James Charles Returns & Baby Update - H3 After Dark # 43

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hila sounds so done with trisha ha ha love it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 362 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deepakaurrr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really like that Hila spoke up about Kat, the Business Inside reporter. I think she was saying what everyone was thinking-- and it was nice to see that even though they liked Kat, they were willing to be unbiased and call her out on her shit. It's kind of unprofessional to see a serious journalist getting caught up in every Youtube drama. Especially when it's not in a professional "reporting" way. Idk just my opinion.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 169 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SnooOpinions9659 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I felt Dan 100% when he said Ethan had let Jeff off the hook way too easily. I made that comment on this subreddit a while ago and everyone was defending Jeff saying that his apology was genuine and he was changing. He is so transparently full of shit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 61 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/almondflour24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 04 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Damn I want Mexican now

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 49 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/limpminqdragon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Screw the douche in chat who immediately tried to make AB feel bad for what he said, even though he worded it carefully and specifically said that heβ€˜s not entirely sure. Poor AB immediately went into apology mode, thinking heβ€˜s having his next scandal lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 256 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

All I can hope that they know is that the people on the subreddit aren't necessarily the people on the chat.

I've read through here, and usually most of it is normal conversation. Mostly, anyway.

The chat for the live shows is just some weird stampede of stupid, for some reason. Like ripping shirts off a celebrities as they try to get on a bus or something.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 166 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/appleparkfive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't know if anyone from the crew will see this, but there's something called Youtube Speed Multiplier. It's a Chrome extension. I think that's the name. It's the big one on the chrome store.

Basically it lets you change the speed of a video by using whatever increment you want. I have it set to 0.10x increments. So I press the + button, it goes to 1.10% speed. Can't even tell but saves a ton of time. You can do odd ones like 1.60x or whatever, but ALSO goes the other way. 0.90% speed for when you need it slowed down.

You can change the increment to whatever, it's just that .10x is the best to me.

This would allow the crew to search through videos on the fly a bit faster without going too fast. And also can play videos a bit faster or slower. I know Ethan likes some slow-mo sometimes, so he could just hit the - button and go to 0.80% etc

And you can change the add or subtract buttons to whatever. This is useful as hell for live stuff, I'd imagine. Might be useful! If you can get Ethan to understand how to use it during a live setting.

Edit: It's called Youtube Playback Speed Control. There's others, haven't tried em. But this one has been around years and years. Has some weird Transformers looking picture as the icon. Downloads the same way you'd download any extension.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/appleparkfive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I initially hated the idea of Gabe calling in every Friday, but now that they keep having him call in during wacky situations, I like it a lot.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 179 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MotherHolle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

why did Ethan walk off at the end?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KmoneyKreations πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
you ladies and gentlemen listening to the hd podcast you are listening to the h3 podcast after dark the premiere live podcast on the what's going on is joe rogan live now that he's on the whole oh he's not even live he's a coward that's awesome that's it we're the only ones in the game with the guts to come out here live and deliver his job there's nobody doing what we do there's nobody that does what we do [Music] what you know what you're looking like a snack and a hat i don't know so you got a baby in you thank you you're welcome you you look amazing a whole buffet a snack xl yeah when they make like snickers xl it's like when you large the mcdonald's order yeah you want it normal size or large or super sized family size i'm a family size snickers thanks hila that means a lot um damn though girl enough to work on another baby real soon after this welcome everybody welcome welcome it's age three after dark it's the only live experience you're gonna find at this high of a level let's be honest this is we're the only one the king of live we'll do it live king of all king of all media well that's howard stern but i mean he's on he's retiring soon i could take that up and he's only on satellite i haven't am i really the king of all media i haven't made a movie i haven't made a tv show i haven't i don't paint i don't write you're coming for a spot i literally i'm just i'll take king of live podcasts on youtube on youtube at 12 on friday it's still good still good wow what a fantastic show we have planned today uh so much to talk about i just saw james charles just uploaded a video too so it's like gangbusters he's like sisters everybody's just oh oh we've got gabe where are you gabe gabe what today what is today a friday baby no work no work on friday hell no well i am working right now that which contradicts that statement oh it's okay gabe where when did you start introducing the woos we love the woos it was over there no we were doing cameos and stuff and everybody you know i i made up that whoo and everybody everybody likes talking i love the woo fluctuate that with my my videos [ __ ] baby [ __ ] you love that yeah it's like it's like the one two punch that gets him and knocks him out every time where are you right now oh i just got kicked out of the dmv for waiting too long in line wait baby wait you got kicked out of the dmv wait how'd you get kicked out of the dmv well as well as waiting too long in line [ __ ] it you kicked and we're not we're not waiting in no lines on friday it's friday baby no it's friday baby yeah no dm it's the weekend baby yeah yeah [ __ ] the dmv right [ __ ] the dmv yeah oh yeah hey gabe can we ask someone behind you what they think about the dmv well sure interesting yeah let's just get your man on the street let's just get some hey what do you think of the dmv uh dmv i don't know it's a place where you have to go to do things it sucks right yeah baby you heard it here folks everybody on the street yeah all right gabe well listen i hope you have a fantastic weekend i appreciate you calling in and i [ __ ] do baby woo [ __ ] yeah yeah happy fourth fourth of july oh yeah happy fourth of july yeah oh wait is it a long weekend it's a long weekend it's a long weekend baby four days baby [ __ ] yeah baby no week no squirt no school no dmv [ __ ] no are you gonna get ripped on some white claw maybe it's the weekend oh yeah it's the weekend [ __ ] baby [ __ ] [ __ ] baby let's go all right gabe take care we love you we'll see you on friday all right see you next friday all right take care right all right [Laughter] dmv that's good that's smart to multitask yeah i mean you got to get stuff done especially on a friday you don't want to waste a single second wow it's a long weekend does that mean i don't have to work next week yeah i mean you're the boss do we have ads next week dan you want to take a week off i would love to take a whole [ __ ] year off leave me alone leave me the [ __ ] alone uh yeah i mean we only have um like seven ads next week we do [ __ ] [ __ ] baby so um james charles just posted a video being like sisters uh people lied and said i texted 20 miners in actuality it was only 17 so you know i am losing faith in this society i swear to god bro somebody got to clap down on these youtubers you got james charles who are little predator he's a predator i mean let's not miss words he is a predator and i won't surprise if he goes to jail soon but here he's posting a video called an open conversation hi sisters where he's doing a makeup tutorial you guys he's doing a makeup tutorial while he's talking about serious allegations of being a predator yeah you guys can watch the evolution of his uh his glam i do know that nothing says glamour more careful and more patient moving forward but i still want to be able to talk to new people meet new people oh so oh great he's not stopping i just jumped i just jumped i just jumped he's not stopping guys have experiences just like every human being does and find love like every human being deserves oh my god you can't meet new people what we're telling you is you can't talk with 16 year olds on snapchat what don't you understand about that i want to do but before that i do want to give at 3 52 he starts this tutorial it's pretty amazing version of me there's oh 352 let's get the moment where he decides that it's time to put on makeup let's get glam so anyway i was talking to the fbi hold on a second let's get glam and i told him well i'm gonna have to talk to my lawyer hold on let me get my new brush so embarrassing sad i think we should just go ahead and get started all right you guys so i'm just gonna get started on my makeup routine this is definitely not going to be a tutorial like i said the conversation throughout guys this can't be real this can't be real i can't refuse to believe this so it's like it's like i wonder if it's going to start branding his looks because you have like my everyday makeup routine um so this is like my apology my makeup open conversation routine i think we got to change the title to james charles you got to throw it in there it's what do people want that is so true bro why do i live in a world where i get more dislikes on my video and i have never attempted to solicit sex from a minor or fans even why do we live in a world where i get more dislikes than james charles ela why do we need inspiration why do we live in a world where people like austin mcbroom of ace family is literally scamming people rice gum is still popular he's participating in crypto scams and people think that's cool and i'm out here getting more dislikes than all of them i don't know why am i getting disliked what did i do i didn't scam anyone i didn't try to flirt with 16 year olds but [ __ ] your sons that's not my sister sense and i'm the one getting sued for by trailer what the [ __ ] [ __ ] baby [ __ ] you know sometimes he gets real amped up [ __ ] baby doesn't make any sense oh he wrote a little message here i think it's just like i i don't know people just don't care if someone is a douchebag i guess they're criminals now they're not just your heartbeat like that's what i say about myself i don't know why it's okay i'm okay now with people liking douchebags it's like bryce hall's a douchebag it's like cool enjoy it but like these these are criminals now yeah and not only criminals like people like rice gum and all these space guys we'll talk about all these phase guys got kicked out of phase and uh for scamming their fans all right and i'm the [ __ ] can we change the title on a live show dan yeah let's do james charles let's change the thumbnail too nobody cares about the baby and to be honest and he's still got the bird nest haircut of all the things that he got criticizing he's still going to step in front of the camera with the [ __ ] bird nest where's the eggs james that's so true look at this [ __ ] and i'm the one getting dislikes and he's going out there with that okay all right cool here he's got a message here is long time no see i've been in custody with the fbi and i've just been released on bail after a lot of self-reflection and many conversations with friends i came up with some cool fbi looks that i can't wait to share with you this is my incarceration look it looks great in orange this is awesome the internet is so the internet is so truly [ __ ] youtube is such a wasteland and i'm the [ __ ] imagine that that's something that i can't turn off okay here he says i've come to terms with several issues oh wait he goes i've had many conversations with friends family role models lawyers he says professionals he means lawyers industry professionals lawyers therapists federal agents i've come to terms with several issues i've been ignoring for a long time now in today's video i wanted to be of an honest conversation oh i feel like my accent's falling apart yes in today's video i wanted to have an honest conversation and hope to answer some questions share my progress and talk about what i've been up to over the past couple of months with anyone who wants to listen let's get glam i wouldn't date the absolute youngest this is a predator on youtube what do you want me to title this um an open conversa here what's a good like play on words on that james charles james charles says he's never stopped it and you can't do anything about it fbi watch james charles new video watch us with the fbi at james charles new video you guys got any ideas james charles in sincere apology tutorial is it an apology um james charles oh i'm actually go ahead do you still have his video up yeah hit right hit refresh no i don't want to refresh because i'm gonna how did he delete it already i mean i don't know people are saying that that's what they're saying wait i'm afraid to refresh it because then i won't be able to watch it i someone's got to download it right maybe i'm i'm going to try to rip it and then wait i don't i don't want to refresh it oh people are saying you didn't what's wrong with the chat oh people are goofing us i'm sorry well one of you told me if you deleted it so i don't know if they [ __ ] up my cat they lied to you they lied wow that was good they're still there what the hell okay chat can you explain yourself they're just they're trolling had you all come up with that so fast yeah okay well anyway this is you know okay [Music] and the support is amazing man i don't get this support and i don't even pray on kids that's crazy i feel so bad for james imagine how bad his trust issues are now bro i feel so bad for james so embarrassing i feel so bad for james i'll be sticking around james i love you thank you for always being transparent wish you nothing but the best and you will find your person one day i did i'm 32 and i'm happy people are [ __ ] 32 year old watching this [ __ ] are you kidding me that's a good point bro this shit's unbelievable this guy's a predator and he's out here on youtube getting all flex like 100 percent like ratio chuck garlic ratio it ain't that high the [ __ ] that i do except be a douche i'm a dick okay fine what the [ __ ] did i do i didn't commit any crimes didn't hurt anybody why don't you take a seat right over there exactly yo what's the title apparently he deleted the old one that oh taking accountability what a [ __ ] douche so no okay so now he's rewriting history he er he erased the accountability one where he's like yes i did send a bunch of other stores and he's replaced it he's replaced it with i didn't do anything wrong and i'm gonna keep doing it yeah love that about him uh it's gross my sisters james charles james charles rewriting