Hodor, Portable Holes, Philip K. Dick (with Kristian Nairn)

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It's a great episode, but it's not recent. It's from season 1 (episode 22) from early 2019.

If you liked this, there have been at least 4 episodes other than this with CR cast members:

  • Matt was on season 1 episode 8 in November 2018.
  • Marisha's on season 2 episode 1 in July, 2019. She gets to face Brennan here; so far Matt and Brennan haven't faced off.
  • Matt and Marisha are both on the Valentine's Day episode from season 3 (which was last year just before the pandemic hit).
  • Matt is on the D&D all-stars episode, season 4 episode 5 from this past September.

And a lot of CR guests (Amy Vorpahl, Erika Ishii, Ally Beardsly, Ife Nwadiwe, etc) have been on as well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 78 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sumner_H πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"massively flex"

Isn't there, like, one question about DnD in the whole episode?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RollForThings πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This isn't the one where he flexes his D&D muscle. That was the last episode he was in where they showed a short D&D comic, asked the players to find the 12 things wrong with it, and Mat found all 13 errors they had made (yes, he found one even they didn't know was wrong until they fact checked it). lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/feor1300 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love this show so much, it's literally the highlight of my week along with CR :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LittlestSapphire πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

College Humour is still a thing?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/naryn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 31 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can we get Becca as a guest player, please?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chatnoir17 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I never thought I'd be disappointed in Matt until I found out he never read Wheel of Time. I feel... conflicted.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Drakonous πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
from boba fett to boba bobo bobobo nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's something they love above all else that is correcting people this is um actually [Applause] joining us today we have matt mercer becca scott it is my great honor to be here and john gabrius mahalo bro and try to do that as unironically he's got the he's got the aloha shirt and he's saying [Laughter] aloha's a very well-known hawaiian phrase and he went from mahalo i don't know what a what a great crew we have here all of you previous contestants all of you have won at least one episode before um so this should be a nice fun uh battle royale easy breezy battle royale stay fun as many times before we do it as possible it's going to be fun guys like i can't say it's getting fun it sounds like my mom on a ride to a museum yeah it's like a road trip come on right have fun already they have installations we're gonna learn but it's going to be fun uh you've all been on the show before so you know the rules but for any new viewers at home uh it's very simple this uh i have here a stack of statements these are untrue statements about things that you enjoy uh it's up to you to find what's wrong with them buzzing and correct me all your corrections have to be preceded by the phrase um actually and you can interrupt me at any point uh during the question reading in philip k dick's do android's dream of electric sheep rick deckard is a blade runner specialized bounty hunter that finds and retires escaped rogue androids um actually they're not androids they're that other thing that's in blade runner uh they are called replicants but they are they they are androids uh if we're gonna use like a generalized uh definition of androids yes matt um actually that was the point i was about to make uh well i already took it from you you probably knew the word i did yeah they are androids uh they're they're they're called replicants but they're essentially you know if we're talking like a general definition of what an android is they're read it again yeah get out of here that's it i'm actually that is the plot of the movie blade runner which is not the actual plot of the book which move electric sheep uh they're uh the uh i am describing a position and not not necessarily the plot and then it is it is sort of kind of the same thing um actually he prefers the name dick decker it just sounds right it's like dick deckard it's like it's like putting a bunch of dice in your mouth dick deckard a really hard uncomfortable sound that i insist all my friends refer to me as uh uh no it is it is it is rick deckard and i will say this is also an incredibly tricky weird bit of trivia that i throw at you um actually he doesn't retire them he just issues the test to determine if they are replicants well if they're not he does retire them yeah he does he does retire them he does put them on a farm where they can run around for a while and have a good time that's where they are yeah no my replicant actually went to a farm no points uh i'm gonna uh i'm gonna lay this a little bit save us