Jump Man, Folklore, Hounds of Tindalos

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from dumbledore to numenor nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's one thing they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Applause] joining us today we have brian murph murphy hello we have amy vorpal hi guys i'm very excited to be making excellent internet content for you and we're excited to have you and we have matt mercer hi medications almost kicked in [Laughter] great well you are all here to play um actually if you haven't played before the rules are pretty simple i hear a stack of statements these are false statements about the franchises nearest and dearest to your hearts or if not to your hearts to some rabid fan base somewhere it's up to you to identify the thing that is wrong with it buzz in and correct me now there's only two really two rules one is all corrections must be proceeded with the phrase um actually if you don't say i'm actually you won't get a point and the second is you can interrupt me at any time you don't need to wait for me to finish my point uh though the important thing is that you prove that you know more than me and that you're a better person than me because of it by interrupting me when you want our first question is about dungeons and dragons well for most people the distinction between a wizard and a sorcerer may seem trivial for the players of dungeons and dragons the difference couldn't be more stark while they both rely on intelligence to determine the potency matt um actually sorcerers rely on charisma for their spell casting that's correct that was where everyone knew the answer [Laughter] i love the idea of being like good around people lets you cast spells they're hot my beauty gives you knives in your face i fully believe it's purely based on the fact that in the 80s and 90s everyone thought chris was a dump stat and d d designers were like yeah oh yeah have a sorcerer this guy's so charismatic he can pull a bunny out of his hair [Laughter] all right we're gonna move on to uh our second prompt here this is about game of thrones [ __ ] yeah westeros has a tradition of naming children born out of wedlock after a geographical feature of their homeland the use of these surnames is based on the acknowledgement of the parents so bastards such as gendry are barred from having a last name of any kind whereas bastards like john and ramsay snow are allowed theirs matt um actually i believe that ramsay's last name is beach sand uh no i'm sorry that that's wait oh i'm actually ramsey's last name is bolton yeah that's not what we're going for but that is actually technically correct so i guess [ __ ] it let's roll with it uh yeah um actually they're all special boys and they should all have last night they are all very special boys you know it's a human life they should have a last name there are girl bastards too that that is that's true i was just talking about ramsey and gendry specifically what we're also going for is that jon snow is not a bastard oh yeah we've been living with that reality for so long it's hard to change gears but hey i call him a bastard he's not a bastard no he's not all right this question is about star wars yes apologies to matt general grievous the droid general of the separatist army during the clone um actually it's [ __ ] that you're doing some prequel [ __ ] oh come on like they're not canon sorry i'm here to be popular on the internet dude almost almost out of spite we've done more prequel questions than we have original things like we're gonna ask you about gungans because [ __ ] you are you a real fan you said you like star wars [ __ ] general grievous is in star wars how do you feel about boss nast oh i'm sorry that's all right we'll we'll allow the outfits general grievous the droid general of the separatist army during the clone wars while not capable of wielding the force was able to wield four lightsabers in his battle against jedi master obi-wan kenobi amy um actually he was not the leader of the separatist army uh he was a general of the separatist army okay matt um actually if i recall his four lightsaber battle was with uh yoda no he fought obi-wan kenobi okay i believe yodafon dooku the most george lucasy name of all count dooku murph um actually he's not a droid that's correct got some human parts he's doing right coughing yeah he's always confident grievous is a cyborg he's not a droid he has he's a very sick robot i could care less absolutely trap i actually really like that question now because you got it right yeah moving into comics um specifically we're going to talk about x now mutations in the x-men universe often bring incredible supernatural abilities but it can also bring seemingly unrelated physical changes as well kurt wagner received his ability to teleport but also got fangs and a tail mystique while she can change form at will is in her natural form scaly and blue hank mccoy's mutation gave him super intelligence and beast-like strength and agility but also a simian physicality actually hank mccoy um was already smart that's correct his mutation is not the super television he was already super intelligent and he just mutated to be very strong i like that i sounded like an idiot while explaining that uh he was a smart guy it's very funny to like be already super smart get the ability to be like super strong and agile and be like i'm fine with the lab the last spider like i know this happened to me i know i have abilities no one else has i'm sticking with the science i got some grants to fill out [Laughter] brings us to our first shiny question shiny questions are of course like shiny pokemon in that they are basically exactly the same they're worth the same amount of points they're just a little bit different and a little bit rarer this is a game we call cryptogeography [Music] monster folklore comes to us from all over the world you have boards in front of you that will have a big map on it and along the bottom illustrations