Donald Trump Hacked & Snowflake Cops - Leftovers #5

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I love how every show starts with Hasan addressing his side dramas for 15 minutes lol.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 269 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/bobojoe ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 24 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Who is going to advertise on Trump's site? It's just going to be Mike Pillow, Chick-fil-A, and alpha brain supplements. They're going to bleed money.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 35 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ChatrouletteCorvette ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

im always looking forward to Hank Pecker's "Thats raight" at the beginning of every episode.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 47 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/aidandagawd ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I actually love the start of this where itโ€™s just Ethan and Hassan talking about their weeks/catching up.

Majority of the episodes have been them just going through set topics and it feels a little stilted. Love seeing them just chatting for a bit

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 60 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mediciii ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 24 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He seems like a nice guy and you can tell Ethan likes doing the show with him, but I just wish we got a lil bit more energy and engagement from Hassan. Although I get itโ€™s a whole new crew and a new format, new show, new camera angle and heโ€™s getting used to it. Hopefully as the weeks go on they find a good groove.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 112 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mediciii ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 24 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Re: the rhetoric, the 'not only men hire sex workers' argument in favor of sex work annoys me as it's an unnecessary (and somewhat dishonest) argument. Obviously not 100% of the clientele for escorts, exotic dancers, etc are men, but easily 95% of these clients are men.

You should be able to defend sex work while acknowledging it largely benefits (on the consumer side) men. Small company produced queer/femme-focused pornography is probably the area of sex work where the most women can be seen within the target audience, and this =/= a brothel in Berlin (plus the audience for those types of films and works are pretty small).

Happy to see another episode out, as always.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 58 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Dezabop ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What ever happened to Hog of The Week?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ChewieDecimalSystem ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I donโ€™t think something should be called empowering if it is only seen as empowering for one sex to do it in the majority of circumstances.

Likeโ€ฆ I hate this push for women to feel empowered without actuallyโ€ฆ having any power.

Men get empowered by actually being in powerful positions in their lives. Women get empowered toโ€ฆ cater? To be sexual?

I donโ€™t knowโ€ฆ this is very gut feeling of me but I just donโ€™t like it necessarily.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 23 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Helpfulcloning ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 26 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ethan cuts people off so much.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 29 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/aReasson ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 25 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
two [Music] all right hogs you better gets running and squealing come on now piggy let's ride we are here and we are ready we've invested an additional five billion dollars into the set this week we have uh added anti-air artillery to protect ourselves from air strikes and drone strikes yeah of course we had to the the liberals they're coming they hate the truth they hate truth seekers and truth tellers you know i'm gonna send a little truth teller yeah in the form of anti-aircraft uh missiles i will never get vaccinated never never that's why they i'll tell you what boy why straight conservative how else can i offend you today come on they want it they want it so bad dude they want it like they just they want to make you upset so bad they're just like please please get mad it's like dude you are cucked okay if you spend all your [ __ ] time making up merchandise you know constantly complaining constantly crying about the liberals you are cuck to the liberals okay the the by coastal elite are winning they're winning the culture i don't know how i guess i do like i don't know how though for the most part liberals got this uh label of the triggered snowflakes because i swear i mean i guess there are some you got this like classic social justice warrior from yeah like 10 years ago that was like humongous the girl who like freaked out over the guy who's made the humongous joke but other than that it does seem to me that like the white conservatives are the most triggerable snowflakes yeah they get just so upset about the dumbest [ __ ] yeah vaccines for example like i think yeah of course they're ready to go to civil war over a vaccine i mean it's unacceptable it's goddamn unacceptable that they're vaccinating people it's just communism and pecker is mad yeah he's a man you know first of all our sponsors today are stamps and uh policy genius hassan how you been by the way how's your week been what's going on with you i'm pretty good you know just uh working hard finally moved into the new house the 700 billion dollar yeah seven garillion dollar house congratulations i'm glad you're in there enjoying the fruits of your uh labor there yeah it's uh it's it's been good so far you know just trying to set up a studio and whatnot uh and uh have more guests on and things like that it's not as good as this studio obviously this is like the most expensive studio in the country yeah this is like the gdp of the whole yeah state yeah we're we're keeping the los angeles economy afloat here yeah basically single handedly you're building a studio in your new place yeah i mean it's not like nice not like a studio studio but just basically it's a it's a larger room and conference table i'm gonna be able to have like guests on and then you know have have better conversations because currently whenever they come they just like sit next to me and it's like awkward they ate them ross thing yeah i don't want to do that exactly yeah exactly there's better ways to do it yeah a window covered with like a bed sheet i think he has a yeah it doesn't have like a green screen or something as like his he doesn't even have like a regular green screen he better because his background is like his unmade bed and a window cover yeah the bed sheet that's that's what i'm saying and he doesn't even have like regular he doesn't even have like a regular uh curtain he just has like a green screen oh it's it's so good which is so bad yeah so um god you've been in so many controversies lately dude i know another one about the brothel oh my god that was insane yeah that was that was absolutely psychotic where uh i had i have a friend who's a stripper and she dm's me out of the blue and it's like oh my god someone just walked into the strip club while i'm working in your chicken tendy merch right here i have a video let's show it you want to show the video okay oh i can't show the video well here i can show the video here you can show it some ass but i don't know maybe we can blur it dan there's a little bit of butt there it's just a little ass we'll make it work yeah we'll make it work yeah this is mad sigma energy that's pretty funny he's loving his he's just loving life i mean that's a [ __ ] great video right there by you yeah okay so what happened so i i was like oh my god can i post about this and you know i was like ask ask the uh other stripper there and also the fan if i can post about this and she was like i asked [ __ ] yeah like go forward he's like really stoked he's like actually at him too and i was like no he doesn't want that smoke because i know like people like people get like kind of mad but i didn't want i didn't know how mad people would get it you're right so basically i consented uh my friend consented but uh there's a lot of swerfs on twitter who did not consent they were like no [ __ ] that dude how dare you so wait what was the anger about i don't understand um there are a lot of people on the internet that have uh really unique perspectives that are really polarizing i guess or they get like really passionate about like particular things and uh there's a lot of people who just hate sex work like they they think that all sex work is inherently like abusive it's all it's all coercive and that um and that like they'll adopt the aesthetics of someone who actually cares about the well-being of sex workers but they but they're not they're the the legislation that they advocate for and the things that they say routinely dehumanize sex workers um there are leftists who are who have these opinions too yeah of course that's weird because obviously the anti-sex work take is usually a conservative take of like it's immoral yeah i know there's a lot of women that make a great living from that and you can do it in a safe environment yeah uh and make a great living so and every time like the government takes action because they they want to combat they the government always says they want to combat sex trafficking right and sex trafficking is horrifying it's it's yeah it's awful it's a monstrous thing yeah one of the worst things yeah except every time they say they want to combat sex trafficking like ces the foster for example they end up literally taking away resources from sex workers that use certain resources like back pages and whatnot uh to to safely be able to do sex work so this is a major issue that's why sex workers like routinely um fight back against sort of stuff but they're so marginalized and their voices are never heard really used so they pass a bill they'll pass a bill to say we are going to shut down for example like websites that uh facilitate in like sex work if you're like backpacking oh you mean like a website that's like you can find an escort online yeah like for example and it's like well there's like certain websites where sex workers are able to uh watching their theory about why they want to shut down because they're saying it's all it's all sex trafficking it's just there's there's no evidence there's a sex trafficking boom there is there's i mean sex trafficking does happen 100 but that's like illegal separately you know what i mean but it seems like a web like a website where you just find an escort would be a good place to potentially sex traffic well that's precisely why you got to decriminalize it so that the website can still operate so that sex workers can still communicate with one another about like abusive clients and whatnot right because this is like a huge issue um and i mean that the ideal situation would be something like in nevada where it's like people can run a safe like place where sex workers can work out of and then like the facility ensures their health and that the patrons aren't freaks and everything yeah exactly i mean uh that's the advocacy here in america especially revolves around decriminalization not legalization full-blown um because i think like a lot of people are worried about like the corporate exploitation element if it's like full-blown legalized then it's you know what i mean that's crazy to think because then you have like actual exploitation like hyper exploitation um so coca-cola gets into the uh exactly it's a escort game but um i mean the the things the thing is like people were just like super mad they there's obviously i have a lot of haters who watch and i talk for 12 hours every day so you're gonna find something in my archives that you can like use against me sure and i talk routinely about sex work rights and sex workers in general and i have them on my show and whatnot too so um one of those instances i talked about like all the way back in 2010 i think i went to a brothel called artemis in berlin i have this video too let me pull it up so this is when people got really mad right so they were like this piece of [ __ ] uh [ __ ] you know he he went he's blowing his millions dog i was in 2010. okay that was [ __ ] you know i'm gonna play the video so people understand but i guess this was the reason people got really mad so this is a clip escort no shame obviously sex workers real org i've i've had sex with not even escorts but also like straight i've gone to a brothel artemis in berlin and had sex with uh the workers there yes oh i don't hide it i don't give a [ __ ] why would i yeah so you saying that you did sex yeah and they're like this is shameful i don't know i'm so surprised by that because i thought a whole a big talking point of of on the left was like sex work is real work and all that kind of no i mean there's of course there there's a lot of different opinions there i mean the left is never agreed on anything ever so is it famous i guess there's like even further left that i'm not super aware of that kind of surprised me sometimes when i hear about it because i thought there was this universal appreciation and need like you understand sex work is just a necessity of society it will never go away it will always be here the best can the best thing to do is to give them the best conditions possible that's safe and enables them to work and make a living and do it on their terms which is safe for everybody that's that's like the only that's the best and most humane thing to do and that's what sex workers want yeah like that's if you talk to active sex workers like that's what they want that's but there are a lot of people like this that will oftentimes always like bring up one or two ex-sex workers and there are plenty of xx workers who are anti-sex