The Vlog Squad Responds - H3 After Dark #26

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Picturing a tired Hila in bed while Ethan is in another room loudly practicing his Ringo Starr impression has me dying. So absurdly funny to me.

👍︎︎ 90 👤︎︎ u/MissPookieOokie 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

B/w the H3 fans who hate H3, the Dobrik fans, and the DeFranco fans this sub has been feeling like a war zone

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/boardingschmordin 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ethan was in top form in this video, not gonna lie. I really appreciate how he delved into each layer of victim blaming bs that Scotty tried to pull. It can take years to compartmentalize trauma and abuse and victims should not be treated poorly simply because it takes time to recognize.

👍︎︎ 194 👤︎︎ u/MacDhubstep 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

the part about scotty's wikifeet made me loose it. the soundbites were too perfect

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/juneskon 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ethan made great points in analyzing Scott's video. I would like to add that I feel Scott's video also highlights the extreme lack of maturity and selfishness of Scott and the vlog squad (further showing Jason's lack of character as the only supposed adult).

I say lack of maturity because they have this strong friend-centered mindset that "friends are the priority." There's nothing wrong with defending a friend, but all of their perspectives, like Ethan said, pool into the hivemind; an echo chamber of yes mens (That's not to say they don't call out things that 'cross the line' or are 'fucked up' from time to time, but maybe more nuanced events like this are not being checked as they should). They feel intrinsic validation from their peers. They all think alike and act alike. It is characteristic of a lack of emotional development, as they are stuck in the adolescent stage of psychosocial development (Erikson's theory).

I have a hypothetical here, what if Scotty's girlfriend was the victim? Would Scotty change his tune about the events that occurred, in exactly the same sequence of events? If not, I think the lack of maturity is clearer.

I say selfish because there is a complete lack of introspection like Ethan said, and therefore lack of empathy. It all what's convenient to them, and how they're affected, and from their intentional perspective.

I don't think David (Jason no excuse) knew the severity of what he was doing, but the fall out, the lack of response, and lack of accountability, all makes the Vlog squad have bad character at the very least. They need to sack up, learn to deal with conflict, and reap the consequences, just like we all learned once we reached adulthood. Adversity, failure, admitting your flawed and wrong is not fun at all, but it is an imperative. Only then can David and the Vlog squad grow.

👍︎︎ 109 👤︎︎ u/igotthepowah 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

re: the convo about the puzzle and how people aren't completing it, you don't actually need to complete the puzzle to figure out how much you won. swell entertainment did a video where she proved all the puzzles have the same QR code on them, which takes you to a website where you enter the unique code that comes with the box, and that triggers the prize. here's her video:

👍︎︎ 57 👤︎︎ u/disneyandmakeup 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’m only 2 minutes deep but that was a great opener.

“And they responded actually. Specifically one of the vlog squad members, Scotty Sire, which, with peace and love, I don’t know anything about him, but it sounds like the name of a poodle. ScOtTy SiRe.”
dan starts laughing hysterically

👍︎︎ 103 👤︎︎ u/kadyrovtsy 📅︎︎ Mar 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

one of the odd things about scotts video is that he shows footage from the second "prank" that isn't even on YouTube any more, so along with the messages that seth sent, david also went out of his wat to give him footage from the archive. this all could've been avoided with a simple "sorry" months/years ago. I don't even think seth would have needed a apology video but at least an apology behind closed doors. davids only making this harder on himself.

👍︎︎ 70 👤︎︎ u/bloodsonly 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thank you so much to Dan for saving this episode, we appreciate ya

