Monty Python, Shōnen Manga, Mr. Burns

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from time bandits to time baby nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Applause] joining us on today's episode we have nathan yaffi happy to be here haley mancini covered in cat fur and ready to go and kirk d'amato catchphrase game is very simple uh i have here a stack of statements these are false untrue statements about the things that you like uh it's up to you to find what is wrong with it and correct me by buzzing in only two rules are you must precede your corrections with a phrase um actually you don't i won't give you a point uh and you can interrupt me at any point when i'm reading the question you don't need to wait for the question to finish just like in real life um that uh that's pretty much it how are you guys feeling it looks like there's a little bit of nerves there's some there's some tension on the bench a bit to quote star wars i've got a good feeling about this hey wait a minute um actually all right well we'll go ahead and get started then so uh make yourself comfortable grab your buzzers and we'll jump right in to this first question in the movie son of godzilla a group of scientists find an enormous egg from which a creature named godzilla junior hatches godzilla junior yes uh um actually gazuki uh no no i'm sorry it's not not katsuki oh oh well we don't know what the question is i'll start again from the beginning in the movie son of godzilla a group of scientists find an enormous egg from which a creature named godzilla junior hatches godzilla junior would later appear in godzilla vs mechagodzilla 2 godzilla vs space godzilla and godzilla versus destroyer nathan uh um actually it wasn't scientists it was tourists uh that's a very funny idea for uh for like a kaiju movie a group of unsuspecting tourists like stumble on a thing but that that is incorrect now um actually yes he was not born of an egg his mother gave birth to him and it was beautiful mothra was gone they [Laughter] you're on the right track i will say that like you're on the right track you don't your specifics are wrong oh crud well that's typical for me oh that sounds about right my specifics are wrong no no points for that one um we're off to a rousing stock there was no childbirth scene you know what i dreamt that these questions are intentionally very difficult i'm actually the creature that hatches uh in son of godzilla is manila or minion yeah i wanted to say the word there's a different son of godzilla that is godzilla jr gotcha that's right he's real goofy he's real that's very he's very goofy he blows smoke circles and he hangs out with this one kid and like they like learn stuff it was when like godzilla went through his friend like we got to be kid-friendly so there's like there's like a couple movies in there that's just like kind of wacky but that's fine because that's when like rodin came up in rodan well i mean rodan was around for a while but he went through a phase where he became like godzilla's front of me and it's like a sculptor yes he uses his wings we're writing an well uh no point for that one but that's okay we had a good time anyway on to our next question which is about the simpsons the simpsons in the simpsons episode two dozen and one greyhounds mr burns ends up convinced by bart and lisa to spare the lives of the 25 puppies spawned from their dog santa's little helper and is mate she's the fastest unable to home the 25 dogs marge makes the kids distribute the puppies to random townsfolk including snake groundskeeper willy and krusty kirk um actually they were not 25. there were there were 25 greyhounds oh damn um actually not groundskeeper willie but uh chief wiggum oh we need one for the police department classic quote uh no no that's not phrasing of this question you are kind of technically you're maybe technically right but not no you're not correcting the right thing here there's something that is okay because i'm pretty sure chief wigan does take one but okay you gotta read it again yes i will read it's a very long question in the simpsons episode 2001 greyhounds mr burns ends up convicted i just want um i know i got it wrong it's called 2001 greyhounds and that's i was like that's 21. and then you swear um actually they don't convince mr burns to spare the puppies they they do some sort of caper to escape them instead uh oh oh you've you know what i will shaking you've identified what is wrong you your specific is right so i'll give you the point unless uh kirk or haley can can uh yeah kirk um actually yeah the dogs do an amusing trick um they they they do that's but that's kaylee haley you're you're lit up here um actually mr burns takes favor to one puppy and he and he's like because it it jumps up and begs and he's like oh i'll see i'm going to keep this one and he names it uh something ridiculous and then bart and lisa uh use a clothesline to pull a sock over the rest of the dogs and the dogs all jump up and beg and he goes now i can't tell the difference between any of them so i'll kill them all but then they get them out and um actually the name was the person who's always walking around that famous person who's always walking around rory california this is incredible in that we've danced around the ring we've described so much of this