I'm Cancelled - H3TV #13

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Reddit Comments

The spooky background was super comfy, great ep!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 208 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/diakyu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The most unintentionally funny thing Ethan said this podcast was (regarding the psychic): β€œNo, she’s legit. I mean she’s been on Ellen.”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 41 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FreeofCruelty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Feel bad about the last segment about the creator quitting youtube. People online are super harsh and we forget that some of these comments WILL be read by the creator. πŸ₯Ί

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 133 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maylingstudio πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I see some drama channels stating that Keemstar is retiring because he invested early in Faze and is set to make millions more off it going public. I remember him saying back when he was on H3 that most of his millions at that time came from his involvement and stocks in the esports community. Combine that with his recent peddling of crypto and promotion of those sketchy gambling sites, i'm sure the piece of shit is easily set for life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 70 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pwniess πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

cozy episode. me likey.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dullfool68 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is anyone else super surprised H3 wasn't blocked by Keem on twitter?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SmallFemale πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I really appreciated Ethan's insights on the William Osman stuff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Avent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Who was the bachelor nation girl that he mentioned that got canceled?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mrgrinchisameansong πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m surprised Ethan didn’t touch on the AbelinaSabrina video she just put out which was extremely shocking and horrifying to watch

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 92 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WouldDoJackMcBrayer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
wow even great moves hello everybody please forgive me for being late today please please change those downloads to up folks it hurts my it hurts me so bad it hurts me yeah i have a good reason though it's raining in l.a that's yeah that's a great reason well first of all hello welcome everybody it's a street tv it's monday monday monday sponsored by yes yes mint quip and honey thank you to our sponsors we love you um boy it's actually like pouring here when i was on the freeway traffic was going super slow and people on the other side of the freeway when they would drive fast they would like blast the other side with water and you would hit water you know going 40 50. it was very explosive so dealing with a lot over here guys you know well we're glad you made it safely thank you so much how was your guys's weekend it's good it's good actually watch dune did you watch it last night i tried but either fell asleep fair enough even before i got the chance to put it on did you watch curb ethan again i didn't get to do anything because it was another long weekend with poor theodore being constipated and just i don't know man it's been so hard it's been hard at home not much sleep lots of um sad baby he took two ma i see i swear to gobble this kid yesterday i'm hoping he finally got it all out he took first the biggest poop like per you know per body weight pound for pound the biggest poop i've ever seen like if that came out of me it would be painful okay i'm talking something like this wide bro it looked like a crisp like a big croissant when it came out of it exactly chocolate croissant no but it was it wasn't liquidy it was hard impressive damn like like a stale croissant yeah and then and then after we're like wow a few hours later he took another poop the same size so i'm hoping that you know he got it all out yeah how'd you like doing and uh curb how'd you guys like it i'm gonna watch it obviously i didn't get to see kirby go ahead no go ahead no you go in there no i proceed i was insane yeah dune's really good i didn't read the book and i still enjoyed it so that's fun yeah i know how do you like it dan cause i know you're a fan of the book i i enjoyed it quite a bit it's it's not a perfect movie and it certainly um it it just ends in like a really arbitrary place which everybody warned uh viewers about that it doesn't conclude in a very satisfactory way because it's um they split the book into two so there's theoretically a part two but they're uh place i mean there are worse places they could have ended it but it certainly doesn't feel it just kind of ends like almost like an episode of a tv show would mid-season that's odd yeah yeah but it's doing good you know i know that there's like a huge fandom around this book like people love this book and um yeah yeah there's been attempts to make movies before that were horrible so i'm glad to see for fans of dune that uh somebody actually did it the gun did it and i'm i don't know i'm not i'm just a little skeptical with this guy as the lead because i don't know he's just like this flavor of the month actor but did you think he was good yeah i thought he was good i went in wanting to hate on him but i was impressed there you go so i'm excited to watch it actually when i get a minute especially curb how was curb your enthusiasm zach it was so good i can't wait it's going to be a great another great season i can't wait that's that's what i'm really excited about um it was there was never a dull moment in the first episode well i'm very excited about that so listen we got a fun it's halloween week we got a great programming this week we got a great show today um i got canceled for so many reasons this week um jordan peterson fans canceled me um and i guess it's also just a joke about how uh the subreddit has been cancelling every person one of the every person that we mention as like a meme person gets canceled in the subreddit before we even get a chance to like enjoy uh having them on the show apparently the island boys are canceled and i'm like everybody gets to have fun with the island boys i and then all of the subreddits like island boys are canceled ethan can't talk to them i'm like dude i i i we discovered the island boy well no everybody else gets to enjoy them yeah i um when like the day after or i think it was the day of the first time that we talked about on them on the show i jokingly to the crew was like anybody want to take bets on how long until the island boys are uh canceled and i said a week and then it turned out to be like two days yeah it was like half a day [Laughter] i mean who would have guessed that those guys had a questionable past who could have guessed well there's one video of one of the guys i guess what he did is he hit his girlfriend and then well what's weird is he so he hit his girlfriend but the video of it is just him getting his ass beat by his girlfriend right so apparently he hit her and then she like literally beat his ass and he's crying and he she's pulling his hair and punching him and he's like he's just literally crying being like let go my hair look over my hair not that hard honestly i don't know that they ever claimed to be hard though they're just island but he took talk about his glizzy uh true maybe he was talking about a hot dog after all they claim to be hard his friends were questioning him about that video they were saying you look like a little [ __ ] and he's like oh you know you got to play that [ __ ] up yeah i saw that too i i did the whole island boy deep dive he's like you got to call that play that [ __ ] up cause they're gonna she called the police and you got to look like play the victim i was like all right island boy such a shame too because they got he's in my dms and we were ready to have him on but uh turns out the island he's going to is uh alcatraz rikers [Laughter] yeah this island might be more of a castaway situation than a uh good island vibe and there were and then another girl that got canceled was one of these girls from the bachelor that everyone was like yo have to have her on a talk about it and then they're like no you can't have her on because she did all this stuff well and the stuff was weird i i agree you know it was weird so can't have her on the show although one person that has been canceled yet that i do want to have on the show is um uh uh jacenia shout out to the real one she's a bachelor nation girl from the bachelor he's a fan of the show who's gonna call in you haven't heard what's going on with her oh stop jacenia's pure is gold how dare you no just any of slander she's all i have left but one of the comments very true was like dude at this point even ethan's not even uh even ethan can't be on his show his own show by your guys's standards but you guys want to watch there's so many great stuff today and today i'm just going to say it our are off the rails really you don't think i can say it ian oh i was running the surprise it's not a surprise it's hype you're building hype how is it come on it's building hype you got to spoil every surprise it's not a surprise it's a whole video how am i ruining it i guess you're right we're building high yeah because if you just drop it people are not going to know necessarily how epic it is okay and the dremel has already started i mean we can't guys if you if if we can get enough of you to reverse your dislikes to likes i will i will do the surprise we got a hundred down oh really oh yeah went from 6 11 to 5 11. so 100 more 100 less dislikes and i'll drop the surprise right here right now all right keep an eye on that ab 200 200 here we go now boy let's do 200 200 a b no dislikes there needs to be zero dislikes on this zero dislikes hunt each other out report on your neighbors you guys want to watch um yeah then the other thing was these jordan peterson lobster cult were so mad at me for making fun of their lord and savior jordan peterson they uh it's a it's a a disgrace because he was on our show like [ __ ] years ago i just don't understand like people on the right or even i guess people that like jordan peterson they say they're the same people that defend dave chappelle and say trans people need to take the joke right trans people need to take the joke he's joking they're getting too offended but what i see and i'm just goofing on jordan it's even le is not even calling him out in the way that like chappelle is calling out trans people you know um what i see is that they can't take a joke i'm just good on the man it just meant it's jordan peterson crying about how how about poor men where would we be without men you guys think it's a joke [Music] where would we be without white straight christian men people are saying they did it on the likes they did it well that's what the chat's saying oh okay is that accurate i'm not seeing that yet but we got a hundred more down our data our data says otherwise i'm just going to drop the surprise so we can move on oh so tonight right after this we are going to a undisclosed location because this is a live show i'm not going to tell you guys where we're going but we have hired a professional medium psychic to give us a guided tour of one of the most haunted locations in the whole city the whole united states in the world really in the whole united states yeah it does sound like there's a lot of crazy history here we are all going hey i am so excited it's gonna be so fun we're gonna have like ghost packs and [ __ ] and zach is [ __ ] terrified which i think is funny i uh wearing my star david today you know god protect me you need that evil eye dude yeah i don't think the star of david's gonna help you no no it's all good you know they'll know okay but yeah i'm pretty scared shitless to be here zach was telling me he's been having nightmares i was like dude horrible nightmares yeah so what are you afraid is gonna happen i'm just like don't [ __ ] with like possession or demons or [ __ ] like that like i saw the exorcist at a young age and that really scared the [ __ ] out of me pretty sure a lot of people did what are your feelings on ghosts and ghouls well like isn't it kind of the same category no ghosts are not the same as demons yeah demons are hellish well monsters of uh of hell how how can you how can you determine if it's a ghost or a demon don't they take the same form no no no no no ghosts are like someone that's dead demons like straight from hell yeah yeah can't ghosts turn into demons like what if someone i think demons are well well demons i'm not an expert on this field by any means you're not a demonologist no there are people that say they are demonologists that's a real field i'm i'm just scared i'm scared well we'll take good care of you if i get possessed you know just yeah demons are are essentially like fallen angels right like they weren't even like humans well demons have bodies ghosts are like ethereal beings that drift between the worlds demons are like you know from the pizza physical monsters right come on dude so you're afraid of demons still physical monsters coming and killing us there well and ghosts like i i just i don't want to see [ __ ] if i hear something okay you know that that's me being skeptical do you hear something that that's [ __ ] yeah but like if you see some [ __ ] it's like oh [ __ ] this is real oh does abe have the uh well here yeah so in the spirit of halloween here let's dive into this ghosts okay the old classic when it comes to supernatural entities ghosts are known to simply be the spirits of people who have passed away not you know not necessarily evil benign yeah they're lost casper friendly ghosts also there's been friendly ghosts i [ __ ] with casper he's my homie they tend to only make themselves known by sighting but are also said to be able to speak change the temperature of a room and bring a certain odor what's that smell see that's [ __ ] dude i'm gonna fart near you and you're gonna get freaked out now demons are defined as an evil spirit or devil especially when thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor of hell so they do possess that that i'm [ __ ] scared of dude i don't want to be [ __ ] pissed i i i don't think there's any indication of demons perhaps ghosts but though there will be no demons how can you promise that how can you promise that dan maybe i'm already possessed watch a demon die what's your demon nah well anyway i'm excited it's gonna be fun times baby so that's what we're doing tonight oh gussy people are saying we're gonna get that gussy tonight that that good uh ghost [ __ ] yeah you got it everybody random applause for ethan yeah some people have sex with ghosts and i always thought like damn that sounds like as a kid as a young virgin child i was like i'll take it i think whatever one of the ghostbusters had sex with the ghost got a bj he did i don't remember in the film did he finish there is some moment in the movie i don't know well his eyes go cross-eyed i believe so whoa see gutsy is good and then in the sec he busts that ghost the second scary movie there's a ghost uh uh sex scene like you don't see the person but see what's wrong with that it's [ __ ] weird dude i just don't [ __ ] with this [ __ ] i don't know okay all right well we'll take good care of you i'm scared all right we have a professional with us she's gonna that's gonna call more [ __ ] dude i just she's there to war she does this every day this is her profession she's been she's been on like ellen she's like the real deal oh no i i she's [ __ ] legit i'm i'm kind of excited for that sense but i'm just i don't want to walk out there [ __ ] possessed that that's my big [ __ ] thing i don't want to go home and say you know some weird exorcist linda blair [ __ ] who sent this uh well apparently anonymous source anonymous source sent this tweet in from tricia i want to have sex with john lennon's ghost so bad you don't even know i think it could happen well fair enough if you're gonna sleep with the ghost oh john lennon it could happen i like her optimism imagine that huh yeah by the way guys if you want to call in you know the number it's 808 hot meme we are screening calls now um is this one of them talking about jordan peterson worth maybe you need some time stamps it's a couple of reactions oh we don't need to go over that i didn't know how to go into it i just saw it at the top of that what are we gonna do with that man we have so much we have man we have the funniest video ever posted the internet to get to