello i'm not sure why i'm here but i'm excited to talk about nerd stuff great well that's why you're here that's you got it uh well emma's played before but two you have not the rules are very simple i'll explain for you and for any new viewers at home uh these are statements these are false incorrect statements about the things that you know and love it's up to you to find the thing that's wrong with it buzz in and correct me all your corrections must be preceded by the phrase um actually if you don't say that i won't give you the point and it will break my heart and you can interrupt me at any point you don't need to wait till the question is over like a polite individual you could just jump right in there's no polite sportsmanship in in no competition no and he's just like hey hey shut up shut up you said something exactly um that's what we're doing here okay how are you feeling how's everybody feeling so ready i i am more nervous than i thought because you put like a detonator in my hand one of these does explode one of these does make something explode i'm afraid you're breaking it yeah you're like pressing it the light's not going on it's like what the hell and like meanwhile like miles away it's like jeopardy contestants so you can see they're trying yeah their butts are just not working i'll see that sometimes when people are playing because like uh you know like i'll see someone buzzing the light will go but i'll also see someone just like a half second too late because yes why isn't it doing anything uh it's a real bummer when you can see that like both people know it it's like yeah sorry tacos well we'll go ahead and we'll jump right in we'll do our first question here uh this first one is about harry potter thestrals are skeletal horses with bat-like wings of course not every wizard realizes this since thestrals are only visible to wizards who have witnessed death they are often considered omens of misfortune which is among the many reasons they are generally kept away from the hogwarts students actually yes they are not kept away from the hogwarts students they are um actually how many times they say that they are um actually uh used to transport them from the i believe it's the the the end of the train to the school that's correct uh wow uh yes that's a point for michelle and dabs all the way i have already learned something uh this show is value to my life now i've learned something i knew one thing i'm excited you could have some fun but it's also educational yes um that feels like a real harsh way to welcome students into the new school year like just a reminder you've seen death in your life it's like harsh reminder your mom is dead and you saw her get murdered yeah is it about witnessing the death or just like yeah no no no you have to have someone just have to have doubt in your arms right then you get this exactly yeah yeah and then every school year from then on out it's like hey before you get to focusing on your studies you know if you're like hey new year new me i'm gonna just like crack potions this year it's like just a reminder here's a freaking scary horse monster and uh people you love have died that's all great cool enjoy your school year yeah well that's the point for michelle good job good job this next one's a wrestling question oh the new day are known for their rather unique style the trio often wears unicorn themed clothing including unicorn horns on their head they performed the fusion dance from dragon ball z during a match they have a trombone named francesca 2 turbo they even have a real cereal based on them called booty-os and a book titled the book of booty shake it love it never be it ken um actually i feel i have to answer this because i'm a wrestling fan but uh i think oh my gosh uh um actually i think it's just francesca two is the trombone no uh incorrect no god they both um actually they did perform the fusion dance from dragon ball z but it was not during a match uh incorrect um actually there's not three of them there's only two of them no no there's definitely three of them i will say i will say emma you were you were getting close uh with two people who can um actually that's not the actual dance they performed it's another one from dragon ball z um called the give me a dance from dragon ball z there's so many dances in dragon ball z tell me the other one actually it wasn't exactly the fusion dance from dragon ball z because that's only done with two people and there's three of them well okay so here's the thing we're gonna make it really difficult yeah i i guess you you have kind of stumbled into the the correction which is that they did not perform the fusion dance at all so uh you know what i'll go i'm gonna go ahead and give you the point i'm trying to think if like if anyone has any more but i'm seeing a lot of grimacing faces on the couch so it's like i don't think we will so i'm gonna go ahead okay i'll give you the point uh so they didn't perform oh um actually i don't think this is a wrestling question i think it's a dragon ball z and i'm gonna file a complaint with the office you know what that's that's actually that's a very fair criticism of this question uh so they didn't perform the fusion dance but sheamus and cesaro did perform and the new day did at one point pop out of a giant box of budios uh uh in dragon ball scion arm saying armor but we have conflated those uh into being like one big thing that's