What pretending to be crazy looks like

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This documentary is basically a "What not to do when being held for interrogation."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2027 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xxAkirhaxx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œDoes your demon know an attorney?”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1664 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chiggenNuggs πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Holy shit they finally uploaded again. I’ve been waiting 5 months.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2046 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jordan01236 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, the fact that this dude was listening to Salad Days while shooting kids makes this a weirder level of dark

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 98 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fieldsr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The fake self harm is crazy . Said he's been cutting himself for years and doesn't have a single scar. Said he cut himself this morning but has marks lighter than I would have from scratching myself when I have long nails. Pretended to bite himself and barely gave himself a hickey.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 780 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/winterlyparsley πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

favorite quote by the interrogator: "anytime you heard the demon, just light up a blunt"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 655 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/plurwolf7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude idk why they pretend to be crazy when they can just stfu πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brokecollegekid69 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have a voice in my head as well. its called my thoughts

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 906 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/McBlemmen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 26 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did he fucking yawn while looking at ghosts? Hahahaha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Necromancer4276 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 27 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is 26 year old dawson mcgee sitting in a police interrogation room in the early hours of a tuesday morning the monday night before he stabbed his own mother to death for asking him to move out of the house and get a job dawson is unaware that he is being recorded on a hidden camera in three seconds from now he will hear the sound of the door being opened by a detective and at that exact moment you will see a remarkably noticeable switch in his demeanor something to talk to you about um we'll talk to you about what happened to your mom what happened to my mom will you tell me people calling me and said something happened at home they were [Music] um well was your sister home this weekend did i suppose i'm supposed to have an attorney if you want one am i supposed to have another question well that's up to you if you if you like one but we'd like to talk to you um it would come as no surprise that a judge deemed him fit to stand trial a jury then found him legally sane and he was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his mother all of which was in spite of a continuous charade of mental illness similar to the one you see here dawson clearly believed that his passage through the legal system would somehow be easier if he were presumed insane which is a naive yet somewhat common misconception that many suspects make when facing serious charges they have this notion that a plea of insanity would either lower the severity of their punishment or liberate them from it altogether that instead of being sent to prison they would simply be released back into society perhaps with a free psychotherapeutic program to attend on the weekends this is of course a far cry from reality in the united states if you're found responsible for a serious offense but also found not guilty of the crime by reason of insanity you will be institutionalized at a high security psychiatric facility these institutions are without question some of the darkest and most disturbing places in the system and if you're not actually suffering from the crippling effects of mental illness living in this type of environment will be a mentally agonizing experience the foresight of what occurs inside these units would make the majority wish to avoid them but once you are in it is very hard to get out and you will have to serve the same if not a greater amount of time than you would have had to serve at a regular prison so to put it briefly if you commit a serious offense and then pretend to be crazy in order to get away with it your life from that point forward will be an extremely dark and uncomfortable existence whether you manage to fool the system or not but there is one benefit which is the elimination of capital punishment the united states cannot execute someone deemed insane during the time of their offense which is the only conceivable reason a defendant would cling to this narrative even after knowing what lies ahead should it succeed and this happens to be a notion that ties in closely to the primary subject of this video it will focus on one particular individual whose interrogation footage is so fraught with blatant trickery that most of the segments presented to you won't even need suggestive commentary you can simply observe and judge for yourself whether you see authentic behavior or not but before showing you what pretending to be crazy looks like we'll briefly show you a genuine case of the criminally insane or at least a far more convincing one this is 18 year old jared murray a freshman at east central university in oklahoma on a wednesday evening in december he asked fellow student genero sanchez for a ride to walmart once they got there murray pulled out a handgun and made genero drive to an isolated