history do we like that i mean i'm six minutes still debating this title so far he's reiterating the same points he did in his initial apology so okay so wait this here do you think as creators or not even really creators as human beings we should also be able to defend ourselves on things that we didn't do now when i posted my last video holding myself accountable i mentioned that i was going to be taking a break from social media for a while and wouldn't be responding to anything and quite a lot of people took advantage of my time away and really ran wild with all sorts of stories and that's not true this all came out before he bailed i haven't talked about it since he bailed or not like continued to dude he's rewriting history well the fbi knows what happened they've got your old video downloaded don't worry videos and allegations that made this situation a lot worse i do want to take some time in this videos today to just shed some light and further information on some stories you know that either did or did not happen and you're not going to do makeup where you're doing social media while i was gone because i think it's really important that you guys have the full picture of what actually went down there was basically one drama channel on twitter that started a thread and started compiling a list of anybody that said literally anything about me on social media and after what felt like weeks of somebody knew coming forward every single day hold on we vetted i don't think he's talking about you no i know but i'm saying he's making it sound like this person was just all these people were just making [ __ ] up because we vetted and we as far we as accurately as possible concluded that it was like 17 people that actually received right these were all written in articles yeah this is this this this is just a [ __ ] lie wow sister snapped but like he's he's creating a little space where it's like yes there were some reports there that were not true and there was a lot that were true so he's like trying to rewrite history like some of them were true and casting doubt on all of them but let's be frank those many of those are real the majorities are real it eventually became the 20 victims of james charles okay so it was 17. you know right i'm gonna go through this list one by one because i know that nobody wants to stay here for an hour listening to me talk about this but i do feel so i have to say something because i am just not comfortable with this video or really any video moving forward allowing anybody let alone my followers to think that there are any victims of james charles let alone 20. you [ __ ] just deleted a video of you saying you sent bro what the [ __ ] this is oh this is dude youtube is such a [ __ ] irredeemable cesspool [ __ ] this i [ __ ] hate this i'm sorry but this is just people get away with crying the worst crowd i can't believe what i'm seeing i'm so pissed off you know it's a culmination of this with the rice gum all the crypto scamming that's been going on with faze and all these [ __ ] and then on twitch people are doing gambling now they're being paid millions of dollars i learned about this on twitch then the like most popular meta right now is just playing slot machines and the slot companies are paying these twitch streamers millions and millions and millions of dollars it's like everything is such a cess [ __ ] pool right now that makes sense sick thank you wendy [Laughter] and on top of that i got a free brittany and then i'm i'm the one being sued by ryan cavanaugh who's allegedly runs a ponzi scheme according to his ex-partner and i wouldn't be posting on social media like nothing ever happened but this has been the worst but most important wake-up call of my entire life for a lot of different reasons and this is by far the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me embarrassing how it's embarrassing if it didn't happen embarrassing what the [ __ ] are we talking about here i don't know this is beyond embarrassing james i'm i don't have to say about this so no cookies for you i'm blown away by this i didn't prepare to talk about this so yeah it's like a 30 minute video here but like there's a 30 we've read a comment from a 30 something year old woman who supports him and that's the world we live in i mean if you guys been following for a while now you all know what happened in 2019 i'm definitely not going to get into that but you know when that all happened i was accused of something that i did not do and i was able to prove it all okay what about now but i did recognize that i needed to make changes and i uploaded a video making a lot of promises to my audience shut the [ __ ] up that sucks so much it's not pretty confident so horrifying and embarrassing but at the end of the day it's my own fault and my own responsibility to you know take accountability for what i did i want he's mate doing makeup on his ear though he's gonna ask he's he's makeup being the back of his ear much is not even funny and it's so horrifying and embarrassing but at the end of the day it's my own fault and my own responsibility to you know take accountability for what i did i want to be held accountable for what i did do you know bro i can't i swear yeah that's so upset i think maybe just move on really i mean it's friday baby [Music] friday on social media and we can take a vote i mean i'll give the people what they want you guys want the friday show or you want the james charles ethan cline breakdown meltdown set up a scrap ball i'll do whatever the people want i'm here to please got that forward every single day it eventually became the 20 victims of james charles i am not going to go through this list one by one because i know that nobody wants to stay here for an hour listen i'm not going to go by these lists one-on-one because i know i've already done with the fbi and my lawyers and federal agents yeah of course you're not gonna go buy them one by one because the majority of them are real you [ __ ] i think we talk about this but i do feel so i have to say something because i am just not comfortable with this video or really any video moving forward allowing anybody let alone my followers to think that there are any victims of james charles let alone 20 victims of james charles because that is completely unequivocably not unequivocal now when i say that literally anything and everything was being added to this list i really do mean anything and ever are we working on a poll yeah no they're working on it there were a few different influencers from tiktok that studied some ideas or i slid into their dms and had a five minute conversation with them until asking their age or sexuality and then completely stop responding there are guys that i met with on tinder last year and they had their ages set to 18 or 19 so i talked to them and flirted with them for a while because that's the whole point of an adult dating app until i realized bro why is he acting like they're not dms of people saying their age and he continues the conversation or also that he was supposed to already learn his lesson from the previous time yeah and not just take people's word for whatever you can't just [ __ ] go and then oh add me on snapchat mr emmy on snapchat what the [ __ ] that about james you sick freak i'll just be your secret lover sick dude do you guys hear that uh chris hanson got a search warrant for him by the way weird chris everybody's [ __ ] chris i'm afraid the uh early poll results oh there are no james all right [ __ ] it good call everyone by the way pretty overwhelming margin actually well [ __ ] james charles it is friday baby i mean the thing is there's not there's nothing new to say about it you're just going to repeat everything we've already said i'm going to drop a dislike on it and i call it autumn i'm going to drop a comment from dan no not about my account all right what does it matter i'll say ethan this is ethan not dan i guess whatever okay hi james [Music] seriously dude come on like seriously i really gotta sit through 30 minutes of you to try and pretend like you aren't a predator come on okay allegedly right my name is dance no no you gotta write allegedly if it's on my account i'm collecting yeah i'm not gonna put it all right [ __ ] [ __ ] that really pissed me off dude all right please it's the amount of support he gets no serious topics today okay hey it's friday baby i'm gonna try to redirect the pregnant lady here's the baby she wants the baby here's the baby oh there's the baby [Music] how do you want so i got this app that tells me how far i am and so right now it's the size of an olive oh that's cute oh you know what that's even crazier coincidence because no i shouldn't say yeah okay you stopped me real fast so this is the little baby here this is a little dome yeah and a little body yeah there's a little arm a little arm right here and then the other slippers yeah i'm really cool cord that this there yeah it's a little bit for him to lay down in and he says good night mommy [Music] that's our baby update that's the baby update wait how many weeks are you now [Music] um getting close to 10 weeks damn yeah due date is in february yeah that's gonna come so fast i can't believe you're pregnant it's so weird i can move another baby me too it's going to be insane to have another kid by my life um so that's the baby update that's it that's all we got oh yeah there's not really much to say but it's going really good the pregnancy is going great ila is doing really good not feeling sick gaining weight eating looking beautiful everything's coming together we're doing feeling good doing good i'm super tired very tired that's the only thing yeah interestingly one of the biggest side effects of being pregnant is just getting brutally tired yeah we don't hang out anymore because the minute you get home you just fall asleep yeah not the minute i get home well usually i always there to sleep and walk the dogs excuse me we take turns we take turns but i'm just saying i don't just come home and crash okay come on i'm not trying to criticize you i'm just making a point um you want to watch uh yeah it's it's tough getting used to this because i always plan on doing so much after theodore goes to sleep because that's usually like the the peace time the quiet time the peace and love time yeah but now it's like i just fall asleep so i don't get to do anything yeah it's a lot it's intense man we usually watch shows we even we're not even caught up on love island or anything okay so this is not the harp on the treasure drama because i'm over it but i don't want to deprive the excellent work of this fupa trooper from the subreddit emergency gloomy put together a moving infograph of the live responses on a daily basis regarding the frenemies breakup this is pretty interesting i mean i'm just i'm impressed with the work you know she's accused me of dragging it on is that real 200 it takes that five percent pretty amazing you have five percent of the amount of posts i know by the look of it yeah five percent differences astronomical actually i didn't realize it was not much i guess i didn't follow a lot of it because it was a lot of tweets and tick tocks and stuff that's that's great man she probably yeah she did good with all that i mean she probably lots of mid rolls and five percent crater fund all right so let's move it on you know the african baby story we talked about recently where this woman in africa broke the world record she made it up not real well what's this photo then what's the point of making that up first of all what is this photo we did express a lot of skepticals and when we talked i knew it she wanted the ten baby club which one yeah yo but is this her what is the actual scoop on this photo now it's fake there's a giant beach ball under there or something she wasn't even pregnant i need that clothes i have trying to find what is in this lady's dress i cannot find but it does look just like a beach ball just a pillow because i know i've never seen a woman pregnant looking like that but i was like okay ten babies yeah exactly like her boobs are not even but yeah you know it's present it does look fake where are the boobs yeah because the boobs they would be resting on top right and the stomach would be like lower it would be way lower oh this is so fat how do we fall for this right because the boobies are like under the belly though oh who would they don't lie about that yo those droopers those boobs are about to feed 10 babies they'd be all over the place bro they would be like there'd be like a boob here it'd be like damn with her boob coming out anyway okay so so uh the bbc news did a full investigation on this no hospital in the province have recorded uh god this name for ten babies is de souplets the suplets medical tests show that mrs [ __ ] excuse me what well her name is sit hole her name is mrs sithole okay get your word straight swear to god s-i-t-h-o-l-e sit-hole well if you save fast and just kind of skip over the age mrs schill has not even been pregnant the 37 year old is now being held at a mental health facility apparently oh what they're like listen lady that's not that [ __ ] that's all the info i've gotta miss the [ __ ] don't that's your name not a good joke how is that not a good joke it's [ __ ] amazing like what like racism exactly listen okay i'm not gonna i'm not gonna argue the point you're right i apologize mrs sit hole where is that paul i apologize to mrs sithole apology podium and by the way i think it's i think it's deck toplets or deck gupplets deck like deca like tan desi yeah xxs ten what does that have to do with exactly okay so and then the other thing this is fun this is really fun you guys all saw our big moment with stephen crowder yeah the big debate i thought ethan was a stand-up guy it was a huge story especially in the political world so there's this guy tim poole who was a right-wing commentator yeah who got so heated up by the way is the thing we've prepared ready uh yes okay good uh he got so heated up about this you gotta see this he's so angry at me he's so angry allowed that um and it's just too funny not to watch so this is tim paul addressing me uh with the with the debate and the content he makes is drama pop culture like i said and when he weighs into political spaces it is actually very damaging to our discourse not saying that he's not allowed to i'm not saying that uh he should stop i'm just saying it does cause damage same is true for me or anybody else however there's political ideology no dude the wreath the wreath coming off this i i just find that it's so i could you be any more cry baby so he had like a whole he had like a whole thing where he was melting down over sam cedar we just cut it out and when he's specifically talking about me but it's just so funny that they talk about cancel culture and wreaths and snowflakes this [ __ ] is the most sensitive man i have ever met this the wreaths coming off him are radiating the research behind the things that i say the things stephen crowder says and even the things sam cedar says i think it's very obvious that if we're trying to have really serious discussions about the cdc and you want to exploit that for personal gain i'm going to call you a bad person okay i wanted the debate i wanted the debate i said i don't have i'm not equipped for this debate let's get two guys together that are and he bitched out so how am i a bad person tim well and what he needs to be implying and and all of these all the commentary that i've seen on it they all seem they're either lying or they're under the false impression that you set this up that you challenged him to a debate stephen crowder asked for the debate like he's the one who invited you to come debate he's the one that wanted to find it comfortable they like it they like that idea better so they're just going to stick with that right it happened because of crowder he made it happen he wanted to debate the pop culture