Sonic, Shredder, the Sword in the Stone

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No, keep college humor away from G4.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Erika Ishii would be great to have at G4.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TerrancePryor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did not know College Humor was still around. Used to visit that site regularly in 2009-2011.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Danielfrindley πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I actually think it would. As long as they can stay on topic and keep the show going without derailing it for some reason.

I actually really like the concept of Um, Actually but I feel like they go in some strange directions sometimes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 11 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
from phoenix force to phoenix right nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually joining us on the episode today we have shane crown hello jenny lorenzo let's get dangerous and erica ishii hey how's everyone feeling good super a little bit of nerves a little bit a little tense oh god seriously yes yeah we'll do a little ease right into it uh i mean shane's the only one who's done this before right yes i have done this before yeah you you sound more intense than everyone else if that's his reaction he's the one who's here i go because i know what to expect but i know that i will not be the same on the other hand uh all right well the game is very simple uh this is a stack of statements these are false untrue statements about the things you know and love it's up to you to find what's wrong and correct me there's like two rules uh you have to precede all your corrections with um actually sort of like jeopardy style if you don't answer um actually i won't give you the point um and you can interrupt me whenever you want uh as soon as you spot what's wrong you can jump right in there and prove that you're smarter than me just like in real life uh you can feel free to grab your buzzers let's jump right in the bbc series torchwood follows a small group of people from the torchwood institute a government organization founded in the victorian era to defend earth for supernatural threats the name torchwood itself is a reference to shakespeare's the tempest yep um actually it's not based on the tempest it's not it's not a reference to the tempest yeah i'll give you the point unless someone can tell me what where the name does come from so torture is not a reference to uh the tempest so uh your point unless someone can say where where torchwood comes from i should know this shane um actually torchwood is from uh othello no it is not can we just go through his entire and um actually it's about much of about nothing we can go through the entirety of shakespeare's works but i will say it is not a reference to any shakespeare word rather than getting stuck here forever um uh i'll give the point to jenny yeah it's not a reference uh it's not a reference to the tempest um torchwood is just an anagram for doctor who uh so they spun off it uh it was it was like a working title that they they rearranged and then they're like oh you know because actually works is a good title for a show that's torchwood my car is blue because of the tardis and i have a bumper i i just i just give up okay i should have known this this is embarrassing did you watch torchwood as well as doctor i did not okay so that you don't need to know him yeah it's like you could have watched all of it and still not been good at scrabble yeah yeah you weren't constantly rearranging the letters of doctor who to see what it might make [Laughter] cool thanks for the point yeah yeah it's yours now this is about captain planet in captain planet gaia gives five special rings to the five chosen planeteers four are based on the platonic elements earth fire wind and water while the remaining ring heart is little use on its own but necessary for summoning captain planet [Music] yes shane um actually they're all equally necessary for summoning captain planet there's nothing special about heart um they are all necessary for summoning captain planet you're no you're you're i'm gonna say no you're you're you're in the right area but you're jenny um actually it's meant to change the hearts of the bad guys and bring everybody together like a happy family it uh no no well no a con no i mean i guess metaphorically but not uh not magically erica um actually mati does use the ring on his own apart from the rest of them yeah i think there was like was there like a dolphin episode or something i think it was a dolphin episode somebody made friends with the dolphin yeah yeah you're getting right to it so really what i'm asking here is what does the heart ring do friendship it's more than does it do friendship it does blood it does blood all i know is no one wanted to be heart in the playground i'm like it's like being like sporty spice i always called water because that was the asian chick yeah i don't know about uh who cares you can screw that guy i care about heart um uh gosh i i feel like i could equally give it to either jenny or erica or to no one uh yeah and we want to take a stab beyond beyond the sort of medic metaphorical