what happens though like that i feel like that is a lot of the the source of all nerd strife is just like multiple things becoming a single objective yeah just crossover events are a problem yeah also wrestling is wild y'all like what i'm not giving up uh well great i'll give that point that point's going to go to emma narrowly i got to get on the board here well there's still plenty more questions playing more chances uh this next question is about the movie pacific rim piloting a jager by yourself can be fatal as scientist newton geisler explains jaegers are so large they need two brains to move around like a dinosaur to achieve this two pilots share a neural link called drift which allows them to jointly control the robot together huh it can very slowly buzz in those beaten by michelle oh my answer's not great um actually it's the theory does not revolve around dinosaurs having two brains does that make any sense i feel like the dinosaur part is not part of this at all that's right that's why you know what you're you're kind of you're close enough that i'll i'll maybe give it to you that is a lot it is a line that is said in the movie um but at that point he is talking about the kaiju and not uh not the yeagers um you just sort of backed your way into it but you are you are correct in that uh that he's not describing how the acres work in that particular yeah and i knew all of that so totally no way i'm getting it now we can think ourselves into the right you can absolutely just sort of look into michelle and emma because now i'm in yeah you can you can totally like machete bushwhack your way into anything it's like i don't know what's through here but i think this is the way to go yes perfect um this is a very stupid thing from me which is like as i was watching this movie this was the moment that where i like that took me out of it and even in the moment i was like this shouldn't affect me as much as it does but there was a moment in the movie where he was like ah it's like i see there's uh they have two brains they have a brain in their head and their brain and their posterior just like dinosaurs and i was watching that going like that's not true of dinosaurs that's under dinosaurs so he was saying in the movie that dinosaurs have two brains correct he was saying that kaiju have two brains just the way dinosaurs do and what's the book it's a but yeah but for a while this was a theory about specifically stegosaurus that like people thought that stegosaurus was so large and there was this big like they must have two brains that's why there's this cavity in here that's how like they're they managed to move their bodies and it was like it lasts for a while before people were like no that's not that doesn't make any sense that they're like you know what most living creatures have a central nervous system that like you have nerves that go all through every area of your body in the case of dinosaurs tails and butts included that controls everything but they're like nah dinosaurs they gotta have a whole in separate brain brain if you know what i mean well uh point four point four michelle there oh big lead dang uh this question is a fan question so this was submitted by a fan uh this comes to us from yurikana thank you yurikana for this question and this is about the fate stay series the servants who fight on behalf of contestants in the holy grail wars are manifestations of legendary figures like king arthur and gilgamesh however some less expected figures appear as well like christopher columbus buddha abigail williams alexander hamilton nikola tesla helena blavatsky collegue actually i don't think alexander hamilton shows up in the fade stay in series that's correct you're saying that like it's ludicrous but also all these other ones are true listen but the thing is is the the fate stay series is bonkers all those other ones are absolutely true but alexander hamilton before hamilton the musical no one gave a [ __ ] it was not famous enough for the japanese to put him in the fate stay night series it's just it's just logical that's just science hey you know what that's fair i appreciate the logic uh is is the series still going on oh yeah yeah and it will never they never end do you expect that hamilton will make an appearance now in a post-hamilton world i think if hamilton does a world tour then like if lin-manuel miranda is like you know what listen listen i'm gonna put all my money into the asian market then alexander hamilton will be the main character i'm huge in japan in the next phase of hamilton it's bonkers yeah it's like tournaments and and all of these manifestations as you say of historical figures and swords and swords um um actually it was based off of a video game first the very first thing that was a video game it was like a dating sim game and then it got turned into an anime and then went backwards into more games and then it's like split up into little side areas and there's just like there's even a spin-off where they just cook and i've seen it wait when you say they do you mean like the historical manifestations or like the humanoid version i thought wrestling was weird but this is this is something else that's what i'm saying it's all everything's really weird everything's weird as hell um well point for emma for that one uh and thank you again yurikana for that question well this brings us to our first shiny question of the game shiny questions