drama channel and i said let's [ __ ] do it and the result is you know and the res the rest is history but how the [ __ ] is this my fault you don't have to think about it dude exactly he's like we're having serious debates like for example that that taking the covet shot makes you turn into magneto these are well researched high level ideas these are high level ideas for example for example did you see when steven crowder pretended to uh mock su die like george floyd these are high level ideas these are well researched facts and you're destroying the space take your stupid garbage games somewhere else and get out of my face i'll take them wherever the [ __ ] i want tim pool and the fact that you're so pissed off made me think that i hit the bullseye get out of my face i mean sorry that it blew up on the internet and it went all over your face you're putting it in your face you just x the video i don't even know what the [ __ ] you are signing off for a few days i do know who he is i'm lying this is the real baby update he sounds like he's about to cry he looks like a baby too let's see that dome dude wears a beanie like you remember that uh there's all these memes of it we were winning no i know but like he's he'd never take something you've never ever seen like he's in like dead like he'll be out in like you know 112 degrees las vegas and he's got the beanie on he's going to be fair you do that too okay but i haven't i have to point it out before someone else does it comes on it comes off okay it's over here it's over here okay anyway temples i appreciate that you're right you're right somebody uh donated a hundred dollars said with peace and love tim pool is the only person i wouldn't want to see wearing a teddy fresh beanie thank you thank you for the thank you for that and uh i'll use your 100 dollars to uh not send you my beanie yeah pocket that [ __ ] it's free i'll just pocket it thanks guys we'll get some food i'm hungry bro mexican [Laughter] so um tim you guys remember that uh there's like that fable or fairy tale about the woman with the red ribbon and if she took it off her head fell off oh yeah i don't which one that's temple [Music] [Applause] that's tim right now get the [ __ ] out of my face ethan you want to come into the political space and burn it all down around you you're such a drama queen where you're saying that we have the power to burn it all down i i mean that kind of sounds like i even literally set up a debate for them to discuss it so because i don't know what i'm doing how am i if anyone's burning it it's stephen crowder who's turning it into a circus inviting me to debate it he should he should have been happy that somebody showed up with those the topics yeah i mean it in the in the full clip because again it was like 30 minutes long and the vast majority of it is him getting even more mad than this about sam because he really [ __ ] hates sam and the i i suspect the reason is he actually did a debate with sam at one point and he destroyed him it did not pull that up i want to show you thanos i got to see the thanos okay because so there's a real i know some of you guys don't care about politics but i promise this is all funny um they had a debate and they were just talking about some like i'm you i'm you uh utilitarian and i'm but utilitarian and then tim was like no i'm this other thing and he's like i hate to say this to you sam but you're just like thanos you're you're philosophy is just like thanos and tim's and sam was like i don't care well he didn't know who that was because he doesn't watch he's a 50 year old man who doesn't watch marvel movies he just looked tim just looks so dumb and uh i think he's just mad because it went viral and that's why you may have seen sam with like thanos memes and stuff yeah someone sent me that clip i gotta watch that before we gotta find it i promise i know this is politics but i promise it's fun i'm here just to burn it all down i'm not i'm not here to just talk about uh not talk about the issues never about the issues only about the burning down how is he gonna even make these arguments if crowder really wanted to debate it could have just debated that's okay tim obviously thinks that sam is a is a is a worthy person to talk to he did himself he did talk to him himself so all down around you okay fine i can commend you for your talent and ability in doing so and then i will say you're a bad person and that okay is your dad gonna call our dad too it's just a fact i think it's a nap time for baby tim need some milkies tim come here little baby i got your milkies mommy mommy mommy mommy tim full right now milk is mommy eater is a lot you guys got that thanos clip we're looking for it i found i found the debate we're looking for the time stamp right now all right let's keep it moving oh shredder hey shred i thought you were kicking me hilo like move on and that's why oh wow he really turned up wait i want to miss this he's like he looks how he turns up listen how he turns up on me i think so and then i will say you're a bad person okay and that's just a fact and that's why people like stephen crowder should not debate him and that's why stephen was right for cutting him off and saying no and ethan klein is is damaging everything making it all worse because his interest is personal gain for his pop culture crap he doesn't know what he's talking about so he would rather watch people suffer if it gives him a few extra bucks that's ethan klein what the [ __ ] did i do juice box mommy he's getting cranky he doesn't need his mouth timmy needs a nap he's very mad ethan's ruining everything even klein is is damaging everything making it all worse mommy cancel ethan he's a bad person that's a fact okay we got the thanos clip all right here it is this is why tim hates sam by the way yeah would you vote in favor of someone that you could be sure was going to create 10 concentration camps this is the high level debate by the way i would vote for someone who created three concentration camps over 10 concentration camps really pushing the needle with these [ __ ] high level debates tim uh or would you vote or would you would you vote for someone who would create five concentration camps would you not vote and not vote i would vote for someone who is going to create less concentration camps so your your willingness to put your weight behind somebody who's going to make concentration camps no i'm not willing to put i'm willing to put my weight behind i'm sorry it's the next one under it oh oh it's not this one yes i want it in there yeah so so for instance like thanos yeah was the was utility military and captain america was deontological i didn't so thanos willing to reduce the suffering by killing you know hundreds of trillions versus the you know thousands of trillions which would be living better off so uh or or uh uh yeah so that's like thanos was the was diminishing the number of concentration camps before you go that's a really great point that i think may separate its utilitarianism versus deontologism that you you're quantifying versus i'm not you see that i'm not saying you're wrong i'm saying your philosophical standard is the minimization of harm and mine is more about the individual is the small you know what i mean like yeah i'm curious about the second part of that you said you know what i mean because i really don't know the two philosophies about feeling violating the ethics of an individual is violating ethics regardless and yours is minimization of harm is better so utilitarian versus deontological from my standpoint committing one ethical act is a violation of principle and ethics that can't be crossed but i will admit there's not like a hard line because um i think that is silly to be honest with you i mean i i respect you you know but they're very strong philosophical uh positions i i believe that less suffering is better and that i am willing to i'll i will tell you something you won't like to hear though i'm willing to shuffle myself if that that's the outcome but i'll tell you something you're not going to want to hear and and i admit it's it's uh i'll call it dickish uh utilitarianism is typically the villain yeah you guys gotta find the whole thing you gotta watch your poster oh it was there he said i don't care wait listen oh this is a mess but it's right here can you guys just are you still looking and i admit it's it's uh i'll call it dickish uh utilitarianism is typically the villain in most movies i don't care i don't care and so this clip went really viral of tim poole trying to talk about thanos and i think that's why he's so mad i don't care yeah which is the exact it's like why are you using that as an actual argument and then debate that thanos thanos apparently is that was great by the way just this little snippet yeah because he's he like he's a dick these people fall apart when they actually are met with someone who really knows what [Music] watch people suffer if it gives them a few extra bucks that's ethan klein okay you know it's fine ethan do your pop culture comedy stuff it's funny stuff i got no issue with that but don't come into this space where people are trying to have very serious conversations about how people live and how people might die if we don't solve certain problems and kick the can down the road are you it sounds like the perfect place yeah it sounds like the perfect place to come kick this [ __ ] around a little bit man you are so this guy has great visions of grandeur he thinks so highly of himself he's like we gotta save people's lives by trying to get them not to take a vaccine that's how i save lives or just make everything worse you bring in a con a con man like sam cedar whose whole business is just burning things down for personal gain and i'm gonna get pissed off something he said about me this guy is a manipulative lying con man that's why crowder doesn't want to do anything have anything to do with him that's why all the people crowd are mentioned don't want to have anything to do with him and that's why i know this picks for joe rogan and uh all the people that he mentioned oh yeah he speaks for joe rogan and yeah and uh oh my favorite was noam chomsky he speaks for noam chomsky sam cedar makes all these videos and he focus on drama i mean the man's obsession with dave rubin is laughable it's absolutely laughable i hate saying his name because it gives him attention the dudes gained around 30 000 or so subscribers after ethan propped him up so congratulations that's why he's mad it's because his channel is growing you all got to better go subscribe to sam cedar right now i tell him thanos sent him thanos denim temple thanos is um tell tim pool guys that sam cedar has just collected another infinity stone [Laughter] then on just not caring about the world and being a self-interested you know whatever when ethan steps in and just throws a flaming bag of turret you know flaming turd bag right in the middle of the room i'm sorry [Laughter] sam does not deserve anybody's attention oh hold on can we just take a moment to reflect on the smash the like button uh graphic that he's got there about that sam does not deserve anybody's attention smash that like and it's a shame that i have to say his name and give him attention so what so you so you know what if you like the guy go ahead and follow him whatever if you want to follow him then there you go he deserves it but i think wait but you're not making any sense he does uh tim you're such a div [ __ ] who's engaged in rational political conversation should ignore this well anyway oh what is this there's another tim paul gets owned on joe rogan no it's just that he said that he's single because of feminism oh that was a [ __ ] great tempo by the way he went on joe rogan and he said mega star who predicted 50-state trump victory he went out and he said i'm predicting a landslide all 50 states including california for trump the second time yeah bag of turkey or flaming turd bag i don't think his that that quote about him being single because of feminism was on joe rogan though i think that screenshot is from joe okay wait can we find that since we're talking about him he's single because of feminism he says uh i remember this i'm glad we have opportunity to talk about it because it's it's so [ __ ] bro it's like really bad i can't possibly have babies because of climate change say what i can't possibly it's got to be here somewhere right all right one of you guys find it damn it in the meanwhile in the meanwhile tim poole says i'm ruining everything right so we've prepared a little sketch of of what it's not a sketch really happened what are you talking about so this is me tim full said i ruined everything well we wanted to give you a little behind the scenes video to prove that he's wrong that i don't ruin everything and that i am help everybody so let's prove to him wrong right now ethan yeah what you're doing let me help you with the lights no what the [ __ ] man again again i was just trying to help bro no set's on fire bro just i don't i don't need any help i don't need any help okay i'm sorry i'm gonna help ah you don't have to watch that let me take don't i think i actually got injured ah is there an injury there no walk it off something impaled me so bad dude why didn't you stop me i i said it wasn't done [ __ ] we need a [ __ ] medic god damn it medic medic guys i'm running low on battery can someone help me to the charging dog i got you dude here how does this work it just goes back here and just hold on here no no no i got it okay you're done i got it i got it i got it i got it brian help me help me down have it smell the phone put me down stop it i got what i can dock you i know how to talk to you what are you doing this is not time you do it wait i got it done i got it you just here just walk right into that yeah just park me oh my god you're just making this worse here you you need to learn to do this yourself no you're you're making it mercy though you are in you just missed the spot dad he's doing it i'm just ruining everything serious dude i got it i got it ethan klein is is damaging everything making it all of here get on worse get out what's the [ __ ] get out moving here get the [ __ ] out what are you doing go coming down get the [ __ ] out you [ __ ] break the gatsby too the god speech doesn't work yeah bye bye loser yeah thanks for dropping by and [ __ ] everything up [Applause] how did he know [Laughter] triggered tim poole really yeah bag of turret you know flaming turd bag yo you guys gotta find this guy i didn't know that tim pool is like such good material oh bro there's there's a whole twitter account that's fairly popular that's just dedicated to lampooning temple it's pretty i mean if you guys bring back content court temple content court yeah i mean i'm sure there's plenty i'm sorry i'm gonna get pissed off about that yeah i'm sure you would yeah and now i just want to promote sam cedar as much as possible the majority report you guys you come on you got you did you find it okay if you okay tell me when you got it yeah he says that he can't find a girlfriend because of uh because of but like the specific reasons he states is just it's kind of the best thing ever so bag of tur you know flaming turd bag oh man now speaking of the world just falling apart around us bill cosby got freed did you hear that yes yeah there's a pretty good joke about them people ask for free people ask for free brittany and the universe freed bill cosby yeah hey okay you found it dan yeah great this is fantastic so here's why tim's full single and has nothing to do with uh anything we just talked about that he's an emotion he's like uh uh an unhinged little weasel i can't possibly have babies because of climate change right which is nonsense no but i do think it's crazy that i'm about to be 34 and i have no family because my my dad had two kids by the time he was 27 yeah and i'm like man you know what you know the problem is though