country road where he shot him twice in the head he then attempted to hitchhike to canada but was soon apprehended by police on the side of the road he immediately confessed to the crime once apprehended and was then interrogated by the arresting officer i went down to his dorm room and asked if i could be given a ride to walmart in exchange for 20 gas money so he took you to walmart yes sir and did you both go in no he did not go in sir we pulled into the parking lot then i pulled the weapon on him and demanded that he take me to asher oklahoma sir why did all of a sudden did you decide you need to go to asher because i was planning to take him out into the country and kill him okay did he say anything uh he panicked i want to pull out his phone i yanked the phone out of his hand and then he patched them all kept telling me not to kill him to make him feel more comfortable i unloaded the clip unloaded the bullet from the chamber added them over to him and that eased his nerves a little then i pulled a second clip out of my pocket and set it on my lap until you're driving east and so i guess at some point did you decide it was now is the time yes sir okay it won't happen uh i loaded the gun quickly chambered around quickly uh shot once missed so a second time hit jumped out of the car went around he was driving 10 15 miles an hour so it was rather slow uh ran around the hood of the car and of course it was slow when he wasn't purposefully driving uh tried to pull him out couldn't get him out until he already had hit the tree pulled him out there dumped him into the uh no before i dumped him into the ditch i heard him i'm not sure if that was a physiological or physical process after death but uh i thought that he might have still lived through that somehow because he was gurgling so i shot him again and then shoved him down in the ditch he makes a half-hearted attempt to conceal the body with a handful of leaves and a stick he then walks in the direction of the highway did you get back on the highway yes sir and which way did you go no sir you know what was your intentions and walking north canada sir you're going to canada yes sir okay he states that his plan was to escape into canada but he had nothing to escape with not even a passport i had tried hitchhiking most of the way because the only way this was going to work factoring in my belief that you all found the crime scene is if someone were to give me a ride there and then and uh then whenever your patrol car was pulling up behind me i didn't know as a patrol car i stuck my thumb out and he was there for the rest jerry i want to ask you in my mind and i think you might agree with me just call brother he killed a young man tonight yeah you ever killed anybody else no sir you will now see the detective attempt to establish a motive for the crime understanding what you got out of it can you can you help me i don't really get anything out of it do you feel any remorse i'm sad that i got cut so quickly tell me why i should believe you that there just was going to be one person that was going to suffer from your consequences of killing you have no reason to believe me sir i guess i'm just still having a real hard time understanding why the detective fails to establish a solid motive for a further two minutes the discussion eventually lands on the victim's long-term girlfriend you don't think she's to be upset heartbroken i think she will be sir that'll make you feel no different sir okay i think you've been honest with me i think you've told me just straight up right out of the book what happened yes sir but um you know you have a terrible thing tonight yes sir um you killed a young man yes sir just for the simple fact of i guess much pretty much this is safe for you yes sir and what do you think should happen to you death sentence sir and why do you think you deserved a death sentence an eye for an eye sir do you brave enough or not yes sir jared murray was found not guilty by reason of insanity he was committed to a high security mental facility where he is to remain indefinitely anything to say for yourself today no ma'am any reason why you might have done this to this young man no ma'am no reason no ma'am you have nothing to say for yourself no ma'am you want to tell the community anything no ma'am did you confess the police yes ma'am are you proud of what you've done no ma'am do you have remorse for what you've done no man he appears completely void of human emotion no regret remorse shame nor fear he had both taken a life and destroyed his own yet seems indifferent to the circumstances with respect to his interrogation footage the most conspicuous element was the complete lack of self-preservation he didn't once attempt to deflect blame nor afford himself any type of justification for his actions he simply spoke in a factual non-biased manner impartial to how his words may have been taken or even twisted to be used against him there is no calculated structure to his behavior whatsoever so with this notion in mind let's move on to the primary subject of this video put your hands up a little bit have a seat spread did you feel no don't do nothing about getting up right buddy this is 19 year old nicholas cruz who three hours and 55 minutes prior to this moment murdered 17 people at his former high school in parkland florida among the dead were three teachers and 14 students the majority of whom were 14 years old a further 17 students were seriously wounded during the massacre the gunman dropped his rifle seven minutes into the rampage and then blended in with the crowd as he ran out of the building he was at large for one hour and 20 minutes during which time he stopped off at a subway and then a mcdonald's where he sat down and casually spoke to one of the victim's brothers the student was unaware that his older sister had just been shot through the chest by the man sitting across the table the description of the shooter was transmitted by police over the radio which led to an officer identifying and arresting him on a street just two miles away from the school he was taken to the nearest hospital and examined by a doctor for roughly one hour and 45 minutes he was medically cleared and then