do what do we do without men they build our roads they go to work they men they bust in ghosts they sex with men i just i don't know what to do without them [Music] what would society be the beautiful strapped man i don't like this no more all right enough of them um okay one more thing h3 shop limited time you have two weeks or less now to get these brand new limited edition [ __ ] rank kavanaugh drop the official [ __ ] ryan you got to govern yourself accordingly you've got the r kelly do you have your passports you have your shots girl would you like to come back with rob to america um certified lover boy tea and of course some beautiful fan art uh tea as well so you have two weeks h3h3shop.com or even less now is there a timer on this oh november 16th yeah okay so you have a minute got a minute yeah all right let's get into it um do dj khaled man we got him dj khaled used to be a mainstay of my channel yep back when i was doing videos good old days and you know he it was like you put khaled in the title and people are like i gotta see this that's not so much anymore like cal doesn't pull in the views like he used to but he's still a legend man and this proves it he is a meme factory you know his bob marley's family sent him like some limited edition guitar to commemorate their father and this dude literally just disrespected his memory i feel like in like the most horrific way possible um what did you think when you saw what he did to that guitar zach just take some lessons man like just if you're gonna strum a [ __ ] chord like something don't just [ __ ] pretend you know all right well let me play the video here it is get it close up get a close-up get a close-up of the case the guitar i'm saying in a special note from the marley family shout out to marley melissa can you read this for me can you read this to the world please okay this was something that struck me as odd can he not read i i don't know because like i just i it really stuck out to me how he asked someone else to read it in that fashion i don't think he can read can you find a video of dj cloud reading something i'm looking right now because that i i kind of want to dig dig on this one i mean that that that that that this can you read this to the world please okay um dj khaled we're excited to share this new guitar with you as someone who has an appreciation for bob marley's life and music we want you to be one of the first to play the guildy 20 marlin based on bob's at home songwriting guitar from 56 hope road this guitar inspired songs that help unite the world and we hope it gives you inspiration as well [Music] they go dave we want you to be one of the first to play this guitar [Music] i mean what uh you know what blows my mind is this man has written so many so many number one songs who uh yeah oh you think he it's it is kind of insane being around musicians and music he hasn't learned to play one chord that just blows my mind that's true that's that's actually a good point like just maybe he knows how to play the the another one because that's all he says you know congratulations you just played guitar [Laughter] that's funny yeah um that was pretty tragic i have to say somebody noticed that he's always wearing a bathing suit that's true yeah that that was that was horrendous but like really just you're gonna just to throw him a bone for something i'm not sure i guess yeah he has some rhythm [Music] he probably practiced for this yeah he did it's just what do you think about his cord work they get a close-up here look at his hands here on the neck he's got the thumb going dude yeah that's i mean that's high level technique when you include the thumb dude that's next level dude i've seen dudes do that you know like a sick of you know with like you have to push down an extra cord up there with your thumb okay here he's reading that dude's not reading this is the only evidence we have this is all i could find these screenshots okay he's reading something okay interesting so we have some evidence what's the context of this one um just another one oh oh love's got a link here let's see yeah we're investigating i don't think you can read can dj khaled read that's what we're trying to figure out here today i'm saying that he didn't finish his education no excuse me not for release oh my god he can't read he can't read wait i missed the play wait he's wait listen to this not for sale no excuse me not for release this [ __ ] cannot read there's more clips like that yes keep them coming because i actually i feel like we might be on to something i think we might be breaking a story interesting oh sorry not for resale okay so you didn't get it you know the reason why i told you not for sale not for resale or release because that's what that means basically all in one yeah next save okay there's more evidence maybe he's dyslexic or something maybe he just has uh trouble reading might be totally illiterate okay well hold on let's get to the bottom of this i think you did a great job from your circumstance what's the word circumstance circumstances dan's always quick to remind me that i shouldn't talk about uh yeah mispronouncing is very different yeah i i read good xxs [Music] yeah yeah then we'll get it next time so my sound is accurate oh yeah accurate i remember that it's a real sound and i made sure that i'm so good well you know i make a bunch of sympathy i'm saying like that's what i do my anthem i do exactly what this did interesting well that's just mispronounced yeah mispronouncing's different i mean so usually we would never criticize anybody for mispronouncing things i mean accurate is pretty good accurate xxx tenacion tentacion right yeah see look at you um that's just boomer though i mean come on well he's a boomer or closer closer i don't think that's why i don't think that's the problem though khalid age is 45 i guess that's gen x but all right so we got here what do we got can you even see these on screen oh yeah you can this dude made pokemon cards for us sick so sick rap trading on instagram i wish i had close-ups so i can read the info but oh here you go let's see now you can't read it dan has a pretty cool attack on his card dan says dan disagrees with your opponent's take and views lowering the morale this turn they're all pretty good ethan vape nation flip a coin if heads ethan blows vape clouds in your opponent's face blinding them for a turn ela ceo mindset your opponent is on the wrong street confusing them this turn she's a big pimp ian the salaried employee aien hacks into your opponent's mainframe lowering their attack and raising his salary that's funny zach the sound lad mayo smash zax matches all of your opponents mayo lowering their attack he's the golden boy a b simping a b sims for your opponent distracting them this turn he saves them from a burning car crash that's nice that seems like a helpful thing to do oh yeah because it never hap because i don't know i'm stretching excuse me lovebot the fika break love has fika with your opponent causing them to bury the hatchet and battle for this term that's badass for life olivia vomit escape your opponent vomits this one's hard to read your opponent vomits all over the battlefield allowing olivia to escape battle this turn nice and cam photoshop battle cam photoshops your opponent's ideas in record time raising his attacks and confusing them this turn yeah these are and these are like nice ones they're all shiny and [ __ ] yeah they're foils man this guy who's this guy uh rap trading on instagram so sick shout out to his family i wonder if we can make like a pack so dope like actually make a bed yeah why not i don't know how he i don't know yeah yeah his stuff is really cool he sent ian a bunch of uh kanye ones oh for real yeah here's his instagram rap trading oh so he just makes these are he makes them really good well like doja cat yeah that's cool so we made it guys we got our own trading cards now so cool cool um oh yeah talking about island boys and and once again it's like check this out island boys x grand rising dude across the fact that you are watching this video means you are energetically aligned with me in this message such thing as a coincidence live your life get your back go up live your life man live it up and stay blessed and stop playing man island boys stop playing the [ __ ] screen the fact what is he he's fully embraced what is his content he's just he's just mement at this point that was such a weird video he must have paid him for it i don't think so i think that was i you're telling me i guess that would mean there's no such thing as a coincidence if he paid them could be otherwise that would undo everything he's fought for um what is this i want to watch a video let's see um actually do we have any interesting calls some from the body count video reacted to wants to take a crack at making ethan laugh was in a cold for 20 years the cult is starting to get exposure right now and they're getting sued for talking about it okay and they want to talk to me about it boyfriend cheated with a 13 year old girl skip skip stalked and now her boyfriend resulting in a stranger wants nintendo back what the [ __ ] is this who took this one i'm just i want clarity so the boyfriend cheated with a 13-year-old girl and this girl wants her nintendo back should she fight for it this person is popular on tick tock for doing spot on old justin bieber impressions here let's take let's do the cold one okay let's see here oh 41 okay miles seen some [ __ ] miles you've been in a cult hey ethan how's it going yeah i'm i'm 41 i'm an old guy i'm probably like your oldest listener you're only five years older than me so not that old uh that's a good point yeah i was uh out it's an alleged cult that i was in about 20 years ago um but there my sister was in it and a lot of people that i know uh you know they're they're talking about it now i'm like this facebook group and because they're talking about it they're kind of coming after them with lawyers they have money they have money what's the name of the call uh i'm afraid to say right now because i don't know i haven't talked to a lawyer yet and i'm actually uh working on a documentary i've been working on a document for like a year about it and i'm just trying to get like i don't want to do anything stupid you know like say something that'll get me in trouble later okay so so how long were you in this cult that was in it for like a year just a year and you so what what's culty about it well if you look you go down the list of like what the fines are cult that they pretty much seems like they hit those those markers like fear of the outside world they emphasize like you know having control over all aspects of your life um you know using fear and uh stuff like that so it's a lot of things and there's some allegations that are on that list that would just kind of or on that facebook group that you would really you know so what stuff did you see that made you like worried like oh [ __ ] i gotta i gotta get out of here you know what it wasn't until a couple years later when i was in the military that i thought back like randomly like was that a cult it just hit me like maybe i should look it up um so they what made me leave though was like i couldn't take it anymore i felt like i was you know being hit from all angles like god and the devil and all this stuff and it was just too much and i was really young then and i just couldn't take it so i just packed up my stuff and i left well i'm glad you're out of there thank you uh but yeah i'm wondering like what you would recommend for um like if you recommend talking to a certain type of lawyer because you've got you know you i really respect the fact that you've gone head to head like fearlessly and faced people that were bullies and i commend you for that and i i want to be you know i want to learn from the stuff that you've gone through well i don't know anything about the cult i don't know kind of what crimes they've committed and i don't know how rich they are so without having that kind of information i don't really know what kind of attorney i don't think it really matters i think you got to find one that you like and probably one that's not that expensive because if they do want to litigate it's hard to say because like you want to talk i don't know where do you what part of the country do you live in i'm in chicago okay they're definitely good lawyers there yeah do you know i can give you more info if um i can send you maybe like a trailer that's unlisted for everything i've done so far okay a couple minutes yeah send it i'll watch it later i'll get into it later but for now i would just talk to any lawyer just tell them get on the phone talk to them about your situation they probably give you a consultation until you set you on the right way there okay okay all right thank you do you have money how much money you got you have enough money to deal with this [ __ ] um not really but yeah we'll figure something out yeah i would i would just tell you that usually when people drop documentaries about a cult or something they have resources behind them because like if you are working with hbo or netflix or a huge platform like that then they're going to help with the liability and assume the risk like you know like what you saw with the scientology stuff and all this but like if you're just acting on your own um they will one hun they're gonna i'm sorry to tell you but they're gonna win dude if you don't have the money or the resources because they'll just [ __ ] you up they'll just [ __ ] you up i mean the first time we went up in the lawsuit we at least had like a fan base and a voice so we could talk about it and we were able to get help from people but like if you're just on your own anonymously um just even responding to one lawsuit with a cheap lawyer is gonna set you back you know tens of thousands of dollars and and if you can't respond they're gonna win the judgment against you so yeah that's a good point i wouldn't well we do have a good network of people and they're you know it's actually in kansas city and uh it's like a revival so there's a lot of like shouting and like craziness and so they get a lot of attention and they have money but it's still like under the radar and they've been under the radar for a long time if it's what happened colts generally have people in the cult that are lawyers so they're gonna get [ __ ] for free they're not even gonna pay for it you know what i mean like if it's a successful call they have people there that they don't have to pay for their professional services i would try if you're really serious about the documentary i would seek out of someone to partner with otherwise you it's just it might ruin your life i'm just being honest with you yeah that's a good point um you know i've been working with people that have done documentaries before so you know they're giving me advice and i've had good advice but um you make a good point like i have to make sure that i'm covered legally and if i could share that with dan or something if they want to take a look you're going to share the what the trailer you want to show it that's going to give away who it is yeah are you sure you want us to show it if you're scared yeah because you're definitely going to give yourself away oh yeah i just spent like maybe offline or something oh yeah so you can use that to dan yeah but like and if this is a if this is a cult like you know a really if this is a cult cult like you know a good one a cult worth its uh weight they're gonna [ __ ] ruin your life you know they're gonna be they're gonna ruin your life and they're they're gonna you're gonna lose the verdict and they're gonna keep [ __ ] with you too you're right i don't even care i just want to help the people that are in it to get out if if it needs to [ __ ] up my life that's fine so i'm just going to do this regardless i'm going to try to get them to even you know talk about their involvement i've asked them to speak on behalf of them there was a story on fox 4 about it i just gave it away there's a story on fox 4 so news i will never be and uh it's also if you look up fox 4 kansas city there's a story on it and i'm sure they're going to find out anyway so i might as well say it's a world revival church in kansas city oh we're doing it let me see what these guys are up to world revival world kansas city but they won't know who you are necessarily right i think they remember me but it's fine i already asked for an interview so they they basically know we're over viral there's oh here controversy there's not much out there about it uh former members accused world revival church oh yeah here's the congregation or cult former members accused of church of abuse christianity like a christian disneyland that sounds fun they're super christians great oh jesus that was a good start i'm in that story and then my face is on it too oh you're [ __ ] you're already [ __ ] no i because they they didn't i just said that you know what i told you i just felt