Bilquis, Black Panther, Battlestar Galactica

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from faco to mako nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] joining us today we have adam lustig hello and dan black what's up he's the bad boy in the group and of course jackie cation hello and welcome to my seat so if you haven't played with us before i have here a stack of statements these are false statements about the franchises that are nearest and dears to your hearts or if not your hearts uh someone's uh some fandom is deeply passionate about the things i'm going to be talking about here uh and it's up to you to find the thing that's wrong and correct me there's like two rules the first is that all your corrections must be preceded by the phrase um actually if you don't say i'm actually you won't get a point the second is that you can interrupt me at any time just like in real life it doesn't matter what i'm trying to say what's important is that you stop any wrong thing that i'm saying to prove how smart you are you feel ready to jump into this yes i feel like a million bucks um actually we've already begun that's true you better start believing in game shows i don't know what i'm doing first question is about battle star galactica the surviving humans aboard the galactica are under the constant threat of attack from the vorlons a race of cybernetic organisms intent on destroying the twelve colonies of humanity jackie borland um actually they're not vorlons but i can't remember what they are i will give you the point unless someone can tell me what they are um actually they're vornic clocks they are not vorticlocks though um actually they're not vorlon's nor vorniclocks uh it's pronounced vornacrox yeah it's it's all about the pronunciation that's right here it's like you gotta you gotta make sure that you're like you you like respect their language french to rival no that's incorrect um uh jackie we're gonna go ahead and give you the point yes they're not vorlons they're cylon cylons are galactica moving along this is about american gods american gods all right well shadow moon is nominally on the side of the old gods they are not necessarily paragons of virtue mr wednesday is a liar cheat and grifter mad sweeney is a drunken brawler and bilquist's goddess of love slits the throats of men who sleep with her jackie she doesn't slit the throats doesn't she consume them uh yeah um actually no um actually she consumes them you know what i jumped the gun on saying yes but you know what dan's going to swoop in there and steal it no no shiver me look there's nothing there's one rule in this game and i'm constantly forgetting that it's like yo i have to say i'm actually yeah it's the only rule can you be specific in the manner in which she consumes them oh yeah of course with a fork and knife that couldn't be farther bilkiss actually uh consumes them through her vagina while they have sex hey now yep yeah but inside there's a fork in the knife have you been inside a vagina you creep i can't say that i have so well if you get up in there there's a full silverware set here this is a question about pro wrestling oh i got this in the fall of 1990 a giant egg appeared at professional wrestling events across the country before eventually hatching at the survivor series revealing the red rooster to the delight of the crowd at hartford connecticut uh actually it was new haven connecticut uh no no that's very very funny it's like you idiot you're in the wrong particular town in connecticut uh stan i'm blanking but um actually it's not the red rooster it was the red turkey it was not the red turkey it's very funny how close you've gotten gobbled something you're on it you're that ah um actually it's the gobbley you damn it i know what this is but i'm gonna say that's close enough it wasn't the red rooster it was the gobbledygooker yeah yeah see i know what this is i'm just blanking on it i always say i'm a professional wrestling fan not a historian sure this game is definitely going to ask you to dig deep sometimes but being like what the was that thing the first event i saw was 91 in nassau coliseum so this gobbledy cooker predates you yeah but i'm wrestling fandom it's kind of like a throwaway reference like the gobbledygooker but i never knew how to say it yeah yeah i love that it's just like you know this giant turkey that everyone just hated immediately but it's like here it is you've been waiting for it to have like all this build up to like a thing that just flops so hard it's just like it's like what is it a big turkey funny i never looked that up i always heard of it and i never like hit youtube for that you didn't hear gobbledygooker it's like i gotta know more this is about batman in the dark knight returns batman and carrie kelly the next robin to follow jason todd face off against the game called the mutants genetically altered criminals terrorizing gotham city dan um actually they're not genetically altered that's correct actually because they have like a patch right there they're called the mutants but they're not actually mutants i didn't know i read that it's frank miller right yeah yeah no this brings us to our first