The Biggest Scam In YouTube History - Off The Rails # 4

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Zach ruining the "we don't brigade websites" joke was the most Zach thing i have ever seen on this show

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 351 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/King_Slowpoke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I lived in Sweden for a spell and it tracks that a Swedish person would win a contest based on showing no emotion or expression. But putting the glitch filter on was the nail in the coffin. Love, please stand up

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 180 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/coolestbythelake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan honestly trying to pronounce CCR/Credence Clearwater Revival but messing up every time gives me life.

Also, AB broke his manhood!? WTF

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 164 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HybridMBL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dan losing in one compliment to Ian was perfect. The crazy thing is how true what Ian said was. if he's bald in another year or two, it would just prove the point. I love that they did a compliment battle overall. Everyone would expect a roast, or insult off, or something negative. And sure, some backhanded compliments were there. But still, it's why I watch them. These guys are genuinely all friends and like each other.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 132 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fuska πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The compliment battle is by far one of the funniest things they've ever done. I'm dying right now at Zach vs. Love

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 87 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Drubious01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

When Ethan tried to speak 'Swedish' I swear lost my shit. Great episode altogether and congratulations to Love! Also, the 'leather yackets' moment was pretty iconic

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 67 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PolaJasna πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Omg the Ryan Kavanaugh bit was pure genius. Thanks guys for great laugh.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 55 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thismeeee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Any swede in the comments can tell us what Love said to Ethan?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/poyoduhmerduh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

These gamers and streamers scamming people with those tokens and being so indifferent to admitting they were just scamming and still having followers is confusing.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Blazingbatman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
two off the rails that's all i need to be that needs to be said here today uh come on the boys are back thank you you guys want to see something right off the bat wait sorry but hold up oh oh christ that is like a bruised fruit right there my dude that's dedication brutal it actually looks a lot better or worse i don't know do you think it looks worse all like bruised it's evolving right it's looking worse in some ways better here this is a image from this is from the sketch we did last week where i fell off the chair and it didn't this was the same night so that's like when i got home a few hours later and it was already like you know but this was from the sketch where i was messing everything up and i fell off the chair that zach was building and i landed right on the uh hard metal part of the chair with my full weight of my big fat body and uh that was probably the most painful thing i felt and i can last i remember so but i'm i'm glad that i wasn't just being a baby and i actually have the evidence that it was painful you were a trooper about that thank you zach thank you so much thank you thank you well we got a great episode here today sponsored by liquid iv oh man we've got a good app it's always good when we're off the rails that now that's a good now that was a train crash yes it was fantastic um first of all important before we get to anything ringo starr's birthday this is a serious message with peace and love peace and love you know love peace and love we love ringo and if you don't know on his birthday he does a call today july 7th at 12 o'clock noon every day for everyone around the world just to do a chant of peace and love peace and love and that's today so here is his birthday request for all of you love that love that movie makers love peace and love this is just a gentle peace and love reminder that on july the 7th my birthday all i ask for is that at noon wherever you are in the world you just go peace and love peace and love and that will make my heart sing all i ask for for my birthday is that every living human being on the earth take a moment to recognize me he is ringo starr to be honest so i'm not going to hate on that but peace and love of course thank you yeah and i'm putting it on all these channels now because you know we're going to do the big one in l.a well there's a big one it'll be 8 o'clock at night in england it'll be nine ten o'clock in europe and so i'm trying to get everybody lined up peace and love peace and love at noon on the 7th of july a little piece of love a little education and time zones as well very interesting so anyway you know obviously you know how i care about ringo and i love the beatles and so we what we've managed to do here today is um well we prepared uh uh our we did our own peace and love at exactly 12 o'clock as he requested um here's his is this his tweet oh this is his tweet from this year peace and love everybody 77 21 peace and love time at noon peace and love come on now everybody it's in love peace you gotta love the guy who's like i mean he's got to be over 70 pushing 80 by now right and yeah for sure he's 81. yeah he's i think he's is he turning 84 you're turning 82. dude he looks phenomenal he is youthful and i think it's all that peace and love maybe the peace and love is the secret to longevity and billions of dollars he just turned 81 today damn he looks in good shape god bless that man thank you thank you well anyway um why don't you go ahead and roll our 12 o'clock peace and love in honor of ringo starr's birthday this is a serious message to everybody watching my update right now peace and love peace and love i want to tell you please after the 20th of october no i'm warning you with peace and love i have too much to do there's no more fan mail and no objects to be signed nothing anyway peace and love peace and love of course thank you yeah great job everybody ringo's going to love that one of course thank you thank you thank you of course homage uh paying homage to the great great uh ringo starr piece of love video and um i mean what better way to honor the man peace and love peace and love so i hope all of you guys do the peace of life i mean i are we are they allowed to do it late no does that count no yeah and not i don't think so either actually i'm well yeah it sounds like ringo starr has a peace and love party like he has a big event well i believe that video that we watched it was from 2015 which i think was his uh 75th birthday and he had a extravaganza that he threw uh at his peace and love event they probably all get together at 12 exactly and just peace and love peace and love that's it that's all they do that's all they do and it works because the world is full of peace and love it's worked it's definitely evident by everything it needs no explaining it's clearly working well you know you make a joke but it could be way worse ah that's true we don't know the but four but for ringo's peace and love mantra there's a there's a parallel universe where people are not saying peace and love at 12 o'clock and it's way far away borrower is the only thing keeping this world together um you know so also by the way you guys know we talked about trailer who's suing me or specifically ryan kavanaugh he's one of the owners majority owners of triller uh this is the article that variety published about him you can see it says variety here it's kind of like a it's a there's a time stamp here it's kind of hard to see it or like how would you call it watermark watermark yes variety but anyway it says ryan kavanagh accused by ex-partner of running a ponzi scheme so in opening quarter my things flipped oh yeah that was noah back uh complaining that trailer doesn't work it's so awkward this of course is the one star review i i left on on on trailers uh on the uh you know right their app which is just horrible especially knowing about this guy but even you know it's really a review of the app but anyway you know i wanted to read some more uh trailer reviews just to you know listen as an influencer as someone who uh is a social media star i mean i can say that yeah millions of subscribers one of the biggest one of the biggest absolutely and most influential most respected for sure first in our hearts first and eight and first and well absolutely that counts off the charts listen i can say that i'm a professional social media person and i'm interested in the happenings of these social media pages so sure [Music] so you know i am going to read some more trailer reviews just as we get started with this episode first one you know they say kevin hart we read their the product description and they specifically say that kevin hart is on their app yet we saw last week that he is not on their app he does not appear to have an account on their app of any of any kind and people picked up on that one person said false advertising one star kevin hart doesn't have a trailer account now what if kevin hart just has like a sock puppet account like a low-key one like he's i don't think that counts because they're literally their thing says join huge mega stars like kevin hart right i was like where's kevin hart trailer right he's not on trip he's not there well you would still technically be joining him on the app even if he was uh close i don't know that he has an account then right you're saying he just casually yeah he's got like a generic uh little profile picture and a username unrelated to it that's possible it's possible i just want to make sure that we you know so let's let's amend oh it's so awkward kevin hart may be casually using triller although based on the feedback probably not i don't know who would even know beck who's being paid to post on triller had this to say yo triller my thing's flipped thank you zach so kevin hart does not have a public uh trailer account false advertising one star which i think is a fair rating you know one star based off of uh being unable to find kevin hart well if you're a huge if you're a huge kevin hart fan right and it's being presented as a selling point i was like one star easy where's kevin hart no uh someone said i would