transferred to the local sheriff's office where he was subjected to interrogation well don't do nothing about getting up right buddy from the moment the subject entered the room his eyes have been fixed upon nothing but the floor he's held on to this downward facing gaze as if he's either in a state of shock or disconnected from the moment at the exact moment the door shuts he lifts up his head to observe his surroundings his behavior completely shifts once he believes no one is watching if we look at his demeanor a moment earlier we can see the contrast he went from being detached to alert his behavior changed as the environment changed which is a recurring theme throughout this interrogation it shows us that his mind isn't wandering off during these moments of apparent disconnection he is in fact fully present and very aware of what's going on around him as he looks up his eyes immediately lock onto the camera he now knows he is still being watched and his following gestures will resemble that of someone with suicidal tendencies at face value these externalized suicidal thoughts may seem genuine to some but when framed with the rest of his behavior throughout this interrogation they are exposed for what they really are an act a calculated attempt to garner sympathy and paint his character in what he believes to be a more positive light all right how you doing nick all right got to be able to speak so i can hear you all right i just need to ask you really your name and date of birth just to confirm i got it right then i'm gonna see you want a glass of water or something what's your first name this is a situation where the proof against the suspect is already conclusive he is without question responsible for the crimes under investigation making the pursuit of a confession not essential the police know he did it but they need to know why he did it which would already require a complex strategy in order to obtain the correct information but the suspect's first recorded statements upon his arrest have now made the procedure considerably more difficult what's going on today bro demons man voices demons and demons where's the voices what happened shut up just be quiet man demons man voices these two words have now forged the primary stratagem of his own interrogation which is to cut through deception under the guise of supportive examination the questions will be designed to lock him into a specific narrative about his alleged psychosis while simultaneously giving him the impression that his responses are for his own benefit anything he says now can be used to refute any amendments he might come up with at a later stage we all know that after this interrogation he will have significantly more time to think study and even seek guidance from professionals about how the legal system interconnects with mental illness yet the majority of this forthcoming knowledge could be useless to him depending on what he says during these moments the more details he gives away the less options he will have for his defense later on but pursuing this objective is complicated as there are two very common scenarios for when this type of suspect gets interrogated and just to be entirely clear by this type of suspect we mean someone who is one pretending to be insane and two not fooling anyone their most common response is to simply shut down they regress into total silence or some type of catatonic state and the interrogation never gets off the ground the other common response is the exact opposite they erupt into hysteria or supposed delirium and everything from that point forward becomes incoherent the lead detective john curcio must not allow either of these scenarios to transpire and this makes the first two minutes absolutely crucial he needs to create a positive first impression and resemble the furthest thing from a threat while at the same time maintain a presence of authority his temperament will be easy going and non-confrontational but also encouraging when extracting a response his role at this moment is the ally he needs to be liked respected but must not be feared not yet anyway going off the suspect's initial demeanor the detective will know that he is far more likely to regress into a state of silence at this opening stage and if he can prevent that from happening within the first two minutes he is over the first obstacle all right how you doing nick i just need to ask you really your name and date of birth just to confirm i got it right then i'm gonna see you want a glass of water or something what's your first name come on nick huh spell it for me okay come on i'm old you got to talk so i can hear you n i k o l okay a s and what's your middle name come on man speak so i can hear you okay jacob jac what's your date of birth okay you need to relax because i'm i'm the last detective or policeman you're gonna have to talk to so right off the bat that should be somewhat comforting to you to know that i'm the last guy you got to talk to but the thing about it is look at me i got to be able to hear you okay so all i want to do is get basic information from you and then we'll get into the you know whether you want a glass of water all that stuff what's your date of birth yeah january zero nine zero nine september the investigation team already know the answers to these basic questions their only purpose are to initiate a response and their non-threatening nature make it more likely for the suspect to engage they are essentially the opening wedge to get the two-way dialogue flowing and although the suspect is still partially committed to his catatonic state as we can clearly see he is still responsive making it unlikely for him to regress into complete silence from this point forward everything up to this moment has gone to plan the detective has one foot in the door and he can now develop the relationship from a more secure position he goes about this with a standard method of rapport development the offer of food and water all right let me do this you want you want cold water you don't know if you want cold water thank you thank you i'm going to bring in two because i want one that was it was hot and then if you decide you want to have it that's fine you sure you don't want