shiny question now shiny questions just like shiny pokemon they're basically the same except they're just a little bit different and a little bit rarer this is a game called order up [Music] magic gathering one of the oldest and most venerated ccgs of all time has many cards almost all of which cost mana with the mana cost removed please order these cards from the most expensive to the least expensive and go oh man all right uh jackie's buzzing oh no oh man all right that is incorrect i'm sorry to say jackie's brute forcing her way to the answer how many possibilities could there be mr trap it's a trap what do you have here yeah that is incorrect totally incorrect good damn dan this is correct let's go ahead and take a look at that but i actually forgot what time was because i don't have 9 000 to buy it so yeah dan you have uh black lotus first with zero mana atlanta war elves uh one green time walk is a blue and a colorless ball lightning is three red and sarah angel is two white and three colorless uh so that point goes to mr dan black congrats dan you also raised an important point which is the uh like the the cost of magic which is just like i played magic very deeply for middle school early high school like right around there and i stopped when my older brother um insisted on playing with a very expensive deck and beating me every time yeah and i was like well i don't have this money and you're the only other person i could play against this game is rigged it's a problem in magic i learned how to play magic because uh the guy who booked the local comedy club played magic oh and i was like oh well we're going to be friends that's the dork version of like getting good at golf and like making a business deal on the golf course you know like um actually it is exactly that we made some mistakes in the last episode and you caught them here they are at daniel blade says um actually general grievous was not the leader of the separatist army he was the supreme commander of the droid army in fact the separatist army is not a real thing as the proper name is the confederacy military he holds a leadership position amongst and then he goes on for several more tweets only one point for you you should have kept it to one tweet from our dropout discord tpg says um actually you alluded to the halo rings being built by the forerunners to destroy their enemies and assert control over the galaxy when it was built as a failsafe to destroy all organic life in the galaxy so the flood couldn't occupy any hosts and survive very pedantic correction but that's what this is all about one point for you ghostrot12343 says um actually matt spoke about how the silvered weapon wouldn't affect pit fiend but it would silver weapons bypass the resistance a pit theme has the non-magical weapons but it will still hurt the dang thing that's correct a pointy thing will still do damage this is about back to the future after successfully getting his father and mother together at the enchantment under the sea dance marty returns to the hill valley of 1985 to discover his father has become a successful author and that this version of 1985 has happy and prosperous versions of himself his brother and his sister jackie um actually he didn't get his parents back together but his father got him together when he chose to confront the rapist i mean that's not what we're going for but i can't say that that's incorrect i would also say i'm not certain that it was called hill valley it was hill valley actually he only has one sibling uh no no he's got two people fade away um actually dan have you ever seen the film this is where things turn ugly you don't know that i don't know it either but you don't know bigger things that is my favorite eddie murphy film the correction we're going for here is that there is no happy version of marty when he returns he's just marty there is he is a marty from another timeline who suddenly is now just implanted into this new one he shares no memories with these versions of his brothers and sisters they probably knew a very happy marty who like was living an idyllic like life with them and suddenly they have this like surly other timeline marty just sort of zapped into marty's body he's like taking over it yeah yeah no one deserves any points you're correct hey you know what this is about comics superheroes and super villains often choose aliases that are descriptive of their special powers but some are maybe a little too obvious like matter eater lad who can eat any kind of matter arm fall off boy whose arm falls off i scream whose eyes scream magic spells and dog welder who welds dogs to people i i'm actually i screamed power is that ice cream comes out of his eyes that is incorrect but you are correct that ice cream is the problem here so unless someone can can tell me what ice cream actually does i'll give you the point um actually i scream what he does is he screams for ice cream i mean i can't say that he doesn't do that but that's not his power do you have a guess uh okay i i would say i'm actually ice cream's true super power is being able to remove his or her his eyes and the eye itself has vocal cords of its own and maybe it screams that is