please uh so in in the book do andrew's dream of electric sheep the term blade runner does not ever appear that is not a term that exists and in fact the term blade runner was borrowed wholesale from a completely different book there is a book that is that is called blade runner that makes sense with that title that is about like a post-apocalyptic future where people were like where surgeons are like stealing organs and things like that using their scalpels and things that's where the name bladerunner comes from nowhere in the original book like a some executive was just like ah this sounds cool we'll make that the title of that executive in a meeting who's like yeah i read the book and they're uh we gotta go with this asshole's idea now he's too high on the ladder some vp just a stack of things they might want to adapt next time like we're talking about blade runner right and everyone's like yes sir we're talking about blade runner blade runner was a movie i tried five times like i tried to get into it when i was like 13 16 19 and it took the new blade runner coming out for me to re-watch the original giving it my fifth try finally enjoyed it i felt it was like my nerd homework i was like no i had it was like robert jordan's wheel of time i'm like i'm gonna get to it i am ashamed to to say the same thing i was just like because everyone was like it's like this is the best and it's like i don't i i'm so bored right now i am so utterly bored maybe it required having a lot of copious free time and not allowed to do as a child you appreciate the movie which i had so i enjoyed it thoroughly sitting alone in my room i i'll say i think like i recognize that this is the like minority opinion and that i'm wrong here but it's like one of those things which is like you you like i'm feeling like such a like an idiot where someone's like it's such an amazing movie i'm like i don't i've yet to tell you i understand it because i don't know what's going on like i'm really bored yeah i don't want to tell anyone that though yeah they'll think i'm dumb was there narration or no narration because that's i tried both i tried both over the years i finally tried one and people were like well you know there's two yeah you gotta watch the director's call is the problem no you gotta watch the director's director's call like all right this is fun this one's five hours long and you'll love it did you really read all of wheel of time that's like 20 bucks i'm like six books in but i have to take a break because it's boring no character makes a decision ever you could just they don't make a choice ever i haven't started them because i i know like even though it's like all this iconic fantasy series and it's just like it does it's like yeah it feels like nerd homework it's like i know i should read this and i just i'd rather when people tell you it gets really good at book seven how hard it is 2800 pages i have to get through to enjoy this book look at that that's not even like jump over to the stormlight archives or even maybe name of the wind you know treat yourself right get crazy yeah okay we'll move on to our next question which is about video games here hey listen the zelda series is full of helpful fairies who can heal you provide you with information or improve your gear while some of these are unnamed others like tingle navi and tattle are important characters in their own right um actually tattle is not an important character well you know there it's a named character we can make if that's a little bit uh subjective but uh no that's not what we're going for here matt um actually tingle is not a fairy but it's just a creepy little dude in a weird spandex suit that writes them balloons that is correct tingle is not a fairy he is a 35 year old man [Laughter] which i love because i feel like we see and tingle a reflection of ourselves and it is just it's like yeah i too am a man in my 30s who is a little too obsessed with these fairies and um weird tingle seems to have pins and needles in his feet from playing video games for seven hours tingle seems pretty diabetic i feel like there are people who like hate tingle it's just like god this character sucks and it's like i think maybe you're telling us a little bit about how you feel about yourself yeah that's true self-reflection video games uh well that is a point for matt yeah uh our next question is a special guest question via video so we're going to throw over to video here i'm christian erin um as hodor on hbo's game of thrones my lines were pretty limited they consisted of only one word hodor it wasn't until season six when the episodes adore that we heard me say other words [Music] matt just barely beat everyone else yeah i didn't um actually that occurred in season five not season six uh actually it happened in season seven uh no that is also incorrect um actually that wasn't there a flashback uh before that episode where we saw him pre uh mental issues uh uh that is the episode in question uh that he's talking about but no no yes uh matt um actually the lines were spoken by the actor who played young hodor and not christian that is correct that is that is some legalese [ __ ] that we did and you caught us in it uh let's go ahead let's let's see what christian air has to say um actually while the character might have said other words i christian theron i've only said hodor i do think it's a little bit of a testament to i just think of it as i think