The Dresden Files, Settlers of Catan, Fallout 4

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from shy guys to shy hello nerds like a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually joining us today we have erica ishii hello everyone emmy quacker hey and becca scott how's it going um how's everyone feeling ready for finger guns you're stuck in a crossfire already i'm like writing the son of all of us i don't understand this is the issue with like having uh having folks who have like done the show before we're like it was like cool i know what's going on and it's like wait what's happening here like different levels of comfort immediately don't underestimate right away you've got a good vibe and everything you had some time it was great to hang out good um well uh you have played the game before uh emmy for you and for any new viewers at home the rules of the game are simple these are incorrect statements but the things that you know and love it's up to you to find the thing that's wrong buzz in correct me all your corrections must be proceeded with the phrase um actually uh and you can interrupt me at any time you want there's an energy on this couch i've been working out my thumbs non-stop becca's very competitive sometimes it's just as fast we're trying to figure out more competitive here's the thing though tell me the thing so emmy and i are co-captains of our dodgeball team and i would say he's one of the few people in the world i might consider on par with my level of competitiveness oh wow on par i think it's like that's very good to know going into this i'm just here to have a good time well good uh well with that we're gonna jump right in and we'll see how good of a time we're gonna have um here's our first question billy d williams played district attorney harvey dent in tim burton's original batman film he was also slated to reprise the role in batman returns but the character was written out and so he never got to play dense villainous alter-ego two-face the next time two-face appeared in a movie was in batman forever played by tommy lee jones um actually it wasn't played by billy wilson uh uh that's a beach boy that's definitely a big boy um actually lily d williams never actually played two-face uh incorrect incorrect it is b you're correct in that i did say billy d williams that part is right um okay but none of them are beach boys uh that's true none of them were beach boys but i didn't imply that they were erica um actually if you count the two-parter episode from batman the animated series that was another appearance of uh harvey dent and two-face the question does specify in a movie so uh the animated series would not be out there i'm gonna say uh i'm gonna say no no one uh gets this one uh oh sure emmy um actually he did have a chance to play two-face at some point in time that's correct that was gonna be mine can you be so i'll say this he does eventually play two-face but where can so i'll give it to you unless someone can tell me where um actually he gets to play it in the lego batman movie that's correct nailed it oh my god that was more of a team effort really uh we really sort of like walled our way in there but uh but yeah williams plays two-face in the lego batman movie um uh the appearance of the character was even based on william's original dent performance uh so a long time coming but yeah eventually got to play two-face it was just in lego form many many years later yeah i don't get any points no i'm gonna give that to you one point but i insisted in her getting you you did you did the assistant thank you for the help it's okay i'll i'll help you out later on that's okay i owe you one alliances are being pulled oh yeah things things are happening look sometimes i play fast and loose with the points sometimes it falls in your favor sometimes it falls in someone else's you know like we'll see how it goes all right this next question is about harry potter we all want to go to wizarding school whether it's bobatons in france ilvermorny in the united states wagadoo in uganda or the famed hogwarts in england but did you know that you could also attend wada aka the wizarding academy of dramatic arts to become a theatrical performer or perhaps hone your quidditch skills at the academy of broome flying where where is the is this all like jk rowling's ancillary material oh for sure oh absolutely pottermore they're [ __ ] oh this is pottermore [ __ ] for sure but look that's that's all candid as far as nobody jk rowling you're a wizard vocational schools i don't think jk rowling gets to decide what's canon and what's not anymore cause this is crazy one more one more yep we all want to go to wizarding school whether it's bobatons in france ilvermorny in the united states wagadoo in uganda or the famed hogwarts in england oh actually hogwarts isn't scotland that's correct [Laughter] uh yo we snuck it in uh hogwarts is in scotland it's not in england um everything else is true though the hogwarts express takes such a long time of course they leave england yeah it goes through the highlands i've been on that train i've been on the hogwarts express i was on the hogwarts experience it's in orlando florida that point will go to erica hogwarts isn't scotland here's a question about the dresden files which is this is becca which one of you put down i guess is becca um uh i'm not super familiar with it but we wrote a question for it so let's see and maybe someone else will just guess their way to victory and i will be so angry i'm stealing this you don't even know the dresden files no protagonist harry dresden once rescued a litter of puppies from fire-breathing black-winged monkey demons he ended up keeping one of the puppies naming it mouse mouse is a