The Um Actually Holiday Special [Full Episode]

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(upbeat music) - From Yaksmas to Xmas, nerds like a lot of things around the holidays, but there's something they love above all else, and that is correcting people, and peace on Earth, this is "Um, Actually". (festive music) Joining us today for a very special holiday "Um, Actually", we have Shane Crown. - Ho, ho, ho. - Jon "Gutz" Gutierrez. - Merry Lifeday. - And Amy Vorpahl. - Happy Holidays. You've all played before, but you haven't played a special holiday edition. These are a stack of incorrect but very festive statements, about the things that you know and love, it's up to these three fine folks to find the thing that is wrong and correct me. All corrections must be proceeded with the phrase, "Um, actually," and you can interrupt me whenever you want. We'll just get right to it, it's about "Futurama". Bender may have made up the holidays Robanukah, Robonzaa, and Robomadan to get out of work, but "Futurama" does feature a trio of robot characters called "The Holiday Trinity," made up of Robot Santa, Kwanzaa-bot, and The Chanukomputer. (bell dings) - Um, actually, they're not all robots, one of them is the Hanukkah Zombie. - That is correct. - Wow! (all laughing) - There is no Chanukomputer, it is the Chanukah Zombie. He is voiced by Mark Hamill, and he pilots a TIE fighter with Stars of David on the side. (all laughing) Look, it's a crazy time over there in "Futurama" with all the holidays that have developed in the year 3000. - I haven't ever seen "Futurama", so that was especially impressive to me. - Was it you who also have not seen any "Simpsons"? - Yeah, and someone said online that they love me because of it. - Oh, really? - They're in love with me, or they can't decide if they hate me or love me. So, I chose that they loved me. (laughs) - Yeah. (laughs) I wonder if it's like a Beast from "Beauty and the Beast" thing, it's like, "Maybe I can change you! "I can show you the "Simpsons"!" - I know, we all want to be like, "No, no, I don't read those YouTube comments," or, "I don't read fan tweets," but I read them, I read them all. - [Mike] Oh no! - Yes. - When we last talked, you were in the process of watching through a whole bunch of "The Simpsons" with your friends. - Oh yeah, that didn't happen. (laughs) - Yeah, that sounds right, that tracks. - Yeah, why ruin the brand? (all laughing) - Well, that's a point for Gutz, for identifying the Chanukah Zombie. Here is a question about "The Twilight Zone". The episode "The Night of the Meek" follows a down-on-his-luck, recently fired department store Santa. He discovers a sack that can produce any Christmas gift, and goes around town being generous to those in need. However, he is accused of stealing the items since he couldn't possibly afford them, and is arrested, and the episode ends with him drunk and in jail. (bell dings) - Shane. - Um, actually, the episode ends with them in a courtroom, he has to prove that he's Santa in the court of law. - You're talking about "Miracle on 34th Street". (all laughing) That is a different thing. - It would be a very great ending to it also, though. - They just totally took the ending of this episode, it's like, "We're just gonna take from this movie." (chuckles) - They ran out of film, they just stuck to it. - Just, it's not even them re-shooting it, they just re-stitch the end of "Miracle on 34th Street" onto it. - Just point a camera right at a TV showing. - Guys, everything's derivative, some things are just very derivative. - Yeah, every story's been told before. (bell dings) - Um, actually, the toys disappeared after Christmas was over. - Oh, God, what a sad (laughs) what a sad, I mean, good guess, that could be a decent "Twilight Zone". No, no, that's not correct. (bell dings) Gutz. - Um, actually, it ends with him wandering into an alley and finding a sleigh and an elf sitting there, then he gets in it and flies away to become Santa. - That's correct, yeah, the episode ends with him becoming Santa, even the Twilight Zone's heart grew three sizes that day (all laugh) and yeah, a nice happy ending. - Have you ever thought about, because there is always Mrs. Claus, but she's in the hardcore background, does, when new Santa Claus's become new Santa Claus, do they also get this extra wife? - Extra