Trisha Paytas (The BacH3lorette Round 2) - H3 Podcast #182

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- hey poppy here it's Papa John and you're listening to the h3 podcast go Ethan go Ayla go Ayla go even well it's a dark day on the horizon but we have Papa John here to assure us to make us feel safe and we also have here with us the glamorous Trisha Paytas with the thousand dollar Gucci well I did say you were three XL back today you forgot about that's fine I'll take it we're making progress and you guys also thought I had Corona your producer is Zack we're like I don't know if you should come today and you guys were all already here so it was clearly just me well no Ethan wasn't here yet first of all we were debating if we should cancel because it's so crazy well yeah there's been a lot of madness with Corona I'm I'm like I said I'm more afraid of giving it to you and then killing your grandma but you said your grandma's already dead because the truth is it's really just old people who are gonna people are calling it the boomer remover Oh like fed up by our government to kill old people no I think it's just a memes because all the boomers are gonna perish they will eventually I mean we all will mmm that's how I feel it's true oh by the way today's episode is sponsored by hims not associated with the pandemic also I wanted to say that PewDiePie is scheduled to join us on what is today on Tuesday of next week that's right via Skype yeah he was he was meant to be here today but obviously he couldn't make it because of the he had some yeah the virus you know so he had to reschedule until Tuesday you're a lying dog so what if I would jail bite and say that about me so the show must go on as we were saying we were thinking of canceling but we had very much been looking forward to round two of The Bachelorette starring Trisha Paytas he's so excited and that's why when I was gonna get canceled I was gonna cancel you guys I got to cancel today I would have just never showed up ever again really yeah personal it wasn't we really was no are freaking out so I wasn't sure if it's not okay of us to even ask you to come right now because people are quarantined yeah I think everything just personal and I don't think about anyway that's well that's good I'm glad we clear you up because I said you know what yeah these guys were nervous about it and I said let's call Tricia and see how she feels because I was I was actually considering you're voting to do the show yeah I was voting to not doing not because of you that's how it is well there you go I'm gonna I'm glad that we cleared that let's just call and see how she feels about it can I keep this mug absolutely I love my yellow and I post every day that's our payment to you for participating in ourselves but the show must go on I know the news everywhere is covered with the happenings of the wiki day the wicked hoax of the coronavirus not a hoax but we are here to entertain the people must be entertained many people are quarantined schools schools are being closed all around the country all school counties closed I thought it was only [ __ ] old people no but you did because that's how it spreads you don't want people to get it I mean there's it's not only old people it could be someone with any other pre-existing conditions like could be young and have I don't problems and then one of our employees that Teddy fresh-fruit vample has like type 1 diabetes and he's very at risk so we're very concerned but was so we sat we sent all of our Teddy fresh employees home today we are making sure just basically I just want to make sure that these three guys in back get infected but everyone at Eddie fresh we want to stay healthy has anyone actually died from Corona yeah dude like tens of thousands shut up I always I heard it was like a 300 or something someone said well globally but the in China a lot of people died because there was a lot more cases right now there's about a hundred thousand confirmed case or like 110 thousand worldwide but now in the United States and in Europe it's it's and in the Middle East worldwide it's gone it's that expedite she'll gross I just looked it up it's just a little over 5,000 deaths worldwide so that's gonna be once basically once we run out of hospital beds and then let's not talk about it you've got this everywhere aids we're here too we're here to date and I see so I see you you've dressed for the occasion tell me about what you're wearing yeah I just want to just like look a little classier last time I was on the show I looked a little bit like a cheap hooker the Lighting's in you're really bad and I also was really fat and I was like you know what let me just not eat so I stopped eating for a week after last episode and you guys look better in person too I was so weird I first met you guys was like they're so good-looking but on camera you guys look crazy and I think it's the lighting you just look older like I literally thought you were 42 but in person you look 27 and st. you like so that's I was 27 yeah thank you so much I think it's the lighting that's not doing anyone justice or something make you look better look great this podcast yeah I'm looking at myself I look like I'm people think I'm like a different ethnicity which I'm totally fine with people thinking that but I'm like that's how I look I look like Dan what do you answer that that's an electrician the girl from Martin that tisha campbell-martin I mean that's fine but like that is not who I look like in real life and she's pretty and I will take it as a compliment but and what are your fingernails today last time you had dollar bills in there it's still dollars I'm gonna get them off next week okay they match your dress and your dress if you I don't I mean I don't want to be rude I mostly come off this way but it does remind me of a curtain it's inspired it's like a country singer like Dolly Parton from the 60s meets like Sharon Tate but that's what's cold I don't want to like a hoochie has look let me be conservative for my nip was actually out the whole episode we're like no you could see a little aerial areola but the nip was peeking out just a little bit it was it was snoring I can show you I can know you know I don't I mean okay oh it's scarring so they're your nipples now thank you very much what was