like shiny pokemon are worth the same amount they're just a little different and a little bit rarer cool so uh this is a game called order up uh where we want you to put things in a specific order in this case it is uh arranging spaceships in order of size so whoever gets the most correct will get the point for this one uh all right go ahead and flip these over let's take a look at these so all right cool uh so i decided to go the cylon raider first okay the attacker uh then the united planet star cruiser then the by and large axiom city ship then the executor superstar destroyer and then the uh the board cube that's how i went all right yeah emma let's see what you got uh so my answers are surprisingly similar to cash okay i promise i did not cheat but i think the only thing we have switched is i had the attacker first and then the cylon raider then the planet starship then the city ship then the executor class star destroyer and then the borg assimilation queue very good and then michelle let's let's see what you got uh the word cube sounded really small today i mean i'm wrong attacker did planet star cruiser next because i was like it's probably like ufo size like standard [Laughter] we're all familiar with it's um a small little trunk but enough that you feel like you're getting around uh you can drive your friends around cylon raider because it had wings and i thought the wingspan would make it bigger than the other thing yeah we're going by bird rules that makes sense here executor class stardust there's like a lot of windows so i thought maybe there's like a lot of people there is a lot of windows yeah vader loves staring out with us i'm sick of having the only corner off that's darth vader just staring out away to be fair and then the by and large axiom city because it has the word large and i thought this one is the biggest one i'm gonna be great about that when your logic is tracking yeah great well looking at this i think michelle you got two correct uh emma i think you got one correct and ken i think you also got two correct three okay i got three um great um and then uh yeah so our second rate is the smallest um then the attacker uh then your standard average size that's what i got was the standard ufo your borg cube uh the buy and large axiom ship is from wall-e and then your ginormous uh starter storage i've grossly underestimated the borg and i'd like to apologize borg right now yeah an admiral job all around but that point's going to go to ken yes [Applause] well we made a whole bunch of mistakes and luckily you were there to tell us what we got wrong here's some of our favorite corrections from you the viewers at tina cohen dang says dr dillamond was a life sciences professor not a history professor i'm sorry we implied otherwise that's one point for tinaco and dang but you'll have to go to oz to get it and from our exclusive dropout discord m griffin 96 says um actually lukitu has also appeared in super mario 64 not as an enemy but holding the camera behind mario as the third person perspective which [ __ ] says i'm actually richard feynman is my grandpa and trap pronounced his name incorrectly it should be pronounced fineman not feinman i did unfortunately mispronounce that however you spelled my last name wrong so we're going to call it even no points all around well uh our next question is about game of thrones the five competitors for the throne in the war of the five kings were robb stark joffrey baratheon renly baratheon stannis baratheon and balon greyjoy in both the tv series and the books the fighting caused by this feud has continued up to the current story despite all of these characters now being dead um actually they're not all dead you're going to have to be more specific um actually baylor greyjoy is not dead incorrect um actually yeah definitely uh um actually is it stannis he's not dead he said um uh i i'm actually this and actually stannis isn't all the way dead he's only mostly dead um you've you've hit it closer you you've got farther away i think um you're not 100 accurate but i think you're you might be close enough that'll give you the point unless someone can be exactly 100 accurate here um actually stannis baratheon um is basically a statue because he has succumbed to greyscale incorrectly cool cool this is my wheelhouse and i'm not even sure all right about ghosts no i don't know oh yeah so we'll go ahead and give you the point um so we said that in both the tv show and the books all these characters are dead but the point of fact stannis is not dead in the books yet did i say yet but i don't know what's going to happen maybe things are going to get wildly different books yeah and the books the books yeah that's good that's good that was good oh boy it's time for some star wars expanded universe knowledge oh legends are the worst things ever they're not star wars they're the worst stuff jedi master jorah sebao the contemporary of jedi master dooku and a friend of senator palpatine eventually fell to the dark side as a dark jedi he obtained a tissue sample from luke skywalker's severed hand and created a dark sided clone named luke skywalker that's luke with two users that is 100 correct i'm not going to wait luke with two u's luke with two u's um actually there's more than two youths luke skywalker might as well be yeah the way we are every it's like a multiplicity situation clones and then it's just keep adding more