episode uh i so i i think what i'm gonna i'm gonna give the point to nathan who has identified the main thing that's wrong they don't distribute the dogs at the end of this episode uh what i was hoping for if someone could get more correct than nathan which is that mr burns keeps all the dogs and he and and actually go ahead and then they all become winners in the greyhound racing yes because of their superior genetics and somehow he wins again yes uh that is what actually happens if unfortunately it's too late to claim the point for that the scene that we're all thinking of when they distribute the dogs is from a later episode where um uh santa's little helper and dr hibbert's dog rosa barks have a litter and they distribute those puppies uh so totally understood very tricky of us to uh to confuse to dog distribution scenes that's the one where chief wiegand says oh he could use it and there were there were not 25 puppies for that one we've described a whole lot of that episode unfortunately we didn't get that specific detail for either of you to claim it so i'm going to give that one to nathan for getting it that's fair i'm personally ashamed of myself everything every time we just see that little bit of that little boost at the end if you just keep describing the episode eventually monkeys here typing away which is also a scene in mr burns's mansion in the simpsons sometimes it was the floor sometimes he was a stupid monkey and this is everything i want from this show it's just endless quotes in westeros valerian's steel swords are particularly prized they're exceptionally sharp never need honing and the technique to make valerian steel was lost when doom befell valeria jon snow acquires the valyrian steel sword ice when he has gifted it by jeor mormont uh um actually ice is uh ned stark's sword that's correct that's correct ice is ned stark sword jon snow doesn't have uh that sword jon snow sword is do you know i'm gonna give you the point no matter what but uh but i'm just curious if you can if you could pull it pull a name out from thin air mr putter that's a simpsons goddammit actually his sword's name is rory kelly his sword is [Laughter] we'll give you the point nathan yeah ice is ned stark's sword that's later melted down and turned to two different swords jon snow sword is long claw which he does get from j or mormont also they addressed this in the show but like don't name a weapon don't name your sword that's like that like if you met someone and they're like let me show you my gun i call it you know like i'll call it the boom maker it's like i need to get out of here yeah i thought you were going towards like guys naming their swords in general like sword guys because i'm like every girl's dated a sword guy but like didn't know and then you're like uh like i thought this guy was okay that i came home and he's like got two swords on the wall no headboard and he has a snake they're like how you feel bags i feel like you're describing a specific person no man this is truly an archetype in our time snake and swords in your time um well uh that's a point for nathan uh i wanted to get at least one point and i did it okay now i can just relax all right this next one is about uh tailspin the animated talespin wow talespin in some ways seems to be a spin-off of the jungle book in that it also features the character of baloo but this version of baloo wears clothes flies a plane and is the only character from the jungle book to appear in the series yes kurt um actually come on we have louie and king louis but he's no longer a king and he wears a hawaiian shirt and let's not forget shere khan why did i i'm so invicted about that that question so is but i actually didn't have louis on here but i didn't sheer khan was what i was going for um is king louie also in the show yes he must be amazing yes no how are you gonna have you know actually now that you say hawaiian shirt that that image is like like once you said that i was actually you're all wearing hawaiian shirts blue where's khaki okay shere khan's like a evil criminal banker yeah he's wearing a suit he went from hating humans to really embracing the human way of doing things yeah apparently something like they wanted something that felt like a mix of like casablanca and cheers uh as a sort of like it's like we want this sort of like it to be like this sort of like like mid-slash post where there's so like the implication is that there is like this giant world war that's going on like outside like this little harbor that's very safe and uh and then and we want this kind of like you know so we want this sort of like sam and diane thing going on between baloo and it feels like fan fiction right it's just like we took these characters from this thing and we're like what if it's an alternate universe where animals fly planes yeah that's so silly it's a very silly very silly show kids loved casablanca and cheers well with that we will move on to our next question and this brings us to our very first shiny question of the game shiny questions just like shiny pokemon so they're worth the same number of points they're just a little bit different and a little bit rarer uh now this is a game called fictionary [Music] in just a second i'm going to give you the name of a monster from folklore uh from from some kind of