call that uh false advertising i don't know what that's in reference still that's not fraud i download this app to see one of my favorite comedians kevin hart as stroller advertised to use this platform after waiting four hours for the results to load oh so they're also saying the app loads really slow i was very disappointed to find that heart no longer has an account here see that's one star let's think of how to dig ourselves out of this [ __ ] so ryan cavanaugh who this ryan cavanaugh the one that variety published an article about accused zoom in there yeah his partner accused him of uh running a ponzi scheme in in open court even yeah and and by the way the same one that bankrupted his previous company um what was it called um i believe it's called relativity media immediately and you bankrupted the [ __ ] out i mean i'm only tangentially familiar with his whole situation so well we're going to get into the bankruptcy documents soon big massive dumps we'll get into that but anyway this is the guy suing me for exercising my first amendment free speech right but anyway back to his app trailer false advertising oh man another false advertising one star i downloaded the app to connect with stars like kevin hart but he's not even there ceo ryan cavanaugh was allegedly involved in a ponzi scheme prior to running trailers so not surprised the app description is misleading right that makes sense because allegedly if it's true what his ex-business partner said about him running a ponzi scheme it would mean that he was comfortable deceiving people that's not fraud well ponzi i don't know the details so i can't specifically say if it's fraud or not but i will say it's false advertising to say kevin hart is on the app when he's not false advertising one star man people are not happy that kevin hart does not have an account i mean one star we want kevin hart and i was saying ryan kavanagh you need to get you need to fix i would recommend editing the description of the triller app to remove big stars like kevin hart because he does not have an account well that we know what does that say like go back to those front what does that say uh ryan kavanaugh accused by ex-partner of running a ponzi scheme right that was the variety headline trying to think but nothing happens i am seeing an article that there was a press release where kevin hart did some videos for triller but the linked videos aren't there anymore so videos aren't available that's that's interesting because i think that means that kevin prop they probably wouldn't pay him enough so he's like [ __ ] you i'm deleting my [ __ ] he's out i'm guessing obviously i don't know yeah we have no all i know is that he they have in his description kevin hart no kevin art correct very strange very strange cringe app dan uh you can kill the music zack we don't need that on repeat thank you cringe app i came to chiller for david dobrik's content since he had just slick cool promotion for set up flick stuff cool stuff once i realized once i realized that david only posted twice i quickly understood that i wasn't going to be able to watch any videos of his friends being assaulted on sadly i mean come on guys why advertise a diverse category of creators without being able to live up to the promise corporate america is known for its honesty one star right because david dobrik promoted trailer but he only has two videos meanwhile he's still posting two and from what i understand two videos and zero assaults right that's false advertising that's false advertisement but like if you go to tick tock and follow david dobrik there there's plenty of new content every day lower uh lower quality and comparison i've downloaded this app and found its i uh ui engagement video quality algos and everything closer to quibby oh then tick tock now that's a low blow everything except everything seems second rate one star just watching my algorithms get crushed yeah chillers should pay my medical expenses oh boy i first tried my i've tried filming my first video on trailer and got so frustrated trying to figure out the glitchy interface i was convinced i had pulled a butt muscle i went to the doctor a few days later because the excruciating pain didn't subside it turned out i gave myself a hemorrhoid from the stress that's a one star experience how am i supposed to do my job as a school bus driver if i can't sit anywhere all i wanted to do was film a collab with kevin hart and he's not even on the app anymore now i'm on unpaid sick leave unable to poop and i and i have no kevin hart since i have plenty of time on my hands i looked into the ceo of trailer ryan cavanaugh who i mistook for harvey weinstein at first see i'm not the only i think that he does look like harvey weinstein there's at least one person out there who agrees we'll show the picture ryan kavanagh i see the resemblance i do see there's still there's something i don't see it i don't see it anyway they go on he's he apparently he's bankrupted his previous companies and was accused of creating a ponzi scheme by his previous business partner how does he have investors are they just 20 something trust fund babies it could be this one app this one star app gave me one star hemorrhoid and i think ryan personally owes me a payout for my medical expenses that's an interesting one yeah do we have any good reviews okay yeah i i want to be balanced here as possible yeah let's get a fair shake of um i love it i love it so much for the pop and it just says bts so bts that's that seems like a great review so i don't know what that means but this person loved it wasn't there another five-star one that we felt like there was one just above that oh this one yeah all right this this so this is kind of like if you're looking for a good five-star feedback here it is uh this app is very useful for those person whose video are available library and gallery the person who have no video and song in gallery those persons cannot use of this app right so a fantastic five-star review so wait i'm just trying to weigh all trying to be fair and balanced right i mean you can listen to that guy five stars one stars form your own opinion right trailer my thing is flipped one star they responded sorry sorry hey sorry for the oh it's experience awkward and that's the guy they paid noah no back huh i tried using this app one star it only works five percent of the time that doesn't seem like a lot yeah so um anyway i'll be checking in on the trailer reviews yeah you know give your genuine experience of the app if it's one star give it a one star if it's more than one star give it more than one star but just be just talk about your experience you know be truthful and we will um we will be back there every episode i mean to review the reviews i'm just fascinated by triller who's suing me the owner ryan cavanaugh suing me right here variety variety published this article about him you know what's funny about this article oh here's the watermark i was looking for it variety variety magazine famous wrote this article about it's really hard i feel like i'm a trailer right now with all the with the various mirrors it's all flipped yeah about this guy okay uh there's actually one more review at the very bottom that uh i think will lead us into our next segment very nicely okay okay okay um can you highlight it because i don't see that [ __ ] [ __ ] okay no it's just the last one in the gallery that you were just oh the last one that got you got it so uh we have one more apparently let's go all the way down the bottom oh not that far ethan um oh there's another one star okay a lot of people not having a good experience here excited i was excited to try this app out downloaded it and signed up for an account the first video that appeared when opening the app had a song fortune sun by clear clear credence clearwater revival oh [ __ ] that's the band that you that's the cursed band isn't it zach yes it is clarence clarence clean water clarence clements clarence clean water uh reborn thank god you can't say it i'm so grateful i couldn't believe that this app would allow this i tried to turn it off but it wasn't fast enough within minutes the doctor called and told me i had penile cancer and my postmates forgot my dipping sauce from my chicken mcnuggets i cannot believe ryan cavanaugh would back this app that is obviously not a real review yeah i think that might have been a troll and uh that's a troll that must have been somebody who watches the show going in and just leaving a troll review i don't know man do not do that don't do that okay just to be clear we do not condone and we do not encourage troll reviews like this one here this is totally unacceptable you guys this is a serious message yeah the football is in love the foot soldiers would never brigade uh a website on command of their uh there's no precedent of that no president at all for the foot soldiers and i don't how did we get that name again i don't really recall where foot soldier came from any wiki feature it's zach [Laughter] thanks zach what you should you should be the fact checker what did i do nothing he was making sure that we don't brigade stuff oh i'm sorry is that because the question is right over my head okay it's true we have brigaded wikifeet but that was a joke we would i'm telling you guys now in all seriousness do not leave reviews like this is just unacceptable okay peace and love only serious reviews serious reviews try the app see how it goes and give it one star or more right one or more stars some amount of stars between give trailer star download a trailer up to maybe five stars give it download triller and rate it one star or more or more yeah depending on your experience that's what i did right you tried out the app and you rated it one star beca based on my experience right all right so anyway speaking of the curse um there's been a lot of debate in the office about the credence clean water reborn um the band that zach says every time he hears the name or the song something terrible happens there's been a debate i think a b for example is starting to believe that the curse is real uh you want to comment on that uh it may be i mean the first time we talked about on the show i had some bad luck after but like what happened um i think it's too hot for tv oh definitely i don't know what it is uh he broke his dick i my dick is his dick just like snapped jesus i've been thinking limp for like eight months wow you really can't have kids anymore can you you can't have kids you just gotta yeah there's there's from his sack you're already here for first folks abs dick okay something some terrible luck before the the failure and you think it was the result of the song it's just a weird coincidence but then again there's no such thing as coincidence so i don't know this is where i'm just my head spinning i can't are you joking are you not i'm being 100 serious yeah it was really that bad huh yeah well one thing was this was uh prior to the david dobrik episode oh my favorite well okay okay i see what you're referring to yeah that wasn't really luck let's just let's just let's just say it i