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/MissingQuark 📅︎︎ Mar 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
four three two hello everybody and welcome to the h3 podcast live everybody's favorite version of the podcast because ela's here thank you i realized that we both look like fifth element characters now yeah i think that's awesome and i look like this one guy with this hair what was his name he's like the super feminine muscle dude with poofy hair that looked just like mine and he was like so dumb he asked him to throw him a ball and a bomb and he rolled him like the cube talk about ruby ruby rod no no don't be right not rhubarb um blonde blonde good lucky muscle idiot from fifth element here thank you keemstar appreciate that um can somebody can somebody do this for me thank you anyway those who know wake up you know you know today of course oh you found it already amy oh yeah this is him thank you this is me look this is important i know but this is me yeah my hair is literally exactly like his kind of cool like short on the side poofy on the top that's the vibe oh that's hot everybody's like you're making it cool thank you and i see that zach is uh yeah you didn't know solidarity yeah zach's in solidarity i'm trying to get simp yeah yeah i think you earned that today that was pretty good so and at any rate um today we we come here to talk about something sir oh today's today's episode is sponsored by mint mobile thank you today we're here to talk about something serious you know we're talking about david dobrik a lot wow oh well if you guys missed the memo um we've been talking about david dobrik a lot and they responded actually specifically one of the vlog squad members scotty sire which with peace and love i don't know anything about him but that sounds like the name of a poodle scottish saya scotty okay scotty said you know shredder's name was originally right when we picked him up his name was scotty like nah he ain't no scotty yeah scott but yeah you were mine yeah so scotty i guess and scotty incidentally is like um what say what scotty doesn't know is that a song or something yeah oh thank you dan thank you dan thank you for that input well he doesn't know actually because he made this video uh which in my opinion like i was like okay either they're not gonna respond or he's just gonna apologize to seth you know which is the mature good thing to do make a statement being like you know what i was wrong we used to do a lot of stuff back in the day that wasn't okay and now i've grown up i'm sure well actually they put out a video basically attacking and threatening seth now this is scotty who's like the most i guess from what i understand because i'm not super familiar with the vlog squad dynamic but everybody seems to like this guy scotty and he has a really good reputation among them and so it seems to me that david used this guy and his good reputation to put out this video to try to get the best response and the reason i say that is because scotty includes in his video a clip of david david sent him a clip of text messages of him with seth and david is narrating it so clearly you know david knows he scottie's making this video and is supplementing him with information so this isn't just scotty's opinion this is definitely david's opinion as well which to me speaks volumes because this was like the worst possible uh response because um it's like classic victim shaming victim blaming victim dismissing and now seth is actually getting just a ton more [ __ ] and hate and uh you know i i i messaged seth to say hey do you want to come in today to talk about it and at first he was like yeah i'll come in and then you know um after a few hours he said actually you know what i don't want to go and talk about this like on the record anymore it's getting like and i'm assuming just because it's just getting too crazy for him especially because there was insinuations in the video that david could be seeking uh a legal right yeah against me and right us too yeah i mean the thought doesn't frighten me at all but it but it would to seth i mean i mean it still scares me it's not anyone in it i mean for a lawsuit it's it's not something anyone wants to go through it doesn't matter like you know it's just such a ugly process expensive disgusting well i've already been through one defamation lawsuit so trust me i mean i've already defeated one defamation lawsuit you ain't [ __ ] you ain't winning anything i'm not i'm not as scared as i used to because we know so much more now yeah but but even defending yourself legally is super successful so even if seth like hypothetically has like a iron-clad case it's still life-ruining to get food it's awful yeah so they scared him and they and what they're doing is scaring other people you know i talk to other people who have crazy things to say but they're scared to come forward and and stuff like this obviously discourages that further that is exactly why i always laugh when people try to say like about certain victims when when it's like one person against a famous person they they always say oh it's just cloud chasing it's like you don't know how much [ __ ] they're gonna get just for coming out against someone who already has a fan base yeah the fans don't wanna hear that they think they know this person and this person is the best what you'll see in scott scotty's video so like this whole immediate accusation that you always see of like oh they're just doing it for the fame they're just cloud chasing it's like no this is the worst way to get any clout it just drives you away from social media it drives away away from everything because all you're getting is just more trauma basically that's what that's what uh seth said originally is that like he wants to forget all this he doesn't want to relive these moments you know what i mean constantly also something interesting to say about scott as we watch his video is that he is an investor in dyspo which means he has a vested interest this is he has a vested interest in maintaining david's good image obviously now i'm not saying that had anything to do with his responsibility it's like i'm saying conscious or unconscious you do have a vested injury yeah i mean it's it's a conflict of interest right uh you know it's like you can't just come out and defend you know it says investor david just posted this when he posted say be like a few days ago on instagram [Music] it was from last week last week yeah so scotty and jason and a lot of those guys are investors in dyspo so they all have a vested interest in protecting the brand and the image and everything you know so a conflict of interest for sure worth definitely worth bringing up i think um so i wasn't really sure how to respond to this video exactly i'm just going to play it and pause it and respond as i i have so many thoughts about this video there's so much i want to say about it um and i'm not really sure the best way so i'm just gonna play it and comment as uh as we go seth gave me a comment to read i'm gonna read it after we respond to all this just because um just because you'll have the full context if you haven't yet seen his video because it alludes to certain parts of his video and stuff so let's just go ahead and watch uh basically david dobrik respond via proxy scotty i mean pretty much right listen i was thinking to myself how funny would it be if whenever you got in [ __ ] you sent me right by myself i apologize for you that's exactly what it is i mean that's exactly what happened because people like you more than me so let's say i do something messed up and i go ila can you go out there and explain things and then people are more receptive because they like ela that's what scotty's doing you know this just goes to show how uh that just goes to show how um disposable ain't just the name of david's app it's how he thinks about his friends he's like send scotty out to the wolves and also there's a lot of cult like vibes that you'll pick up in this video too which is what big nick was saying is that it's kind of culty and you'll see that here because scotty's one of the beautiful people right he's one of the good one of the he is he is right you know what i mean like he's one of the insiders he's one of the cool kids okay here we go what's up guys i am totally sick of seeing my friends names get dragged through the mud because of false allegations and lies and just things that aren't true so i'm going to address some of those allegations and defend my friends they haven't said anything because typically the vlog squad does not address rumors and lies and gossip because it platforms the person telling the lies draws attention to it and we know who we are we know our character we know we're good people and we know it's not true but i thought already yeah i mean i thought this was really interesting already setting the tone right i mean he kind of gave something away when he says that we don't platform lies we don't respond because it platforms them and it gives them attention yeah what if they're not lying though right right but he but what he's actually giving away is that they do have this [ __ ] rule this happens kind of frequently is what i'm getting right and they have this spoken world to just ignore ignore don't give attention and it's all i mean look all of it's untrue apparently according to scotty by the way in the very beginning he says he says of seth again and this is why people are going and [ __ ] on seth what's up guys i am totally sick of seeing my friends names get dragged through the mud because of false allegations and lies and just things that aren't true so i'm gonna so he's continue he always keeps referring to these allegations by seth as false and lies yet you'll notice throughout the video he does literally nothing to dispute what seth said um i don't know how he missed the point so badly man guys draws attention to it and we know who we are we know our character we know we're good people and we know it's not true do you mean we this is gonna involve you that's the other yeah we're good people we know who you are nobody's accusing you of anything like i feel like maybe this comes from a good place of you thinking you're defending your friends but it's just not right this isn't your place to even say something no one is talking about you yeah but now you're coming in and throwing more [ __ ] at the person who's got the false allegation apparently based on why is it false like you have it's not including you well the guys that are involved in it should come and say something yeah the fact that he's even responding to this but this goes back to the cult like thing it's like yeah we we no no no no david is the one and jason david is the one that's moving up david is the one that's [ __ ] uh blowing up as your channel i mean i was kind of whatever i'm not gonna yeah but but it's not wee wee wee it's david david david and he's using you yet again bro and this has nothing to do with you and somehow you're putting yourself in in front and to shield david from like this these this onslaught of bullets and like you didn't have to do that dude because now you're in the [ __ ] mud with him you didn't help him at all you're just in the mud now with him you know what i mean it's just even more revealing of their whole culture we're good people we're good people so there's no way by the way according to trisha that scotty wasn't even involved in any of this stuff he wasn't there during the pranks he wasn't there during the seth stuff he barely knew seth so like you don't know dude it's like doesn't involve you to a point where it's such a serious accusation that it needs to be addressed everybody makes mistakes i am not an angel i have definitely made mistakes myself that he said that it's such a serious allegation it should be addressed that's exactly what everyone is asking for that it should be addressed by the people not by you [ __ ] not you but that is all people are asking for right just address stuff david and jason and whoever is involved directly in a situation right yeah there's a lot of on unconscious irony you'll notice make mistakes is to learn and grow from those mistakes that being said telling a lie is a mistake itself and there's been a lot of that going around first of all david's a great person jason's a great person in fact they're both fantastic people david doesn't have a mean bone in his body he's so nice when someone does something that really upsets him he gets disappointed instead of angry he'll be like why'd you do that like that's not cool dude okay this part was so just so weird to me so weird he starts by saying these guys can't have done this because they're great guys they're really nice to me yeah also he goes he goes shredder just got a scent of uh scott's [ __ ] he goes uh david doesn't get mad at people he just gets disappointed it's like i'm sorry what is he your [ __ ] grandmother like how many what what is there to be mad about so much he doesn't get mad people i'm just it's kind of funny that they have so many unspoken protocols right he just he's such a great guy he only gets disappointed at people never mad again very cold the thing is that he may be nice to you and that doesn't mean anything about how what he does with other people of course especially because which is one of the beautiful people that's again why you shouldn't really be involved in this conversation but what what does that say about the the power dynamic where david being disappointed means anything yeah it's like i'm just like who [ __ ] cares you know what i mean be mad be mad what does it mean be disappointed he's not your parent it's just odd yeah it's just i find that statement very odd and telling like from a psychological standpoint ah i wonder if david's gonna be showing some disappointment to scotty for this one not anger though that's disappointment jason also is like the sweetest most caring there for you anytime you need him personally have you heard trisha have you heard like she ended up in a mental hospital i'm glad they were nice to you dude like what the [ __ ] were you in a relationship with him it's crazy how he can miss the point once again i truly think that in the age of me too and everybody's so woke about issues like this the very fact that it's a male victim just makes everybody forget about everything they ever learned in the past 10 years about it because this is just classic victim dismissal and you know this kissing prank i guaran [ __ ] to you if it was instead of seth happened to like natalie which is like this girl that everybody loves it was where jason was putting his tongue down her throat and touching her thigh in her back that this guy would be [ __ ] this guy would be outraged that jason would be go to jail you know what i mean like absol obviously would be pure outrage if the if the genders were reversed i would like to think that but i honestly don't even know i think it would be people get away with a lot of [ __ ] um because it okay i'm not going to make assumptions see them being attacked like this is just like it's ridiculous if you watch david's vlogs you've seen people come and go from them from time to time and it's always that person grew apart their career path changed they didn't want to be in the videos anymore and and sometimes it's because they did something that wasn't cool and it's like all right we're going to distance ourselves from you now and that's it i think that right now how many how many people are you guys inviting to your circle that are being need to be cut out yeah you know what i mean sometimes people join the vlog and either their careers go [ __ ] uh sideways or we have to cut ties with them okay sounds healthy that is fueled by a lot of unsubstantiated gossip and lies and that sucks you gotta be careful with what you're putting out on the internet and the claims that you're making without verifying them if you're telling a lie and it snowballs it becomes something that you cannot take back you can't retract it and then you just end up damaging people's lives for no reason and probably damaging your own life as well so i would just like to say don't call it sharing your truth if you're sharing a lie bro that is like the most ironic statement ever yeah don't call it it's not your truth to speak on this has nothing to do with you and he continues to call it a lie and you'll see as we go through that there's no [ __ ] evidence that he shows that seth lied about anything nothing seth lied about nothing um he says what do you say he he directly uh addresses me towards the back but i'm gonna go back right because well here he says that