folklore and i'm not going to give you anything other than the name and it'll be up to you to draw to the best of your ability this monster and i'm not i'm not going to be looking for like like a like the best drawing here um but i'll be looking for a few key features that are sort of like definitional to the creature uh great so your monster is the kappa kappa kirk with a gasp and a quick pen i have a photograph of one on my phone very strange a very strange thing boy what artistic point of view do i want to take from this what school what tradition of art are we are we looking for here i'll say there's there's specifically three things that i'll be looking for here in your drawing of the kappa i'll give you guys a hint he's japanese [Laughter] that's a freebie from kirk you get one you get one maybe two kirk is capping his pen capping for the cap capping for the kaffa nathan is capping his pen okay and haley is ready all right well you were tasked with uh drawing the most accurate representation you could of a kappa let's see what you got uh nathan show us your kappa that's really good it's really really good you bastard man you gave me a drawing challenge uh all right nathan tell us about your kappa um okay so i i'm pretty sure they're like the root of koopa from from mario and uh i remember it also there was a college humor video about like the other different greek letter type of males and the kappa male was because caldwell made it and so uh i tried my best to remember they've got like a thingy on their head and they're turtle-like you've got the things that i'm looking for uh the the the divot in the head the turtle shell a little beak those are the main things mario is just first necessary but always great to see mario pop in uh when he's around that's for you nerds that's a pretty accurate uh representation of a kappa uh haley let's see what you got oh but is it but hold on let's see what i've got well i think we all know what a kappa you bar and obviously i got this right because there's he's got a bird on him because birds ride him and he wears a little hat just like a cat cat boy bar i would like you're looking for three distinct things i'm sure in some schools of thought right like the kappa the kappa maybe is featured uh wearing a jaunty hat and a tiny bird no no reason it can't be um i will say i think we're missing at least a couple of those features i was looking for uh which one so while it is a beautiful drawing of a kappa ibarra uh i don't think i can award you a point for this one but i do love the drawing very much thank you thank you i'll be making a copy and sending it to my mom for the fridge kirk uh what do you have here uh well this is a historically accurate no mario's here no mario's here although that was a fun bit of trivia let's talk about the truth of a kappa you can find them in tokyo in especially in the area of kappabashi the kappas bridge where there's a statue of a golden one this is true and also a temple with a shrine to them where you can leave their favorite food a cucumber which is also known as akapa in japanese but let's not end there by all means no so that was a fun fact that was not one of the things you're looking for but yes they're very turtle-like i chose to draw a friendlier one sure uh and then they do have the the divot or the bowl in their head that contains water if you can trick them into spilling the water from their head they become powerless or you can feed them cucumbers so they don't drown you in their water but yeah they're basically turtle-like and they got the bowl got the cucumbers they're really good i've donated some cucumbers to the shrine there last november shared them with zardulu the myth maker um i am a zardoo list and who is a real person that's a whole other story but yeah i've i have a very fond uh fond memories of this fellow can you imagine if i didn't give you a blanket well his drawing is left out the mario that's pretty good we've got a picture of a kappa here just that we have something to compare against um and yeah you uh oh cool we got we got some some pretty quick i would say that's a that's a point for both that looks like another sword guy i've dated something out of here some of the guys even i'm a little now some of you noticed some things that we got wrong in our last episode these are our favorite corrections from you our pickiest viewers at dunkin 243.083 44 says um actually the hufflepuff common room doesn't open with a password it's a stack of barrels that will only open the door if they are tapped in the right order if they don't one of them explodes and covers the person in vinegar that still kinda sounds like a password to me but i'll give you the point anyway from our dropout discord lycan liam says um actually there is a kryptonite that permanently removes superman's powers gold kryptonite debuting in adventure comics number 299 it is kryptonite affected by atomic radiation capable of permanently removing a kryptonian's ability to process yellow sunlight which nullifies all superhuman abilities corrections of course are my kryptonite that is one point for like and liam user v povio says um actually ursa isn't a wizard he's an artificer which is a separate and distinct creatures subtype from wizard vpovio goes on to preemptively rebut any argument i might have that urza