work and like talk about the abuse and the industry and there is a lot of abuse in that industry par partially or not even partially like almost directly a consequence of how uh in the margins that that entire industry is how it's like a shameful thing that we need to like push to the side so that allows really horrifying things to happen right so instead of uh instead of decriminalizing and like having an honest conversation about this we like kind of uh push it we brush it aside and then allow that ramp and abuse to continue so my argument is like i'm very open about it but they were upset they said that this was like unacceptable why that guy alex is like he's like a [ __ ] investigative journalist investigative journalist who i've followed for like a long time too he's like oh the guy who tweeted it out yeah and and he didn't he didn't oh this shows how he blows it shows a lot about his [ __ ] investigative reporting because he says here the yeah it turns out that brothel went to so he could have sex with quote workers was rated in 2016. they're not workers they're not workers so by the way they're all slaves like that's what he makes it seem like so he clips this article right and i didn't first of all it's in 2016. i don't [ __ ] know what's going on in a brothel uh you know what i mean like i'm supposed to know what could have happened in the future because he's saying that this is indicative of all brothels all brothers or brothels are like this and it's hyper specific to the sex work industry and it's not like you know um it's different than the the purdue chicken factory that's like hiring undocumented immigrants because it's not the the entire argument reduces to sex work is not real work it's like just abusive and exploitative and horrifying and and it's all sex trafficked people that are exploited and coerced right that's the way that this guy operates that's the way he thinks is going on and there's plenty of examples that you can point to to prove that point right um so he puts this he posts this article as though like i'm you know morally culpable in this situation but uh then i i looked a little bit deeper into it i was like that's kind of [ __ ] up i mean not kind of [ __ ] that was super [ __ ] up what is it first of all it was for [ __ ] tax evasion yeah and secondly the there there was uh accusations that like there might be sex trafficking going on and but all of the people that uh were appointed to in that situation they were released and i believe the brothel is now uh suing uh uh the city of berlin for damages to on top of that actually i actually have an excerpt here it says um the berlin authorities raided artemis in a human trafficking investigation some people on tw uh let's see here basically what they do is i guess the authorities do routine investigations they drop in to see just to see if there's any like human trafficking there they didn't find any human trafficking there yeah but actually right because what they actually did arrest people for as you said was tax fraud and withholding social security contributions so there was no arrests uh about human trafficking in fact and it's routine and if and anyway it was the people arrested were related to tax fraud yeah i mean the the brothel is still in operation it's not like you know whatever [ __ ] i mean what the [ __ ] why would he do that well because he has an agenda a lot of people on the internet have their own particular age why the left eating their own like this i just don't understand the dude well i mean i think that he just well it helps reporting until franco covered it it was his his name gets mentioned with philip franco his man gets his name gets mentioned here but if he cares eating his [ __ ] la eat his own people i just don't understand i don't think they i don't think he sees it like that he cares more about like his uh swerf uh pov than anything else like and it was it was obvious he is uh here's a real shot of him uh uh drafting his tweet by hand yeah about you uh uh participating in human trafficking and for those who don't know swerf means sex work exclusionary radical feminist it's the same as you might have heard turf oh wow okay trans-exclusionary radical feminists these are like you know terms i just i don't get that i just don't get it it's like how it's like i'm sorry but sex work is just a natural fact of life so i mean what are you gonna do about it like so people want to do that like people people enjoy that like and and it's incredibly is incredibly popular like a lot of people consume porn for example i think it's i think it's like just incredibly hypocritical of me to you know consume porn and then not like advocate for the interests of the people that make it you know what i mean it's ridiculous like why the [ __ ] would you not do that like it's no different than how like conservatives would be like yeah run football man run and then like the moment that they kneel for the national anthem all of a sudden wait a minute that's a real human being with real problems um in a lot of instances they're black and you know have a higher likelihood of being victim to police brutality and they want to talk about it then you remember like oh this is not just an entertainer that's like dancing and running for you know my desires but instead of real human being with like real issues and then they're they get very upset and it's kind of like that a lot of people want to consume porn a lot of people want to you know reap the benefits of uh sex work but then they don't actually want to um when when it comes down to like giving liberties and rights to the those who are making this content or those who are engaging in the active sex work then they're like oh [ __ ] that yeah all these that's i i i'm shocked that there's people on the left that are like anti uh sex work that's just weird to me it's legal in germany too yeah i know i've uh yeah there's like a whole red like district it's crazy there from an american perspective it just seems like hard to even imagine there's like a whole district in germany where you walk into it and they have like open street broth those women literally behind glass you can walk through the brothels there's women trying to get you to come goodness me shatner loves that trying to get people to come into their room and it's just like whoa i went there when i was like 18. i didn't sleep with anyone it was just uh i was i was a baby i was a virgin i was like just scared i was just walking through there like what the [ __ ] you know yeah crazy and and people look at that and go well that's [ __ ] up like you're objectifying yourself for the male gaze or the male desire um and uh there's this like weird understanding or meme on the internet that like all sex work is exclusively created by like exploited and abused women for the interests of just like cisgender i mean heterosexual white dudes they're saying and they're not the [ __ ] cases there's a way their argument that it's empowering they're owning their sexuality and making a great living especially if they're doing it in a safe uh way exactly um yeah hamburg's red light district that's where we you know it's it's hard to shake off that conditioning if you like grew up in the western world that has like really puritanical points of view especially in america against like sex in general then it's it's really hard to like reprogram yourself to be like wait maybe this isn't all that bad um maybe this isn't that crazy so you know um that's why i advocate for the safety and betterment of sex work and i said it in the vice article too like all work under capitalism is exploitative it's done under coercive conditions if you're singling out sex work then you have more so a problem with sex and not necessarily the work itself in chica what do you think about police unions i hate police unions so so what's the prob you love unions yeah hate police unions well the reason for why is because uh police serve the interests of capital rather than the interest of the working class that's why in leftist like leftists considered police to be clashed traders while they themselves are technically of the working class i see um they work against the working class historically and also in contemporary society so what i mean by that is historically cops have always uh busted through the picket line helped scabs push through into the factories and have always engaged in counter-revolutionary activity at the behest of the bosses and you see that everywhere i mean you see that in like the line three protests uh where actual cops off-duty cops are being hired by uh the the pipeline to go and beat the [ __ ] out of like quite literally torture some of the protesters there for example so it's like this is what they do so they and their unions and that's the only reason why they're unions despite being part of afl cio uh their unions are probably some of the most strongest and if not the strongest and that's because they serve the purpose of capital rather than interested in the working class so what's the rule there for like good union versus bad union i mean there's like i i don't even think about it like good union bad union i just think that like uh the only reason why they're able to thrive in the way that they do and have a robust union is because once again they are the last line of defense between the working class and those who own capital the wealthy and if they didn't exist then you know if there was any sort of like uprising or anything like that which is very unlikely in present day but if there's any sort of like labor action for example labor momentum they bring in they bring in the strike breakers you know because the reason i ask is because we were just joking about how like they're getting they're ready to go to civil war over the vaccine in chicago the police uni like in chicago the mayor issue one said all government employees need to get vaccinated you see that all over the place uh more places new york l.a lots of cities are doing that and the federal government did that for christ's sake um and uh the chicago police force is threatening to go on strike uh which i think is illegal as a as a a vital public service uh yeah obviously that's debatable but so what they end up doing uh because they can't go on strike because like otherwise you would have no ems or you would have no first responders and whatnot and people would start dying uh what they end up doing is what is known as the blue flu and uh we were talking about this before the show but um the blue flu actually happened in new york uh in the past where they don't full-blown stop working but they call in sick and they basically slow down their services and when the blue flu historically happened in new york city um crime actually decreased it's like that is that is ironic actually it was a work stoppage in i believe in 1971 when around 20 000 new york city police officers refused to report for regular duty and uh it was pure utopia for that uh 12 hours people were holding hands picking flowers as opposed to of course like when the sanitation workers historically have uh done work stoppages like all hell breaks loose right it's just trash piling up everywhere that's true it becomes the city gets even smellier than it normally is the thing is like anyway it's just kind of shocked me to hear the chicago police union head talk or he's just he's like a mag occultist i mean he's talking about how he was like the government has no right to force us to do anything i'm like you're a cop you force people to do [ __ ] all day every day that's literally that's literally your job yeah you are enforcing the the government's uh the state's monopoly i was like you do that every [ __ ] day so and you know and then the mayor tried to compromise because she didn't want apparent uh uh chicago this is the union guy love that yeah so he exactly so this guy so before like this is like you if you were polish or irish i could be uh this is this is copy things that's awesome he has a great hairline as well which is fantastic hairline you don't see that in cops like let me show off my hairline let's do a hair yo pick your union boys yeah it's uh which hairline you want yeah he's he's i mean he is a hairline king i don't obviously i don't believe in like uh race science or anything but it's you know complete [ __ ] you don't believe in race science yeah like phrenology except for cop chronology this is what i was gonna say i i believe that like you know their cops have like a thumb like shape and they're right i'm like you are the higher your level of power is right right within the cop world right and uh in the back of your neck you've got like that that yeah yeah exactly and and that's your power level as a cop i can spot a cop do you think they become more thumb like as a result of being a police officer or their thumb like resemblance enables them to rise the ranks yeah they're like that's a good thing are they born a thumb or do they become a thumb that's what i'm saying i think they're born a thumb they're born a thumb all jokes aside yes obviously not they become thumbs but you know i just uh well it's just it's just too much of a coincidence okay all i'm saying is if i if i were to measure skull uh cop skulls i would i would immediately be able to be like this is a cop right i'm saying right um but anyway i put up the picture of the uh of the union guy real fast again yeah so this guy was defending the january this is a [ __ ] cop he said the january 6 protesters uh we're not doing anything illegal he didn't see any reason to arrest that it's like these guys killed police so this is the police officers support this guy too so to me it's like proof that these guys are mostly magic cultists and it makes and explains to me why they're so happy to stomp on the face arrest stereotype uh minority groups you know even chicago's a very progressive city but like the police force is straight up [ __ ] mega cult q anon borderline i mean so this is something that a lot of people miss for some weird reason because like uh i don't know why they just like never talk about cops or the police force is like a political force but um according to the police magazine september 2016 survey 84 of the people responded like cops that responded the poll were planning to vote for donald trump versus eight percent for hillary clinton so yeah yeah so these