Mortal Kombat, Element Stones, The Matrix: Reloaded

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from sarlacc to snorlax nerds are passionate about a lot of things but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Applause] joining us today we have zach oyama hello i'm hoping to get second place that would be great and kirk d'amato clone bombois and sam basher i'm very afraid right now great it's your first time here welcome uh for any new viewers the game is very simple i have here a stack of statements these are untrue statements but the things that you know and love i have huge fandoms out there somewhere i'll be very angry that i've said something untrue about it it's up to you to find the thing that's wrong buzz in and correct me now all of your corrections must be preceded by the phrase um actually if you don't i can't give you the point uh and you can interrupt me at any point in the question just as soon as you hear the thing that's wrong buzz in you don't have to let me finish um and that is pretty much it you're just a liar yes this is a game of lies being a liar and being put in my place by very angry people um and if you don't do it they will grab your buzzers and we'll get started first question about comics in the x-men comics the classification omega-level mutant generally designates those mutants with the most powerful abilities some of these incredibly powerful mutants include iceman jean grey matthew malloy kid omega professor x and x-man uh kirk um actually x-man would not be considered an omega-level x-man he's just an x-level x-man uh x-man is uh actually an omega level mutant and also a real x-men zack um actually jean grey's not an omega level gene gray is also an omega level mutant yeah sam um actually it's matthew malloy no it's a very normal sounding name um a kirk yeah but um actually then i would by the process of elimination of who is the suckiest of the remaining three characters i'd go with bobby drake iceman and you would be wrong that's crazy this man is is an omega level music i'm actually the guy named kid omega is not omega level kid omega actually level mutant all of uh there there is in fact one more it's incredibly surprising which is why i think like yeah go ahead i'm actually charles xavier is not omega professor x is not an omega level x-men why i don't know he seems powerful he seems incredibly powerful well my process of elimination zach i i guess i feel kind of bad i don't know all honors just abused should i give you the point or should we no no no no i don't think i should get the point i can't honestly i mean fair we did guess maybe seven times before we landed on that i guess it's only fair um but take it away from me i don't want it no no points for that one moving on to our next one here the director of the nightmare before christmas tim burton based the film on a three-page poem that he himself had written several years earlier uh kirk um actually no it's written uh it's based off of a children's book which he had written incorrectly this is a little poem yeah um actually tim burton did not direct that movie that's correct tim burton did not direct a nightmare before christmas uh do you know who did oh not a clue you know i'll give you the point anyway bert timson yeah there's night before christian was directed by henry selleck which is crazy because it's the burtoniest burton movie that that ever existed but yeah i guess at the time burton was busy directing batman returns can we talk about uh sell or making a movie based off a poem you wrote oh sure we could talk about that why do you have a poem that you've heard i could i could write a poem and sell some movies based on the hidden poem by zach well that is a point for sam all right this is uh this is a video game question here the characters in the first mortal kombat were all derived from a motion capture performance from one of five actors the depiction of these realistic figures committing hyper-violent acts resulted in the creation of age ratings for video games kirk um actually i don't think it was motion capture it was yeah yeah it was the thing they got these actors in here to like uh you know perform some moves and animate them together yeah sam i'm actually it wasn't five actors i think it was like two it was just a male and a female and they did all the parts uh no there were in fact there were in fact five yeah wait i'm actually cora is not one of five actors he's multiple actors that they put together you know you're all dancing around it so the issue is goro so not every character was created through motion capture almost all the more the only one who wasn't was goro so goro was created through um uh through stop through like claymation stop motion animation everyone else was zegora was not in fact an amalgamation of multiple actors uh smooshed together uh it was a claymation figure so he is untrue to say that they were all created through motion capture a very a very picky question for sure do you remember that claymation fighting game yes clay fight play fighter oh okay well no points for that one either here's just a question a little sci-fi movie movie question for you in the fifth element corbin dallas and lilu rendezvous with diva plava