Kingdom Hearts, My Hero Academia (Fans vs. Faves Pt. 3)

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from skexes to hexis nerds like a lot of things but there's something they love above all else that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] [Applause] joining us today we have ally beardsley good tidings we have amy bourbon hello and our very special fan guest from philadelphia jason gone thanks for having me you have a lovely home oh thank you very much we've really done a lot with the place you know we've been trying to figure out what to do with this wall um well you all know how this game works you've been on here before and you've presumably seen at least a couple episodes in order to to naked here if it's your first time watching this uh i have here a stack of incorrect statements about the things you know and love it's up to these contestants to find the thing that's wrong with it and correct me all corrections must be proceeded with the phrase um actually if you don't i won't give you the point and you can interrupt me whenever you want in my question that's all there is to it uh how you guys feel feeling good i'm just i'm suspect of him oh yeah why what what is it about me it said i just met you and i don't know where your nerd dumbs fall and i don't want you to take away the win from me do you know exactly where minor dems fall uh no neither do i a true wild card for that reason i'm not suspecting you've got this quiet confidence that i am that's looming over there let's jump right in then this first question is about gravity falls here's gravity falls series antagonist bill cipher is a dream demon originating from the nightmare realm he appears as a yellow one-eyed triangle wearing a top hat and bow tie similar to the eye of providence symbols seen on the back of real one dollar bills um actually um it's the eye of agatosh it's doctor strange's eye um and i know everything about anime uh you are mixing up your your eyes no that is incorrect jason yes doctor i'm actually dr strange's eye is the eye of agamotto which i know isn't the answer to your question but you just have to i'm not going to give you a point for correcting amy um actually he's not from the nightmare realm where is he from um um uh you know i wish i could tell you i will give you the point unless someone else could tell me tell me where to start i'm actually the cloud realm incorrect i'm actually the dream wrong because he's a dream demon i'm actually hell no none of these and you've got too many anyway i'm actually hell uh jason you want a venture i guess yeah um actually bill cipher is from the he's from the same dimension that uh the other guy traveled into i can't remember okay nightmare realm sounds right all right i'm going to give this to ali then oh you're way too proud you're more proud of yourself than you should be this decaf uh espresso cipher originates from the second dimension uh uh a flat because he's a triangle because he's a truck he's a trump and he's like kind of the implication here is that he's like a cartoon trying to get into our world um uh trying to escape into the real world that's a point for ally mm-hmm um what was that that was a problem i took a sip i couldn't quite hear you all right well we'll okay you're getting awfully cocky we'll see oh this espresso is almost gone okay we're gonna move on to our second question here the shadowrun tabletop game lets players choose from a variety of archetypes during character creation including street samurai rigor decker shaman and face players also choose their character's race from a variety of original sci-fi species that fit the cyberpunk setting of the game oh um actually no these these characters are not cyberpunk at all they're like fantasy [ __ ] like all over the place you can be a troll a gnome you can be like any version of race that your dumb brand comes up with it's like a crazy a crazy list of of uh of races uh did you say i'm actually ah i'm truly asking i don't know i i can't remember great great okay i was like i remember how much anxiety in this show i got so caught up in it i was like i can't remember if i said no no it's like sorry that is correct yes oh yeah we're in a cyberpunk world and still like the races that you're playing as it's like orc like what the hell yeah they they like it's like a combo cyberpunk um very like you can enter the matrix basically and then also it's fantasy and there are spells in magic but also tech so you're like what's happening but also all my dreams are coming true yeah that's cool have you played before i've never played shadowron okay it's crunchy it's crunchy i'll check it out i'm totally blessed we'll play after this march 2019 saw the release of the latest mcu movie captain marvel and the latest dceu movie shazam although the alien hero shazam is now just called shazam in the comics he was originally called captain marvel meanwhile yeah um actually shazam is not like an alien hero that's correct he's um he's like a wizard's superhero that he gives to a little boy that he can become that superhero yeah by saying shazam yeah yep he's not an alien he's a 12 year old