it's definitely not me i think it's everybody else i can't imagine actually saying that oh my god imagine actually saying that it's like it's it's like a joke that it's like a sketch it's like michael scott yeah it's definitely not me it's everybody else oh my god it's almost like he he diagnosed the problem as he was saying it then i'm about to be 34 and i have no family because my that's kind of sad but a great sound bite i'm about to be 34 and i have no family so how do you explain i got a [ __ ] i have a kid and a wife how do you explain that one tim paul good luck explaining that one you're ruining everything ethan that's why the world's unfair it's everybody else yes such in-cell vibes from tim paul my dad had two kids by the time he was 27 yeah and i'm like man you know what you know what i did he probably didn't walk around telling the world that the problem is not him it's the world your dad probably didn't do that yeah there's like there's like probably like close to four billion women in the world tim it's all their fault it's all them you know flaming turd bag the problem is though it's definitely not me no i think it's everybody else how is this guy real you know who has kids in a family sam cedar i mean how do you have this words come out of your mouth and not laugh and not laugh or immediately as soon as you walk off the set you walk into a therapist yeah i just don't know go you know what you go oh did i just say that i'm going to end the show [Laughter] i wonder what her reaction was she's like she's like yeah everybody else i'd had two kids by the time i was 27. and i'm like man you know what you know what the problem is though it's definitely not me i think it's everybody else yeah i can't possibly have it's unreal it's the best clip on the internet that's why he's so angry [Music] so sad virgin temple virgin tune pool is getting angry at the chad's sam cedar i'm a chad compared to tim poole [Laughter] that's crazy i'm your chad husband anyway that's it that's all i've got about that i'm getting out pretty good eh you guys did a good job what sketch right why are you still here right how's your leg feeling though oh my leg oh my god i feel like that's here i fell off the chair and the chair has like a l-shaped metal bar oh and i fell with all my weight on no yeah there's a real i have actually i don't know if you can see but from the side there's like uh careful with what you're uh you're showing a lot of skin here yeah we're gonna get an ass shot come [Laughter] there's a bump here yeah no it's i got i have that's probably the most pain i've experienced in a long long time i thought i actually thought it impaled me i thought i was gonna have to go to the hospital i was genuinely writhing and pain the face you made i i thought you may have got penetrated i can't think of a better word penetrated there's a point going up yeah i'm glad you didn't i wasn't sure like if we should kept rolling with it or what oh yeah i thought you i mean you're a great actor to begin with so i didn't want to reshoot it yeah so bill cosby went free i mean by some weird technicality yeah i read about it this morning how like basically they promised him whatever so then they had to keep their promise some dumb ass uh district attorney promised they wouldn't charge him a lawsuit he made a plea deal and part of that was that he would give a statement and then that was supposed to be protected but then they used that statement in his uh [ __ ] what's happening here you have a flamingo hat is the chicken well i i i was wearing like some pretty flamboyant stuff last week so i thought i'd just bring it down a little bit today you're dressing down wear some more something more casual something i wear every day is this like traditional swedish garb oh yeah yeah this is just normal stuff let me just oh it's good i love that that's sick that's sick you get it do you get a lot of flamingos in sweden is it like it's probably cold it's a little cold for them so anyway you just fall over sorry then to cut you off like that anyway this district attorney from some technical what a dumb ass so they used the statement that they gave i mean this is just dumb why would they use a statement that he gave with the condition they couldn't charge him to charge him yeah why would they even do that because these da's are really just dumb stupid you know that is pretty dirty though so i get why it was thrown out but like now people are taking it as oh he's innocent it's like the oj thing great yeah it's actually even oj thing was well he was acquitted bill cosby was let out on a technicality but here we so uh the supreme court justice made a statement and summed it all up as to his release they said we hold that when a prosecutor makes an unconditional promise yeah exactly what i said here's cosby walking free justice prevails we will overcome [Music] where the ladies at you got what's the what's that date uh that the drug he used there's like a chemical it's like tmg or no it's like ghb yeah ghb hey let's go get that ghb oh let's hit the boss let's go get some [ __ ] [Music] i may not see but i can smell that [ __ ] [Music] let's go get that [Music] ngb whatever it is [Music] let's hope this people he's innocent that's what they're doing now yeah but you're not it's a technicality exactly that's the thing bag of turret you know flamingos [Music] any you ladies thirsty somebody said this happened because we lost the cosby doll i was just gonna say oh i thought it was first i didn't want that [ __ ] who got rid of the cosby doll you did this who did it maybe i planned zack's car i don't know no but where is it and zach's what's actually he put it on the back here and it disappeared it's gone zach ran into white claw gabe the next day i don't know that's what was it the next day what are you talking about is that you think he gave it to white clock game i don't know i just wouldn't put the blame on me for everything i wasn't even blaming you with the hell you're done well any ladies out there want to get a drink now that i'm free i'm a good cook i make a mean jello come back to my house and let's have some drinks it's so messed up oh my god dude this world is so [ __ ] there's no justice i mean yeah oj is just golfing oh oj comments on this you're gonna love this yeah ojs oj is uh yeah now he's an influencer yeah he's not i'm taking my lawyer out for a drink after this i mean and you think that um james charles should be in jail i mean let's let's start here oh yeah oh yeah you can take this inside if you want right here 204 that's the number of women i have day raped and i'm free scot-free who's thirsty hey everybody we want to thank love it [ __ ] love it this world is [ __ ] absolutely what did oj yeah so oj of course you know blocked me on twitter by the way oj's blocked me on twitter respect it's pretty awesome hey twitter world this is yours truly uh oj you know i think it's pretty respectful to get blocked by oj that's kind of [ __ ] epic yeah it didn't take long either i was pretty aggressive that means you're a good citizen right right it's a citizen twitter arrest so by the way this this thing from oj wasn't this isn't from like yesterday this was from a little bit ago yeah this is oj basically saying he should have just admitted to it so he'd get out of it he's like that's what i did i just said i did it so i could get out of it here's oj's sage advice from a lifetime criminal murder oh jesus hey twitter world it's me yours truly welcome it's me jojo here with some murder tips here uh another man got away with a heinous crime out here on the golf course let's have drinks bill i'll bring my girlfriends these things this week uh one thing early in the week when i was still watching cable news i should say cable opinion shows they had an interview with caitlyn jenner and and they asked her a question about her qualifications to be governor and she gave a curious answer she said back in 76 i faced down the russians well i can only think she was talking about the olympics when she won the decathlon the gold medal uh i was there i was working the game for abc i was on the goal line when he actually uh won that 15 uh 100 meter metric miler to cinch the decathlon um but a gold medal is qualifications to be governor that means sugar ray leonard he won a gold medal then he wouldn't fire him even the late leon stinks won a gold medal and i don't think he would have qualified by winning a gold medal to run for governor in any event you know i murdered two innocent people bill cosby decided as far as murderers go i probably have the best golf shot not to take a course uh sexual course in prison and it probably cost him his parole so he's not getting out well when i was in camp i took anything all the courses i wanted to get home to my kids i took a victim impact course that was particularly galling to me because i had to get up and apologize to my victims and i got up and said guys i'm sorry i caught you trying to sell my stolen property i'm sorry i yelled at you and i'm sorry that the state of california ruled it was my property gave it back to me and you didn't get to make any money off my stolen property anyway i also killed two people but i would have taken a a cooking a sewing class i would have taken anything to to get home and get out of prison and i'm sure something like our buddy is not saying she already took those courses at usc in any event julio jones this is the most carefree murder on earth you probably can help them more than any other team but the 49ers your coach kyle shanahan who was there no he's the incoherent the [ __ ] is this video anyway you know now that bill cosby's out we figured um he's looking to make some money he spent a lot of money on lawyers right and i'm not a lot of people are willing to work with him now let's be honest so um we actually got a hold of this pitch deck of james charles doing uh some collaborations some makeup palettes with bill cosby they have a lot in common you know they have a lot in common and i feel like they'd be a good match so i'm pitching this to them announcing james charles bill cosby free bird palette collab they're free as a bird you know beautiful beautiful and that dislike ratio though that's right yeah but you know what they're getting paid and they're out there and they're just they're being them they're free and that's all that matters james charles x bill cosby free bird palette a popsicle stick a pudding it comes with a brush that's cool i wonder if there's any kind of uh substance in there that might make me pass out that would really tie together oh we've got the names of the um of the colors we're gonna pitch to them more popsicle oh there's some kind of pill in this popsicle stick a little sketchy i didn't even catch that's a little sketchy this one's called cell wall white right which we don't want to be in cells we're free birds jumpsuit orange of course of course who can forget that it's a beautiful color once you get used to it yeah injustice indigo nice speckles statutory silver of course you know roofie red not that is a bit that maybe that's too much that's that's just not sensitive the green mile of course none of neither of them were on death row but we like to just think like oh it could be worse could always be worse i could be on death row for selling weed it's funny that people actually get like horribly punished putting pop brown that's my favorite color oh this i'm sure james charles named this one little boy blue that's that was james bell's idea for sure brunette armpit hair that was jake charles repeat offender orange oh i didn't know that you get speckles when you come back for the second time that's special so yeah this will definitely sell out so yeah i have a feeling there there's there's gonna be a lot of high demand for this death to all of them way too far so you know what what enjoy uh you know shout out to bill cosby who's free and james charles who's been fully vindicated now he's put out his video so now's the perfect time to get your free bird makeup palette maybe we could have a drink later james um and at the same time we got a britney update this week so yeah there's a brick again it's like bro there's nothing it's like the whole world's like just free this britney a lot of injustice no yeah just no but bill cosby we can do something about bill clinton yeah there was a free britney update judge there was a judge denied the request to remove britney's father as co-conservator okay bye i'm done what the [ __ ] there's no justice in this world there's no justice and this world i haven't read the details but do they say why what's the reason for this everything's kind of hush huss on the back they say um well they said they said that the request to remove him as conservator is denied without prejudice right which means they can relitigate it and an important thing to note is that this motion was happening for a while and does not take into account the testimony that we listened to last week so they'll have a future okay yeah this is not over and yeah them dismissing it without prejudice means they can try again okay in february the judge denied the request to remove jamie for the time being but jamie's removal is not completely off the table the judge pushes shouldn't be made at a later date um the next hearing is scheduled for july 14th right around the corner here i'll give you the timeline since her testimony june 23rd britney gives her testimony uh asking her dad to leave the conservatorship uh june 29th jamie files a motion for investigation on brittany's claims made so he's fighting this her dad is fighting this yeah yeah he he claims he loves his daughter this is all for her own good and um you know she's not hasn't he made enough money just to just go have a vacation somewhere i also saw that um someone said that the post on her instagram page are like recycled like she's not even posting them probably oh she's there's repost was she the one that was told about the paparazzi that we've covered on wednesday really yeah i don't know yeah we watched it together about like don't take pictures of me at the beach if i don't look good or whatever oh right no i i was saying really to the recycling yes um well yeah according to she's still in the conservatorship she doesn't have control of her life right right on june 30th the court gave an official document to make blah blah blah yeah not that interesting free britney free brittany lock up bill cosby this is bizarre i am seeing repost from videos just reposting [ __ ] it's like she's still trying to warn us you guys are still surprised this isn't her account no like no she's fully in the conservatorships though it's britney [ __ ] nothing has changed dude her dad is like an actual villain man that is crazy i hope she does like a book or a tell-all i would watch the [ __ ] out of like a free britney documentary with her in it man that would be good i'm going to support her let's get britney like a a a a gofundme [ __ ] building the wall let's free brittany i don't know what that would do necessarily i'll set it up i'll take the money you know like every other youtuber i'm going to set up for free brittany i'll be like is going to help what do you think what do you think about a free britney coin a commemorative coin no well that's good too i was thinking more like a crypto coin of something free britney brittany crypto coin going to the moon baby we're going to make a free britney crypto coin i'll do a huge promotion sell it immediately right i'll own like 90 of it sell it immediately yeah and make like uh 10 million dollars free britney nfc and oh she'll make sure her family gets a cut of the action what about uh we call it brit connect brick [Applause] bro well done that's [ __ ] good oh yeah i just care about brittany a commemorative coin is fun too like you see on the shopping channels at 3am free britney commemorative coin get it now for a thousand dollars well just i feel