luke's yeah used to the middle of luke yeah um actually dooku is not in the air of the empire trilogy of novels written by timothy zahn which this jedi is in uh that's not what we have on the card but but we're going to we're going to check on it um i mean i'm tempted to say he's right about that we said he's a contemporary of not that they like me but he's right that dude who's not a character and that's in that storyline all right all right all right well uh maybe i'll give you a point i kind of want to see if anyone can figure out what what uh what's going on here um actually his name was luke luke skywalker and the third club was called luke luke skywalker so you're wrong i'm going to go ahead i'm going to give the point to ken for you know it's like it was a little bit being annoying for being in the beginning this whole this whole show is about being annoying exactly um and also because this question is particularly difficult and annoying uh so the fact that you you caught us on something else like fine cool take take the point um what we were looking for is that it was joris's clone jorus oh my god not joris which i know i know there's a pronunciation thing here too but the biography that we gave for this character described the original george sebeau and not the clone jurors you're right you're right yeah you're right in the expanded universe who doesn't have a clone like i feel like the list of people who are lacking clubs a lot of people palpatine also had a son with the third eye called yes with the triclops yeah yeah not a huge fan of what they had done yeah there was there was a lot it could have been worse guys who don't like how much of the expanded universe did you read uh i actually stopped after the jedi academy series by kevin j anderson in about 1994. okay uh and love the new era of star wars canon because uh chewie doesn't get crushed by a moon also they drink way less hot chocolate yeah they're way less i had no problem with lando teaching luke hot chocolate though i'm okay with that do you think chewie getting crushed by a moon is the silliest thing to happen in the expanded universe no that's actually one of the more plausible and realistic things that happens hey here's an embarrassing thing about me i'm terrible with decisions i'm really bad at it i spend way too much time weighing all the pros and cons of everything honestly i'd be much happier if someone else could make my choices for me and with food at least they can with hellofresh with hellofresh you'll get fresh pre-measured ingredients and mouth-watering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door enjoy a wide variety of easy delicious options for all three meals and every snack and special treat in between within the hellofresh market there's a lot of stuff to eat and now you know you're thinking i can't eat that can i yes you can hello fresh's fresh ingredients are sourced directly from growers delivered straight from the farm to your door in 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watching the anime series from the 90s she is either sailor galaxias starseed 90s anime series or she is actually an incarnation of sailor cosmos in the manga uh yes that's correct what's the point uh uh chibiusa and chibi-chibi not related nothing to do with her just yeah yeah no as a matter of fact like depending on some theories uh on who sailor cosmos is exactly within the manga she might actually be chibius's mom because there's a theory that like that sailor cosmos is like a future sailor moon who's like living with all of these choices that she made it's really beautiful are any one of them clones [Laughter] we're good yeah surprisingly few nope i take that back i was gonna be like there's no clones in sailor moon but that is not true because in the um black moon clan story arc they do have clones of basically like there's a there's a scene where like they're trying to basically replace the senshi with like clone versions of themselves now that i'm saying this i think that might only be a petite trencher which is one of these stages yeah yeah yeah you said something wrong it's like very specific something wrong about the stage music i'm sorry one of the likes you lose um well that's i mean more correct than we were even looking for so yeah certainly uh one point for that thank you um uh and and beat michelle to the you were you were both like yeah it was like a pair of racers all the time clicker over there real for a moment there it got real got it real [Music] and this is our second shiny question of the game is the game called fictionary i'm gonna give you a name of a creature or monster from folklore or mythology be up to you to draw it to the best of your ability won't be judging the quality of the drawing but how accurate it is your answer is casa obake i know exactly what this is [Music] all right well let's see what you got um the same as before we'll go down the line start with ken and then we'll see how it where we where we went that's probably a better idea to start with me and i agree uh it's a flying rabbit i don't think you realized it was a flying rabbit okay yeah it's got a outfit on and it's got a little uh little uh saddle okay or jon snow could have used one for his dragon and some wings and he's very serious he's dower almost wearing his arms yeah well he's his arms are yeah he's got wings he's got wings yeah yeah uh you need them to get around this world