boy who uh who has his power yes point for jason and so we are one one one right we're we're all tied up just how i wanted it i have i'm after a little competition well this next question is a new thing we're doing here this is a fan question so this is a question written by a fan sent in for you all to answer wow um did you write it yeah but i do know some of the fans so maybe so maybe they snuck you something yeah maybe all right i don't like that uh this question comes from kyra amna my hero academia centers on a superhero high school whose students have abilities known as quirks examples include katsuki whose combustible sweat is used to create explosions ochako who can manipulate gravity and the principal naesu who can transform into a humanoid animal jason i'm actually the principal doesn't transform into a humanoid animal he just is like a dog mouse person that is correct [Applause] wow nice yeah wait dog mouse person yeah he's actually an interesting thing because he most of the show is about these humans who have these superpowers called quirks but he was a dog already or an animal that got experimented on um that gave him human intelligence as his quirk so it's like yeah like his ability is to be more more human whereas everyone else is like making their sweat explode oh wow so he's kind of got a sad story it is sad yeah and he takes it out on his students kind of like he's a good teacher but he tortures his students with his that doesn't sound like a good teacher he's a really good teacher it's a whiplash situation yeah great well that's another point for jason cool cool this will bring us to our first shiny question of the game what's that plus i put down my mug yeah all right all right uh shiny questions like shiny pokemon uh worth the same number of points just a little bit different a little bit rarer [Music] this is a new game we're playing called always pay your debts on the other side of this board there's going to be six characters and a type of currency it'll be up to you to pay the character with the currency that would be appropriate for them for their world if that makes sense uh so go ahead and flip this over so this will just be match the appropriate currency to the character who would accept that currency within their world whoever can get the most correct will get the point there's a tie for most correct then you'll both get the point i have no idea who this victorian character is but you're lucky it up fast that was fast it's like when you're in school and there's that person who finishes the test early and you're like they either knew everything or they knew nothing okay uh all right are you uh has everyone locked up yeah yeah oh yeah but that locks it up um cool uh we will go down the line we'll start with ali we'll work our way down um allie show us what you've got how are you paying these folks all right this is how i'm paying okay victorian person uh we're gonna start off with a quaalude okay good this uh this guy right here schmeckles obviously we all know that one this one rio uh from naturo uh the sims so that word had sims in it she looks talented and gold dragon a lot of dragons in game of thrones okay uh you didn't do too bad um tell me these aren't flipped oh never mind uh we'll we'll uh we'll go down the line then we'll reveal the answers here okay i i'm paying i think i i think this is clothes from the name of the win i'm not sure it is indeed okay so this would be a silver talent um schmeckles i actually don't know this but it feels like it's rick and morty and they name things like that um and then rio uh i have no idea um simoleon uh kwatlu i don't know who that woman is but it looks like she's saying quality and then and then tyrion uh uh accepts gold dragons very good all right and jason let's see what you got cool i didn't get those right but i gave this dude he looked strong and like he would fight dragon so i gave him a gold dragon um and then schmeckles from rick and morty i gave naruto a simoleon because i don't watch that show again these two eating breakfasts are rio this lady seemed like an alien and a kwat loo seemed like an alien word and then tyrion i gave the silver talent very good okay so uh it looks like uh jason you got two of these correct uh by my account uh ally i think you got four and amy you got all of these right oh that feels so good it feels so good so yeah to give that a quick run down you're correct that is quoth from the uh kingkiller chronicles uh he's a hot boy boy he's good at everything he yeah he's one of those like characters where you're just like thank you i will take one and where do i he's also are we talking about the first person he's also the quality what this dirty man running through the dark side oh hold on a second the craziest thing happened to me last weekend yes hold on this is going to be great um you do the psychological examination where you're like describe your desert describe a cube describe this and it means everything about like your state of being your ego all the stuff and then they say add a horse and i was like okay out of horse describe your horse okay i was like shaggy donkey and they