of monsters we want you to match the monster to its place of origin on the big big map and score a point and go matt is buzzing in uh everyone can continue working as long as you like lock in your answer matt let's flip that around all right i feel really really good about this okay merv how you doing real bad lets everyone flip finland has a lot of monsters right villa's chock full of monsters well okay so matt you were the first to buzz in um i think you have here three that are strong correct one that i might allow a little wishy-washy but possibly i'm gonna look at amy you have like two and like the same kind of wishy-washy thing okay uh murph you actually have three that are right so uh we're just gonna like run through these real quick the chupacabra a lot of you put that in mexico chipotle actually originally from puerto rico murph you're correct the thunderbird should be from the american southwest i also love all of my finlands are wrong uh well your troll is in the right place if you put everything in scandinavia your troll belongs there i think everyone put the troll up there also you're totally right bunyip that's an australian monster for sure yeah how can you say it any other way amy and matt you both got that rakshasa is in india the kurupira belongs in brazil that is a little fairy boy with backwards feet who runs through the jungle to confuse people because those feet are facing the wrong way that is absolutely terrible yeah confused i'm horrified uh the kishi's from angola that is a man with a hyena head on the back of his head the menangala uh and i'm not going to be able to say this um a demon woman who can separate her torso from the lower part of her body and fly around independent of that that is from the philippines baku is from japan baku is also the inspiration for the pokemon drowzee which is why it is a psychic type pokemon uh so if murph you got three uh matt you had the bunyip you had the troll you had rakshasa i think your buck was a little too far out to sea oh it was meant to be japan it's meant to be jimin it was but i will respectfully leave it to you i mean it's a little far out but mine was awesome meant to be japan it's clearly in russia you had rakshasa you had the troll and and the you know maybe the chupacabra so i'm going to give murph and matt each a point i'm sorry amy you're you're one shy oh my gosh that's totally okay but there you have it some of the monsters of the world are many monsters this is a really fun game well thank you i'm glad we're having fun i can't believe i was rewarded for my behavior i honestly it's it's shocking i haven't seen somebody use the just fill in all the c's in a scantron thing i was wrong on all of those we made some mistakes in the last episode and you caught them from our exclusive dropout discord scrungey bungas says tieflings aren't only descended from demons they can also be descended from any manner of fiends including demons devils demons and a few others or you can have ancestors who made a pact with azmodius at jason smith says i'm actually the protagonist of the game where you rescue the princess from donkey kong is known as jump man an entity separate from mario mario's first enemy is the goomba you encounter on the first level of the nes game jason i think it's well established that jumpman and mario are the same character however the question was ambiguously worded so i'll give you the point anyway jacob sh96 and random geek name brent both brought up made for tv movies that do not feature jedi as main characters those are of course the star wars holiday special and ewok adventure half a point for each of them to share however they see fit and we're moving right along to our next question which is about gaming vancian casting named after writer jack vance refers to a system in many games where a spellcaster prepares or memorizes spells and cannot swap out or re-memorize spells without a full day passing or needing eight hours of sleep these spells alone can be used during that time period even if the caster's access to other spells that they chose not to prepare although they can cast their prepared spells as many times as they like um actually they are limited in the number of times they can cast spells based on their level and which level of the spelling that is a hundred percent correct that's a perfect example of why it was so hard to convince people to play d d because like how do you play well that yeah and by that they're like halfway up the door wait i did not even know you were talking about d that's how hard that was it was like spells i know that word this question is about super mario brothers though originally named jumpman the name mario came about when shigeru miyamoto the character's creator named him after the company's landlord mario segale although the character goes only by his single appellation i'm actually mario in the super mario brothers movie is named mario mario that's correct mario's full name is mario mario i'm actually i don't want to politicize this but i'm very strongly in the no sir mario name camp here i've refused to believe this uh you're very anti-mario surname mario yeah mainly because of the movie i think i was dumb enough as a kid that i loved it and then realized later like someone had to tell me it was bad they're like remember that awful super mario brothers movie and i'm like yeah dude it's brendan do we have a hard time it's just for us to feel good 2012 shigeru miyamoto said he has her last name 2015 he retracted it saying that his name is indeed mario mario they got him in a room they got that guy in a room alone i was like does mario have the last name yeah sure because i have a meeting i run nintendo there is an interview that someone did um before the new zelda game gave gave out where they were like what's link's last name they're like link link we now go to our second shiny question this is a game called rules lawyer [Music] there's one thing nerds love it's rules and no one loves rules more than