i love imagining a creature that is a flying rabbit but it has no joy yeah no he's got a job to do i'm a cuddly adorable creature that can fly and i just i hate every minute of it i think it looks like a griffin [ __ ] it who from hoovo well on my next page i've i've drawn that as well um well that's i think that's pretty far off from what we're looking for but let's see how other folks did here emma um so uh casa obake um it's an umbrella monster nothing less um it is uh actually mine particularly looks like something you might have seen on a 90s episode of sailor moon uh this perhaps would have been a student who uh was very sad in the rain and had their energy drained by like the dark kingdom and got their soul replaced with something evil umbrella yeah it's like it's kind of an evil looking umbrella i gave him some teeth okay um but yeah it's it's an umbrella monster it's a living umbrella yeah it is a living umbrella uh yeah there there are some you know features here that i might have been looking for that you don't or that you don't have but you've got you've got the basics just that is umbrella monster so uh it'd be crazy of me to say like no it's not the right umbrella yeah this should have been a cheap dwayne reed umbrella and you put uh put a curly handle thing there yeah it's very good it's a little witchy uh michelle let's take a look at your eyes are almost the same except you know what you're missing is a speech bubble indicating how spooky it is so casa means umbrella obake means literally monster ghost uh yeah in the tradition of japanese yokai which are spirits or ghosts i guess uh there are a lot of inanimate objects that are made into ghosts like umbrellas uh a bit of toilet paper that one found once uh just like little objects could become also ghosts so this is very it's exactly the same as emma's mine is talking sure well why don't we take a look at what yeah let's take a look at what the casa bakker maybe it looks like uh oh it's the footage yeah yeah like if you if you erase half that face it's pretty close to this uh it's often sort of like one eye and the foot um but you know but that's not that's not all the time so you know like the the main thing i'm looking here was umbrella monster um actually like that version is specifically from gay new guitar and there are versions that look that are similar like without the shoe and with the shoes um cool well uh point for both emma and michelle hey i know i pretend like i know everything but i make a lot of mistakes too you noticed something that i got wrong you can correct me by tweeting at um actually show or by going to our exclusive dropout discord and correcting me there we like what you have to say we might even feature your correction in a future episode cool all right here we go in tang and topicer and login the evil spiral king has four mecha piloting supreme generals the spiral king named each general for one of the four nuclear bases of dna and like the king and his armies they are all beast men human animal hybrids there is addiana the elegant with a scorpion tail cetomandra the swift who has a colorful plumage guam the immovable who was essentially a large talking armadillo and tim elf the crashing one who is gorilla-like um actually a scorpion is not an animal it is an insect insects are animals are they yes i'm going to say i'm going to very firmly if i'm gonna i'm going to plant but i'm not going to be convinced otherwise on this one um actually the last guy wasn't gorilla type pokemon type pokemon he was a gorilla boy he's a different kind of boy uh incorrect but i would love if pokemon added a gorilla type uh dang it um actually this is a wild cast here yeah but the king and his armies they're not all beast men that's correct uh can you can you be a little more suspicious i'm gonna give you the point anyway i cannot that's what i was going for was scorpion because [Applause] specifically what we were looking for is that the king the spiral king himself is not a beast man um uh spiral king is a human who created and leads the beastmen so uh that point we'll go to ken oh wow um here's a question about uh the marvel cinematic universe in the international release of captain america 2 the winter soldier we see that steve rogers has a list of things he missed while in cryo sleep that he'd like to catch up on here is that list i love lucy moon landing berlin wall up and down steve jobs apple pisco thai food star wars trek nirvana band rocky rocky 2 and troubleman soundtrack ah boy it's one of those things within on that list ken um actually it's just rocky no incorrect um actually thai food is on there uh thai food is on there yeah um actually it doesn't include star trek because disney doesn't own the license to that but i can't put that in their mind that's an amazing guess but that's incorrect yeah um actually it's the foo fighters not nirvana yeah we should have included the foo fighters on that uh that's incorrect i'm gonna go ahead and call it we may not be able to guess our way into this one okay because uh it's not a list the problem was actually at the very beginning i said in the international release of captain america oh my god but that list changed for every country that they released it in um uh yeah so in the uk the beatles in the world cup are on the list in japan it includes dance dance revolution and old boy uh and in france it includes the fifth element uh so they sort