guys are i mean cops have historically always been reactionary and very openly are they uh you know pro-trump um they they love it they love you know they love donald trump donald trump is doing everything they wanted them to do you know it is surprising because the biggest police forces are in very progressive cities and um but if it makes sense because like who that a job appeals to who i mean i don't know they're like these [ __ ] they get they want to go [ __ ] [ __ ] with minorities i don't know does it just appeal to these people like where did they come from why are all these radical conservatives joining the police force i think the job shapes you for sure because like that's your your tool right that's your job and that's why people say when people say a cab like all costs are bad all cops passes whatever like they don't mean like um you're just automatically an evil person you just can't be a good person while also being a copy to be a good person otherwise i don't know how many are i'm sure there are some yeah i'm sure they're they're good cops but ultimately you can't be a good person while in the act of being a cop because you're enforcing all of the laws right and a lot of those [ __ ] laws are directly slanted against poor people directly slanted against black and brown people so if you're gonna do that then you can't be a good person while in the process of doing that even beyond the laws i feel like in the police force you are forced so frequently to look the other way and because there's so many shitty cops doing shitty things doing violent acts arresting people inappropriately searching people inappropriately pulling people over inappropriately that you're you're forced to look the other way probably on a near daily basis so like even if you're not a bad cop they'll fire you right they'll fire you they'll they'll fight the only time you actually get fired well i hear it all the time when they when they file um complaints on other officers uh they get fired yeah you can't eric shelvin was like that guy should have been the guy who killed george flight he should have been fired [ __ ] yeah years before that happened but the reason why we uh turn the other cheek or look the other way is not directly because like the unions are really powerful the police unions are really powerful but more so because of the tool that they are designed to be and that tool has to be a brutal and violent one because like oh god forbid you know what i mean if they're not if they're not enforcing then those criminals can come into our neighborhoods and oh no like that'll be terrifying um so that's that's mainly the reason i personally think it's kind of weird that we have a very like we have a essentially a paramilitary group that is literally above the law that is completely unaccountable okay that gets taxpayer dollars from black and brown neighborhoods from poor neighborhoods and then directly takes that taxpayer dollar to an auxiliary neighborhood that they live in because like cops more often than not you mentioned like they operate in urban cities and like big cities and whatnot but they're not actually from that they usually have like little safe haven towns like right at the precipice right at the border of said city that town gets all the amenities now because they have more money uh but that town is literally operating off of the taxpayer dollars from the poor communities and the poor neighborhoods that are directly funding it so it's this like very weird cycle of of um taking uh taking money from the working poor and then funding like little safe haven communities that are reactionary as hell at the precipice so it's it's terrible all around like i mean i i don't i don't understand how you can just look at policing in this country and be like nah it's working pretty good i agree and well here you actually you have some evolutionary evidence to support your claim oh wow at one point we've evolved past the human being into the thumb exactly thumbelina real race science so there that's this is the hidden truth liberals don't want you to see straight up well anyway i didn't mean to go into a tangent into a police and unions and stuff i just thought i just heard that that story about the chicago police force today i was like man these guys seem like [ __ ] pieces of [ __ ] the the nypd union boss was like straight queuing on like straight queuing on i mean uh look they were the insurrections were taking selfies with cops inside of the capitol like yeah yeah exactly you know they were they they opened the doors for them pretty much right like it's and then they killed one of the cops and they still simping for anyway whatever i can't it's a whole meme hole the good news is uh well let's move on to something light for example michelle fiori you know this lady oh yeah he's my favorite he's running for uh office and the let's find out so this is the political ads that we're starting to see in america if you're not from here this is going to trip you the [ __ ] out but you know what's funny is i saw this one i was like that's an effective ad i feel like that will work for the people she's targeting here [Applause] i'm michelle fiore and i'm running for governor governor i spent my whole life fighting the establishment i was the first female majority leader in nevada assembly and one of the first electeds to endorse donald j trump and you better believe i was attacked for it i believe it yep that's that's how you get your bonafide post called me a gun toting calendar girl and politico magazine said i was the lady trump and i don't care yeah uh the the the washington post said i'm unqualified to be governor and i don't care the audio is terrible but the audio fascinates me it fascinates wait is this you didn't do the full video what do you mean this is the full video i just paused it oh you paused okay i was worried this gets better the audio fascinates me because it sounds like she's in a studio but she's in the desert and there's foil for everything you can hear her like crunching and then like the truck squeaks and squeals on desert sand like watch the beginning here like [Music] like is that a sound that you would hear on sand i don't think so no no no they they put everything in uh in post they they made her i'm fascinated they made her redo her audio too because he can't they probably didn't get good audio so do you think it's all dubbed in the studio 100 and it's the worst up and i'm running it's awesome it's the worst dub it is absolutely the worst dub dude it's amazing this is why subs over dubs boys i spent my whole life fighting the establishment i was the first female majority leader in my whole life it's to endorse donald j trump and you better believe i was attacked for it [Applause] dude i'm sorry but like there's some that fit is [ __ ] wild bro it's fit it's just so wild i just i i don't know what to say about it without like getting cancelled other than that it's wild yeah no i i i know i just wait wait till she okay wait wait there's a part of the video where it like i'm just like it was hard for me to knock it i mean she's she's got a leather jacket and belt on she's wearing a dress with a belt i mean okay that's fashion i guess uh but damn she's built like a [ __ ] uh she's you know who she's built like alex jones top heavy yeah she feel like a tank felt like a [ __ ] brick wall dude washington post called me a gun-toting calendar girl and politico magazine said that i was the lady trump and i don't care washington post said i am completely unqualified and will ruin the state i don't care for the for the record like there is uh there are reports that she is under fbi investigation for campaign finance so she is more like trump than she thought i mean of course which one of these uh fundraiser people is not shouldn't be the washington post says i'm being investigated by the fbi i don't care we need outsiders fighters not the same old boring moderate compromise blue blazer politicians let's start with a three-shot plan [Music] ban vaccine mandates ban critical race theory and stop voter fraud that'll fix our great state those are the three most important things affecting our state right now in the in the state of nevada yeah is voter fraud vaccine mandates and critical race theory it works though it works look this is the funniest part never mind education infrastructure healthcare or any of those other why did you try to holster this thing back so she shoots the gun and then she tries to put it back and and then she forgets they just watch people stop voter fraud just keep your eyes on the joe biden administration is coming after he goes back through it and i'm ready for the fight it's just hard for her to pull it out and and put it back in like and i suspect it's well you know what this means to me is they must have shot this so many [ __ ] times yeah and then this was the best take of the bunch but they must have shot this so many times if this was the best day an administration is coming after me i'm michelle fiori and i'm right joe biden administrators are coming after me so funny because like no are you like no one knows you're you're just like a fundraiser for the nevada republican party uh and it's not the job administration is the fbi that's coming after you oh we've got more intel on her well i just went to her campaign website because i was curious uh you know what it is on myspace website exactly that's what i was going to say it's just and look it's a bunch of photos and then just her twitter feed there's no like there's no page for like policy or like or what she actually most important things affecting our state is critical race theory and grass that's too long the the the problem is look i i did a i did some some canvassing in nevada for bernie sanders uh back in the good old days yeah when when things were looking brighter yeah and i went to some of the trailer parks there and like most of the people are completely tapped out of the political process if you're living in a trailer park and you're working like you're just you're just like [ __ ] this [ __ ] you know none of these people care or none of these people care about me as an individual right but when they do care they were very republican now does that mean that they deserve to be the trailer of course not and they like i want to improve their material conditions regardless but yeah there are a lot of people that would respond positively to this and be like yeah that person does represent my my initial reaction was like this is gonna work like this this is good [ __ ] for the target audience yeah they're like from a truck but that's the irony from a trailer park in the middle of the [ __ ] desert they're like those are the three most important things critical race theory covid vaccines and uh was because what was the other one right that's like all they consume is [ __ ] fox news and like right wing propaganda from sinclair broadcast like controls all local news so yeah they they are terrified of vaccines they don't want the you know libertarians critical rights forcing the vaccines you're in a trailer bro and you're worried about critical race theory what about like uh healthcare infrastructure healthcare better better workplace conditions for you because like these guys are still working and they're working on auction conditions pensions benefits yeah pay raise child care the minimum wage like pretty much every single thing that's in the uh 3.5 trillion now yeah slated to be 1.9 i'm more worried about critical rates there being taught to my kids and it sucks uh but uh i mean there's definitely a problem within the democratic party as well i don't think like i mean the [ __ ] lion's share i don't know how they're [ __ ] it up every year after year the democrats well because they don't they don't really care it's like you have the real [ __ ] on your side people want real [ __ ] but like somehow critical race theories beating out yet again like people they you hear them on and on about critical race there and people are [ __ ] like can't but it's so good i don't care but that's so obvious though that like the critical race theory is just like a culture war issue a wedge issue if you will that they have cultivated that they've it's not a real thing it's not a real problem not it's uh it's nothing really it's literally nothing yeah and um and it goes away too like it's so obvious antifa was a critical race theory uh in the trump administration like originally it was antifa then it was like mass mandates and it was critical race theory and then it was the vax mandates and it's always like they just move on to the next thing and totally forget about um totally forget about everything else what do you got here for us dan i was just showing all the republicans this is who's running for the wonderful republican candidates running for governor so we've got michelle fiore who we just met uh joey gilbert from reno that's his photo that he submitted i guess it's just because that's his wikipedia page because he's a professional boxer so and then who else we got here uh typical white uh republican looking dude and a cop so yeah there you go sheriff joe lombardo yeah i'm something tells me it's gonna be one of the two right guys no i mean so nevada is is interesting i mean it's the current governor is is a uh is a democrat so yeah it's a blue flips you know swing state um so i i don't know if uh if republicans are you know easily going to control the nevada gubernatorial race at all but have you heard about critical race there that is the most important thing affected my life yeah do you have kids sir no i don't yeah or when they do you know what actually is uh beneficial expanding the child tax credit super popular provision that republicans are blocking about the like that's that's if you do have children that is a million times more important than [ __ ] critical race theory is like getting child tax credits like getting money back for or no my child feeling guilty like they did something wrong that seems more important yeah it's just um it's sad but that's what happens when uh one side is not effectively communicating the material needs that people have and the other side is hyper focusing on really like flashy uh propagandized talking points that are tailor-made for consumption by this uh audience they're better at it they're better that's why that's