were like that describes your ideal partner slash god i'm like stout strong like dirty yeah so i'll i'll take clothes that is both uh who is who is the character who's good at everything he's good swords but but identifies as a bard and you're like okay um but so yeah silver talent for quoth uh yeah schmeckles for this lovely fellow from rick and morty um rio for naruto simoleon uh kwatlu uh this is a tri-scallion from star trek uh original series and then uh gold dragon for tyrion oh my god i think that's what she does look like that was a pretty good yeah well we made some mistakes in a previous episode and you caught them here are our favorite corrections from you the viewers at the reel i do all and many others corrected um actually dart is not a young demogorgon but is a young demo dog another creature from the upside down that while similar is different this is incorrect the creators have confirmed that the demo dog is a stage of development of the demogorgon so put that in your pipe and smoke it and from our exclusive dropout discord cutie patooties said i'm actually the first movie with fast moving zombies was return of the living dead from 1985. it was also the first zombie movie to introduce fully sentient zombies that could talk and establish the zombie mythos of eating brains that is more information than we ever needed about zombies which of course means that's one point for you yum yum yum brains cefil says um actually alphonse elric does have a physical body it's waiting for him through the door of truth he doesn't have it anymore so what i said is still technically correct no points [Music] [Applause] ah you can't refill that that's round four you're gonna have to pay yeah i'm gonna have to pay for him because i was born you're just a hey all right kids settle down your teacher left me detailed notes here uh we're gonna talk about community now community the meow meow beans app allows people to rank each other on a scale of one to five meow meow beans a dystopian social caste system forms at greendale community college based on the rating system with the fives made up of shirley chang abed and professor hickey serving as a kind of ruling council i'm actually abed was not a five incorrect um actually it wasn't a scale of one to five it was okay i'm actually it's not dystopian because we're currently in a caste system [Music] i mean just cause you're currently living in a dystopia doesn't mean this can't also describe it um actually beans [Laughter] just beans just gonna be in the words beans is not the word um actually they weren't any sort of a ruling council they were um actually you're leaving someone out of the fives i am leaving someone out of the fives do you know who i'm leaving out no troy no incoming okay wasn't in there that season um actually you're leaving out the girl who's a great actor and i like her i'm actually greeda no uh i i'm gonna go ahead and give it to you for at least because it but i'm going to um disagree you should definitely do this uh i did leave out someone i left out coogler uh uh are you gonna guess that no it doesn't matter uh coogler is also a five uh who is a character who uh wasn't really mentioned up to that point and everyone just sort of it was treated as if we've always known coogler uh coogler is just there the cool kid coogler everyone knows uh actually played by uh mitch hurwitz the creator of arrested development oh my gosh uh so uh that that is who was the missing member of uh the the fives the fives tough one ah yeah i need a nap um all right we'll go ahead and move on this is about jurassic park paleontologist dr ellie sattler encounters a sick triceratops and decides to investigate what might be causing the illness by using her hands to dig through a massive pile of poop left behind by the beast are we talking movie or book we're talking movie maybe also book yes jason um actually she's not a paleontologist that's correct a different kind of scientist yes she's a paleobotanist she's there she's there yeah for the plants she's not a paleontologist uh yeah i do know why she what she finds though is that even matters uh because of the book yeah you could tell us you look so sad it's like well no i don't like nobody no one cares what ellie finds in the pool uh she finds some like if any of you wanted to know i know what she finds in the poop or whatever you're so right some like weird character came out of me that actually exists inside me and it's very true go ahead tell us what was in the poop it was it was it was these plants that they would eat and it would disrupt their digestive system but it would uh because they were they traveled around they only got to that those plants every three weeks or so and that's when they would get sick oh it was like a tracker uh yeah but it was because of the plants that they were eating in that area but just like the migration honestly she sounds like a control freak i was digging through poop to find out where were you i mean that's like that's pretty crazy first my phone yeah my phone and my facebook password that i have to give you well i found something interesting so maybe i wasn't crazy for