just don't spread a lie that will snowball and ruin people's life right that i think is directed to you based on the ending judging people's lives for no reason and probably damaging your own life as well so again well i'll respond to him i guess when he mentions me at the end but it's like this is seth telling his story directly he says do your research i don't know what more research i can do other than having the account of the person it happened to you know i mean like i mean that's that's a first-hand account bro that's like as solid as it gets i mean what do you want from me exactly apparently and then they always he said you should have reached out to david i'm sure david would respond to me about this just like he's been ignoring seth for two years just like philip defranco said he reached out to him and didn't get comment i love this expectation that i need to reach out to everybody and just wait forever for them to give me a response like i owe them that it's not like we have a relationship with david we don't also this isn't 60 minutes bro like i mean but like you he wouldn't have responded to me he doesn't respond to anybody you literally if he wanted to say anything he's got the biggest platform in the world just saying what do you have to say he started the video by saying that we don't respond to this [ __ ] but i should have reached out to dave yeah okay dude so i would just like to say don't call it sharing your truth if you're sharing a lie yeah that's like the most [ __ ] up thing that is just seriously such so stupid i mean it's so it's so missing the point i can't believe that he actually said that that's what that's exactly what victim shaming is don't share your truth if the truth is a lie who are you to determine that bro look at that smug face on him right now he's like bro i just died i just i just did something to you i just did something to you i cannot his smirk it's not true what was that sound bites are coming in i cannot his smirk i didn't even hear his smirk oh i accused david and jason of sexual assault for a kissing prank that was done in 2017 which is so [ __ ] up because he was part of the videos he knows what we do and then after the prank was finished david asked him too long after that i had an idea to pull the prank on him again so i thought it would be fun i think we'll be all right get you to make out with chase i'm very confused by that because how the hell can you be so confident to tell me that i have to consent to something that i'm not gonna know that i'm gonna do david films hours and hours of footage and crams them into four minutes okay so again again again i have to say he accused me of not doing research but he clearly didn't even watch our interview because we [ __ ] addressed this but also he he brushed so fast over the first incident he is he's mentioning there was a kiss impression yeah and then he goes into talking about the second time right right away the the point the big point here scott is that the first one there was no consent and that was the reason the first one was the trauma you know and so um i don't know how you miss that but then he goes on to say oh well he filmed so his evidence that that was okay is that well he filmed him the second time and what he said clearly is not giving consent by the way and also as david's as seth said in the interview if you watch it which you clearly didn't and you're conf you're criticizing me for not doing research is seth said that he never gave consent and he told him not to do it and all david cut in was this clip of him saying how can i give you consent if i don't know what you're going to do which is literally not consent he also explained something that you don't seem to understand is just the pressure in this situations and as a victim you may be going along with it because you're on camera you're trying to look cool you're trying to be cool with the fans so the fact that it kind of went along with the second one or whatever that doesn't mean that it wasn't a traumatic experience or that he has now trauma with himself after the fact yeah that's that's like one of the classic victim shaming let's say fallacies there's like there's a bunch of victim-shaming fallacies and he hits on all of them one of them is like why did why didn't he why did it take so long to come forward because you know it's like i it's the fact that i even have to explain this stuff is ridiculous because i know he knows this if it was a girl he would know this why did it take so long for her to come forward a lot of victims often don't realize that they've been traumatized until years later because it takes time to figure things out in your mind okay why didn't she leave sooner i'm just i'm using it in terms you understand that's what i'm doing from the female perspective because so you understand it scotty why didn't she leave sooner a lot of times victim abuser relationships are really complicated and the victim often wants to please the abuser to be accepted by them right it's a complicated relationship he says later in the video if it's so serious why didn't he go to the police again why didn't you go to the police another one i mean that's such a complicated question to ask why didn't it take so long to figure this out to even think oh there was a crime you know also with seth specifically there is so much the baggage with where he comes from and i mean do we really need to go there it's like yeah it may not be that easy for him to go to the police something you don't understand i'm all i'm saying this now he hasn't said it yet but he will because he literally hits every single fallacy victim shaming fallacy the the one he said in the beginning he was nice to me okay and it doesn't mean that he did anything bad to anyone else and then he goes on to try to assassinate his character calls him a clout chaser uh uh exit yeah we'll get into it i'm getting ahead of myself but like he's so missing the point bro for the videos he knows what we do and then you know the prank is finished david asks how is that what you do that's not what you do you didn't get pranked like that show me where you had jason uh stick his tongue down your throat and grab your ass and also have david admit on camera on his podcast which scotty never addresses that it was racially motivated because he knew he was from compton bro too long after that i had an idea to pull the prank on him again so i thought it would be fun to play your music permission to try to prank you again and get you to make out with jason i'm very confused by that because how's that so confident to tell me that i have to consent to something that i'm not gonna know that i'm gonna do david films wow did you hear consent did you hear consent well i think he's alluding to the fact that he cut it out probably or something because he has to cut down the food no that was in the video we talked about it we showed it when we interviewed seth i said what is this he's basically calling seth a liar i know but he didn't nobody cut that out we that was in the original video no he's saying david has to cut out his footage because he shoots for so much but the video is only 40 minutes yeah but seth explained that he said he never gave him consent which is evidenced by the fact that he never showed him saying it's still beside the point because he's not addressing the first time he did not consent to the first time or the second time though or the second time he didn't consent to the second time he failed to prove that he consented to the second he doesn't show footage of showing otherwise i don't know he failed to show that and seth already explained this which he clearly didn't see hours and hours of footage and crams them into four minutes and 20 seconds for his vlogs so this clip was cut short to not actually show seth giving his consent but showing that so where's asking for this when i first watched it i was like okay so i was like okay i was like good how's that good if you if you're showing saying yes it's fine then include it you never [ __ ] showed it you literally never showed it and i was like what the hell is this sorry ass video you think david would go and film this bit if seth had said no uh no proven what am i supposed to just trust you like what the [ __ ] you what kind of point are you trying to make do you really think his defenses do you really think david would do that he is such a nice guy okay bro you think he bleaches his tips do you think that's his natural hair color i'm just curious because i like his hair yeah because i'm in the market now for for tip advice i think that's natural really yes oh a b says he's a redhead naturally wait is he redhead no what i mean is that kind of red hair that looks right i guess maybe he's the expert on all this here he's typing go ahead abe you can tell me about history i was giving a shot of hair tips no i was trying to find a picture of him with his natural hair color but yeah oh that's right that's not his natural hair huh huh but if he's cool you know he's not like you know i wonder you think he'll put me in touch with a stylist after this video maybe not bro you literally just sent me a jfif file like what the [ __ ] is this what am i like what are you sending me i'm trying to run a show not download like zip converter sent me a file of a jfif file it says it just shows like an empty file like it doesn't know how to open it i don't know why i say all right let's move on anyway nice hair scotty in hell this is from we got the okay this isn't boring it really isn't here's his natural hair you're right it's not important it's not here let's move on a period of time when david was always at my house editing and i very vividly remember when he was editing that clip there was a clip in there of seth agreeing and giving his permission to film this bit again he was like there's no way you're going to get it on me again there's no way you're going to get me again not yet so go ahead go for it okay okay okay where's the clip bro i mean even if that existed yeah exactly it doesn't address the first time i still don't think that it would change my mind that much about anything it's just it's just more of a comment about how like yeah poorly conceived this video was yeah but you're right because he fails to adjust the first time by the way and the podcast clip which i think he must not have seen either while accusing me of not doing my research in which david says i'll sh i'll show it again for to because some people may not have seen it in fact let me just open it so scotty if you're watching this i do think that this is a very important clip which you did not mention which is from the podcast ever fake it was so perfect and i feel so bad and it's just it's it's awful because poor guy had to go through that and his friends are probably going to chew him out for that for the next like three five years of his life well as seth tells it the uh homosexuality is not so accepted in his where he comes from that's from compton dudes kissing dudes is not so excited that's from compton so it's like the perfect like these straight dudes kissing literally the perfect setup like a guy from compton and i made a makeout with another older man it's good for seth it gets him some air time yo scotty you didn't respond to that part dude like why didn't you respond to that if you're all about research and putting out the truth that seems really [ __ ] up and you know something that stands out to me again is when i interviewed seth it st it struck out to me how they specifically targeted him because he was minding his own business he just got back from the airport he was driving home and they specifically call him and say come over like this prank was for seth they specifically targeted seth and seth said i think it's because it was racially motivated and i was like well that'd be messed up if it's true but like how can i know but this clip came out and i was like oh my god he was right it was definitely racially motivated so scotty i mean where you at bro on the facts on the uh research you know wake up scotty wake up wake up scotty this is after so now he shows a clip of after and again this is all public [ __ ] right like we've talked about all this this is after the second prank the beef jerky prank again so go ahead go for it you're the best you're the [ __ ] bestie this [ __ ] told me he's in shock by the way if you've listened seth talk about it excuse me he was in shock because he thought he was getting this big commercial deal he told his family he was depending on the money he pulled the [ __ ] rug out from under him it was all fake and he left him his ass empty-handed too which he didn't mention about how in the commercial deal he was meant to get 2 500 bucks and um and then david wasn't gonna pay him he was like dude i need that money like i bet and it's just the fact that he's even showing this clip just shows how he doesn't know anything about like victim again because seth explained he's like it was either throw hands or be cool about it yeah he's on camera he's put on the spot this is like it doesn't mean anything no it's insane it's really sad because it seems like as people say scotty is an otherwise really nice guy so it's just weird to see a guy miss the point so much i think it's more of a testament to the cultish vlog squatty and david definitely put him up to this even if it was a subconscious by sending him that extra evidence you get which you guys will see and being like yo like you know what i mean like he knew he was gonna make this video he [ __ ] let him he threw his ass to the walls bro respect the [ __ ] man that keeps his word you can tell by his reaction at the end of the video that he was pranked it was all in good fun and he gave permission beforehand he gave david no no what you're saying is not first of all him reacting like that is not proof he gave permission no and how what does that mean what does that even mean and also he's in shock clear i mean stop props on getting him with that prank a second time some of david's vlogs happen just like in real time you know like and and something will happen and he captures it on film but most of these things are preconceived and everyone talks about like what bit is going to be filmed so a lot of the things that seth was in were his ideas not saying that was this one was this one preconceived did seth no obviously not based on the way david talked about it on his podcast and what seth's first account so what is your point here these kissing pranks were his ideas but he did give consent to them and he partook in them you have not protected several bits after and before the next ones and was totally fine with it like i had never heard a word from him about being uncomfortable not only to force anyone to do anything this is so sad this is like a this is like a tutorial on how to victim shame so you you never heard him say he's uncomfortable so therefore it must be a lie did you hear him say on our podcast that he was uncomfortable do victims of abuse just walk around talking about how about how uncomfortable they are yeah you know he even said in his interview which again you didn't watch about how it took him a while to internalize it and understand the dynamic of the group and how it was affecting him and how he's like the butt of all these racist jokes again that you don't acknowledge there's a clip somewhere upset pranking jason okay so now one action now we move on to the um victim dragons that the character assassination portion of this video okay seth did a prank where he put his ass in jason's face so it excuses what happened to him sorry bro i'm not [ __ ] on board with this argument at all and what's your point of bringing this up exactly well he put a he's put his ass in jason's face once so that totally excuses be being assaulted yeah like sexy this is like everybody's [ __ ] around with each other here we're all friends and like sorry about a song david looked through his text messages and found one of seth's numbers asking him to do the kissing prank a third time seth literally requested to do it so this is important this is where you know david's involved and this is probably how david got his ass to make the video and it's a this is interesting because it's an insight to how really david feels about this situation yeah this is david's response you know so here he goes a third time guys this is a text from seth from about two years ago he goes yo bro i was thinking about it i'm down for another kissing sketch i said ha ha what do you mean he goes low i don't really care as long as you clout me up i'm not gay just don't care and then he sends me this i