overwhelmed that i left and that's all they put in the story oh they even gave a statement to the news cast but wait what are the allegations what are they on the candidate what kind of abuse are we talking about survivor on facebook i'm sorry what kind of abuse are we talking about here like they would um they would kind of starve kids if they behaved bad i mean that's a legend everything i'm saying is a legend um also like um you know they wouldn't let you kind of have a life you know it was like five hours a day six days a week you're in church um sounds like that and there's a lot of weird stuff that happened that i still wrestle with today um and i i know you used to talk about like supernatural stuff on your podcast and i'm very interested in that and i've always been focused on it because there was definitely like a feeling of supernatural energy but that usually with a cult there's some dude at the top like having sex with young girls is that happening i feel like that's like one of the that like is what that's what it all comes down to is there a cult requires one dude at the top who's controlling the whole thing is that going on yes no no no no no no no there's a guy at the top but there's no sexual accusations against him i want to make that clear okay definitely good to cover yourself yeah yeah there's nothing to that regard but there's been some cover-ups there's another story in the kansas city star about a member there who was says that she was uh assaulted and that the church knew and they covered it up oh well that's every church somebody related to the church yeah that's every weekend at the church all across the world unfortunately oh yeah yeah but if you go to the kc cult survivor on facebook um they have kind of stories of upon stories of things that have happened so it's really valuable to me to have your honest opinion about what this whole situation seems like because i'm so close to it so i appreciate it all right well good luck miles um obviously it will take me some time to understand the situation so i can't start to get into it right now live on the air but uh give them hell and uh hopefully keep your soul from going to hell as well in the process yes indeed you're going to heaven bro okay you heard it here all right miles just for being a listener going to heaven ladies and gentlemen um there was one other caller that looked really interesting i think yeah so liam so you guys remember um hey liam i'm just updating everyone on what happened so maybe you can give me the video to refresh people so liam here we watched this guy who was looking for people to send videos of their bare feet driving was actually running as a youtube ad which was what was so funny about it and liam here apparently applied is that right yeah uh so uh i am in the brooklyn area and uh i know this was like local i believe he's also based in brooklyn uh but after watching the show i was kind of like huh i'm not against doing that i drive for a living like i do grub hub and doordash and postmates and all that kind of stuff little side hustle in the car already yeah yeah i'm in the car already so i'm figuring you know just whatever to get those hours up to get that money up uh and so i reached out to him uh sadly i was i was a little facetious with him so i didn't actually get uh to the point where i was sending him videos uh but i do have a great hotmail conversation uh that i can read you guys if you want yeah so like how much they pay and all that i definitely want to hear it i'm gonna just refresh the recruit people to barefoot drive yeah so this is running as a show out of his feet on youtube barefoot brothersdrive.com have a good time i will pay you to make a bunch of videos and upload them to site you can make money i can make money this is a fun it's a fun win-win my dudes enjoy happy birthday get in touch with me through my youtube channel s foot continuation or you can contact me uh through my website or you can also contact me this is the best ad youtube ever ran i mean i just love that they were you know they approved this they're like this is good sure this doesn't this is good this is good okay so tell me about the process how did you get in touch with them yeah so um i emailed his hotmail um which i'm continuously tackling uh that it's a hotmail account so well yeah i think my parents are some of them someone i know uses hotmail still so i reached out i reached out to his hotmail and um i i texted him i was i said like hey uh this is i said my name i said kind of where i was located what i do i just kind of explained the whole situation to him i didn't say anything about the podcast i didn't say anything about where i came from because i figured that a lot of people are probably bombarding him with similar things uh and he just emailed me back just a phone number and um uh and i said hey this is liam or then i said my email i just talked to you about the possibility of me driving for you guys um he responded hi liam yes how old are you which you know uh respect that question responsible legend yeah yeah uh more than james charles food delivery all that kind of stuff i i uh kind of refilled him on this uh and he goes 18 is a good age for me what kind of car do you have liam do you drive manual or automatic wow so you know we wanted to know if i had a clutch she wanted to know just kind of what my feet would be doing down there well you know this guy takes the [ __ ] seriously there's a lot more action going on there's a lot more action yeah they're harder to find yeah but you probably drive auto right yes i do i do yeah uh and so i i kind of i give him the sad information i said hi uh yes i i drive an automatic car and i told him my car type um he goes sound good liam we pay 50 for one hour video of you driving your and then he said my car type it must be 1080 video and have audio um audio is important and all this kind of stuff i i was kind of at this point running to my car and figuring out if there was a way that i could set up a 1080 camera to record my feet while i was also driving yeah that's it that's it and i i even went up yeah i went out to the store and got a little rig for the camera and everything um doesn't sound like you're gonna be making much money from this well fifty dollars an hour i mean you know what he had to go by oh right he's out his investment true true true yeah exactly um um anyways i got this whole rig got this camera and everything uh and he stopped responding to me uh i said okay sounds good um i said sometimes my feet are dirty is that okay uh just kind of joking around with him um and he i said sometimes they're super smelly too i can talk about that on the audio if you'd like um kind of i i regret doing this because i feel like i could have gone farther in giving you guys more information and maybe you've actually done this um and then he says and this is the last text he sent me he says liam i take videos of you seriously if you don't take my video club serious i don't want to buy with you um i would figure the smelly stinky dirty feet would be he would be into that but i thought i thought that was gonna sell me more that's what i figured too agreed yeah i said oh no i take this seriously i assure you please let me know how i can you know kind of show you how serious i am um i was like i can record a video for you tonight um i actually and this is very fun i can send uh zach or dan the picture i actually also got like uh colored led lights for my car uh for the nighttime shots and everything definitely um gotta do exactly so how much i can send that to you guys so how much have you invested and set it in and recording this video for him like 75 dollars so 75 so and he stopped he stopped responding to you yeah yeah so what i said i think you should say dude i spent 75 dollars investing in this i demand the freaking response i mean i'm out 25 bucks i need that 50 recoup yeah no i i feel and my thing is is that like this was 90 a joke but like if it had gone fully through and he stayed true to his word and gave me fifty dollars an hour to do this like i i would probably actually do it it's good hold on hold on yeah no it's great money hold on he said fifty dollars for an hour video he's not saying go drive for ten hours and i'll give you 500 bucks so no i like one i i if that was the case i probably would go do that yeah maybe i'll hire you to do that i'll get a whole fleet of dudes out there driving around filming their feet we put it on ethan's feet we put it on when i when i die someday i'm just gonna have it on a hard drive just to confuse the hell um anyways so i finished off the text and i said um well uh his name is michael or at least that's what he said that's what his email linked to like if you email him you know sometimes it'll have their name yeah uh it said his name was michael and i don't know if he said his name in the video or not but i i i called him michael um i said well michael i take this very seriously please let me know how i can continue uh so that way i can be a member of this uh prestigious club uh so he's yet to respond to me but this i also just i just uh i sent that text three hours ago uh so you know it's not impossible um i'll send him a text um telling him that i spent 75 dollars on the rig and yeah you gotta help me because you know send him a picture send him a picture of all the [ __ ] you buy you got the led yeah i mean he said i take this very seriously i got to be like me too i take it incredibly seriously send him a photo of all the stuff you bought with receipts and be like dude like i don't know how much more i can prove to you that i'm serious about this but like no i don't know i'm desperate yeah no this is a good idea this is a good idea so let us know i will do this and i will see if i can get michael's attention uh and if i do and i go any further with this i can call back uh next week yeah please do yeah you let us know i want to know but it's like dude your commercial worked i'm calling in yeah and you're treating me exactly no like i guess i guess the commercial was successful he's probably got a lot of people trying to cash in on no i especially after the exposure on the podcast i'm sure that there were a couple people who found that as inviting as i did yeah well get good luck and if he doesn't if he doesn't take you up on it i'll give you the 50 bucks for the video but i want the video i'm not just giving out charity here yeah no no no i i would 100 give you the video okay all right so try to work it out with him and then come back to us and and if not i'll i'll pay you for the video i'll buy it from you okay we'll do it thank you so much i got you liam all right you take care buddy yeah i mean the man deserves pay fair pay for fair work yeah that's what we're about here on the h3 podcast i'm just looking at this trending by the way on tick on twitter wait where'd it go it was just here it said keemstar retiring yeah do you hear the news well hold on hold on uh let me okay here it is social media personality keemstar says he's retiring all right i'll first of all i'll believe it when i see it look i know a lot of people let me just watch this um yeah i mean obviously i mean nobody [ __ ] cares and everyone thinks he's a creep which he is he's exposed himself in the most like crazy like like i said before he exposed himself like nobody ever could oh here's a clip of us just that's love oh that's you love yep yeah i still think he's trolling because he's definitely trolling i don't believe it i don't buy it but he's still kind of roasting himself because he he's never gotten that many likes on a tweet before true yeah yeah and he's trending or and the comments are great here's a video i'll show it look i know but uh well here ethan where you at yeah i know here here's the video look i know a lot of people think i'm trolling a lot of people think it's just bait that i'm retiring but i am retiring i know i've said a million times that i'm never leaving the internet but i'm never retiring yeah but i really like a week ago a week ago he's like [ __ ] all you haters i will always be here i will never be defeated you all think you can cancel me i will win in 30 years everyone will realize that being racist and anti-semitic and homophobic will be back in defamation will be back in and everyone will remember that i'm the king um i'm going to have a statement today on dramaalert to talk about it briefly um you know things need to be explained right like why i'm leaving nope nope just leave nobody needs an explanation bro we get it oh drama alert oh this is from 2018 with the first time he got like mega cancelled after dude he had he like idubbbz made the video and then his two buddies uh grade a and leafy both turned on him and started me it was cr it was pretty [ __ ] [Music] even when that was happening though i in a way felt bad for keemstar and that it was like leafy and grade a because he really thought they were friends and like i was like damn those guys really are pieces of [ __ ] like even the keemstar who i [ __ ] despise as a person and he and he reaped what he sowed but that was some high level like uh julius caesar brutus backstabbing [Music] i [ __ ] up you follow that ap you remember that or i do yeah i do was that around the time you went on baited or was that no no no no no no that was after that okay yeah wait bring back the tweet i didn't read it roll it i think that tweet like two years after the drama you're describing so he's saying i'm officially retiring from youtube i'm not going to upload videos and get 50 less views because of broken youtube that's exactly what he said he's bitching about now the video last night is only 400k low that's [ __ ] impossible for my channel easy one mill by now buy hoes okay well people loved it then 35 000 likes probably his most liked tweet ever and guess what his views are just as [ __ ] now because uh he canceled him when he exposed himself for not only being a creep but also being uh extremely cringe bye-bye yeah the biggest crime that you can do on the internet and ross aiden ross the chosen one eight of ross nobody gives a [ __ ] balance to the force yes yeah adam ross did what no one else could my friends yeah i thought it was immediately a troll or it's about his views he's going to leave for a little bit and then come back hoping that it helps or have another excuse as to why he's not doing good i know he always keeps talking about getting a new host on drumline i hope he does that'll be such a disaster i think i can hear its video uh what's gonna happen to the future of dramaalert uh nobody cares you know what i'm gonna do in retirement all the time i'm the only one that cares i'm the only one that's interested in i know somebody yeah i am very interested in his uh very happy and excited to see my ass go congrats to you shut up um and i know others will be sad um but you know 13 years how many uh january next year will be 14 years it's been a long time and i started my youtube career when i was like 27 it's late to get into the game so um yeah what did um danny do or what did uh john peshi say in his famous song joe pesci joe pesci eat out my ass no no no it's the what it's the what's that'll get you it's a bitch's name he played around with these young girls and they ruined him man look at it that's uh i do disagree though i think it's the aidan thing 100 i don't know it's everything i mean it's like like he has been absolutely domed by by criticism like like the aiden thing is one thing that hit at the heart of his fans true but the young girl like the amount of press and rounds that made around social media is one about like 36 year old women uh nice try all these ugly girls no not in a chance that's true that one i saw all over the place in places especially are totally outside of like youtube yeah he's he's [ __ ] yeah and like not to mention that one of the girls who he clowned on for being ugly is it was actually like someone murdered by their spouse in a missing right yeah i think two of them were missing yeah yeah two of them were missing so you know oh man yeah obviously i have a lot of choice words for keemstar but i don't want to like if he's really retiring i'll definitely be giving a eulogy but uh let's see because i like wait and see yeah exactly yeah we'll get through it but you said that drum alert was up didn't you love yeah but he just deflected and said he's gonna do a full video on it tomorrow yeah you want a ulg now look i know a lot of people think i'm trolling i was no because there's like ninety percent sure and then you need to be like goddamn oh let's see here let's read some comments wait and see wait and see the world after keemstar retired careful about yeah does this really help what it looked like is this really what it looked like this oh okay oh yeah because yeah that's a good point people post very not safe for work things in the replies to keep stuff blaze who the [ __ ] face spank blaze many phases too many phases i'm going carefully yeah so you i'll give you like uh i