wife? (chuckles) - Or is there like a new Mrs. Claus that appears as well? - You know, Amy, this very question is addressed in "The Santa Claus 2: Mrs. Clause"? - Yeah, I think so. (all laughing) - In fact, I believe it is contract, I believe Santa's contractually obligated to be married and have a Mrs. Claus and it follows him trying to find- - The right Mrs. Claus? - The right Mrs. Claus, yeah. - Awesome. - But, isn't she written, I will admit, I've never seen the third one, but I'm fairly certain there isn't a Mrs. Claus in the third one- - "Escape Clause"? - So I think they just write her out, don't they? - I can't say for sure that- - [Amy] Whoa. I mean, she's always been extra, she just makes cookies. - It does feel like the character of Mrs. Claus is criminally under-explored, you know, as far as I can tell, there's two humans at the North Pole, it's Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, and then a (beep) ton of elves, and a bunch of deer. - We know, yeah, as a child watching that clay-mation, Rudolph or whatever, her job was literally to make Santa fat. - Yeah. - Like that- - Eat, Santa, eat! - [Amy] Eat! - Yeah, and I was like, as a child, I was like, "Totally. "Totally, yes, accept this as reality, this is good." - I think we've just come up with a high concept movie, Santa Claus dies, Mrs. Claus has to come in and fulfill the job, it's essentially the plot of "Widows", (all laugh) but with the Santa Claus. - Or "The Queen". - Exactly! (laughs) - Well, that is another point for Gutz, we'll move right along to a question about "Gremlins". Towards the end of the film, the gremlins gather in a movie theater and watch "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves". They enjoy the movie so much that they sing along with the song "Heigh-ho". When Billy, Kate, and Gizmo blow up the movie theater, the gremlins are all destroyed, except for their mohawk-sporting leader, Spike, who had left in search of Milk Duds. (bell dings) - Shane. - Um, actually, he hadn't left in search of Milk Duds, they find him in a garden? - A garden? What the? That was, it seemed like you had a stroke halfway through that! (both laughing) Uh, no, no, that is incorrect. (bell dings) - Um, actually, when they sing along to "Heigh-ho", they sing "Ho, ho, ho.". - Incorrect, incorrect. (bell dings) - Um, actually, his name was Stripe? - That is correct. (all laughing) That gremlin's name was Stripe. - I had never, I still haven't, okay, so, this is gonna be a fun episode, I've never seen the "Gremlins" either, but I have seen the Key & Peele sketch about "Gremlins," and that counts, right? - Sure, yeah, that's close enough! (all laughing) Well, it's Christmas time, everyone gather around, we're gonna watch the Key & Peele sketch about "Gremlins." - Me and my wife watch that sketch every week, we are obsessed with that sketch! (all laughing) - That's amazing! - "Gremlins" makes a fun, just a fun Christmas movie. One of those things kind of like "Nightmare Before Christmas" where it's like, "It works for both Halloween and Christmas!" and I can like watch it throughout. - Does it? Does "Nightmare Before Christmas" work for both Halloween and Christmas? - Oh, which do you think it does not work for? - It is a Christmas movie. - I feel like it's a Halloween movie. - No. - Yeah. - No. (all laughing) - Well, we settled it! (all laughing) - Ah, I feel good about this! (all laughing) - So, it, (laughs). Well, that is another point for Gutz. What can I say? - Slow your role! - And here we go on to this question. In the "World of Warcraft" universe, The Feast of Winter Veil is celebrated with merriment, gift-giving, and quest-giving. Players can meet both an orc and a dwarf version of Greatfather Winter, a character based on an in-universe children's story that many citizens of Azaroth lament has been over-commercialized by the Copperpinch and Jinglepocket goblin families. (bell dings) - Um, actually, those goblin names aren't ridiculous enough, they could be a little bit more. - They're too, they're too simple. Nope, that is correct, Copperpinch and Jinglepocket goblin families. - When you read it, I was like, "No, no, that sounds right," like that all sounds very correct. - Yes, it all sounds about on par with "World of Warcraft," unless (bell dings) um, actually, it's not "World of Warcraft," it's "The