something to eat okay the refusal to accept food and water is a familiar response which you may have already seen on this channel it's a glaring manifestation of shame this is not to be confused with guilt nor remorse both of which require the acceptance of responsibility which in turn directs our focus outwards on the feelings of others shame on the other hand shifts our focus on the perceptions of others towards ourselves the subject is afraid of how it will look if he accepts the offer considering the circumstances he instead wants to appear as if he's so negatively affected by the events that he's unconcerned with meeting his basic needs of course i have so many different keys once again his demeanor abruptly switches when the detective leaves the room with his head buried in his hands it's anyone's guess as to what is going through his mind at this moment but what you are about to see next is extremely revealing cruz was a left-handed shooter the surveillance at the school would confirm this and if you pay close attention to the movements of his hands in the next moments although very subtle you can see that he's reimagining holding his weapon but what's more telling is how his demeanor abruptly stops and then completely switches right before he looks in the direction of the camera he goes from holding a rifle and beginning to smirk to then pretending to cry and reverting back to his suicidal mannerisms this all occurs in under four seconds it could be assumed that for a brief moment he was not only recollecting the attack but gaining gratification from doing so he then remembered he was on film giving reason for the sharp adjustment his true self was reliving the attack and enjoying his work while his false self was so dejected to the point he was externalizing suicidal thoughts complete opposites his next calculated charade is one of self-harm he first bites himself without drawing blood or leaving any marks that were visible in his jail intake photographs he then scratches and squeezes at the two needle punctures in his arm from where his blood was taken at the hospital at the very moment the detective re-enters the room he will act as if he's desperately trying to conceal his self-injurious behavior all right setting aside the glaring contradiction that he just murdered and maimed dozens of people while leaving himself without so much as a scratch it's the frequency of these little charades that makes their deception so transparent this is a person who is not self-injurious pretending to be someone that is but it's such a feeble attempt at feigned self-harm it would almost be a comical moment if the circumstances weren't as horrific oh don't bleed anymore just want them off we can pull them off i'll get you a garbage can you want them off let's put them on [Music] all right this one is mine because i already opened it this one's yours in case you change your mind the next four minutes are the extremely tedious process of getting the subject to engage further through basic questions the topic of his phone will now be brought up what about your phone do you have a phone when did you lose it today okay what kind of phone is it i don't know okay is it a flip top iphone samsung it's a phone what's the number i can't remember okay he will now begin to feign a state of hysteria which then morphs into a simulated panic attack and fake hyperventilation the detective will need to refute the act immediately as to not let the subject gain confidence with it but he also has to maintain rapport and avoid confrontation he essentially has to tell the subject to knock it off but in the most passive manner possible okay nick nick calm down you've already been medically cleared i know what's going to be talked about is difficult but again you don't remember your phone number how long you had the phone how long have you had the phone nick the doctor's already looked at you okay okay you're fine you're not having any problems at the moment and you're perfectly fine so calm your breathing down all right and and i want to believe certain things that you're going to tell me but you know if we're getting where you're going to hyperventilate over a phone number okay all right so what's your phone number huh okay nine five four the manic episode is somewhat curved but the subject is still clearly committed to it nine five four eight two one two zero zero seven two zero zero again going back to what kind it is do you know if it's an iphone the samsung how long have you had every kid knows what the phone is man like a kid's your age ever since my mother died i know i heard about that that's what i was going to talk about next this is a turning point cruz's adoptive mother had indeed passed away the year prior from pneumonia the topic is sympathetic towards himself and it seems to have stopped the famed hysteria in its tracks compared to his neurotic behavior in the minutes leading up to this moment he all of a sudden appears calm he is clearly receptive and thus responsive to the cue of compassion when it's directed at himself the detective recognizes this and although he said he would talk about the subject's mother next he instead focuses on it immediately to keep him engaged all right so but you had since your mom died how long has your mom passed i can't remember i think okay this year last year november okay okay when you were when your mom passed were you living with her yes okay what city was that parkland the subject drops the act and becomes more engaged in the conversation the detective inquires further about his mother for roughly three minutes before shifting the discussion it focuses mainly on the subject's background and he first declares that he was depressed for the majority of his childhood he then reveals his history of drug use which consists of marijuana and xanax after that he claims to have attempted suicide by alcohol poisoning two years ago but in his own words was able to sleep it off he then states that he was employed at the dollar tree for the last two years working as a cashier so you've been able to hold down a job for two years that's pretty good right yes other than dollar tree here where else did you ever work oh okay all right when you tried