rules lawyer i'm about to show you a single round of combat in a game of fifth edition dungeons and dragons it's littered with mistakes and falsehoods and rules violations assume that we have not left out critical information such as if a character is multi-class or if an unmentioned magic item would provide a given ability also a single action that breaks four different rules for our purposes counts as four different mistakes we're going to run through this round of combat i want you to identify as many mistakes as you can whoever can identify and name the most will get the point all right first panel here el bratha the goliath fighter una the halfling rogue calliope the elven wizard ulmrich the dwarven cleric face off against pit feed fiend and a demi lich albratha runs at the pit fiend using her dodge reaction to avoid the devil's attack of opportunity before sinking her silvered axe into the pit fiend's chest the pit fiend rolls initiative casting hold monster on albratha binding her in place before making its bite claw mace and tail attacks on omarek omrich calls on the power of groomsh one eye god of the forge using a second level spell slot to cast fireball destroying the pit fiend calliope uses benign transposition to cast invisibility on una before drinking a potion of healing the demilit uses its howl attack on una missing due to her invisibility it then casts vile curse with a legendary action and una fails her charisma save it uses a final legendary action to fly 30 feet straight up una uses her jump skill rolling a nat 30 clearing the 30 feet to the demi lich and sneak attacks it on her bonus action she turns undead utterly destroying the demi lich thus concluding this round of action now there were a lot of mistakes in there matt how many errors do you think you've spotted 20. all right amy 16 16. murph how many do you have 16. all right matt tell me what you've spotted that's wrong so first panels uh i didn't see too much wrong with the art however a demi lich classically is just a skull that's correct it's just a skull this is a regular lid next panel when you run towards something you cannot use a reaction something has to trigger a reaction that's correct plus the devil does not get an attack opportunity by running towards it only by leaving melee combat with it is a good attack opportunity and uh silvered axe as it is not a magical weapon will actually not affect a pit fiend i believe it is immune to all non-magical weapons he's good i don't have that one on my car but brennan has given me something a card uh no matt found something that even the question didn't account great he's broken the game all right next panel the pitfein rolling initiative now doesn't make sense since combat's already initiated next panel grimace one eye is not the god of the forge that's correct that's an orcish god it's not the god of the forge and then proceeding to use a second level spell slot to cast fireball fireball's a third level spell and also uh is not a cleric spell that is also correct uh and also pit fiends are immune to fire that is also correct i'm a young grasshopper but i'm willing to learn you cannot cast ability and drink a potion in the same round they're both technically actions next one um the hal attack should still hit the rogue even if she's invisible yes that's correct then vowel curse as a legendary action you can only use legendary actions at the end of players turns and i do not believe vile curse has a charisma saving throw to resist a probably constitution it is a wisdom saver next panel jump skill jump is not a skill nat 30 is not possible you would not be able to sneak attack the lich that is correct and not only does the rogue not have turn undead as a capability but it's an action out of bonus action and is incapable of destroying the lich because it's too high level all three of those things are correct i have 18 correct corrections there from mr mad mercer i am so excited i feel like we all learned something today there's something very satisfying about watching someone just be very good at something i mean congratulations can you get like five points and as always you get one point one point yes it seems unfair that i got the same amount of points for my star wars answer like he's not a true like he's not a freud look this is the cruel mistress of this game all challenges are really one point it doesn't matter how well you know it it's like you forced your way through one point we make mistakes here too and if you notice something that we got wrong you can correct us by tweeting at um actually show or getting in our exclusive dropout discord and correcting us on the um actually corrections channel [Music] our next question is about hp lovecraft in the hounds of tyndalos frank belnap long makes his contribution to the larger cthulhu mythos with a tale of horrifying extra-dimensional creatures hunting a man named halpin chalmers who seals every hole in opening in his home with plaster so the smokey monsters cannot slip through them while in gaseous form matt um actually they are not smoke beasts they are just able to transition through opening that's close enough they're not smoke bees so the cracks don't matter they're actually able to slip through corners of architecture and like corners in space just the idea that corners like something that's so everyday like that's totally lovecraft like they just look around and they're like how do i make a finger scary yeah it's also very like stephen king too just like what's scary cars uh you know trucks that's scary and i'm like oh what if that was scary hey we're going to keep rolling through it it's been working well for us we got another d d question for you oh okay this one's getting crunchy has mac on every dnd question possibly yeah yeah it's my crutch guys d d has been around for many years and the streamlined version of the game that exists now was not always so in second edition skills were known as proficiencies and instead of attack bonuses one employed