mean yeah i mean i don't know i mean it's not really a big deal it means the same [ __ ] just i don't know more open-minded i don't know if seth completely freaked out again he the fact that he says in that that he's more open-minded now means that he was pissed but he was not pissed off about the previous two times but as i as i kind of said it's like the fact that seth asked to do it a third time does not negate anything that happened before i mean it doesn't mean that he can still feel the way he feels now that that is what happens to victims in in a abusive situations you can go back and want it again and that doesn't mean that two years later you're gonna realize or ten years later you're gonna realize that you were in a really [ __ ] up situation you were being used and abused and you crave their approval you crave their attention you crave their um their pro yeah so so that that's how i see this it's just missing the point and you're pointing it as like the big slam dunk like hey look he wanted it a third time no one knew that why'd she go back that's like the white shoe go back then fallacy yeah he wants the approval of david he wants the approval of the vlog squad it's this really powerful potent thing right and it's it's so val and so much comes with it so much good things come with it and then he thinks to himself maybe i made a mistake maybe i am overreacting maybe i should be cool with them again and be in with them again maybe it's good for my career what am i doing why am i withdrawing i want to i want to please them i need this attention for my career yeah all these stuff so he says you know what i'm gonna maybe i should do it again you know get him cool with them it'll be another video i know i got [ __ ] over the last few times but this time i'll make sure i don't get [ __ ] over clout me up and he probably feels ashamed about even going back and asking for that third time right it's not really anything to um it's not brag about it's not i'm sure he's very ashamed of that but that doesn't mean anything about the accusation right and it's often very complicated like this and which is a reason why victims don't come forward yeah because there's a bun there's people be like oh well this and this and this and this i was like okay your feelings are valid it's like you're carrying a lot of guilt and shame remember what he said in the beginning don't tell me your truth if it's a lot yeah a break time i know it's kind of though let's not do it now okay yeah i'm not gonna do a break now peace and love forgot about that or if he just hoped that david would never find it the way that he hoped that david had a new computer and didn't have the extra four hours of footage no i don't okay wait let me go back [ __ ] dumbass i don't think he forgot about it dude yeah i'm sure he didn't i don't know more open-minded i don't know if seth completely forgot about that or if he just hoped that david would never find it the way that he hoped that david had a new computer and didn't have the extra four hours of footage that surrounded the four minute and twenty vlog so what is he referring to because i haven't seen that footage he's just saying he doesn't have the phone how convenient yeah he's saying though that seth is lying so but that's interesting because it implies that they were looking for it together right right we got to take this [ __ ] seth guy out instead of just apologizing to him yeah because that would have still been only consent for the second time but what about the first time you're still not addressing the racially motivated first not addressing it yeah wake up scotty included the bit of him consenting to the prank but what you're doing is [ __ ] up seth also you posted revenge porn of our friend aaron do you know how that's affected her he posted revenge porn which is actually it's 100 illegal it's totally immoral and so so [ __ ] up did you get her consent i don't mean to sound aggressive okay so this is something that gets brought up a lot by people who are i guess trying to defend david now again this is further character assassination and what aboutism whatever seth has done has whatever he seth did in that situation has literally nothing to do with this and he's trying to change the conversation he's trying to assassinate his character legitimize him that being said it is something that comes up a lot and although i'm not here to defend seth in any way i looked into it and i just because i really wanted to understand i mean it sounds like what happened so there's this girl i'm just going i'm not defending seth i'm just explaining what happened because it took me a minute to understand the situation so there's this girl seth who used to and correct me if i'm wrong at any point maybe because i know you're familiar with all the timeline there's this uh girl aaron who was a part of the vlog squad her ex-boyfriend there's a clip of her using a racial slur the n-word but she was naked in that clip um a private a private clip it wasn't public it was a private clip that her ex-boyfriend took of her or something like that and he threatened i guess she she said in her video that he was blackmailing her to put it out sounded horrible i mean horrible situation the ex-boyfriend yeah i mean i felt really the ex-boyfriend the ex-boyfriend was threatening her and blackmailing her it was a horrible situation i felt really bad for him he's absolutely terrible and so apparently he does release it or she said that he wanted money or something and some guy by the way jesus yeah and she said she's not going to pay him so he put it out there of her naked saying the n-word okay and so that's out there by her ex-boyfriend and then seth makes this video in response to the vlog squad he called it uh fake activism because he felt like these guys do have signs of racism in amongst them and but they were doing all this like black lives matter stuff and so he's like oh this is fake activism so he made a video about their fake activism and in that video was a very was very briefly aaron saying the n-word but just to say he did he didn't even blur he totally blacked out the bottom part and it was just her head saying it so when i watched that video back i didn't i had no idea that she was naked or anything but um so seth included that video in his compilation very briefly um and uh that's basically what happened now should have should seth have included that that clip in his compilation no it was messed up because it was a private clip it was calling attention to it and um i definitely don't think that seth should have included that clip and i understand her being like i i just don't want people you know it's like so traumatic it's something that's so dramatic for her the whole situation so seth should not have included that in his clip but but uh so so no i'm not i'm i'm not gonna defend seth on that situation but i do think it's important to understand what actually happened because to just put be like oh he shared revenge p word yeah vast oversimplification of what happened i kept hearing that because that's something a lot of people would bring up now and um i had imagined something like well revenge porn is is true listen i'm not here to defend i'm not here to defend him in any way but that's what happened it was messed up he shouldn't have done that yeah it's got nothing to do with this that's my point it's got literally nothing to do with this i mean you're trying to change the topic and you're trying to assassinate his character okay and it's got nothing to do with this so why are you bringing it up exactly that's it that's all i want to say about that you know what i mean yeah i'm trying to be very logical here but what you're doing and what you've done is so [ __ ] up and the lies that you're telling are ruining other people's lives and i know that you spoke to david a couple years ago in private and told me he felt uncomfortable about the video and so he took the video down and i totally understand unlisted by the way he's admitting here that last year it took place that he told him he's not comfortable with it anymore so how is he saying in the first part yeah how is he saying in the first part like i never knew anything about it it's like you're saying that a few years ago or last year he tol asked david to take the videos down which seth said once again in the interview that you didn't watch that he didn't even private them he unlisted them which seth didn't appreciate because i guess people were still able to find it or also if it's in a playlist you can still watch it right unlisted you can watch it if you have the link if it's in a place exactly also you ignore the part where seth said he started he wanted to offer money to leave it up and seth knew at that moment that you guys were not his friends you ignored that part scotty which by the way if he's a clown chaser he would just take the money but he didn't he said please remove it which david didn't even do dude so like you're totally misrepresenting the truth which which is what you're accusing me of what the f oops was that you yeah but i don't think it matters you'll just finally kick the soundboard [Laughter] off [Laughter] about the video and so he took the video down and i totally understand feelings of regret and feeling uncomfortable about something that you've done in the past but you can't blame your uncomfortableness or your regret for your actions when you were it wasn't his actions bro the first two the first one for sure like we can't even debate i don't think it's your place to be here and say what he can or can't feel right now it's just not yeah you just haven't been through the situation and you just don't understand it clearly you don't understand but what your his feelings is that david is such a nice guy he doesn't have a bad bone in his body he doesn't get mad at people just disappointed listen seth i'm disappointed and therefore i will not pay you yeah what i owe you yeah just disappointed hey do you think that scotty's going to get a disappointing talking to you after this video you put out um probably scotty i'm not mad i'm just why did you do that man that's how he says he talks why did you do that man apart you partook in it you were interested in it you wanted to do it you wanted to be clouded up and i could totally see you being uncomfortable about that bit now in hindsight so why can't your master aka david just come in and say something just you know when sorry seems to be the hardest word yeah either singing song just come out and say sorry just say you know seth you know that was wasn't cool like and let's start there what do i gotta do to make you love me i'm gonna get claimed for singing that too perfectly what have i gotta do to make you care why'd you have to bring that up it's been playing in my head oh what do i say when lightning strikes me when sorry seems to be the hardest word oh there it is okay i can do this all day folks it's a sad situation all right let's move on i'll join everybody i know that you were just filming videos for david's channel and probably hoping that it built up your social media platform and you built a career out of it and i don't think that that worked and i think you got bitter about it and after a couple years something out of this i was embarrassed in that prank and i want something out of it so i'm going to go after them okay what you're doing here right now is so bad it's so you are that is so [ __ ] up bro that you're even putting that out there yeah your career failed so you were looking for some way to get something out of this you were bitter and now you're lying because it didn't work out for you this is totally you speculating right now so why put that out there he's so diluted man he's got i don't know what is going on this guy's brain but like i can't imagine even putting that out there like they must they must be having these internal conversations among themselves i do just getting all worked up you know i do think that this is exactly what they're all thinking this is definitely for sure everyone's words in that group this is what they're saying for sure that's why it's that's like actually what an echo chamber is is they're in this group chat everyone's super pissed they're totally convinced that what they're saying is right and so he comes out here being like i've got the answers but then everyone's like this ain't it yeah cause we're not in that echo chamber where daddy david is [ __ ] daddy dom david daddy dumb david will you change my diaper daddy daddy maddie so [ __ ] up okay what about trisha then she's really successful what's her excuse yeah why you shouldn't i mean whatever it's like it's stupid okay what about this bird what about big nip what about treasure what about that don't you think there's just like maybe one or two too many people coming out with accusations to write off as just bitter maybe there's something within your guys's organization that's rotten that's causing all these people to come out and say they weren't comfortable with happened there at least maybe your policy of just ignoring doesn't work well how about some real introspection instead of like you know like this clearly is the thought of people who are not introspective in the least bit and are just totally not taking any criticism common tendency for people to go and say that they're not in the videos anymore because they were uncomfortable about doing a bit how then you were just never hit up again which is false in seth's interview with age three he talked about the situation in one way and in his other interviews earlier he talked about the situation in a completely different way at the end of the day i would have laughed daddy if it was someone else you know what i'm saying it's like i'm a person if i feel like i would laugh at something like don't put don't dish anything out he's part of the gang he's trying to be cool dude when was this and when was our interview like you don't have any space in your mind actually he does that's what's so odd because he goes oh now you realize that it was embarrassing but then you did it it's like yeah that's how it works bro [ __ ] that [ __ ] i'm gonna call my mom and see what my mom thinks about this and i call my mom and she just started busting up laughing like if my mom let me read the title this is from david dobrik's apparently subreddit seth recently had these videos deleted off youtube the first was up in 2017 long time ago four years ago yeah right when it happened until yesterday the second will probably be gone tomorrow we'll probably okay and the second one seth talks about the prank his busyness and his thoughts on race and the n-word it's not like you're saying today in in this this is 2017. in this current headspace of seth he said one thing on this podcast and another thing on another podcast that would be interesting but this was a this conversation wouldn't even take place everybody knows these things it's only for men where we don't get this we people like peop a guy like scotty like he strikes me as a guy who's very sensitive and attuned and like pro women's rights and me too and all that you know what i mean like he just i don't know him personally but i feel like he gets these concepts he understands these issues laughing her ass off everyone else is i think the magnitude of the lies you've been spreading are unforgivable and you should face repercussions i was there okay so again this is as close to a threat for legal action as you can get because he's working directly with david so he knows something about what david's up to so when he's saying you should face repercussion it's clearly something that they've talked about now let me also say on the legal merit that's just so patently absurd too if anyone has the cause for legal repercussion it's david you know what i mean yes seth has a case he has a real case you know but like again you're you're based you're indirectly threatening seth or saying that the threat of a lawsuit is out there and it should exist and it might exist because i talk to david and he sends me clips victim scaring creating these moments and bits with also once again reminder investor in dyspo investor in dyspo exactly threatening a lawsuit against seth so again bro like you really should have kept your mouth shut on this and you were here creating the moments and bits that you were in with everybody a lot of things were your ideas and i don't know how you could lie about it i mean a lot of things was just like they just can't stop those weren't even david says those weren't his ideas there's literal proof of you being so down for doing these bits and now you're backtracking