Witcher." (all laughing) - Merry Wintervale, from your "Witcher" family! - That's the tone, right? - Uh, no, that is incorrect. (bell dings) - Um, actually, I'll bite. Maybe it's not based on a lore, it's actually a real thing. - You know, you're maybe close enough, I'll give it to you. It's not based on an in-universe children's story, it's based on an in-universe ancient deity, within the world of "World of Warcraft", it's like, "No, no, Greatfather Winter was a real person, "he was a God-like being." - Yeah! - "And now he's become a sort of Santa-like figure, "we all just sort of get presents, talk about it." Very good, well this will bring us to our first shiny question of the game. This is a game called "Crypto-Geography". (magical music) There's Christmas creatures all over the world, it's up to you to try to place those Christmas creatures in the country of their origin. Whoever can get the most will get the point for this. (intense music) - Okay, we will go down the line. - I will not try to pronounce any of these. - [Mike] All right. - But I do know the Christmas spider is down where the biggest spiders are, which is Australia. I know that this log that's (beep) a present is up in Russia. I know that Heat Maiser and Snow Maiser there are from somewhere kind of in like China. That tall knight is in Turkey. - Okay. - Specifically. (all laughing) - The grandma with the sack. - [Mike] Mm-hmm. - Is, that's Norway. The, I don't know what this, the coyote, evil coyote's Brazil. The evil cow is kind of in like Central America. - [Mike] Okay. - Hans Trapp is in California. (all laughing) - He's here in Los Angeles. - And the snake-ferret is Greenland. - Very good. Gutz, let's take a look at where you thought some of these folks are from. - The only ones I really knew were Tio de Nadal, I believe is Spain. - Okay. - The house skull, I believe this is Mari Lwyd, is Wales, I believe. Hans Trapp, I was thinking Sweden, Jolakotturinn I was thinking Norway, Old Man Bayka, the Ukraine, Grylla & the Yule Lads, I think they're playing Brooklyn this weekend. (all laughing) - Come out and see Grylla & the Yule Lads! (imitating drum cymbols) - But I was thinking Russia, Badalisc I was thinking Mongolia, Christmas spiders, Brazil, Namahage Peru? - All right, Amy, let's see what you've got here. - Okay, I did think a lot of them were in Germany. But, we'll start with Christmas spiders, which I used the same logic as Shane did, they're for sure- - Australia (beep) has spiders everywhere. - Yeah, exactly. The Namahage, I put 'em in Asia. - [Mike] Okay. - Same as- - That's a very large region, can you be a little more specific? - China, okay, so, and then Badalisc in Russia. And then we've got Jolakotturinn, Grylla & the Yule Lads, and Mari Lwyd, and Hans Trapp are all in Germany, for sure. And then, Old Man Bayka I put in, let's say, Sudan, I just picked a random African country, I don't know if you saw that just now, I just picked a random one. - [Mike] Yep. - Okay, then Tio de Nadal is South America, so we'll say Brazil. - Well, Shane, you got a whopping zero correct. - All right. (all laughing) - Gutz, you got two of these correct, Amy you have one that is acceptably correct- - And five that are very correct. - And five that are extremely correct. I'm afraid to say that is it, so I believe Gutz is our winner here with two, but let's take a look at where things should be! - Grylla & the Yule Lads and Jolakotturinn are both from Iceland, the Mari Lwyd, Gutz you did correctly identify, that was in Wales. Badalisc is from Italy, Old Man Bayka or Bayka, I'm not quite sure how it's pronounced, that's from Liberia, you were correct that it is somewhere in Africa, but you did not- - Was that the one that I was sort of right about? - No, that was not the one you were sort of right about. - [Amy] Oh, okay, okay. - The Namahage are from Japan, Hans Trapp, presumably no relation, he is most accurately from France, but Germany is acceptable there. Christmas spiders, I understand the logic of putting that in Australia, but those are from Ukraine. And Tio de Nadal, Gutz you were correct, that is from Spain, and Shane you are correct, that is a log that is (beep) out a present. And you beat it with sticks until it literally (beep) out a present. - Specifically, the children of the house- - [Mike] Yes. - You load it with