Diablo, Diddy Kong, Dora Milaje

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from orcs to snorks nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] joining us today we have shane brown hello there jordan dahl hi and iffy waddyway hey what's good everybody uh the game is very simple i have here a stack of statements these are false statements about the franchises that you love the most it's up to you to buzz in find the thing that is wrong with what i've said and correct me you have to proceed your correction with the phrase um actually if you don't i won't give you the point i'm uh wildly uncomfortable around all of these kind of quarter turn off nerd paraphernalia that a poke cube back there it's a ketchum cube yeah well with that we will jump right into our first question this is about diablo the video game diablo while the village of tristrum serves as the setting of the first diablo game we revisit it briefly in diablo 2. though the only npc from the first game still in tristram deckard kane has been captured by demons over running the town chain it's not deckard kane um actually it's not deckard kane it's not is the npc uh but not the npc uh no deckard kane uh is is a character yes i'm actually no decker kane isn't the only npc you still have the armorer the jeweler the uh blacksmith which is the same as the armorer you know all you the the other upgrade they're there you are close you you're technically wrong in that you've offered uh too much information to the point where you become wrong but i i i i okay but but i'm tempted to give you the point yeah you should uh because i was coming with you i know someone who might have a smoother answer you know but i gave it to me i just gave you too much meat you're correct in that uh deckard kane is not the only npc so you give us too many so i feel like you're just coming with a guess but you know what if you can guess who that other uh other other person is don't you guess the other person if you want the point scottie pippen weird game diablo it's just it's just deckard kane and scottie pippen welcome come just stay awhile i don't know what's happening charles barkley and michael jordan let's find some demons it's like space jam but with devils yeah well that's how they got on fire nba jam is scottie pippen fire crossover universe you got the diabolical powers i would play the [ __ ] out of that game so you do you see decker kane you do also see the the blacksmith but he is a zombie now the all the other folks you don't see the jeweler and stuff but uh you did tell us that we do also see the blacksmith it gave us a little too much to be wrong i'm still gonna give you the point uh so that is a one point for iffy diablo was like one of those first games that like like legitimately scared me when i was playing it you know what i mean i was banned from that game because my my mom didn't want to bring the don't bring that devil around my house all right well we will move on to our next question which is about overwatch oh my lips are just tingling the heroes of overwatch run the gamut from plausible to far-fetched including a super-intelligent gorilla named winston a dwarven engineer named torbjorn and a celebrity musician named lucio uh i'm actually torbjorn isn't a dwarf he's just short that's true torbjorn is not a dwarf he just is a dwarf in like every possible way he's just sure if you're like draw a picture of a dwarf it would be like there's a guy like in mechanical armor with a hammer and you're like are you a dwarf who's like i take offense to that yeah why are you dressed exactly like a dwarf why do you live in a mountain i'm sorry what's your name again torbjorn [Laughter] yeah uh all right we will move on uh this next question is about dragon ball z [Laughter] watch me just whiff this question too i don't want to be too jazzed up all right look at this right here let's go watch goku saiyan warrior and hero of earth first learns the kamehameha energy attack from the namekian warrior piccolo incorporating it into his fighting guess iffy um actually he does not learn the kamehameha from piccolo i think he learns it from king kai uh he doesn't learn it from piccolo but you are not correct in that king kai shay he learns it from the the older gentleman with the beard i've seen like four episodes oh my god i mean you're correct about it but she didn't know it was mathematicians with the beard am i wrong though more importantly shane you didn't say i'm actually i'm actually he learned it from master roshi that is correct i think as a tie breaker you guys should jump 70 feet in the air and fight for like four episodes that's also in the iffy folder fighting fighting and lifting weights that's uh those are my sub classes do you feel like um like a love of of dragon ball z led you to being like i gotta i go to like body building and weightlifting and stuff like that 100 i say that all the time that's why i started lifting weights because you want to get as strong as goku and it's the only place that it's acceptable to go and no one thinks you're crazy you know that's true they think you're crazy they're just all so crazy no i'm crazy too everyone in the gym is trying to go super saiyan the weights are just an excuse maybe today maybe today's the day this brings us to our question about marvel brian coogler's black panther takes us to wakanda