laguna on the luxury cruise flossed in paradise in order to retrieve four powerful element stones after being fatally wounded the diva reveals that the stones are hidden in a trunk in her room um actually the stones are in her that's correct yeah that gave me an absolute nightmare it's like do i have that same thing with the rugrats episode where he eats the watermelon seeds and the watermelon grows out of them two very distinct nightmares because of things in my belly these things inside you yeah how do you feel about alien this is not going there um how did they get in there i don't know what the initial plan was as far as like cool we'll we'll get the swallow these stones suppository these stones somehow get these stones in you and then we don't have time to figure it out just eat the stones eat the stones eat the stones all right well i got a performance later yeah well that's uh it's an another point for sam or uh for being haunted in his nightmares uh mumbai by stones emerging from a body this brings us to our very first shiny question shiny questions are like shiny pokemon they are worth the same amount they're just a little bit different and a little bit rarer uh so this you don't necessarily have to answer um actually you can if you just want to stay in the habit and not forget later this is a game that we're calling under review [Music] i'm just gonna throw up on the screen and i will i'll also read aloud uh a movie review uh from which um uh references to the specific movie are taken out the first person who can buzz in and tell me what movie the reviewers are talking about will get the point all right let's go ahead and throw it up there all right so that might be a little hard to read i'll read that loud the first is a quote from roger ebert it says a movie that obviously was made with infinite care and pains and it began with a real inspiration why not create a fantasy out of some drawings of mcs shirt the movie's an impressive production that is often good to look at real thought went into it soundtrack is fine yes i'm actually uh i don't know why i'm saying um actually but they're talking about labyrinth they are talking about laughter yes they are uh and uh and i will also read um uh gene siskel's review because man gene cisco hated this movie he said an enormous waste of talent and money really quite awful sharing a much too complicated plot and visually ugly style a pathetic story it has been said many times before in this space that the sight of a baby in peril is one of the sleaziest gimmicks a film can employ to gain our intention but the director does it man wow labyrinth rules old people can get bent right i think jim henson said that yeah right [ __ ] these guys i also love from the second half of ebert's quote where he says the soundtrack is fine it's like it's like man like you really just your review is fine um yeah really picking apart just about every piece of piece of that movie yeah it isn't much too complicated plot though what's going on i will say their criticism is not wrong in some some place you know it's like it's like yeah i think things aren't totally explained it's like a little like you know so it's a meandering it's you're in a labyrinth um but uh i don't know that soundtrack bangs right does labyrinth make sense i don't know yeah is it good yes well that's a point for to zach for recognizing that uh siskel and ebert were [ __ ] on labyrinth oops we [ __ ] up and you corrected us here's some of our favorite corrections from you the actual nsa says um actually mount aaron doesn't exist there's the veil of aaron which is the area the house of aaron rules over the mountains of the moon which are a series of mountains in the vale and the eerie which is house aaron's castle very good i'll award you one point and throw you out the moon door and from our exclusive dropout discord salmon says um actually master roshi never taught goku the kamehameha goku simply imitated it after seeing master roshi obliterate mount frypan one point for salmon please don't correct my pronunciation of kamehameha repear it or rapurei or something says um actually john said he got happy meals at burger king but burger king doesn't make happy meals that's mcdonald's burger king makes generically named kids meals very good one point for our first fast food themed correction [Music] this brings us to our next question video game consoles are obviously used primarily for playing video games but that hasn't stopped a number of unusual peripherals from being released including the gameboy printer the n64 mouse the nintendo piano and the game boy camera kirk um actually there is no nintendo piano there is no nintendo piano that's correct yes all the other ones are real things that exist did any of you have any of these oh yeah the camera my parents would never buy me the printer because you had to buy the specific paper and it cost like fifty dollars and also it might be too much fun right a printer it's great because uh your your game boy has the best photo quality possible right yeah what did you do with the camera you could take a selfie and cut your face out and put it in these like 8-bit games not like mario or anything like actually exciting for a child but