of him as hodor and it's like he flashback it's like oh that's just young hodor of course it's not a different person that's that's still hodor i didn't want to break the suspension of disbelief for anyone that's a die-hard fan that that wasn't the same person sure yeah i'm such a die-hard fan of the books that i have to believe that the actor is in young man makeup with on his knees like dorfan golf this is the first happening in the books in case you were wondering i'm in my late 30s welcome to dropout uh well that is another point for matt for finding our dumb little uh loophole of a question can we start over uh this is about pokemon oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm out i was [ __ ] girls when that was on i was 12. oh man i grew up fast yeah every pokemon is classified as at least one of 18 types one of the rarest of which is the dragon type weak against ice attacks and other dragon attacks this type includes dragonite salamence and charizard um dragons are not susceptible to other dragon attacks they are actually yeah and they're weird matt has beat you to it she can't um actually charizard is a fire type pokemon not a dragon type that is correct charizard the most dragony looking [ __ ] is not a dragon type pokemon is that what you were gonna say that was literally the one of the five things i know about pokemon and i only know because when i was like way too old for it burger king did a promotion and i [ __ ] went and ate two happy meals a day in high school for six months and got every single pokemon offered tried to trade with like an eight-year-old kid who was at burger king with her mom and she like ushered him into the car was like sir leave this alone and i was like this is you want to line them up on their shelf later while you're [ __ ] going this is such a hard turn from i was [ __ ] girl like i was eating every every happy meal what i appreciate is that he doesn't know or has admitted to not really understanding or having interest in pokemon as an actual game yeah or a fandom but those happy meal toys is where you were [ __ ] yeah i think i was looking for an excuse to eat both a burger and chicken nuggets every single day well that is another point for matt and this brings us to our very first shiny question of the game shiny question like shiny pokemon are worth the same number of points they're just a little bit different a little bit rarer so this is a game called where am i [Music] this is a stack of maps uh oh no maps from which we have removed um the titles although we've kept place names and other things so uh this is gonna function as sort of a lightning round where like one at a time we'll flip these over first person to identify it will get the point let's go ahead and flip oh i did okay becca where are we this we got the north reach we got so many reasons you can read it so um given the amount of reach this is taking too much time someone else can we've turned off your buzzer so someone else can pause it if they've got it ah dude i saw reach and i thought game of thrones but that's not right no this is not at all and i i have jokes i know this probably should i i'm not gonna i'm not gonna not gonna venture a guess okay uh matt is it new zealand it's not new zealand new zealand uh this is earthsea uh this is earthsea from the earth sea series wizard of earth sea or kayla quinn i feel comfortable knowing that i don't even know of the series never heard of it oh it's a classic in the the fantasy uh genre that's fine wow you got your whole it's like started like yeah whatever all right well let's go ahead and flip to the next one where am i um actually this is call of the wind uh oh name in the moment it is not no [Music] is this new zealand this is not new zealand no no no what is new zealand what new you know what wake me up when you have a new zealand my ex-girlfriend's [ __ ] some guy from new zealand just tell me what it is yeah is this new zealand wait gabriel don't is this uh the wheel of time it is wheelchair yeah i just saw the blight and it all triggered yeah i was like i know the blight i know and then when i read it one more time i was like [ __ ] i got it yeah yeah yeah this is this is from the wheel of time that'll be a mini point for gabris here on this one a tiny just a tiny tiny little point you save them up you can catch that's my wife all you need is a tiny bit all right let's flip to the next map where am i yes becca this is uh neverland it is neverland i would have also accepted never never land although since this is from the disney version neverland uh is perhaps more accurate um but uh neverland never neverland that is correct let's go ahead and flip to the next map where am i um oh that's that's matt this could be from the chronicles narnia this is the chronicles of narnia uh lion's a giveaway next map where am i oh becca this is um the harry potter but this is part of the marauder's map it is part of the marauders ravages the map of hogwarts that's that's all close enough uh so we currently have two for becca one each for uh capers and matt uh so turn to your last map now where are we what is this from uh becca this is uh there's um uh this is where winnie the pooh lives incorrect matt winning the willows this is from wind in the willows yes uh so that is uh two uh for becca two for matt one for gabris uh so unfortunately matt and becca will tie for one point on that one um partially nothing from john