don't know if this is going to occur here let me encourage you to leave the internet keemstar um you are without a doubt one of if not the worst person i've ever known on or off the internet i thought you were going to go the opposite reverse psychology route and say please please stay no because if you if you're saying this i feel like this pushes him towards not well i don't care i mean it's content for me also his fingers on the trigger he's waiting to report yeah well [ __ ] him he can report all he wants did i give a [ __ ] about him or anything he does at this point he's a little [ __ ] neutered [ __ ] he's just a nobody and that's why he's leaving if he had anything he'd stay so you are one of the worst people i've ever known uh you treat the news as your personal um attack show you know you have you there's something seriously wrong with you dude like the smallest slight turns into a personal vendetta that you will go to any lengths to ruin that person um you know lying about me being a a scammer has has consequences reverberated throughout the years throughout my career even those guys that made the jordan peterson h3 made fun of jordan peterson uh uh trigger video we're saying about how i stole fupa money wait really yeah that's what abs right yeah yeah yeah and that's what i'm saying it's like god that's the immortal jamari said it too his video was old to be fair to him everyone was saying it back then i suppose that's true um you've you've literally ruined lives from etika one of the most horrendous ways i've ever seen anybody uh treated in the history of the internet i hope that you carry guilt and shame for the rest of your life [ __ ] i mean like absolute [ __ ] like shame and disgust like just horrific shame um shame bash traverse literally destroyed that man and then made fun of him after he died and when he recently died of covid i mean uh you basically tap dance on his grave yeah which is i mean you you you know back all the way to when you falsely accused tony of being a pedophile um and just uh and just even all the small ones that we don't talk about on a weekly basis you just um you're just malicious you're a malicious person and the only and i do feel like the only reason people are nice or tolerate you is because they don't want you to go after them and try to ruin their life um you harassed me and my wife you said my wife looks like a horse and you encouraged all of your little goon squads to harass her in the same way you harassed abs wife called her a witch when he only had a few hundred followers um i'm busted you're just really not a good dude i hate to tell you this and i have said it before but i i genuinely think that at this point in time keemstar this is the best thing for you to do is step away and you know we won't even notice you're gone that's the thing except for me because i you know i enjoy the [ __ ] show we hate keemstar and also you're going to want to change this to l king because here it says one king so you want to change that to l king since you're leaving like a little [ __ ] you you look you lose sir big l on my part um you and and maybe just shape just start over shave your beard maybe get a hair transplant become a new person he's been banned from youtube like five times i don't know how he still has a channel and uh basically i'm basically hitler um you know he's he's and also frankly i have a better hairline than you i didn't ask for this okay it's just what god gave me [Music] now if that's gonna make you upset here let me take off my beanie look at that [ __ ] it's godly that's a god-tier hairline my dude i didn't ask for this and i just find it ironic too because keemstar would always go on and on like when all the drama he would harass me the dm's and just torment me and be like one of you someone he was obsessed with this notion of someone someone's gonna leave there's not enough space on youtube it's either gonna be you me or leafy or pyro and he was always obsessed with like someone's gonna [ __ ] leave and get canceled and their channel's gonna die and i don't care about any of that [ __ ] i'm just out here doing my thing but it looks like you're the one that [ __ ] in the end is taking the l uh damn except probably not because it's probably just a troll yeah well he's still taking the l because like i mean let's be honest his views are way down and even when he clickbaited that he was going to be retiring he's still not getting any views i mean he gets good views [Music] oh what happened here let me just downvote this real fast yeah so anyway yeah i and you know there's not many people in the world that i dislike like genuinely he might be one of the only that i can genuinely say like yeah this this is just a bad dude but at least if you leave the internet you can go date 18 year olds in peace you know although they won't have much of a reason to be with you keemstar shut up unless you buy them stuff and give them money which is a good reason i guess with him over with his charming personality perhaps anyway let's see what he has to say but yeah keemstar is a piece of [ __ ] and uh we'd all be better if he was off the internet in fact i wouldn't even be opposed to a court order of uh you know how sometimes the court says no internet access so i wouldn't even be a poster what yeah ruger stone style oh roger stone can't use the internet maybe he can now but he was he was ordered off the internet that's awesome yeah he's basically yeah they do that to predators sometimes too like oh no internet for you so i'd be interested in exploring that option too um if you want uh we need to do some advertisements we're an hour in already oh [ __ ] yes sir let's do it thank you to mint we love mint mobile i love i love i love a mint after years of fine print contracts and getting ripped off by big wireless providers if we've learned anything is that there's always a catch and when i first heard that mint mobile offers premium 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joinhoney.com h3tm thank you thank you thank you thank you good job on those ads ethan thank you thank you so much celebrities getting through it baby so um oh we have a game oh we're not done with keemstar we have a well we kind of we just we ended up getting to it before we got to it in the dark i think the only thing probably worth looking at is this right here because it's pretty funny yeah we have a conspiracy that every time we talk about him our videos go yellow which almost doesn't happen these days we've gotten really good at kind of understanding around the scene but somehow whenever we talk about him like i'm sure i'm sure that he's writing what emails every time we talk about him well it didn't end up going yellow last time though it got flipped yeah it did get flipped but it may have been someone reviewed it was like ah this is fine yeah perhaps but what did you want to show me this put a cap on the meme star i got it highlighted oh this oh my dad's getting involved oh no he responded in the thread too he posted again uh did he really yeah i didn't see that let me uh yeah you should find it just go to his his uh tweets i am retiring full statement later today liked by gary klein smash that like button when we saw it he had already uh he had already done it here let's see yeah he had a reaction gift under there of like people cheering oh here it is you want to make a yeah there's my dad uh here wait no that's not my dad it's under that oh oh he replied to that you guys want to make a prediction for his why did he do that one god he's such a boomer such a boomer meme you guys want to make predictions for what will be in his retirement video that could be fun and then we can do like bingo my prediction is that there won't be a retirement video because he's trolling just no retirement video i don't there's he's got to be doing about something something about him getting old i don't buy it something he's going to have another another person hosts the show yeah for a little while that will be a disaster no one will care i really think he's done that i think he's putting in his boots man i think that he well usually what he does is he'll leave for a few months and then come back so here's what will happen he'll find some random person he's not threatened by this not that entertaining just enough to basically it's true because he doesn't want to build someone up that's gonna like like deaf noodles you know who can build their own fan base and then eventually turn on them because he's a piece of [ __ ] i'm laughing because it's so spot on that's why yeah it's so accurate yeah so he's find someone like mid-tier entertaining that's not threatening to him just enough to float the channel for a few months didn't he post somebody else's content on his video recently yeah [ __ ] or on his uh channel yes he did yeah so maybe maybe you're right and then he'll get like someone mid tier i didn't watch that one i'm only interested in kim daniel kame content what'd you say love i said he's had other hosts before long time yeah when the last time he was like i'm retiring he brought in some other dude who's like disappeared i don't know who he is no not mood oh mother did it immediately so i find it so weird wait really that happened oh yeah was it okay i was gonna say wait is that guy still doing videos uh love i think he got cancer for something [Laughter] that's how kim operates he brings them in knowing he can cancel them when they're done so he can they can't yeah he hasn't uploaded in eight months he's the king of cancer culture yeah so he's gonna bring someone out it's gonna be a disaster for three months he's gonna say basically that yeah he's too old he's talking about charlie dimigio and all this [ __ ] and he's just too old for the game he's been in the game for too long he might complain about youtube not showing his videos and then when he comes back and he's not getting the views he can blame it on just coming back right so the cycle can help definitely come back though that that's for sure but i think actually the retiring thing might be real it's just he's not serious because he knows he's going to come back in a few months um what else might he say yeah that's about it i just found out who was replacing me when i tired this is from 2019 just before you bought racer hey keemstar you are a bitch-ass [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] and i hope that the world knows this you sit by the computer all day but i promise you one day you won't be and i will be there is that a threat or he's just saying congratulations to bot racer everybody the new host is dramaalert excited for that yeah so i don't know i'm curious though i'm waiting i'm watching i don't i don't think all hope is gone for keemstar though he can repeat can he be rehabilitated if he just takes a long retreat i know dennis literally just had a seizure he stroked out his eyes rolled so far back in his head i don't want to be all negative here maybe in a lobotomy could help i don't believe they uh do those anymore but maybe they'll make an exception for our boyd for our boy daniel yeah he pains me that he's a fellow daniel well he's just disservice to the name good strong name otherwise well we've got some long form content i want to watch um channel 5 put out a new video which was great william osmond i wanted to watch that one i guess william osman daniels daniel keems retiring you want to watch williams or channel 5. i'm curious to watch williams i i didn't i know that he i know the context of it but i i haven't actually seen the video yet so yeah what's interesting about williams video is i watched a bit of it and i was like dude this is like everything that i've been through it's crazy uh i hope he's not actually retiring though because he's so talented i think he's got to go down the meme hole there's like a whole um youtuber's journey where it's like this isn't my first rodeo where it's like you have to kind of disengage um let's watch channel five though maybe to lighten up the mood and then we'll bring it back down with william okay sounds good yeah that's a good point yeah we're gonna it's like a roller coaster of emotions here we bring it up we bring it down it's like a good dj once we get dj i gotta pee though does oh oh that's me i was like wait did someone expose me i was like that's me i did oh that's funny do you get nervous every time you see your face in the thumbnail i know i'm used to it honestly like i sometimes these days well there was a time when there was like every [ __ ] commentary channel was making a video every it was just like the easiest views in the world for some reason everybody agreed that i was just the sk the worst dude that ever lived but you see that the commentary channels go after one person and then everyone see what gets traction they just yeah they all just want to repeat what goku narrow did because he went from 10k to like 200k quickly and so they just ripped him off whatever happened to goku now he stopped posting videos i mean you were in contact with them yeah we were we're cool i mean he traitor honestly yeah no it was fine that he kind of i mean i'm not saying that this is why but he sort of disappeared after we made a response to him and then he made a response to the response and then that was just kind of the last item yeah he wanted to move on from the situation he didn't want to be known for that video he was doing some kind of uh sorry he was doing like a documentary yeah he released like the first part and then i don't know what happened and then he just dipped maybe he's a political prisoner in china maybe he went to china to the hong kong protest did he really that's what his video was on yeah that was his last show nobody's nobody's looking into that everyone cared about brian laundry but nobody care about gunking okinawa do a wellness check on it maybe anyway whatever i'm over all that [ __ ] yeah but like no i don't i don't i just go like oh wow another one you know because it's like i've been a good boy i mean i i've been since this is such a good boy ever since those videos except for making fun of jordan peterson yeah then like if i see someone be like oh ethan called out jordan peterson i'm like well yeah okay fine you know that's fine if you want to get mad for that that's fine what i what really bothered me then was i just felt like i was i was drowning in a sea of lies and slander but like if you're gonna hate me at least hate me for something i actually did yeah i mean when i watched the original video i was even like how long have you been online and this is all they have like what this is i don't know there's a bunch of speculation and uh you want to make a video about that and finally maybe i'll make a video i'm a good boy oh god i don't know if now it's the moment for once yeah wow you're crazy like i'm a good boy i'm a good boy but the godfather wouldn't say that well the godfather isn't a boy good man you're a good boy you're a good boy for hill take him out to the lake and show him a good time for you to go you're a good boy your heart was in the right place fly up to hong kong have a show him a good time take him out on the lake [Music] keemstar you're a good boy you tried your best take keemstar out in the woods out in the buffalo lots of woods in buffalo place could get lost a man could get lost you know lots of lakes in buffalo a guy could get lost out there [Laughter] just kidding i gotta pee you guys want to read some donuts or something i'll bear back sure yeah we had that one don't know um for two hundred dollars that didn't um are you high sorry ethan just tripping over [ __ ] are you high dude what the [ __ ] you're [ __ ] high that's true um yeah somebody donated 200 bucks without a message and then another that same person donated a hundred dollars and then left a message so i guess to 300 total hi crew i love you guys so much you're the best part of my week and got me through some hard times peace and love and papa bless that is very sweet and glad to get you through some hard times uh 300 is a lot of money i'm i'm sorry how you pronounced him [Music] uh i sent it in the amelie amelie amelie emily for 300 bucks we got at least attempt to say emily mayer or meyer probably mayor [Music] sorry sorry that's a lot of money to be mispronouncing your name so i am sorry uh 50 from destiny vega can i have advice uh well you were probably asking ethan and he's not here so i apologize i had some advice on how to speak out against injustice against me my ex-husband are worded and s-a'd me oh sorry uh when we were both in the military and got not guilty even though he confessed i'm looking for help in real life i want to share my story on social media when it comes to stuff like that going on in the military that's like such a it's a whole different ball game from from what i understand i mean i'm not ex-military but i know it's uh unfortunately unbelievably common in the military and it gets very much swept under the rug i mean i don't know if i have any advice to tell you the