presents, and then they speak a Spanish rhyme of essentially, "(beep) out the presents, (beep) out the presents," and hit it out until they come out the back of the log. It's a tradition we've been meaning to start at our house. (all laughing) - That is another point for Gutz, and we'll collect those boards. (magical music) Ho, ho, no! We made a few mistakes, and you caught them. Here's some of our favorite corrections from you, the viewers. @TheArizonRang1 says, "In the Halloween show, "Trip says that Frankenstein then finished university, "which isn't true, as he dropped out of university "after creating the monster. "Also, the story is within four other stories, " "The letters," "Captain," "Frankenstein," and " "The Blind Man's Family." " That's true, Dr. Frankenstein is not a doctor, and my name is not Trip. And from our exclusive Dropout discord, Thefriman says, "In your question about "Superman: Red Son", "you spell superman's real name as Kal-El. "While this is his name in the regular continuity, "it is revealed at the end of "Red Son" "that this version of Superman spells his name Kal-L, "which is a shortening of Luthor." That's right, I spelled it Kal-El, and I should've spelled it Kal-L. ShiftyMcShift says, "Um, actually, the Omega 13 device "in "Galaxy Quest" doesn't send you back in time, "it just rearranges all the atoms in the ship "to the state they were in 13 seconds ago." I will not award you one point, I will just award you something with all the atoms of one point, which I guess is something totally different, isn't it, ShiftyMcShift? (magical music) Here is our next question. In "An American Tail" we see the Mousekewitz family celebrating Hannukah in their homeland of Russia. Mama and Papa Mousekewitz give their children two gifts they bought for them, a headscarf for Tanya, and Fievel's trademark blue hat. Papa then tells them the tale of the Mouse of Minsk, who was as tall as a tree and had a tail a mile long. (bell dings) - Yes, Shane. - Um, actually, his gift was his jacket. - Nope. - [Shane] Not the hat. - Incorrect. (bell dings) - Um, actually, they made it, Mama made both of those gifts. - Hmm, you are around the area where the problem is, though. - Okay, okay, they definitely didn't buy them. - Well you know what, merry Christmas, Amy, you can have it. Papa did not buy the hat, it belonged to his father, and his father's father, and so-on, and it was a family heirloom that was passed down, and not just some cheap hat he picked up at some local shop, I mean, come on. - But don't they reveal that his father's father's father's father's did buy it in a shop? (all laughing) - Yeah, yeah, at some point he was like, "Oh, cool hat!" Here's a question about D.C. Comics. In "The Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special", Lobo, whose name means one who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it, takes on a contract from a disgruntled child to hunt down and kill Santa Claus. Lobo lays gruesome waste to Santa and his workshop, eventually stealing his sleigh and using the naughty and nice map to drop hydrogen bombs all over the world. (bell dings) Shane. - Um, actually, they don't use the naughty or nice list. - They do, in fact, yeah. - Um, actually, he doesn't drop hydrogen bombs. - He does, yeah, hell of a Christmas. - Um, actually, he wasn't hired by a child, he was hired by the Easter Bunny. - That's correct! (all laughing) - I'm trying to remember all of my Lobo issues, and going back in time. - Did you know that or was that a guess? - No, no, I think I knew that, somewhere in the back of my head. - Somewhere deep, it's like, "I need to enter my mind palace. "God, my mind palace is full of (beep)! "What the hell is this?" Big ol' box of comics, like, "Okay, what do we got here?" Well, here is our next statement. Unique to Discworld is the holiday of Hogswatch, a Christmas-like celebration of both the Winter Solstice and New Year. It supposedly originated in a winter when a king overheard three sisters crying because they had no food. The king threw them a bag of sausages, allowing them to eat, although he did accidentally knock one of the sisters unconscious with the throw. (bell dings) - Um, actually, Discworld is on the back of a turtle that's on the... It wasn't sausages. (all laughing) - Once again, Shane, I think you may have had a stroke