to kill yourself with alcohol your mom was still alive what were you depressed about back then yes friends no friends or what's what what kind of loan i mean everybody has a loan solitude solitude you don't have a lot of friends yeah okay um today when i say today starting from last night when you went to bed this morning did you do any kind of drugs at all any xanax any marijuana anything like that no okay the subject reveals that he has a biological brother whom he was adopted with he then claims to have been making twelve hundred dollars a month at the dollar tree the discussion now lands on what his aspirations were when you weren't depressed what did you want to be when you got out of a ranger an army ranger did you ever apply fill out any paperwork to try to go to the army i took the as i failed okay why'd you fail that sounds stupid you're what i'm stupid you're stupid okay were you going to take it again i was afraid to take it okay would you add aspirations to to do something with your life you want to be a that's a that's a hell of a thing to want to be an army ranger the discussion moves on to the subject's gun collection which continues for roughly four and a half minutes the attack on the school is yet to be mentioned but the last gun to now be discussed was his choice of weapon to commit the massacre what made you choose out of all the guns to want to buy an ar-15 okay now when you bought it i mean it was a legitimate purchase they gave you a receipt and everything right so you bought it legally right they felt you did you fill out those forms and everything okay you remember those forms okay the detective now shifts the topic onto his former high school the same place he carried out the attack now three years ago when you went to douglas and obviously you stopped going there why'd you stop going there depression worsened the depression worsened and what what was going on because they you know did you just stop school on your own or did some incident happen where yes well what was the incident that happened you fought a kid you remember the kid's name and did you guys both get in trouble for the fight or yeah okay well what do they do suspend you they spend their money okay and what happened from there after you got suspended you go back to school yeah okay what happened why did you stop going there then i was embarrassed you felt embarrassed because you got suspended or you felt embarrassed because of why because i'm fighting okay well what was embarrassing about the fight what were you guys fighting over girl girl well what was embarrassing about it i mean did he even get the better of you was that what was embarrassing or just he had the better of you okay he has just provided the state with a solid argument for a motive establishing a reason for an offense is critical when dealing with claims of insanity it can not only indicate premeditation but also calculated malice in connection to the crime something considered absent in the mind of the criminally insane he also asserts that he was lonely and depressed while attending the school all of which can reinforce the argument that he was exacting revenge upon the community in which he felt ostracized all right so you go back to school what ends up happening you just stop going to school out there they you got into more problems where they're experiencing more problems what was the what was it what was the more problems failing class okay not going to school okay and this is all while your mom was still alive yeah okay there come a point in time where you just stop going there they expelled you well i just stopped going and then transferred me they transferred you when they transferred you that that was that upsetting to you yeah okay as we know the suspect has made the claim about hearing a voice which he labeled the demon the detective will now attempt to get a detailed narrative of these perceptual disturbances he will do so by asking a series of open-ended questions and then continuous follow-up questions thereafter this will lock him into specific claims about what he was hearing the more information he gives away the less he will be able to amend later on and the more questions that are posed the more likely he is to make contradictions that can be used against him the suspect believes this is some type of clinical evaluation for the sake of his own well-being and this misconception will become glaringly apparent later on he at this moment is oblivious to the fact he is giving information away that will be used to cut through his own defense in years to come you go to the hospital the doctors cleared you and you and you're talking about demons what are the demons the voices well tell me about what are the voices about it's one it's another voice the evil side okay and how long has that voice been going on yes did you ever tell anybody about the voice never and what does the voice say to you burn kill destroy okay burn kill destroy what anything yeah but have you ever burned killed or destroyed anything whether you're burned killed or destroyed burned just fire set fire to what oh a fire kit okay well i mean the voice told you to burn something you built built a fire in a fire pit what's destructive about that that's what fire pits are made for what else does the voice tell you to do that's kill our animals okay have you ever killed animals yes what kind of animals birds birds wild birds or pets how do you kill them how you kill them wait for them kill them oh you can't catch them so how you're waiting for them in the grass wait for a bird to come up there's no way man i'm i'm a bird lover there's no way you can't catch a bird homes with a pelican oh okay where's your pelican it all broke so the voices tell you to hurt animals and start fires in the fire pit when was the last time you heard the voice yesterday what time was it yesterday it was at night okay and where are we at you're at work so we had dollar tree and what's the voice telling you hurt people to hurt people hurt people at dollar tree or hurt people there are people in general okay doesn't say specifically who all right can you tell how old the voice is my age okay do you have a good voice too or just a bad voice there's