truth as far as getting traction on it i suppose try and contact news media in the area where you guys were stationed or something to try and get them to report on it would be my my only thought but that's terrible i'm sorry that happened to you and yeah unfortunately that uh happens a lot in the military um aaron donated 20 and said can you guys do a halloween costume fashion show i don't know about a fashion show but this friday we will all be dressed up baby do you want to talk about why you're in a halloween costume today and nobody else is yeah i was trying to get on for office halloween party and i was like you know what no one's gonna see it uh on air so i might as well just rock it and everyone we all do we all have costumes for the halloween party tomorrow wearing it no this one this one's for the boys and the girls the audience and the girls why do i dwight everyone always says i'm not the way around the office so maybe will they say that about you does that mean i'm michael scott yes god actually funny enough though that new that bidet in there sprayed me when i went to the bathroom just like this it's kind of water all over the place yes sorry about that when you walk in where's the where's the button that's what i'm saying i think cause someone had it on just a little bit because it's just that little silver part and so i went to turn it off with the wrong way like turn it yeah you just turn it oh but i went the wrong way and it got me am i the only one that's so i hate i don't i don't mean to decorate efforts because av put a lot of effort into putting in these bidets yes but does anyone find it kind of gross like a communal bidet well it doesn't touch the water no i know like technically it's fine but it's a little gross i don't want to know that the same but they just squirted dan's ass like i'm not following that up well olivia's nodding yes i said that last week and everybody looked at me like i was crazy they were like no it doesn't it doesn't touch any i would never use it and i was like i don't want it really never but like our asses all touch the same seat yeah i don't know i don't want to talk about that well i can't i can't handle the truth i wouldn't i don't know why i'll just never use that all right if you did that everyone saw that nobody else i mean olivia's with me but it's just us doesn't bother me i i don't i don't know why he would bother what if a little poop squirted into the bidet hole the water is being ejected at a high velocity in the opposite direction maybe the water gets turned off exactly when one poop projectile that's the price of it all mine i think maybe your shit's at a different caliber theodore style blowouts yeah in there let's watch this channel 5 video dude channel 5 and crank him out he just put out one i was a week ago i guess not i thought it was like three days ago sorry i'm chewing but anyway put you in the chew zone don't do it don't you do it don't you [ __ ] do the chew zone oh well throw them in i don't have the halloween background on that one so i won't do it oh you can't okay good do it anyways anyway this was a great one you're in [Music] damn i would like to eat that ass oh no okay get him out of the cheese zone get him out i would eat this i think you guys regret that shoe zone yeah so um his homie i don't know what actually they i don't know if they ever explain what uhuru is or maybe oh hey what's up swami thank you what's going on i don't know was that an important package what'd you get it's it's it's nothing important okay i think because it's raining out he didn't want it to get wet oh that's good sweet guys i love swamps [Laughter] he does this thing for some reason hold up okay sorry he does this thing for some reason where he'll only communicate with me and like everyone will be like maybe he's knocking on the window again i'd be like tell him to come in he's always doing this st where's abe yeah you're the guy you're the man you're the white ethan he referred you as frank let's talk ethan's a hard name because you know oh yeah no that's a tough one well i was i was eddie for six months eddie you know i love that he just gives people names he's our security guard he's a character didn't he call me the girl with the hair yeah that's that's really true i hate you could she move her car and i said who he said the girl like which girl he goes this one legend [ __ ] i mean he's not wrong it is although i guess technically that would be work for sam that would also work for sam or ela or everyone at teddy or cam even he has longer i can't see anybody but me not me i've been pushing for a swami weekly segment but i don't know love love rolls out in front and chats with swami on the robot i tried to one time he was standing there and he just didn't acknowledge me were you saying his name yeah i was hello and i like said like this i wonder if he was scared to be fair you are like just ignore me a computer maybe he doesn't know yeah he didn't realize well we can set you up we can set up a play date okay thank you good to know each other a little bit yeah so it's a bunch of white people that went to oakland to rally for reparations of uh the descendants of slaves but it takes this really weird slant it's awesome anyway let's watch we can discuss as well everybody meets freedom in swahili i just want to welcome all of you today and thank all of you for coming out to the march for reparations to african people i'm a descendant of settlers and i believe in reparations in order to heal our nation and we need to address racially based climate change in order to save our planet in order to save this race and we need to give reparations before we're going to be able to heal anything including our planet yeah hey i appreciate you uh your heart's in the right place damn uh uhuru breaking news this guy is awesome by the way who filled in for andrew really good video you're probably wondering what you're watching i'm your host andrew callahan and that footage was from the uhuru reparations march on the streets of oakland california at the time of this rally i was a few hours south in hollywood at an anti-vax march here we are channel 5 live worldwide hollywood and vine free to march but the night before we caught wind of a very important day the national day for african reparations hosted by an organization called uhuru solidarity whose slogan is white solidarity with black power as white people we have always upheld the lie that america is the home of freedom and democracy but the reality is very different long before trump at the cries of fascism african people were catching hell something is wrong with this reality because every opportunity and amenity i have uh has been at the expense of my black and brown brothers and sisters around the world you owe money if you don't give it we're going to come together and i've seen prince take it all right so while i was busy in hollywood at the anti-vaxx rally we sent our african studies correspondent saddam to the bay area to figure out what the hell's going on is he wearing a green beanie like because it looks so funny oh and it's king out yeah [Music] we are here at snow park it's one of the widest parks i've ever seen we're going to see the uhuru solidarity movie it's a bunch of white people that believe in uh african reparations they want to give us money so let's get some money do you guys believe in reparations uh kind of yes i think i think i do i mean i guess it just depends on how it's how it's handled or whatever but in in some form uh broadly i would say it's probably a good idea i never really thought about until like the past year but i'm 100 in favor of reparations well the thing is is that like when reconstruction happened in this country they were essentially going to do reparations then and it got completely [ __ ] gutted and just yeah and stopped and then they were supposed to get hooked up each freed slave slave was supposed to get a plot of land and some money right and then at the last minute they're like [ __ ] that what's uh i'm blanking on his name the president that stepped in after lincoln got his head blown off basically he was like [ __ ] blocked it yeah big time yeah i mean johnson uh african-americans descendants of slaves have been absolutely f i've never even given a chance to prosper in this country from the minute they were freed as slaves to being denied loans um you know to living in poor neighborhoods where there's no property tax so the schools suck and um yeah it's just a lot of [ __ ] piled on year after year for wealthier generational rights wealth is generational so i come from a middle-class family my parents were able to pay for me to go to college and give me opportunities and only that but when you come from a middle class family you live in a you go to a decent school because again it's it's all funded by property it's public your school is likely going to be a lot nicer so you know and like wealth is generational so black americans were never able to even buy houses because they weren't given loans you know back in during jim crow redlining after yeah redlining um so i mean i i'm i'm not smart enough or i'm not the person to know what that would look like or but you know broadly as a as an idea i think it's probably a pretty good idea yeah there's a reason that the like black family's net worth is like one-tenth of white people's and that's why you see this class divide i think the first thing you could do is fund their schools fund their communities [Music] pay for college help them help them get you know uplift the community by providing good education you know some people on the left too say like no we shouldn't do that because um subsidies for home loans would be a great way to get in there oh right yeah um yeah and and and some people just say like no you should make you know social programs universal because if you don't it will cause uh too much resentment and well sure that i guess that's ideal right but but they're they feel like it is a unique circumstance they're disadvantaged they are literally disadvantaged and what's most [ __ ] up about them being so disadvantaged generationally is that it perpetuates racial stereotypes about all like people use that to justify racial stereotypes don't work hard enough they're lazy they're violent they're criminals it's like no they're poor they're poor and [ __ ] disadvantaged because they used to be slaves yeah i say i say [ __ ] reparations all the way dude the net worth of a typical white family is nearly 10 times greater than that of a black family thank you you see i got a stat right hey hey we did it got him hey [ __ ] i know what i'm talking about now that said like the guy said it seems like these people's heart and in the right place this seems pretty goofy no you see as it unfolds because people are [ __ ] crazy but as a concept you know i i think it's a i think we should do it man too bad it's run this country's run by a bunch of white supremacists pretty much i'm just hearing uh recently about some individual organizations are starting to just take it upon themselves to do it i was hearing like a it was actually a um a uh a monastery is that the right term abby a place where a bunch of monks live christian monks and basically during slavery they had slaves working on their property and uh you know working their their land and everything and they've just taken upon themselves and they've themselves tracked down the descendants of the individual slaves that worked on their um on their again priory is a nun thing anyways it's not important but they are uh yeah just cutting checks to the descendants of the slaves that used to work on the church so shout out to yeah the government is monetary yeah that is cool thing that they're doing but like yeah giving subsid giving good preferred mortgages on loan on home home loans and [ __ ] like that you know sure that would go a long way i you know a different take on this i know um over 90 year old man who was in auschwitz he was an auschwitz survivor and germany pays him uh every month that's true holocaust foreign yeah so he gets a fat check does he how much does he get i don't know the exact alarm out but i know is it fatty like like millions no no i'd say it's in the thousands yeah germany honestly those guys did a good job in trying to turn a new leaf there pretty impressive what they were how they're able to rehabilitate their country and i mean they just they just [ __ ] straight up slaughtered people and america is still like yeah anyway let's watch this the united states of america was built on stolen land and stolen labor the african people socialist party was putting forward the figure of 4.1 trillion dollars in unpaid labor it's really about we as white people confronting our proof hang on i got i got a update here in 1988 germany approved money for holocaust survivors they would get 290 a month come on i was i was i was 290 a month germany come on now well in what year 1988 do an inflation check on that bro you killed all of us almost you almost killed all of us and you only get 300 bucks a month 1988 right but these are people that were in the holocaust come on germany step up 672 us that's something doo doo dog [ __ ] right there boy that is enough it's more than slaves in america i mean it may have increased as well i don't know i'm seeing there's a lot of stuff going back and forth it's like i got to check for 300 bucks after being in the holocaust and be like dog i was in the holocaust i mean if you want to pay fair labor those guys literally worked until they died literally i mean come on cut a track here anyway privilege in this system and not just confronting it ideologically but confronting it actually by giving back can i have five dollars dee are you serious yes you got change i love this actually i don't sorry i don't sorry okay next time this is the best thing ever yeah next next time wait so did he give him the money or did he not get the money oh because well he said next time so maybe not i yeah i think you're like you got to put your money where your mouth is yeah i don't think that's what reparations is just asking white people for money give me five bucks yeah what's going on we're here uh marching for reparations for african people we want reparations how would you like to see like reparations being used like in the black community i think that's up to the black people and how they want to do it that's that's true that's true uh can i get five dollars of course i only have a 20. uh does that work that works yeah 30 schools thank you i love you i love you we're with the freedom socialist party so we're a socialist feminist anti-racist international party um again can i get five bucks that's so funny man it's awesome coming from an anti-capitalist perspective we do think that redistributing the wealth is going to need to happen for any liberation to really happen hell yeah can i have five dollars that's not the the massive reparations where it comes from matters and it needs to be paid by the people that have reaped the benefits we are for reparations um you know we are you know actually working on a you know a pamphlet on what you know the specifics should be but reparations are a just demand you know when you have people that were stolen from their countries and then tell them oh hey you're free now but we're gonna still let people you know discriminate against you you need to make things right through reparations and that's mega corporations and it is the capitalist system and i don't think it's yeah i'd give you five bucks if i had it but i don't think it's for any individual who's part of the working class again i don't have it the way i should have it under the system either so it's not so it sounds like someone who's making excuses [Music] pony up lady much i don't think for any working class or per person to provide that personally but to be in a movement that's demanding that that happen at a systemic level and again tax the rich to get schools tax the rich to make housing tax the rich to pay for reparations that's where i would come at it from [Applause] now so right now hello people gave speeches and now we're marching to the furniture store the uhuru furniture store so far i got 20 bucks i would've got 25 but the dude didn't have to change some of these [ __ ] are just broke my name is ali i yellow from oakland california and or i'm not from oakland california i've lived in oakland california uh since uh february of this year and i'm from new jersey yeah all right cool so uh what are we doing here today yeah so we're out here uh the organization that's putting this on is the uhuru solidarity movement where an organization that works under the leadership of the african people's socialist party to organize particularly in the way community for reparations to after they're associated with they're associated with african social society or what is that i didn't i didn't hear i'm reading an organization that works under the leadership of the african people's socialists oh african