mean listen you uh go ahead go ahead well let's just give context what you're saying because you're looking back on your life and you're re-evaluating something let's just say something happened where you got stirred into a controversy it blew over everybody loves a b there was a there was a controversy yeah based on you defending david let's just say that me defending david correct and um how soon after the song was brought up did that happen because zach says it has to happen within 48 hour window depends on the person oh stop you said 48 hour window changing the rule i think it was the week after the week after we need go like it's not like oh i listen to clean and clean clean water yeah and then a year later something bad happens they're classic rock things happen bad people all the time it's not an obscure band the classic rock radio staple like every day everything around the world all around the world their music is being played all the time this doesn't make sense how does the world function if we're all being cursed and there's no expiration date okay look what happened to your leg though it start it started on that friday the friday we talked about it actually but i just yeah i don't want to go into that on the show but it did start that friday leading into the next so why do you think that was a result of the curse i'm not saying it is i'm just saying it is well did something did something bad happen to anyone after us talking about it on the last episode no we'll see stan i came in on monday i was like how was everybody's weekend i i didn't give it away i was just like how's every weekend everybody have a good weekend i check with everybody without bringing it up and everybody including zach was like yeah it was a good weekend fourth of july dan was i was like i was probing because i wanted to see if you know i just left it ambiguous what i was asking about if anybody was like oh yeah i got into a car wreck this weekend or whatever nothing happened everybody had a great weekend dude i even played the song zach like come on you got to give it up you just gotta believe no one why do you want to believe that yeah gotta believe it man why do why would i want to believe that just happens man she's got to believe oh god i hope your dick breaks wow that that's real [ __ ] nice dan i quit my job yeah nobody around the world's ever heard that song he's gone i just find it funny how like the meme is like uh people from vietnam soldiers they associate that with ptsd i wonder what they would think of zach freaking out from it hmm yeah he never even served it nom i mean this did happen when did i get this this bruise it was before the show which we hadn't yet talked about so zach and then that's the things that goes oh it could happen it could happen in the future right he thinks it works retroactively dude this is really bad like it itches look [ __ ] believe what you want to believe did you get back so fast you like ran out believe what you want to believe [ __ ] has happened to me and i just want to express that has anything bad ever happened to you when you hadn't heard ccr well i mean have you has anything bad in your life ever happened i'm just saying the perspective of mcr well of course that that'd be perfect it didn't but you can't compare that that's apples and oranges okay okay okay did anyone else have anything bad happen to them just speak speaking a great [ __ ] weekend it was awesome my weekend was fine yeah was honestly fine okay abe you got something who almost got had in a car crash did we talk about that last week it was damn well that was what sparked the whole conversation right yeah but cameron sam no problems ian no problem guys right all good they're they're saying love no issues love nope nothing dude this curse is [ __ ] bro i'm just you gotta i'm not dropping it it's my belief this is religious persecution yeah what's the name of the religion uh [ __ ] [ __ ] off no it's it's it's religious persecution of what religion it's bad luck it's it's what's the name of that i don't know again i i know my constitutional rights here okay all right zach my the repair guy was supposed to come to our apartment on saturday and he didn't end up showing up so i mean lena stayed home all day does that count there you because you were waiting for that you would you left early one day tragedy that's what i'm saying exactly i think your engagement tragedy is a little i think every day of zack's life is a tragedy and yeah that that's a pain that's hurtful every kid in the veil every kid from the valley is cursed i'm from the valley are you having a great life dude i'm just killing it i'm sorry sell the belly all right i'm just i'm fair warning you guys i'm just fair warning you guys i don't know what more i can do i've played the song i've said the name i mean at this point a [ __ ] lightning better just strike it down and kill me clear clearance clearance maybe that clearance clean water you can't even the fact that you can't say it might serve as a bulwark to the curse offending you okay all right enough with the curse let's move on yeah actually uh we're almost at 30 so it might be time to just throw there was interesting feedback i don't know if you guys saw in the audience with people saying they believed in the curse or they had their own curse yeah yeah peop i've gotten messages people think zack's hot people think zach's hot that's it that's not here nor there i'm just saying that i wish people thought i was hot ever in my life i think you're hot yeah thanks you're not my type really i wish i talked into the mic like zach okay you know what let's throw to a quick break and then when we come back let's get right into it stay tuned time to take a short break liquid iv we love liquid iv here at the h3 podcast here it is you get these packs this thing is going to change at all this one i've got here is the hydration multiplier tangerine flavor immune system extra liquidy uh hydration everybody back there's been slamming the uh liquid ivs isn't that right that's true dan loves it i love it as well abey didn't you say you were slamming it with lena yeah so you get it like this you just put it in water i'm gonna shake it up this is what it does it's good for yoga working out meditation it's a hot summer we gotta stay hydrated people when you're first waking up they've got a caffeine boost after workout uh if you're trying to hydrate they've got one for that they've got one for like if you wanna immune boost then what i love about liquid iv is that first of all besides tasting great and hydrating the living frick out of me they've donated 11 million sticks to people around the world cheers [Music] i feel the hydration coursing through my veins [Music] they got flavors like lemon lime acai berry passion fruit guava watermelon apple pine strawberry it's got five essential vitamins more vitamin c than an orange and as much potassium as a banana it's healthier than sugary sports drinks no artificial flavors or preservatives and less sugar than apple it's made with clean ingredients non-gmo vegan and free of gluten dairy and soy don't be a soy boy drink liquid iv not their coffee the thing is it's got that optimal ratio of glucose sodium potassium that delivers water and nutrients straight into the bloodstream it's a perfect balance to help you hydrate more quickly and effective than water alone [Music] one stick of liquid iv and 16 ounces of water hydrates faster and more efficiently than water alone love these mothers so good grab your liquid iv in bulk nationwide at costco or you can get 25 off when you go to and use the code h3 at checkout that's 25 percent off anything you order when you get better and get better hydration today by using the code h3 at cheers [Music] we are back from the break thank you for watching thank you for staying we got some great stories here basically both of their main stories are about how uh the internet is the absolute i mean all of our stories really are just horrible uh they're just horrible in reality you guys got scammed right right i mean let's start with there was prob maybe the biggest scam in hit in youtube history the most brazen at least i don't know austin mcbroom kind of holds the trophy for the biggest scammer but he's still racking him up too right but this save the kids token i don't know if you guys have heard about this was pretty bad you know with all the fad of cryptocurrency there's been no shortage of people just i mean big connect was kind of the first pump and dump pull the rug right uh yeah it operated in a little bit of a different manner than these modern ones but um yeah it's kind of the uh the archetype of um yeah i don't know these influencers keep pushing these like [ __ ] coins they call them and i don't know why people invest in them anymore because like there's this one called save the kids which is especially agree just because you know it's about saving the kids apparently because they give one percent to some charity um save the kids it like couldn't be better for a total [ __ ] to your scam coney 2012 baby coney 20 top was that guy scammer i think he was just a uh maybe that wasn't a scam yeah yeah yeah oh well maybe remember closer to like i don't know what exactly ryan cavanaugh did but he did apparently according to his ex-partner written in variety brandon ponzi scheme right which he accused him of in in open court right understanding right right yeah of course yeah i mean that's how we know about it anyway save the kids so let me tell you it was promoted by rice gum all the usual suspects the entire fate not the entire a many of the phase clan rice gum can we call them a grilled cheese grilled cheese sorry excuse me as my dad said grilled cheese and how this works is basically they go yo everybody there's this new crypto save the kids that's going to the moon i'm holding it for life and then they do this big promotion and then the minute that everybody starts investing in this crypto they sell all their shares the value plummets and they're the only ones that make money and everyone else will put money in uh loses horribly i mean that's a ponzi scheme isn't it when you kick the can well ponzi schemes i almost want to say it's worse because ponzi schemes usually are run for an extended period of time hold on show uh brian cavanaugh go ahead dan yeah he could probably explain it better than i um but alleged experience with ponzi schemes um yeah potter skins usually run for an extended period of time you know like bernie madoff did it for years um whereas these typically you know they're in and out in a matter of 24 hours once once the coin hits the market so um right i see is it is it different than a ponzi scheme yeah or well anyway so it's a scheme it's basically theft where everyone puts their money in this big pot and then they take all the money out and then say bye so the big question is i mean here's the promo video and i just love this you know here's the promo video for save the kids coin and it's your boy of course ricegum you know big trust there big trust save the kids my name's frasier my name is jarvis i'm tico