like a juggling game where it's like uh oh where's the ball gonna go but my face is on the juggler so i mean i wasn't the cool kid nobody you couldn't play with this one i don't know if you had that you'd become the cool kid i think now i think people would be impressed that you still have a working game now it's like a throwback thing it's like whoa you got a gameboy camera yeah i actually roll my own paper for the printer well great to that uh it was a point for sam right yeah i got the one yeah yeah what was the question the printer the camera the game boy uh oh i got that one it goes kirk that was kirk i was the cool kid who owned one yeah that's what threw me off i know i didn't get it all right this uh next question is about futurama the planet express crew is a diverse group of individuals from multiple countries planets ages and socioeconomic backgrounds with the glaring omission that no characters are from latin american countries kirk bender bending oh i'm actually bender bending rodriguez was hecho and mexico that is correct yeah bender bending rodriguez is from mexico uh and you caught yourself for the last i did i know oh on a technicality oh i stepped into the street just before a bus came on jerked away uh yeah that is a point uh for kirk there i was going to say that the accountant yes maybe from somewhere he's from jamaica i'm telling you why i was gonna say something that is wrong yeah i don't know if we know scruffy's origin i'm just trying to find the screen it's like someone's gonna call me on scruffy uh we'll move on to our next question here doug jones has been in some of your favorite movies even if it has been under heavy prosthetics he has played the amphibian man in the shape of water abe sapien and hellboy the xenomorph and alien and the silver surfer in rise of the silver surfer yes zach um actually he did not play the xenomorph he did not play the xenomorph no that that has been played by several other actors notably tom woodruff jr balaji batajo i'm going to mispronounce that and andrew crawford uh three of the most notable but yeah there have been several other xenomorphs but he is not one of them he's just almost every other monster anything that looks like this i hope that doesn't hurt his feelings and he's like oh [ __ ] he's watching this right now inside a big fish tank no that's not what i look like [Laughter] i'm sorry i pulled out the bones this also notably is not the same doug jones who's the senator from alabama uh sad that that may be because i would love to have uh abe sapien uh sitting in the senate but every time every while that race was going on every time i mentioned doug jones was like duh no okay different joke he's like i'm stepping out of the fish tank and into congress like eating a cat there's just something about these dads yeah doug jones doesn't eat cats i'm gonna vote for roy moore dues across the board as we move into our second shiny question of the game now this is a little game that we call hear me roar we're gonna play some sound clips for you uh and uh this will be like a little bit of a lightning round so we'll play six different sound clips um asking you to identify where they're from the person who can identify the most clips will get the one point for the thing now we've done all kinds of things before we've done monster roars we've done villain laughs done all kinds of things so this these sounds are going to be sounds of video game monsters and bosses let's hear that first sound fresh meat i have no idea what it is and these are video games these are video games yeah what did you think that was from a book i thought it was from a book all right go go figure it out yeah go ahead zach um actually the bad guys in gears of war uh no um actually teenagers meet ninja turtles one of the side scrollers uh no no no um i actually that's when bowser kills mario yeah when you get the bad ending of mario and bowser rips mario's head off and says fresh meat uh that's what happens uh no i think i'm gonna venture to say that you know if you don't know you don't know it here uh that is um that is from the first diablo game that's that's the butcher the butcher i said oh with such understanding for a game of never before yeah i'm willing to guess that none of you have played uh played diablo i played it oh okay uh because i was gonna say like for me when i was a kid playing that like that sound is like because it's like the first boss you encounter and like as soon as like you hear that before you even see him and it's just like it's an immediate like oh [ __ ] moment yeah i don't know what's coming but that can't be good he likes meat uh i thought he was a butcher selling meat he's like oh fresh meat 20 gold for this one yeah what are your prices on chicken thighs then i died yeah all right well let's play the second sound let's see if uh how we're doing on this one [Music] [Laughter] can i hear that again yeah [Music] no idea [Applause] because it sounds like an elephant with indigestion that's just someone ripping ass into a microphone and they just turned it up and down and that's all that sounds like i got an idea for a bad guy let me get in the booth for a second it's called my lunch anyone want to venture a guess oh