might be a wizard stacking the deck against me so one point for you for your accurate kappa drawings uh that is a point for both nathan and for kirk uh so tie a tie point there one point for each of you crossovers you gotta love them take two things you like and put them in one place but while some crossovers make perfect sense like jetsons meet the flintstones others are a little stranger like the punisher's appearance in archie comics the my little pony spawn crossover or the attack on titan avengers crossover nathan um actually the flintstones me to the jessens makes no sense it makes sense both hannah barbera cartoons they're uh they're basic they're all like nuclear families in a specific thing i appreciate the the uh the editorializing but i'll say it makes too much sense okay um actually i'll say the punisher in archie comics is is not a cross it didn't happen that actually did happen there is a punisher punisher makes an appearance in archie yeah kirk um actually by process of elimination and i did know that when i was like wow the punisher's going after archie andrews finally finally because of all the pain and suffering he's caused betty and veronica and like the way he takes advantage of his teachers poor miss grundy poor principal what are truly he deserves to die the only solution is death um no uh actually um it would be uh my little pony and spawn have never crossed over yes there is no my little pony spawn crossover you know why i didn't chime in on that yeah that's i was like fan the fan fiction of my little pony is so extensive that i was like i guess i factored that in yeah i am not including you know fan fiction or anything here i bet if we googled right now we could probably find a like a big pony that's just full like spawn for sure yeah as cool as that would be uh it's not the case pro crossover anti-crossover where do you guys uh how do you guys feel about crossover gessons are from the future and the flintstones are from the past um actually time is a circle so it does have like there was a time machine obviously it goes from one end to the other and then there was there used to be a ride at universal studios that was the hanna-barbera ride where you'd meet them scooby-doo and the jetsons and you kind of like ride really yeah yeah it was it was a ride it was it was a ride you wrote it yeah oh okay real fast i have i have to share the funniest moment i've ever seen in my life that happened at universal studios on the jurassic park ride i was on it last halloween and we uh we were going through the part where there's like the dilophosauruses start shooting you know they shoot streams of water over your raft as you go through it so it's supposed to kind of criss-cross and get you as the raft goes through but something happened up ahead and our raft stopped and there was a guy ahead of us in the row and to the side that was clearly on a date and he got stuck as the dilophosaurus was shooting right at it and you could see that he had this moment where he's like should i duck and he's like no that's gonna get hurt so he had to just like sit there and take it to the dome how long was he stuck getting started i mean it was like a while like he was very wet afterwards i kind of liked the chivalry of it was just like i'll take the acid to the face is just the raft starts and then stops again it's like nope it's back oh man hey gang today's episode of um actually is brought to you by hellofresh a meal kit service that helps you get fresh pre-measured ingredients for mouth-watering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door hellofresh lets you skip those trips to the grocery store to make cooking fun easy and affordable it's a new year it's time to try something new hellofresh offers over 23 weekly recipes from a wide range of cuisines and look if your new year is already off to a busy start then 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she has also used telekinesis and energy projection [Music] um actually the chakram is a real is a real weapon that's correct the chakram is a real weapon it's a weapon of indian origin um xena just totally made that her own uh uh uh really really took it around with it but yeah that's a real thing the deadly curved ringed frisbee were the those are all powers that she does oh yeah i guess that is the other half like late season that there are there is at least one episode where she um uh she uses telekinesis and also energy projection wait you mean to tell me she didn't use that in the first several seasons you need to tell me they may have put that in as a stunt to carry them through something you mean like they started to run out of ideas and we're just like we gotta beef this up a little bit uh cool that is a point for nathan in monty python and the holy grail a narrator reading the book of the film informs us of the four other knights that join arthur on his quest sir bet if you're the wise sir lancelot the brave sir gala had the pure and sir robin but not quite so brave as sir lancelot nathan um actually sir benavir the wise joins king arthur before that point and uh so he's not listed by the narrator uh he does dream before that point but he is included in the list yeah yeah uh i don't believe it is a book of the film it is oh well um actually but doesn't matter i'm wrong yeah yeah we're