i'm riceguard i'm nikon and i support save the kids token save the kids token save the kids token save the kids token save the kids tokens redistributing wealth into our pockets from yours you know i mean what the [ __ ] this is so corny bro and something that wasn't uh in the talk i don't think but i just sent you a link i just want to point out their logos similarity to the legitimate charities save the children yeah not save the kids it is here i'll pull it up uh yeah so they saved the children which is a huge reputable um you know charity they basically just inverted it yeah it's so save the children they're like no no no save the kids and i've loved kids jumping on my lap this is i don't know how these people don't go to jail i really don't well this is a developing story so maybe give it a couple there's so much crime going on the internet lately like there's been shady shitty people but now it's just devolved into actual crime um can you imagine seeing this though wanting to invest your money like what my name's frasier my name is john hi we're all the shittiest people on the internet and we support save the kids so here is a promo tweet bryce gum of course hey yo guys super excited to be an ambassador for save the kids this is going to be one of the biggest tokens ever launches on june 5th okay this is the guy who's really in deep [ __ ] which we'll explain i'm extremely i'm extremely excited to announce that i'm an ambassador for a project that is coming very soon they want to donate over a million dollars to charity in 30 days they're going to be huge anyway it's kind of all the same tweet like obviously in reality you guys got scammed and they're all in phase plus ricegum who's friends with all them and so it's the same [ __ ] guys it's all the shittiest people in the world um you know at the time of launch a hundred dollar well if you invested a hundred dollars at the time of launch three weeks ago it would now be worth six dollars and fifty cents [Music] which i'm surprised there's even that much money left in that surprises just it's not worth nothing i take that six dollars out now if i were you if you had money in there get what you can so here here's where it gets really shady they all promoted it and there's this thing that is called an anti-whale clause in the code which means this is a screenshot from the guy who programmed save the kids it means that you can't sell more or tr you can't sell or transfer a huge amount of coins and in in 24 hour period so if you sell off a big amount you have to wait another 24 hours is to prevent what happened which is what they call a roll a rug pull where the value drops immensely immediately from everybody's selling yeah yeah it was specifically it was uh you couldn't sell more than 20 of your coins every 24 hours so theoretically if you wanted to sell everything you would have it would take five days because you could only sell 20 at a time right and seven days a week and that's good because it gives people security that oh this isn't a rug pull scam where right the value is gonna drop i'll know that something's up right because this has happened enough with a lot of these same people um that you know people have started to get a little bit more cautious so now they're giving these promises it's like hey this isn't one of those and we promise you because look at the code you you literally can't do this so here is uh i'm talking about it here this guy coffeezilla did a whole big investigation into those really good hours before you sell again the new code which changed at the last minute changed this anti-whale to one minute you must wait a minute before you sell again and this is the only change they changed the token just so they could pre-meditate this whole thing and almost remove the anti-whale mechanism completely they turn so what happened was right before the launch here is this the guy talking about right here let me see this right before the launch do you remember all these in all these influencers got on the phone with the developer and said okay you know that anti-whale thing that prevents everyone from getting scammed we need you to reduce that from 24 hours to one minute right before that what the [ __ ] that was a rice gum laughs that was a race come on wow [Laughter] yeah and we should point out so again this is from uh coffeezilla's uh video which shout out to him his video was really good and he he did a whole breakdown of all of this and yeah he got the programmer of this coin on the phone the programmer claims he's just a hired gun he just did what the bosses told him to do i don't know if i believe that or not but just to give a disclaimer of like who it is that's making these allegations well what i don't understand is this programmer says hey i'm just doing what the boss has told me to do yet he got all these influencers who would say oh i'm just a um i'm just an ambassador right then why why is he listening to the influencers telling him you need to change the thing that's preventing this from being a scam to one minute thereby making it a scam so why would he listen to these influencers if they're not his bosses it doesn't make sense and the fbi is going to investigate yeah there's a lot of finger pointing going on right now but anyway here they are talking about it which influencers were telling you that you need to basically speed up the time that they can basically dump more of their only remember because he's on my screen i know smith was in the group chat i don't know if he was one of the main ones who was like actually messaging it but i know there was a general consensus of them being concerned so they weren't the ones telling me to lower it they were very concerned with and i was just trying to explain this is good for the product like blah blah like 24 hours why do you think they were concerned about that well i mean obviously now probably because they want to dump right away another interesting moment yeah obviously so um this really gets interesting when you look specifically at the phase clan and this guy k who was dumb enough who used his crypto wallet now crypto wall if you guys don't know um everything is public with crypto and if you use the same wallet like kate did a giveaway with this crypto wallet so people knew it was his wallet even though wallets are anonymous the thing that k messed up um that the other phase guys didn't do is that people knew oh who who's his wallet know that it's his wallet so while phase k is tweeting out like yo save the kids i'm in this for the long run he is literally at the same time selling all of his coins um here is once again coffeezilla if it feels like i'm belaboring this point i am phase k has consistently deceived his audience by pushing crypto to them while having a bag of crypto given to him by these coins i guess for promotions and selling it immediately to them and he'll make videos promoting these tokens like moon portal your moon portal is out right now guys you can swipe up and check it out he'll also tweet about them like this he said wow making the robin hood of crypto great project and great team behind it i'm with them long term a hundred hmm that's that that's interesting really and with the long term 100 luckily we can check your wallet to see what you actually did it looks like you received the funds 37 days and 18 hours ago or on may 22nd and it looks like you sold the coin also on may 22nd so it looks like phase k you may not understand you could see 30 minutes later he sold the coin so like and he did this a number of times save the kids is just the one the latest one and the one that they're all getting busted on and finally you know getting in some comeuppance for what they've been doing it's been going on for months with all these guys you know all these phase guys are in on this [ __ ] ricegum it's like they all act like they don't know what's going on but this is a scam going on that they're all doing perpetrating and they all thought they were just making easy money but this is illegal faze clan was like oh we're kicking out k we're kicking out jarvis nikon tico all those guys they saw phase clan has absolutely no involvement in our members activity in the crypto space when we strongly condemn their recent behavior they just all that's right to do it independently from each other and the owner of the owner or one of the owners face blanks face blank definitely hasn't been involved in any of this [ __ ] i think he's [ __ ] stupid he says i don't know if this is clear but i had no involvement with save the kids and neither did faze people acted as individuals and did all that [ __ ] on their own and have been removed as a result okay so thanks sure i guess he was involved in faith and save the kids but was he involved in bank social i o whatever the [ __ ] that is here fat back track to phase blanks promoting almost verbatim by the way this same they all promoted the same [ __ ] way ten thousand dollars giving away ten thousand dollars one lucky person that retweets likes and follows banks isn't that his name that must be a coincidence surely that's a coincidence that the [ __ ] coin that happens to have the same name as him he's promoting but he had nothing to do with it he's just an ambassador he's just an ambassador this project i [ __ ] with heavily and truly believe is the next one to pop yeah i'm sure bank social i o is gonna be the next one to pop i think he's [ __ ] stupid ten thousand dollar winner chosen at random in the next 24 hours good luck you sexy [ __ ] a bank social to the moon not financial advice lol i don't think that's gonna hold up in court the fact that he put lol it's like he's just acknowledging the fact that it's [ __ ] i'm infinitely smarter than you and um infinitely more successful than you i it's easier to be successful when you're just stealing money from your kid from your fans i mean blank i don't know if i would call that success though i mean i'm not worried about the fbi arresting me for fraud maybe that's a different metrics of success not being worried about the fbi arresting you how many indictments i have zero indictment right that's where he's competing yeah i mean if he has more indictments for grand juries then he's more successful probably or he'll be very successful in the coming years uh so he tweeted out about this one and uh the point of course that coin got pumped and dumped immediately after he sold it the same [ __ ] well hold on just go ahead i'm sure he's gonna see this eventually and and i need to be thanks he says that he didn't sell now the thing i'm about to read his statement right but the point is that he promoted it and then it it crashed it crashed everybody sold it right phase blanks of course who promoted bank social which dropped in all of its value after being launched uh had this to say about all of his friends and teammates on phase uh allegedly scamming people with crypto here he goes the legend himself phase blinks this guy is the trashiest human being alive so epic dude i mean the fact that this guy this is the definition of dumb luck i think he's [ __ ] stupid the fact that