people socialist party to organize particularly in the white community for reparations to african people africa is the future it's the youngest continent on the planet there's so much potential there living there it's so dynamic there's so much opportunity it is literally the future it will drive innovation from the youth and from additional investment what are three favorite things about africa oh okay i was in west africa and they joke a lot with each other and so like if i'm tore and you're [ __ ] bali yeah i'd be like oh you eat beans and you'd be like oh well you're my slave so this lady gives me the weirdest vibes she gives me like super weird vibes and she does she seems to like fetishize black people yeah it's very odd yeah cool weird example can i get five dollars i don't have any cash but i can venmo you i only got cash app oh i got cash oh okay cool shout out catch up cash app is the best service ever channel five cash app game shout out the best way to send reparations uh if you're reincarnated would you be white again i want to say no i would love to be like a part of the black community like for real but i also know that that's kind of like signing myself up for issues in life but you know i don't know man i like loved being in africa so like i would be very happy to be like a west african like a mom i don't know why but that question was so good because i just don't ever think about being born black or anything else and i just feel like this lady is weird she would love to be reborn black specifically they're the best people they're like so kind and cool and honest yeah focal molly oh do you live in oakland now yeah i do yeah how long have you lived out here two years cool so going into the rally i didn't know what to expect i realized that most of these people weren't even from oakland a lot of these people was from like virginia well boston santa cruz san diego and the thing about oakland is it's a majority black city right was it chocolate city as some people would say is that what they said that's what they used to call cities like chocolate cities or something like that it was a majority black population but uhuru's platform for reparations does not address anything in the bay area all the money collected at that march was supposedly going to the construction of a basketball court in st louis missouri [ __ ] love basketball though but that's not really going to uplift the community as much as like some type of educational institution uh something that'll help people out like free lunch programs the basketball court seems kind of redundant to me especially if you're in oakland so oakland has become one of the hottest rental markets in the bay area now people who've lived in the city for decades are getting pushed out well the reality of gentrification is hitting oakland's lgbtq community tonight the building that serves as headquarters for oakland pride has been sold to a real estate firm me and my daughter got rejectified to north richmond spacious lofts in turn of the century victorians west oakland has been a hot spot for local artists and musicians it's kind of a quintessentially west oakland kind of a space the mayor of oakland announced she's creating a special cabinet to look at housing and affordability according to the east bay equity atlas oakland's black community has decreased by 25 percent in the past 10 years and 91 percent of low-income homes of color are currently in areas that are actively gentrifying or about to gentrify this is a result of big tech's takeover of the bay area which has caused home prices to rise while wages for the working class have remained the same i mean we should look and see how many basketball courts are in st louis yeah so they're collecting money to build a basketball court in saint louis which on faith seems like a very racist kind of weird stereotype yeah exactly and that was really funny to pull up like yeah there's look how many basketball courts are there it's so weird it just seems extremely racist to me i don't know a group of all white people go to historically one of the blackest cities in california the home of the black panthers and um they want to collect money from other white people but like not marching through white neighborhoods and um build a basketball court so we can ball it outside the country the people who donated money will never be able to see [ __ ] that might come out of here i don't know i don't think reparations is building basketball courts i don't think so i think it's more a little bit deeper than that i mean who knows if michael jackson then didn't oh [ __ ] if the next kobe bryant [Laughter] come out saint louis missouri from the uguru solidarity basketball court nobody in oakland will be able to be like i seen that kid i grew up with him so you know we decided to see what's up with people from the town actually from the community well all i heard was white solidarity i said i better get the hell out of here i didn't know what that meant what are your opinions on reparations i agree with it i mean as a people we've been through a lot yeah i mean all we can do is state our case you know what i mean just like with anything with laws and you know rights you know and hopefully uh congress or or our local officials will step in and you know and help out with that kind of a thing hopefully you think white people are evil no i ain't saying no i'm not saying that i'm just saying some of them are but some of them are not you think they owe us money though i think they should somebody should uh you know give a little something back i think they do as a start i think that every black person in america deserves the right to know where we come from our ancestry and could be done with a dna from our government it would again give us knowledge it will empower us to know who we are i got an eminem hat on bro i have an embarrassing let's go where do we come from the slave trade everything was lost and the government owes us to us as some people to know where we come from what are your thoughts on reparations i think ideally it is owed but in reality i don't believe that it will happen how do you put an amount on and where do you where does it start and where does it stop so how do you calculate i miss america will be bankrupt right what if i just start asking white people for money no absolutely not i think that's a federal a government thing we just could start asking you know anything i got 20 so far bye reparations is not gonna be you know some sort of welfare check from the u.s government because how could a welfare check or some sort of payout or something like that ever meet the dollar amount that's been stolen from african people how do you define what george foye's life was worth you know in terms of the culture that he brought to the family his role as a father and what he brought to his community so who controls where all the money goes when y'all collect reparations the furniture store um i think it's a great way that the first time it's funny they also have great stuff like i've bought a lot of stuff from here oh my god these people are so weird what does the furniture store do with the money well i don't know exactly how they use the money but i think they use it for like the same kind of thing that we're marching for today to to build resources um and to invest in the black community in the us yeah with basketball court does it go to the uh the basketball court this is my first time volunteering yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah congratulations that's a great video wow you guys really know how to like frame a topic and edit it up fantastic stuff such great content that was super funny too yeah man i'm all for reparations it's exciting that uh he has um some other anchors uh and by the way he can go out and kind of do what he does because he's so good at it that it i'm sure it's not easy to find other people that can that's what i was gonna say like not only that but that guy did a great job so the fact that he can fill in other ink and there's so much going on we need 10 andrews yes by the way love said pokeman just became a member yes sorry you know it's the real pokey with a check mark what up pokey bring her in pokey get on a call didn't we add her on discord or something you know i think i actually yeah i have her as a friend she sent a alfredo emoji you know alfredo has a really high score on ethan's feet cookie she says she's a fupa trooper woo we love pokey she's a she's a great one class act i'm a fan pokey um there i don't know if you want to chat or you just want to watch so i don't know you don't have to call in maybe you don't want to um andrew callahan said who's keemstar a little crossover here what is this memes colliding interesting we're going to talk about keemstar retiring in a second what do you think about that who's keemstar damn he doesn't know you're a well-adjusted person is that like a a streamer automatically you're just [ __ ] why are these guys dressed like they're like why are these guys dressed like they're in antarctica i mean it's literally called drama he's like what's the you can hear it ruffling like he's ready for like sub freezing like yeah i know it's raining but what's the temperature right now weather i'll tell you it's cold in here and i'm wearing a [ __ ] 57 degrees now i can't go oh [ __ ] that's that's chilly okay i'm not going to hate now uh update pokey sent three alfredos oh three alfredo three alfredo's wow i said you did that she said we did at her dan okay so you just said she can call in if she wants to well you're trying to get a pressure on discord well [Music] if you're down to call in send 10 10 20 alfredo's in chat and then we'll know no pressure wait till i get my how was he using that jay-z song i think it could be or was that kanye he pitched it up you think that worked i just won't find out kanye yeah sorry ann it's actually yay now yay so we watched that one that was fun we have another long-form one what was it the um what was it we had a sad one it was the william oh yeah let's watch that actually i'm really curious i don't watch that one where'd it go yes sir william osman friend of the show another reason i got canceled actually was william osmond uh pokemane sent a bunch of alfredo's i'm i couldn't account for i look like i'm messing with you did you said she's gotta go in five minutes it went too fast but she said we can chat another time she'll be sure to swing in more okay welcome to pokey super troopers unite we love to have you in the ranks oh yeah oh yeah exactly yeah brother zach isn't here so i'll just verbally do the uh hell yeah the jeff bezos anyway thank you nice to uh have you here loki said peace and love i have a meeting in five minutes please coming by another time and hop on a call peace and love simp nation simpsons all around she's in love don't let me catch you simping for her ab i'm sorry i'm talking to a married man i'm married oh is it have to be a uh he's a sexual thing i think it inherently is okay because he i was just saying because he's sipping the what the acronym means wait what is the afternoon sucker idolizing mediocre pete oh oh i didn't know that you did at some point and you probably just forgot one more wait you're idolizing my mediocre [ __ ] because well he's my simp it doesn't mean he wants to [ __ ] me i don't think the definition is definitely no i'm i am whatever you say i am i'm stim goblin who else i didn't call you a clown goblin well i mean i have in the past but i didn't bring it up i love it i love seeing it on on everything i post all right so i know my hard work leads to that no simping for pokey um no married uh i don't simply i will not sin for pokey okay thank you her real name's iman my sister's name is iman fun fact that is fun all right let's watch williams anyway i'm just kidding uh here's the video so i thought this was great you know william friend of the show i got canceled because i uh asked him to wait remember everyone got that was like a whole big cancellation people people were unhappy that he was not a full guest on the uh the podcast that it was only like a short segment but that was like a big part of like all the exposed videos that i rudely because it was awkward and i had stuff whatever who cares the awkwardness wasn't from him though and then the ironic part about that was that we uh hung out after the show with him for i've hung out with him a bunch of times yeah yeah there there was there was no bad vibes there they may have appeared that way on the show but so uh just a second he later came on with his wife and did have a full episode he was great at right friend of the show so here he's quitting youtube and the reasons are really quite interesting this is great it's one of those videos we're like oh is this titled clickbait or is william about to eat i am done i'm done um what am i done with what am i done of i i don't really know uh but i am i just kind of exhausted i make videos to entertain people like that's the bottom line is it's like i want if you guys don't know who he is he does like uh tech gadgets he's like an engineer and he makes like uh gadget vid comedy videos yeah that was why he originally came on on the episode that you got canceled for was he made a robotic coughing [ __ ] beanie and talking by the way nobody was mad at the time or were they it was people just got mad about it after like goku made it maybe somebody did yeah i don't know it really it felt like a reach that to me but but we also have the added perspective of knowing what actually went on behind the scenes and that it was very friendly nothing happened he came and showed his beanie we told him it was a short clip and then well we had others there was another segment planned yeah and we didn't think ahead to the fact that there weren't enough mics for everybody in the room so when he was done we had to ask him to leave the room which people perceived as rude well he was like maybe it was like well well it was just a misunderstanding it was just awkward because he didn't plan it ahead of time we were new uh to the podcast but you said he's welcome to stay you told him that yeah i remember thank you thank you baby sim nation i was there baby you want to watch my mediocre i analyzed that video for my video that's why i watched it because it was something that you yeah thank you abe no you he was in the train but anyway the whole point uh is that uh the title of this video is i'm cancelled so it's like a cancellation tour so here we go anyway this is great it's one of those videos what am i done with what am i done of i i don't really know uh but i am i just kind of exhausted i make videos to entertain people like that's the bottom line is it's like i want to entertain people you know make them laugh make them feel like motivated or inspired and then everything else kind of is secondary if if it pays my bills if it you know puts the roof over my head that's that's sort of the secondary effect it allows me to do it full-time basically is is i feel like i kind of live in this this nightmare of making new videos and i don't know when it happened but for the longest time i would just make something and put it out and i didn't really care and as the channel grew for some reason i've been more and more terrified this is really important i've become more uncomfortable posting stuff and i know it's so first i'll just say this is exactly what i felt when i was doing h3 production video and why i ultimately stopped is because it's [ __ ] horrifically uncomfortable or horrifically um uncomfortable it's just it's just unhealthy bro like we were making a video every week and then the pressure was super high and then fans were always disappointed being like this video was great this video was horrible and then thinking like videos weren't good enough so you miss a week you throw [ __ ] out and it's a [ __ ] nightmare and reading comments about yourself you know about speculating it's just it's so [ __ ] bad um it was driving me crazy i was definitely the most unhealthy mentally i've ever been in my life i told ela once like every time we got into a controversy or posted bad view it feels like someone died like it feels so bad and then you're feeling that every week i was like i'm i'm i'm killing myself i really i felt like i was killing myself i totally understand what he's talking about that's why we pivoted to the podcast which has been the greatest thing we've ever done i'll see i know like it just i feel unhealthy the way that i exist on youtube like it's not it's not good it's not the creative aspect of making videos it's the judgmental and just i i don't know how to say this like it's i feel like i live in a constant state of like criticism where i do something to entertain people and then there's always negativity that comes back yeah so it's like you put something out negativity comes back like positivity comes back too but all i can think about is like it's the fight-or-flight baby you focus on all the negatives but it's funny