obligated to read this slide somebody just donated a hundred dollars three times in a row this is for one of uh this is for all the white nationalists stephen crowder fans in the chat thank you for being foot soldiers uh what does that mean he's sarcastically saying people that because you have to be a member to chat so he's goofy is there okay yeah he said use and then he said use it for your team of lawyers and love bot t he uh with peace and love tim poole is the only person i wouldn't want to see wearing a teddy fresh bean oh that was his that's that was that same person this guy's full of of peace and love now thanks john dropping big cats thank you thank you flaming turd badge straight into setting up the brick connect coin thank you so much connect brick connect that's so good good one zach thank you i think thanks dan um it was okay is there people who are like simping for tim paul in the chat i wouldn't expect that i didn't catch any of that but i mean there's always i'm sure there's someone out there i i it always do you think i'm ruining everything there's people is is damaging everything making it all worse what the [ __ ] did i do i'm gonna get pissed off about that yeah yeah everybody in the world is the reason why tim pulls single this guy is a manipulative lying con man this was another great story that i have uh have you seen what happened in the tour de force toward the force toward the front this was a this was a security force of a fuck-up for sure there's a bunch of jedis and i get once again i'm just i'm sick of people i'm sick of people i'm [ __ ] sick of it how dumb can you be man i think he went off the road the road has got a nasty ridge on it there no the rider in front hits a total disaster and that is the result and taking this within like a minute of it this was like the race started in immediately this person ruined the entire [ __ ] and then he probably got in the meat grinder because he got run over by a lot of people there were there were three uh three injuries that um required people to go to the hospital oh my god which i think is actually pretty good considering yeah what a huge pile up the worst part is these poor guys they spend their whole life preparing for this tour de france and they're like just the race is just ruined i'm gonna i'm gonna mute it so it said something like shout out to grandma and grandpa and then the best thing is that this woman was it a moment i think it was a woman right i think so is a woman who did it yes she bailed afterwards she was like at large she went on the lane yeah she was on the run living out in timothy mcveigh style out in the woods did they end up getting her what she turned herself in after several days of like a international manhunt wow yeah they were gonna apparently the the tour was planning on suing her and stuff but then they're like they dropped the charge but one of the racers who got injured is actually going to file a suit against her and she is getting some criminal charges it wasn't she claims it was an accident well sure it was for sure an accident she's just an idiot like landing in yeah watch the first guy well he can't move and he can't break exactly that's such a larry david and can you match this is totally what happened to larry david do you see this uh thing that i'm highlighting here you got to show this too oh there's more uh yeah and it's just it's a catastrophe what a [ __ ] you can you can't write this stuff man oh she's people are saying that they're comparing the manhunt for her as a game of where's waldo she has the blue pants in the red and white striped shirt just like waldo oh my god the whole country or the whole continent of europe was looking for can people just stop yeah she spent four days on the run and finally turned herself in wow you know i was having a conversation with dan about like people post covid it's like they're not there's you know an element of interaction that's just off now they're not ready to uh to reintegrate you're right yeah yeah maybe i don't think they were ever ready some of these people um um we don't have ads so there's no like ad break so i'm going to go pee you know you want to take you want to take the reins here for a minute all right i've got quite a few donations stacked up actually i don't want the donations [Laughter] [Music] alyssa donated a hundred dollars and said prison said i let's let bill out we'll take james now yeah not a great uh not a great that would be nice if they said that but i don't think anything is happening to james unfortunately it's very strange like we've talked about i mean i i don't know ethan had that theory that um when the uh victims in these sort of online scandals are a young underage girl people take it way more seriously and at the time i kind of balked at that i was like i don't know if i believed that but this whole situation really has made me kind of it's strange i mean all these guys you know were victimized in the same way that uh you know you hear stories who was the the other youtuber that is in jail right now for basically doing what james did once right um i don't know the name i know you're talking about i forget his name yeah um yeah i wasn't i know of the story but i wasn't following it but yep yeah so i don't know i don't know but um sometimes these things take a long time so no it still might be coming down the pipe and like he said he's not planning to stop so yeah that sounds right i think i'm sure the chat's going to start spamming the second one austin jones i think so i think that name sounds familiar um what else we got uh 15 donation you guys are [ __ ] rock stars please don't stop exposing the sociopaths of the internet who hide it in plain sight much love you got it we will not stop doing that uh somebody donated 10 bucks whoever donated and said they want ela vlogs i second that i would love a day in the life with our ceo and super mom i don't think she has time to do that i'm feeling definitely all day every day i gotta tell you guys she really it's crazy lately like teddy fresh is just growing so much and we're putting in a lot of effort to like really build a a strong foundation to the company so that it's a legit business with different departments and structure and it's like lately it's actually exhausting it's super exciting though i'm every day i'm like i love my job i mean it's amazing i just i can't really believe that it's become what it is stone but totally i got one fish [Laughter] but i have like barely time to breathe or stop and eat lunch it's crazy i i get that i i know that it sounds really cool to have vlogs but i don't know that it would be because it's a lot of technical stuff a lot of meetings a lot of what i do i probably can't share until later that's true too right yeah like we we work on stuff almost like a year ahead um and it takes a while until it looks like it looks at the end like right it's a long process but um i love it you're taking too long on the fish mine [Laughter] [Music] um what else we got uh 20 donation i wore my teddy fresh nighty last night it was super soft and comfy i love it long time fan of the fupa and the troopa potato oh that's a name sorry um somebody donated 20 and said re i assume that was when we were talking about uh tim poole any comments about uh trisha's weight dan oh god dan dan was set up okay it was you can say what happened baby love set him up love to be dirty i didn't want to throw him under the bus nutritious you want to send it down [ __ ] you damn no well i can explain what happened should i yeah go ahead yeah so we have a chat where i send the donations and i sent a image of the donation and i was a bit slow on the text and i basically said don't read these comments or destination yeah you said that a little bit afterwards yeah it was like right after it was like don't read this and i was just like well it's hard i already said it what a moment man what a moment oh it's so good so it was nice i can take the blame on that not done um yeah dan's had a rough week he almost almost died yesterday i've never seen i don't know what happened to daniel i was almost in a uh pretty serious car accident on the freeway really somebody almost uh ran me off the [ __ ] road yeah oh my god pretty intense was there any collision uh no i like i [ __ ] fast and the furious dude like it was crazy i don't know it was like one of those adrenaline my instincts took over tell me what happened i mean it's i was i was driving along and i just heard squealing i looked to my left and there was a car oh my god pretty much 90 degrees per you know on the freeway on the freeway skid out uh yeah so i thought it was a blowout that was like my in the in that moment i was like they had a tire blow out and they're like swerving to the side and there was a car in my way on the other side of me um kind of like in my blind spot so i had to like swerve hard and speed up and get out of there and i almost like fishtailed uh getting out of there but i managed somehow i managed to keep control of the car was there a crack um there was no crash but then i i like slowed down i was like holy [ __ ] and i was expecting the car that did that to also slow down because i assumed their tire blew out and instead they speed up and i see they are like road raging with another car and they're like they're chariot racing they're like trying like they're kicking it like down the freeway at like 70 miles an hour [ __ ] [ __ ] humanity is done yeah humanity is over yeah this [ __ ] experiment is a failure dan doesn't want to admit the true reason why did that happen yesterday go ahead well we he brought up uh exactly why are you going zach you're doing it to yourself but you're doing it to yourself clarence because we had a conversation exactly that's why it happened every single after we talked about it on the show every single person in his office experienced some type of bad luck you're an idiot every time clearance clearwater plays a song on the radio it's true you guys don't want to [ __ ] believe me the crazy thing is people think you're kidding but you're not i'm my hand of [ __ ] god you brought it up this time like no sympathy if you because for the people that don't know is that zach has a i guess i will call it a phobia of the band clarence clearwater whatever the and every time zach hears it on the radio something terrible happens he's so to the point where he can't even hear he has trouble even listening i can't say the [ __ ] name he can't say the name or or the person that is the instructor of that band so i refer to it as the band the band but there is the band so how do you refer to the band he just doesn't know he brings it up on this i'm a big band levon helms band robbie robertson's your summer just got [ __ ] over bro i hope you're okay so so wait so i swear so were you listening to uh claire clarence no so why are we talking because dan brought the name up yesterday he brought the name he brought it up man he [ __ ] brought it up and and this [ __ ] happens now thank god you're okay dan it happened in it happened yesterday morning no no no the day before we were talking about that how long does the curse last if someone mentions it you have 24 to 48 hours that's the curse window dude nothing happens to me but it could have happened i'm just i'm just saying in this case it was good luck i i didn't i disagree somebody ccr or john was in heaven looking down upon me and i know he's not dead but he's still in the future he's looking down the [ __ ] fact you're in that predicament though don't you think there's some i dare i say credence to it you may not say that okay let me ask you this the members of that band did they have like gruesome tragedy no and everyone loves their [ __ ] music and i'm not denying their music is bad i'm not denying that okay i'm just saying on a personal level this [ __ ] is cursed exactly is there a possibility that you're wrong no and you know people have their own beliefs this is my belief all possibilities this is where dan is this is religious persecution right now from dan what what what is your religion it's not believing in this [ __ ] cursed band zack zack is so interesting jesus let's let's test it out let's spam jamie spears comments wait what if someone said someone said good thing that ethan can't actually say it the band's called clarence's clearwaters you can't play the music so i'm set i'm safe there it's called creedence clearwater revival why are you revival apparently we can't even say their name right you can't just yeah let's let's bleep those wait i can't watch the live show and post you know wait so zack you said last time we brought it up bad stuff happened to all of us right yeah oh you son of a [ __ ] so you bring it i played one second of one of their songs and he knew it immediately all i heard was and he muted but i feel like you're on a good point like go ahead you said that stuff happened all of us last time you mentioned it and then you brought it up today which you're kind of like a [ __ ] [ __ ] really yeah you brought it up that's like making all of us watch the ring vhs tape right i just wanted to point it out all right that's all i'm saying man but based on your logic you shouldn't even point it out yes based on your logic i should have died in a fiery wreck instead of miraculously escaping based on my logic you shouldn't have been in that predicament why why there's something from the [ __ ] don't worry i know how to time it [Music] that's it zach has left the building he's gone but you so that he's actually serious that's the thing that is kind of wild here though god well now you have 48 hours to we're going to disprove the curse this time zach okay man we have 48 hours we're going to protect you okay man you know it's we have someone who feels the same as zach but over a different band oh really which one the cars it's not the car but zach if somebody else has this curse about another band don't you see that maybe your theory is a little thin no i'm right based on i mean based on personal experience man like i don't want to leave him hanging because we have talked about this i don't believe in it but there is a weird coincidence that after after that episode i had really bad luck all right i agree with you my life's going great actually well okay then good for [ __ ] you dan well then you did almost die in the park thank you thanks to you having vin diesel like fast and furious nine you you were on the freeway in that second in that [ __ ] moment right in that what you know what what are you [ __ ] happening we've been having this conversation for months now like when did you first tell me this like six months ago there's someone that feels this way about nickelback just saying not everybody can have a cursed band it doesn't make sense not everyone can have a curse band but i'm right clear clearance [Laughter] clear clearance is the real curse okay what's the radius what's the radius where it affects because clearly it's not going to affect people like in india right we need to burn some sage in this building we need to say a prayer i mean you know what i don't know one might say that there's no such thing as a coincidence did you see this healer no what a segway there is no that was impressive once again the fact that you're watching this video means you're just aligned with me and this message your thoughts create your reality we're homies of course i saw this and now we're homies with this guy because he um duetted me and then i redo edit him today and now i'm going to try to get him on the show because there's no such thing as acquaintance let's be honest there's not we are i let's be honest at this point i am energetically aligned with him right can we actually talk to him and ask him about this this one like what happened there that's my that's right yeah there is no such thing as a coincidence the fact that clarence clean water reborns play thank god you can't say it's proof that there's no such thing as