gabrius uh though he got the first one uh perhaps the hardest one um well we made a couple of mistakes and you caught them here are some of our favorite corrections from you at leigh bernie wright says i'm actually in star trek 4 the enterprise crew went back in time in a klingon bird of prey not a warbird i will go back in time and take that point from hector atta panda man says um actually fox mccloud's father james was only presumed dead he appeared after andros was defeated to assist fox in escaping venom only to disappear again i will give you one point that will mysteriously disappear and from our exclusive dropout discord 17th lord says um actually slippy toad isn't a fighter pilot he's a mechanic okay great well we'll move on to our next statement here which is about mystery science theater 3000. mystery science theater 3000 is a show devoted mostly to mocking old public domain films but it does have a thin framing device joel a janitor is trapped against his will aboard a giant bone-shaped spacecraft two mad scientists forced him to watch those movies in exchange for food and fresh supplies of oxygen um actually joel doesn't need oxygen can you be more specific he's a robot janitor incorrect no no gabris um actually they're not mad scientists they're robots uh they're they're they're he builds robot friends but they're mad scientists yeah matt i'm actually uh we don't know how he gets oxygen it's a question that's brought up specifically in the intro of the show correct it is aggressively unexplained how he eats and and breathes and other science facts we it specifically said we have no idea how this happens so uh it is pure conjecture on my part to speculate that the mad scientists are giving it to him i will slide like a third of that point to becca for being the trigger to that moment for yeah like figuring out like because i was like oh is this what she's going for the joel doesn't need to breathe um but no you said he was a robot that's incorrect there's robots uh yeah there are robots [ __ ] give her another third of a point i'm also going to reveal it she's ready to look serious great theme song uh great line well let's yet another point for matt it's anyone's game really here on this episode of actually can we disable the buzz here's a little statement for you to figure out what's wrong are you ready okay when you get fecal matter on your hands you can just wipe it off with a dry piece of paper and call it a day the mistake there is obvious you got to wash your hands with soap and water right you got to get your hands clean paper is not going to do that so why should your butt be any different check out the brand new hello tushy 3.0 modern bidet attack you can have a bidet on your toilet because it's affordable it's easy to install it's stylish and it's eco-friendly hello tushy 3.0 doesn't just clean your butt with a precise stream of fresh water no it cleans itself with a smart spray automatic self-cleaning nozzle that's right it's cleaning both your butt and itself that's a hard working bidet it attaches to your existing toilet so you don't need a new toilet you don't need any electricity you don't need any additional plumbing it's all right there and putts toilet paper use by 80 imagine never having to worry about running out of toilet paper you got that bidet buddy plus every hello tushy bidet attachment comes with a 60 day risk-free guarantee and a 12-month warranty so you can clean your butt worry free go to hellotushy.com actually to get 10 off your order and get free shipping this is a special offer just for our viewers you get 10 off and free shipping if you go to hellotushy.com actually one more time that's hellotushy.com actually uh don't worry we're sure to stump matt with this next question which is about dungeons and dragons okay well okay if i get this one wrong i think i lose all my points yeah i'm gonna have to give you guys both wedgies at the end like when every commit when every comedian starts to really suck and they just make the alt-right turn to keep some fans i'm gonna go full jock at the end of this i'm like i can't have zero points yeah how much you guys bench press you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh i can't be in this group i'll choose a different group this other group will accept me jocks are traditionally accepting clump their heads together uh okay here we go in dungeons and dragons two similar items the bag of holding and portable whole use extra dimensional spaces to contain far more than their appearance suggests putting a bag of holding into a portable hole is a very bad idea they explode and incinerate everything within miles however putting a portable hole into a bag of holding is a very good idea it turns the bag into a handy haversack also called a bag of golding which contains a limitless supply of gold um i'm actually it does not turn into a handy hammer sack crossing over any instrumental spaces regardless of which way it goes back into the hole or hole into the bag will cause the detonation to destroy and actually send everything into the astral sea not necessarily incinerate that is correct yeah you deserve that too what if i said no though no it's something else gamers what do you got is is it okay to answer i don't care i think that's a very very valid answer actually but what if people are dying but what if you have a situation where you have to figure out where to put your holes i love that this