that Vin Diesel Oh Vin Diesel's a fan I love is he gonna be on today cuz I will die to see one of the contestants well let's find out by the way so today we continue the Bachelorette round two we have for you Tricia we have 2324 video applicants for you to choose through today and you should be happy to know we had well over 200 applications is that right then yeah yeah even maybe even a little bit more than people were banging at the door they wanted a piece of Trisha Paytas so you should be very flattered you're in high demand I am actually I'm really surprised like the same as like I wouldn't surprise like anyone even did a video well we've got a lot and I'm excited because I haven't seen these these guys went through it they made a shortlist first all to review I haven't even seen these so I'm these are good I haven't been insured these are really good and are they ever gonna come in in person or no yes of course absolutely eventually they come in so the next round we are going to choose the ones that you like I'm hoping that's around 10 but I'm not gonna be so strict the ones you don't like we're gonna eliminate viciously with prejudice what's with prejudice mean just save just make them feel like regret even submitting a video but yeah well not today of course not today you he'll be oh thank you you look great oh my god I know you have for I can notice right away how much I don't know I haven't been I have no way I don't like checking what I'm on a diet but you are the first person to notice besides ILA's mom you know I you know I really noticed you because you're wearing horizontal stripes which normally would make someone look white or NAS like weight you look thin and now it but you're wearing stripes so you should look heavier so that's I know you're real skinny because like no real know you I can tell by your face your body that's wise like today you look 27 yeah when people start losing weight see with me what am i fat miserable [ __ ] I'm miserable but when I lose well it's true it's so true like the big motivating factor for me to lose weight besides being wanting to be more attractive for take Eden want to touch me now is that I'm just kidding it's not that bad but I know she does want to touch me is that no yeah come on you're more attractive to me skinny I mean I want him to lose weight yes I think my body grotesque do you because when I see myself naked I look like I go ILA's look in the mirror the other day and I'm naked and I'm looking at my bad positions that make him look worse and I think now - it doesn't make you look great like if you said my stomach resting but when you stand you look very alike thin and nice and like a mask and here you just like to look like I don't be on purpose whatever it is I'm comfortable but I'm looking at my backside of the mirror like not only just my ass and thighs but my back everything sagging you know I look like the top of a cottage cheese container my whole body dude mine - my belly I eat a lot of cottage cheese got the 8% [ __ ] that should know I try it like there's like a zero percent like anything that one's that one's a abomination so in Israel we have a 9% cottage cheese and it's really like the same thing like no dude it's like cream cheese there's so much fat in it and I used to hate cottage cheese until I went to Israel and saw what the real deal is so we found some boutique cottage cheese at Whole Foods so I look at the most fat I can't find it's it's still not that fat yeah it's cute we should be the final episode in Israel how about Motel 6 I mean down for that dude I'll make whatever let's just guy I'm just thinking what's in the budget every every Jewish China huh how about a cruise to China would you go on a cruise with the winner they kill me don't you no but I mean it would be interesting to vlog a cruise for two that's what we were thinking the winter being anywhere you want oh really you can go find a tenant twenty day cruise wait we get a prize after all this absolutely we gotta send the two winners on our vacation we actually yeah a 20-day cruise I'm serious I'm on for sincerity go to what does that place called with the Penguins up north what is that oh that's in the South honey Antarctica's south well I guess direction is relative but I think considered north if you're in Antarctica the continent above us well there's there isn't one Antarctica are you alive Arthur do you want me to show you a glove would you like to see a globe over there please actually I kind of know I'm right on hundred you know the globe is not helping let's look at a world map I've been Antarctica well you're just to see pictures of Antarctica so here is the globe as we know it and if you can spot an article it's not that much work so where is Antarctica here we are here's the United States right okay but see it's it's round yes it is round right right it depends on how the globe is spinning I don't think so I think direction well I think the purpose of the compass is so that it's always relative no matter where your position does on earth not rotate it does but but but you rotate in in relativity to Antarctica so at one point once our access rotating then the antyram has on the top because we rotate where the ball gave me a bottom roll so then I've got a basketball so you're saying if if the world is upside down but you know the world spins on its axis that's right okay okay you're I think you're right I think you're right Antarctica is in the north you want to go to Antarctica I do I love the Penguins okay we'll send you over the Penguins ice where are you well I don't think you can even go to Antarctica without like a scientific expedition passes I looked at it with oh there's a cruise okay let's send you news for sure just you have to vlog it awesome guys exclusive thank you for making me like relevant again this is very exciting I love you you're so far we've come I know it is true you know I just had a fast day with a youtuber and I'm like you know what maybe in a year from now we'll be fun Anthony buddy I do like this whole hate video on it well not hate video he hated me and I went back anyway what yeah why is it me so lucky and careful yes What did he say about you talking about like how I think I have like multiple personalities and he's like no you don't [ __ ] you for claiming this like