temple dog believed to be the offspring of a celestial being and a normal dog and a loyal pupper exhibits supernatural strength intelligence and healing and he occasionally glows blue um actually mouse does not glow blue he does occasionally what oh okay um actually his name is harry blackstone copperfield dresden that doesn't it is still correct to say his name is harry dresden um actually they weren't monkey demons they were those they flanked you all right incendiary poo analytically oh wait hold on oh no no um actually the monkeys don't breathe fire they throw flaming poo balls that is correct i did actually say that out loud you did say it out loud you just didn't you never put it that included it oh it was like you know the answer here you just aren't uh you just haven't connected that we've said the wrong thing here oh my god cause i was like you're like she said it she knows this next question is a fan question so this was submitted by a fan of the show wrote their own questions send it in to us here's a question from misk bits first published in 1995 the board game settlers of catan has players acquire and spend a variety of resources namely lumber sheep ore grain and brick um actually it's not lumber it's wood incorrect erica um actually it's katan [Laughter] no no okay i got this oh um actually it's not brick it's stone incorrect um actually it's not brick it's clay no i think i'm gonna i'm gonna call it no no no no no no no no hold on hold on um um actually it's not sheep it's livestock no it's sheep i mean we always call it unbesheabable technically speaking it's not sheep it's wool everyone just calls it sheep uh because it makes the noise but if you yeah if you look at any of the any of the literature anything's written down it's written as wool not yeah well you know what it's not as funny to say anyone want wool for no sheep is way more fun that's not funny yeah it's way more fun to imagine it's funny as like like herding sheep around and passing sheep back and forth i have that game on my phone and i played all the time and there's always that every single time you pick it up so that's why i'm thinking it's cheap yeah it's depicted as sheep like it's it's drawn as sheep it's like and and i think most people say like sheep because that's all that's like it's a more fun words more for the thing to say but it is in fact written as wool so it's very technically wool well this brings us to our first shiny question of the game wow shiny questions like shiny pokemon are worth the same number of points they're just a little bit different and a little bit rarer [Music] this is a game called what's wrong with this picture the first person to buzz in and tell me what's wrong with this image will get the point flip it over [Music] what is wrong with this image yes becca um actually it's a russian mind game uh no that is uh is it made in the u.s nope that's not what we're looking for here okay so look on the bottom left i'm gonna see this like u-shaped piece that's not a tetris piece oh interesting no uh that is that is original to the box but it is interesting that there are some pieces down there that don't look very tetris-y um actually this spire is from the little mermaid for sure it's the penis-level vhs yeah actually it wasn't on the nes uh no no incorrect we're really bad at answering all of your questions uh you're all gonna hate this uh so let's go ahead let's see what it's supposed to look like oink it's like cyrillic or something yeah they use the cyrillic symbol uh which actually that sound uh says yeah it's not it's not in our sense that would actually read more like teddy ice um uh but uh to give it more of a soviet flair more of a russian flair they use what looks to us like a backwards r uh not the four words because i first played it on gameboy you know yeah yeah in later editions they do they do spell it out but in this this is how they they depict them well tengan can go tet yes uh well sorry to say no one got that one so uh i'm proud just to be here you know i'm here i'm glad i know what a yeah did we make some mistakes yes absolutely and you caught them here are some of our favorite corrections from you the viewers at joshua lack had some thoughts about our game matching prosthetics to characters saying um actually barrett does have a chainsaw arm as well we said it only belonged to ash this was confusing and an oversight on our part one point for you at cole bonen1 says um actually well it's true taco bell won the franchise war in the u.s release of demolition man pizza hut managed to win in the international release as it was believed to be more recognizable that is just a neat fact so one point for colbone and one and from our exclusive dropout discord citrus says um actually you can't use any fire extinguisher on a grease fire standard fire extinguishers are usually abc extinguishers and therefore unsuited for the task you specifically need to use a class k fire extinguisher thank you for keeping us safe in that fire citrus we will give you one point so we don't die in a flame [Music] all right we will move on to our next question here acclaimed screenwriter william goldman may have written the movie the princess bride but the film was based on a fantasy novel of the same title by s morgenstern yeah um actually that was his pen name william goldman was writing as sj morgenstern that is correct brilliant i'm sorry i have that poster up like a giant poster in my room and i read the book and it was like my favorite thing ever well deserved i love it because have you guys read the book of the book you should read the book because it's like so different from the movie it's written as if he's reading it like he's discovered his favorite book sj morgenstern and