rule feels like it was created just because like designers knew it's like you're gonna have some real [ __ ] players are gonna try to break the game so we're thinking ahead and we're gonna make sure that we like we're one step ahead and yet players then found out a way that you can create arrows that use both the portable hole and the bag of holding spaces at the arrows when it impacts it creates the detonation and became an aggressive device really so it's like it's like a detonator bomb of just like to wait so what do you do you like tie the bag of holding onto an arrow and launch it into a portable yeah you can look it up online they have a whole schematic for where there's a portable hole and then there is like a bag of holding device that's within the shaft it's a larger arrow yeah and upon impact it presses one into the other kind of like a very kind of medieval style of uh an atom bomb ignition and it does pretty much the same scenario so no matter what you do no matter what you design players are going to ruin your game yep see people can die in dungeons if only i could play d alone oh the thing that ruins dnd is having the friends over my players are trying all right um let's put books this is a little just sci-fi book question here nope matt's gonna get it genetic modification plays an important part of margaret atwood's oryx and crake this includes human genetic modifications as well as man-made animal hybrids like pigoons rhinoces and rackhunks um actually did you say rack hunks yes is that a hunk mixed with a rat it is a raccoon mixed with a skunk okay um actually a rack hunk is not man-made raccoons are traditionally attracted to skunks we have a real like pepe le pew situation and left to their own devices [ __ ] hard yeah uh raccoons that is incorrect yes um actually uh genetic modification doesn't play an important role at all in the book it's actually very underplayed and only exists in like the fourth chapter for like the paragraph uh i like the guess because it is like very like in keeping with the kind of things you do but no it is actually like a very important like big theme of the series right um actually a rhinoche is a human animal hybrid uh incorrect although you've you've managed to to blind man's bluff your way into the thing that's wrong uh pigs and rackhunks are are creatures that exist in oryx and craig rynoki's uh reinoki is a character from the wuzzles uh the old children's cartoon uh so that is not a character uh in oryx and crazy it took me 40 minutes to hash it out but what animal is oaky uh it's a it's a it's a rhino and a monkey combined but it's just sort of it didn't fit the other portmanteaus that's why yeah yeah yeah that was in case you you hadn't read oryx and craig you might be intimately familiar with the wuzzles uh so you might still be able to like get your way in there unfortunately no points for that one sorry to say hurts keep the streak alive uh well this brings us to our second shiny question of the game uh this is a game called find the fake we're gonna put up uh six things in a group uh and one of them is a made-up thing that doesn't belong when i say so go ahead and flip those over first person to identify the fake that does not belong in the group but not that time that you said it didn't count sorry you said go ahead and flip those over i yeah yes so but that one didn't count well i'll say it now okay go ahead and flip them over all right these are lovecraftian elder gods now one of them is not a real lovecraftian elder god uh this is extended good flu mythos yes this is exciting this is not just lovecraft this is uh i mean obviously matt i didn't even have to ask i didn't have to ask that question this is something actually we all know that this is extended lovecraftian what i'm actually this lion headed for no what's his name what's his name okay you have to you have to say his name canarst okay uh don't believe it cause that looks like the character from saga one of the mercenaries the lady with the sexy spider-man does actually look like that although you know with with arms but no canarst is actually uh that is actually a real uh lovecraftian god elder being in the lovecraft extended lovecraft just made it easier for you guys you're welcome yeah thank you matt i'm actually just based on the title i think it probably isn't his ghouls the large beast guy in the upper right uh i i like your logic and out uh i believe the correct uh uh presence is uh and that is a real uh that is actually a real one yeah yeah uh gabris um actually uh i'm going to go with kazakhstan kluth in the upper left-hand corner and there's no apostrophe i'm sorry to say that that is actually that is that is not the fake one here um actually yeah we're winning okay so it's lobster dragon it's black hole with eyes or it's tree tentacle so did you just say um actually then guess three of them in a row thank you matt my best chance to get it right is to leave it for me yeah you're playing russian roulette here and just sort of being like i'm guessing he'll he'll get the bullet i'll just just win by default i already forgot which ones were guest stuff i'm panicking like wait which ones haven't we actually the uh the deity that does not belong in this list is uh blemey rithbach uh that is correct um uh which i'm certainly mispronouncing is just welsh for where is the bathroom uh that is uh though that looks an awful lot like a love crafty indeed that