opening people's hearts what is what does the heart power do this is so deep what is heart all about what is what is love if anyone can answer what is love i will give you one point baby don't hurt me baby don't hurt me no more yeah no that's uh we'll go ahead we'll just call this one a watch so uh the power of heart uh is like it's telepathy it's communicating with animals it's a very powerful uh thing that and you're right like no one everyone was always like [ __ ] my tea [ __ ] heart it's like it's professor x with the monkey was that actually telepathy that is the most the most important power it it's crazy like we as kids it was always just like yeah i know what does heart do it's like that's not shooting lasers or fire or wind or anything like that i feel like if they'd called it this instead of heart mind screw or something then people would have wanted to be on the plane wind water mind screw um well uh no one point to mati no points to anyone else um here we go the unified zelda timeline that attempts to link all the zelda games into one coherent timeline is incredibly convoluted involving time travel and split timelines while nintendo hasn't confirmed any one official timeline most fans agree that the first game chronologically is minish cap and the timeline splits at ocarina of time [Music] shane um actually minish cap is not the first one the first one is skyward sword that's correct uh yep you got it uh i was i was going to see like it's a can you fill in the rest of this information and you very slowly did i was hoping you would say that's correct before i had to take a chance on it i wanted to see if you if you if you would do it and maybe throw it throw it around if i couldn't but yeah uh skyward stores the first chronologically yeah and also they did somewhat confirm it because they published the guide the guide to hyrule um and it's this big leather giant book thing and it has the timeline where it splits an ocarina of time and so there are two different split times depending on whether or not he saves time in the future with the time skip or in the past there's three timelines there's the child and then two adult timelines in which he wins in which he loses so i know for a long time it was just sort of like oh we're just making games and then the fans like no no it all fits together um it's great that they that they have sort of like taken taken that in because it does feel like the work of a few extremely devoted fans trying to puzzle together a convoluted puzzle and then uh nintendo just being like yeah that's right that's what we're going for thanks fans uh well great that's a point uh for shane um this one is about star trek in star trek q is a q from the planet q he and his wife q have a son named q lord have mercy shame um actually the son's name is r i love that guess but no i should specify two it doesn't really come across on the page the his son's name is q it's a lowercase q sometimes they call him little q uh but it is still q yes damn y'all you didn't read this very well thought out pathology there's only one thing wrong with what i've just said i'm sure there is all right i feel like for process illumination you figure out which of these is not named q there's an imposter cube in here i think as a team we can figure it out um actually it is not the planet q that's correct wow it's just i used to watch star trek growing up but it was like in the background my little tv set and i just i don't know do you know do you know where he is i don't know the name of the actual planet um actually is it the dimension cue oh you're on the right track i'll i'll i'll keep the point for jenny but you're you're uh he's from the q continuum uh which is basically another way of the sort of the q dimension but yeah everything else q is a q from the q continuum with a wife q and a son named q uh it's just q it's q all the way around okay was there another writer's strike or something that happened someone had a broken keyboard they're just like oh what do we call this guy um all right we are going to move on to our first shiny question of the game now shiny questions are like shiny pokemon in that they're worth the same amount of points they're just a little bit different and a little bit rarer uh so this is a game that we call match the voice [Music] we're gonna ask you to match a character with the voice actor who plays them whoever can name the most correctly will get the point go ahead and flip those over let's take a look at them [Music] i can't tell if jenny's done or frozen in fear so intense right now i love cartoons and i don't want to screw this up let's go ahead and flip those around all right shane walk us through uh who would you choose here for what um well i've got james avery uh who i believe was uncle phil yes he was as uh shredder yes the same character really yes jk simmons really threw me uh cause i was like i am unaware of his uh voice acting career so i was like yellow eminem uh-huh maybe maybe um jaleel white as sonic that's kind of kind of another guess i'm not sure about sonic jessica walter as the as the dinosaur meg ryan as i'm not familiar who this character is that's dr blight from captain planet and vin diesel as the iron giant that which is the only one that i knew for sure or i i knew james avery also yes uh well uh