and saying i was so uncomfortable but i took the high road and just like played it off like i wasn't you asked to do it a third time and in retaliation for this years later you post our friend's naked body on the internet it's revenge point he didn't post okay so once again dude he did not post her naked body that's a [ __ ] defamatory lie he did not post her naked or maybe i'm missing something maybe i'm missing and it sounds like everyone looked into it i mean i hope i'm not missing something speaking out of turn but from what i can tell is that he only he used in this video and it wasn't it was cropped all the way out there was no nakedness there was no even hint of nakedness so he should not have used that clip which was very private and draw draw attention to it but to say he posted the naked v the naked image of your friend is really [ __ ] up to say in my opinion after looking over the facts i hope i'm not wrong i might be speaking an attorney he may have tweeted it or something so i don't know but we looked really hard into this to try to make sure we were right on this as far as i can tell he didn't people in the chat saying yes he did he did see i don't know what what's true and what other people are saying he did not so i blurred it the whole vlog squad have been putting forward this thing that he's put posted naked pictures of her and so i think there's a lot of people that think that's true but as far as i could tell based on all the research we did which was it might be that he didn't blur it at first or didn't crop it at first and then he did it after on the internet or on in the video yeah there's somebody was saying he posted it uncensored at first so it's first [ __ ] yeah that is [ __ ] up yeah but i don't know what's the truth unfortunately because i mean everybody's saying he did but i mean there's i haven't seen evidence and you know there's a lot of misinformation about about it well it is [ __ ] up but again yeah i'm not i'm not here to so so maybe he's right maybe i'm speaking at a turn and i'm definitely not here to defend seth on that point like let me make that very clear like just because seth has done something [ __ ] up doesn't mean that he can't be a victim you know what i mean which apparently is his point which is a really bad point it's like just if you've made you know again i i don't know what's the truth on that i have never found that tweet in my research of him sharing that if someone has it i'm just curious to know what's the truth because if they're putting that out there and it's not true that's really twisted in my opinion but if it's true i then then it's super [ __ ] that he did that you know i mean for sure i mean the thing is that we look wait but again it's not that's not what we're even talking we're not saying that seth is a saint or anything really it's well it's just a whole separate conversation this is like a separate issue yeah really so i shouldn't even i that's why i feel like i shouldn't even speak on the topic it's just that he brings it up and a lot of people bring it up and so i wanted to explain it as best as i could but i'm not i don't know i don't want it to seem like we're ignoring it either because we are aware of this situation just as much as we can we weren't following the situation when things happen so one thing for sure is that it's it's hard to for us now to understand what the timeline was back then if anybody had yeah i don't know you guys are looking at chat and stuff so if you see any like actual evidence i'm really curious i'm googling around right now and the only thread i can find about it on twitter um is him saying the video was not monetized nor was there nudity in the video but thank you for your input right i've read that she is saying why would you put that clip out of me and that was his response so i don't know i mean i don't know there may have been so what i'm suspecting happened is there was a version of the video that we've all seen where the nudity was just blurred and then he got backlash for it and he deleted it and re-uploaded it with fil with it fully cropped i think that that's how this play really i i think so just based off i mean i'm inferring from an old twitter thread so because obviously the original video was gone if it ever was up so well who knows it's not my area yeah i i don't know it seems like again it is still not defending that anyways you should have done that that's the point yeah it is still beside the point though of it's not the it's not what we're here to talk about and i think that's very important to say is that he's trying to change the topic yeah you know and for this years later you post our friend's naked body on the internet it's revenge point it's a little you're saying he blurred it but well whatever again it doesn't matter it's [ __ ] up you suck i can only speak on what i know about and i know that seth and big nick have both been on h3's podcast and you are part of the reason that these livestreams snowballs so here we go oh you know when someone mentioned my name i i'm up for it oh boy this is the moment we've been waiting for play that champ music for me get the war horn going no we're over those serious parts that's first of all before he mentions my name before anything goes down hit me with another foghorn wikifeed scotty sire you know what time it is foot soldiers a call to arms or call defeat oh dude he's already gotten wrecked wait did the footstool just already visit his page no the food soldiers have already laid bare a desecration upon scotty cyrus wiki feet there shall be no survivors oh scotty's kind of into the whole wikifeed thing look at these shots bro he's right here this is whoa how dare you what the [ __ ] scotty you were trying to get that high rating bro like that wow dude soldiers have already been here that's crazy y'all are next level i've been saying the messages throughout this whole thing tank is scoring so oh god hitch forks are out ready av says it was a 4.6 before the show started oh no boy oh that's rough scotty you [ __ ] i want to smell feet oh is that so ela never said she never said that well i happen to be number one on wiki feed so if there's any footage you should be smelling it's mine you should be so honored this years later you post all right scotty what do you have to say about me naked body on the internet it's revenge point it's legal it's [ __ ] up you suck i can only speak on what i know about and i know that seth and big nick have both been on h3's podcast and you are part of the reason that these lies have snowballed and gotten so big because you're jesus do you think the reason this snowballed and got so big is because david never responds and he sends you out to [ __ ] respond do you think part of the reason why this is snowball got so big is because david literally doesn't [ __ ] answer seth's text like says said in the interview if he would have just answered his text a few days before he came on the show he wouldn't even come on the show and [ __ ] talked about it so how is it my [ __ ] fault that this has snowballed when david and jason have literally made no effort to make peace with these guys nor address these rumors publicly so how the [ __ ] is it my fault for this snowballing right i'm same i mean same with big nick like big nick said that david never made any public kind of acknowledgement of what happened or how things ended like it's just things need to be addressed not by you you know come on dude this is stupid get your head out of your ass scotty don't make me go back to your you're wiki page dog faced pony soldier ponytail come on man spreading the lies without any sort of verification in fact when they were i have done dude to say that i have not verified is so ironic considering your video has has omitted so much information has completely not addressed the main thrusts of the accusation and to come here and say that i have spread lies which you have made no effort to even dispel based on like hearsay and situational evidence is so i don't know if he's just dumb or he's just too angry i don't know you yourself just did it in this video spreading your own speculation that seth is just doing it because his career didn't succeed and he's just looking to get something out of the situation right i mean that's [ __ ] that's a rotten thing to say bro all right be cool ethan this is the foot soldier moment though i can be amped up during this part right no i heard i'll play the foghorn play it quickly now you're living oh you hear that he loves the call of battle when they were talking i watched you ethan take what they said and say oh that's so [ __ ] up so they did this you like you would take their words and you would make it sound even worse than what they shut up dude it's called interviewing douche it's called asking follow-up questions you dumb ass it's also our opinion i think we're allowed to uh you think about it what are we thinking about you made it sound bad and that was [ __ ] up yeah you made it sound bad because you think it's bad right i do think it's bad okay but it's called follow-up questions bria would you want me to just make it sound nice oh this probably will not date that's probably not what david meant i did not have consent are you sure you didn't have consent because i mean david is a really nice guy and he would not do that to anyone that's scotty's version of how that interview should have gone listen david as i know he's never mad at people just disappointed that's not something he would ever do no no what he said was that's not something we would ever do take their words and you would make it sound even worse than what they said but i i think that you should in the future at least try to verify some of the information reach out to the people that you have again reach out to david like phil defranco did who like he like he never got a response like probably tons of [ __ ] media people have been reaching out to him non-stop he has not made a comment i should have reached out i should have fact checked the original source the first hand account of a victim i should have fact checked that what are you saying it doesn't make sense and now you got a one on wiki feed bro look what you've done to yourself i'm not a one i don't know let's check maybe a 1.2 i don't know scotty let's go back scotty sire here i got to keep the pa i got to keep his wiki page open as we go through this he's down to a 3.2 yeah he's still pretty good do you think he's got nice feet i mean he's jacked he's like a handsome guy but the feet shots don't really do it for me i mean i want to smell the feet that's a lot don't you think yeah wait you hesitated you like his foot no i don't like okay and my problem is that i pretty much don't like any foot oh it's a lot for you to take in interesting guess i'm talking about because the things that are being said on youtube now and on your podcast show are things that should be said in a courtroom if they're true classic victim shaming why didn't you go to the police next in the statute of limitations probably passed but maybe not for civil i i don't know it's complicated it's complicated also he's embarrassed he's humiliated he doesn't even you know what i mean like it took him years to come to terms with it you just how are you misunderstanding this bruh bruh moment dude anyway that's my take on the subject and i hope that people who feel the need to make big false claims realize that if they're serious enough they will be addressed and hopefully you'll get in trouble for it exactly another legal threat you'll get in trouble for it nice bro so cause it's it's wrong scotty's hot take ladies and gentlemen scotty's hot take everybody so um okay now we got to do mint mobile and we'll talk a little bit about other stuff so um we will throw to the ad and we'll be right back after the year we've all been through saving money should be at the top of everybody's list so if you're still paying insane amounts money every month for wireless what are you doing switching to mint mobile is the easiest way to save this year as the first company to sell premium wireless service online only mint mobile lets you maximize your savings with plans that start at just 15 dollars a month [Applause] um dan actually is using mint mobile dan tell us about your experience yes sir uh it's super simple i'm gonna send you this little envelope and inside comes a sim card you just pop that little puppy it's not here anymore cause i popped it out but you pop 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nation's largest 5g network use your own phone with any mint mobile plan and keep the same phone number along with all of your existing contacts and if you're not 100 satisfied mobile has you covered with their 7-day money-back guarantee switch to min mobile and get premium wireless service starting at just 15 bucks a month to get your new wireless plan for just 15 bucks a month and to get that plan shipped to your door for free go to h3 that's mint h3 cut your wireless bill to just 15 dollars a month at h three [Music] welcome back everybody you know death noodles just put out a really interesting uh again this literally has no bearing at all on on anything but it is interesting again to just show how scotty is misrepresenting the evidence so because he shows this clip of seth like putting his ass in jason's face as like evidence that oh look he does it too but so people dug it up and apparently this is a prank that jason was doing to a lot of people and this was like a retaliation prank so it's not like but whatever it doesn't even matter honestly it doesn't matter oh i did want to read seth's statement that he sent me again he was going to come on originally but he well here i'll just read a statement he said and of course he said he this was meant for me to read on the air um he said hey ethan i want you to know i dearly appreciate you covering my story unfortunately i can no longer speak about this incident i will still answer a couple of questions i know you might have the audio clip the audio clip and text that is surfacing the internet is a manipulation to misrepresent my trauma and experiences this audio further concludes i did not consent to those published videos right i think he's referring actually don't know what he's referring to to the audio bite that um david plays where he says like i'm not i'm more open-minded now he's i think he's saying yeah he says even in that clip he says i'm more open-minded now which i guess he's saying is evidence that he didn't consent to the previous two videos that's what i understand right yeah and then he says my allegations about accountability part two that's what the claim that everyone's making about that he shared this nude photo of aaron it was he used it in this video accountability part two he said in this day and ages unfortunate people are still using pornographic videos to get revenge i have not promoted nudity but only highlighted appear confidently saying this slanderous derogatory term the n-word additionally in my accountability 2 video i reposted other public clips of my peers as a tool to show people what behaviors are not okay so he claims he never shared the nude photo so i don't know i mean he's short footage from yeah i mean that's indisputable yeah but like i do think it's important i do think it's kind of important distinction of if he blurred or totally barred it or if he shared the nude you know what i mean like the uncensored footage again though it has nothing to do with the conversation at hand i think that's important to um to say whenever we talk about it so um yeah that's the vlog squad it's a response i was really shocked you know when the first thing i saw this video it was getting a lot of support i guess just from the like the initial responses like support from the fans but i knew immediately when i saw it was like this is this is gonna be so bad yeah and i immediately felt bad for seth because like you know all the trauma he's been through like why are they trying to bury him and put him fur and stomp on him like it's so easy to just and people the thing people will admire you for just coming out and saying all right stop i shouldn't have done this you know i've changed we don't do stuff like that anymore but like i don't know why it's so hard for them to take accountability for this i'm assuming it has to do with the sensitive situation he's in with like dyspo and all this stuff but i do feel like if you would just issue an apology that wouldn't be such a big deal necessarily you know i mean that's all seth ever wanted but to send his homie out to try to to take the heat like bro this isn't even your