is welsh that is welsh uh i've changed the spacing i think that's supposed to be three different words um but uh uh or maybe two but yes that is welsh for where is the bathroom that's amazing [ __ ] i'm gonna dug into my welsh house i'm feeling worse about myself i mean like i can't articulate to my therapist why i would be feeling down i couldn't figure out which one of them you'd be surprised how much i talk about losing games to my therapist hey listen i know i'm not perfect i make a bunch of mistakes too do you notice something that i got wrong you can correct us by tweeting i'm actually show if you like it it might feature in the next episode [Music] well we'll move right along uh to our next question here uh this is about the witcher though yep oh you know what i got excited about a thing i know and then i looked at matt yeah what i know you play witcher you know about i won't even i say why you guys were [ __ ] in school i was inside playing nes and reading fantasy novels this is my gym my whole life five or six points here that's so hot let's not talk about middle school uh okay here we go in the witcher series geralt and jennifer's daughter siri aka the lady of time and space has inherited her mother's eyes and talent for magic and her father's sword skills and silver hair um actually siri's kind of an adopted daughter not his biological daughter that is correct correct you can't can't inherit it uh you know there's not any less of parents of course obviously your parents it's important who raises you but you can't can't inherit those things sword isn't nurture you're saying sword is nature yeah sword skills are purely genetic right i can't wait till you can you know do some genetic tweaking and i'm gonna make sure my son has both skill and sword and shield and two hands yeah that [ __ ] into dual wielding yeah uh i have to just cause so nature of the show was that i'm actually did i miss brown all right fine that's fair i'm not going to give you an extra point i will i will always it's the game i will always take that because if you don't do it they will i know yeah that's why i had to do it uh i appreciate that you [ __ ] okay here we go king arthur's most famous weapon is the sword excalibur given to him by the lady of the lake but he also wielded lesser known weapons including the dagger karnwenin the spear rongo miniad and a second sword calendar used for more ceremonial purposes like knighting um actually the lady didn't give him the sword he pulled that [ __ ] from a stone this is like a bit of contention i was trying to decide whether or not i would allow this it is there is conflict among arthurian scholars as to whether or not the sword he pulls from the stone is excalibur or not but it's generally more uh more acknowledged that excalibur comes from the lady of the lake and the sword from the stone is a different sword ah okay although some some some some places will uh will i'll say this if no one else gets what i'm going for i'll give you that point at this point don't even bother okay um actually excalibur is used in the ceremonial knighting of knight's throne table incorrect um actually calendar wasn't king arthur's sword that's correct it was one of the nights that's incorrect no no it wasn't his though uh you know what i'm i'm feeling generous and there's no way anyone but matt can win at this point i'm gonna i'm gonna give both becca and gamers a point for that i'll take it i'm taking that i'll take the pity half point when it's already established what you said was technically correct i was just sort of hoping that because like there's just it's not there is no like firm like people will argue about like whether or not this source was just like i don't know but under some uh some interpretations and some versions of arthurian legend that is the case i'll give it to you you calendar is not uh uh king arthur's sword calendar is once again from uh the wheel of time uh and also uh uh uh he did have another sword that was used for ceremonial purposes that's called clarence uh and there are some somebodies that say clarence is the sword that he pulls from uh pulls in the sword of the stone taran doesn't have the same ring to it though i will be clarence it sounds like clarence you know it's not steve although i will say like slaying someone with a sword named clarence is like extra insult to injury like bleeding in the battlefield ah taken down yeah clearly yeah what's happened to mythior oh he was felled by clarence i'm sorry what i have nothing nothing i just what what was that again you gotta do the raspberry at the end please don't laugh at my husband dying just what feldham again this is knighted seventeen nights yeah this brings us to our final shiny question of the game this is a game that we're calling a title of words [Music] now you might have noticed that a lot of uh fantasy and sci-fi books have the structure of blank of blank a thing of something else a something of something so what we've done is we've taken six of those uh titles real titles of real books and we've jumbled around all the nouns and it's up to you to see if you can find the combination of words that actually forms these six real titles that actually exist uh whoever can get the most correct titles will get the points you don't even have to get them all you just have to get more than anyone else got it go ahead and flip them over let's see what we have here [Music] look at all