Um, Actually: Make-Up, Maps, and Mythical Dragons

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- Joining us today we have Shane Crown. - Good afternoon. - Siobhan Thompson. - Good evening. - And Brennan Lee Mulligan. - Good luck. - I've here a stack of false statements about the properties that you love or some other nerds somewhere love. It's up to you to find the thing that's wrong and correct me. All your corrections must be proceeded by the phrase "um, actually." If you don't say "um, actually," you won't get a point. All right, we are going to jump right in here. (bell dings) Shane. - The original plan was for him to not be blue. The original plan was for him to be green. - You didn't say "um, actually" and it's incorrect. (others laugh) - Oh no! - Do I lose two points? - No. (bell dings) Brennan. - Um, actually, the makeup is not called L-N number 1. - It is called L-N number 1. Leonard Nimoy number 1. It's named after him. - [All] Ohh. - I love him. - Yeah. (bell dings) - Um, actually, he wasn't gonna be blue, he was gonna be orange? - You know what, you're close enough that I'll just do it 'cause otherwise we're just gonna go into a round of people guessing different colors. - Mauve! Magenta! Taupe! (all laugh) - He wasn't originally supposed to be blue, he was originally supposed to be red. - Oh. - And then when they tested it they found that most people at the time had black and white TVs and it looked Spock was in blackface with the red makeup on. - Cool! - And they said, "We should not do this! "We should go for something a little lighter "and something else." - You know what? Star Trek, always been woke. - This is about Star Wars. (bell dings) Shane. - Um, actually, that's one too many names. I think one of those isn't there. I know Sy Snootles, I know Droopy McCool, I know Max Rebo-- - Wait Droopy McCool is real? - You know Droopy McCool? - What is your correction you're saying? - I think you said two other names and I don't think there are two other members of the band. - That's incorrect. There's actually like five other members of the band. I just didn't have the space to fuckin' list them all. (bell dings) - Um, actually, Melodious Orchelhorn is something you just made up. - That's actually correct. - Yes! (all laugh) - You know why? It makes a little too much sense. - Yeah, I know it does. That ones goes to Siobhan. We are going to move on to our shiny question for the game. Shiny questions, like shiny Pokemon, that they're just a little bit different, little bit rarer, worth the same number of points. This is a little game that we're gonna call "Where Am I?" - [Announcer] Where am I?! - Reach under that couch. These images are maps, and it's up to you to tell me where we are, what this is a map of. So let's look at that first map. Where are we? What is this? (two bells ding) Siobhan. - Uh, this is the fifth season world. - Mm-hmm, and what's it called? - Oh, no! (others laugh) Oh... - I will give it to you if no one else can get it 'cause you got the property. - I have no idea, I was going to guess that it's a tectonic Westeros. - That's pretty much what it is, actually. - I'll give it to you, Siobhan, you were able to identify the franchise. It's the Stillness, it's called the Stillness. All right, move on to the next map here. Where are we? What's all this about? (bell dings) Hey, Brennan, what's up? - Um, actually, this is World of Warcraft. - Mm-hmm. - Azeroth is the name of one of the original nations. Is Azeroth also the name of the world? - Azeroth is the name of the world, yes, you're correct, you're in the right place, right name. That is a mini-point for Brennan there. Then let's move on to that next map. Where am I, what is this? (bell dings) Brennan. - Um, actually, these are the lands of Rhyme and Reason from "The Phantom Tollbooth." - That's correct, I think they might technically be labeled as "The Lands Beyond," but this is the Kingdom of Rhyme and Reason from "The Phantom Tollbooth." That's two for Brennan, one for Siobhan. Let's check out that next map. Where am I? - [Shane] I am just out of my depth here. (others laugh) - [Host] Not a cartographer? - I haven't heard of any of these things-- - Um, actually, is this a real map of a real place? - Yes. - Is this somewhere in Hawaii? - [Host] Uh no-- - Somewhere in the Pacific? - Yeah, I'm very proud that you saw through my trickery here. - I was like, why does it have heights on mountains? - Heights on mountains, that's too specific. - That's too specific for a fantasy map! There's no pictures of dragons on this map! - I'll give you the point, this is just Fiji. This is a real place you can go to. I never said you'd be looking at fantasy maps. This is Fiji, what a lovely place. Visit beautiful Fiji. - We're just all being punished for our Eurocentrism here is the idea. Suva? Lautoka? What fantastical names! - What crazy thing is this? Last map, here we go. (bell dings) Brennan. - Um, actually, this is Florida. - Uh, wrong, I'm once again fucking with you. - No, I'm right! This is Florida! This is Florida. - No it's not. (bell dings) - Um, actually, this is Westeros but with a bunch of flowers over it? - No, no, that's incorrect. In a weird way Brennan is closer. (bell dings) Brennan. - Um, actually, is this like... This is like meta-Florida? - Oh, like a-- - Is it like magic underside Florida? - The Florida Chronicles? - Sure. - You are, in practice, kind of describing what it is but it does have a very