he's the one adapting it and then it's like the good parts version it's like supposedly an abridged version of an old fairy tale that he heard and he was reading it he's like oh there's like 50 pages about hats this is terrible i can't tell this to my boy like i'm just gonna give a good parts version and that's what the princess bride that we see on the screen is supposedly yeah so good uh it's such an interesting story i'm sorry yeah it's like a story with a story it's a it's it's a story about storytelling and that's one of the things i really love about it cool uh that is a point for erica well deserved i like pictures published by marvel comics in september 1963 avengers number one brought together thor captain america and the hulk iron man was also a part of the team sporting his bulky gold-colored mk2 armor um actually captain america was not in episode one uh issue one of the avengers that's correct [Laughter] yeah i knew that yeah it doesn't seem like you knew that in fact it seemed like emmy knew that uh but i uh once read a book called the untold story of marvel comics i have not read issue one of the comics but i've read about issue one of the comments ah that's that's some nerdy ass [ __ ] you didn't even read the source material you just read things about the source material uh i was trying to wait for the question to finish just in case the rules clearly state you don't have to wait till i finish the question your politeness will be your downfall i was just thinking about the princess bride question and how if i had listened to the end it would have thrown me way off that's true uh yeah captain america didn't join until issue number four uh as we all know him captain america the sixth avenger are you out of dinner ideas you probably are right you've probably eaten at least one meal that was just like random leftovers from the fridge thrown together hey maybe it's time you tried hello fresh with hellofresh you'll get fresh pre-measured ingredients and mouth-watering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door sick of planning your meals let someone else do it sick of going to the grocery store let someone else do it sick of taking out all those like fiddly little measuring spoons you can get the perfect amount of every little ingredient let someone else do it and if you're worried you don't get enough flexibility with hellofresh well just stop okay you have plenty of flexibility you can change what day it's delivered you can change what's in your order you can double up on those tacos if you're like damn i love those tacos give me more you can do that you can skip a week if you're going out of town i don't know where you're traveling right now all right it seems kind of dangerous at the moment but you can do that i tried hellofresh it's great it's like a little sous chef in a box who doesn't want that who doesn't want a little help in the kitchen someone who's measuring stuff out for them someone's telling them exactly what to do every step of the way that's hellofresh so go to actually12 and use the code actually12 to get 12 free meals plus free shipping that's what the 12's doing there that's 12 free meals that's a lot of free in there that's right actually12 and use the code actually12 for 12 free meals and free shipping that's a free lunch hellofresh america's number one meal kit um okay this next question is about star wars the kessel run is a smuggling route to the academy's maelstrom a space storm of swirling gas and debris home to massive creatures called summa verminoth solo famously completed the run in just over 12 parsecs a unit of time in star wars although a parsec is an actual measurement of distance actually the whole idea of him doing i think i guess is from the extended universe but like it's under 12 parsecs and it was because it's it may be a measurement of distance but the idea is that since it's like a black hole like if you do it in a shorter amount of distance then you know that's where the prestige comes from yeah you go closer to the ring yeah you've got the before geez eric i'm very impressed yeah yeah yeah that's that's what we're going for so uh i we we claim the question that it's a unit of time in star wars but it's not it's still a unit of distance yeah uh and and the the fact of completing the kessil run in under 12 parsecs is that you managed to do it in less distance because of the way you would navigate the maelstrom uh uh that is in the extended universe um and they also do include it in solo um uh so uh it is now no matter what you're calling canon it's cannon that that is like that is how the kessel run works and that is how parsecs work in the star wars universe fair enough we had a little uh debate when this when we were this question was coming up of of like how well-known a piece of star wars trivia this is uh well let's just book erica and it'll be fun i feel like it's one of those things where like chewie didn't get a medal where it's like amongst star wars nerds it's the thing you fire back with when somebody who actually knows science is like actually it's a measurement of distance you're like well actually yeah it's like you need you need to have your counter argument ready for people who are like trying to poke holes in your thing it's like no we thought of that [ __ ] you we some author figured it out way back when uh i remember a friend of mine in college was a big fan of the extended universe i remember like one time he drunkenly cornered me like i didn't even bring anything up he was just like you know the par sex is like it's like i'm learning something now little did you know how useful that information yeah in life [Music] this will bring us to our second shiny question all right uh your board should be