Mouth of Sauron, Saiyan Tails, Bothan Spies

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from azeroth to sephiroth nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's one thing they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] joining us today we have returning champion iffy wadi way one win baby uh we've got dc pearson how's it going i've never been on the show before at this moment i exist in a quantum state of both being the best ever and the worst possible oh off quantum state that sounds sci-fi i'm just trying to present as a nerd when in actuality my dad invented football that's not true and uh next time we have emily axford hey emily hey hey how are you no one asks you how you are feeling that's the real i'm just delaying it so we play because i'm nervous i'm going to fail that's a good strategy if i never ask any questions you can't get any questions wrong um well i'm afraid we'll have to move on so we'll move on right to the questions or rather a brief explanation of the game if you haven't played before this is um actually i have here a stack of false statements about the franchises that are nearest and dearest to your hearts it's up to you to find a thing that's wrong with what i've stated buzz in and correct me there's only two rules your questions must be preceded by the phrase um actually and you can interrupt me whenever you want you don't have to wait for me to finish so that's it are you guys ready to play yeah yeah all right here we go question one concerns super mario brothers bowser mario's first and greatest enemy also known as king koopa has attempted to kidnap um actually mario's first enemy was donkey kong throwing them barrels that's correct and i was like were mario and luigi ever enemies i'd argue that mario's first enemy was probably luigi because think about how much siblings fight when they're young yeah that's true but mario desperately like disappointed when like when mama mario first brings home luigi from the hospital i've got a surprise for you i've got the surprise for you mario it's your brother luigi he's like oh this yeah and especially if your mom's name is mama mario and she's like we're gonna name you mario yeah and then you're gonna name your brother luigi well they're naming him after dad luigi mama mario and dad luigi their taxes are a nightmare over the irs they're just like i can't get a handle on this family this question is about game of thrones the tears of lease a deadly poison hailing from the same free city as varus has been used throughout the show to kill characters both on screen such as myrcella lannister and off screens does john aaron of the vale hand of king robert if he i'm actually marcella wasn't poisoned it was uh the the joffrey kid who was poisoned myrcella was poisonous oh they poisoning everybody in that poisoning [Laughter] mercury poison everyone dies real slow man got to have a code and some mercury um dc um actually no one has ever been poisoned on the show because they're all already dead oh i love it um that sounds like an interesting fan theory but uh they have in fact been poisoned the poison used to kill marcel lannister was the long farewell the poison that is administered with a kiss see i got that wrong because i read the books and i didn't get to that book yet it's one of those things you got wrong from reading too much i'm already in the future they they stop using poison in the future they're using spells now there's a guy named dumbledore in the show too someone slipped a different book in that jacket what do you mean feast for crows or the winds of winter the prisoner of azkaban that's right in there right right in there question three is about blade runner ridley scott's 1982 film blade runner an adaptation of the philip k dick novel to android's dream of electric sheep tells the story of detective rick deckard's hunt for a group of fugitive replicants while many elements and themes were added to the movie such as gaff's origami figures others were lifted directly from the book such as several of the void comp questions and roy batty's iconic line all these moments will be lost in time like tears in the rain dc um actually that line isn't in the books that was a thing from the a version of the script that uh rucker howard like it said often that he improvised it but he actually really like condensed it and possibly added the tear gone like tears and rain that is more correct than what i even have on the card so i'll give you the point when you get a low blade runner one across the plate [Laughter] you gotta go for it i have to be honest i was just gonna guess that the author was isaac asimov and said okay it's all right emily because this next question is about dragon ball z okay but i'm telling you even if i like something i'm not so good at it that's all right also if he is like raising his hand like i'm coming in i know because he's having two dragon ball z podcast oh no i had a lot of dragon ball z t-shirts i feel like i was the rare dragon ball z fan that was in it for the shirts but then i would watch the show and i would be like it's pretty cool i can't wait till they fight in seven weeks i'm in it for piccolo i'm like i'm like you could say like dragon ball sea shirt and there's so many people just like i