all friends here no it is the book of the film i specifically included that so to be very clear like this is the portion we're talking about there are there are nights that are mentioned in this section in reading the book of the film yeah um actually king arthur's reading the book uh no what a twist it was me all along chapman the big that's the big reveal now i just want to get to the answer whatever okay yeah uh it sounds like this this may have stumped that's fine uh there is another night that was listed in that section the book of the film oh cause i was like this is not appearing in this video so not appearing in this film uh is also listed in the book of the film as a knight who accompanies uh a catholic even though he does not appear in the film very aptly named sir not appearing whoever wrote that question should get a point yeah thank you i'll take one point for me please uh and this brings us to our second shiny question of the game uh this is a game called find the fake [Music] so on this sheet there are uh six things of in a group one of those things is fake the first person to identify the fake that does not belong ring in and tell me which one doesn't belong will get the point for this shiny question does that make sense i'm cool with that cool go ahead and flip those over these these are pokemon but one of them doesn't belong nathan uh it's the it's the lamp with the boxing gloves it is the lamp with the boxing he's got a gl thing on him uh uh it is that is not um actually it's the lamp with the boxing glove yeah you did not say oh actually i allow that for the question because they're they're they're the formats all dif different weird but yes the rest of these are all real pokemon that one we just commissioned an artist i asked him to please draw a kangaroo with a lamp for a head uh and he gave us this lovely uh not real pokemon i don't know what you would call him jump or actually i have a kangaskhan in my pokemon go because i asked i i asked a friend who's flying to australia catch me one and i signed off okay only from australia the king is in pokemon go they started moving around but i was very competitive at the time that pokemon came out and i a friend was flying to australia and i lo i logged off for 12 hours so that it accommodated the flight and then he logged on and i was like i will send you money if you go catch me take some take some of your time from your australian vacation and catch me that pokemon they did it can i can i ask how much you paid for a kangaskhan uh i think i think i sent him 50. wow i 100 cheated at pokemon go we were talking about how we run out of ideas in later seasons oh do you think that maybe some of these i don't know we got okay sure that's a pokemon yeah this guy with the pants key ring yep oh yes the key ring clef key clef key whatever i come at me with that [ __ ] i feel like yeah we're about like 20 years into this franchise what we got i don't i got hey marker man yeah i know it's true it truly is you can see in in pokemon like you can spot the exact moments where it's like you there was a late night and you just you had to go it's like it's a it's a officer of ice cream and then it evolves into two soft-serve ice cream cones well that is another point for nathan you know we make mistakes here too if you notice something that we got wrong you can correct us by tweeting at um actually show we might even feature your tweet on our next episode the japanese publication weekly shonen jump puts out comics primarily targeting 12 to 18 year olds and has been running for roughly 50 years many popular anime series started as serialized manga here including dragon ball jojo's bizarre adventure bleach fist of the north star strawberry 100 one piece bobo bobo bo bobo berserk and naruto um actually that's bubba bo bo bo bo bo bo bo i almost certainly mispronounced it but i don't think you got the correct translation either let's see if i can do it bobo bow no um actually shonen jump is popular amongst a wider demographic between 12 to 18. um shoot i'm trying to think of which is the one that doesn't exist in those and i'm i'm going to guess berserk is not a shonen jump publication but i'm just guessing well you guessed correct and here's why because if you go to tokyo where i used to live and you go to the bridge i was like wow you took like a lot of time on your tokyo vacation to understand this kappa thing yeah but then yeah i don't have time to go to kyoto i need to give more cucumbers i have to make my my gift um but there's a store and i was just thinking what can you buy what's the merch you can buy you can buy dragon ball stuff you can buy one piece they got naruto don't know that one definitely jojo's like you should watch that one strawberry makes sense like yes yeah wow berserk is uh much more violent uh and uh and graphic than any of the other other titles uh here uh so yeah it does not belong just for the record wait sorry say it again well that's a good show but why didn't you tell me how to say it you seem to know what you're talking about because i i would get it wrong still i just heard it and if i say it again i'll get it wrong yeah yeah all right i got it now it's in there to our next question boy there sure are a lot of superhero movies these days says the most boring person in the world yet in spite of