a good there's a voice inside you that says do good things the detective will now start getting confrontational and the subject's behavior will shift once more in response you will see him get defensive as he attempts to protect his narrative and his responses will become much faster he will even cut the detective off multiple times keep in mind that he was barely saying anything at the start of this interrogation no no it can't be you held down the job for two years if you were doing things bad you wouldn't be able to hold the job down for two years right okay i mean look everybody has everybody it's me and then my bad side i understand everybody's got a quote good and bad side there's people there's a voice voices in here and that is me just struggling with me just trying to be a good person okay set aside his contradicting behavior for a moment and focus solely on his storyline in his ideal scenario we are to believe that he was battling these supposed voices and in his own words trying to be a good person yet he was unable to reveal or seek help for this internal struggle until the very moment of his arrest it was quite literally the second he was confronted with his comeuppance that his supposed demons came to light now that he is in custody with the atrocities already committed he is somehow able to maintain control over the force that was previously keeping him silent but a deleted video that would later be extracted from his phone would tell a very different story hello my name is nick and i'm going to be the next school shooter of 2018. my goal is at least 20 people with an ar-15 and a couple trace rounds i think i can do a good done location is stone douglas in parkland florida it's gonna be a big event and when you see me on the news you'll all know who i am there are no signs of perceptual disturbances there is no anguish doubt hesitation or uncertainty when announcing his intentions by his own narrative he claims to have continuously fought against the evil intentions of the voice yet from a visual standpoint there is no conflict in this video whatsoever my bad son i understand everybody's got a quote good and bad side there's people it's a voice voices in here and that's me just trying to be a good person okay but obviously again when you say it's a voice it's you it's all you the voice is you as well yeah the voice didn't force you to do anything right no the voice said it's two voices there's one half that's a good and then the bad yeah his rapidly interchanging behavior has now gone from catatonic to manic to hallucinatory to now highly attentive and cautious okay well the voice tells me to go to lunch and not pay for my meal but i pay for my meal because i know that's the right thing to do right okay let's talk about because did the voice the voice didn't tell you to take uber right yes it did it did yes the voice said take uber the voice says is it me you're the voice there's no hair okay it's in your head yes what is it a male voice or a female voice male 1 the subject was beginning to panic but the detective dials it in for the time being and switches the discussion back to more trivial matters it seems that he wants to consult with the investigators outside before maximizing the pressure and he re-establishes a certain level of trust before leaving the room let me go i'm gonna go back and see what everybody's doing as far as what they need me to do you're not a psychologist or anything no i'm not i'm a 59 year old man who's raised three children so i guess that makes me somewhat of a psychologist i think you can give me a psychologist here uh i can certainly ask okay have you ever seen a psychologist before no [Music] the subject scratches his arm for another two minutes he then switches to a hallucinatory state and appears to be seeing things in the room all right got some stuff here the detective will once more dismiss the act by pretending to not see it he will then pose a question to the subject and the charade will cease immediately with the water will you put it back over here you definitely don't want the water huh it's very interesting to observe his facial expressions at the exact moments he abandons fake behavior these are the very brief junctures in which his true self appears to surface it's easy to get distracted by the present situation as he sits there in a hospital gown chained to the floor essentially helpless to the cunning devices being used against him but in moments like this we are reminded of what we're actually dealing with a very short time ago he was not helpless at all he was the one preying on the helpless offering them none of the sympathy nor mercy of which he is now trying to garner for himself all right the schools are the psychologists you want to talk to obviously i would have to tell them what you want to talk to them about so what exactly do you what do you want me to ask them or what why do you want to talk to a psychologist find out what's wrong with me what do you think is wrong with you i don't know the detective in this next segment will attain further information about the supposed voices only he will no longer have to tread carefully in order to maintain a friendly connection he will still secure useful information but also get confrontational as and when he pleases the risk of frightening the suspect to the point where it stops the interrogation is no longer a concern when you hear the voices or the voices like outside your head or inside your head when you hear them inside okay so it's not like you don't hear a voice from that corner talking to you it's inside your head and is it always the same voice or is only one voice one voice and you said it's it's a it's a man's voice that's yeah yes does it sound like anybody you've ever met anybody you ever seen on tv can you tell like by an accent is it what kind of is it old man young man white man black young man about the same age as you you think there's only one voice you ever hear right yes do you hear the voice when you're in bed at night sleeping yes do you ever see anything with the voice like uh you know you know some people say oh i see a person sitting in the corner you don't see anybody sitting over there do you just me and you