blank um this is a game called fictionary uh so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna give you the name of a monster from folklore or uh mythology or somewhere and it'll be up to you to uh draw it to the best of your ability i won't be judging the drawing on like how good it is i'll just be looking for a couple of key features that will sort of like define the monsters you will laugh how bad you see how i draw yeah you know that's part of the world that's part of this game just to see like what crazy drawings people come up with all right your monster is el cuero that's really good uh we'll start with with erica well you know i really really always fancied myself a cryptozoologist sure but i could not for the life of me remember what el aqua was okay um so i started with a snake because i don't know that seems a good place to start sure i give him wings and a little top hat cause he fancy and a little heart yeah okay let's see what else we got here uh emmy won't you share uh your your depiction of el cuero all right first off i thought just by putting the best spelling of it possible and also on top of that uh he has the hat oh you also put it out with this winged beast okay with possible water i'm guessing that's water this is trying to like bubble in every answer of a multiple choices and then i'm guessing this is his catchphrase dot dot dot uh-huh fill in the blank sure sure you know which is great and then i'm guessing he has some type of turkey leg where's the head this is this is his head and he has a he has a pipe got it smoking stuff okay and then a carrot nose okay so it's kind of like a snowman a riff on a snowman a little bit maybe all right all right okay and then becca why don't you show us oh so glad you asked i really think emmy was cheating off my answers over here because i also filled in every bubble possible okay let's see el cuero which translates to the leather okay maybe or the neck so i gave it a very long neck many eyes small wings chicken feet and a mace for a tail and long flowing curly hair and a forked tongue and a beak this looks like an ah real monsters monster like like a real like kind of classy shoe kind of thing uh yeah these are all oh and a beautiful woman breasts and a cloaca yes i uh yeah you did notice there was some details spent on the nipples and a general orifice uh towards the back there uh yes yeah you can tell me more about it it's always open great uh yeah just was that on the check where were those on the checklist um i almost none of this is on the checklist for her's right definitely mine uh yeah well why don't we take a look at what el cuero should look like let's take a look here oh should look like that's it what is it if you put mine like this yeah the so the antenna this is a chilean monster uh it's an aquatic monster that resembles a cowhide floating in the water um but on the underside um uh leather you you yeah i got no spanish word two large eyes on stalks a bunch of teeth underneath the kind of thing and then like a proboscis to drink blood i think the idea is sort of it is this sort of like flat stingray like just kind of looks like a cow high but then like behold there's there's terrors underneath like a flat lamprey the the weird thing is emmy's is like as a depiction is not that far off but also because it's it looks if you squint it does kind of look like that yeah like there there's like water there's a flat thing that comes like a pipe could look like but then there's a tiny peanut man with a sombrero sitting on top of a whale this is true no this is the person that he's eating that's what it is this is this approaches abstract art i think this is uh this is a bust all around but lovely drawings of of truly terrifying monsters well we done gone [ __ ] up and you noticed it if you noticed something that we got wrong you can correct us by tweeting at um actually show or by going to the exclusive dropout discord and correcting us there [Music] what is our score line looking at right now 402. four four two weren't you i thought you had three surprise wow there's a lot of crap you can pick up in fallout for from hubcaps to oven mitts to pepper mills to typewriters to compact discs to fancy hair brushes to jingles the moon monkey yes i'm actually not compact discs that's correct yeah it's set in like the future 1950s ish yeah yeah there would there wouldn't be compactness yeah there are no i knew that one yeah do you think they could benefit from a little like a little like marie condo kind of thing going on here it feels like there's a lot of clutter going on in it you know what i i've wanted to do a sketch about being a video game hoarder because like honestly my inventory is a mess like any time like in in fallout or in any game where you can level your strength up to carry more inventory that's what i do because i'm a hoarder i've also played a lot of fallout 4 and witcher 3 and i do the exact opposite i have to pick up everything in order to scrap it as fast as possible and clean up the world you're going in you're on an anti-littering campaign um well that point goes to erica not surprised five points okay here's a d d question the iconic monster the beholder is a large floating spheroid creature with one massive central eye and a variety of other eyes on stocks in most editions of dnd each eye stock has a different powerful magical ability associated with it and even when sleeping they avoid closing all their eyes they're very intelligent and typically solitary creatures usually only finding a mate to reproduce with once in their entire lifespan beholders are completely original to dnd and date all the way back to the original 1975 greyhawk setting um actually they don't mate ever that is correct i mean