halfway through this question, but it was sausages, what you said about Discworld is true, but not at question. - I'm just grasping at anything. - [Mike] Sure. - Anything at this point. - [Mike] I hear you. - Can we just say things we know? - Maybe we'll answer. - Sometimes works, no Christmas cheer for Shane. (all laughing) - Please, sir, I'm so cold, I need a point! (bell dings) - Um, actually, it is not unique to Discworld. - That's correct! - What? (all laughing) (bell dings) - That's correct, yeah! (all laughing) - Oh, thank you, Santa! - You seem like you definitely know where else it might be featured, you wanna tell me? - Yeah, wait, who did Discworld, Terry Pratchett? - Yep. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, okay, Terry Pratchett, it's actually, Neil Gaiman stole it and put it in one of his books. - That's a really good guess, they have collaborated, but no, that's not the case. Terry Pratchett also wrote a sci-fi novel called "The Dark Side of the Sun" that features a bunch of characters from many, many different worlds, and one of them sort of off-handedly says that he celebrates Hogswatch, too, and I think it maybe pre-dates the Hogfather, so this is, it is, in fact, the first reference to Hogswatch is in this sci-fi novel, and then, yeah, later is featured in Discworld. - Testing the waters. - Testing the waters. Do people like this? - Let's see how this lands! - [Mike] Is this a fun holiday? - People like Hogswatch. - Yeah. (laughs) Well, that point goes to Amy, and we'll move on to our next shiny question. This is a game we're calling "Name That Santa". (magical music) There have been many different imaginings, interpretations of Santa. On the other side of this board, there are a number of those Santas, we want you to identify what, they're not all necessarily called Santa, they've, you know, maybe twist the name along with the interpretation. If you could please provide the name of these Santas. - Oof. (intense music) - [Amy] Ooh, ooh. (intense music) - [Mike] All right, so Shane, tell us about your Santas. - We have, up here, that's just The Thing. - Mm-hmm. - Then we have Ganon-Claus. Then we have Santa The Gathering, 3-D Santa down here, and that's 3-D Santa: The Escape Clause. (all laughing) I just made up a name, that's Winterman Dan. - Not like the other ones, the other ones you knew. (all laughing) - The other ones I know. Claus 3000, that's Brett Hart, I saw the WWE microphone. - [Mike] Sure. - That's just Dr. Doom, and again, 3-D Santa, the original. - Very good, Gutz, let's see what you got here. - Very good, you don't have to. (Mike laughing) You don't have to say that. - A couple official ones, some sort of, I think that's Cthulu, what is dead may never die. Sclaus 9000, I'm assuming it's anime. Buff Santa, I think that's Alec Baldwin, I think that's just a picture of George Clinton. (all laughing) Santa bot. Mall Santa, Doom Claus, and Santa Clay? - Amy, let's see what you got. - You and I named one the same name, just that's really cool, okay. Mall Santa was the one that we named the same name. Okay, so this is (laughs) it makes me laugh, I called it Flesh Present. (laughs) - That is not Flesh Present. (both laughing) - That one's also (gasping from laughter) Flesh Present. - But you also called the other one Flesh Present. (laughs) That's Flesh Present Two: Escape Claus. (all laughing) - I don't know why it makes me laugh, okay. This is Father Christmas, back to normal land. This is J... (laughing) (Mike laughing) Jingle (beep) Jangle Santa, this is Rob (laughs) - From, you know, from here it's hard to read the writing, I thought for a second that that said, "Jungle (beep) jungle," and you were playing on "Jungle 2 Jungle," another Tim Allen movie, but Jingle (beep) Jangle, okay. - Jingle (beep) Jangle. This is Rob Stark fan art Santa, this is Candy (laughing) this is Candy Boi Santa, this is Robo Santa, and this is Dark Night Santa. - Very good. - [Amy] Ooh, I don't know. Oh man, I like the things I write. (all laughing) - What a ride! Well, I regret to say that I don't think anyone got a single one right, there were a couple that were extremely close that I could maybe give a point to, but maybe I'll go over the answers first. We have here Bizarro Santa, Frost Gigus or maybe Gigus, I don't know, that's from "Secret of Mana", Klaus from the comic