looking through your poop you ever think of that no i found this plant you've been eating imagine for a second jumping in the shower and not turning on the water and just rubbing yourself with dry dry dry paper people would call you crazy right so why are you doing the same thing with your butt why are you wiping with dry paper when you could be washing with water the future of pooping has arrived well i mean okay technically i guess it's been around for a couple centuries but now you can afford it even if you're not like a french aristocrat so that's that's cool we're talking about the hellotushy 3.0 modern bidet attachment it's stylish it's eco-friendly it's affordable it's easy to install what else do you want in a bidet i know you want a lot of things in the days and this has got everything what else do you want what do you want from me get the bidet the elotushi 3.0 doesn't just clean your butt with a precise stream of water it cleans itself with an automatic self-cleaning nozzle it's doing everything for you now i know you're saying i've got a toilet do i gotta buy a new one no you don't it attaches right to the existing toilet you already have no extra electricity no extra plumbing it's super easy and it cuts your toilet paper use by 80 so the thing practically pays for itself i mean you're practically pooping money at this point every hello toshiba day attachment comes with a 60-day risk-free guarantee and a 12-month warranty so if you got problems don't worry about it here's a special deal just for um actually viewers if you go to actually you'll get 10 off plus free shipping that's right 10 off plus free shipping and get your butt clean that's actually 10 off and free shipping now get your butt back to the show this next question is about avatar the last airbender in the original avatar the last airbender series the four forms of elemental bending are based on actual chinese martial arts air bending is based on bag zhang earth bending is portrayed as judo northern shaolin is used for fire bending and tai chi is used to portray water venting my brain broke jason i'm actually earth bending is not based on judo that's correct do you know what it's based on i know it's not judo that's fair i'll give it to you i uh do you guys want to venture a guess yeah um actually it's based on kung fu incorrect um actually it's based on taekwondo uh also incorrect uh uh it is based on hungar um uh uh judo is a japanese martial arts i thought chinese forms of martial arts uh so yeah uh earth betting portrayed as hungar with the exception of toph who is shown practicing her own form in the style of southern praying mantis you want to note that uh hangar is a form of kung fu oh all of these are technically i believe forms of kung fu so too general to be very good okay did you just bring me up to let me down like what what roller coaster are you taking me on i just wanted to chime in to just make sure you knew that amy was definitely wrong i'm actually awesome like it's i say it's pronounced talk yeah and just so like you can get the reshoot so they don't yell at you no they'll i you know what this happens before usually i leave it to let the fans yell at me yeah people like it you know i'll leave it for you yeah but i'm loving the sass i keep going don't at me just kidding at me tell me tell me when i pronounce things wrong but thank you thank you very much uh we'll we'll probably leave we'll leave now a weird thing will happen is where we'll leave this in of you correcting me and me saying no yell at me right i know what i did uh great well this brings us to our second shiny question uh let's go ahead and bring them boards out oh no [Music] this is a game called match the voice uh so on the other side of this um there's going to be characters from uh from animation and the names of actors it'll be up to you to match the voice actor to the name uh special edition this time we've done this before for cartoon special edition this time this is all uh anime uh so uh so let's flip it over see what my late night google searching has gotten me we're not expecting to know um you know any of them all four any of these uh but you know a lot of these are sort of like english dubs of uh you know like miyazaki movies yeah so this is a softball some of them maybe [Music] amy's locking in and throwing her board away doesn't even want to look at it anymore her former glory of paying out yeah okay pencils down pencil's down all right very tight uh uh as before we'll start with with ali and move our way down the line allie run us through these characters everyone remembers susan sarandon in this role um so of course there's that moving right along billy crystal has the flame um claire danes in the princess movie james avery um in this uh reboot uh of the brave little toaster and then cranston uh taking a role he shouldn't have as a white man and jim belushi in in this one which i think is that shin chan uh is that a dad from shinton that is my neighbor's the yamadas interesting um uh great let's take a look at these other ones and see how we did here like i mean equivalent are you are you exactly equivalent can you lift