these words oh no so many nouns that could be really any combination of any of these words could be something that sounds like a fantasy not oh my god there's only one combination where all six of them form a correct combination of real books oh man i'm crushing it i'm [ __ ] we are locked in now the weird thing about this this game is uh sometimes people guess things that are not things i have on my list but are obscure novels that i haven't heard of so we might need a little fact checking here but let's let's go and flip these over let's uh let's start with matt all right tell us the titles that you have here i chose things that sounded cool or probable okay so like parable of a storm okay uh we have sower of darkness okay the torturer of king okay the way of swords uh-huh the eye of the world and the left hand of the left hand of the shadow i think you have one of these correct i got one all right let's take a look at becca becca what do you have let me just mention that i thought sour was somebody's name now i get that it's sewer and i know that one's wrong okay but the first three i totally got we got a storm of swords the world of darkness uh the way of kings uh-huh cause you put two game of thrones ones in there for me uh the eye of the torturer this has gotta be wrong oh well i mean who knows uh parable of the shadow left hand of some guy named sauer uh you have two correct here two i think uh let me can i just see that one more time uh yes you have two correct here world of darkness is for sure an rpg game right uh the world of darkness says yes yeah i guess i'm asking about books yep yeah that's where i went all right gabris let's see what you got uh can you walk us through what you got here sure i got parable parable of sour sower a storm of swords the eye of the world the shadow of darkness that just sounded fun to me the way of kings and the left hand of the torture uh you i think i have three right i think you have three yeah actually maybe four uh i know three are correct i don't know the other three you have four you have four correct here uh so we ha we did accidentally leave out an article here so but i don't think that's screwed up too many people uh i'll i'll go through the correct answers here we have the eye of the world robert jordan by robert jordan we have the left hand of darkness which is ursula k lewin uh the shadow of the torturer a storm of swords parable of the sower i left out the there unfortunately apparently that's an octavia butler uh book and the way of kings uh which is not a game of thrones book it is can we say a song of ice and fire at least on can say um there's a place to be a nerd about a song of ice and fire you know what you're fair you're there uh i'll take away a point from myself that's all i want i'm not here to win i'm here to knock you down trap but that was four correct titles for gabris two for becca one for matt so that is one point oh hell yeah what was the way of the kings why do i know that the way of kings is i want to say it's brandon sanderson i think is it from the uh the name of the wednesday uh but someone uh it's a storm lane arcade the stormlight the shadow of the torture is part of the book of the news the book of the new sun that's what it is the stormlight archives is wonderful yeah yeah it's a very good series i started it that's how i got that one this uh brings us to our final question of the game uh matt has pretty much clinched it but uh the last question as always concerns real life skills so there's always a bit of pride in knowing that you know something that is valuable for the real world in addition to all this other stuff that's my fault so uh here we go windows can be washed with a simple mixture of water and dish detergent while it's best to clean on a sunny day when you can see the dirt an overcast day will work too scrub the window with a sponge or scrub or dipped in your cleaning mixture then squeegee it off curving downward at the end of each stroke um actually it's not better to clean on a sunny day that's correct would you do any anyone elaborate or because yes why you have to do the added step of putting on additional sunscreen before going out it's biz bad for you uh i guess that is true uh the bigger issue is that you're more likely to get water spots on your windows as the sun will evaporate so quickly uh if you do it on a cloudier day you can probably clean your windows quickly and get uh get a nice clean so you cannot have any like weird little gross water spots uh while you're doing it too as a non-day walker i kind of prefer the dirt to build up and just block the sunlight over time personally i can't even see the dirt with all my tin foil over well there care what my windows look like as long as neighborhoods cry and run i'm happy yeah well that is a point for becca i like a nice clean window what can i say yeah and you like having that sunscreen on that leaves our final score here seven for matt four for becca two for gabris making matt our winner here congratulations thank you thank you very much and join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually you
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 158,073
Rating: 4.9669619 out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Id: eiPVhsUW47o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 26sec (2186 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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