this guy has any level of success in this world while simultaneously being so dumb is the very proof and definition of dumb luck wow what do you think about all the phase members being kicked out of phase for the whole thing that's the decision whose car was hood was he on was this some random dude no i'm probably a buddy of his or something i don't know i'm gonna sit on the hood of your car bro i'm [ __ ] celebrity bro i don't ever take off my hat because i'm so ashamed of why doesn't just get hair plugs or something he's rich enough he's got nice hair in the back of his head i mean i would get her just just shave that [ __ ] brother just own it just do it be a man like damn just [ __ ] own the dome let's [ __ ] own that i respect that about you that you own the dome dan [ __ ] it you know dan please stand up please stand up dan dan please stand up own the dome bank be a man be a man like dan [Applause] god knows you can afford it with all those banks coins how much you mud from that probably honestly hey all jokes decided this is a serious matter okay do you think there's a chance they'll come back can i ask you something why is it that every douchebag in the world does this they go right you know what i'm talking about i know exactly what you're talking about i i don't know why he's doing that but it's like that's like the douchebag thing yeah it's like the same dude that scratches his nuts in front of company yeah i think it's a way to like show off your abs or something but he is not in shape i mean i'm not one to speak but i'm not out there trying to flaunt my [ __ ] i mean but if you ever see a guy doing this just remember i said that there's a chance to come back like where you can't itch yourself over your shirt [Music] you know i don't know man it's like the balls in their core you know what i'm saying okay like it's up to them what is that yeah he says we've kicked him out of phase it was his decision and it's up to them if they come back the ball is in their court i think he's [ __ ] stupid what does that mean phase blanks he keeps reiterating if you continue the clip over and over again he's like the ball's in their corner it's up to them if they want to come back it's like what that sounds like bad management bro or did they or did they not do something bad i mean you kicked them out over this so what does that mean it's up to them i think faze blinks knows a little bit more about what happened then he's leading on could be besides is there a chance they would come back to the face they can't say that all i can say is like i said everyone's looking for an explanation everyone wants to know what's going on those are my brothers yeah but they also scammed people so like man they're his brother you know i used to it's like you might have used to golf with oj but like or like bill cosby but you know at a certain point you gotta draw the line somewhere those are my brothers bro okay i don't know man yeah those are my brothers though like we'll see what they gotta say i don't know that's that's shirt hand back in the shirt and back on the shirt what do you think about the whole social club uh thing that also happened he thinks he's so [ __ ] cool got a joint if people see his bald ass dumb and not that there's anything wrong with it but he wouldn't look as cool i wish he would just let the dome breathe well he's got full-on friar tuck hairs yeah like that to the next level um i i i know um hassan whenever he's talking about him calls him brother banks you know from friar i i i yeah i'm not sure if that's why he calls him that's why people a lot of people call brother banks because he's like got that friar bald spot the only time it's ever been actually seen because he's always wearing a hat is when he got in a fight in a bar right and they released the security footage phase banks bald spot and um here you can see just because the bar look at this [ __ ] and look hey it's a bad angle to be fair but well i mean obviously that as it may i mean this was years ago too listen i get it man it sucks to be losing your hair but you either like ethan said you got the money dude like get the implants or or just [ __ ] just shave that [ __ ] it's not a big deal just don't be ashamed i'm saying i'm saying face banks you're a confident guy you're so cool you walk with your shirt under your shirt under your you walk with your hand on your shirt you're smoking joints you're the coolest [ __ ] guy you're sitting on hoods it's just we got to keep the image straight we we need to do something about this bald spot and there's nothing wrong with being bald i mean looks it happens to people i mean and this just advice for you because you're such a cool dude and i just think so highly of you and i want you to maintain your perfect image for example you can't be getting a situation like this getting in fights and then you know the bar releasing the footage and then you get this so that's not a good look so we got to do something that's my only point that's a fair point this is the brother this is the brother banks memes [Laughter] that's why his song calls him brother banks [Music] oh people are so cruel faze bald i mean come on guys that's not that's not what this is about look at this thumbnail bald i mean people are just cruel i mean look at this one that's from the side pro that is a lot of baldness my god and you know like i said i'm not i just i just want the best for him so that's not a big deal it happened it's something like 60 or 70 percent of men he happens to you know yeah just roll with it dude i think he's [ __ ] stupid exactly just roll with it you got to own it shave it off get some implants just i want you to maintain your cool image because if your hat falls off it just ruins everything you've built you know 50 53 of men it's a logan paul's airline people are so mean i shouldn't joke about baldus because it's you know i shouldn't do that it's just it's funny when when people try are obviously insecure about it and try and hide it when it it's so obvious what's going on that's why i'm just saying like do what i did just [ __ ] shave it way better after i did that like you look good with the dumb thank you i think it's dignified yeah you own it you got a good ass beard bald dudes usually have good ass beards too we love dan it's the the great irony of life of having hair where uh where you don't need it yeah exactly yeah face has a good beard too so that's what i'm saying like yeah you can't rock it he's got the tattoos too like the tattoos helped as well like the bald guy tatted up big beard like this he's a cool dude anyway phase blanks ladies and gentlemen um i'm gonna start a phase hair transplant coin say and one percent of it is going to go to a charity to pay for hair transplants for banks it's a save the kids kind of thing i hope to raise one million dollars by the end of next month anyway um god but you know these crypto things been going on so long aiden ross he's huge on twitch now also friends with all those guys you've seen him in videos with faceblinks roommates with uh with grilled cheese right grilled cheese and faze blanks they all live together yes that's the content house the [ __ ] magillac and goddamn face blanks magic dumped lana rhodes to live with these [ __ ] frat boys in his late 30s that's the thing that i can't wrap my head around well anyway aiden ross listen to this [ __ ] dip [ __ ] i mean these kids have no problem scamming their fans it's unbelievable by the way that milk token [ __ ] i did a while back i already told you guys don't buy that [ __ ] i got paid a bag do that [ __ ] like i don't give a [ __ ] how many guys actually bought it [Music] [Laughter] by the way that milf token there you go jesus i mean just straight up kind of a seth rogen thing eh but more just more like scammy it's like seth rogen on scam yeah by the way that milf token [ __ ] i did while back i already told it's all these guys all these usual suspects are just scamming people it's just a big coincidence that a giant group of friends that are all in business together and all live together all are running the exact same scam but none of them know about it no no no no no no no phase didn't know another thing about that is blank star anything about it it just so happens the only guy it only happens that the only guy who knows anything about it is face k the one whose wallet was accidentally exposed so they could see he dumped it right afterwards right he's the only one that knows about it to be clear the other two guys that they suspended the jarvis you know who's in all the crying memes or whatever yeah he's the one that got like banned from fortnite right and for one of the other ones another great guy so their wallets also got exposed which is why they also got in trouble the only reason that they got in less trouble is they only dumped part of their coins they didn't do like a full blatant dump the way that kate did so they they you know they sold like 30 of their coins and held on to the rest which is still bad but it's not as blatant and so they they are they are i believe just suspended whereas the k guy got completely love you're having way too much fun back there what is he doing love has got like the um the soy eyes show the eyes the soy eyes look at this look dan i love that [ __ ] is that a [ __ ] filter that's amazing that's the song yeah i was about to say love is uh are you disappointed in your face guys love you probably are fans of them you're the fans of everyone yeah i've been watching them since uh for a long time like probably 10 years you think they went too far this time yeah a little bit i also thought they went too far when they allegedly owned a gambling site csgo lotto right or cs go wild i think it was go wild yeah does it surprise you guys that they were also involved in the cs go gambling scheme allegedly they are the phase owned cs go wild yeah you're asking if we're surprised by that yeah are you surprised by that uh no okay i am not actually surprised by that i was going to say that clip of aiden sounds almost like exactly like rice gum did in the mystery box scandal in his video they're like oh i just got the bag yeah i got the bag i hope none of you guys bought that [ __ ] though yo for real well why'd you promote it to your fans then dub [ __ ] i gotta pay the back do that [ __ ] like i don't give a [ __ ] how many guys actually bought it probably shouldn't have taken the money then dude what's funny about what's funny about intentionally guiding your [ __ ] supporters into a scam i don't find that funny got the bag dude you think these guys have are you are you have they lost you as a fan uh love are you still phase for life are you phasing up oh yeah they totally lost me interesting oh wow i lost quite a bit of money on that gambling site as well when i was 16. oh see that's case in point it's like that's these are the people they don't know better tell me about your experience as a six-year-old gambling on that because i'm curious i didn't know that well you know in sweden we get some money for going to school when we're 16. we have about hundred bucks a