why west virginia uh in the uh in the in the aftermath of the complete evisceration of uh the coal mining industry and labor union power there he is now plus 35 red state when in fact like these are the people that would benefit greatly from uh any sort of like left-leaning leftist uh social distribution programs um as they do by like actual ngos they come in and do dental work for them you know what i mean every now and then in a [ __ ] stadium like it's disastrous it's it's disgusting the way that we uh we treat the working poor of this country um i don't fault them entirely for having this perspective they're jaded they uh how can you blame them at all i mean they're just getting fed you know it's like yeah and it's fun all they do is just watch fox news who at least like points the finger of blame and and directs redirects their anger in the wrong place but at least redirects their anger and says like you're right to be angry and and uh works off of like prior uh uh the the prior ideas that have been socially that we've been socially conditioned into believing like white supremacist values and whatnot yeah well i'm trying to be i'm i'm trying to be more light-hearted today and i'm failing disastrously listen here i've got something lighthearted for you all right let's look at the times conspiracy theorist rick wiles claims that the covet 19 vaccine contains an egg that hatches into a synthetic parasite and grows inside your body now this may sound insane to you guys but this guy has done the research we have the scientific findings true oh okay this is good so she's built like a kanye one of these kanye dolls i feel like this is attacking me i'm gonna be honest with you yeah you're kind of built like this as well yeah honestly i i an absolute unit i think people would say no one no one talks about you know how how big men are oppressed in society we're the real victims yeah that's right big men matter big men my lives matter yeah i can't find clothes that fit me nobody's talking about it it's messed up it's not that bad for you is it you can't find clothes that fit you not fit correctly for my proportions you know what i mean but what are you gonna do i mean i was just kidding it was whatever come on dude don't stop [ __ ] complaining bro you probably you like you got tall guys get it all bro like tall guy like do you know how many girls are just like i want a guy who's over six too that's it all right so shut the [ __ ] up i do know yeah yeah you you are right i just want a guy who's six threes the perfect height anyone under six foot though i won't even see you six three i'm six four so see uh then they say i'm too tall no one says that no one has said that i'm not exactly i'm now officially lying you're a [ __ ] you're the hog now boy exactly the real victim me i don't hear [ __ ] from tall guys all right let's watch this pastor yeah is a global coup d'etat can i get a little volume for the for a boy over here he's a soft he's a he's got a soft voice this is a global coup d'etat by the most evil cabal of people on the planet in the history of mankind and if it is not stopped in the very near future they will win that's what's at stake control of the world they're planting they're putting eggs in people's bodies if you didn't see yesterday's true news you need to watch it it's an egg that hatches into a synthetic parasite and grows inside your body can you believe that i it's just like a sci-fi it's not like a sci-fi movie and it's happening in front of us this is a global so what happened did this dude like uh you know smoke some of that k2 or whatever some synthetic marijuana and was like i'm watching alien like yeah there's i have a whole son actually can you guys drop the link here i i yeah he's got a whole kind of pseudo scientific research paper into how the eggs hatch in the vaccine and apparently it's something like in the matrix i don't know if you remember this but i think this is probably where he got the idea you know where that bug goes in neo yeah his belly button yeah he saw he he watched that and was like this is real this is what's going on i feel like but i love plagiarizing i love how it goes can you believe that can you believe that it's like no no but they can yeah the people that are listening this is like a site it's like a science sci-fi dystopia can you believe that he literally says it's like science fiction it's like fiction it's like something it's almost like fiction yeah because it is it is he plagiarized this like he he did not come up with this on his own you know what i mean yeah so but there's a there's a paper for it you're saying yeah but i mean there's just man the the amount of crazies in this country is just staggering i mean they are everywhere and you can call in right now to true news with the donation to fight the parasites in our blood it's just always wild to me i mean i guess like i i understand why like these guys are popping off like the the guy greg locke right yeah um james fetzer exposing falsehoods and revealing truths brother yeah when i dug into it this is what seems to be um yeah so they've this is the virus they've captured uh something like this is going to develop inside you oh so this isn't it just something like this what's the name of the documentary [ __ ] i believe this is this is the image that they point to this is the that's awesome here they says parasite that may have been identified as hydra vulgaris which is darkened for the bar has been seen in the covet vaccine pick credited to the stu peterson show and dr carrie madage [Music] i love that they just like they'll always find like one [ __ ] psychotic doctor i doubt that guy's a doctor do a google search on that i i already looked it's uh uh i found her she has a phd she's an osteopathic internal medicine doctor and stands for freedom truth great love child of god she's got a rumble page okay oh man and uh you know but her instagram is just full of like lions throw it up elite global leaders conference talk them out like did can hassan put stuff up dan no but i can say if you send it to me i'll pull it up oh no okay is there a way to actually just as a side note is there a way to get him access to this tv so we can put stuff up too um that would be a technical challenge but i feel like we could do it we can do anything here on leftovers with this trillion yeah i mean our budget's insane yeah yeah so here here it is this is her uh instagram oh yeah the lion imagery trigger fall let's keep an eye on her on the podcast let's keep an eye on her yeah oh man they won the nobel prize this is like the page when someone's unwell mentally this is what their page looks like 100 yeah it's just like wow look i have given you authority over all the power of the enemy and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them nothing will injure you luke except that hydra the hydra and the in the bible passage it starts with look i i that doesn't sound i couldn't say luke 10 10 19 you can fact check it maybe maybe it starts with luke but they changed his look no jesus they added the look look look folks an amish to joe but i didn't look folks well there's a lot of versions of the bible so yeah they got they got patch notes up in this right bumping this [ __ ] yeah so shout out to um yeah should i say doctors have died or something to like uh you know present the truth to you or it's just like it's just crazy madness it's like 98 or 96 doctors have gotten vaccinated and and like oh like 99 98 yeah and it's like you're you're so desperate to find like the two percent of doctors was like yeah no this is fake this is actually fake yeah and hyper focus well they do the same thing with global climate change they do the same thing with every like wedge issue that they're trying to propaganize propagandize and uh it's [ __ ] [ __ ] and they're really good at it but i think it's just like comes from you know these people are bored they're looking for like uh fun stuff and this is fun you know what i mean this is like yeah it's it's i'm living in the matrix you know it's like it's like what a child when i was a kid that's what i would do in my child brain and i feel like a lot of conservatives just like straight up have child brain where they are like i do want to i i do live in the matrix like i am the main hero and i i'm the one who knows you know what the real truth is about the vaccine it's the called the main character syndrome yeah exactly anyway rest in peace to the goat colin powell uh this is my favorite quote about colin powell from kurt vonnegut he said the last thing i ever wanted was to be alive when the three most powerful people on the whole planet would be named bush dick and colin i i find that to be a little cringe but hey that's just me you don't like that quote no i think it's so like it's so cheese dude but hey whatever what it's such a great quote oh you were even snickering yeah i know i'm i'm just laughing because like it's uh it's bush dick and coleman yeah i mean are you gonna sit before me and tell me that's not [ __ ] hilarious i i i know i it's i don't know it reminds me of uh simpler times like the anti-bush liberal era so like at least i i feel a sense of comfort from that when like liberals were actually anti-war and not like bush and colin you know and not totally on board well anyway uh colon rip to the goat are we going to talk about the real story here though yeah like i don't really care about colin powell i think he is a horrible uh monster for the most part i mean look if you worked with a reagan administration that's already like you're disqualified from ever being covered uh gently in your passing um also on top of that he is and forever hopefully will be remembered as the guy who lied to the united nations that's his legacy to go to uh you know iraq and that's his legacy and he claims that like oh he felt really bad about it afterwards like oopsie it's like dude you literally had every opportunity throughout that administration to at least try to right the wrongs that were conducted and you didn't do that and once it was fashionable to do so only then did you come out and you were like oh man i felt really conflicted about that and these guys look he died at the age of 84. he was vaccinated he died because he had like cancer as well he was like you know really immunocompromised but he died alongside his family and his alongside his loved ones at the age of 84. yeah right whereas that is not a liberty or privilege afforded to hundreds of thousands of people in iraq how many people died there like half a million civilians yeah and conservative estimates that [ __ ] ins exactly and then also on top of that like that that region is just like completely broken in a state of disrepair as a consequence of people like colin powell so well it's really i find his story really sad and tragic because like the whole reason that his testimony held so much weight when he said there was weapons of mass destruction because everybody trusted him he was this what widely respected and trusted thing so they used him and unfortunately he was more than willing to be used by them as a means to basically send off war to just kill [ __ ] hundreds of thousands of people in a conquest for american companies to make money selling oil yeah i mean he his his career started off in the vietnam war and he was in charge of like investigating the my life massacre and uh you know um i i'm sorry but like yeah he's just not a good guy so which is why i love this rip to the goat i love this so donald trump is never one to let down and that's why i'm excited to see him back i can't wait for his new social media i can't wait for him to be running he is uh from one goat to another i miss him so much yeah when i see post like this i miss him this is him this show's gonna slap so hard when he comes back yeah um state we're basically just waiting for trump's return i mean we're we're [ __ ] anyway you might as well just enjoy it yeah yeah yeah you know that's the way i see it so here is a statement from the president wonderful to see colin powell who made big mistakes on iraq and famously so-called weapons of mass destruction be treated in death so beautifully by the fake news media he's actually right he's 100 even on like cnn and all these like liberal news medias they're like fawning over him which is really interesting yeah they covered him as a as a guy who is known for an oopsie you know and was very conflicted by it it's like dude that makes it worse okay like that implies that he understood that the uh the intelligence he was working with was not like actually legit intelligence and yet he still continued and lied to the entire planet sometimes i see from the liberal news media it's it's really staggering like first of all universal louding uh a praise for colin powell and then when trump uh messaged this then this outrage that how could he speak so poorly on this man he says hope that happens to me someday which is hilarious it will by the way it will because by that point we'll have like you know a way worse trump to compare trump to just like we rehabilitated george w bush i think it depends when he dies you know he's not a model of uh health that doesn't matter the man is the tank you're you're crazy you think nothing will take him down you know if eating if drinking 10 diet cokes a day doesn't that nothing will no absolutely not his he he's so he's a truck he's just nothing will happen to him first of all things don't happen to bad people henry kissinger is still alive how the [ __ ] is that dick cheney the more evil the more the longer they live exactly that's why the good die young yeah uh i hope that happens to me someday he was a classic rhino if even that always being the first to attack other republicans he made plenty of mistakes but anyway may he rest in peace love that it's just it's kind of first of all he kind of uh nailed it yeah that's a post he's a poster i i i the best part is for sure uh but anyway may he rest in peace yeah it's just like donald trump is the he is a petty [ __ ] who loves drama he's so sassy and that's his best quality and you know it comes out in moments like this and it's it's just amazing usually the people have more reverence uh for people in death but like trump and this he does this all the time he will tap dance on your grave oh yeah if you've ever crossed him in life 100 is [ __ ] incredible to watch i don't even think colin powell like crossed them per se he probably had a lot of words for don i think he said something i think he of course of course he said he voted for hillary or something like that yeah i mean he he was also an advocate for uh he was an advocate for barack obama if i'm not mistaken like he he was the reformed he's the worst kind of republican i just like at least these like psychotic q anon supporters are more honest in their mania i find the never trump republican to be so disingenuous and so awful and their rehabilitation for the media is disgusting to me like you have people who worked in the bush administration that literally have untold amounts of blood on their hands criticizing donald trump does donald trump deserve criticism of course he does is donald trump an [ __ ] of course is he violent of course he's a narcissistic psychopath yeah all of that is true and when you sit on the imperial throne that is you're gonna you're gonna cause a lot of bloodshed no matter who it is right and donald trump certainly did but the people that are criticizing him like the never trump republicans that worked in the bush administration shut the [ __ ] up spare me your [ __ ] [ __ ] virtue signaling you are a monster wait so i'm i'm also fascinated by the fact that like now we look at george bush oh and we go look at this guy he paints he golfs he's going he's friends and like he gives candy to michelle obama but are we can we say for sure like that trump is worse than bush because like yeah under you think without a doubt well because trump only had one term bush had you know more time to really destabilize but you're saying trump is worse than bush no i'm saying bush is worse than trump okay sorry i got that confused yeah i think so too because i remember when bush was president [ __ ] was i mean the iraq war alone is kind of a pretty fat feather in the cap the the war on terror the patriot act like that's what actually this arena yeah domestically if you if you think about like bush's horrible response to katrina for example like that was these are these are all things that we like swept under the rug i mean trump botched kovat obviously but like i feel like the iraq war has to go down i mean even if you go to vietnam like how many vietnamese people did america kill during vietnam it's probably nothing compared to the amount of people that died in iraq um i'm not entirely sure on the numbers but uh when you when you have to trivialize your vietnam it's comparable for sure yeah a lot of people i thought there was like a few hundred thousand problem with the problem with uh vietnam comparison to just simply iraq or afghanistan is that like iraq and afghanistan are not standalone right you have libya you have what's going on in yemen you you have what's going on in syria you have isis so like that destabilization had uh a massive uh exponential uh uh amount of of human casualties this is the fallout yeah yeah according to this oh it's 1.3 chil uh 1.3 million uh totally [ __ ] that is way worse that is horrifying two million civilians died it's hard to compare though because the vietnam war was genuinely a civil war as well so i don't know how many of those deaths were uh i mean i'm sure a lot were u.s uh caused but well i mean there's still there's still children being born with uh defects as a cop yeah i mean america was american straight up carpet they were just dropping [ __ ] agent orange baby oh yeah lighter fluid basically just burning the whole yeah that was that was untold amount of war crimes uh just horrifying we really did not learn our lesson there and did the you know identical thing in afghanistan as well um the only lesson that the american government learned there is like how to cover it from the media point of view you know yeah because the iraq war didn't wasn't really yeah no because until recently it's not it's been like okay cool no you don't show caskets like you don't show the the human casualty on the american side so that you know we can just like easily refuse to to look into it and you know you keep going back to applebee's and like living your life as you normally would while you know people are just applebee's the opiate of the masses we actually have to go to break we'll be right back we're going to do a quick break and we got plenty more to come [Music] on the other side of the front my friends compared to pumpkin patch photo shoots and costume planning you plan you doing any of those pumpkin patch photo shoots this year oh my god i love i love that that's my thing yeah i'm looking forward to those yeah uh but compared to that shopping for life insurance with policy genius can be one of the easiest tasks on your october to do list policy genius makes it easy to compare quotes from over a dozen top insurers all in one place 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so here we have it he's announcing he's going public with it right off the bat so that'll be good i'll definitely consider shorting this company tmt i'm buying all the i'm buying all the stocks i can uh the true it's called truth social network it's kind of a long statement but you know not a single trump supporter is gonna read this [ __ ] okay as a matter of fact one of the biggest problems with the desk of donald trump remember when he like originally came out with that was that he was just like writing too much and it wasn't him who was writing it no shot because like you know donald trump thrives under 280 characters okay will you go beyond that point you go beyond the breaking point it's just like he's never writing something that long okay so no one's gonna be reading anything that long either he's never yeah he's not reading anything that long he's not writing anything that long uh which i respect okay so it's just well here here's the important part this is the one he wrote he says i created truth social and uh teenage mutant ninja turtles i think that that reminds me teenage mutant no turtle gang turtle gang changed me in turtle king totally to stand up to the tyranny of big tech that's right by becoming big tech we live in a world where they they're not becoming bigger yeah they're they're gonna stay little tech yeah max at best we live in a world where the taliban has a huge presence on twitter yet your favorite american present has been silenced this is unacceptable i'm exci i am excited to finally announce i can't do a good trump i'm excited to send out my first truth on truth social very soon believe me tmtg was founded with a mission to give a voice to all i'm excited to soon begin sharing my thoughts on truth social and the fight back against big tech everyone asked me why does it someone stand up the big tech well we will be soon i mean look more successful business people have uh tried and failed uh you know rumble is like a good example of this donald trump has never had a successful business that's what that's the key it was just so funny to me but he's like still trying trump steaks you're very special trump twitter basically and um it's gonna be spectacular to watch this thing fall apart in fact it hasn't even officially officially launched yet and it's already falling apart it's in beta and somebody already hacked the [ __ ] website here's somebody claimed donald j trump's twitter handle already and pinned a picture of a pig [ __ ] on his own balls that's an important announcement that was yeah i i learned a lot that's the truth so already off to a hot start here he is again uh retweeting the fbi fem oh fbi yeah fanboy bussy inspectors though there's no shot so that that's an important message for my president okay okay no conservative that went on the truth website or whatever the [ __ ] like there's like i feel like there's eight people on this website right now and they're all leftists because like yeah no one knows what a [ __ ] fanboy is on the right if they did they would you telling me he doesn't know what a fanboy bussy is yeah no like i just learned about busties a few weeks ago exactly so so those words are not used by uh you know conservative uh divorced ads here he is uh tweeting at jack apparently the uh is on uh hit on this new social media hey freddie's in his uh hoodie he's looking cute my dog alfredo just ran in in a doggy hoodie stalling and profiling um jack unban me from twitter we get rid of sleepy joe and turn the fed into a bitcoin mine deal lazy truth request anyone know what melania is up to these days [Laughter] so yeah so this is what's going on so far but nothing will beat the pig [ __ ] on his own bald pins i mean parlor parlor had a massive leak similar to this uh in the beginning uh all of these platforms that are like marketed towards conservatives exclusively often have like really shoddy cyber security protections right the problem is that the cyber security you know these hackers are have is so advanced now it's it's actually super expensive you need like a massive uh operation to prevent people from infiltrating and i thought that was a broke boy and i found out that um it basically the reason that this keeps happening to all of these platforms is they all use this i think it's like open source social media platform called mastodon because they're too lazy to like actually make their own [ __ ] which is why it keeps immediately getting figured out because they all are using like the same formula and they've all hacked it all right yeah yeah oh we should make a social forum using their let's make yeah if it's that easy yeah we could um well then it's gonna get hacked though yeah pretty much immediately it's basically that's like we could just let it happen yeah just i'm here to let it happen yeah um the other part about this that does not make sense is that i mean i love trump uh and his posts okay i think like i'm always excited to hear more from donald trump but the reason why a lot of these like gab rumble you know uh parlor whatever all these like different kinds of websites ultimately fail is because there are no libs to own there you want to own the libs that's the whole fun of the game is like if you can't trigger the libs then conservatives have nothing well they and also they go there to get mad like that's what they like so if you go there and it's all just a huge echo chamber you're not look you're just looking at people saying the same [ __ ] everywhere you gotta see people owning libs like you said yeah you gotta quote tweet somebody um yeah and be like these guys uh this guy's a chinese communist somebody sent a bomb threat to this guy yeah so without that it just turns into you know a nazi gathering because those people do have like an ideological position that is still inherently reactionary they love owning the libs as well but uh they have a another goal you know what i mean right but you're right because the pedals and the nazis they're not necessarily looking to own libs they're just looking for a place where they can congregate and they've been kicked off every other yeah social media so for them it's fresh pasture and for everyone else that's not a pile or nazi which is probably the majority of them let's be honest i mean there's a lot of there's a lot of adjacent uh you know file adjacent nazi adjacent conservatives so you know uh it just turns into some very bizarre uh situation that's what happens when you don't have like any sort of restrictions and even then these websites do have restrictions as a matter of fact donald trump's website famously the truth one has restrictions yeah i'm getting to that a lot of really great ones well before we talk about that you want to show this first so here's don jr our favorite friend of the show friend of the show made us a cameo wished us well yeah um promoting trump's new social media and free network for people to be able to communicate to exercise your first amendment rights and so tonight my father signed a definitive merger agreement uh to form what will ultimately be the trump media and technology group and truth social a platform for everyone to express their feelings big tech and all of those on the left for so long sean have been saying well if you don't like the rules that we really enforce only one way on our platforms go create your own and so we did just that so that's going to launch very soon we're going to be in beta testing in the next few weeks full launch uh first quarter of 22 it's going to be exciting and we're looking to give a voice back to the american people you and free yeah nothing says giving a voice back to the american people by like making them sign up to another website that's inevitably going to get owned as it has already with massive data leaks uh where you know conservatives complain about like uh having their accounts uh banned off platforms so they can't speak to anyone anymore on those platforms because they're violating the terms of service so what the alternative is to go to a website where no one is there it's the same it's like not having a twitter account is the same as having a [ __ ] truth account you know for sure truth social well they say he says you know he's combating the tyranny of big tech do you find it ironic that after you sign up they beg you to share it on twitter and facebook of course yeah yeah massive dumps i mean they love facebook too so facebook is where they thrive um here is some of some uh snippets from their um terms of service the terms of service on trump's new social site is very specific you can't harass or annoy the staff dude this is the first this is the the free speech you you can't annoy the staff yeah that's right that's free speech and trump is staff i mean he's gonna own it so if you annoy trump like what does that mean annoy like do you even have to interact with him can i just be minding my own business and then he's annoyed by me and then he bans me yeah you you say that uh no actually trump you're wrong the met gala was tasteful and he's like bad annoying you're wrong brady carter is a loser and you know he will he'll be just banning everybody yeah so here's what it says you cannot trick again trick is like very broad defraud or mislead us or other users specifically in any attempt to learn sensitive account information i mean at least they know their audience like this is literally like please don't uh you know don't steal the information of like old racists that came onto this website by