it looks like also everyone else has the exact same uh things slotted in and i'm very happy to say these are all six totally right uh so everyone gets one point for uh being 100 correct on all these yeah i love that that cartoon they're like actors here it's like oh be very easy for you to just be like cast as like you're just steve urkel forever ever be like no i can this is like a way for me to do something else i can be sonic for a little while you know a lot of actors find a second career in voiceover primarily because they're very very good actors but a lot of times on camera hollywood still sees them as one thing so mark hamill being the joker was a huge uh epiphany just because he'd only been luke skywalker and they were only ever wanting to see him as luke skywalker so giving him the joker it was brilliant yeah uh will everyone have the same answers and everyone got it totally right so one point for everyone some of you noticed a few mistakes that we made in our last episode here are our favorite corrections from you at caleb anderson says finn fang foom from the marvel comics is not a dragon but in fact an alien from kakarothara that merely resembles a chinese dragon due to his mind being merged with a statue of one i'm sorry for judging pin thing boom by his appearance one point for caleb at curlybee987 says um actually nicholas cage portrayed superman in teen titans go to the movies that's correct but you spelled nicholas cage wrong so that'll be one point for me too and from the dropout discord chloe says i'm actually simply offering a cucumber to a kappa isn't enough to dissuade it from attacking traditionally you have to carve or write the name of the person or family you want the capital to leave alone on the cucumber before sending it down the river one point for chloe for these cucumber facts uh this is about power rangers being a power ranger might seem like an incomparable honor but it's actually fairly common for power rangers to come and go in fact in the original series mighty morphin power rangers only kimberly the pink ranger and billy the blue ranger appeared every episode from start to finish [Music] jenny i'm actually i believe the yellow ranger was also there from start to finish no no well shane um actually billy missed one episode no that's incorrect you remember that you got something on your mind um actually if we count after they added tommy as the green or white ranger uh then he would have been all throughout the rest of that season of mighty morphin as well yeah but he wasn't in there in the in the he wasn't in the initial start he wasn't at the start yeah look i think we're gonna we're gonna get stumped here so no points on this one shane you were on the right track um but you just got you're you're specific wrong um uh kimberly the pink ranger doesn't quite finish out the season there's a couple of episodes at the very end where she moves to florida uh and doesn't actually finish [Laughter] she moves to florida to compete in the pan global games which i believe is the license-free version of the olympics but yeah for how long what how long do the olympics last i i mean the implications of stop being a powerful here's the thing this is what i'd love to talk about because the implication is sort of like listen you have to choose between being a power ranger and going to the olympics and it's like well i gotta follow my passions like hold on a second but i could get a gold medal but like there was another pink ranger that showed up on the scene around the same time she was thinking about going and like tommy got along better with her too so she's like well you know there's somebody that can take over it's fine it does girl's got to live her life okay don't don't tell her she can't go be in the pan global games yeah all right well no uh no points for that one unfortunately um all right here we go the sword in the stone is a novel by t.h white and an animated disney film that tells the tale of how a young king arthur claimed the title of king by pulling a sword from a stone that mysteriously appeared in london shane um actually it was not in london it wasn't london it wasn't it was [Laughter] yeah yes um actually it's the once in future king uh he did write the one feature king but also there is also the sword in the stone that is a separate book yeah i know yeah different parents of uh arthur's life shane you're slow yes what is yes um actually it didn't mysteriously appear it had been there for a while it been there for a while but when it appeared it was pretty mysterious no one put it there johnny didn't come like with a big old hand truck guys just showing stone i know someone delivered this someone signed for it so i said someone's going to be king when you pull this thing out here yeah there's always a paper trail and there's a mysterious thing that appears hmm huh i'll say uh this question is is me being a very tricky little [ __ ] um that is the technical term for what i'm doing with this question which is being a tricky little [ __ ] i'll call this one this is being hyper pedantic here um but in fact the sword is in an anvil the the sword in the stone is a sword in an anvil on top of a stone even though it's called the sword in the stone is it that way in the book too it is that way in the book it is a sword in an