month what yeah damn that's sick and i saved that off so i had maybe a thousand bucks and i bought csgo skins for that and i gambled them all away and so you're 16 years old you bought all these expensive skins you're going on these gambling sites and when you're winning skins is your intention to sell them and make money well yeah yeah see that's interesting it's like a it's such a loophole the gambling they found yeah and um and how long did it take you to lose all of your savings um well i went up at first and um i thought it was great and i did not stop just like that's that's the thing with gambling you never stop and you come here zack what the [ __ ] so so you lost it all did you how did you feel when you lost all you're like very bad yeah and my grades dropped you it affected your mental health yeah oh yeah mom yikes that's probably the standard experience of everybody that was involved in that you know yes please all my friends were doing this right so thousands of dollars from the swedish tax money just going straight to facebook's walkie allegedly you know at the time that we did our cs go gambling um video on on our main channel back in the day there was like a multi-billion dollar business the cs go gambling [ __ ] yeah it's disappointing i i used to like phase banks as well i wasn't too much into the other guys but i was like that he was very open about mental health and he seemed to have some kind of pity towards others who were going through things like fousey2 when he was going through his drama i was about to say there was a point where i was like oh he doesn't seem like that bad of a guy i mean that whole fousey saga with keem there was that video i mean listen like ballistic and banks was the only one that was like dude this is [ __ ] up i mean next to keemstar everyone looks like mother teresa right i guess that's really it's all relative right so father banks yeah brother banks yeah well i know what you mean though i i there was a point where i thought he was a decent guy too but when i look at everything faze is doing and his he's at the circle he's at the center of everything there yeah you know which website did you lose all your money on love uh cisco wild cisco lotto oh those were all the wrong oh yeah lotto was the one that was owned by the guys i talked about yep and then wild was the one that was owned by faze members allegedly allegedly yeah fantastic and you know i'll add i think still it's like a multi-million dollar industry it's still up and running oh yeah they they found some new poles to get around the that's crazy that's just so sad man just gambling is such a [ __ ] venomous act it's just such a toxic poisonous activity that that anytime kids have access to it like on a organized grand scale is just so bad it's just so bad for their mental health obviously they're going to lose all their money it's just it's a horrible because you know young impressionable minds at 16 years old your brain is still growing and maturing and that kind of stimulation has just got to be super unhealthy for sure blanks well anyway save the kids token is removed i mean it's not online anymore it's just it's just it's gone i mean there's no pretense about bye bye yeah the uh in the coffeezilla video again um when he spoke to the developer the developer says that everybody involved in the project blocked him like just like dipped immediately blocked him on everything and just disappeared into these here's the website before it was taken down rice gum right there in the middle baby let's go these are the guys who are giving their name you can't rice gum tries to say he just was paid bro you let them put a picture of you on their [ __ ] website like hello that's called giving them credibility well anyway um you know oh by the way that that milf token that aiden ross was talking about got dumped immediately too it was worth when when he promoted it it was worth point zero zero one cents today it's worth point zero zero zero zero six cents whatever that was big massive dumps also keemstar of course any good scam is not complete without the involvement of keemstar covering this some people put out a theory that save the kids failed because of a tweet keemstar is here running defense for his friends covering up a scam so quick to call literally anyone for the smallest thing but when it comes to his friend he's willing to pervert and even and and in time straight up even lie uh distort the truth to to cover for his friends that's why he is literally the [ __ ] worst and it's just so happens that his friends are all evil scumbags too but here you go from nelq that went out so they're promoting it they're telling people that they're ambassadors or whatever the point comes uh zach play that again keemstar shut up i love that did we ever show that clip i don't think we did i think we just watched it behind this i think i gotta show that for the contacts but this guy screams at keemstar shut up [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] and keemstar shuts his mouth too going up in value and then nelk puts out this pose and after that tweet comes out from nelk everybody starts panic selling and the save the kids coin plummets down and everyone loses their money okay so the idea here is that it's all of nelk's fault for calling out these influencers for what they're doing and it caused this big panic cell it sounds interesting but it's completely false and i want to debunk this because i think this was likely told to keemstar to just make these influencers seem like they're innocent but it's false i know this because we can actually see when the tweet went out 7 55 june 5th and phase k actually started selling before that tweet as you can see here he first started selling june 5th as well but this is utc time and adjusting for that he started selling in 605 which is about two hours before nelk would tweet nice try keemstar you scumbag piece of [ __ ] i mean keemstar is such a piece of [ __ ] it like never [ __ ] ends bro he's literally running defense for his friends friends that scam people the thing is people believe him they go oh no it was nelk that tweeted that caused the entire crypto to bottom out bro these people shut up these people are just such scumbags and i just want to say too that um you know the save the kids thing is the latest and it involved all these faze people and so that's why we're we're talking about them uh primarily but this whole trend is way wider than just the faze clan and some huge influencers up to the the [ __ ] kardashians uh have been involved in these sort of rug poll now you know the degree of their involvement is is unknown and they you know in most cases they probably just got paid uh without really understanding what they were supporting but it the the list is wild i actually i have a partial list here oh give me that yeah um this this was pulled from a comment on reddit that i came across of uh people that have done this uh hafu ricegum aiden ross jake paul tana monju summer rae keemstar half of the faze clan uh karina kampf and scotty sire from the vlog squad scotty yeah little yachty kim kardashian floyd mayweather sam sam pepper deep cut in the h3 yeah um this one has a big asterisk and says allegedly i don't know anything about this but mr beast apparently was involved in one of these at one point and um and countless more um it's just it it's getting completely mr beast surprised me but everyone else on that list is like exactly the people i would expect to be involved in this no [ __ ] morals no care just give me the money and [ __ ] everyone right in reality his is the only name that has a little annotation that that one's not i have a hard time i know he's involved in crypto stuff but i don't i mean he's rich as [ __ ] i don't think he needs to be involved in anything like i i don't know the details i don't know the details either here's one great banger from keemstar someone said weren't you scamming people with crypto coins he said yes well let me repeat that ladies and gentlemen we got him let me repeat that emma asked weren't you scamming people with crypto keemstar says yes [Laughter] [Applause] we got him maybe we should have keemstar's picture up here instead of ryan kevin that tweet that tweet is amazing i love that yes i publicly tweeted what i was into and went and sold so if you didn't do exactly what i was doing you got scammed because i did very very well i am not a financial advisor i am a youtuber clearly but just remember were you scamming with people with crypto coin yes fantastic what a great guy and they're all friends all these look all these people know so you know that's what's going on on youtube lately we hate keemstar anyway listen um speaking of crypto i myself started dabbling because i see all these people making tons of money and i says you know hey i've got a lot of fans and uh they're probably all looking for investment opportunities still and true so i made my own coin fupacoin and um here's how it went down let's go ahead uh hey ethan can i talk to you real quick yeah of course what's up you're looking very great oh thank you so much you too and the kids are doing good they are thank you very much why does my check say uh 100 billion fupacoin you see take a look at that yeah this is uh oh i didn't tell you about so this is fupacoin um i'm switching all you guys salary to this new crypto that i've heard about and you know 100 billion i'm thinking that's way more than like whatever i pay you by like 100 a month or something so that's i mean that's pretty big number what does that translate to um i will have to check the markets but football coins going to the moon so okay this is a good opportunity for i just thought it was a good opportunity for you guys to get on the bottom the floor you know the the ground floor of this great it's i mean to the moon yeah all the way to the moon not the mariana trench i mean i have like bills and and stuff i yeah i doubt i don't think she accepts this because she doesn't accept football i think my landlord's on that oh she doesn't accept crypto no i don't know what to do with this ethan i don't think i can posit this i i'm kind of shocked to be honest dad oh hey lovebot please am i am i getting paid in football what is this oh football coins yeah i was just telling ian that it's uh it's crypto it's 100 billion so it's pretty good so can i use this in normal stores and stuff or uh no not yet oh no ethan this won't work i need to be paid in usd well i figured because it's international and crypto is uh bro yeah the [ __ ] is this are you kidding me yeah you told me about it i told you this is completely [ __ ] legal you can't pay me in pooper coin yo i'm all about this [ __ ] man i'm [ __ ] stoked dude like this is a great somebody get it's ground floor level that's 100 billion we're going to the moon baby bro coin to the moon dan you really want you don't want this i i do not want this i want us tender legal tender that's that's what i'm paid in but this is a new investment opportunity you're not getting a point please do you like own fupacoin did you create a coin oh no