nothing i can say is is funny the crazy thing is it sounds familiar to me sure i did try to pick things that i thought you know people might be able to write i didn't try to go too obscure with these um but it sounds familiar exactly minotaur uh no it's not it's not a minotaur that's a good it has a cow like reality to it what is it yeah you're just gonna you're just gonna call it it's fine oh joe and mack joe and back throw that out there no no okay uh we'll call that a wash too this is um this is a big daddy from bioshock oh yeah just outside its element it's a little less terrifying uh when it just sounds like a someone grunting in the bathroom uh that is that we are uh we're not doing great so far but let's keep it going let's see what we get uh let's play this next one [Laughter] mother brain uh no no no no it feels like my where my brain is going what i'm picturing is something that looks like a dead body or something reanimates it is like [Laughter] so that's that's the path i'm on i don't know what that is from got it uh no sam monkey ball sounds like something spinning around yeah this is like as as you're like don't think of the ball it just plays this it's a really unpleasant game to play i forgot so much about super monkey ball yeah wait it's not monkey ball okay i would say that's a zero for this one too these are the head crabs from half-life uh half-life um we'll keep going let's try let's try number four let's see how we go it's anyone's game here that's from one specific video game not everything yeah uh yes i i i don't know why i do this to myself is it ridley from uh metroid also i'm just gonna get some trolls no what i've never played a video game except starcraft um actually the house on haunted hill no that's a movie is it or there's some game that has a similar name are you again these are video games are you sure you know what we're doing here uh clue [Laughter] do you want a veterinarian's house of the living dead no no these uh although you're kind of dancing around writing a little in a weird way uh these are re-dead from ocarina of time um uh all right let's hear number five sam's making a lot of faces but he's buzzing in my face what you got the most dangerous thing a gun uh it is not a gun wow yeah really yeah zack um a bomb technically no technically no no technically no for a bomb oh you were saying bob i thought you were just stuttering when you said bob no i thought you're doing a no it's not a bomb this is a creeper from minecraft well we've only got one more sound left i apologize guys i i i'm sorry see we didn't know that because none of us are eight years old yes that's true but you know it's going to get me so many bad you got nephews and nieces and uh we're all eight years old at heart one of the one of the top selling games uh yeah like burning my minecraft bridge by playing that although the bridge is burning i can rebuild it [Laughter] uh let's hear the last sound here let's see if anyone get it [Music] uh one more time [Music] i have no idea kirk buzz man from mega man uh no no good guess that's the only good salmon buzz saw man yeah here's the war has a saw in it there is actually uh no saw in this one this is uh this is the the reaper horn from mass effect um the reaper horn from that's really six for six for games i've never played yeah is that true yeah i'm sorry guys i i i thought i thought we had more uh uh uh i am a gamer i i'm sorry i thought i had some serious gamers on i am a serious that's the hillaid for some reason um i'm replaying bioshock right now so i feel especially embarrassed that that one made me laugh so hard it doesn't outside of context it sounds i mean all these sounds sound a little crazy well i'm sorry for that one guys a little bit of swinging a miss no points for anyone on that shiny question uh and we will move on now we're not perfect here either and we make mistakes too if you notice something that we got wrong you can correct us by tweeting at um actually show might even give you a point what scores right now what are we looking for two two jews across the board two two two love it you shouldn't have given away that point you can't take it back i have my honor i'll take my point back i think oh no no can we just ask well sometimes i like to ask questions about uh shitty sci-fi movies and that's what we're gonna do here this is a question about uh the matrix reloaded uh here we go the matrix reloaded introduces audiences to the merovingian a very old program living in the matrix who takes the form of a smug french man who surrounds himself with opulence to explain his core philosophy of causality the merovingian butchers and cooks a chicken while he talks to neomorphius and trinity yes zack um actually he gives someone like a dessert that makes them orgasm that's correct yeah he yeah he has a cake delivered that is programmed to make uh a woman orgasm and i put this question in here just because it's a crazy scene and not enough time was spent talking about it when the movie came there has to be a better way to like his whole speech in the that scene is like look one thing leads to another for example this magic cake i've made that makes people come if you eat that makes people come right but like