right all right do you always obey what the voice tells you to do i try not to okay well how many uh on any given week how many times you think you hear the voice all the time once every day once every day morning afternoon night always the same time in the afternoon about what time eleven to twelve why do you think it's those hours um it's always around lunchtime now you talked about demons and then you talk about that demon that the voices the voice is the demon so there's not a person whoever is it doesn't have a name no no does it ever say uh hey my name nick my name is nick he's use your name or use somebody else's name just just a just a voice with no name well just a voiceless name telling me what to do did the voice tell you to buy that ar-15 yes did it tell you hey buy that gun it looks cool did the ar-15 get picked out because it was similar to the gun that an army ranger would carry no it's because of the voice what do you think if if you didn't buy it if you say hey i'm buying these guys too expensive what do you think the voice would have done to you you stop talking to you no tell me i hurt myself how how would you hurt yourself okay you're a cutter okay i mean was the last time you cut yourself earlier earlier when i was fishing earlier today or earlier today what were you fishing at today before the shoot before the school shooting yes what were you what did you cut yourself with life those little scratches on your arms let me look at them come on man i get worse scratches squeezing my flower bed than that you weren't trying to hurt yourself yes i wasn't sharp enough wasn't sharp enough yeah how many knives do you hold four five how long you've been cutting yourself years years you ever cut yourself where you had to go to the hospital get stitches when you cut yourself it's because the voice just told you to cut yourself and if you didn't talk or you didn't listen to the voice then you were going to be alone because your voice was your only friend that's kind of what you're saying even though you have a biological brother since me and you've been talking have you heard the voices what's it said saying cut for you to cut yourself does the voice like me does the voice like me he doesn't trust you why doesn't he trust me i'm pretty relaxed dana i'm trying to try and figure that out too well what does he like about me i mean i'm kind of grinning because i want to know what what the voices problem is with me what doesn't he like about me i treated you fairly i've given you water i talked nice to you you know you're too nice i'm too nice yeah how many times does a voice talk to you while we've been in a room here together a lot does a voice say jump out of the chair and do anything bad to that policeman saying kill yourself now i don't really believe there is a voice to be honest with you no i don't think there is i'm telling the truth no i mean i feel you probably want to kill yourself because of what happened but no the voice is telling me to kill myself okay but the voice is telling you that the ar-15 is you like guns man you want to be a ranger you like guns it's all right there's cops like that there's cops who got a 50 million guns you didn't buy guns because the voice said hey today i like mossberg's tomorrow i like ar-15s you like guns i think can you call the psychologist i heard that i could have i've already got the questions from some of the psychologists some of the questions i asked you were from yeah i see that's the ones i asked you you ready the questions were obviously from the investigation team and not a psychologist but the suspect doesn't know this and it's fascinating to observe his reaction when he sees the questions are not sympathetic in nature he perhaps thought a psychotherapist would be asking him about his feelings and affording him some type of reassurance after he committed mass murder and he becomes very unsettled once he realizes the procedure won't be quite as sympathetic voices or the insider outside of your head what do the voices say these are all questions i asked you how many voices you said one whose voice do you think it was you didn't know what's wrong with me i don't know i don't understand why you can't admit you like guns you want to talk to a psychologist why don't you talk to a psychologist when the voices started the voice is telling me not to and i was saying the voice was telling you not to talk to a psychologist or myself i wanted to do you ever go to church i want won't want to tell i'm saying ever in your life yeah do you believe in god um believe in god what do you believe in i feel like there's something okay but if you believe in demons if you believe in angels angels is the good demons are the bad you but when you say the word demon you think it's an evil spirit well what do you think it is always the subject had earphones in during the mass shooting the topic now lands on the music he was listening to well i mean i'm sure we don't like the same music what kind of music we listen to name the name the group what was the song though sad that's the name of the song sad no uh solid days salad days [Music] hold on a second what else uh oh you listen to more than one song what other song you listen to um which is a lot of sad songs where did you pick the music yourself or did the demon pick the music and then myself partially all right which ones did you pick the saddle ones which ones did he pick the ones the evil ones what's in the what's he what give me an evil one compared to a sad one you're gonna give me a sad one what's an evil one much what pencil pez pence or minch [Music] what does that say i don't know i mean there's no lyrics to it no well there's lyrics but i don't know what it means but is it or is it in english no what language is it german do you do you speak german no then how do you know what the lyrics mean i don't so they could be happy right i don't know if they're happy or not again you know because you can't speak it the demon shows that i didn't choose but you're you have wondered how anything you had them on your on your playlist for a long time okay so you listen to them a lot of times so you had a playlist of music that the demon helped you pick out but you picked out