book "Klaus", this is North, AKA Nicholas St. North, from "Rise of the Guardians", this is Knish Kringle from Chowder, this is Robot Santa from Futurama. - So close. - You're very close. Shane, you weren't far off, but this is unfortunately John Cena, not Brett Hart. (all laughing) And then we have Santa Doom, not Doom Claus, which I think that you wrote. And then finally Sumo Santa from "ClayFighter". No points for anyone. (all laughing) (magical music) Well, put us on the naughty list, because we made a mistake. Luckily, you were able to catch it. If you noticed something that we got wrong, you can correct us by tweeting @UmActuallyShow, or by going to our exclusive Dropout Discord and correcting us there. We'd like what you have to say, we might even give you a point. We'll move right along here. You've probably seen "A Muppet Christmas Carol", but it's not the only Muppet Christmas movie. Among others, there's "A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie", "A Muppet Family Christmas", and "The Christmas Toy". There was also "John Denver & The Muppets: A Christmas Together". It featured a variety of musical numbers and stories, the last of which is the story of Santa Claus followed by a performance of "Silent Night". (bell dings) Yes? - Um, actually, the second one you said is not actually a Muppet movie. - "A Muppet Family Christmas" is not a Muppet movie? (all laughing) I just want to be sure that I- - Not a real one, it's probably a fan-made one. I just happen to know it's definitely not. - That is incorrect. (bell dings) - Um, actually, they didn't sing "Silent Night" at the end, they all sang "Joy to the World". - They do sing "Silent Night". - [Amy] Oh. - [Mike] Mm-hmm. - That was the closest I had. (laughs) - I'll go ahead and just call it, in "John Denver & The Muppets: A Christmas Together" they don't tell the story of Santa Claus, they, uh, it's the nativity story that they say, and it includes a Muppet baby Jesus and family. - Wow. - Well, no points for that one, and this next one is about "Batman: The Animated Series". In "Christmas with the Joker", instead of watching "It's a Wonderful Life" as intended, Batman and Robin see a special broadcast made by Joker. In it, Joker performs to a live studio audience of cardboard cutouts along with Harley Quinn as Laughy the Christmas Elf. And, of course, they reveal that they've kidnapped Commissioner Gordon, Summer Gleeson, and Harvey Bullock, who will all die by midnight if Batman doesn't find them. (bell dings) - Um, actually, it is a live performance of "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells, "Robin Laid an Egg". - I don't know if you're joking, but that is a thing that actually happens in that episode. (all laughing) - I'm... there's something there. - There's something in there. That, however, is not, it doesn't, the truth of that does not make any of this untrue. (bell dings) - Um, actually, they weren't able to kidnap Commissioner Gordon, because he was wintering in The Hamptons. - Incorrect. (bell dings) - Um, actually, Batman doesn't watch "It's a Wonderful Life", he just watches home movies of his parents and cries. (all laughing) Every year. - Time for another Christmas with the family. Incorrect, he was intending to watch "It's a Wonderful Life". Harley Quinn is not present in that special, Laughy the Christmas Elf is just Joker's hand with a face on it that is doing a little puppet body. There's your little elf. This brings us to our last shiny question of the game. This is a variation on a game we've played before called "Find the Fake", only, to be in the Christmas spirit we're calling this one "Look What You Did You Little Jerk", because this is specifically about "Home Alone". (magical music) On the other side you'll find a layout to some of the traps used in "Home Alone", but one of them isn't real. First person who can find the traps that were never used in either of those two movies will get the points, go ahead and flip that over. Which one was never used in either "Home Alone" or "Home Alone 2"? (intense music) (bell dings) Shane. - Um, actually, a mouse trap was never used. - That's correct. - [Amy] Hey! - On the board! - The mouse traps on the stairs were not used in "Home Alone" and that is a point for Shane! - Yes, I'll take it! (Amy laughing) (magical music) - Well, as always, our 