which is life dominoes exists in this universe like like eve the fact that no one in that scene stopped him like i'm gonna yeah right here you know we have terms like the domino effect things like that we have metaphors that exist all rat already for one thing leads to another leads to another i think that i think that a magic cake and coming is sort of a belabored metaphor i think the best metaphors are when you start with something made up entirely first imagine we live in a world where you can program cake to do anything great you with me no no because i'm going to make a huge leap for the second part of this metaphor crazy scene i'd be lying if i said it hasn't stuck in my brain forever um as uh i mean yeah the matrix is wild has a point for zack for knowing about um comes it feels weird to get that point i don't like this where they're like you'll know that one titles are hard and sometimes they need to remain a secret that combination can lead to some truly bizarre working titles halo had the working title of monkey nuts crash bandicoot internally was called sonic's ass game and doom was called bang bang splat one of these things is wrong but not all three of them yes um actually that was not halo's working title that was halo's working time monkey nuts yeah yeah exactly um actually doom was not called bang bang splint i'm actually doom was not called bang bang splat doom's working title was called attack of the attackers uh but i mainly wanted to look i didn't expect anyone to necessarily know this this is kind of just an excuse so i can talk about the fact that crash bandicoot's working title is called sonic's asking i don't even understand the intention of that i don't know why not what is asking so the idea was that like it was one of the first like sort of like 3d games so it's like oh we're going to play a platformer with an animal that has a sort of like sonic vibe but you're going to be playing from behind so you're just going to be looking at his ass the whole time but i do like to imagine that someone somewhere like someone out there saw that like it's like oh wow naughty dogs working on a game called sonic's ass game i can't wait to play this and then crash bandicoot came out like some pervert was like really really disappointed that you can get to play what he imagined sonic's ass game was all about crash bandicoot seems like a pervert i don't know it's in his eyes yeah yeah just like well he's also kind of wearing like jinkos or something like like long like kind of like there's somewhere between jinkos and shorts versus like i don't know what this decision was it's like those like long jeans that just sort of are too wide and go to here it's always shirtless too yeah he probably has a chain wallet does he have a chain does crash bandicoot have a chain on his pants he would if he needed one yeah well that uh that was a point for zach and we move on to our final shiny question of the game and this is a little game that we call name that alien under your couch if you look under there there's a little sheet in just a moment on the other side of this page are pictures of 12 different aliens from all across different uh not just books zack could be video games could be movies the funny thing is i don't even read that much so it could be uh yeah aliens from all over the place uh the goal is to try to name as many of these aliens as you can seems like we just make up for them like brian or david or yeah a name that they already have but i guess if you you know you can you can guess that they might not they could be named brian and david for all we know all right flip those over let's see how many of these aliens you can name [Music] do you want their names not the movie or thing they're from that's correct i'm looking for their name damn it you should put e.t on this or the alien from aliens oh those would be easy uh all right so we're gonna go just sort of one at a time down the line and we'll start with zach so i don't know okay i don't know mack uh huh uh this is maybe just a thing he says but nano nano no that is incorrect great um krang no what oh god uh conehead i'll maybe give you a point he does have a first name but uh uh she's a navy but i don't know her name uh-huh this is impossible i'm marking down things where you get close in case we need a tiebreaker here we won't yeah is this a v no from okay never mind i'm talking about that made for tv thing where like aliens come down oh yeah right yeah i know you know what i'm talking about okay cool that's not what this is i know uh i just felt like i should explain myself a little bit and then the brain bug uh doctor who uh his name is not doctor who suit isn't of course it isn't he's like an owl or something and like probably a bad guy from half-life or something all right uh great uh well i you have two for sure and two where you're you know you knew the franchise but you couldn't get the name kirk lay it on us uh the first two i mean i know what they're from i don't know their names other than it's jeff goldblum but yeah that doesn't count then we have mac uh-huh we have mork from orc yep uh then going to kang and kodos uh that's beldar conehead is beldar conehead i thought i don't know their names i said