all the roles available there have still been multiple actors who have played two different superheroes including nicholas cage hugh jackman halle berry and ben affleck nathan um actually hugh jackman's only been wolverine hugh jackman's over wolverine that's right yeah i i saw you this happened last time too the number of you gotta yeah you've known a bunch of these it's just been the the this is rough who is nicolas cage besides ghost ghost rider nicholas cage was also a big uh big daddy in uh and kick-ass yeah big daddy is that is that anything yeah daddy yeah big daddy um also darn it he would have been superman it would have been he did the tests well there you go i count it and the guy is an infinite superman i'm so bummed i think that story about the jurassic park ride wins thank you thank you that's so funny i do too [Laughter] well this brings us to our last shiny question of the game this game called match the voice [Music] uh on your board once you flip it over you're gonna see six cartoon characters and six names along the side up to you to match the uh voice actor who voiced these particular characters i might get this wrong for kicks actors i've hired cool let's go ahead and flip these over let's take a look at who we've got this is a toughy for me but i'm done done kirk is done nathan how you looking over there i i think i know for sure two of them and everything else is is just a guess yeah pretty much me too i like the click bait thumbnail we've got for the the dog yeah or the we have to make it clear that we're not talking about homer not talking about homer [Laughter] uh is everyone everyone locked ever have their it looks like uh kirk and haley are done nathan you feel such yeah yeah you're good that's great let's just do it let's just do it all right uh let's take a look nathan show us what you got walk us through here what would you say what okay so i'm pretty sure flea and lily tomlin are correct i don't think johnny cash voiced any of the bottom ones so i just went you know that's simpson's like getting celebrities on there for for like one shot like all all he says is find your soul mate right or something like that and then he has a lot he says a little more than but yeah okay all right things walk the line yeah yeah he does his entire best of uh and then yeah the the bottom ones i don't know captain planet and reading rainbow i feel like fall into the same sort of like headspace of uh where where i was in the 90s so levar burton made sense for that and then the other two i really didn't know just to guess uh you you said the late jerry orbach and i was like okay well i think spongebob is more recent than uh beauty and the beast so i switched them what you're looking at there uh you actually have all six correct there so let's let's take a look and see how everyone else did do i then oh yeah i do i as everyone everyone has all six of these oh my god everybody else gets right i was keeping pace and nathan would have gotten that wrong we would have had those switched around uh uh but for the the jerry orbach comments i know great that's a point for all of you one point for all of you um it's basically worthless i i uh i'm not oh no you can you can go you can take it to the bank you deposit that point you get a little interest [Music] this brings us to our final question of the game 15 points nathan has seven haley has one and kirk has five points uh so it's pretty much a decided game but we can still close it up and beyond that the last question as always concerns real life skills so if you answer this one you can at least have the joy of knowing that you know something that's maybe a little more valuable than how many bokoblin teeth it takes to buy a glowing uh skeleton suit so here we go real life skills when painting a wall with latex paint it's recommended that you first dip your brush in water then dip it fully into the paint hold it at a 45 degree angle and paint in long even strokes um actually you shouldn't do long even strokes but it's more of a x-type shape uh if i recall from my stagecraft just just a jagged uh you just flick it yeah no sometimes they'll say like do like a w stroke for painting a wall or something but no long even strokes is what is what's recommended for painting a wall um actually it would never tell you to dip the brush fully in it's a hat you dip it halfway in it will get too much paint and it will streak everywhere and drip all over that's correct stay in the camera what uh yeah you only want to dip it like a third to a half way up yeah otherwise it's too much too much idiot boy i'm glad that was worth 20 points [Applause] that's right last time i got this real life one too yeah um well that brings our final score to seven for nathan two for haley five for kirk nathan is our winner this episode congratulations okay just putting it back so in a way the way we all want if they're all prime ministers that's right we yeah exactly we're indivisible with you actually no no one's allowed to leave until we finish on a score [Laughter] well that is it for our show join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 154,391
Rating: 4.9457898 out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Id: 64qDiKBD6i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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