know exactly what shirt you're talking about it's just like that weird time where it's like you know what are two cool things dragon ball z and bowling shirts like it blew up so much my friend he would get the bootleg ones where it's not like dragon ball z would just be a dragon dragon orb x that was in the back part of marshall's square okay here we go saiyans a race of alien warriors to whom both goku and vegeta belong are capable of transforming into blonde versions of themselves known as super saiyans but only if they still have their tails which contain the gland's nest actually they don't need their tails they need their tails to turn into uh the giant gorillas but it could chop off the tail and they could still go super saiyan that is correct you don't need the tail to become super saiyan you need the tail to transform into your great ape form yeah um um actually piccolo is a great um and it makes me cry i was like even if i know the next one i got to give it to emily but like i wouldn't have gone but you cannot let that stop branding i can't let the dragon ball z look like i have to snatch it every time if you could have the next one emily but the dragon ball z one for branding's sake i have to snatch it every time i also think though it's like in basketball like if you pass the ball to someone who doesn't know how to play basketball it's just gonna hit him in the face i think that's what we can look forward to if you leave one for me all right we move on now to our very first shiny question now uh shiny questions just like shiny pokemon are basically the same thing they are worth the same amount of points they're just a little bit different and a little bit rarer this is a game we call spelling bee [Music] spelling in english is hard enough but spelling and sci-fi fantasy is damn near impossible with extra apostrophes and consonants all over the place uh i'm going to give you a word from a sci-fi or fantasy property and i want you to spell it for me i could maybe win this one because i don't have to know something i just have to spell i have to spell it please say the word at the beginning and end of your spelling so i know when you're done you're allowed to ask me what property it's from uh or to use it in a sentence okay all right your word is cuisat's hatarak i can say it's from dune it is from dune yes i'll give it a go cool okay i'm not afraid after all fear is the mind killer is that a dune reference yeah nice yeah that's really good quit that's had a rack uh k w i z a z no i feel like i it up right i'm sorry no no you're not far off but but that is incorrect i'm sorry to say oh i should have listened it's just by q i kind of tuned out wait i'll give it a shot what's it quits cuisat's hattarack queen sets hatterac q uh w e e t markedly uh less correct than dc so there's nowhere to go but up all right i remember reading uh halfway through dune uh before stopping and i'm gonna just close my eyes try and see if i can get that paid those words on the page okay write a text w i e s a t apostrophe t a t t r a h t who is that tattered that is incorrect the correct spelling is k-w-i-s-a-t-z h-a-d-e-r so it doesn't end in a q it does not end in queue in fact there's no queues in the world wrong that that is the yeah if you hadn't have done that i would have given you the point but quizzes delhi does have the best pastrami on rye on they do they put just the right amount of spice on that yeah like move on of course we're not perfect and we make mistakes too here are some that you found at lawful goodman says phoenix wouldn't say ad and tassadar is a phrase those two words are just two protoss names he might say antaro adun or en taro tacidar which means in honor of or and arudin which means in memory of love the show's smiley face well i love you lawful goodman thanks for correcting me on the proper way to speak protoss at josephvieremont8 says i'm actually in your shiny question super sayings it's spelled ashnas gimbatool that's correct we should have spelled it ash naz gimbatool and from our exclusive dropout discord mink says um actually the house tully sigil is incorrect it should be a trout on a red and blue background not a solid blue one that's correct i'll see you on the discord mink this question is about the marvel cinematic universe the infinity stones have featured in multiple marvel movies at the time of this taping the time stone resides in the eye of agamotto the space stone is being kept safely in asgard the reality stone has been given to the collector the mind stone rests in loki's staff and the power stone is being held by the nova corps on xandar emily what you got um actually the time stone is in loki's staff and the redstone is in asgard uh that is incorrect but i appreciate it i appreciate the spirit behind it because the spirit is true iffy um actually oh god he's gonna nail it the mind stone isn't in loki's staff that's correct the mind stone is not in loki's staff the mind stone is in vision's forehead he's using it to make paprika this question is about lord of the rings though most of sauron's might as a leader is shown through his powerful magic or his terrifying armies sauron did have one servant who acted as his diplomat herald and emissary the horrifying wraith known as the mouth of sarah