navi i don't remember okay um and then i said the man who fell to earth but that is what it's from but yeah but that's not his name uh but but played by david bowie it is played by david bowie uh much maligned in the movie labyrinth yes then we got yeah i didn't remember it was the brain bug okay uh the doctor yes the doctor is his name he's not called doctor i'm sorry what was that uh some kind of owl okay and then you even said the answer to this i think and i'm like i don't remember i don't know what that thing is uh so kirk you have one two three four uh five correct five correct aliens there sam let's see what you got okay so i have no idea okay those first two are which one jeff goldblum yeah he's the blue guy yeah from er easy girls are easy yeah i thought it was a capri-sun commercial then we have mac uh and then i think i got a little confused with the rules i started writing or because it's more when he's from orca something like that uh then definitely got this wrong ler that's from futurama yes and then coneheads na'vi snake dude brain bug learn from you i did not get that right though uh i wrote time lord uh then you have the owl from winnie the pooh and then uh i wrote reach for the last one got it all right well we'll go through the answers here uh sam you got uh uh you got two for sure and then you had a couple of a bunch of like identifying where they're from can i explain that i'm just this is i was just saying the answer to who the doctor is is the doctor doctor the doctor is who is what i i see i still think that wouldn't beat uh kirk's uh that seems right uh but we will go through the first is gakar from babylon 5. these next three was just a fun thing for me we have mac from earth girls are easy and then mac also from mac and me and then mork uh so we have mac mac and mork on the top row there pretty funny uh i was having fun then yes we have kang and kodos i wrote crank the crazy brain from ninja turtles from dimension x he's not even here well is dimension next another planet or is it another dimension the tummy guy the guy in the tummy [Laughter] yeah our beldar conehead you got uh natiri is the name although you were all able to identify that it is a navi from avatar nation's name uh this is thomas jerome newton from the man who who fell to earth uh the brain bug uh the doctor uh some owl uh no no uh no this is rigel from farce yeah farscape um and then the last is garris vacarion from mass effect kirk you got the most there so this shiny question goes to you congratulations on naming those aliens congrats congratulations thanks i'm gonna frame this now as always our final question concerns real life skills of the most important parts of car ownership and maintenance is knowing when to replace certain parts generally speaking your battery should be replaced every four to five years your air filter should be replaced every three to four years and your windshield wiper blades should be replaced every two to three years zach um actually they should just be replaced as needed not necessarily for years you should just run them down until they break and then replace them that is not the recommendation kirk um actually i don't even own a car so you're saying you don't have a firm knowledge of cars but i would say you'd probably have to replace a battery more frequently than four to five years no i'm sorry that's that's not correct sam um actually you don't have to know this because you can bring it to a man who can do it for you that is probably the most correct answer but i will not give you the point for it uh um actually it'll be the third one yes do you remember what the third one is with the wiper blades of course that's [ __ ] okay the one thing i remember because i bought a i bought 800 sets of wiper blades instead of a car oh i'm good for the rest of my life how how frequently should you replace your wiper blades [Laughter] [Music] i'll give you the point unless zach can tell me i can tell me how frequently you should replace your wiper blades the question phrases as two to three right uh yes every one to two uh that is incorrect i'll give it to kirk for for muscling his way into the answer you should replace your wiper blades every six to 12 months oh [ __ ] [ __ ] when was the last time you replaced your wiper board never it rains like three times a year to be fair yeah you don't need to replace it as frequently in l.a where they're not getting much use but it is very dry here which can crack 6 to 12 is recommended if you're replacing them never you should maybe think about replacing them at some point but i have like 800 pairs we'll give that point to kirk uh so our final score here is four for zach four for kirk two for sam making kirk and zach are tied for our winner of this episode uh so congratulations to the two of you and uh thank you for watching uh join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on um actually um thank you for being here today listen to that one more time let's do that big daddy one more time
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 177,538
Rating: 4.9571319 out of 5
Keywords: CH2
Id: reyJ57SIHhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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