a coins everybody watching this stream is energetically aligned with me right now and we'll all fall victim to james charles on snapchat and nothing will happen there's no president there's no such thing as a coincidence there's no such thing as a coincidence crypto is out now everybody buy it and there's no such thing as a coincidence that i will sell it and pull the rug out of all your feats well anyway um he did a follow-up to his uh freaking up the lady so here you go you you tell me what you take of this if you think this is him admitting if it was real or what i don't know i have trouble deciphering his his with all this talk about the screaming woman yo we can't play the [ __ ] sound oh what happened to the woman and why did i choose to upload it i'm pretty sure his music is uh all royalty-free [ __ ] that he uses in there i think so that one uh i guess i i don't know 100 so i guess i'll read it i'm good at it it's more fun for me with all this talk about the screaming woman and my lack of reaction you're probably wondering what happened to the woman and why did i choose to upload it what happened she just would you just kept walking you're not reading a wise person once said the majority of problem with life is learning how to deal with costly interruptions who said that today's message next time you get a negative thought interrupt it with gratitude [Music] so that's what that look was so i'm assuming he's trying to say it was real yeah he's clearly it has to be real or otherwise he should work at snl who's the wise person who said that doesn't matter i'm curious because now i want to know if it was him or it's probably him he's like a wise person who just made this up who happens so here he here's me talking about it such a deep rabbit hole and there's [ __ ] no such thing as a coincidence guy in a video from 2016. now that this gets even creative coincidence which trisha payton and then guess who's this girl right that's another one that's the girl we were talking about like an episode or two ago she was the 16 year old courtney stodden yeah who was married to like a 50 year old or whatever she was married to the fifth year from the green mile the shitty guard the way he walks away everything comes connected dude there is truly no such thing as a coincidence there's no such thing as a coincidence he posted uh can you link the video i made a b down here yeah he posted an instagram q a picture about the screaming woman why did she scream human instincts oh god what instinct did she feel off you that made her want to scream and why are you using this [Laughter] there is no such thing as a coincidence so anyway i retweeted his or reduetted whatever the [ __ ] you caught on so this is such a deep rabbit hole trisha paytas with the no such thing as a coincidence guy in a video from 2016. now this gets even crazier no such thing as a coincidence but you should pick you get it so you're directing to the duet yes exactly maybe he'll do it to my duet and you get the story let's see yeah i'm saying that was the emma do you follow each other well so i've been following him for a while but he doesn't follow me like bro why you gotta be such a diva you're gonna do at me and act like you know we're energetic how are you gonna act like we're energetically aligned and you're not gonna follow me on tick tock if you're watching this no such thing as coincidence guy i want you on the show yes so follow me on tick tock and the fact that you're watching this is proof that we're energetically alive there's no such thing as a coincidence [Music] hey bill cosby here uh what there's no such thing as a coincidence would you like to get a drink with me are we entering your nightmares there's no such thing as a coincidence [Laughter] the fact that my ghb is in your drink right now means that we are energetically aligned there is no such thing as a coincidence is that a pill in the jello pop there's no such thing as a coincidence stop all right you're the one playing that zach that wasn't me oh okay oh wow we got more wow there's multi multi sound effects going on here dan's got like the best of he's got the hits he's got the hits i'm low key people don't know this but i'm i got it i got a sound board too well yeah dan dan come um zach people are saying we have the same hair now that's funny what's your plan i'm letting it grow out i'm getting rid of the blonde [ __ ] you're getting rid of it yeah i'll probably cut you know in a little you know maybe a month or two i was told by the doctor to wait a little longer before i do any color so i'm that's why they can cause again that's interesting right it can cause birth defects i mean he's coloring he said that they're not sure but he was like if i were you i wouldn't so i was like okay no more yeah i uh it just totally [ __ ] my hair up yeah the bleach i bleached it three times yeah just my hair is like still hay you know yeah mine too a little bit would you say there's no such thing as a coincidence listen i don't want to get into this but i'm going to [ __ ] it what jeff oh [ __ ] daddy dolbreck listen to this guy this guy's got no [ __ ] cell phones loved it like it was some big major clap back like you guys how to [ __ ] fight live that fell apart while eating he's talking about frenemies when it was pizza it was live it was live [ __ ] i mean you guys don't edit kingdom but it's not live he corrects himself oh i've never seen that or no actually it wasn't even live they chose to air their fights and that's content that's the content you want to make look people love the jeff jeff did he make a ten part documentary about his friend smashing his skull you want to talk about that's content your friend best friend who you're still doing videos attempted to murder you with an excavator okay ethan what the [ __ ] bro the fact that you are energetically aligned with david dobrik right now you can't be saying anything about oh that's content seriously drama you know they love the [ __ ] they used to eat pizza and argue and argue about money and your relationship fell apart and then you sabotage each other's families and the biggest deepest darkest secrets yeah that's toxic okay i'm still friends with the kid what's his point i was just like dude stop your friend david dobrik filmed someone getting assaulted i mean it's fine he's not saying anything really um that anyone is like not saying anyone else is not saying i mean yeah it was pretty toxic yeah i agree and then we all kind of agree on very insightful yeah but it's just it's just ironic a little bit oh trisha tricia i call her trisha paytas now like i don't know her trisha she woke up to jeff whitake threatening me this morning what'd you guys think of this because i i thought he was going a little wild to be honest with you and can you guys pull the tweet he sent to kat like this morning or yesterday too it should be in there i always oh yeah i see it thank you i always feel like it's the lowest thing you could do um share private conversations oh sure that's dude that being said what he's saying in here is also pretty it's off the rails yeah it's both parties are i don't know what happens when you're both off the rails i don't know you get back on the rails no no it's like two negatives yeah i woke up to jeff whitake threatening me this morning um i literally commented on a segment you were talking about me and stuff so he texts her and he goes i'm not going to have an internet beef with you i don't even know why he's texting her you crossed the line i'm just giving wait is there more no but he's basically saying like i'm just giving you a heads up like keep doing your thing but i don't know what he said no wait this isn't the whole conversation he sent her one that says not gonna end good for any of us or it's not going to end good for you if you keep talking about me where's that maybe he takes that five percent what the [ __ ] did i just click to here let's go with this oh it's the crop i think it's the crop the twitter does so when you need when you click on the picture it shows more oh let's see nothing's loading so we love that and it doesn't show oh well this is a screenshot so link me yeah so i'll find the original link oh my god well if what am i supposed to do no i'm not laughing at you i'm laughing at whoever screenshotted a tweet without expanding the actual relevant part fess up drama time to get dragged no i'm kidding oh let's not drink we love you guys we work on tough schedules we work you know five percent [Laughter] well while we pull up that tweet you can see how he responded to her he goes nobody cares you little rat he goes why do everyone associate with being a criminal he goes i'm much more than a dude who just went to jail for selling drugs meanwhile nobody cares you rat like he's a mobster or something go to the police maybe they'll sit through your 10 hours of videos i think cat got involved by the way cat's the girl he sent his fans after now are we talking here freely yeah of course everyone always cat has really got to chill like oh oh i just i keep seeing her and getting involved in twitter drama and it's not a good look for a reporter it's just not she i totally agree like she just shouldn't she got to choose the lane are you serious journalist or are you twitter it just doesn't make her look like serious and legitimate right unfortunately i you know we were rooting for her when she wrote the article about david dobrik so i'm not like not trying to talk badly about her but i it's been difficult to watch her on twitter that's a good insight i agree with you good point hilo she says yeah the guy in the vlog squad are so nice it's so surprising they got into a big scandal she says this is a guy who illegally recorded me without my consent to try to prove that i had ill intentions then made millions off his toxic workplace just to continue work there he said nobody cares you fake reporter nobody cares nobody cares i guess that's the truth nobody gives a [ __ ] david's back james is back nobody cares bye-bye he's right i wish he wasn't but he is right nobody cares you fake reporter didn't you apolo wait did it you got to make up your mind though jeff didn't you apologize to her for saying she was like a fake reporter and now he's yeah because he admitted that he didn't read the article yeah uh bro did you even read the article now and you're still on your fake reporter i never understood why you guys let him off the hook so bad when like that interview that we did with him he's the dumbest [ __ ] i've ever met in my life well he's also kind of a dick like i was like oh he's a nice guy he's willing to come i appreciate he was willing to come but he's actually kind of a dick too yeah no [ __ ] let me just clarify in case he's watching i'm maybe that's dangerous it's not me i'm the one i got canceled for defending you and your buddy so right like this guy well and the first time he thought i was you right and was like bringing up tick tock or something he's like oh i saw him on here [ __ ] you're talking about i literally knew nothing about him at the time everything i've learned about him has been since that interview and that was not a great introduction because that interview man i don't know what the [ __ ] he was thinking so jeff just tell me ha when you called her a fake reporter now on june 30th at 6 41 p.m have you read the article okay [Laughter] he's actually like a total dick yeah um here let's find the interaction with with trisha which thank you i actually uh i thought oh here this this is where just so the shortest side for you guys this is a image that eli just took of the dogs it's kind of new that alfredo will uh sleep in a donkey bed love them because he was like a straight dog yeah he likes to sleep on hard circles he just lives on the floor right and um he's learning from shredder how to live the high life shredder's bougie as [ __ ] wait this is cardi b's real twitter account yeah i just went and verified uh wait what yeah cardi b's pictures and no such thing as a coincidence no way yeah what why is this guy infiltrating everything how did that happen okay here she probably saw him thought it was [ __ ] hilarious i mean oh my god is pretty wild but there's cardi b's twitter account wow i know such things profile picture i should change mine too [ __ ] it oh my god i want to change everyone there's no such thing as a coincidence why it is happening did you just do it and not say anything you don't scroll oh it gets it gets not safe for work okay i kinda lose just kinda oh my god you guys [Music] how is this real oh that's crazy there is no such thing as a quincy we need that the what's it what is that okay where's the where's the twit the tricia thing i'm not seeing it you guys it's on discard where huh oh what are you looking for right here if you said it's on discord i've been waiting this whole time for the trisha first sorry adhd i sent it in minions chat i'm not a minion you're not opinion that's for sure my bad it's there now this show is a well-oiled machine all right all right you know what i'm just gonna i'm gonna i'm sorry dan i'm gonna expose you why what did i do this tweet is from an account you muted stop [Laughter] what are you referring to oh it's the podcast well somebody muted her on the podcast i don't think it was me but can you blame them no no i'm just saying i just thought it was funny you're putting that on me oh james charles is trending right now oh i gotta read through this the adhd can you finish with this tweet i was trying to be sent never sent me the link yes it did but it's okay all right here it is poke away at my injury it's gonna end really bad for everyone we can't make fun it's like what she said huh i'm not gonna have an internet beef with you okay you said something about me i'm not allowed to respond you're crossing the line what did she say does anyone aware honestly about any of this jesus and don't care seriously no i think just a bunch of goofballs well i'm talking about jeff and i'm trying to get to the bottom of it just using his injury against him that's the gist of it okay do your thing just a kid well is this a thr anyway i was just curious what you guys think this statement poke away at my injury it's going to end really bad for everyone what does that mean it does sound like a threat he sounds like i'm going to kill myself and you i'm taking everybody out that's what it sounds like i don't know okay yeah so sorry guys after dark h3 adh3 so sorry for actually trying to just care talk about something i care about it's actually adhd how about james charles twitter or h3id i do want to hear what people are saying about this five percent yeah not james charles talking about his inappropriate behavior with minors while doing a makeup tutorial for sure how do you hold yourself accountable than to delete the video of you holding yourself accountable good question every time he says he like grew so much and he educated himself and then he goes and says something really dumb but he gets away with it every time crazy the like ratio on that video was mad james charles i'm not trying to make light of this situation also james charles i'm gonna do my makeup while i talk about underage victims who accuse me of essay yep this picture is awesome james charles really got his ass back on youtube i agree man i cannot believe it word the fox we're [ __ ] we're all [ __ ] bye hey jeff you can come do a double homicide on me and you i don't care anymore he's like it's gonna end bad for both of us what else would that mean he's gonna go do a suicide bomb it could mean he's going to dig up old texts uh gabby style to expose her i don't know i don't know that guy's a criminal he's i think he means death to all of them stop that guy's a criminal death to all of them did you miss that okay whatever moving on he's a criminal we're just talking about it he went to jail for selling drugs oh not a violence was was is people don't change either come on i'm