i'm actually i'm actually he was the hand of sauron no he was the mouth um actually he's not a wraith that's correct he wasn't a wraith he was just a dude he was just a guy just a guy who's just a guy on board with pure evil yeah just happens every day doesn't it i know right like it really really goes to show you and the worst part about it they give him a bit in the emmys [Music] when the mouth of sauron came on to make fun of sauron i was like you don't get it [Applause] we haven't forgiven you you came out you lied to our faces you marched the armies of mordor into the shire you don't get to make jokes about this uh this is about star wars rogue one the first star wars film with no jedi as primary characters follows jyn erso and her companions as they deliver the plans for the death star to the rebel alliance creating one of the most notable continuity errors in the star wars universe as in the original trilogy the discovery of these plans is credited by mon mothma to a group of bothans a species known throughout the galaxy as incredible spies dc incorrect no i'm actually yeah uh the yes the very nature the boffins uh secured the plans for the death star in return of the jedi that's correct the boston still plans for the death star 2 not death star 1 so yeah that's correct uh how you doing emily not good this is our second shiny question this is a game called tic tac tech now in just a moment you're gonna see on the screen a collection of uh technology from a specific property i want you to identify the one that does not belong the first person to identify and buzz in will get the point all right let's throw that picture up here um actually these are all weapons from final fantasy vii that's correct except except uh i think it's gonna be that hair clip that is incorrect emily you have one fewer option um actually it's not the four way spoke no that belongs there um actually i'll just go ahead and guess the handgun the handcuff belongs too talk about things we ran out of ideas for yeah i'm split between two because technically if one i think is wrong could be right but it's like a very like roundabout way so i'm gonna say brass knuckles and if it's not that it's the teeth yeah the teeth do not belong you definitely sort of forced your way through that question by guessing about five different things you yeah basically like it's like all right we've already ruled out three of them so hold on um i mean i feel like no one should get a point for that but but uh yeah no go ahead i think it's fair uh we we got there i could get a point for it you can get a point for it you want to point out now we're not perfect here either and you may have noticed something that we got wrong if you would like to correct us you can tweet us at um actually show remember points are not worth anything let's move along yeah please i need some more questions let's just do a wrap around see if i can get any this is about dc not dc you dc comics right that would be super unfair this is just about dc pearson dc when you were growing up was your dragon ball z shirt xl um okay in justice league unlimited wonder woman is turned into a pig by the sorceress cersei prompting batman and zatanna to strike a bargain with the greek enchantress in order to have diana transformed back batman has to beat circe in a series of riddles each themed around a traumatic event in batman's past okay um actually it wasn't batman it was wolverine you're just trying to piss off oh yeah that that is like the thread that we can go with and you just jump i'm actually i'm a writer coattails and say it wasn't batman it was superman no it was batman yeah um actually it wasn't riddles it was word searches oh he did word searches she had a kids menu from a restaurant you're shockingly close it wasn't a series of riddles if i guess something can i get it right if no one else can tell me what batman had to do instead of a series of riddles i'll give it to you um actually was it a series of physical trials it was not physical trials no oh man i don't know um actually it wasn't riddles it was i don't have anything i was going to say physical trials oh actually it wasn't riddles it was word searches did i say that you already [Laughter] just really try to i really want batman to do word searches what would be more visually dynamic than a superhero sitting down to do some word searches well i'll tell you what might be more dynamic he didn't have to solve riddles he batman had to sing am i blue in a smokey jazz club really yeah really oh my gosh that was going to be my joke answer not that exactly what i was like he was he had to sing a singing comedy yeah okay uh so we'll give that point to emily for identifying that it is not a test of riddles okay i do not deserve that point please take that point off of my board okay i am a zero i'm gonna be an honest zero rather than a fake one i just have a code of honor much like batman the right guy you're right he has a code of honor right this question is about harry potter the shrieking shack the most haunted building in all of great britain is technically located in hogsmeade but is only accessible from hogwarts through a secret tunnel located under the whomping willow um actually is it not the most haunted building in great britain um because