place and possibly sue him like seriously what are you going to sue seth for exactly you keep saying he's you didn't show any evidence he's lying and you're threatening to sue him shut the [ __ ] up dude you know david has such a clean image that he would never put a video like that out ever but this is david that's the thing like if if you try to imagine the same video but if david said it it would be so awful oh yeah but this is representing what he wants to say clearly i'm speculating but but based on the fact that david sent him that with david narrating it is proof that he probably saw this video before it went live probably all of those guys saw this video unlisted and gave their feedback on it and we're like yeah this is the this is the perfect response you know yeah should i feel bad for scotty i can't tell because he seems like an otherwise nice guy that people like he just kind of missed the point and got thrown to the walls by david yeah i agree with that we're good people it's like why are you throwing yourself we wouldn't do this we're good people why are you throwing yourself in front of the cannonball for david you weren't even there this is you didn't do anything bro so why are we why are we talking we you got you bro you got you good disposable ain't just the name of an app um since we're on the topic of david [ __ ] it this is david another david dobrik podcast but hey let's do it uh i keep talking about this puzzle and i'm sorry to go keep talking about that [ __ ] i'm not sorry i'm glad i think this puzzle's disturbing i don't like it and i found these really interesting new developments one i think i talked about on a previous episode but i'll mention it real fast because i don't think you saw it either yeah so this was posted on the subreddit when i was just seeing what people how people were reacting to to everything and this was at one point it was just a really a minor post but i thought it was really interesting he said i won david dobrik's 25 cent puzzle but it's asking for my bank info is it safe or is it even worth the 25 cents which is really interesting because that means that 95 of the people buying this puzzle are not even going to redeem their prize because you have to put in your [ __ ] bank account and no that's not worth the effort of getting 25 cents weird and also most of them are kids and don't even have bank accounts so that's part one of david dobrik's not even giving out prizes for the most part and then number two which i just saw like last night or this morning um is this someone got this email saying there's only one month left to complete your puzzle what kind of puzzle expires let me ask want this based on the lottery what kind of puzzle expires hey there just wanted to let you know that until march 31st to assemble you have until march 31st to assemble your puzzle and collect the winnings tens of thousands have already won but the hundred thousand is still out there no one got a hundred thousand really you're able to control who when somebody wins the hundred thousand that's so interesting to me it sounds like an unregulated [ __ ] lottery when you can actually control who and when someone wins after march 31st you'll just have to wait for the next puzzle we do how do you know how do you know that somebody will win before march 31st that's not fraud okay what is it i would call that uh false advertising when you got ja rule defending you now david that's not a good sign dude this is so [ __ ] up they control who and how they control who and when that 100 000 goes out i mean this guy's made probably 10 million [ __ ] dollars on that as well after the third one draw that conclusion because what are the odds again i'm speculating so let me just say that since dave is already ready to sue me tens of thousands have already won they say the hundred thousand's still out there so how is it that there's a hundred thousand still out there because yeah yeah no one won it yet yet the puzzle expires on march 31st so how can they control if somebody wins the grand prize before the puzzle expires they don't so they're so what they're saying that there's a possibility that nobody wins 100 000 well i don't think so i don't think that's what they're saying i think that's what they're saying well so what nobody's [ __ ] winning anything then everyone's just getting 25 cents and they're not even redeeming because they have to connect their [ __ ] bank account the whole thing is such a scheme it's so outrageous guys just buy a [ __ ] lottery ticket at least that shit's regulated i swear to god it's regulated and you don't have to waste your time putting together a [ __ ] qr code do you understand you're putting you're putting together a qr code that's not even like a logical puzzle like get a puzzle you can't pretend like putting together a qr code is fun i'm sorry here i'm gonna sell a puzzle of my my bare [ __ ] i mean that's pretty cool but better than a qr code i don't care about the qr code puzzle i think that's whatever but well you're basically putting together a lottery ticket yeah i doubt that it's being regulated of course it's not what is this this email is proof that it's not being regulated you have to give out the prize or they're controlling when it's won after the march 31st you'll just have to wait for the next puzzle we do lastly i can't wait to see who wins our 100 000 and also what they've got like marketing they've got like a marketing strategy based on the fact that nobody's won it yet it sounds to me like i'm speculating again that they control when somebody wins this prize right then you agree what's your take on i wake up you don't want to kick no come on you know i'm making points here they didn't invent sweepstakes companies do this all the time i agree it's i agree it's shady and definitely thanks a sweet thanks a sweepstake is a [ __ ] way to sell lottery tickets uh yeah yeah but sweepstakes are also regulated you're not allowed and this likely is too and when you're saying it's not regulated i don't necessarily but how was there a deadline and so you're saying there's a chance they don't give away the grand prize yeah i mean yeah and that's what i understand well i don't think the people who are buying this think that's possible i was about to give as an example of the um how many of these things said nobody 100 000. i mean what are the [ __ ] odds on this thing dude it's crazy well the 30 bucks for this [ __ ] qr code the odds are all listed on their website in the in the rules of the contest i looked into it give me that what's the odds of winning the hundred thousand oh i want to know right now but can you imagine like people so now that said just because they say all those i mean there's the famous example is the the mcdonald's monopoly thing which was all rigged and everything that was a sweepstakes too so i mean just because it's regulated doesn't mean that it's not rigged but we shouldn't say that it's regular i'm not saying it's rigged yeah i mean we don't know we don't know anything i'm not saying [ __ ] but i don't know nothing about nobody hey i'm like that i'm like that hey i don't know nothing about nobody i don't know nothing about nobody i'm just saying you think that all the fans buying this [ __ ] puzzle know that there's a chance a good chance at this point because march 31st is coming close and he he sold more of these puzzles than he's not you know what i mean like he's probably sold 90 of the puzzles he's going to sell before that date hits and nobody's [ __ ] won that money no because people are probably what i understand from it is that people bought it but they didn't complete oh please people [ __ ] voracious wait who's gonna sit on the puzzle you think they're not putting together yeah i mean who wants to build a phone you can't keep getting away with it it says one in a hundred thousand according to the game there you go yeah one in a hundred thousand it sells okay okay so you have to sell a hundred thousand puzzles at thirty dollars one and one hundred thousand one hundred and fifty one is the exactly i'm gonna i'm gonna round down one hundred thousand times thirty so for every three million dollars he makes he should be giving away a hundred thousand dollars apparently nobody's won which is pretty incredible i'm a little skeptical of that i just want my 25 cents though i just want a way to redeem my 25 cents it actually says in the rules total uh arv of all i don't know what arab stands for arv of all prizes to be awarded is 251 125 so a quarter million in prizes available whoa whoa whoa whoa according to the number posted on the game's rules page only 651 out of 100 000.007 of the prizes available would actually allow you to gain money by participating so that means you won more than wait yeah that means you won more than 30 bucks if you win 25 cents you you spent 30 bucks on the puzzle you you didn't you lost money so only 650 out of 100 000 people will actually get more than thirty dollars yeah i mean it's it's it's a lottery like for sure it's a shitty lottery like i think lotteries even have better odds than this i don't know like like you should like a lot of times if you spend five bucks online you'll get that five bucks back at the time right not in the sense of getting this job this one you're at point zero zero seven percent of making your money there's a chance that these people are just buying it for the name of it and to support their favorite content qr yeah sure maybe it's just but it's marketed at the hundred thousand dollars i mean i think people are not david is known for giving [ __ ] away he's the guy that gives you away his launch video which if someone pull up the launch video where he says hey guys i'm trying to figure out how to give you guys money people was asking for your money so now i figured out like the whole marketing campaign around this puzzle is him trying to give away money give me that video fill that bag up right now watch this video and then try to tell me that i mean is that all right somebody get in the video somebody's on it [Music] maybe you seem pretty calm back there i mean i'm not supposed to pull up the videos but i'm still looking i don't see your hands on the keyboard i see you look like very casual dude i'm watching it on if this is the one you're talking about oh my god okay let me look david dobrik maybe we don't have 100 all right you can kill the music [Music] one of the most common comments i see is you guys asking me for money so i finally figured out a way to get all of you guys money i sound like a scam but this isn't scam listen i made this puzzle it's called a hundred thousand dollar puzzle by david dover that's me so this is how it works you get the puzzle you start building it it takes a while so you got to put it together assuming a lot of people just wouldn't mean they never even put it together yeah who wants to build a [ __ ] car so that's why you know bro there i understand it's a puzzle but he listen he says it's not his he goes i'm trying to give everybody money it's not a scam trust me yeah i know i'm just i'm just saying i'm not i'm just saying the whole vibe the whole marketing thing is hundred thousand dollar puzzle i know it's a puzzle no i'm just saying that my am i too harsh on this it might be it might be that people don't necessarily see it as a big lottery ticket they're just buying it as much as the meme it's a qr puzzle from david you know you don't even have a cheat sheet to do it and then when you're done you take your camera on your phone just like that and then you scan it because it's a qr code and look now it'll load your prize and you're going to 100 win anywhere from 25 cents to a hundred thousand dollars and i won 25 cents you win now put in your bank and photo redemption but this is it it's [ __ ] sick i'm gonna leave this link to my bio go get one for yourself go go one for a friend for christmas whatever and do me a favor record your reaction because you're gonna win anywhere from 25 cents to a hundred thousand dollars so yeah all right good luck i'll see you yeah i mean if okay whatever who cares yeah i care obviously i think a lot of people want them for tick tocks as well because all the tick tock videos they have the puzzle on it usually do well they do they're buying that clout oh you mean the tick tocks as well got it if somebody makes a tick tock tick tock is our home run oh do you have the the crazy mail ad i got can you grab that i gotta go get it so i got in the mail you know junk mail i'm [ __ ] i'm so [ __ ] over junk mail you know but i got this junk mail that i it's like someone stepped their [ __ ] up to a level i have never seen before blow me away totally and um i have to share it with you guys um i think you can be blown away by this i'm not even quite sure what they're trying to sell me i think it was a car ad or something um here's ela so it arrived in this envelope oh i got it it arrived in this envelope here and i was like no address right well people know where we live so he's bragged in this envelope i was like what is this it looks like uh instruction pamphlet or something i don't know and then it's this okay you it's this i don't know what this is does it say it says bernal bernelli bernoulli lock okay you guys remember that better but you guys ready for this whoa what [Music] there's a charging port on the top that's how you know you made it in life bro what the [ __ ] yeah you guys know i'm like i'm made of money or something this is like a twenty dollar like ad i mean how much it's a full color screen there's a there's a truck and a speaker there's a whole charging port here there's a charging port here just in case i want to watch it again in the future yeah i wanted to tear it open and see what's inside but i wanted to wait to do it on the screen on here how does it work every time you open it it starts over what are they sending me the sky oh [ __ ] okay what it's just an exposed circuit board probably a little uh raspberry pi is this uh dangerous can i can i hurt myself you should lick it because if i hurt myself i feel like i could sue i feel like this is a poorly okay it doesn't have enough i can even turn the sound down okay look there's some oh and i can skip forward there's more ads yeah i think it's a little uh i can spread five i can fast forward a computer in there with some software what is this isn't this insane you're living in the future man this reminds me of blues clues so anyway there's like a whole circuit board is there anything we can salvage in here for the show dan uh maybe don't touch it lick that [ __ ] no no so that's that that's pretty i thought that was amazing i was shocked so shout out to uh their families all of their families so i don't yeah we could just watch the whole thing i mean so i don't i don't really want to talk about anything else to be honest with you guys because i i don't want the message of the first part to get lost in the sauce should we keep i guess we could keep going that was my plan [Music] [Applause] okay stop booing i'll keep going [Music] let's [ __ ] goof off it's friday baby okay right so all right [ __ ] it let's go baby thank you dan so we've got i've got a couple of meme holes we can fall into interesting you do you prefer what is your favorite crazy christian video or weird suit soaking i don't want to do the suit soaking this is not today so epic though i don't want to do suits it's like this it's the weirdest fetish we've found yet and it's disturbing i don't it's not really disturbing it's less disturbing than the cream head crying yeah because the brain was too much for me it's less disturbing than that but it's it's super [ __ ] weird someone says you think the car dealership sold our info it was i'll be no that's not it there's a reason why i know that but i can't say it may be a federal crime i may have committed a federal crime what do you mean well it wasn't addressed to me oh what yeah oh no you didn't call the fbi it was a mistake i apologize to the feds i didn't realize until after i opened it please don't lock me up please let's do crazy christian videos okay it's not like it's just weird conspiracy theory kind of meme whole [ __ ] and they're all on tech talk of course your that doesn't make sense though crazy go ahead and hit the music see i knew i should have ended the show [Laughter] [Music] hit him with the 60 minute clock dan is unplugging the cable he is fidgeting and futzing right now it works all right we're good kill it kill the music thank you oh you guys want to see something i've been working on what you're working on uh dan are you okay [ __ ] static electricity in here is so get some get a