yours back up great yep that's exactly the same let's go ahead and take a look at jason's yours also believe i flipped brian cranston and james avery you did it it is otherwise the same uh well let's let's just go ahead and take a look what the real answer should be here boom that means jason got this right oh what else just barely missed it that's so crazy are you able to identify these characters as well or uh no i mean princess mononoke yeah and then also the dad from shinchan which you said wasn't right yeah dang very close and uh yeah you're right i mean i guess i did basically what they looked like because a lot of times characters do sort of have a resemblance to the actors they're playing look at billy crystal like that's a spot-on type casting that's his hair yeah yeah he's just saying peek-a-boo that's another point for jason and uh we're gonna collect those boards get them out of here good job jason oh hello there did you notice something that i got wrong you can correct me by tweeting at um actually show or by going to the dropout discord and correcting me there we like it we might feature it on the show and give you a point great well this next question is about kingdom hearts the video game in kingdom hearts the designs of swords i'm actually big key that's it uh no interesting be very funny one of these days of that work yeah yeah you got there it's not a sword it's a big key in kingdom hearts the designs of sora donald and goofy change based on which disney world they are visiting for instance when visiting monstropolis the world of monsters inc they all become monsters or when visiting the pride lands the world of the lion king sora turns into a lion cub donald turns into a baboon and goofy becomes a tortoise yes i'm actually donald does not turn into a baboon uh in the pride lands can you be more specific hmm he's a yeah he turns into a bird that's correct wow that's another point for jason i don't can you explain kingdom hearts in one sentence don't ask people to do the impossible yeah i always ask people this because i've never played it and it blew i'm like huh yeah there's this boy who looks like he's from final fantasy that gets a key that mickey mouse's friends want to follow around so they take him on a spaceship which lets him travel to a bunch of different disney worlds where he has to use the key to lock and unlock things is it fun [Laughter] with his giant key which is uh is fun he kills a bunch of like monsters and stuff and you can like fight jafar so yeah i think you get i played the first one i think you do get some satisfaction from that like sort of like crossover thing yeah just being like look they're all friends like all the people i've seen are in one place yeah also there's like a scene where goofy dies and it's like so dramatic and donald's like please wake up oh i don't know why that sold me but it did yeah well it's okay i'm in there's a lot of craziness with kingdom hearts like there's a lot that we could pack up here back you know like just on back here so i just want to be sure we don't gloss over the fact that in the pride lands donald duck becomes a bird uh uh which is uh an insane transformation because total duck is already a bird i don't understand what is why you're right in my head before you pointed that out i was like different animal yeah right donald trump wait you turned into my sad character i'm not supposed to do this but he's a horn pill timba even says kids don't need advice from horn bills wow well uh that's another point for jason we're gonna move on to a question about hearthstone to build a deck players choose 30 cards and a hero from the warcraft universe to play as such as jaina proudmoore which gives them access to a specific set of cards and powers players can also use a hero card like zul'jin dr boom or frostless jaina to transform their hero into a new one mid-game for potentially devastating strategic effects um actually dr boom doesn't change your hero that's correct wow [Applause] dr boom uh is a legendary minion card you can summon there is a hero card dr boom mad genius and yeah he alternates every every turn with the hero power but that is there are two different cards dr boom and doctor boom magic there's one there was one crazy like uh glitch in it though that i was down so far like truly about to die against this person and they changed their hero to i forget who it was but they're technically a demon and i played this card that would just kill all demons and it killed their hero and they exploded and i won and i was like i looked it up online and everyone was like yeah that's a glitch like you shouldn't be able to just kill the person with one card well that was a point for ally i'm sorry what i said i said something something moves didn't i yeah all right how what's our total looking like right now two three six that two three six three six nine dang you're all up there yeah i didn't real i lost count so oh birds all right yeah when i said i loved the sass i didn't mean directed at me i could take it um all right this brings us to our last shiny question of the game [Music] this is called under review just a