because when i watch william osman i wouldn't think like oh there's people hating on him i would never even know about that or even think about it but it's the same thing for me right um god i know it all too well and that's why so when we went to the podcast my goal with that was to create a sustainable healthy format where we could make content where i wasn't in this perpetual state of trying to pull ideas out of my brain and forcing myself to make content when i wasn't inspired and it's made all the difference and the other thing is kind of disengaging from comments uh you know reading comments is like listening to people eavesdropping on people talking about you when when you're not there you know they say stuff about they talk about you like you're not there you know you talk about people when they're not in the room with you you may love them they may be your best friend your your family you love them you would say things about them that you would never say to their face because you wouldn't want them to feel bad or you would put things more delicately to them so when you read comments or reddit threads and stuff about you it's the same thing but you're constantly seeing people talking about you unfiltered it's horrible it's well said good way to put it oh thank you maybe i mean pereldo stuff you weren't supposed to hear or read totally so when i kind of came to that realization i was like i gotta disengage from from this i've gotten better so i'm able to read some comments like i read like the top five comments on a podcast or in a subreddit thread i'll go read but if there's like negative feedback you guys hand it to me so i don't have to like get in the trenches and get my brain scrambled you know because i do want feedback right i want i want constructive criticism if there's something we need to improve i'm all for it but i don't need i don't need unconstructive criticism you don't need to read like that's like going to school and every single person there everybody in your class [ __ ] hates you and just talks openly about all the pro every single imperfection you have and then be like well we say nice things about you too i'm telling you it's it's [ __ ] up it's hard to deal with that [ __ ] when when the house burned down people figured out a way to be judgmental about it and like that blew my mind it was the worst thing he was getting time of our lives yeah so william osman he lived actually and where i grew up in ventura there was a massive wildfire in this house was a hundred percent destroyed burned down one of those things you see on the news just a total wreck nothing and people still somehow figured out how to be negative about it especially with the gofundme john's cameraman john's brother set up a gofundme and and people donated money a lot a lot a lot of money like more money than i ever could have imagined and at the time i had like 800 bucks in my checking account like i had no idea what to do with it like i i didn't i honestly if you want to know the short long story short i did nothing with it for two years that money literally sat in and like yeah this the these parallels are insane the same thing happened with me with the first lawsuit philly d made of charity fundraiser i didn't ask for money philly d raised money for me to [ __ ] fight this lawsuit and it got turned into this huge negative conspiracy about how i was scamming people it's crazy the same thing happened to william how much money did they raise what could poss what were people saying about the money like what could they possibly say about this it's more than a hundred thousand dollars 128k is where this uh dude that's like that's like almost exactly how much i got too that's wild get me one of those beef euros with french fries thank you unrelated account because i didn't know what to do with it i was so uncomfortable and four like since that happened people have constantly like um i don't know i don't know i don't complain i don't want to feel like i'm complaining no bro it's [ __ ] up the same exact thing happened to me complaining but we went to disneyland i think a week after the house burned down a guy named jeff who works at disneyland in the park this is not like corporate this is just a guy a normal guy who works at disney gave us his free his personal tickets like he got us into the park and i posted a picture big mistake bro you're not allowed to enjoy life people donated money to you that you didn't even ask for huge mistake william and people like it's it's like it's not even that many people people were there were comments saying wow i see you're spending your gofundme well like what i'm trying to explain is like doing youtube has this whole dark side of constant judgment and you can't escape it yeah he's at the firewall you make it or you break i almost broke i almost broke you need therapy you need to disengage because like he said it's not that many people and it's not compared i didn't i'm i follow william i wasn't aware of any of this [ __ ] that's the point i had the same problem he's got to make it through this [ __ ] it's the great firewall you got to make it through buddy you got to stop listening to those [ __ ] were just bitter that you got somebody raised money for you they're just bitter angry people in the world and you're subjected to a lot of them they're gonna [ __ ] with you dude just got to ignore them you gotta learn it's like youtube will destroy you if you don't learn how to deal with i mean anyone in the public eye really youtube's particularly malicious though because like everything you do there's comments under it [ __ ] analyzing my house that we were renting there's a whole series of people who were debating oh he's renting he didn't own it so it's not his house all my [ __ ] burned down like i lost it all yeah but you didn't even ask for the money and even if you did you didn't force anyone to donate you don't have to justify it there's there are there is a conspiracy video on youtube still you know what's interesting to this day oh i i'm interested in this but this happened [ __ ] years ago and you can tell how much it still bothers him this is the same thing that happened with fupa i dealt with it for years before i addressed it because you're like this is stupid i don't want to complain it's so dumb and you know what people are [ __ ] psychotic and hear about this successfully when there's somebody out there i wasn't gonna name names but somebody out there making dozens of videos about it tweeting about it on a daily basis sending you dms about it harassing you yeah keemstar um who's retiring by the way i don't know if you heard i'll believe it when i see it um yeah we didn't watch it but the people that were upset about the jordan peterson thing uh brought it up right so it's like yeah even after it's been debunked it's still totally debunked i went and debunked it in every [ __ ] systematic way uh possible there's no validity left but yeah people who hate me still bring it up and the thing is like if you go watch that video of those those [ __ ] being like ethan climbs a piece he made fun of jordan peterson uh snowflake i'm triggered by this uh not allowed to make fun of our our cult leader um unanimous upvote no challenging of the facts ethan's a scammer but let's hear the conspiracy theory i'm curious that calls me a crisis actor oh that's and it's serious it's not a joke and there's a whole comment section a crisis actor of a forest fire that burned down like half the state i don't think you need crisis actors for that that's awesome but how bad my acting is dude that's crazy what i'm trying to say is like generally 90 of everything is so positive maybe even 99 of everything is so positive but there is there is this this percentage of like this extreme negativity like in the the x-ray video i didn't show this comment because it pissed me off so much for some reason it still bothers me smart guy one of the top percent doesn't even have a slim girlfriend welcome to the modern west dude you just gotta go you gotta get the [ __ ] you gotta go to therapy bro i really do think so you got to figure out how to get over this [ __ ] it's just some dip ship in so bro [ __ ] people like if you want to make fun of me make fun of me but why why are you coming after my family because they're psycho like it's like being up it's like a punching bag i feel like a punching bag and my only option is to not look at anything because if even if i look at 99 of like positive even being online and making something and showing like you give it to me like here's this thing i made like i put my soul i literally put a part of my soul into everything i make like it takes me way longer than you guys would imagine to make a video and then and then someone comes along and uses you as a punching bag and even though 99 of everything is amazing and positive it's really hard to explain why even a handful of just nasty comments can like make you feel bad yeah i've thought about that a lot too it's the i think the best explanation i've heard for why we focus on the negative and kind of let you let the all the positive stuff kind of wash kind of just float by you and then the negative stuff you grab and hold on to it's fight or flight it's a survival mechanism we identify threats in the wild where we're you know biologically that's kind of how we survive right survival mechanism so when you see threats or you see danger or something like that we are programmed to hold on to those because we need to be aware of the threats to our safety and i think that's kind of the only really good explanation for why we do that but you can learn not to do that that's what i want him to know is that you can with practice and therapy and whatever you can actually learn to diminish that those horrible feelings and like maybe i'm just like weak but it makes me sad and it's like i don't want to not read the comments but i feel like i shouldn't read the comments because there are comments that say things like i miss william before his house burned down i can't tell it's [ __ ] insane laugh because people are so crazy bro yeah people i mean look dude i mean it's like it's just the sad fact bro people are insane i mean i get comments like that too and it's [ __ ] horrific man you know that's [ __ ] up though i would feel like kind of defeated all the time like i really just wish i wish i could just make something and just publish it and have no idea what people think that makes me sad like what do you mean you miss me before my house burn like why are you even sharing that do you want to see what my first video looked like on the william osmond channel if i never changed like that's what i'd be making today exactly if i if i wasn't allowed to change and do what i want i wouldn't enjoy doing this but yet someone has the like audacity to tell me that they want me to keep doing what they want me to do but that would make me no i would kill your channel i know i was like that i miss ethan i miss the old ethan it's like well you say that but if i made old videos if i made videos the same way i was doing back then i you wouldn't even watch it like i'm sure that person leaving that comment wouldn't be interested yeah you know it's just [ __ ] stupid not happy to do it why why and so there's a place where the comments sort of are even worse it's the subreddit the william what a surprise what a surprise reddit moment i've been through it with the subreddit my friends i've been through it had good times we've had bad times my friends and the bad times were bad and the good times were okay and i feel like we i think we've garnered a pretty good relationship with the subreddit now it's okay they're still still trying to cancel you on like a bi-weekly yeah i guess maybe it's only a bi-weekly now though instead of daily i mean that's a big improvement i guess i'm used to it no i guess maybe i learned to focus on the good stuff more because there's so much great content that comes out of our subreddit it's true and i love sharing it and being like look at what our community made it's so cool that is very true he's so cool our subreddit is so cool um but yeah just certainly they're trying to cancel one if not me anyone any of us one of us nitpicking you know they're canceling memes now oh yeah we can't even enjoy memes anymore he's so cool did we order food olivia you got me that beef euro with french fries [ __ ] god bless america it's pronounced gyro are you [ __ ] cancelled yeah ready to throw your ass out in the rain [Laughter] i'm scared to eat this mediterranean food if we're going to a uh certain location yeah i'm gonna have to use the ghost toilet or something dude oh you're afraid you're gonna have to take a [ __ ] yeah i was just thinking what's wrong with mediterranean food it goes right through me dude what doesn't you gotta say what doesn't yeah mediterranean food is not known for making you [ __ ] everybody in this office has like just the weakest bowels it's crazy well that is true okay well you're a vegetarian you don't know what it's like yeah i don't know what it's like i'm just thinking we're all gonna be ghost hunting with [ __ ] breath that's what i'm afraid of don't have garlic bread well they've been dead well well apparently according to what we read ghosts can cause bad odor so should be interesting all right william it's specific to me like nobody stumbles across that on accident like somebody goes there specifically to talk about or share memes about me and it's like i do lurk there and i hate it i hate it i hate it 90 positive but there is there is just this like kind of just i don't know how to describe it other than kind of like weird disgusting like speculation about me that's where i come back to your eavesdropping on a conversation about you that you're not supposed to be listening to so that's the challenging part of setting those boundaries for yourself because if you could if you had some super power to listen to every conversation that everybody has about you that you know you [ __ ] up bro that's information not for you man um and that's what that's essentially what's happening who's somebody you guys have never met and i you know constructive criticism is is always important right that's the other thing because you can't be like i'm not when i first was like having a meltdown and i was like i'm not reading comments anymore then that became a place for people to [ __ ] on me and then i remember getting tweets from people like on verified accounts being on twitter being like ethan's a [ __ ] he doesn't he doesn't want criticism he thinks he's above criticism he stopped reading comments like i verified and i'm like it's like you can't escape it and no matter what you do even to protect yourself people still [ __ ] on you it's [ __ ] vicious i go i'm not reading comments from mental health they're like oh wow you aren't you're [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you don't want criticism it's like you know point where it's no longer constructed the state of williams videos at the moment hi all first of all i don't want to come across as disrespectful in any way i have been an avid fan of big willy since the early days of his channel but nowadays i don't think he has the same level of content that he used to produce do you guys think this is the case why or why not yeah it's like why even write that bro just go just like watch or don't and that is i mean i don't know if he was citing that as an example of constructive criticism but no yeah i mean there's nothing constructive yeah we get to look like that on the subway all the time right pretty much i don't like ethan anymore we get that [ __ ] all the time but i guess it just doesn't maybe does anyone not watch the show anymore stuff like that does anyone just find the show boring and like uninspired and it's even worse when people say i'm a big fan of bots oh yeah of course i've been watching i've been watching since the uh since israel yeah since israel but like i just can't stand ethan anymore it's amazing how many millions of people watched you since israel considering you had like ten views yeah back then that's what it's interesting yeah we say okay fine you don't like it anymore you don't have to like it you [ __ ] off nobody cares i don't need i don't need to know just [ __ ] like when i stop enjoying things i stopped generally just disengage with them dude just go out of my way yeah let them know let's [ __ ] off dude just go watch something else i'm sure endless amounts of content we've changed we've changed we've gone down different paths in life you've i've gone this way you've gone this way uh a [ __ ] i'm sure there's something down there to watch [ __ ] off shut up don't tell me is it is it tough to not respond to all those little comments no no no no not anymore back when i was small i would respond to everything but now again you have to remember people write [ __ ] they don't expect me to respond they don't even expect me to read it and also you if you do respond you look