rubber mat or something ringo starr um peace of mind you guys can i can i reveal my peace and love all right they view it right now well it's a work it's a working program it's a whip yeah i'm working on a tick tock where i dress up as ringo and voice this perfectly so i want to show you guys what i'm working with i think i'm making really good progress it's hard to hit like the all the inflections and the pauses perfectly but let me show you guys what i've got real quick i'm gonna adjust the i want you to be side by side with him so just give me one second okay you can do that thank you so i've been trying to learn the peace and love um perfectly for the enjoyment of all yeah i do think ethan needs like maybe another week of training yeah yeah it's not fully baked yet all right i've got you in a big box okay here we go let's go okay here we go this is a serious message to everybody watching the update right now peace and love peace and love i want to tell you that please after the 20th of october not send fan mail to any address that you have nothing will be signed after the 20th of october if that's got a signature on the envelope it's going to be tossed i'm warning you with peace and love i have too much to do no more um thank you no objects to be signed nothing uh anyway thank you peace love peace and love thank you it still needs a little work but yeah yeah yeah not bad not bad well how am i supposed to get better when eli yells at me every time i practice so okay yeah ethan will play also super loud and you know i played as low as i can no you don't you don't hear yourself and use yourself allowed this is a serious message you do everybody watching my update now and also he does it at midnight when i'm a little tired peace and love peace and love where's the peace and luck so with peace and love maybe this is a warning with peace and love okay let's watch the crazy christian plans and then anyway i thought you guys enjoyed that for now yeah yeah a year ago with me talking about semen and and what's your favorite favorite crazy christian video the strange thing that milk comes from the mammary glands and then et cetera et cetera and i said this semen because you know what they had this thing going back a year ago when we talk about semen and and starbucks lattes and they do put it in there and many people slammed me and said i should get off of it one guy told me he wasn't gonna send me any more offers until i stopped talking about seba uh seaman uh talking about it but at any rate the what people tend to like milk that's produced by the mammary glands of them starbucks has figured it out why is it that people are it's normal to drink milk but i can't drink semen so is well it's a flip he i don't know what he's trying to say but it sounds like he's trying to rationalize some weird behavior he's got wait i had zach clipped this because this is just my favorite part play it again zach semen is is another kind of milk right good point well you know semen's not really meant to be consumed so i mean you can consume it with peace and love but milk is actually meant to be consumed by babies why is it that i can't drink buckets of semen why is that weird semen is another kind of sweet man my fans keep saying stop talking about semen but you said this is like a christian video segment well yeah he's a pastor oh yeah i i could whatever wait yeah talking about how somebody said they were gonna stop somebody said they were gonna stop tithing at his church because he won't stop talking about this and he's like well he said you gotta listen to him carefully he says go ahead stop tithing i don't care oh my goodness produced by the testicle glands of a man it's like what does this have to do with god shout out to his family for sure what's with seaman seaman is just another milk it's your favorite crazy christian baby that's awesome i'll go for she's not a christian get outside get the hell out of my house in jesus name i pray and i've been saying i am a spiritual warrior because i feel like i'm a spiritual warrior like i had to put armor on just to walk out that house holy spirit if you believe in jesus you can stay here oh [Music] i feel bad for her she's having a bad time you gotta love it though like a tlc or something definitely i think it was from spouses yeah dude that was the craziest episode so they would change spouse like switch spouses for like a certain period of time just to like see what it's like and somebody got stuck with this lady they're like whoa not fair i rebuke you demons i always wondered they didn't [ __ ] in that show did they i don't think that would be because i was like well what's the point of changing spouses well they would act as it was like you see he does the dishes and they always have family so it's more about like the family dynamic of like they would be there did they sleep in the same bed i don't think so they didn't cover that aspect but i found that the most interesting aspect easy yoko yoko's interest wow um pure spouses we just watched the mormon documentary really good it's called murder among mormons on netflix really good what is what's it about i haven't even heard it it's like there was in salt lake city there was there's time when people were collecting all these ancient mormon ancients like 150 years or artifacts and then uh the people who were close to this whole ring started getting blown up like bombed and murdered and there's a whole really crazy story that unfolds from it with the church and all these crazy people really interesting good yeah really good four parts on netflix three three searching scotty was worried about me defamatory statements all right let's continue what's your favorite crazy christian video video i have no idea i'll go first and we were outside one day youth group and uh he was just just trying to push my buttons and he was just you know kind of not taking the lord seriously and i walked over to him and i went and punched him in the chest as hard as i crumpled the kid the kid i just got down and i said i think nobody said ben when are you going to stop playing games with god right there there's times that that might be sorry what's your favorite crazy christian did you just admit to punching a child in the chest his heart i crumpled that kid i'll proudly for the congregation i laid that [ __ ] kid out that [ __ ] kid out isn't that god's job like why do the you better you if you don't fear god you'll fear me boy oh god it's so crazy i gotta watch that again i love how he just he's so proud of himself i'll go first and we were outside one day youth group get away with that just trying to push my butt he said he punched a child as hard as he [Laughter] could we brought him to god by that he means he yeah he died he didn't [ __ ] around anymore he sent him to heaven damn dude that's great quit playing games with god there's a lot of these cross what's your favorite crazy crazy christian from different people the same this is a tick tock meme where i think this guy started the trend and then everybody like touches it yeah yeah so this guy this happens on tick tock all the time there's like this there's people that go like mega viral for some stupid clip they made like there's this girl what's your favorite celebrity interview moment like this small account nobody girl who's now been seen like a trillion times don't take that what just like my whole feeling what's your favorite celebrity interview moment what's some of the other ones ab there's another one that's super popular oh what a celebrity what's the celebrity that people tell you look like wow that's why i say that what this is the one what's your favorite celebrity interview moment i'll go first i hate when they say i'll go first like they're trying sword to make a trend i'll go first but i hate that [Laughter] it's they were like huge artists and they lost their whole career because they were you know so-called exposed for essentially having ghost writers and and uh people make their music in the studio the truth is it's like halfway hold on hold on hold they didn't sing right you're right well that's that's not what happens people sing their songs somebody else is saying their songs right i guess that's true that's what that is they were exposed for it yeah because they won like all these awards and they were like this huge thing they did and they were insane they won grammy's someone else yeah they they didn't sing the [ __ ] song no that's weird yeah that's weird then come on it was two i think it was two german guys that was behind it all right yeah believe it that they just straight up denver and they didn't couldn't they didn't sing someone else's voice yeah they just like performed they are like lip sinkers and they would dance and perform but it like wasn't actually them i mean it's a good idea yeah it didn't work though something tells me that happens more than we know i don't that's pretty extraordinary dan i don't think so i don't know i'm gonna push back on that one damn video thank you zack they put a lightsaber [Music] what the [ __ ] is this excuse me there's somebody talking there's music blasting the video is tiny what is going on here could somebody find a video where he has a lightsaber oh yeah right i think we're seeing that what are we gonna do what does the text even say six tubby tubby then walked off like a ghee what's your favorite question i don't know what to say about that one oh we got the uh lightsaber one here we go somebody chat saying dan's right britney doesn't sing a lot of her songs it's not proven though they got smarter about it who are we talking about i'm assuming britney spears britney does this just some random [ __ ] comments that could be wrong sorry that's a huge scandal yeah how dare you free britney a lot of very big artists like they don't sing every song on in the concert because they need to catch their breath and whatnot so some of them different though someone else saying yeah that's millie wasn't even on the studio version was the thing but again oh yeah people saying it's proven people say proven knowledge what i just said about it how dare you leave brittany alone all right to defend dan to defend that baby live she has been caught lip syncing live well everybody lips things like that exactly what we're talking about we're talking about someone else completely singing their song everybody lip syncs live no they i mean no with the i mean exception of auto tune which everyone does no it's britney okay that's what we're talking about [Applause] there's like a crazy reverb on that one [Music] oh whoa oh i gotta mute it because i don't want to get george george lucas has enough money he doesn't need the revenue that's great [Laughter] yeah it's like literally doesn't look any different it doesn't look any different yeah dude this guy's having so much fun up there he'll demons i command thee [Laughter] by the way some of these people are old and they're just piling on each other oh no he's a sith lord they're like free falling on their back not a sith lord i knew you all right moving on what then you got britney [ __ ] what's your favorite favorite so they're saying even saying the name but her name is maya marie look into it who's this maya marie what liver alone crazy christian video i got you now this is a physical illustration to show you when cody puts on the word of god it literally is a protective barrier around his mind with the helmet of salvation and thinking on things that are heavenly and this is what the mind is saying your mind or your affections on things above you throwing eggs at your home and look nothing can penetrate cody's mind i love that they're like you a good christian's mind should be unpenetrable where is he wearing a helmet right exactly that's what god is semen is is another kind of milk [Laughter] [Music] my favorite one's not here yet the atheist is your favorite crazy chris christian video shut up your dad [ __ ] mouth you fool god damn you forever to attend [Music] [Music] what is this is this real i feel like this has to be fake oh [ __ ] all righty what's your favorite crazy christian video [Music] why don't you just turn over to your neighbor i want you to find a drinking buddy i need to reach over well what i i want you just to find their vein what you guys done and i just want you to shoot them up jesus on in line and they'll share the favor god is dumping out the glory should be booby juice just started talking the ghost what is this baby too there's certain powers i think we're getting played here it seems like stand up come on my favorite crazy uh interview celebrity interview moment i mean that's not what that's not the trend we're doing the atheist nightmare i mean this is such a classic but man these guys are such [ __ ] idiots you've seen this right yeah oh yeah behold the atheist behold nightmare now if you study a well-made banana you'll find on the far side there are three ridges on the close side two ridges if you get your hand ready to grip a banana you'll find on the far side there are three grooves on the close side two grooves the banana and the hand are perfectly made one for the other you'll find the maker of the banana almighty god has made it with a non-slip surface it has outward indicators of inward contents green too early yellow juice if you go to the top of the banana you'll find as with the soda can makers they placed a tab at the top so god has placed a tab at the top when you pull the tab the contents don't squirt on your face you'll find the wrapper which is great has perforations notice how gracefully it sits over the human hand gracefully just the right shape of the human mouth it's chewy easy to digest it's even curved toward the face to make the whole process so much easier oh yeah seriously kurt the whole of creation testifies to the genius of god's creative heart it absolutely does the atheist well so if the banana is so perfect are we meant just to eat bananas like what about every [ __ ] food then how about it i mean did anybody nobody pointed out to him that bananas are uh are like a domesticated like we created bananas right they don't exist naturally well like i'll tell hold on he created us so we domesticated it but that's very funny that yeah we we of all the things he could have chosen yeah that was like one of the worst ones you could have picked yeah because it's domesticated but it's a nightmare it's the easiest nightmare you cannot respect this i heard one of these guys say well it fits perfectly in your butt too does that mean that god decided to do that yeah fits perfectly over your hands the god's aeronamic design slides perfectly in your mouth something is about to bust anything else you guys want to talk about while we're here no i don't know if i'm ready for soaking in the same episode as the chat has been spamming for the last like 15 minutes talk to horse guy i have no idea what you guys i don't know what i'm talking about when you guys spam stuff like that you like if you don't give context it's not helpful talk to horse guy are they talking about the old h3 video guy i have no [ __ ] clue does it we haven't even talked about horses today like what nobody requires no bucket required um that's pretty much all i don't i don't think we should do the suit soaking in this thing i'm gonna save that one all right but if there's is there any interesting comments or donations or anything you guys want to talk about before we say can we just do all update on um you actually sent this this was your suggestion ethan so we just oh i sent the wrong thing hold on why did you just send me a giant jaw guy dan because that's just saying that there's yeah this is my homie my jaw guy that everyone was laughing about now he's become a meme i saw him on twitter people posted this before and after and like what the [ __ ] is this this is my homie that i'm just fascinated by this guy's jaw routine and everyone's clowning on me look at that guy he's turning into a [ __ ] i mean he doesn't look real this is unreal stop the training stop the training don't stop bro just keep going take it all the way i say take it all the way until your face is literally just it's just it's just gonna be like i don't know it's gonna be a square it's gonna be a triangle yeah let's check in with our dog [Music] i can't listen to your music bro one two let's hit those jaws dude if i saw that guy i would like do a double deck not because he's handsome but i'd be like what the [ __ ] did i just see but sometimes it doesn't look that weird you know well i guess in the earlier videos i don't know what's going on he's man okay i'm out that was it that was all you want me to talk