their thako short for to hit armor class only two hit armor plus zero that's correct i'm not done i'm actually i'll i'll give you the tail slam oh my god such enthusiasm my heart immediately broke i was like thank you so much i know that this is like actually before anyone else buzzed in so you know what oh my god midnight amy came out that this is like why you don't play games i'm so sorry i'm less intense no i'm not so it stands for two hit armor class zero i remember i got in high school in second edition and for me uh the whole falco esoteric math idea helped me understand ideas of uh strange mathematic equations a lot more than anything else that do you think if you had to right now like you could you could explain to murph like this is how that goes i could but it'll destroy his love of d yeah keep in mind i'm a slow learner when you say this is crunchy it's like this isn't necessarily crunchy this is just what second edition was based on and it went away so fast why don't we like do a brief explanation of how that go works okay do you want to go um okay so you're rolling against the armor class that's still true um when you roll if i had a two-hit armor class zero no oh my god it is like i see the chart in my head and i'm like filling it in like negative nine negative eight this is exactly why it was so hard to get friends to play d and d back in the 90s it does not sound fun at all how do i play well do you like negative numbers yeah no you you go oh man so whatever your thakko was was whatever you had to roll on the dice to hit somebody with an armor class of zero so once you rolled the dice you had the zero and then you'd consider what their armor class was and that would modify how difficult it was so if they had an armored class of six you would take whatever you rolled and you would so needlessly complicated on that point we'll move on to our next question this is uh our final shiny question [Music] we have a row of bards here and each of these bards has prepared a couple bars of a song from the hobbit these are new melodies but old lyrics the lyrics should be recognizable it's up to you to arrange these songs in the order that they appear in the book so the way this will work is we'll start at the front of the line at any point any player can call next and they will stop playing and the next person down the line will start playing once you think you know you can arrange them in the right order buzz in and we'll arrange them by pointing all right are you all ready yes cards are you ready yes first barred all right 15 birds in five for trees their feathers were found in a fiery breeze but funny little birds they had no wings [Music] roads go ever [Music] two dungeons deep and caverns next chip the glasses and crack the plates blunt the knives and bend the forks that's what [Music] clap snap [Music] [Music] actually i think i have this all right um you're the dwarves with the dumb plate scene um you're first you convinced bilbo to go then the road goes ever on and on so you're second the one that's tricking me up is the birds you're in the mountain with with gollum i'm gonna put you at the very end you're you're kind of happy all right and you're the end and he comes back and probably sings about food so i'm going to go with this all right this is incorrect i'm sorry to say that song about the birds got pretty dark is it like some kind of troll thing there were some trolls in the middle so i'm gonna put you in the middle that jaunty goblin tune that couldn't be at the end you get the party going with the goblin again so i'll maybe swap you to the last guys uh i'm sorry that's incorrect too the trees are making me think of them up in the trees i want to swap you after the goblin song so you're gonna be fourth and you'll move up third and then uh sure we'll go with that okay i think this is still incorrect uh number one should be blunt the knives the song of the lonely mountain um which is over at the end there that's right which they sang at the dinner table right right uh then seemingly everyone's favorite down down in goblin town love that goblin town then 15 birds and five for trees you were right that was the part where after they've sort of escaped out of the mountains but they're they're being hunted on wargs and escaping to the trees uh and then the road goes everywhere oh it's the last it's our last song so we're very close i think you only actually had one out you had the zorgo zipper on in the wrong place thank you very much bart for everyone uh you may sing us a tune as you exit and um thank you again for being on board play journey as always our final question concerns real life skills these are just skills for surviving irl yes i don't have faith in myself while it's totally possible to cook meat solely by roasting in the oven or boiling in liquid many recipes will suggest that you first sear the meat in a pan over high heat in order to seal in the juices and keep your cut juicy and delicious um actually i think searing it uh just if you do it in butter it adds flavor and then it also just looks better that's correct uh the uh people say seal in the juices searing does not seal in the juices it squeezes juices out the whole point of searing is just for flavor and to make it look good oh mama oh she's so really skilled real [Music] our final score here four from her three for amy five for matt i'm making matt our winner today oh barely i am so happy that matt's our winner that impressive panel work was everything to me yeah if i won without getting any dnd questions right it would have been a moral loss so i'm happy to have lost that's it for our episode join us next time for more hyper-specific pedantic corrections on um actually come on down to gal playing town
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 323,653
Rating: 4.9658871 out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Id: ppPX9F0kEys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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