anvil even though it's called the sword in the stone and i go to disneyland every goddamn week and it's there in front of that stupid carousel it's there it's like it's it's animated it's right there it's a big picture it's rammed right in that envelope everyone's everyone walks around all the time the sword in the stone it's in an anvil it's in an anvil so why did they yeah what's it made up is it made like the like chemical like composition of it is it a stone is you're asking me if the anvil is made of stone probably iron yeah yeah i don't think a stone anvil would do a good job it doesn't sound good no i mean it's housing a sword it's not being used as an anvil i'm not trying to get points out of this i'm just trying to have a comment i'm just asking some questions here we'll see where we want to build out my my sword in the stone knowledge that was a tricky little asset i hate you know what guilty is charge i apologize um but what's this show about if not these tricky little tricky little [ __ ] questions and with that uh this is about game of thrones and it's also another tricky little [ __ ] question brought to westeros by the andals the faith of the seven's adherents worship seven gods the crone father maiden mother smith stranger and warrior the look on your face shane [Laughter] there's so many things that could be wrong with this but nothing's obvious we're just going to go down these gods we're just going to go down and go down a little bit drink they're just watching us listen i'm die i'm not i'm i'm going to give you all a fighting chance to get these points i'm not gonna tell yeah eric actually it wasn't the andals that brought it over uh it was was it okay yep yeah shane um actually the smith and warrior were the same god you're you're strangely on the right track i don't want to give you the point because you know i'm guessing uh i know you're guessing and it's still not quite right uh but uh but yeah uh uh i will admit this is a tricky question so i will give you the point unless someone can with the hint that shane is on the right track here anyone anyone have a guess i i read the books and everything and i just there's a lot of details in there man like do you know how many family trees you have to flip through to even have a working understanding of the story yeah this is like the politics the religion is the thing that i'm gonna do a deep dive into uh all right well you know what shane i will give you a point begrudgingly thank you i'll make it up to you all right what you said is accurate you just don't have the full scope which is that they are not seven separate gods but rather seven aspects of the same god in the same way the holy trinity is uh is aspects of one god uh it is incorrect to say that there are seven separate gods look i said it's a shitty little [ __ ] question i'm being a tricky little [ __ ] i don't know what it's like i warned you all ahead of time [Laughter] so yes those two are the same god but also so are all the other ones um uh well that that is that we're all having a good time here yeah um well this brings us to our second shiny question this is a game called hear me roar [Music] so we're going to play some sounds uh and ask you to identify sounds we've done things like monster roars we've done villain laughs these are going to be video game sounds that you hate to hear okay so hands on those buzzers and let's hear that first sound oh erica that's metal gear solid when somebody spots snake that is metal gear solid what an awful sound it is uh it's my friend's text message is it really yeah is she is she trying to give herself a heart attack she is a very nervous person that's was it was she a nervous person before she made this search it's a little bit of a you know recursive thing you know this can't help yeah no but awful all right well let's listen to that second sound [Music] shane is that um actually you don't just say it for the show uh this is running out of time in pac-man no it's not it's not running on time anyone else have a guess for this one i was gonna guess sonic the hedgehog oh wait sonic the hedgehog yeah do you do you know specifically what what what this sound is from in sonic uh this is when you're underwater and you're running out of air it's when you start running out air it starts playing underwater levels yeah that's the worst feeling in a video that that sound to this day makes me clench up inside and feel truly awful just your organs just melt and you just uh and those awful feelings will continue as we move on to this [Music] is that centipede no it's not shane is this pac-man jenny already actually guessed it oh where have you been what what a crazy thing if i had given you the point it'd be like it's like oh and jane says it like they made it with the same little yeah i'm gonna say that no one got this one um this is there's multiple versions of of this section there's multiple versions of this game but this is one iteration of a blue shell in mario kart uh uh coming forward uh so let's hear uh let's hear uh sound number four these are all awful they're all horrible to listen to and he gets good alarms uh erica paperboy no it's not paperboy shane don't don't say pack is it tapper oh god uh uh jenny do you have a guess frogger uh it's not frogger no this is uh the low hp sound in