just kidding selling drugs is like the least stupid drugs yeah exactly not like him well you didn't get caught stop move on anyway um okay so this part is really fun i i promise what do you want to eat look at me mexican we've been going so then really that's how that's what ethan says like every time okay you immediately two hours so we can talk about food that's your logic by the way this is me friday this is being friday at 2 30. oh my god this you know what that does make me want to mexican red sauce and cheese haven't been in a mexican restaurant in like over a year [Music] [Laughter] that's the chips the salsa bar [Music] [Applause] all right this one's fun this part we leave mexican it's official i didn't say it dan said it i'm down for anything i just said it all right all right triller trailer trailer trailer oh is that the guy that is that the company that's run by that ceo ryan cavanaugh right actually just to bring you guys up to date on who because just so you have ref uh point of reference excuse me this is ryan cavanaugh uh he's like the basically the owner of trailer and uh his he's been accused of by his partner of running a ponzi scheme and he bankrupted relativity which is [ __ ] awesome because now he's trying to build triller and he wants to go public and it's like dude you bankrupted your last company and you've been accused of running a ponzi scheme it's awesome and this is the guy who's suing us frank cavanaugh it's his twitter account so the funny thing is yeah which we talked about on wednesday is that david dobrik in the midst of being canceled was sponsored by guess who thriller now here's where it's funny i'm sure they paid him a shitload of money or maybe they got a bargain because because nobody yeah it's the comeback um promotion oh you got to link me david's triller account you think tick what am i going to do with this tick tock account i gotta need his trailer account you sent that that's right you should add that to show that he's still on tick tocks like it's nothing it was you it was you it was you you need me just killer you asked to have it i want both well okay how am i gonna compare if i don't have a link to the trailer here's the trailer thank you you know what i think i want to eat actually go ahead pasta no i'm on the mexican uh oh oh well we already went over that nobody more specific go ahead i want the burrito that has like the green salsa over it [ __ ] cute [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the way this is this is not mexican music i just i feel they need to point out yeah please don't cancel it this is not mexican i want that too you know you have some mariachi how is that not mariachi music because it's not mariachi okay what is it that's like salsa music or something so let me play that as a spanish restaurant mexican restaurant uh okay fair enough i'm just dude don't be stopping it's not like you you're talking about mexican food so you're over correcting i'm not over correcting i was just music over under here's some [ __ ] this is here we go this is this isn't like you're it is good [ __ ] yes it is it's not yes it is it's not as good turn it off zach bring back this also it's just not as good i mean also music is great you never heard this song in a mexican restaurant you serious uh no i think that that's right you wouldn't really yes you would i don't i agree with ethan you would hear this what a surprise you know about mexican food you're from like detroit maybe oh god yeah go to detroit there's a lot of mexicans in detroit also in l.a probably not um no but uh listen most most of the time dan is right this time well it's happy music i don't understand the happy we were like okay guys can we talk about triller [Laughter] so anyway trailer paid david a shitload of money presumably to sponsor his dumb [ __ ] triller account which he's posted two videos on and bailed his videos have like a few hundred thousand views and then meanwhile this just goes to show you how shitty and like a wasteland trailer is meanwhile he's posting his new videos on tick tock okay here just just to wrap it up the previous discussion are we talking about still um is not over correcting it's so annoying when people say all latin music is mexican oh my god guys that's not i didn't say it was mexican music did i i just i kind of implied that if you go to a mexican restaurant you'll hear salsa music it's not that crazy uh i mean can i also maybe oh by the way all mariachi music is not all mexicans listen to by the way nobody said that well she this person in the chat is like it's so annoying when people say mariachi music is all music is mariachi i agree with ethan i'm sorry zach let us know when you don't oh yeah i can say the same for you oh my god you're saying anything interesting someone put them in timeout dude [Laughter] come to a hundred we have a lot of uh people in the chat or giving their opinions okay so what so they i mean i think that dan was not over correcting that's all ethan was just excited to enjoy it enjoy yourself it gets you in the vibe of eating the food it was just saying that it's not mexican music it's just not nobody said it was kind of music you could hear at a mexican restaurant maybe sometimes sure also i'm sorry the latins don't eat or latin americans don't eat rice and beans what okay well it's like why are we defining mexican food anyway mexican food is okay pretty easy to define i don't know it's mexican let's talk about tick tock please so david was paid to go put some dumbass videos on triller it has like a couple hundred thousand views natalie and i just found it out of the united states literally nothing has changed oh by the way that clip of me making fun of his laugh from wednesday got removed we got suspended on tick tock really for bull for hate speech [Laughter] this is hate speech look at this he posted the same thing on tick tock it has 5.5 million views 1.1 million likes and then on trailer which he posted twice to um [ __ ] i closed it but anyway he's posting all kinds of new content and it's not even on trailer the point is guys trailer's a wasteland my favorite was when i when we were working on this i opened david dobrik's triller page and um and the videos weren't even showing up their website was like bugging out it's just like the place is just such a mess so i've been having fun looking up at triller like if you go to their app store i gave them one star by the way on the app just because i didn't have a positive experience on it yeah people should judge for themselves though they should download the app and then you know experience it a little bit and maybe leave a review sure that would be responsible yeah but trailers product description that's so funny triller such a scumbag company they'll be like we got a we have 100 billion downloads meanwhile there's like two people using it so the their product description if you go to the app store it says create share connect join global stars such as josh richards charlie demilia noah beck kevin hart tyga and more so they list all these celebrities so all the people we pay for oh yeah so i was like okay i wonder if any of these people are still on trailer you know that they're hyping up so i go to noah beck he actually is still on thriller this is his latest video from june 29th you'll watch this it's literally it has 30 000 views this is the most one of the most popular influencers in the world right now but watch the content he's literally just bitching about what a shitty app it is look at this yo trailer my thing's flipped my camera's like flipped around right now but look i'm i'm trying to uh it's so awkward what is it doing hey guys like look it's when i put it this way oh i see it yeah it's weird it's like mirrored should i head off what a great video that's good so noah logged in real fast to get 30 000 views and tell triller their app is [ __ ] up oh it's so awkward so you got to pull this one right here yo trailer my thing's flipped yo triller my thing is flipped my thing is flipped man watch your language noah back kevin hart who is listed here kevin hart uh has deleted his triller account he's not on trailer he does have a tick tock account though if you fight it try to find kevin hart on trailer he does is not there yet in their description they say collect with global stars such as kevin hart he's on tv tyga his last upload on triller again they say join global stars such as tyga his us upload was from november of 2020 almost a year ago uh he continues to upload on tick tock um you know actually i was browsing triller's um review section just to get an idea because i wanted to know is this an app worth downloading is this something i want to engage with i've heard a lot about this ryan kavanagh the owner of trailer who's like who his partner says he's like been involved in a ponzi scheme so i wanted to get so i wanted to oh so this one is by ft slider i downloaded this app after the awesome shout out in david dovelix doe brought dough black's vlog i was excited to try triller because it seemed really cool he said dough block dough black david dough black duper duper i think you may mix two creators there david doe black dubrick and anyway you can tell david's having a good time on trailer with his two posts i was super excited to try it seemed cool but after trying the app out for a few hours i was really not happy with the layout and functionality of the app it was also very glitchy that's also similar to what dan was reporting and noah beck incidentally your app is flipped dude after having a bad experience in the app i want to do a bit of research on the owner of this company when i did a google it turned out that one of the guys named ryan kavanagh whose best friend and business partner accused him of running a ponzi scheme holy [ __ ] yo triller my thing's flipped yo this is really getting around it this guy ryan kavanagh was accused of running a ponzi scheme it seems like ryan cavanaugh is a really bad guy that is really crazy i'm definitely going to have to give this a one-star rating so awkward because of all the circumstances whoa that's a really useful review to me about this driller app that's the guy who's suing me ryan kavanaugh he's talking about ugh it's so awkward should have called it [ __ ] talk someone said one star this app is essentially a worse version of tick tock with an algorithm that is blatantly promoting certain members over others whoa that's a crazy accusation also not for nothing one of the guys who made this app back this app was also accused by one of his partners of operating a ponzi scheme what's his name his name is probably ryan kevin he's probably referring to that ryan cavanaugh you were mentioning sounds like it yeah trailer my thing's flipped this is him for um this is him for uh for the record just so this is the guy right he has some he has some physical uh relation to he resembles harvey weinstein physically according to you of course it's according to according to who else well it wasn't good assuming it looks like harvey weinstein no we didn't all agree with that um it's not it by unanimous decision yeah uh wait till you guys find out the details of the lawsuit i'm almost to the point where we're going to i'm going to be able to do a full video about it because i'm just waiting for us to make a certain public filing and then i'll read from the filing uh the worst app ever [Music] it banned me for no reason the work the app so bad that even jake paul left it the worst app ever it banned me for no reason it keeps crashing when i try to do a video and the people are weird they want feed pictures it's so bad do not download this oh they even got a response [Music] knock off tick tock all right thanks for your feedback how about the knockoff tape it's a little desperate don't you think like they're responding to [ __ ] like that so desperate ugh it's so awkward this is copyright i really like the idea but it's copying the app tick tock thanks for your feedback okay this app ruined my life the day i downloaded this app my wife told me she wanted a divorce now i'm out of my house and living off 20 of my own income my wife gets the rest of it i live in a rundown motel since my credit is ruined and i can't be approved for an apartment and the worst of all my dog ran away thanks triller one star that guy's definitely pinging it's almost like he heard clarence clarence clean water clarence clinton oh here's a good one cool david dobrik brought me here so yeah cool app five stars trailer my thing is flipped so uni it's not bias we show good and bad reviews right beautiful in fact abe i left my own review here bring that out yeah i left a review and i wanted to frame it because [Laughter] [Music] just because i as a tech i'm a youtuber and i take technology very seriously and so i really thought it was important to commemorate commemorate this review using triller has been one of the worst experiences of my life by ethan k one star i would rather get a colonoscopy from a chain link fence over having to use this software one more time because it's like buggy and glitchy and i don't want to support ryan kavanaugh either i would rather get e coli from a drip from a dripping dirty sanchez on a scorching day in death valley instead of trying to operate this tick tock knockoff ever again [Music] i would rather listen to david dobrik's luciferian demon laughter play on loop as my ears bleed in some sort of hellish vlog night terror i can't wake up from is instead of logging into the trailer also i heard that ryan ryan cavanaugh was involved in a ponzi scheme according to his former business partner allegedly one star out and so we framed this and i think we're just gonna do brick [Applause] so that's my trailer and we'll we'll dress that up it's like the app yeah put it on the side i think what we need to do is that's still in the shot yeah that's good thank you we just need to get like i want to get like a neon sign and it can say like triller one star review one star review and just dress it up so it's more clear what it is right but yeah that's my one star review of triller and um if you guys and obviously it's your freedom it's you you have free speech to share your thoughts on trailer as i did on the podcast when they're suing me for i was just sharing my free speech that's triller ryan cavanaugh cavanaugh's trailer trailer my thing's flipped oh bro that ain't the only thing getting flipped actually um ryan kavanaugh's trying to be dana white here on on twitter this is the event of the year he's hyping his next fight with everyone can't wait to watch oscar de la hoya how old is oscar de la hoya i think he's in his 50s can you put on a real fight dude everyone's super hyped for the event of the year 50 year old oscar de la hoya verse 48 verse bobby who's he fighting he's he's 48. who's oscar fighting here let's watch this he's gonna sue me he's like you will show my commercial without permission i'm suing you who's he fighting teo teo everyone can't wait to watch oscar de la hoya was the last time oscar de la hoya even fought like 20 years the event of the century anyway brian cavanaugh got 20 likes on this so he's huge he's making waves this guy it's crazy how he bankrupt uh his previous company relativity too his investors should know about that if they anyway after reading the variety article and looking into very clearly a one star app trailer and listening to the hd podcast today i decided to pay your twitter a visit after deep dive here i can safely say your twitter is a one star also [Music] someone said how can i get on that ponzi scheme good question oh god you you know you might want to get connected with people like ricegum and some people in the faze clan could be good partners for ryan cavanaugh yeah yeah so this is face blanks this guy does say he sees the resemblance to harvey weinstein oh interesting yeah look at here there's the image of the uh ryan cavanaugh accused by ex part of running a ponzi