specific name. (bell dings) - Fluurida. - I'm gonna go ahead and say no one gets this one. This is Xanth from the Piers Anthony books. It is a magical world that is extremely identical to Florida. You might notice here even some of the names, I believe there's the Ogre-Fen-Ogre Swamp. - The idea of like Aslan showing up in like a floral Aloha shirt and like flip flops being like, "Daughters of Eve, sons of Adam, "I've been cooking crystal meth "in a trailer behind the alligator sanctuary." - Well, you both tied for that one so I'm gonna give you both a point since we have no tiebreaker here. That is one point for both of you. Um where are we? None for Shane unfortunately. - I love maps so much. - That was great, I love maps. - If you open a book and there's a-- - Map at the front and a list of character names at the back. - Ooh, you know you're in for a good book. - Whooo! (bell dings) Shane. - Um, actually, he's not legless. - He is legless, but yeah. - Oh. (bell dings) - Um, actually, it's not an otherworldly ability, it is born of the phenomenon in the natural universe in which X-Files occurs, so to say that it's otherworldly is technically incorrect. - No, I'm not going to do that for you. - Again, in the comments, get my back! - Um, actually, he doesn't crawl into people's ears, he can just control them from the outside? - No, I'm gonna say, I'm gonna call it here-- - No it's not their ear, he's like a candiru, that fish in the Amazon, he goes up their peehole-- - Right up the dick! - Right up the dick, dude. Full size, right up the dick. - Brennan, you are shockingly close and... Nah! We are, you did not-- - Um actually, um actually, um actually! - I will not give you the point. He crawls up people's butts. - No! - And he, and he doesn't control their mind, he beats them up from the inside. - I don't like this! (others laugh) - No points. - You know what, I feel fine about that. (bells ding) Brennan. - Um, actually, I believe there's maybe a couple of mistakes there? First of all, if you're using the taxonomy from Lord of the Rings, there are wingless and winged wyrms. - Mm-hmm. - So that's one incorrect thing. And then I also believe that in... Again, dragons exist throughout different Asiatic cultures, but some of them are even pictured as having three legs, and not having four, I believe. I don't know if that's-- (bell dings) - There's some correct things in there, but I wanna hear what Shane has to say first. - Cool. - Um, actually, I think you said four toes. - [Host] Uh-huh. - It's not four toes. It's three toes. - That is correct. Japanese dragons have three toes on each foot. Chinese dragons have four toes on each foot. Unless it's for the emperor, in which case it has five. I'm glad to give you both points. A little vague and it's not incorrect what you said, so points for your wyrm correction, points for your dragon toes correction. - On the board. - On the board. And that brings us to our final question of the game, which of course concerns real life skills. - [Announcer] Life skills! (two bells ding simultaneously) - Mmmm... - Why don't you go? - Um, actually, schmaltz is not animal fat? - Schmaltz is chicken fat. Schmaltz is animal fat, yeah. - Um, actually, you shouldn't throw vegetable oil down the drain, because it could interact with chemicals in the sewage system which will make it solidify? - That's close enough. You shouldn't pour any of these fats down the drain. They will gunk up your pipes. - I put... I put all my oil down the drain. - You should not put that oil down that drain, you're gonna have some problems later. Well that point goes to Siobhan. Four points for Siobhan, making Siobhan our winner for this episode of "Um, Actually." - I'm a Chinese Dragon, baby! - Now we're not perfect here, either, and we make mistakes, too. If you noticed something that we got wrong, you can tweet at us @UmActuallyShow. We might give you a point. Some of you noticed some things that we got wrong in the last episode. Here are those corrections. @CaptTARDIS says, "Um, actually, "Peregrin Took's real Westron name was Razanur Tuk. "J.R.R. Tolkien anglicized names "to preserve the etymological intent of their true names "for English-speaking readers." @CarlHutters says, "Um, actually, Hodor's real name "in Game of Thrones isn't Walder. "Walder is Hodor's real name in A Game of Thrones "and the rest of A Song of Ice and Fire. "You, however, referenced Game of Thrones the TV series "in which Hodor's real name is Wylis." Yes, I should have said "A Game of Thrones" if I was talking about the book. And @StarmetalGames says, "Um, actually, "you couldn't play Princess Peach "in Super Mario Kart in 1992. "The manual simply refers to her as Princess. "Princess Toadstool wasn't referred to as Peach in English "until the Yoshi's Story manual in 1993." And that's it for the episode. Join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on Um, Actually.
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 841,044
Rating: 4.9402204 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, star trek, star wars, funny names, charts and graphs, dragons, game of thrones, world of warcraft, the x-files, nerds, poindexters, trivia, games, game shows, movies, tv shows, video games, fantasies, sci-fi, mike trapp, shane crown, siobhan thompson, brennan lee mulligan, Um Actually, latest
Id: AUabsUtAeiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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