like so pathetic yeah it's just alone like if you get in the trenches and start responding to people it's like wow dude and then that just becomes a whole nother thing for criticism true i think it would bother me less if it was down voted into oblivion but it's not yeah how much points and even though i know that it's stupid and then i shouldn't listen to it or shouldn't bother me it still does yes sir and it feels pathetic it feels pathetic that it bothers me it was like oh i just you know why like you're you're it's like dehumanizing like people sort of they put you know a youtuber up at this like god to your level like oh this is like this person is you cannot they are unaffected by any sort of insult or mean thing and then they perceive what they don't the problem is they don't expect that you actually read it i think but you do obviously yeah you need to dehumanize them it's like well they're not affected by me being a jackass and so i'm gonna therefore be a jackass nothing no specific no nothing how am i supposed to learn from this of what to do differently you guys don't know a lot about me i could be the zodiac killer okay not possible you're too young i could be i am the zodiac killer i hide so much because the audience they don't want to see me suffer like they don't want to see me being homeless but there's this part i want to watch him suffer on the flip side where they don't want to see you succeed people do not want to see you be successful it's not about money though but but it is it's like it it is like jimmy i'm busy i'm gonna need you to just hang out down on the floor for like five minutes that cool buddy you know me as a youtuber i started off and i made maybe 10 views a video i posted a video to get 10 views um and i made no money and then i started posting videos and they'd get 50 000 views and i still made no money because i hadn't even monetized the channel yet and i just kept doing what i was doing and like as more people watch you make more money but i'm afraid to do anything i'm even like i'm even flustered right now trying to figure out how to describe this because i feel like oh like yeah once you tell people that you have a career and it's it's it's like you've made adult money then they're drool do i even talk about the car anything but i feel like you see the fact the fact now that i'm hesitant to to talk about the fact that i bought a car is so sad yeah i went through that too when you start making a little money and then you're afraid people are gonna be like judgmental and be like oh you change you know it's like bro yeah i'm look i'm making money i got vid it's like i've been through all the same [ __ ] there's just like that weird contradiction where people oftentimes get attached to youtubers because they find them relatable and it's like oh you know i feel like you know you're a lot like me and i really connect you or whatever but then the more people that do that the more successful you're going to become and then you're not relatable anymore and then they feel betrayed you know what i mean and like i guess but if your only way you relate to someone is if they're like not rich then i don't understand he's not it's like i don't even know if he's rich necessarily but like william look at him i mean he's not out in the memescape he's not he's the same guy he's just sure got a little money yeah sometimes he's got a rolls by rolls royce and say [ __ ] him yeah yeah of course i don't know that stage now that's what i'm saying i'm well past all these stages you ascended yeah i was saying thank you and i'm like thinking right now do i edit this out of the video because like in 2019 i bought a model yeah we gotta i when we got a our first nice car we got a model s and i was so scared of what people would say if they found out that i had a nice car that people would start [ __ ] hating me that's where you spent the fupa money on yeah exactly should she suffer uh yes all clearly clap if you think she should suffer yeah exactly it would feel like crazy conspiracies even it happened well after that and we leased it but i got to get into this whole thing about a [ __ ] car like what job do you ever have to explain everything you spend your money on to people well three tesla model three cd and get the s and you guys have never it's not even that expensive it's like a 30 000 car it's like a mid-range car right or am i out of touch model 30 40 000. oh okay but that's not like that's like a mid-range nice car right yeah it's i mean it's not a luxury sports car it's not like a bmw or some [ __ ] or mercedes yeah those would be likely to be more expensive yeah [Laughter] but i wouldn't i said i'm either gonna buy used cars for the rest of my life or a car that drives itself and when i when i had made enough money where i could buy a car that drove itself i bought a kind of job itself you bought a car bro big mistake you got at least that [ __ ] yeah m3 is uh 70 grand yeah but like model threes is like dime a dozen here in l.a it's like nobody else got to explain how they spend their [ __ ] it's not a low end card like you said it's like a mid-range yeah my whole parking structure my complex all model threes yeah in la it's like the new prius everybody driving it and i haven't told you guys because i'm still traumatized from the gofundme like everything same thing happened to me bro i was traumatized from that [ __ ] gofundme that phil set up for me so much problem it's weird like people it caused so much trouble neither of us asked for the money someone else did it and then it caused like so much [ __ ] problem i would just give it all back you know what i'm saying well i needed it at the time i didn't use it i ever did like so many instances people just say i see you i see you're using the gofundme money while you're using the gofundme that's crazy yeah they hold it over you forever go fund me money i didn't buy a car with it though i bought that with money i made exactly there's this term this paradox i call it the emma chamberlain paradox where relatability will bring success well that's what you just mentioned dan and success will kill your relatability right exactly why i'm not relatable anymore [ __ ] i gave that [ __ ] up long ago that's exactly the sentiment you described the emma chamberlain i didn't know it was the emma chamberlain i didn't know that that was a paradox she suffered from yeah she's big time now she's like modeling for louis vuitton and [ __ ] there's just like a huge trope with especially younger youtubers where it's like when they move to la they change and i emma chamberlain talked about that a lot in her videos right because she was just like a teenage girl i was talking about yeah she's from like san francisco just vlogging great school just going to school and live a normal life and and then she became super successful and now it's the people that like still emma chamberlain she just lives here she's just successful yeah and doing the things that she dreamed of i like emma chamberlain she's cool i like her a lot non-problematic queen queen and ian ready for the ten reddit posts about problematic she is somebody can expose emma she is an unproblematic queen i saw someone did an exposed thread on alfredo by the way no more platforming alfredo oh right i saw that too that he's uh not really italian yeah he's he's appropriating italian culture yeah that's in the dock yeah let me open that it's at the top on top of the show that was funny i see that's why i love the subreddit sometimes you love their awesome bangers on the subreddit oftentimes it's not all dangerous and there's some doozies some bangers too some flips and some flops yeah yeah look look at this 3000 points please do not platform alfredo on your podcast a thread this was a response to everybody canceling every person we ever mentioned as a dog i was really offended when i learned alfredo was not represented was the dog representation on the podcast despite all the controversies he's been in first of all cultural appropriation he claims to be italian when he clearly isn't ask him to speak italian he can't he can't even speak why are you platforming such an uneducated dog when we are out here being the good ones i know this is a joke but i'm getting defensive for alfredo i love that dog so much don't you dare then there's the poop story really dog's eating poop nice [ __ ] stereotype it's incredibly harmful we don't all eat poop and if we wanted to we should be able to do it without being poop shamed in front of thousands of humans it's awesome and then this there's like we stand on problematic shredder so great right now this is going to sound bad but i kind of hate making youtube videos me too i was there it's not like i don't it's not the video talk to me slick willie talk to me i was there i was you and i feel like now i have the best relationship i've ever had with youtube i'm making videos four times a week which i never thought would be possible i come here i love it we've got a great everything's you know what i'm saying you can do it you're going to tell me to end it yes i need to cut off william osman early um which is what we got for the first time but we've got to go um it's a shame we got to go uh the spooky haunted mansion we're running out of time we're running out of time that's a shame i'm really enjoying watching this video yeah i think the way we know the [ __ ] being olivia's like wait i thought it was a secret well yeah but i'm which is fair that actually does make sense since we do have to wrap it up i really want to take a look at this announcement video from the phase clan before we go okay sure let's do it um sorry william i want to fix i want to finish your video because i'm just relate so much but let's talk you know you can get through this i was there bro i got you know what i'm saying let's go let's just this is the firewall man if you get through this you can get through anything it's just you know sky's the limit bro we all go through it you come up stronger bigger faster richer and less relatable than ever [Laughter] and look at me i live in a rolls royce i live in a rolls royce that car was expensive he had to give up a lot to get that car so he is living in his car now maybe that is relatable some of our audience yeah who knows you broke asses where's my donations today didn't see any super chat i didn't see enough super chats today all right i'm just kidding i'm just weird and we appreciate and love all of you that did that just kidding thank you uh where is the can you highlight it in the document yeah uh right here and right here is the truth is guys i'm the same [ __ ] idiot i always was i just i that's it i'm the [ __ ] i'm the same goon i always was i just have a nice car in the house that's the only difference still rocking beanies and actually the the real thing is like having money has just enabled me to make more content now i have people that help me and support me so i can make more content i have [ __ ] make four videos a week now before i was lucky to make one video a week because i had to do a lot of other [ __ ] that keeps me away so like you know i'm using the money to money that i'm using to uh [ __ ] make myself more productive first for so we can all enjoy more i think when you wear shoes every day that's what we'll know you changed not that i don't like my got sandals baby you don't like my um i love sandals on a rainy day i will never change wait what's kendrick lamar standing for this [ __ ] dropped something new childhood home oh [ __ ] top five worse uh okay sounds like nothing he was at dodger stadium just dude i want that new kendrick now um here's the uh so which one you want me to click the this one yeah yeah their announcement video so faze made this huge announcement that they're going public i'm sorry who gives a [ __ ] that you're going public like they're obviously just trying to drum up interest and buying the the shares but like if i'm a fan of phase even who [ __ ] cares that you're going public good for you you're going to make money like what do i care but when public when companies go public do you know what that means they get [ __ ] ruined they get ruined nothing good comes from companies going public other than they make more money everything goes to [ __ ] when companies go public because they become accountable to boards and shareholders and everything becomes about profit motive and is no soul or character left this is a bad news for the faze community if you ask me um based down this is a phase that's a phase out i know before we jump into this um your wife eli is in the chat she is she said hi ethan hi ethan hi hi uh you want to call her she's home with theodore she she was going to come with the the haunted ghost hunt luigi's mansion but um hi theodore if you're watching hi alfredo sorry you got canceled right here we go eli you didn't see the part where you were ordering lunch right it's not that bad mediterranean food is good yeah it's good for you don't want to give the it's good for you so anyway congratulations to faith they're going public and um well that's just really exciting what's up guys it's faze rain here what's up guys this is face tempered what's up guys and i our biggest announcement ever as you know we started in 2010 and all we really cared about back then was trick shots it's just yo yo they put blanks eating [ __ ] on their ipo announcement oh that's crazy that's so weird why would they include that i was wondering why faith blinks wasn't in there because he's like one of the owners but they just show them eating [ __ ] you know we started in 2010 and all we really cared about back then was trick shots it's just a group of friends that's him getting arrested in the club oh wait i don't think it was arrested but they showed them both known and evolved so much over the last 11 years into a global lifestyle and media platform we really couldn't have done it without you guys the fans you guys are face planners and so that's why we're excited to share this announcement personally did you see that in the background what no i didn't see it it's been in like every frame hold on i didn't see it i just spotted something interesting in the background you want me to go back yeah yeah maybe just did you know we started in 2010 and all we really cared about back then these trick shots it's just a group of friends with a youtube channel grown involved so much over the last 11 years into a global lifestyle and i don't see anything right i don't see it on top of you it just looks like a normal okay ipo maybe it's maybe it's coming up that's an announcement media platform we really couldn't have done it without you guys the fans you guys are faceplants and so that's why we're excited to share this announcement personally face clan's gonna become a public company gonna be on wall street guys and without you guys obviously this would never be possible this is a natural next step in the growth of phase and the growth of what face clan is team that came from making trick shots is now going public how crazy is that this isn't just a big moment for us in phase 10 it's a huge moment for everybody who grew up on the internet with us we've grown up with you guys this is really something we've all why is he doing why is he talking from the backseat of a tesla like bro okay if you really cared you'd probably use this really something we've all created together i'm so proud of my entire team here at phase for being a part of something so incredible that's it for now i hope everyone's as excited about this as we are get ready phase up phase off pays off wow congratulations i don't know who the [ __ ] is investing in phase i don't know why they're even going public i mean like i just don't know what service or goods they offer or what the [ __ ] phase even is h3h3 humor how like what is even the point of phase going public i don't get it well well obviously i know they want to raise money but like why would anyone invest in phase it's just odds well i mean you know all jokes aside they are a very successful esports organization they're teams in a bunch of stuff and esports is uh becoming a really huge industry so you know i'm calling it short phase [ __ ] frog they're actually going to be phased on like that's their uh ticker oh that's pretty good phase short phase buddy all right we got to go we're going to go to uh luigi's mansion yep so expect that on thursday tomorrow for members no no wednesday for members right wednesday for members thursday for everyone thank you for watching it's all about it it's been another great one here we go been another great one death death death crank about to get some beef euros [Music] [Music] death death death death death death death death to all of them
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,342,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, h3tv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 28sec (9688 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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