scheme yeah that's him same guy so i'm gonna be reading and listen next week if we want to do i'm just curiou i'm following triller carefully because i care about technology and so i'll be reading reviews um checking in on the reviews continuously just to see just to keep my pulse on the technology i like to keep my pulse on on on the happenings in the tech world as a youtuber yeah trailer my thing's flipped i can't wait to tell you guys about the details though yeah he's still suing me it sucks but it's such a flip for it's even more frivolous than matt haas like when i read their actual complaint and and it's it's so bad that i'm almost i don't see how it's even possible that not only will we win on a file to uh just a motion dismiss but i feel like they're definitely gonna be paying our lawyer fees too i hope well don't well don't jinx it clarence clean water over here don't [ __ ] don't [ __ ] with it man i didn't say it right just just so accountable i don't even say it right just just trust me please no well i don't want to get too confident but you know because everything's possible in litigation you know that's one of the things that the lawyers tell you about i'm feeling very good about my case at least i don't know how the judge can go but i feel great about the case i can say that you know so super stoked on oscar de la hoya fight of the century and hopefully it lasts more than uh 30 seconds like their last big headline fight maybe even less perhaps um you want to go down tick tock rabbit hole we got a lot of great tick tocks we can end on this okay oh but before i do that actually i want to get your take on this is this show out the sexy beast because it looks kind of [ __ ] awesome i actually i'm super interested in the show yeah because i love reality show you know me i want to get married i want to have babies tell me before i'm like 26. health insurance welcome to the strangest blind date ever the makeup is super good how are you doing could you fall in love with someone based on personality alone what is your ideal woman it's vendor mccarran first personality second you're the best looking devil i've ever seen this is really weird right now would you count this as a weird experience for you are you interested in the seal i'm definitely gonna watch this super interested in this so weird but so what if i pick you and i'm not what you expect so you you pick your sexy beast and then you see if they're attractive i guess don't but the thing is they're all attractive yeah they're all that's the part exactly that's the part that kind of ruins it for me there's no there's no one that looks like me on that show that's what i thought she looks like i'm literally just like in love with the moment oh [Music] time has come this is gonna be really tough for me i can't choose both of you i've made my decision my sexy beast is so there's interspecies relationships bro i am so watching this july 21st oh it's not out yet okay oh i'm so i think the show's gonna be a mega hit it's just so weird that you have to watch it but the makeup is so good it is really good yeah that's like a huge budget and they gotta do it every episode yeah yeah but they're all super attractive based on what i saw there's no one i'm to come half big sound bite i'm going to come but i like um there's nobody with like birth defects or anything or like fire victims or something that'd be interesting if there's people with like burns love conquers all that would be that's the test i don't want to see some hot sexy model i'm going to see a dude it's like an extreme version of a hijab yeah like you're supposed to judge a woman based on her yeah oh when do you get to if you're dating a girl a woman in a high job when do you get to see her face like without it you mean yeah once i believe like i'm gonna get yelled at because everyone says different things but it's supposed to be after you guys are married oh you can see your face till after you're married i'm yeah i'm not yo they take it to the next level like christians are like virginity but they're like you can't even see your face i've always wondered about that i've kind of asked selena because lena's more traditional her family like what if i don't know what if you're not you get married and then you take it off you're like oh yeah very i mean it's more common that you just don't show hair but you know some like in saudi arabia or something they only show their eyes so wow that's hardcore man [Music] that's a real romantic romantic no seriously because it's all about love it's not about the physical appearance i'm not being ironic how dare you it gets beautiful oftentimes an arranged marriage uh no not always i mean in like saudi arabia i mean saudi arabia yeah probably probably but like yeah women just got the right to drive a few years ago so this one was on my home page and i'll just tell you before we watch it that i went to his page he is not a comedian none of his videos have a lot of views this is a 100 serious tick tock not a joke i kind of like the way this looks what do you guys think the biggest question is any girls out there want to sit on my face oh my god exactly wrecked it's amazing uh it's a freaking amazing you know and i'm sure there are sure there are so you know yeah i mean i went to his channel i was like this guy's a comedian obviously but like no oh this this must be the sit on facebook i kind of like the way this looks yeah i ended up getting a lot of views but if you go back his [ __ ] is getting like you know nothing here in case you haven't noticed sometimes i will give you deep [ __ ] other times i will just be tossing the [ __ ] around interesting okay fantastic what are baby cars afraid of at night when they go to sleep monster trucks under their bed got him um i just love that oh this what's the backstory in this one maybe is this your guy the guy who wanders around in the woods i believe that it's cam's originals yeah [ __ ] hey bonnie this is scott lion's friend i can't wait to meet you oh [ __ ] whoa what is he on his way somewhere hey bonnie this is scott russell's friend i can't wait to meet you what is going on well we have his account we can do a little fair bit of investigating if i if i can just make a note a cams for you page is the greatest for you page you've ever seen in your life yeah i heard he's he's been he's really like disciplined and what he interacts with which is the key to keeping it pure this is perfect i mean here's our boy let's see what he's up to this is to anyone who tries to tell me who to be with or not anybody i'm with a friend somebody says she's used me no i'm doing what she needs me to do because i love her hell yeah and also don't need to be negative about people oh yeah since someone who they have not met i met her a year ago hell yeah all right so this one ended up this one was just so interesting this is why tick-tock is great is because a video like this small account 1.7 million views wow the people can tell there's something special about this video special video hey bonnie this is scott russell's friend i can't wait to meet you that's you know that's a special video yeah these people just they there's a like a cosmic there's some kind of cosmic uh dan you are so [ __ ] loud with those chips bro put put down on the screen are you even trying not to make as much noise as possible people can hear in the bag right they can hear the bag oh please they can definitely because my mic is muted and sort of oh is it let's see can people hear the bag did people hear the bag before i called him out i want to know get a get a straw poll up there can you hear dad's chip gent dance chip bag i'm like dad sorry dan and in the meantime there's more here we go police department just back off just hit me again trying to come mass destruction through their nuclear weapons they've made they're talking about mass look at all the spit that comes out of his mouth destruction you see that wait let me slow mo because there's like a bunch of specks of spit he goes i don't need your map watch this watch coming out here you see that there's like a chunk in there you see the chalk i saw it right here look right here we don't i do need you to wear a mask bro when you're spit when chunks are flying out of your mouth what the [ __ ] [Music] yeah so 80 said they do not hear that okay bag 20 did though 20 are trolling you wouldn't be able to hear it i was it was very loud you're five feet away from me the microphone was muted [Music] there's a whole this guy's great too love this guy whoa whoa so what's interesting about this guy is that all of his videos are very similar his the whoa [ __ ] is kind of his thing in which i dig it's his thing which i think is very cool here so um this is where you guys bring them whoa whoa whoa [ __ ] i'm on the other side look look look i'm on the other side convention center right here soon goes that way i wonder if it's like a there's another over there convention center i'm on another side sorry i'm trying good i wonder if it's like a new trend like the white claw game wannabes where it's like people try to have their stick now the wobble [ __ ] guy yeah oh look at the pretty boy face looking paw looking paw dude whoa whoa whoa damn oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where the [ __ ] you at where the [ __ ] are you at man frank kavanagh i got a lineup for you be about as interesting as your next fight yeah he's the well [ __ ] guy you could be right about that either should we get well [ __ ] guy on the phone [Music] him versus white claw game no nobody would ever i wouldn't speak white claw game and i would check gabe to that never how dare you gabe's an angel yeah this guy's really interesting he just he grunts at people like that um as they walk by super interesting that's this whole channel gangsta stalker hunter hernie who's his name he just growls at people as he walks by it's pretty epic here oh no he got banned oh but why is this up oh cause we downloaded it yeah we ripped it oh no not grunker hunter oh this guy's great captain cream this is a pretty um this is a great channel here either you'll like this pretty popular actually it's pretty popular oh god what the it's another creamer no you don't like the cream i hate the creaming look at this [ __ ] i don't like it how does he get such clean eye holes just a little it's a little poke poke you know it's like a nightmare yeah it is kind of nightmarish for sure captain cream he looks like mr mesix oh true yes it's actually just a kid it's not like some the good news is that it's not some old weird well it's not being done in a dungeon yeah exactly it's not being done in a dungeon for now yet world around wheat there's just there's a lot of good stuff what can i tell you guys we've been holding we've been saving up here yeah i mean what the [ __ ] yeah no no why is this one here i hate it i don't want to see it do not like do not like abort don't like that one hey my name is nick i just like to look at girls here on tick tock and i really like looking at the different scenes that are on tick tock it's really exciting to watch all these videos i hope everyone has an excellent day and thanks for checking out this video so wait this was one i think this was um was this on my home page or years cam i think this was on my home page i think you sent it yeah so this was just on my home page yeah and i was like oh this is so good this dude is just putting himself out there and he likes looking at the girls it's a fantastic damn it's nick i'm i just like to look at girls here on tick tock and i really like looking at the different scenes that are on tick tock it's really exciting to watch all these videos i hope that everyone has an excellent day you just share thanks for checking out this video thanks for checking out wait he just wish you a good day why you got to hate on what an honest guy though oh no his channel also got a raise oh man wow all my best friends are going under [ __ ] too creepy wait the account the name of his account is i just like looking at girls that was the name of his account crazy that's probably what got him oh no i'm sorry that's not the name of it that was the name of the video okay oh no that was the name i just like looking at girl that is that is his account name oh yeah [ __ ] or it was rather okay fair enough so is it uh yay time [Music] you know what i'm saying gila fourth time yes ma'am anything else we want to talk about any donations we want to read anything you guys want me to address james anything james charles you want me to follow up on before we go please stop making comments on saudi arabia that are so wrong oh i didn't say they blame me they they did say all respect you need to fact check yourself i'm sorry by the way thank you for the i mean women say that he knows everything he did say that people were listening i think you need to check yourself if you're if you're believing someone has blonde hair and a bunch of tattoos as your muslim leader our arab representative oh i'm sorry yes but all he said was that that overseas they just got the right to drive women did like what was it three years ago saudi arabia two years ago so i apologize if i'm not familiar with the tournament i'm gonna actually do i have to defend a b a little bit here um he did give a disclaimer and your disclaimer proved true immediately right i hope this doesn't make you sound like a douche what other thing that we say about saudi arabia about the arranged marriages oh you're talking about hijab one conversation yo this is my one star trailer review right here trailer one star it's not showing me more so if you guys have either anything else in saudi arabia's the majority 65 plus of all marriages are arranged marriages wow that's a lot cooler i don't know what that means hopefully that means i got my back oh gotcha okay what does it mean we use it like hot we got you like like but it means eat [ __ ] i had a feeling it was there's just something about the tone james charles is no longer trending no it breaks my heart damn all right well guys it's friday have a great great great great great weekend fourth of july weekend i mean my goodness yeah what a fantastic taking next week off it doesn't add up wait what did you say then we're taking next week off we're taking them oh yeah oh you're making a joke yeah or are we because i know when he lives i'm trying to i'm trying to manifest it oh i'm making a joke i need i do need like a week off for real uh later later in this month um we actually will be taking a break from after dark for two weeks because ela will be out of town and because we actually pre-recorded this and she's already gone this is a pre-recording this is a fake live ila is already gone that's right so don't [ __ ] i had no idea this was going to happen that's right we're actually we're actually in the middle of a debate with stephen crowder right now this is all pre-recorded let's just end it before i say anything start that music where's the music hit me with that music there it is all right thanks for watching thanks for watching everyone we'll see you next friday before the break yeah baby we podcast now you're watching three three three three you're watching h two three three three three you're watching h two three three three three you're watching h two three three three three my drinks are made wild incest honestly shredder was not barking off raiders at the swing we'll do the real raw ritual with more and e.t share a laugh with the ringer see out loud jimmy lee they said we wouldn't come back but you we always do embrace from the ashes like the phoenix on the flex back to two [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,984,302
Rating: 4.8551564 out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark, roast
Id: lw8E6x_tiQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 19sec (9379 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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