telling them that you can you have iraqi dinars the trick us though yeah please don't trick us no funny business yeah they just write no funny business yeah we like to troll uh use any information obtained from the site in order to harass abuse or harm other persons again it's like what do you mean obtained from the site like if i see it's just so broad yeah yeah i mean this like it just reads like uh boilerplate uh legal terms of service with like national yeah this is like weird no no i know i know but like with a weird trump seasoning on it i feel like trump wrote this himself this is not legal language i still don't believe he knows how to write this oh yeah it's possible we haven't seen evidence here that you cannot harass annoy dude no lawyer has ever written annoy into [ __ ] terms of service yeah harassment is like what covers that usually you know what i mean you cannot write annoy intimidate or threaten any of our employees or agents engaged in providing any portion of the site to you it's because i'm sorry no it's because all of the lawyers died from coven all their [ __ ] lawyers are dead now so like they have like a paralegal type of [ __ ] up you know what i mean they have like one guy left that's awesome yeah yeah they're all too busy dying in the hospital okay you can't disparage tarnish or otherwise harm in our opinion us or the sight you can't you can't disparage the sight yeah you just can't make fun of us on the side this is some real how was this free speech this is some real snowflake [ __ ] right here this is you can't you can't hurt our feelings but that's but that is like this is brutally honest like conservatives don't want free speech they just want you to shut the [ __ ] up if you ever tell them that they're wrong you know what i mean that's where that's where that comes from and free speech protection is exclusively center around being able to say and do hate speech and hateful acts so exactly you gotta like it all or like none of it yeah it's just like you can't tarnish you can't say naughty things about us or any of our staff on our website free speech yeah like i love when people always say like mccarthyist this is mccarthyis it's like [ __ ] who was the victim of that you know what i mean communists like time and time again the real victims of free speech or the the real people that have never been covered by free speech protections that are supposedly incredibly expansive here in the united states have been leftists you know uh specifically you know black leftists as well like the black panther party like they were so not covered by free speech that their leaders were executed by the american government so you know well even recently someone like uh colin kaepernick is like yeah even in the private sector yeah nobody on this freedom free speech website is gonna [ __ ] be singing his praise but anyway it'll be interesting to do like ban olympics when this launches like if you're just [ __ ] on trump and the replies uh if he's just going to be outright banning people what's uh i don't think that many people are going to use this because it's going to be there's no there's no runway like they just kind of dropped us out of nowhere they didn't tease it like i feel like i put more uh time into like my [ __ ] merchandise than this [ __ ] you know what i mean it's like they just like kind of dropped this out of nowhere they went on fox news yeah so it's a build up right now you can sign up for the beta and it's launching in the first quarter of next year i think i know but like i don't know i feel like no it's gonna be a disaster there's no question about it and also how do you make how do they make money off this i don't know but they they mur the whole thing is so mysterious to me they merged with a publicly traded company this is going to be publicly traded out the gate and i'm telling you if you want to get rich short this company because this is going straight to like a meteor to earth i know but have you heard that additionally the tiny meat turtle gang intends to launch a subscription video on demand service oh yeah the the ninja turtle meet gang plus yeah and it will feature non-awoke entertainment dude you're like wokism non-woke entertainment i feel like woke has become this like word and when i hear it i'm like ugh please non-woke entertainment what does that mean like uh we're gonna be racist please subscribe i'm going to be so racist yeah yeah man i'm this is going to be [ __ ] awesome to follow though because yeah they're producing original content um and i just can't wait to see i just can't wait to see it it's gonna be fantastic it's gonna be like every other [ __ ] oan you know newsmax style uh news coverage that looks like they always have like that weird filter almost where it looks like there's vaseline rubbed on the lens you know what i mean when you watch when you watch any of these like super [ __ ] far-right news coverages like you're like what happened why why is the lens so why are you so crusty and and greasy what is going on there that's what the entire thing is going to look like if they even develop anything at that yeah i'm surprised because like he's such a horrible businessman this is the quibby of of regular media is trump's new media company will be funded with the help of digital world acquisitions a blink check company based in miami what is a blank check company it basically means a company that doesn't have any specific business plan or direction weird shady d-wag according to the press release issued on wednesday night d-wag a so-called special purpose acquisition company yeah we'll help i love their acronyms are off the rails tmtg wag and teenage mutant turtle gang become a publicly traded company the ceo of the company patrick orlando is also ceo of yoon hong international bro what which is an international yeah which itself is an international blank check company incorporated in the cayman islands with headquarters and wuhan china that's right it's kobe why i sent this funded by a company stationed in wuhan china yeah what the [ __ ] yeah conservatives love wuhan now that's right what happened to wuhan flu yeah um now it's yeah it's got them it's uh steve bannon was caught with another like uh chinese billionaire on a yacht remember when the when the u.s postal service secret agents like actually apprehended them for doing like wire fraud for that and charity fraud yeah for the border wall thing yeah they love i mean these guys they i wonder what's the chinese interest in funding this i guess they just like to destabilize uh no there is uh there are different factions within china like there are some very wealthy chinese oligarchs that are as as anti-state as you can get as anti ccp as you can get um and then there are like psychotic hyper right wing uh uh cults like falun gong uh that actually fund the epoch times have you ever heard of epoch times yeah so epoch times is like a right-wing website that's uh they're they're backed by the falun gong cult and they're anti-chinese state of course they work side by side with the cia for their anti-chinese state uh leanings doesn't the government wouldn't they if there was like a real big anti-state movement in china don't they just come in and [ __ ] they disappear in them no they operate outside of it oh they're not they operate yeah i mean a lot of their a lot of that stuff is just like outside of the control of like you know um the chinese communist party but that's that's where it uh that's where it comes from like a lot of this uh a lot of these like billionaires and and millionaires that are still like very wealthy and whatnot they uh will oftentimes have like anti-chinese sentiment and can get broad freedoms worldwide to run around and do whatever they want and i mean i don't know about this particular person but um you know if there's money to be made they're to do it you know i don't think there's like a destabilizing interest right there right well here he is on hannity it's probably good too he's doing the rounds oh wait is this what we were just here i thought he was on tucker um so anyway let's see yeah uh you can also get oh this is interesting there here's another one you can get banned on truth for using too many capital letters this one really blew me away because that's like trump's thing like it's just like randomly all capsing words and stuff the site's terms of service however list some rules that would hamstring trump himself the site will ban for instance excessive use of capital letters i don't that's so sure why but let me let the people use capital letters i mean it's like this you know let the people old hogs love doing that you know having the caps lock stuck um man none of this makes sense which is also part of the reason why i think at least it's not gonna pop off well i'm gonna be watching eagerly we'll be following it on this show and uh boy i'm just so excited for this new social media empire suspicious that this is happening right as facebook said that they were rebranding i'm just gonna i don't know maybe this is the new facebook i would not be surprised if suck was teamed up with trump i love it to bring you no zuckerberg loves making money this is not this is not a money maker if i if trump if someone else was doing this trump would call it like wuhan book wuhan book or something yeah book oh for sure oh uh the other the other thing like getter was another website that was like uh owned immediately and it was overrun by hentai and isis content and videos of like beheadings and whatnot yeah wasn't that one what was the other con uh the one with the the chat room where people would come in and do like speeches and stuff what was that one oh that's like uh crap that's like some clubhouse clubhouse yeah i heard that like they're the most one of the most popular genres in clubhouse is just openly anti-semitic neo-nazi uh oh yeah that's not surprising chat room so it's always funny because like these guys will like come up with a unique way of making people communicate with one another and then immediately a week later twitter is like we're announcing you know rooms and then it's like you're done now now clubhouse is done yeah you know and facebook will do that instagram will do that whatever um so moving on to our next story we touched on cops a little bit but uh following up on that cops are quitting their jobs over the covid mandate covet has become the leading cause of death bringing home the bacon you like that i love that oink oink uh covered has become the leading cause of death for officers despite law enforcement's being among the first group eligible to receive vaccines in the end of 2020. thank you the total the total stands at um nearly 500 covid 19 related deaths since the start of the pandemic compared to 94 from gunfire from the same period which by the way when people say gunfire remember that doesn't always mean gunfire from you know the bad guy yeah the the bad guys often more often than you would think is is friendly fire um specifically in uh colorado or washington state where like a lot of this stuff started popping out uh popping off there was one that was like a like a officer in training shot the other officer who was training him in the back of the head holy while they were engaging in yeah i mean that stuff happens all the time well i was you know i followed the brianna oh god i forgot her last name what was her yeah brianna taylor thing yeah and when you watch the recreations of the shootings i mean these cops are so irresponsible one of they're just literally one of the cops outside i think the only one that got charged yeah was just firing recklessly into the building like in every direction and he could have easily killed someone even another cop i often do and uh he was the only one that got charged for recklessly discharging his gun yeah because the other the other cops were considered to be like uh you know well within their rights to shoot um so they they saw the the material damages that that other cop caused by shooting into like other apartment buildings as well as like a worse offense than straight up murdering someone you know i know it's crazy that story was awful but also you know no knock raids regular currents uh yet another yet another instance of like a lack of accountability horrible training uh and and no no de-escalation measures like put in place it's just awful so here is cause of death of law enforcement uh you can see from 2001 to 2021 there's a sudden spike in deaths um yeah cops are getting absolutely murdered like just straight up [ __ ] murdered by coven yeah the felonious deaths are actually down uh while their job becomes less dangerous according to this graph more and more dying of covet quite a bit and um they don't want to get vaccinated for the record like uh so cause of death for law enforcement obviously 9 11 related is like in the aftermath of 9 11 there's still like cancer or whatnot yeah that's right i'm insane looking at like how yeah how many people actually died from that too yeah well that's because a lot of the cops that died they die uh on the on the job because like they're driving recklessly that's a huge one okay they drive like [ __ ] [ __ ] and then they get into collisions and they die if they're not killing other people like the motorcyclist that was like murdered by a [ __ ] cop i think in florida like last week um and then they die of heart failure very regularly heart disease and that's considered again an on-the-job on the line death they have other non-fallacious and then same with covet like they they consider these to i mean they tack up the they tack up the number they put that on the tally even if they're dying of covid and they're dying to covet quite a lot as you can see you know and um which makes sense they're out there they're with the masses they're breathing people's you know in space so yeah they should be vaccinated for sure and therefore it also is implied that if these guys are out there doing all this and dying of covet that the transmission of covet to police is extremely high and that they have the potential to be spreading that [ __ ] around they absolutely are they they absolutely are like they will be super spreaders guaranteed if not vaccinated yeah and uh of course in the most predictable way they have decided that covet is not the real problem the vaccine mandates are the real problem