about is jaw guy uh there's a bunch of good stuff in here it's just a shame there it is i guess we can save it what did you mean maybe scotty at 235 uh 2.35 on wikifee poor scotty we love scott i mean [Music] i mean he was once loved he was once loved he once had a great score and wiggy threw it all away he'd do it all the way he did an oopsie you're very special can we jam out to ila song no no we're not ready what about um i saw you guys mention the r kelly passport song oh that's a good way to sign off you know it's been a while since we've watched the r kelly do you have your passport do you have your shots and we're thinking it's just ridiculous that you know this is somehow become old news yeah r kelly to you so i thought maybe also everybody's spamming bad baby in the chat oh yeah so you're not you're not clueing us into anything we're aware oh well i might as well just explain what happened yeah um well she tweeted she sub-tweeted me and followed me saying that she had a story about david and i'll show that here's somebody link me a tweet and um i followed her and said hey what happened and she didn't respond so i don't know and she's tweeted since then too so she clearly saw my message so kind of confused about uh why she tweeted at me or she just tried to be funny i don't know she said i got my own story about those two creepy [ __ ] and he owes me money this girl's such a character you know we were talking about her she was 12 when she was on dr phil and when she collaborated with them she was like 13 or something right that is crazy yes we found there was a deleted vlog with her um that we found where it's just basically jason bantering with her and like i wouldn't say creepy but just it's just a like it's a 13 year old yeah it's like a 45 year old man like doing bands yes it's very weird i understand why they delete it it's like pretty cringe i remember i don't know if this is public or if david but i don't remember where i heard this but he like paid her a bunch of money to do it and then but she says they owe her money i don't know i don't know but she never responded trust me i wanted to [ __ ] know too you know dying you know yeah i was just like what is this giant t-ship i loved it yeah i love this yeah no i don't think so okay nobody knows who david heart is we do need that cop though who knows that nobody knows david lieberhart he's a legend okay so r kelly went to by the way not to draw extreme parallels but there's plenty of arkell girls who didn't leave r kelly immediately so you wouldn't ever say to them i mean different situations but you never say to them why didn't you leave sooner why don't you go to the police sooner why didn't you do this why are you that here's our people do say that it's just right he wouldn't say that to them but people do say that to them you're right people say they've been saying that for basically ever yeah here's our kelly in ethiopia recruiting sex slaves basically on stage i got it i got it i got it do you have your passport did you get your shots girl would you like to come back [Applause] [Music] did you get your shots would you like to come [Music] back nothing more romantic than that did you get your shots girl i'm ready to get my shots and hop on a plane with him it's it's probably the best song ever dude straight up dude he took grooming to leveled nobody he's straight up grooming people on stage during the show that is next [ __ ] level there's no deception in this he says girl you cannot you need your shots this is ethiopia you need your shots and your [ __ ] passport if you're coming to an r kelly show bring your passport already with you bring your back we're living come back it's so awesome this is like the greatest [ __ ] video on the internet straight up period it's so romantic i got it i got it someone's like hey give that talk about the we need something back i got this they have a whole beach for grooming a whole really beautiful view about how great you have your passports did you get your shots this summer didn't make it to an album i love that look like yeah oh okay okay that's a lot more than i asked for thank you seaman is is another kind of milk all right let's end off with joel let's see what joel has to say about all the topics of today you wanted affirmation an inspiration or a sermon i want to be inspired yeah yeah okay emily worry will keep you from rising high i can't get over how good the speaker keeps you from pursuing dreams going around offended bitter will keep you from new opportunities yeah why do all these people hurt me they did me wrong that's why i'm bitter that's why i'm upset that happened 27 years ago why are you still holding on to it why are you still sour over the person that walked away still upset over how you were raised feel bitter over that company that let you go don't be a hoarder don't let that poison your future they hurt you once don't let them continue to hurt you by holding on to it recognize that joel austin's basically saying get over it break them shaving saying get over it loser get over your [ __ ] dumb dumb don't hold on to don't be a loser god hates losers let it go you [ __ ] pathetic loser you can't let your trauma go you're a loser and god hates you amen what then oh this is this is unrelated but uh have you seen everybody's upset that the new at the new space jam oh is it out no but like i guess there's a trailer for it or something and they they made the they made the girl not hot it's not hot anymore dude well let me let me see let me let me be the judge of that okay because maybe i'll still smash so people are upset about what they changed it yeah they changed it from sexy to strong i remember reading that old bunny was [ __ ] slamming though show me those before and afters let's get to the bottom of this you guys got it what are you guys getting me to give me the good stuff the lola bunny porn i got a really good one i know someone who's upset about it let me find out how long oh was it the quartering by chance uh probably no not the quarterback but it's probably oh j station gay station's got something to say about this jay station coming out with some really strong takes here clown world no new normal i'm down to move to china now okay well bro just because they changed your cartoon why she's pretty cute still wait what that there's no problem well she was like a sexy like icon like a midriff she was like roger rabbit hot you know what i mean like [ __ ] yeah i would like take i would like [ __ ] i would do unspeakable things yeah she's still hard just like a little more realistic it's a little more kid-friendly honestly on the right yeah it's nothing to move to china about for sure [Laughter] she's so [ __ ] beautiful i mean oh the quartering did have a [ __ ] tweet about it i knew that the of course he does oh rejection identity embrace tradition bro it's not that serious jesus that's a meme he might be actually goofing although it's him so probably not but what is he i mean i'm deep undercover why would anyone be upset over this come on well i you know back when we were kids cartoons were hot you could definitely beat off to cartoons they still are there's plenty of hot characters all over everyone look at her curves relax crazy on the left it's kind of if you might have that character just go look at everywhere if i can be honest the surprising thing for me looking at this is how curvy the one on the left was back in the day yeah you know i'd [ __ ] i just peed in my basement if that rabbit came into our life elo i'm sorry but i love that these are guys complaining of course it is nope oh another according to you what do you think the crossover is between cancel culture foot soldiers oh is he calling wait he's responding he's calling us i'm not sure i'm not i can't make myself wait but boys just diseased so weirdly but do you think a crossover between cancer culture foot soldiers and sufferers of what is tds uh that is trump derangement is what uh people like him use that i'm deep undercover it's like 60 70 it's very insightful i am of course a white supremacist hey listen quartering no hard feelings buddy i just am wondering you know if you use if it's 3 a.m and you're it's the middle of the night and you have to go to the bathroom where are you gonna go i just peed in my basement in the basement you would go all the way to the basement to do that nothing maybe i'm gonna pee in my trash can down here i don't know right trash can makes money you don't want to disturb your wife probably that's the biggest concern right i'm not taking a pause of course not would never dream of asking such a thing of you my wife went out for pizza without me i know that was a big issue in your marriage that's not cool dude not cool i would never do that to you yeah i know that's why we have such a happy marriage i knew something was up oh we have another quartering tweet all right let's just turn let's just go i'm sorry you go through his whole twitter how are you going to do my girl like this bree like this everyone in these should be recalled oh he's just mad that it's like not a yeah oh okay i honestly don't think you could find another channel that praises brie larson as much as me okay good all right that's it right that's all everybody's asking for an update on keto there's no keto there's no diet dude i got super frustrated because i was in it for two weeks and i was and i gained two pounds and i was like [ __ ] this so i'm having a cheat week i'm celebrating so i told ethan why don't you follow me um and eat what i'm eating wouldn't that be fun if we tried it for half a day you didn't even give me a shot you just ate my breakfast and then you were done ela with pizza which you said was good with peace and love for well then you pulled out a chocolate and i couldn't have any of that so what is it am i on your diet or no either goes well okay okay you're doing like you're doing my diet i'm gonna eat this chocolate but you can't have it i was like who's diet are we doing my diet so why don't i get a cake that i dictate for you i'm eating fatty you're [ __ ] guru okay i'm over it and i'm not gonna talk about it anymore you do whatever you want yeah i know it's exhausting for you to deal with it i know but you just trust the process i trust everything i'm just out i'm taking a weekend off it's not in a bad or a good way i'm just not going to talk no i don't know just do whatever you want i had some [ __ ] bagel pizza bagels this weekend i was like [ __ ] this pizza or like i was like [ __ ] this they bought or we bought like pizza bagels for theodore i'm like [ __ ] this i'm eating his bat dumb bagel it's no it's a little bitter bites you stole your son's pizza yeah i stole all theodore's pizza bagels i'm literally stealing my ice cream too i'm elazie and i'm awful i love pizza and i love people papa tell you that what if pizza is pizza's healthy right this is totally healthy i believe i'll tell you a puppy pizza is actually very nutritious yeah what's the problem yeah pizza tonight i've had over 40 pizzas in the last come on look at poppy's in great shape papa isn't great come on now but it's not a pizza bagel it is it's a little bagel if you look on the back yeah it's a little bagel i don't know that's the bagels cute yeah this is all the farts they're pretty good i'm not gonna hate on the pizza bagel i was like this is pretty [ __ ] good you have pizza in the morning pizza in the evening oh bro they would go pizza in the morning pizza in the evening pizza at some kids summer time why is there like pizza for every meal now when pizza is on a bagel you can have pizza anytime right because it's on legos breakfast pizza on the bag i love that that was papa papa was behind that [ __ ] that turns me on all right that's it i'm listening i came out here i want to talk to address the scotty thing we've talked a lot more than i wanted then i explained to so i don't have that much more planned let's all go listen to elton john separately here's another song that i was thinking about in relation to that someone saved my life tonight you had your hooks in me didn't you you nearly had me roped and tied honestly the witch song is better for the situation that or well i feel like sugar bear was more about like domestic abuse where oh no i was sorry was more about a breakup no i was going to say that or did you bring your passports did you give you a shot yeah definitely yeah you know what's really cool my mom got vaccinated she's like both shots both my parents were yeah both shots vaccinated so like you can see my parents now i'm starting to feel a little less pressure because i would be so paranoid for everyone around us like i don't want to cause something for someone else so it's your parents and our nanny and like all this stuff so so many people around us are finally getting vaccinated yeah it's great just feeling a little less pressure oh was it kenneth though i think kenneth dick is responsible for the lowering cases kenneth copeland of course so that's awesome so i can see my parents on the weekend like we used to which is really nice i mean we didn't see them for a long last time i can't wait to get it myself stick me with that [ __ ] bro like a like a shot of botax to wendy william's face [Laughter] all right that's it guys so have a great listen make me one promise foot soldiers have a great weekend yeah have a great [ __ ] weekend right is that it that's the one and um well yeah i mean that's pretty open-ended like you can kind of build your own uh truth in within that you know what i mean build your own truth and build your own truth so that's it there's another kind of milk that's okay that's your truth dude speaking right that's his truth speak his truth um thank you guys for tuning in and and hearing it out you know this is an important conversation actually i think i really do think it's an important conversation so i'm glad we were able to come out here and express ourselves and for you all to be here [Music] listen listen and participate so god bless um god bless uh there's something else i want to say but it's evading me so i guess it wasn't that important other than just foot soldiers assemble thank you for answering the call of war the war horns were blown and uh everybody rolled up so thank you guys [Music] what else i thought there was something else i i i have my mouth is empty what else what else we'll be filming jewish trivia do we have any leads on the hasid outfits the orthodox outfits you're ian is semen milk yes or no [Music] um i don't know do we have any sort of sound bite that might inform me on this one no okay never mind semen is is another kind of milk i was just letting the awkwardness linger great all right okay anyway that's that thank you guys once again we'll see you on tuesday with a very new episode of the h3 podcast we appreciate y'all we'll see you next time did you say that i'm gonna start not being in the middle of the week episode i said that in the middle of the week episode but i'll say today ila with peace and love has too much to do love either will not be on the thursday wednesday episodes anymore with peace and peace so any requests for you to be on the show i'm gonna say will be tossed i'm gonna be going into the teddy fresh world fully which is uh gonna be a big change for me because it's been really hard to juggle both like when we do the podcast it kind of takes most of my day and then i would try to get to teddy fresh after but it's like it's really hard um so i'm just going to be only on fridays which is i think it's cool anyway because ethan will have an episode alone i'll have my own day to get cancelled that was the joke everyone was saying which is true whenever i'm without you it goes off the rails you know well within the first 10 minutes of the episode we were talking about genital mutilation nice right i was thinking what did you guys think about a title for the my alone episode now it's like off off the rails without ela with ethan klein maybe a little longer it'll be like off the rails without hila klein with ethan klein podcast yeah because if i ever get cancelled for something i say that i'll be like hey it's off the road you promise you have a good weekend bye bye bye bye bye tata bring your passport next time you're watching three h233 watching h to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h two three three [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,829,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: xliblinydqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 0sec (8280 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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