incorrect we'll give the point to dan uh you were pulling points out of who knew you'd be so good at this game uh it's unbelievable i'm actually for if in case you want to know ice cream has the ability to turn into any flavor of ice cream that he wants wow and then how how is that a super power that is that a boom comic who who's publishing i don't know enough about ice cream yeah it's vertigo it's a really serious it's crazy that they sink like hundreds of millions of dollars into something called ant-man it's like you don't really know what's gonna hit and like it's like all these other all the other ones i listed are true like there is a matter eater lad arm fall off boy and dog welder are all real who welds dogs to people that's correct dog welder he welds dogs to people i don't i don't know where the confusion is it's a trope now this is about the comic series saga the story of saga follows the adventures of marco and alana two soldiers from the planets of wreath and landfall respectively who fall in love despite generations of interplanetary war that precede them they live on the run from their respective governments trying to keep themselves and their newborn daughter hazel safe along with their ghostly babysitter isabelle she's going for it jackie um actually they're on the run from their respective governments but they're mostly on the run from the empire and the interplanetary war is a construct from a third party go jackie go jackson i like where you're going but i i'm also wrong but i i don't expect you're going i don't think that you could say that that's correct because the emperor still aligns itself you know like they're they're aligned with either wreath or landfall so they are still on the run from their respective governments even though there would be allies um actually alana isn't a soldier herself she's a teacher oh she's a soldier okay cool um actually only one of them is on the run they're both the other ones just along for the love quest yeah of course i don't know i'm gonna say that that no one no one's got this unless someone i'm actually gobbly cooker that's correct the gobbledygooker is a major part of this um no this is uh this is a super pedantic one i said they're from the planets of wreath and landfall but wreath is the moon of landfall it is not a planet uh in fact uh they're referred to as moonies several times throughout the series it is not a planet it is their moon that is super specific super specific that is really i love it really really i love saga so much and i'm just like i know all those things those are all true where's the error it's like that's not an adverb it's an education if you correct someone for something like that that means you're gonna have no friends if someone said he's from the planet of this you know actually it's a moon your friend's leaving um actually that would be the game i don't want to talk about the things that are fun about this i want to make sure you're wrong um well unfortunately no no points anyone in that shoot this brings us to our next shiny question this is a little game we call spelling bee [Music] spelling in english is hard enough spelling and sci-fi and fantasy is damn near impossible there's lots of consonants there's apostrophes there's there's crap you wouldn't expect to see it backwards weird accent marks there's stuff so we're gonna ask you to spell something from sci-fi or fantasy standard spelling bee rules apply here so please say the name before and after you spell so i know when you're done you're allowed to ask me to use it in a sentence or to ask what property the word is from your word is mixie's piddling i'll say that again mix yes pitilic all right um i'm actually mixius pitolic can you repeat it can i hear it in a sentence yeah yeah sure though superman has many formidable foes such as lex luthor or brainiac perhaps none is more powerful than the impish extra-dimensional entity known as mr mix yes pidlik it's a proper noun it is ah okay pixie is piddling m i x i a s p i t i that is highly incorrect all right jackie mixius pinlick uh m-y-x a bunch of y's a bunch more consonants and then an exclamation point makes you spin like i'm sorry that it did that is also incredible okay uh capital m i x i o u s capital p i d d l e l i c k i'm sorry that is incorrect as well so the correct spelling it's m x y z p t l k that's it almost no no that's it it threw superman a couple of times yeah yeah was hard he was checking in and just like what is it again yeah he's pretty valid-based a superhero he's a monster at starbucks they're just like what is the name again like i can't believe they spelled it wrong these goddamn baristas yeah god now we're not perfect either and you may have noticed something that we got wrong here on the show if you want to correct something that we got wrong tweet us at um actually show we might even give you a point remember points are worthless but might make you feel a little better alright this next statement is about sandman dream of the endless known by other names such as morpheus o'neros or the sandman has two brothers destiny and destruction and four sisters death desire despair and delirium although at one time delirium