pokemon when you're when your pokemon starts to run out of health this is this is yeah this is you're about to die i guess that just shows how good pokemon masters that the three of us are because we never got that yeah i never got close to dying you get to a halfway point you pump a hyper potion and you're fine don't eat like why why are you playing it that dangerous yeah keep it safe don't get down there uh all right the let's play uh sound number five [Music] i played that game yeah truly an awful sound it combines crying with alarms and ah awful yeah man if you play any video games you don't want to have kids like all your kids are only going to get lost or kidnapped or fall off of a dinosaur's back we only have one more sound left here erica's gotten two jenny's gotten one uh so jenny you can either come in and tie this uh otherwise uh erica's got this unlocked so let's take a look at this last sound erica is that the radio from uh silent hills uh it it's close enough it's silent hill two but it is the radio static from silent hill yeah yeah yeah yep that's it so that is uh that's three identifications from erica that is uh one one from jenny that's a point for erica let's celebrate with the most celebratory sound we have yeah oh boy foreign hey we make mistakes too if you notice something that we got wrong you can correct us by tweeting at um actually show we might even give you a point and feature your tweet in the next episode alright it's about board games the board game pandemic is one of the most popular cooperative board games ever made players must work together against the game itself to cure and completely eradicate four different diseases before any one of them overruns the world shane um actually you don't have to eradicate the diseases you just have to cure them that's correct you only have to cure them you don't have to it's great if you can't eradicate them but uh but yeah you only have to find the cure uh which feels wildly irresponsible just watch our hands on this whole thing we did it go on vacations meanwhile like [ __ ] like ha noi it's just like overruns you gotta fix this you gotta fix this well that was a point for shane the original neon genesis evangelion is about teenager piloted giant robots called evangelion or avas battling monsters known as angels the countdown to the apocalypse serving as the story's backdrop fans were surprised at the final two episodes which abstractly explored the protagonist's crippling depression rather than delivering the much-anticipated final epic battle erica um actually first of all it's ethan gillian uh and second of all crew agrees with me i actually looked this up before i before because i wanted to be sure and then i totally beefed it immediately there's a lot of anime and yeah then you gotta look up their names uh also uh it ends with the movie uh you know gosh you're right um this is not what we're going for but that is technically correct i'll maybe give you the point unless we can figure out the other things here because this is another shitty little question shane what are you what are you guessing over here uh i'm actually not all the pilots were teenagers no that's not that's not what we're doing here [Music] erica um actually they're not giant robots they're weird uh souls they're uh dead mothers they're a dead mother you uh i one of them's a dead mother i'm going to give you the point because you've corrected another thing and also you found the thing that were looking for they're not actually robots they're giant living beings with cybernetic augmentations uh so they're not technically robots but your father they weren't robots uh you corrected my pronunciation and you found the other thing you mentioned too which is that uh that you know like there is um the there's the movie later the thing we're going for was that they're not technically robots you got all of them we'll give you the point it would be cruel to do anything else [Laughter] i feel like the worst kind of person no you that that was great this is the worst kind of behavior is what this show is all about [Laughter] great and this will bring us to our last shiny question of the game this is a game that we're going to call a title of words [Music] now uh you may have noticed that a lot of fantasy and sci-fi novels have a title that is a blank of blank or a something of something we've taken six of those titles and rearranged the nouns so you can put them back together again great let's flip these over let's take a look at this jumble o title [Music] i don't know i thought that i divided them into the front the front and the back and then you can now i have like four fronts [Laughter] let's take a look what you got yeah shane we'll start with you what do you have here i have the name of the wind i have the sword of shannara i have the kala of wolves i have the color of magic i have the war of the worlds i have the grace of king you're you're actually shockingly close one of those is wrong though you have five out of six correct here um how could one be wrong uh one is wrong i must have swapped the beginning in the end perhaps i i won't say for sure but the only launcher jenny what do you have oh lord let's just say i hated reading my books over the summer and i would [ __ ] my way through the summaries not readers not a