moment we're going to put something up on the screen here this will be a snippet of a movie review it'll be up to you to see if you can identify the movie based only on uh the criticism of it oh my gosh that is yeah so uh let's go ahead and flip that up there this is from roger ebert giving the film one and a half stars the film is a gloomy special effects extravaganza filled with grotesque images generating fear and despair even for older audiences there are a few redeeming factors the film opens in 1869 flash forward to 1969 another flash forward this time to the present about as appropriate for children as say jaws the film's young heroes have to endure an unremitting series of terrifying dangers there's little attempt to construct a coherent story it's like one of those video games where you achieve one level after another by killing and not getting killed it's a lot to unpack here but there are a couple clues scattered in there generating fear and despair yeah but it actually is a children's film i i guess but you shouldn't take your child to see it um actually pinocchio jason um actually some jim henson film uh no no oh good one though no but i can see yeah i can see i can connect the dots there but i could see some jim henson film like satisfying all these conditions but that's incorrect dang it certainly has a lot to say about these flash forwards are getting yeah so many movies open with like a weird ass unnecessary flashback that you're like sure okay um actually just because of this casper the friendly ghost incorrect oh that would have been a good game yeah it would be hilarious if he hated that movie yeah there's a lot of shade being thrown the reason i like this this uh game is because we do get to see like these like very strong opinions about because we dredge up old ones like see these like strong opinions about movies i don't really even care about this how old uh you know you said you we dredge up we dredge up old ones how old you are not that old all right i i'm going to give you each one more guess what i'm gonna make it good i'm gonna make it good let me think on this [Music] um actually yeah a series of unfortunate events incorrect damn it i want to know how old i want to know what year this movie came out i'm actually x-men incorrect oh that was a good one okay all right i'm gonna get it i don't know how i'm gonna get it though you got this thank you thanks jason no i'm gonna milk this um i'm actually spy kids incorrect we're gonna go ahead and call this one there's some very good guesses in there spy kids like kind of checks a lot of these boxes uh the correct answer is jumanji he gave it one and a half stars and called it a gloomy special effects extravaganza incredible fear and despair inappropriate for kids that was the roger ebert um consensus on jumanji wow that brings us to our last question of the game which is always concerns real life skills so uh here we go you know how to use a dishwasher right typically plates should go on the bottom rack and cups and bowls on the top rack large baking sheets and the light go on the side of the bottom rack away from the door to the machine and despite what your roommate tells you you should thoroughly rinse dishes before putting them in the machine for maximum cleanliness i'm actually you shouldn't put bowls on the top incorrect jason i'm actually robots in disguise incorrect although it's kind of what a dishwasher is yeah man i i have two things i have two things that i'm gonna guess okay that i i think but my my go-to is that uh i'm actually there actually is no need to rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher that's correct and in fact you perhaps shouldn't even rinse the dishes before putting them in uh because a lot of dishwashers can sense the amount of food that's on there and will adjust their cleaning cycles appropriately and a lot of dish detergent have enzymes that specifically like bond to like bits of food and stuff so you should like scrape like big pieces of food off but go ahead and leave the big stuff on because you'll get a more efficient clean that way i had no idea good to know i answered that very seriously because it's a triggering question if you've had roommates do you know what i mean it's one of those like oh yes we have to go revisit revisit that moment in life yeah where the conversation happens there's also like if you uh like if you have a way of like this is how this is how you load a dishwasher and you see someone do it differently it's like what the hell is wrong with you who raised you some shaggy donkey or something so two points for ali four points for amy six points for jason making jason our winner for this game congratulations guys thank you of course there's no actual prize except for bragging rights but you can have all that you want um and that's it for the game thank you so much for joining us come back next time for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually you
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 134,570
Rating: 4.9519787 out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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