and so they're quitting their jobs do me a favor dan pull up the the video of the new york city cops throwing the guy at the subway who asked why aren't they wearing masks not only are they not getting vaccinated they're refusing even to wear masks in new york there was a video going viral yesterday a guy asked him he's like yo you're in the subway why aren't you guys wearing masks and they kicked him out of the [ __ ] subway yeah and he's like i'm the boss of the subway you know they were particularly stealing the guy he had already paid his ticket his pair these [ __ ] yeah they're above the law clearly 100 here it is so according to the person who shot the video all the guy did was ask if they would please uh put on their masks so here's the result of that they're not even like uh they're not even pretending to care about masks they don't even have it around their neck they don't have it anywhere they're in a closed space bro i feel like if there's one place you should definitely wear masks in your subway yeah okay like yeah even even if there's no cover you should probably still wear a mask for sure it doesn't even smell good like the at least the mask will protect you from the smells you know what i'm saying like jesus christ and they didn't they didn't even arrest him or like pretend like he had done anything wrong i mean they just exactly shoved them outside because exactly why not and they told him he can't come back in yeah just like okay i guess i won't commute commute home now anything wrong they would have arrested him right instead they stole his fare disrupted his day and continued on mask list in violation of the city's own law uh [ __ ] the police i mean it's just like these are i like covering these minor inconveniences that the cops regularly subject people to because it really shows the disdain that they have are the people that they're supposed to protect and serve right and it extends from that small interaction uh all the way up to the the actual infractions the violent altercations the escalation on you know uh routine traffic stops and whatnot and it's all the same mentality they have which is that like i will enforce my authority upon you no matter what okay and i will never be held accountable so i can get away with it so i'm gonna lay off you know i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna do whatever the [ __ ] i can here to to make sure that you listen to me and i'm not one of those people that says like we need to abolish the police force in its entirety i understand that there is still a necessity for some formation uh whether it's democratically organized or not some formation that will at least create a presence of law and order so i totally understand that but police historically and certainly in contemporary society has never filled that role for marginalized communities they operate like an occupying force in black and brown neighborhoods and in a lot of instances they've been trained uh they've they they have counterterrorism training uh that that you see when they're dealing with like black lives matter protesters for example kettling and corralling gassing people like right it's completely unacceptable and uh at the slightest bit of criticism they lose their [ __ ] [ __ ] and that's also because they're all all [ __ ] hogs they're 84 percent of the police force is like i love donald trump i'm voting for donald trump yeah there i think it just like when you're so used to this ultimate authority and power when people question that even in the slightest way it just you you're just so used to doing whatever the [ __ ] you want and never being talked back to by anyone that uh it really just corrupts the mind being part of that cult and it does seem like a call the this whole police union [ __ ] and and think about this way when you're uh accustomed to a lifetime of privilege equality feels like oppression for cops that's on overdrive like we think about the victimhood mentality conservatives have where they're like oh my god starbucks no longer has christmas uh stuff on their cups that's the killer brothers war civil war yeah vaccine mandates civil war that is the the mentality that they have but this time they're like you know well armed very dangerous and also willing to do things like they can rob you of your freedom they can rob you of your life and in some instances not even you know go to jail for it not even get not not even be fired yeah let alone go to jail exactly so it is just completely [ __ ] from top to bottom and of course there is uh no no mechanism to uh to enforce any sort of accountability uh the the defund the police movement was uh like was met with so much criticism for the mainstream media uh rather than like trying to describe the the intentions of that movement which was created by activists on the street they're not focus group testing their [ __ ] message it's like black lives matter um and uh instead of being like well defund the police means like taking away some of these insane resources that we are affording the police force uh all around the country unconditionally at a time when like you know education needs resources social workers need resources but all of that is being sent and spent on this uh violent paramilitary organization um and and we need to change that dynamic a little bit instead of accurately describing those demands they were like no this is [ __ ] this is terrible it's also freaking people out while simultaneously continuing to freak people out and you if you watch a lot of uh right-wing media you hear non-stop about how you know the police have been defunded and that's why there's crime everywhere the police have been defunded this is crazy it's [ __ ] the police have not been defunded anywhere the total is around 800 million dollars so far uh that has been taken off the top of the police budgets that means uh like uh you know scaling back one percent right of the police uh additional revenue that they were gonna get from the city like the additional amount of money that they were gonna get they're still the the the number one uh you know budget in most cities right yeah um but even if you take like a little bit off the top they're like oh [ __ ] we're dying or you're killing me you're killing me right now i'm literally dying and civil war yeah civil war and to put that into perspective 800 million dollars seems like a lot of money right yeah well you know certain cities have 700 million los angeles has a budget of what is it 1.5 billion dollars and it's slated to be 3 billion like that's nothing when you take like 10 million from the top and then give it back to the school program you know what i mean to try to at least it sounds like civil war yeah to at least like focus on the root cause of crime that we know is that you know crime usually comes from like class disparity desperation if you actually invest it's like addressing the uh symptom rather than the cause right it's like if you use that money back into poor neighborhoods and school and after school programs and then uh uh yeah and there's gonna be less crime yeah it leads to a decreasing crime there's a trackable decrease in crime in areas where there are more after-school programs and whatnot um but we never we never want to do that because it's so much easier to just like keep giving money so they can keep buying the guns that the military can no longer use you know what i mean what are they going to do though without the uh black man do crime yeah for the record it was 840 million in cuts across the entire country uh the lapd budget is 1.76 billion the budget of san francisco police department alone is 700 million baltimore 536 million yeah i was pretty shocked i saw la's um city budget and the cops was like over 50 percent of the budget like by far yeah sound right uh yeah something along those lines uh i i and i talk to cops a lot unfortunately i have to interact with them for you know obvious reasons and obvious reasons well you know similar stuff that happens to you from time to time you know what i mean oh so yes anyway uh and and every [ __ ] time dude every time it's like oh we hate uh the we hate that our resources are spread so thin it's like oh we can't handle it it's like well you know maybe you shouldn't handle some of that stuff some of that stuff could absolutely be handled by social workers people who are trained to deal with for sure yeah um but uh it's one of the cushiest gigs you can have in america and yet we have some brave patriots right here giving up here is the yeah the the the beautiful job yeah here's the fire absolute cushiest gig you can have yeah they've got great benefits incredible pay great benefits here here are these brave patriots giving up massive uh overtime pay off yeah uh uh seattle fire and police to charge for non-compliance with the vaccine mandate turn in their boots into city hall and declare it's civil war yeah this is the oppress so this this is the victim mentality that like i think you made a great point when you're used to privilege equality seems like oppression and uh boy this is a solemn walk man these guys have been through the ringer they've had enough we've had enough of your oppression damn this is song dude this is serious wow yeah turning in those boots yeah it's uh it's it's madness dude it's madness what what will happen now bedlam absolute bedlam here's more oh what is that this is this la city budget right so the police is 53.4 you know that's crazy and then what where's education well education comes from the education comes from the state and yeah so it's uh but i mean some does but i mean maybe a good thing to look at would be like parks or like libraries you know public works i'm surprised if libraries even get five percent bro i thought it'd be lower than that yeah who needs books brother we need more we need to make sure that every cop can have an armored personnel carrier that you can't even [ __ ] drive and lost we need anti-artillery tanks we need that microwave gun the the active denial system that uh you know you just like the microwave gum they're scrambling people's brains with no no no there's a there's a there's an active denial system that the us military created it's kind of like it's like lrad too long-range acoustic devices these are all like anti-riot measures that they originally used in iraq and then they started using on american citizens of course immediately the lrad is like so insanely loud that you can't stay there if you ask cops though and they're using it like they do in portland all the time they'll say oh it's just the pa system no the [ __ ] it's not [ __ ] it's literally a weapon and the active denial system lit straight up uh burns like boils the water particles like a microwave does on your skin so it seems it feels like your skin's on fire wow yeah i don't know if it's been in use in the united states yet but uh you know it's out there dan put that graph back up real fast i mean that tells the whole story in a in a society when you're spending 52 percent of your budget on the police i mean just imagine the utopia we could live in where you even just cut that in half and distribute it against other beautiful so like if we had parks and libraries and cities and stuff like that and city public works just imagine what a beautiful blessed city this could be oh and uh that was actually 2019 uh 2020 here's uh 2012 that's what i don't get now it's even more like why is it going that's what i'm saying they they like why does it go up what is it it's always going up but why because crime that's why there's the only way to tackle it down isn't it like crime is down well crime historically is down from uh you know the 90s and whatnot and uh but overall like crime has increased and the reason why he's a democrat he's a liberal but of course liberals love cops uh the the thing is the way the reason why crime is increasing especially in like cities and whatnot is because homelessness is increasing it's because people are in and do public housing yeah like if you eliminated some of the material needs that these people have for survival you would eliminate a gigantic chunk of the need to do crime people aren't doing crime because they're bad okay so this is 5.4 billion so the police are getting half of that so 2.2 uh 2.7 billion yeah imagine the public housing projects you could do the parks the la the libraries the shelters i mean that is so much money you want to know where a lot of that police budget is spent tell me lawsuits not all of it but like a big chunk of that goes to malpractice lawsuits paying victims because yeah you hear about this people sue uh this the city or the state for a cop killed oh a cop accidentally killed my spouse when i was in the car damn and then you [ __ ] sue the state and you get like a massive 50 million dollar payout yeah well if you're white if you're white yeah we pay that and the cop gets to continue working yeah well he's got to do that he had to he has to kill uh people come on i didn't realize that so much of it i actually would love to see a breakdown of how much of that budget goes to just lawsuits well um kenneth mayja is running for comptroller and he actually does a pretty good job shouts out the shouts out the kenneth um wait hold on uh yeah he's he's a certified public accountant housing justice activist and he's running for los angeles city controller in 2022 and um he often has like these big breakdowns of the la budget regularly um where he talks about you know uh the the proposed budgets and he'll he'll like break down all of the different uh ways that people's uh you know spend that revenue do we have intel on how much it goes to like settlements and lawsuits i'm looking to see if i can find it off the top of my head but i don't know if there is uh one of those yeah this is some sad [ __ ] man shame on the mayor for even approving that what a [ __ ] nightmare yeah yesterday the lapd sent 30 to 40 cops a helicopter a canine unit over homeless person that was in a vacant house and then they found no one a helicopter yeah for one homeless dude in a hot vacant house yeah on sycamore and sunset boulevard uh hollywood uh you know two days ago now by the way ice when i lived in woodland hills there was always every [ __ ] afternoon there and it was like a relatively safe neighborhood i think there was a but it was right off the freeway so i