reader until i got older okay because i did not so this is proof of that i read mostly comics and uh you know backstreet boys magazines all right uh so can you guys keep this is a backstreet boys tell us the names of our titles teen bop all right uh so the sword of the column okay so wrong the color of the wind because i'm thinking about pocahontas it is a lovely song i don't think it's a fantasy novel she's not wrong it's not wrong it's not a book but it is a lovely song it is um kings of wolves just sounded nice um the grace of shannara disgraceful person the war of the worlds it's the only one that i was like yes something and the name of magic very good you have one correct here you have one correct here uh and erica let's see what you got i just want to say that i would like to hear her pitch the rest of those though yeah us yeah the lovely thing that's what it's like all those like sounds like oh yeah the name of magic yes yes uh i think i believe that i have the same exact exact answers so i have sort of shinara war of the worlds name of the wind grace of kings colorables color of magic i'm guessing that we messed this one up you're correct yeah it should be it should be wolves of the cala not the kala of wolves um the other ones are all correct uh but you both tied with five so you'll both get a point for that one uh very good nice such good students yeah so there we have a funny one i was considerably less cool when it came to backstreet boy magazine uh well this is our final question of the episode uh so uh erica you can tie it up uh jenny could tie for a second shane you can just pull straight ahead or just we could just flail around at the end because this final question as always concerns real life skills this has nothing to do with any of uh the things that we've been talking about this is just something that could be valuable in real life go ahead and there's a piece of paper under the couch uh you can just grab that and is this like an opening take a look at it oh the right tool for the job is of utmost importance as is the right screw uh on your paper there you can see wood screws which are typically used in wood machine screws and hex bolts which are used to fasten metal components and carriage bolts which are used to fasten metal and wood components together watched a lot of home improvement did not help me here and building ikea furniture also does not help me here yes shane um actually bolts aren't screws no that's i mean i don't think there's at the end it doesn't go into uh there's a very technical difference between bolts and screws but for the purposes of this uh this question they're they're similar enough that they're they're both threaded fasteners something about those carriage bolts yeah they look odd to me [Laughter] just not right and i've never used them they're not bolts um actually carriage bolts aren't bolts you know what i'm you're you're close enough i'll maybe give you the point the the er yeah actually are those grommets uh they're not grommets uh but yeah i'm i'm very torn about like how to award this because you're you're getting hung up with a thing that is wrong but you're getting hung up in the wrong way once again it's just coming out of my yes uh i mean it looks like something that's supposed to be screwed into the carriage bolts versus the carriage bolts being screwed into something here's here's the issue i'll i'll go ahead and say the answer and then i'll talk through how if at all i'm gonna award points uh so the issue here is that those are not carriage bolts uh you were you were correct that uh there was something wrong with the carriage bolts and that that seemed to be a mislabeling of carriage bolt like that that that wasn't how that worked and that's because uh those were not care tools so those were uh those what was called sex bolts uh for real because they fit together um uh so but here's the thing you were able to identify that there was something wrong with the character bolts and you also you know you were naming things that were wrong about the image that we displayed there but you didn't actually you didn't identify that what we pictured were not carriage bowls uh so there's a real carriage bolt and carriage bolt being defined by a rounded top uh threading up most of it but then a little smooth uh smooth section just below the top um i don't know what to do [Music] sorting through the wreckage just yeah i think that's answering this question i might be able to i could turn this into a point i could reupholster this into a point if i put a little work in you know you know what i'll give a half point to both you and erica which does it's just the same as no points all around it's still uh we're we're still uh kind of ending up in the same place which is five and a half points for shade three for jenny four and a half points for erica uh making shane our winner with uh people coming up right behind there so that is our show thank you so much for joining us and come back next time for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 260,891
Rating: 4.9535933 out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Id: P7vwekQuGls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 53sec (2153 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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