where for the first time in the marvel cinematic universe we'll meet the dora melange a team of elite women bodyguards who protect the monarch of wakanda iffy i'm actually i don't think they're called the dorman j i think they have a different name uh no that is the correct name all right well uh um actually i believe we met them in civil war already that's correct we've already met the dora milage when we met uh when we first met black panther himself that pronounced it so like i didn't when i heard it that's that's fair that's right i i'm certainly not pronouncing it because i'm nigerian you know there's a way you say like dora you know what you say like that's totally reasonable i i i apologize for no no it's not your fault that is all perfectly reasonable i still get the point though right yes absolutely yeah i already been mowed it it's i gotta pay somebody i gotta only got that point i gotta pay some points back from a different show i sucked i'm sure you got negative points like i went on jeopardy and i sucked real hard so i gotta come on here and slowly earn a couple points to pay him back how great would that be if when you're leaving they're just like you know we need those points we'll be calling look we don't care whether you go on i'm actually or join weight watchers i don't care you just need to give us these damn points and that brings us to uh our first shiny question of the game they're just like shiny pokemon right they're the same as other questions just a little bit different and a little bit rarer now spelling in english is hard enough spelling and sci-fi and fantasy is damn near impossible extra apostrophes consonants and all kinds of [ __ ] all over the place so i am going to give you a word from uh sci-fi fantasy uh and ask for you to spell it apostrophe count spaces count your word is razal ghoul shane razo i'm actually raz al ghul r a apostrophe s space a l apostrophe g u l razal ghoul that is incorrect i'm sorry to say uh close but no actually how close was he though he was pretty close he was pretty close gosh i wish i was paying more attention um [Laughter] r a apostrophe s space a h apostrophe space g u l no that's that's not correct either can you use it in a sentence sure one of batman's most formidable villains and one of the few to ascertain his true identity is bruce wayne ross algul has been a stalwart of the comic franchise hearing in batman begins is played by liam neeson r a apostrophe um actually it's spelled r a apostrophe s space a l apostrophe g h u l gosh you're so close i'm almost i'm gonna give you the point but i'm not going to uh i'm gonna say that goes to no one it is uh r a apostrophe s space a l space g-h-u-l you that should have been a space and not an apostrophe it's the speech impediment that i have it's a nigerian thing i just kept trying to see the batman begins credit roll in my head in my memory it was like the credit roll and right before raza go i looked down i was like oh somebody forgot some popcorn well uh sorry to say no points there but uh a very valiant effort very close uh i guess it's all around we've made some mistakes in some past episodes and here they are at 16 notes says um actually you never specified whether the handmaid's tale question was based on the show or the book and the book alfred's original name is never specified it's only in the show that her name is defined blessed be at 16 note you get a point at jordana dockery 2 says brilliant can't be pronounced by the human tongue therefore nobody should have gotten a point yes but the question is about spelling relie not pronouncing it something you have done incorrectly no points for jordana doctrine 2. and from our dropout discord maroc last says um actually pokemon games are not exclusively named after gemstones they're also named for colors and celestial bodies this of course in reference to a joke i was saying just for fun but as we all know having fun is no excuse for being incorrect one point for maroc last our next question is about donkey kong donkey okay donkey kong is the incredibly popular star of his own series of video games featuring his archrival king karul as well as diddy kong who unlike the naked gorilla-esque donkey kong has a tail and wears clothing shane um actually donkey kong is not naked he wears a tie that is correct hey i've got a pretty shocking fact for you it's december and that means it's time to start watching christmas movies but what if you're like i got my favorite christmas movie but it's not here if you use expressvpn you can access any netflix library from anywhere in the world we do a lot of research on this show all right and we can't always trust every fan wiki or every forum we have to go to the original source material watch the original show but here's the problem alright sometimes some movies are streaming in some countries but not others like if i want to watch die hard i can do that i can watch die hard on netflix in south korea and here's the problem i'm not living in south korea and that's where expressvpn comes in you open the app you change your location you refresh the app and boom you're digitally in another country gremlins and french netflix no problem love actually in german netflix you can do that too because expressvpn lets you control where you want sites to think you're located and there's over a hundred other locations to