it wasn't it just that they were like doing weird meetings there and stuff actually and people thought it was haunted you're definitely like jason you're isn't really haunted um there's a reason why people thought oh because it's where the dude went to transform that's correct it is where the dude went to transform uh uh i'll that's close up i'll give you the point yeah so what we're going for here the shrinking check wasn't it's where remus lupin would uh would transform into a werewolf and so that the sounds that people heard led people to believe that it was haunted not haunted at all that's hilarious that people don't know what dogs sound like for wizards to be like we live in a school where here's here's our headless ghost who lives in our dorm and there's peeves the poltergeists like but don't go in that house because there's ghosts in there like what the is what are you talking about makes no sense at all this uh brings us to our last shiny question of the game uh there's a game called power-up [Music] the hunger for power may corrupt the souls of men but hunger for power-ups is just plain fun give these characters the power-ups that will make them temporarily invincible can you hear me behind this board you can't make me say anything right now you can't see my way like wilson from home yeah that's what i think and begin [Music] got five characters here and if he is buzzing in uh if he what is with you you're too good at this what do you have there if you let run it walk us oh kirby has a super lollipop that gives him the dick you got pac-man the big circle that makes all the ghosts start blinking and we all know the super mario star i don't know if that's licensed and we can use it uh banjo-kazooie which i haven't played but used the process of elimination and you got a good crash bandicoot with his uh kind of racist thing yeah uh that is all 100 correct that's a point for iffy isn't everything these days we are on to our last question of the game our score right now zero 4-4-0 did not expect to hang this tough with iffy yeah i did not expect to have zero but the amount of integrity that you've accrued over the course of the game it's true i think i walked away like this might be like a rocky story yeah you know what i mean where it's like victory is very strong and you get to marry a woman who works at a fish store a fish store we only sell fish here as always our final question concerns real life skills these are just uh important skills to have for surviving in the real world if you wanted to stop heavy bleeding your best option is to apply a tourniquet a few inches above the wound and tighten it until the bleeding stops um actually do you want to put the tourniquet on the wound not above it right no actually when you're applying a tourniquet you want to put it above uh above where the world you want to apply pressure to the world when you're playing a tourniquet you want to apply pressure closer to the heart um actually your best option is to go to a hospital that is technically correct you should probably just get to the hospital if you can get to a hospital if you're applying first aid um actually it's called a band-aid not a tourniquet both your answers have actually been fairly close i'm glad to give it to you no i won't take a point i don't deserve it your best option is not to fly a tourniquet what should you do um actually your best option is to um ball up a sock and put it on top of the bleeding that's close enough yeah you're i mean probably not a sock you probably want clean gauze like you specifically chose the dirtiest cloth you could find uh but yeah your your best option in heavy bleeding is to apply gauze uh and pads and pressure to the wound when you leave a tourniquet on long enough it cuts off blood for so long that your limb can atrophy and fall off so point of last resort like a tourniquet might be the thing you need but even then they say like to write the time that you apply the tourniquet on the person's forehead so that people that can look at them and clearly see that like that tourniquet has been on for this long and we know exactly like when to take this thing off that is insane yeah so don't apply a tourniquet as a first uh as a line of first offense but if you do write on their forehead maybe draw some dicks while you're there just write a long note about everything you've done to whom it may concern uh so uh that is a point for emily on our for real life skills perhaps the most important question in the whole game four four tie between iffy and dc this round wait is there gonna be no tiebreaker no tiebreaker guys this is like soccer rules you know the most um actually the most this is messed up though we don't find out a winner between the two of them there's no winner in this game all right well that is our show thank you so much for joining us join us next time for more very nerdy pedantic corrections on um actually i went about exactly how i thought it was going to you didn't get zero
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 364,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Um Actually, Nerds, Lord of The Rings, Corrections, CollegeHumor
Id: WKP9XcCEhho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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