didn't know what was going on there was a lapd helicopter that would fly super [ __ ] low and circle my house like for like 20 minutes every day and then we found out that one of our neighbors is related to that cop so he would come do a free ride over the over the neighborhood every day for 20 minutes in the lapd copter and just like say hi to isn't that [ __ ] annoying how much money is that car oh it's i was like i'm going to call the [ __ ] i'm going to do something i'm going to complain you're [ __ ] up and it was actually scary because sometimes she'd be on the intercom saying [ __ ] and it looks like he's cause i'd be in my backyard chilling and it looked like he was like specifically there [ __ ] with me yeah yeah that's crazy i remember when that was happening i didn't i don't think you ever told me that that you found out that that's what it was about yeah i just yeah even though he was being gangsta that's crazy i didn't know what was going on but imagine the amount of money spent how much is a lapd helicopter those things are decked out like i don't know 50 million plus dollars i mean i don't know is there expensive though yeah um but yeah joyriding doing stuff like that it's definitely a part of it and um they get away with doing all that because hey they're the they're the last line of defense between you and the poorest okay so if the poor's ever god forbid if they ever rise up you know you need cops on your side people always say we found a poor and a vacant house and we sent the swat team 10 canine units and 20 helicopters and and people always say like oh what are you going to do with you know when uh a crime happens like who are you going to call it's like listen crimes happen all the time to me specifically and uh and others i know and i i have yet to see a police officer be like all right we we dealt with this uh here you go and you know that's anecdotal but uh there's also data available that like the cops are not preventing crime okay they are for the most part doing their very best to i guess stop it but the main focus in my opinion of the police force is to maintain a presence of law and order that like we have rules we have to live by okay that we all abide by to the best of our abilities in society and cops are their presence is supposed to create that order of order actually that presence of order um but uh in a lot of instances especially in poor neighborhoods uh and and black and brown communities in black and brown neighborhoods their presence unfortunately is disorder and lawlessness for the most part for all the way from civil assets forfeiture uh to to just like routine traffic stops that end up with like serious escalations and sometimes even death it's just a terrifying situation to live under when the government that's supposed to protect you it says protect and serve on the side of the [ __ ] cop car when when you see that cop car you're like oh [ __ ] here we go again that's not good you know so just do your [ __ ] job is what i say by the way in 2020 it cost uh 1 200 per hour to fly a lapd helicopter without accounting for the pilot's salary so that's a lot of money blown just to [ __ ] with me yeah anyway here's more here's more troopers uh former troopers from washington state patrol laid their boots at the state capital to show uh those lost because of the statewide vaccine mandate uh what about the ones died from kovid nope that's not important that's unimportant are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah this one is incredible they're not dead they just they had to [ __ ] they're on leave by the way the funniest thing is like they're not dead you [ __ ] look like local news that's local news participating in the reactionary propaganda to show those lost because of statewide mandates like dude you are literally an emmy award-winning local [ __ ] journalist dude what are you doing you're gonna say lost those lost like they [ __ ] died the mandate because of the mandate what are you talking about yeah it's like and this is why i always like whenever people are like liberal news media she continues uh 127 people are now unemployed damn they're dead we need to go to the capitol we need to take time and for the they've they've they're on leave they're on leave yeah i mean lost them they're probably gonna cycle out some of these guys are gonna go and probably work in like [ __ ] one of those states where they don't have said mandates or like where you know there's a republican governor who doesn't give a [ __ ] you know what i mean oh yeah people yelled at her verify she said to clarify by lost i mean resources that will no longer be available uh while they are already dealing with shortages apologies for any confusion are you st you want an emmy you don't know uh yeah here yeah that that's that's pretty bad yeah always always passive voice always using state patrol was the name yeah yeah you guys saw the videos right i mean we have some of those videos of like i mean these guys are theater kids too that's the other that's my favorite part about this entire process is like it's so dramatic you know what i mean here the 17 year old the 17-year veteran tearfully says goodbye forced out by the vaccine mandate his wife is the dispatch operator of 15 years oh this is so sad you know what you could have done got the vaccine i love this i mean tell me the cop skull thing is not true tell me a lie right now dude that's a hot dog right there due to my personal choice to take a moral stand against for medical freedom i enjoy being a security guard wherever i thought service for the last time today after nearly 17 years of serving the citizens of the state of washington it's been my honor and privilege to work alongside all of you i want to take a moment to thank those that have helped me be successful to be safe and to go home every day at the end of each shift wait hold on zach type in some sad music we need to set the tone [Music] this is just this is way too tragic i mean this is just hit me with it please this is too uh sincere too powerful of a moment we're gonna have to go take his boots to the capitol first yeah because he's been like we've lost him today yeah the ripping of that velcro is a relief to my wife and kids yeah i want to admonish each of you knowing that despite what the pressure sir this is for emergency use yeah we all know in this district on the 19th there will be 51 of the 75 troopers available and only 7 of the 11 sergeants so please please please take care of each other time to do crimes boys this is a good opportunity care of each other be safe and make sure you all go home at the end of each day this guy's i mean they're they're such [ __ ] theater kids dude like that that has like theater kid energy you missed it in the end he should i go back okay there's a point where he does a pause and then he repeats what he's saying and it's like dude it is so you are so turned up and the music down a little bit because i can't really hear what he's saying i want to say he's been a pleasure to work with for the last almost guys don't you have [ __ ] to do though for real like there's an emergency service that's your wife he has his wife on the dispatcher's side this is so dumb can't you meet them in person like don't you know them i'm honored to have been your dispatcher but mostly proud to be your wife our future is bright thank you so much for your service one time he's crying what a [ __ ] sorry doc's masculine by my side thank you for being by my side martha [ __ ] these guys man it's awesome well like you said they've got the best cushy's job all you have to do is take a [ __ ] vaccine like every father federal employee and there's people out there who can't even [ __ ] find like minimum wage jobs and you're saying you're currently like a little better like first of all nothing happened bro you're leaving of your own uh volition yeah this isn't tragic no it's called medical freedom ethan you don't understand it's like it's like these guys are you know they're these are my hippo rods they they're there's another usage is like getting their way this is the this is really funny too this is the last time you hook for me in a patrol car and jay ensley can kiss my ass washington state trooper signs off after 22 years fired by the governor for being unvaccinated a reminder like a lot of cops are dying to covet in the state of washington okay nobody gives a [ __ ] about that though obviously because covet is fake this is my final sign off um after 22 years of serving the citizens of the state of washington um being asked to leave because i am dirty yeah i am dirty fatalities yes i've worked sick yeah i mean dude like bro he's like i work sick bro that's kind of a problem dude that's not good dude like i've been coughing i've been talking about i've had covered i've spread it to at least 10 000 folks around here yeah i'm protecting and serving them straight into the tombstone right straight into the grave played sick um we buried lots of friends later sick the [ __ ] you guys i'd like to thank the um citizens of yakima county as well they're happy to see you guys officers within the valley without you guys i would have been very successful and you've kept me safe and got me home to my family every night um thank you for that um wish i could say more but um this is it so state 1034 this is the last time you'll hear me in a state patrol car they're just playing james you can kiss my ass five and four he drops it on his balls mike drop on the you for your balls here let me see the mic up on the balls again he didn't even flinch though my man's got balls of steel thank you for your 22 years of service to the citizens so scripted you've taken on many roles in your time with the patrol yeah in your first year you delivered a baby while on patrol in bremerton you've been a theory theory instructor oh she's definitely reading a script yeah you delivered a baby you did this you did that yeah is there anything else you wanted me to say oh yeah and uh i just hit my balls i'm not gonna read this you're gonna have to pay me another hundred bucks if you want me to reach control specialist and reconstructionist peer support member part of the chaplaincy board and a cbd trooper you've been a great role model and mentor for all young troopers serving in the area by sharing your knowledge and experience throughout the years just good vaccinated [ __ ] if you care about protecting and serving the community you should be willing to make that small [ __ ] sacrifice i don't even know if you could call it a sacrifice but like here's your ability here's your chance to serve and protect don't spread covet to people you apparently care about nope and and you know protect yourself too like you're wearing a [ __ ] bulletproof vest you claim that like you know uh your job is incredibly stressful and terrifying in washington state as a state trooper the most terrifying thing is probably [ __ ] getting buddy [ __ ] by a trainee you know what i mean who pops in the back of the head friendly fire yeah exactly or like you know uh [ __ ] having a heart attack while you're like chasing after a 14 year old teenager for the crime of skating you know what i mean like so you know those are those are the real terrifying propositions that await you right it is pretty great to see them all just and and then you know you're you're over here [ __ ] crying about a vaccine it shows it perfectly shows and captures that like a lot of the stuff that you hear a lot of the rhetoric that you hear about like cop lives are in danger blue lives matter thin blue line like it's all [ __ ] if you're you're scared of a little boo boo from a vaccine you know what i mean like you have every opportunity to get this [ __ ] thing you're not getting it uh because you're terrified of it because you think like global control is gonna happen or some [ __ ] whatever the [ __ ] is the reason because you watch too much fox news and that to me proves like your job is not that terrifying like if your job if you're literally getting [ __ ] a hail of bullets every time you step out of your cop car you're not gonna give a [ __ ] about being protected from [ __ ] covid that has killed a bunch of your colleagues already well there was i didn't know this but like we learned in the last episode they're like the 22 most dangerous uh in america behind uh what was the one in front of it something landscapers yeah landscapers yeah yeah escaping lives matter absolutely we're at about two hours which is our limit had a lot of fun had some good times had some informative conversations and some informative times i was gonna i was gonna like i said i would try to be a little bit more lighthearted but i get so serious it's fine because i feel like i have uh you know i feel like i have a more serious like duty here to you know uh provide additional information and whatnot or my perspective maybe that's the reason we'll get the flow i think it's fun we had a good up i mean i enjoy it every time we have a great episode it's episode five we'll hit our stride around uh i'd say uh 40. okay good these things are marathons no but i think it's going great i love our conversations i love the whole all the topics and stuff i love to talk about you're super knowledgeable and i love that and i just can't wait for more trump yeah i mean he's horrible i can't i don't know what the [ __ ] going to happen in the country no but he's inevitable like um like a covet death when you refuse to take the [ __ ] vaccine and you're running around who's the villain from uh he's inevitable like thanos yeah yeah trump still arrives yeah all right guys thanks for watching this is uh ethan and hassan in the 10 trillion dollar studio protected uh by nuclear fallout we have anti-aircraft missiles nobody will will uh reach us and uh nobody will ever stop us we're in an underground fema facility bunker right now ladies and gentlemen we got spices and we got meals ready to eat we got chum buckets boys yup that's right we're in here we're hunkered in all right you next time
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 971,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, leftovers, left overs, hasan, hasan piker, hasanabi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 9sec (7509 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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