they have no genitals what's the point how do they eat me that is a good question they reproduce asexually while asleep by dreaming up new beholders i did know that because because because you were dreaming of behaviors yeah well that's a point for becca i'll take it all right this brings us to our last shiny question of the game [Music] this is a game called tag out so on the other side of this uh board there are six movie posters movie covers with the taglines for those movies removed and placed off to the sides so it's up to you to match the correct tagline with the correct movie whoever gets the most correct will get the point uh ties we'll both get a point all right go ahead and flip those over let's take a look at all these movies you got here what do we have oh my gosh oh i know what you're doing here you you you all right cool so erica show me what you got here okay so guess uh is is terminator the the thing that won't die in the nightmare that won't end enter the world for avatar uh beyond the horizon lies the secret to a new beginning for water world because i think from what i learned from the show at universal is they're searching for land somewhere uh that's the one i switched left man i don't know if it's right i don't know if it's right uh um uh infinite space infinite terror event horizon that's one of the ones that takes place in space um i'm pretty sure their war our world is transformers which is like very i i think right i think because yeah um because you know i haven't confirmed any of that they're already here is like they were all buried under the ground and the lightning strikes and then yeah okay uh emmy what you got yeah i had a terminator the thing that won't die is the uh nightmare that it won't end okay avatar i think it's enter the world because it was like all 3d and stuff so they had that whole thing but i like switched it last moment with water world because it's like enter the world of like going me too completely sounds catchy into the entire world yeah and then infinite space infinite terror event horizon just seems like creepy to me so i was like that that works i knew that one their war or world and then they're already here tom cruise saw him yesterday actually crazy really yeah and i was like they're already here they're they're already here tom cruise uh great um and then uh becca let's see how what you what you put out here so last minute i switched everything and that was a bad idea terminator also starts with t their world their war our worlds okay avatar so that was a last minute switch there because the whole i thought you know the older the movies the more they thought they could sell you with enter the world water world you know and it's just a movie i never made it through because i fell asleep um war of the worlds i feel bad because it's the only movie on here that i i remember scenes up pretty well i forgot they came from underground they're aliens you know yeah they're alien mechs things i just did bad everywhere you know but event horizon they both said that one so i'm pretty sure i got one point okay well uh becca in fact you did get one point yes i guessed correctly then horizontally how many points i got emmy you got four correct and erica you got all of them and yes yes the two you switched around avatar and water that's why i even campaigned for the one that i switched avatars enter the world because of 3d yeah yeah yeah like and look we were trying to be tricky here obviously there's taglines about world there's multiple things here with world and war world transformers you know could have been already here there's the word horizon but then also event horizon we were clearly trying to trip you up um but uh erica you saw through our tricksy little tricks and that is a point for you all right well this brings us to our last question of the game as always our final question concerns the point i'll get on the board uh concerns real life skills uh so this is not about any of the things we've been talking about this is just stuff that could be valuable in your regular life dogs may be a non-verbal species but they can still respond to verbal instructions it's typically recommended to teach your dog a hand signal command before its matching verbal one but once you're using words you'll want to be sure to speak in a clear low authoritative voice to ensure your dog glistens emmy actually i think it switched around with voice and then hand movement uh incorrect um actually sorry you want to be high-pitched and excited when you talk to them not low and calm that is correct yeah uh uh yes are you gonna say that yeah i was excited because i have a high excitable voice that dogs like me um yes uh well you know every dog is a little different but typically speaking they uh uh more respond to high-pitched happy kind of sounds versus like low uh uh uh deep sounds so uh you're much more likely to get uh get a a response from uh from from a high-pitched happy upbeat kind of uh command than you are from a gruffalo one um big old bagel huh i've never heard it called that that's what mike i call it goodbye got a couple of zeros uh i call it a goose egg all right our final score here then six zero four um that makes erica our winner for this uh for this game i am extremely surprised well [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] uh well uh thank you for joining us today and thank you for watching join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually thank you everyone
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 261,719
Rating: 4.9580545 out of 5
Keywords: Um Actually, Mike Trapp, nerds, pop culture, board games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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