i'm a i'm what they call an ambassador i'm a football coin ambassador you had to do all that research on phase i thought it was so that we could talk [ __ ] about that no i was doing i was doing research now i'm just an ambassador i understand and i think this is [ __ ] well dan why don't you give your check the exact someone who i'll gladly take that [ __ ] 100 billion 100 billion a check you you own a coin that ambassador thing that's not real yes i own football clan god damn it what the [ __ ] hold on one sec guys now i hear you i just think it's a really pancake swap are you doing i just think it's a really good opportunity hold on what's sex calm down bro you wanted us to [ __ ] buy into this i got a hundred billion i just sold every i just sold out my coin what i just made like 50 million dollars so can i sell mine yeah but it's worth like 10 bucks now so that's super coin but but hold on to it zach because it's gonna go up it's still going to the moon right just because i sold 95 of it that i own okay it's gonna it'll still go up it's a great opportunity okay i trust you i'm still gonna hold on to this oh yeah i'm calling the sec yeah good luck with that dan yeah you don't appreciate anything dude football coin get out the [ __ ] out of here doesn't want his 10 salary check loser i'm rich bye and that is a fairly accurate representation a reenactment of how crypto thank you round of applause for the crew yeah but hold on to that pupil coin because um even though i own 95 of all of them and sold it zach you're a good ian you're a good man hold on to that it's a gir i believe i'm in it for the long run i'm i'm [ __ ] excited for this [ __ ] man it's going to the moon baby yeah i love zach's enthusiasm oh you guys are haters well um that was fantastic you know it's so heavy duty but like there's another crazy thing going i can't i almost like it's too heavy for me right now let's do this um there there's a crazy thing on twitch where people are gambling and they're being paid millions of dollars to gamble illegally on twitch it's like on it's it's non-stop with this [ __ ] i think we should do the compliment battle because i'm like burned out on all these schemers you guys want to do that sure all right we're gonna do the compliment battle the game is that two of us will be face to face here you cannot break eye contact or laugh or you lose and you must complement each other and the first one to break loses this is going to be a tournament of the champions right only saying the nicest possible things about each other right because we love each other we do we did that roast recently and it just felt like we needed to kind of purge yeah i need that negative emotions i need that yeah i've heard enough about my tiny hands last me a lifetime baby you [ __ ] all right well we need to set up for it so let's take it okay we'll be right back okay the compliment battle is ready to begin and with me i have a hat a magic hat with six names in it folded in piece of papers i will pick at random two names the two competitors will stand before me my name's in here too and complement each other brutally viciously lovingly no looking away no laughing the first to crack loses the winner continues on here we go the first two names i've got two papers we have lovebot excellent versus zach let's go okay all right let's set it up contestants step up to the camera lovebot versus zach okay here are our beautiful contestants lovebot uh with romantic music playing we've got love hold or sorry that's a b holding up the microphone for love uh whenever you're ready i'm going to go ahead and say you guys take turns starting with love you're the first to compliment go ahead love okay so i'm taking this opportunity to say that zach i love i love every inch of you that's very sweety thank you for the nice compliment i really like your blueness and you know you're a little rough around the edges because you're cracked screen but you have a very pretty face love i'm not gonna last in this i'm already laughing i come into work with lovebots and i see your back your car in the parking lot kind of really brings a smile to my face and it just brings me so much joy to know you're in there wow that's that's very sweety thank you love butt your eyes just pierce through my chest cavity and just it's hard to breathe around you yeah it was almost alive zach just getting a warning i was breathing no i know but you cracked this smile i understand it wasn't allowed just a warning [Music] when ethan drives gatsby in the office and brings i just drive so fast that he makes the wind in here go crazy and your hair flies up in the wind after him my heart melts wow that's that's pretty does have beautiful hair love that's a good oh thank you i appreciate that speaking of wind i know we've never met in person you know just be a robot but i bet you have great smelling farts love good wind quality fantastic one is that true love do you have good wind quality yes i am from sweden what does that mean people in sweden have nice smelling farts yes okay didn't know that the more you know love go ahead earlier in this complement battle i did say i love every inch of you and you know that's not well that is including your feet which you guys at home can see on ethan's right now i do thank you i do have fantastic feet they are pedicured well hold on though he's not number one on that site just to be clear nowhere close i love the fact that you look like a mix between derek zoolander and hansel and i always see you and i say that love bot is so hot right now hansel and zoolander we love that fierce competitors true that's truly a compliment oh you're welcome and let me refer to the audience at home again i am a robot but i do have swelling capabilities so i actually do smell sack and you guys at home might not know that his leather leather jackets smell very good leather jackets thank you [Music] he can smell through the bot that's incredible incredible is absolutely that is such a nice compliment you guys are fierce competitors man go ahead you know again going back to the smell thing um i bet you smell so good you smell like a mix between i'm speaking for love bot oil and axe body spray and yes that aroma just takes over me takes charge i just want to say that about you i do appreciate that okay do we call a draw at this point because these guys are i'm dying over here these guys are pretty good i think we got to call a draw here let's let's give it one more round one more round all right love after you my friend try and strike the killing blow now starting with love you know i'm not the tallest so i do very much look up to many people but i do look up the most to you sack it's very sweet thank you you know i uh i honestly i think you have a great you have great facial hair and i wish i was a lice on your beard just so i could crawl around and just be inside you and you know go in your nose hairs and man it'd be a really good time is there such thing as anal lice i wonder are those crabs i believe those are crabs so what's the difference between crabs and lice is just the genitals versus the dome yeah i think so yeah they the crabs just prefer the gents crabs get a little crazy yeah the crabs are gentlemen yes anyways i would love to be a lice you know we we would have such a great time all right guys i'm calling to draw here you guys are way too good at this wow i'm gonna put you both in the winner's bracket yeah yeah can you take him but i gotta start i gotta go to two new people now so this is the winners bracket this is the losers bracket but wow what a fantastic uh competition thank you thank you thank you you can't keep love on standby here because he's he's gonna be going again i'm impressed man i can't believe what i just saw a witness true competitors there was no end in sight i had to put an end to that yeah no good call who's this by the way i forget the name of this guy uh uh unfortunately because we zoomed out we don't have the zoom but for from a distant it look right ryan ryan kavanagh i believe my ex partner of running a ponzi scheme right okay right it looks like that was published in variety one of the most respectable trade papers in the entertainment industry there it is you can see it says we're already yeah right okay up next go ahead drum roll please get ready ian versus dan we have our two switchers here in an epic unexpected twist a b is being forced to do some improvisational editing here so if it goes to [ __ ] you know who to blame cancel a b i'm just kidding we love you he's doing your best out here ian versus dan i'm going to close my eyes who goes first dan you take the lead you know the rules ian something i've always loved about you is that when i'm having a stressful day and i am restless and i can't fall asleep i can just listen to your monotone drone of your voice and go on and on about the clippers or whatever happens to interest you at that time it's a little backhanded that's not a compliment monotone no it's it's beautiful why would you say the sonorous with the sonorous um the harmonic quality of it okay it's not as nice as the last battle but yeah okay wait hold on let dan finishes well just just listening to you speak it just i feel like a little baby in a in a carriage stripping away beautiful okay all right i'll take it what i absolutely adore about you daniel it's word love is that looking at you face to face right now you are like the pokemon evolved version of me [Music] the pokemon that's true he is the pokemon of all versions i'm going to write you to your uh pikachu yes all right well i'm out because that was good i don't blame you i laughed at that i was [ __ ] so ian's going to the winner's bracket dan is going to lose bracket that was a quick one that's kind of what i expected to happen but these two the last one was so fierce so fierce well the only two left is me and you a b okay ethan will be going first a b yes as i stand before you today i just look over you head to toe and i just think you're so [ __ ] cool dude thanks your tats are sick as [ __ ] thanks dodge and it's like in arabic too which is spicy and cool thank you and [ __ ] got always clean j's on clean jordans and i'm just like damn this guy's got it all together slim thank you and the nicest thing i could say about you is that you like me thanks man i do i feel like there's like six different things but okay it's my turn i mean you know all right okay these are adidas by the way but i well you know i appreciate that you compliment me even though you don't know the name they're jordans the colloquial terms like your jays keep your js clean thank you yeah i i love how generous you are and how kind you are the multiple raises that you've given me and just this year of working for you i love that you are a great person a great father great husband great boss that's her fault i yeah i know i forgot i'm trying to make you laugh i kind of got lost in there a little bit i'll take the sincere compliments i need it okay i love that after the rose you comforted me even though you called me a shaky [ __ ] i did well i was a little bit of shaky [ __ ] in