choose from so you can use expressvpn to access any streaming service i'm talking about disney plus hulu bbci player maybe we've hidden some video that you can only get in japan there are a lot of other vpns out there the reason to use expressvpn is because it's ridiculously fast we don't have the patience or attention spans to deal with long load times or buffering and we know that you don't either expressvpn works with all your devices too phones tablet media consoles smart tvs does it work on a smart fridge i don't know if you try it out let me know the point is that you can watch it however you want on the go or on the big screen if you visit our special link right now expressvpn.com actually you can get three months of expressvpn for free you can support the show watch what you want all at expressvpn.com actually uh donkey kong wears a tie so he is not technically naked uh although it would get you fired probably if you showed up at work like i'm not naked this is just i've got a tie on he's just running late he just had to get out the door i'm dressed for the job you want i guess like what are you aiming for like what's in the jungle it's like today's the day donkey you're gonna go get it that is a point for shane this is about star wars like the rebel alliance before it the resistance opposes fascism in the galaxy this time at the hands of the first order led by general hux and the sith lord kylo ren both operating under the command of supreme leader snoke iffy i'm actually they're they're they're not they're not under snow uh only kylo is kylo is like snoke's homie uh the other dude ain't [Laughter] not even waiting for me to be like nah it's like nah i got this uh that is incorrect shane what's on your mind shane what am i going to talk to well let me take care of this one uh um actually snoke is not associated with the first order officially uh no no that that feels like a almost a rewording of what uh what if he's going for it but that's that that is that is not what i'm going for jordan kylo ren is not a sith lord that is correct he's an apprentice he uh uh oh sorry hold on i've said you did not say all that [ __ ] oh you're kidding me uh uh i'm actually you're the heart [Laughter] kylo ren isn't a sith lord he's an apprentice well uh kyle kylo ren is not a sith lord but he's also not an apprentice my dumb thing come on uh um shane do you have the correct um actually uh kylo ren is not a sith lord he is a knight of ren that is correct he's not a separator he's a knight of ren why you why did you do me like that i did myself like that you were just in the blast zone i was [Laughter] i mean it's totally fair like like even the knights of red have to be like oh like come on we're what are we doing here this is sith right like oh it's a different cooler thing it's it's very different oh you're right it is very different still like it's still like it's like we're going to follow the things that the sith do we're just going to call it something else right it's a rebranding you know they were like the symptoms he changed [Laughter] who's that sassy new alt sith next door what's he thinking and we are on question 8 which is about tomb raider laura croft heroine of the tomb raider video game series has adept at solving puzzles exploring ruins and all forms of combat the difficulty of the original games was partially offset by the ability to play tutorials in croft manor a deserted mansion where laura would train um actually you couldn't there were no tutorials in the mansion it was just for splorin uh nope um actually croft manor wasn't deserted that's correct can you be more specific the butler was there that is correct what a hail mary just out of nowhere goodness gracious i want the name of that butler oh yes i had no i had i've never played a tomb raider game oh what the hell imagine i was like this is like a fictional property if there's one person you're just gonna leave by themselves in the match it's like you don't get to leave butler you stay here who's gonna teach you and bowler's the one who passes down all the family secrets if batman has taught me anything it's that the butler's the one who tells you how to do this he really knows everything yes there was uh there was a creepy butler who would follow you around with tea the whole time that's the majority of what buttling is this is all tea related i'll bottle you up some tea [Laughter] what would i do without you jesus was that another butler talking to her yeah yeah that's just how everyone talks it's just a room full of butlers it's like i gotta do something i'm gonna do some g i wouldn't dream of it yeah some g g for the buttons uh well that is out of nowhere a point for shane oh this brings us to our second shiny question [Music] we're gonna put an image up on the screen and there's gonna be something wrong with it up to you to identify it buzz in and correct it you don't have to say i'm actually for this one the form is a little different but you can if you want to feel extra safe what is wrong with oh if he is buzzing immediately i'm actually they're not playing the hollow chest they're playing like hollow warhammer 40k uh no that is not correct all right i haven't seen star wars oh this might be another dumb one because i just have a condition where when i see it i just see it looks like that thing got a face back there was that it