some of them i'm just having a tough time understanding this gaming thing i know i understand well the xanax you were talking to me about earlier where'd you get to xanax on the street or on the streets so you used to buy that other than xanax and marijuana what other drugs you ever you never tried flaca pcp cocaine heroin no okay xanax how many of those did you take when you used to take them five okay five what what what side bar how big of a i mean which what color was it half sometimes okay what color they're all white white all right but that was off the street did they help you sleep they made me drowsy did it make the demon go away when was last time you think you did xanax a long time so if the xanax helps you get the demons away marijuana does it better marijuana does better when it was last time you smoked marijuana last week last week but you're making 1200 a week why don't you smoke marijuana every day to get rid of the demon illegal it's illegal yeah it's illegal it was illegal whether you do it once a week or once once every five minutes so why didn't you choose to get rid of the demon by doing it anytime you heard the demon just light up a blunt i mean you had the money man because i know there's a legal one i didn't want to draw him but he was wrong okay so the demon wanted you to do wrong but then your good side didn't want to do wrong by smoking marijuana [Music] even though i made them go away well i don't know why you didn't tell the doctor then you had anxiety problems and marijuana and xanax cured your anxiety and made the demons go away it seemed like an easy fix man if that's true you sure you didn't like the demon voice are you sure sure then why don't you go to a doctor to get rid of it why why why well forget that for a second let me ask you another crazy question if the dean was the demon there that night ian beat you up on campus was the demon there that day when beat you up on campus yes okay so so who did ian beat up you were the demon okay so why didn't the demon do something to stop it i don't know that's a good question because the demons tell you do all these bad things why couldn't the demon get you mad enough to get the best of ian i mean i don't know all powerful thing that tells you to do bad things and you're afraid of it why did the demon just take over right then when ian was getting the best of you and get the best of ian why why did the demon not do that what do you think trying to figure it out i don't know i don't i can't figure it out either because i don't think the demon exists i think i don't think it exists no like i i think that go ahead what am i able to like think to myself about it yeah sure you can think all you want i'm just oh i'm just thinking about the team all right well you want me to leave you think for a while and i'll come back and talk to you i i personally i think you're using the demon as an excuse i'm not i promise you're going to stop the demon by getting a prescription for marijuana you could stop the demon by getting a prescription from xanax you could have stopped the demon by illegally doing marijuana which you were doing anyway you could have stopped the demon by doing xanax illegally what you're doing anyway you could stop the demon anytime you want you didn't want to stop the demon the subject seems to be coming to the realization that he's not going to be treated as a victim as he begins to meet this reality you will notice him exhibit signs of fear you will then see him attempt to escape the confrontation by feigning a state of psychosis once more the detective will recognize this but this time will not afford reassurance he will instead apply further condemnation and a visibly frightening realization will engulf the suspect from that point forward it's essentially the very beginning of retribution the detective introduces him to the rest of his life at this moment no that's not true you didn't you could have i've given you four ways you could have stopped the demon man okay now you know you're just acting like that because no no no no no no no no no okay well relax you're just acting like that because i'm making sense calm down i'm making sense and you don't like when it makes sense because it doesn't fit into the story you're telling me no i'm telling you the story is it's true why are you looking at your arm now i'm not i'm trying to understand why well why didn't you want to stop playing demon i don't know because you i think you like demon no i don't why did you stop it then i don't like the name i don't like the demon i don't like it you know that's if that's if the demon even exists the voices tell you to get an attorney okay all right we tell the voice that don't hurt yourself in the head because the the the attorney the demon just requested i will i will stop talking to you i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared i'm scared you're scared of what scared all right well again your demon wants an attorney does he do does he even know an attorney any name in particular okay all right well just relax you're done talking to me and once again i grabbed the wrong key all right do me a favor stay seated put your hands kind of sit forward in a chair i would put handcuffs behind you since you keep talking about hurting yourself hold on put your hand in your back no no not behind the chair behind your back i don't want to make you that uncomfortable why don't you want me to hurt myself because what did the demon say about me i'm a nice my guy nicholas cruz was taken to the broward county jail where he remains in isolation to this day his trial date is yet to be scheduled the 20 year old has been held without bond since last year's mass shooting that left 17 people dead his attorney said he would plead guilty in exchange for a life sentence but prosecutors rejected that offer and are seeking the death penalty
Channel: JCS - Criminal Psychology
Views: 53,103,121
Rating: 4.9400449 out of 5
Keywords: true crime, crime documentary, psychology, law, police, investigation, documentary
Id: Mwt35SEeR9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 5sec (3545 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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