a joking way sorry it was in the episode it wasn't i think if i i was just trying to be funny i felt it because you said i have tiny hands yeah i think you have large hands no you don't massive no they're not mastered don't come on okay don't lie to me all right you done i'm kind of yeah go ahead okay thank you thanks for the ab thank you so much for the sincere compliments look me in the eye when i talk to you okay that that was a laugh i was about to go with you said i'm a good dad and i was gonna say something about that i'm your dad i don't know but okay we didn't get it well thank you for the sincere uh kind word baby that was beautiful so baby was meaningful maybe he's going into the loser bracket with me ethan that was meaningful going with the winners well since i'm here let's just let me go up against one of these freaks okay so i'll put uh zach love and ian in the hat and we will draw at random here we are and we'll grab this one it's lovebot such a fierce competitor i fear love i fear this robot okay so whenever you're ready oh i gotta pick who goes first um oh by the way before we uh it does say uh ryan kavanagh auntie scheme accused by his partner variety okay go ahead got it uh i drew love for going first so love take it away go ahead when i was 16 as we earlier talked about i lost a lot of gambling a lot of jackpots and a lot of that stuff but i could never imagine winning a jackpot that ela did that that is that she gets to be with you every day that is truly the biggest jackpot in life that i can imagine and banks doesn't have anything to do with it beautiful compliment wow yeah gorgeous i'm touched love you've heard of resting [ __ ] face that's not you you have resting zoolander face and i mean that as the most sincere compliment possible thank you i can imagine visiting you in sweden and you're washing your car with gasoline just like zoolander and just turning quickly to everybody like this right he's eating snooze and uh what's the tea time you do in sweden you doing you i bet you do the most brutal freak yes you have the most brutal magical fleek so i love that about you you're you fleek thank you you know i'm not the most gifted human being in english so i just i think i'm just going to break it loose let's say say it in swedish [Music] you're not going to lose [Music] okay thank you love that's it and i'm also going to do it in swedish for you thank you speak [Music] [Laughter] speaker that's it that's it yes last year when you hired me i just couldn't imagine standing here with you today and i do think that's something that you have yes i where's the mic what are you doing that there where is the mic oh here let well can you get okay yeah you're good you're good i think that's fine there you go sorry to interrupt you what i was trying to say when i watched you on youtube back in the days i i loved your content i loved everything about you but now i'm convinced you are god wow thank you and i and of course i'm happy someone finally acknowledged that love when i saw that buying you a robot cost four thousand dollars so that you could be here with us i originally thought to myself that is such a stupid [ __ ] waste of money me too what idiot what imbecile would actually spend four thousand dollars on a [ __ ] robot that's such a bitter bitter waste of money how much feed go would that buy i could have speak over a whole decade on that but when i saw you satellited onto the robot with soy eyes [Music] yes um i thought to myself not only is this the best purchase ever [Music] but now that ela is going out of town i'm wondering would you accept the invitation to live in the house with me on the robot yes as long as the wi-fi is good the wi-fi i'll make sure it's good and it's not that good let's be there it kind of sucks over there actually we'll make it work love overcomes does love overcome love love overcomes love how can love overcome love love love is infinite yeah but how can love overcome love love i can't answer that question i don't know what it means i don't know what love is i don't know what it means what is love got to do with that baby don't hurt me okay i is this a draw i think it might be another draw i mean i feel like this could go over that emotions yeah yeah it's kind of i'm fit it's kind of unfair to go and a robot he's swedish and a robot okay let me try something on you real fast okay one last this is the last go he's gonna kick me or something well a b is behind you so hopefully not love i just wanna complyment your balance i've never met once someone so bad as you all right the balance is just on look at the balance unbelievable i will laugh for 100 bucks 100 bucks i'll give you 100 bucks to laugh dude just [ __ ] left love yes stop it ethan this is cheating dude i'm out i'm tapping out you kind of laughed after that i'm out okay this is [ __ ] i can't compete against this yeah i don't want to compete against it's tough i'm forfeiting all right ethan is forfeited love is too powerful of a competitor as a robot and a swedish man all right this is gonna be an interest this is gonna be a really good match up zach zack versus ian two classic crew members are we still rolling though right two classic crew members going way back different with human interaction like it's a completely different thing that lovebot's hard man that's hard oh yeah that lovebot is just it's unbelievable so here we have the i'm gonna do a random pick here see who goes first uh zach you'll be going first okay all right zach you're first go ahead take it away what are you doing what the [ __ ] was that zach let's let's let's re-roll what was that he did weird faces makes me laugh i'm trying not to laugh here okay okay restart okay you know i sit next to you every day i don't know if anyone's ever told you this but you have the most amazing teeth smile you're just lights up around let's see that's true i don't really smile get the [ __ ] out of here how did you hold it how did you hold up against love for so long i'm so different i'm a no i'm annoyed because i don't want to face that robot well why'd you laugh he's not giving you much much option here you want to give him one more mull again all right one more one more you want to compliment me with that well you didn't even make it through your own turn you got to complete a turn here zack yeah i think you have the most amazing style you're my hype beast the definition of hypebeast is spelled i a n wow that's pretty good thank you we don't dress alike at all but is that a compliment battles ian okay i was just you know making this observation no no no no no good what to say about zach zach you are breaking didn't say anything all right get out of here zach zach apparently is just i don't know what happened here but zach goes to the loser bracket roll love out here for the grand championship yeah this is the battle this is the one [Music] i don't know how this one's gonna go down this is gonna be i don't know who to call this for oh love the unlaughable ian the uh incredible some people say have said ian is the funniest one on the crew do you accept that no because if it's true love might be in trouble love's been getting some some juicy lines out today yeah love is on fire so who do you guys think's gonna take this one i mean i i have faith in ian's comedy abilities but i don't know this love characters i just i don't feel comfortable betting against the swedish robot at all yeah he's cold man but ian doesn't really crack either but it's this is different this is like bobby fisher versus the computer right who's bobby fisher which one's bobby fisher he's the chess guy so you're the computer because there's the computer oh you're bobby fisher well that's complimentary to you i'm the just champion yeah all right uh go ahead love why don't you start off yourself a little bit a little self-love go ahead love self love from love so ian we all know your hobby is suffering really really good taste in everything clothing hairstyles beard slice but i think you would taste good when he dropped out hold on okay wait wait back up i you cut out at you would taste good well that was all i had to say he's frozen he you would taste good ian thank you like okay i'm not gonna unpack that [Music] love what a word if i could use one word it's your name your frozen 240p face still looks beautiful through the pixels look at it broken glass you know you are absolutely frozen right now but your gaze stops me in my tracks too brother yes thank you brother i can't tell if he's laughing or not i don't think he is we don't even know if he's smiling no i don't think so i go don't keep piling him on my turn yes it is love's turner it's a love stern yes what okay he's a lie what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] i've never seen love like this before show love but ian's out i gotta defend my boy ian i think love is using the filter cam just showed him that's okay i feel like that's part that's okay damn he won he got him i mean ian draw i mean i nobody can beat love does anyone try to is the machine i can't he's alive it's uh john henry versus the uh steam drill yeah i mean you're right you went postman oh my god does anyone want to take a crack at trying to get love to life no no there's no hope and look he's [ __ ] he's looking he's cybernetically enhanced i can beat this guy go ahead ian if you anyone can do it it's you make no i it's so you're out so loves the champ we're just calling it like that you you've you've defeated me fair and square and because of that i would like to give you 100 billion floop a coin oh my gosh he's crying he's crying he's so thrilled that's the grand prize actually i was going to give the winner 100 billion [ __ ] oh well he's got my share so i i leave in defeat [Applause] [Music] well i just don't have any feelings that's all can i try one more time okay i mean i tried for a good long time i got nothing on this guy that was fun though good job everyone that was fun good times huh well everyone thanks for watching this has been off the rails and we've been a little off the rails today not as off the rails as ryan kavanaugh you know allegedly alleged well we he may be on the rails he may not be there's a lot of allegations well being off the rails is kind of like you know right hard to say but if i would say running a ponzi scheme based on his ex-partner allegations in open court were just proved by the foreign variety that's off the rails not as off-the-rails as me i mean also running you know so i but a lot of fun we'll be back on friday and uh last after dark for a couple weeks actually oh yeah ela's leaving yes indeed and i said tomorrow well we'll talk about it on friday but yeah friday's our last off the rails for a couple weeks we'll talk about it on friday i gotta run home and take care of my son so until then [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,374,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails
Id: iBXtS72EGcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 5sec (6245 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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