was known by the name delight it's getting really hard sorry i'm throwing some stumpers in here um actually despair is a half-sister different mom no yes jackie um actually there is no destruction wouldn't that be nice uh there is a destruction yeah but yeah it was a destruction a world without destruction but actually she didn't go by delight uh she did yeah the niece it was called denise call me delirium now dad i'm dele it's not a phase i'm not denise anymore i'm delirium dream desire and denise desire is not dream sister technically because desire is an agender omnigender uh pangender entity desire is constantly shifting between gender so hard to say yeah i'd be like mike i might leave the party come on no guys this is important we're all trying to discuss making sure that you're enjoying it the same way i do correctly there's only one way to enjoy a thing and it's getting all the facts straight you notice there was no wake for desire you know there was a wake for dream there was a the wake for desire because you know who killed desire was apathy and i'd like to move on this is about the marvel cinematic universe black panther the superheroic alter ego of prince t'challa makes his first appearance in the marvel cinematic universe in captain america civil war his solo film shot domestically in atlanta georgia and internationally in argentina wakanda and south korea stars chadwick boseman reprising the titular role um actually there is no wakanda that's correct wakanda doesn't actually exist there's no real country called it's very sad quite honestly that is where all the adamantium comes from do you know how a captain america's shield is made out of adamantium black panther's entire costume is made out of adamantium so you yeah everybody move it through the fibers i don't think you know this about wakanda but they are technological geniuses and uh they can make a a supple um vibranium and that's like that's white privilege there right that like captain america is like oh your shield's so great everyone's entirely yeah [Laughter] and this brings us to our last shiny question this is a game called what's wrong with this picture just a moment we're going to put an image up on this screen it will be up to you to tell us what is wrong with this image first person to spot it and buzz in we'll get the point you ready yeah let's put that up there [Music] damn yoda's done the first movie that's correct yoda is popping up in the corner there what made me realize that the placement of yoda is like why is he like in like han's armpit we definitely like we were trying to figure out we were like where do we put yoda in this because it's like it is like a very carefully arranged tableau and it's like hey don't forget [Laughter] i saw him too and i did not remember i didn't realize yeah the i spent my first minute whatever 30 seconds checking the spelling of all that so did i yeah me too i was looking at the credits uh that is a hundred percent something we would have done it was a good instinct um but no no we're an image uh so that's a point for dan good work dan you are destroying really nice as always our last question of the game concerns real life skills these are skills that are just handy irl they have nothing to do with any of the properties we've talked about ticks are blood sucking ectoparasites found all over the world including here in california ticks also carry diseases like lyme disease rocky mountain spotted fever and typhus luckily ticks are fairly easy to remove by using tweezers to pull and twist the tick off your skin um actually i got bit by a tick this is your version of like i read it it's frank miller i know ticks yeah i've been bitten by a ton of ticks well i don't know how technical we're gonna get here but when you get a tick you actually can't just pull it right out because its head digs into the skin you have to put vaseline to suffocate it out and then its head has to come out of the skin then you can then you can take it with the tweezers but you can't just do it because if the head gets stuck in there then the poison will will stay in i'll give you the point uh but i will point out it's a sort of a bit of focus and that you want to put vaseline on the tick partly because like it will work but it takes a long time then you have to kind of like wait for the tick to uh suffocate a little bit well you want to get that tick off you as fast as you can because they do carry these diseases really yeah tell that to my summer camp for like a half hour i'm still covered in vaseline that is it for our game our final score here uh unfortunately zero for mr aka perfect yep seven for dan black two for jackie join us next time for even more hyper specific pedantic corrections here on um actually and they're like we're not pulling it out right away we gotta like make sure the head dislodges by suffocating it yeah yeah that's probably debunked at this point yeah
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 116,347
Rating: 4.9231253 out of 5
Keywords: Um Actually, Mike Trapp, nerds, gameshows, corrections
Id: bk8y60W61es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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