of tailored that list for the cultural touchstones for each individual country france uh well no points for that one unfortunately this is a game we're calling once more without feeling uh so i can do that i'm going to read the lyrics of a song with as little melody rhythm or affect as i can it'll be up to you to identify where it's from in this case we will be doing cartoon theme songs these are all segments theme songs to cartoons who's that coming from somewhere up in the sky moving fast and bright as a firefly just when you think the trouble's gonna pounce who's gonna be there when it really counts um actually this is the theme song for mighty mouse uh no no i was going there too nice now i'm johnny blank um actually is this part of darkwing duck that i don't know uh it's not though dang it ah i know the pressure's unmeted out here uh uh throw a wild guess up there maybe actually uh i'm gonna make up a cartoon called danger cat it is not the f it is not danger cat uh this was care bears bears i don't remember anything about care bears in the sky but i don't know man here's the next one when you want to page me it's okay i just can't wait until i hear my cell phone ring doesn't matter if it's day or night pages um uh is kim possible it is kim possible [Laughter] that is kim possible nice here's our next one disguises disguises surprises surprises and pies of and pies of all sizes um actually this is top cat uh incorrect incorrect only cat cartoons you can think of yeah it's just cat cartoons i only answer in cat cartoons um actually uh it's um [Music] rocco's modern life no it's not incorrect yeah yeah yeah it is a cat show it's like garfield it is garfield in france and then i was like no i don't have words and i don't yeah five o'clock get a call to go blading at the skate park down by the mall but my mom says i got to prevent hostile aliens from annihilating us all ken i'm actually invader zim uh no um actually this is jimmy neutron the show uh no no that is that is my life as a teenage robot yeah i haven't seen that one more current one i've got my computer i swing through the air i play the piano and i have blue hair me i invent things me me me me um actually this version of dexter's laboratory where he's blue hair alternate reality alternate reality no no um actually this is a a new version of johnny quest uh i'm friends incorrect correct uh i'm actually is is it the powerpuff girls because uh i'm just gonna it is not the girl or the answer uh yeah this is muppet babies this is a section of muffin babies oh my god oh yeah yeah yeah you don't have that too like that's like three years of my life in college i was thinking like blue hair but it's like i feel like i've invested so much time into the theme songs from cartoons that now they don't know anything i don't know anything all that time i like them they're mostly babies and they're making their dreams come true why were they doing it now i know it's puppet babies too all right we've got one more all right here we go but we're the misfits our songs are better um actually it's from gem uh hologram yes correct jim and the holograms like five times well that was uh one for ken one from michelle uh so you both tie with the most there got in that garfield one yeah i feel really worried about that i'm sorry i'm sorry it's okay uh well uh one point then for both ken and michelle well this is our last question of the game all right which as always concerns real life skills want to not frustrate your bartender you probably know that ordering a drink on the rocks means it will be poured over ice but if you order a drink up that means you'll get a drink that has been chilled and strained into a glass but no ice and if you're ordering a drink with vermouth in it like a manhattan or a martini and you ask for it dry it will come with less vermouth than if you order them wet um actually if you order it dry it'll come with more vermouth not less incorrect i was a bartender for like three years and i just forgot that [ __ ] i'm a whiskey on the rocks guys so right well you lost me after that all right too many terms because it's easy to order today once you work your way to the front of the bar at a club that's all just give me what you got we don't know anything yeah i failed at life actually this is not right manhattan doesn't have vermouth in it manhattan does have it does i know it does i just don't go down the path i did don't go down that's good we'll go ahead and call that then i'll i'll reveal it so what i had said was if you order a drink vermouth in it like a manhattan or a martini and you ask for it dry it will come with less vermouth but uh that is true of a martini but if you ask for a dry uh manhattan it's made with dry vermouth instead of stuff sweet versus the amount of vermouth so it is only true of one of those two drinks that i mentioned very very i'm gonna stick with my whiskey on the rocks there's no confusion you know what i want whiskey rocks well that makes our final score four four five a very tight game type game and our winner is michelle bradley thank you congratulations uh thank you all for playing with us today and thank you for watching join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 102,017
Rating: 4.9784341 out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Id: C51TuAxhUY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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