13th question here is about real-life skills. (video game level-up sound) If you bring home a real Christmas tree, you should immediately make a new, fresh cut at the bottom of the tree stem. You should then place it in a stand with capacity for at least one gallon of water away from heat sources like fires, heaters, and electronics. Water the tree immediately, ideally with a plant-food mixture of some kind, and make sure to regularly maintain the water level. (bell dings) Yes, Shane. - Um, actually, you're not supposed to maintain the water level, you let it slurp that sucker up. (all laughing) You let it drain. - 'Till it's done, drain it. That's all you get, tree! Incorrect. (bell dings) Gutz. - Um, actually, you should constantly cut the base of it, just to show that you can and that you are boss of that tree. A very "Saw"-like scenario. - You're gonna cut it down to size, uh incorrect. (bell dings) - Um, actually, you don't, it doesn't have to be a gallon? It could be just a certain level of water? - Just eyeball it, (beep) let's just (beep) dunk it in a tub. - Yeah, drink your fill, I don't (beep) care. (laughs) - You should just use regular tap water with no plant-food mixture, most mixtures have been shown to ultimately do more harm than good by drying out the trees and causing them to lose their needles faster, so just use regular ol' water. But, oh, what's this? A Christmas miracle, a Hanukkah miracle, we only expected these questions to last for 13 questions, and it lasted for 14, another question here! (all laughing) Here we have an extra bonus holiday question, because we couldn't not talk about "The Star Wars Holiday Special". In "The Star Wars Holiday Special", Chewbacca goes to the wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk to see his family for Life Day. The special is notable for bringing back fan-favorite characters like R2-D2, Boba Fett, and Han Solo, and introducing new characters for the first time, like Chewbacca's son, Lumpy, and his father, Itchy. We were also treated to a musical performance by Jefferson Starship, appearing as a hologram band. (bell dings) Yes, Shane. - Um, actually, Chewbacca doesn't make it home, that's the whole plot of it, so he's trying to get home. - He does make it home, I believe, in the end. - No, it's a bad ending, it doesn't (laughs)- - He gets shot down. - Doesn't quite make it. - You never see Chewbacca again. (bell dings) - Um, actually, the musical performance is by Leia, she sings a little Christmas diddy. - She does, that is true, but also Jefferson Starship also performs. She sings a song to the tune of the "Star Wars" theme about Life Day. (bell dings) Gutz. - Um, actually, Boba Fett wasn't a fan favorite because that was his first appearance? - That's correct! Boba Fett's first appearance is in "The Star Wars Holiday Special", he appears in animated form and had not appeared yet at that time, so yeah, that's an extra point for Gutz. Not that you needed it, but eat Papa, eat! Fill up, it's Christmas time! - I'm the Mouse of Minsk. (all laughing) - That makes our final score one for Shane, six points for Gutz, three points for Amy, that makes Gutz our holly jolly winner this time. Congratulations, Gutz, and thank you to everyone for playing with us. Join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on "Um, Actually" and God bless us, every one! (magical music) And that's it for this episode of "Um, Actually". Um, actually, it's not. There's way more of this episode over on Dropout. Go to and start your free trial today. I'll be right here. Well, I'll be over there. I mean, I'll be in both places at once, um, because this is just... There's more... (exasperated sigh) Technology.
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 380,792
Rating: 4.9177914 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, holidays, christmas, hanukkah, tv shows, movies, santa claus, futurama, gremlins, world of warcraft, Um Actually, mike trapp, jon gutierrez, amy vorpahl, shane crown, game shows, games, poindexters, trivia, nerds, star wars, batman, the muppets, terry pratchett, comics, dc comics, mythical creatures, monsters, maps
Id: cH6xfRhTKFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 26sec (1886 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 14 2019
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