was that the answer is it doesn't happen in the in the hall right back there you got the face it's too light yeah yeah it's looking like yo no that's not what we're going for it's very funny just the real snaps this time for reals this time you got three guesses i know i should give it up but i won't uh he's his lightsaber color's wrong ah that is correct oh my gosh i'm sorry i feel bad it's okay i wouldn't have gotten it well yes that is correct uh luke's uh this lightsaber here is red should not be red uh it should be oh my gosh it is a very light red it's a little hard to see this is also a very unfair question for the color blind uh it might be a little far away i was gonna say it was the the gun that they have down there why didn't they use that on the death star they're heavily armed why did they have to sneak in the way they did you're saying that gun could have turned the tide of this on here chewie they forgot it on the ship you shoot at it to be clear you're uh you're not saying that they should have used this rifle to fire it at the death star you're saying when they when they this was before they infiltrated the destination they should have yeah yeah i'm not suggesting just like hang out the window and that's no moon [ __ ] go go go all right well that is a point for iffy now of course we're not perfect here either we may have made some mistakes if you spotted something that we got wrong and you want to correct us just tweet at um actually show we might even give you a point this is about last of us in the award-winning horror video game our protagonist joel loses his daughter to an attack by the infected and has to protect ellie i don't yes i'm actually his daughter is killed by the government not not the infected that is correct uh he uh his daughter is not killed during the during the zombie attack sean killed by a member of the national guard like with him and in the first five minutes of the game it wrecked me wrecked me i'm like y'all like if there is like a zombie apocalypse going down like to like die through something like that yeah that's what you got to watch out for man that is a hundred percent how i'm going for sure i'm gonna like run to panicked and like slip down the stairs and i'm gonna like run into trap like the zombies won't kill me it'll just be like i don't know what i'm doing i'm like i'm gonna get trampled in a trader joe's for sure yeah here is a question about mass effect krogan a race of reptilian warrior humanoids were subject to a terrible bioweapon used by their enemies the armor-plated turians and crafted by the amphibious solarians this weapon known as the genophage infected and killed 99.9 of krogan's living at the time all but ensuring extinction um actually the solarians aren't amphibious uh no though they are that i'm sorry that's not it oh good swing um it didn't kill them it just made them unable to reproduce that's correct i'm actually oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] actually is it correct oh actually it didn't kill the krogans it made them unable to reproduce oh no that is correct it is a sterility plague uh and uh just made us that their successful birth rate is one in a thousand uh this brings us to our last shiny question of the game [Music] super saying this is a game where you match uh sayings with particular characters these could be catchphrases there could be all kinds of things this particular round we are going to be matching last words let's go jordan is buzzing in better be worth at least six points this is correct the point goes to jordan good nerd so uh looking at the answers there you have it our people are people boromir if you strike me down i shall become more powerful and possibly imaginable which wasn't really true yeah he sort of just became a ghost yeah it's gonna put her around it would have been more useful alive then we have uh terminator muldoon from jurassic park the wicked witch of course and john hardigan from sin city there you have it this uh brings us to our final question of the game and as always our last question concerns real life skills venomous creatures are one of the most serious risks facing those who spend a lot of time outdoors since you can never be sure what may bite you those most concerned about risk can spend several hundred dollars for universal anti-venom that will neutralize venom from all spiders insects and snakes shane um actually that doesn't work for spiders that is incorrect um actually there is no universal anti-venom that's correct universal antivenom does not exist you need anti-venom specifically for the creature that bites you which is insane because it means that if you get bitten by something you need to have the wherewithal to be like remember that snake i need to identify that snake so i can know what snake bit me yeah and get the enemies yeah so if you get bitten by something venomous take note of colors and things things that you think might be valuable because uh otherwise they won't know how to treat you uh that is the end of the episode it looks like iffy is our winner with six points jordan with two shane with four join us next time for even more hyper specific banana corrections here on um actually
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 212,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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