and I was like he's got it he's the type of dude who gets offended for other people yeah and also I was like I'm just telling you how I feel like I do feel like I have like wealth and everyone comes at me yelling so as other is other personalities different genders yes oh so that explains the the the gender dysmorphia some personalities are trans some are straight that's true oh that clears everything up that makes it all so clear I don't know why people don't believe this people love to tell me I have all personalities and I say and they're like well there you have it anyways but Anthony he said something annoying to me once where I was talking about Oh on your video the one that I said Instagram reality he made some really annoying comment about like do you really think it's appropriate oh yeah he goes do you really think it's appropriate to talk about body shaming when you're claiming that someone looks like a beached whale I was like yes bro it's funny because it's like you know what like you that's so funny cuz he was kind of in a way like sighting on me with that one and then now for me he just wants to come for everybody that like popular he's just the good guy he's like the good guy at all cost which is like a sociopath like if you believe that then you're the actual like narcissus Anthony is a narcissistic sociopath we've heard here folks I said it I call him on my Instagram I went off today I was like oh I want to pull it up what the drama whatever just ship it will get there Trisha Paytas Instagram I want the beef we're here for the beach no I look crazy I was I was I was seeing red this morning I was like so wait I see a post of you oh and your outfit today yeah I was getting for you guys and though it looks good you look good in that photo Thanks you should I'd like to do it ugly like I'd like to do my serious ones ugly so people know I'm being sincere but wow that's good lighting good lighting I would look like that here yeah we're not gonna do that no I'll bring the camera and I will smooth your face on the camera yeah if I get a face can you do our lighting here let me read the come on let's talk about Anthony if in defending myself makes me a crazy [ __ ] then so be it I'm so sick and tired of people discounting me as a [ __ ] human being it's clear to anyone who has watch me I've suffered from mental illness my entire life well that's true that's yeah we can all agree that there's a reason I can't hold friendship relationships Sara I'll be damned if I'm gonna let anyone who doesn't know me tell me how my brain functions and how my body feels would you say that me and you are one of the longest lasting relationships you've had thousand percent yeah and you could ask anyone I've had a relationship with like even Jason like I have a switch where my personality is somewhat differing he's like I don't even recognize you when you I think it's a different but I know it happens I mean it's good to get really close to me to see it so that's why I was like [ __ ] Anthony Padilla for doing this but yeah so we have a we have a perp we have a good distance maybe I only see you like once a month I don't like this either I get really mad I watch your eyes podcast Muhammad house there oh no you don't though cuz you'd hate me too so then what did it where do i how do I see what I see sorry well was it where I went off like look at all my little tabs oh how can I wash dishes story from my laptop how what did he say where do I see it it was just on his Instagram story I think what it's [ __ ] Anthony Padilla have to be logged in watch drama let's see someone's gonna have this the results oh you can always like two minutes long here everybody wants to know happen on your Instagram story because you say I'm claiming to have a mental disorder and then I'm mocking the people with a similar mental disorder as me well [ __ ] you you dumb piece of [ __ ] I am ashamed embarrassed and scared you are a mental health advocate and that people are coming on to your show to share their stories to have an open and safe discussion when you just accuse me of claiming that I have in this article depression anxiety are you sure [ __ ] me you're know what goes on inside my head you're never in a relationship with me you're not related me can you imagine being in a relationship with someone else and you're switching your different person like who was it that was a different person [ __ ] scary that is you dumb piece of [ __ ] call me [ __ ] trash or carry my [ __ ] mental health struggles and not anyone else's not any of your stupid shitty people at you exploit o your void if you're a shitty person and I am so [ __ ] scared for anyone to go on your show so you can make money and you can be like this white knight and all this [ __ ] like that and then you just turn around while you go up I was I was like such an advocate I loved his show and I always said that to everyone I mean I'm obsessed with Anthony but yeah like that wasn't so crazy as I loved him and then for him to like you and I was like oh he's doing this stuff like awareness and he is a little self-indulgent to be on I mean you can't reverse but everyone kind it is aren't they I guess maybe you guys are like humble though because you guys are like you know your people yeah I just roll my eyes super anyway it's like confidence you know I would love to see what he said to you I gotta open it I'm sorry I'm not over this let's go to party I mean I get you're angry maybe then maybe you can come and login here on look at everyone doing these videos about me like did he was a girl he just it on his story so that's what I got to find now I got to look for part two but it saw him talking it's like it's akin typing it wasn't like his face I'm [ __ ] he started beef and then he [ __ ] [ __ ] now hmm and then he's like girlfriend did one of them watching my video and rolling their eyes I was like [ __ ] dance got it good trying to get some [ __ ] views myself but it's true that's what you said I don't know the [ __ ] his name babe he's scared of me he'll never call me because I come like that's a thing people are talking about me I'm talking about my own mental health and then people are coming for me and I'm like don't talk about me like I'm not talking about anyone else I'm not coming for anyone like I hate that Anthony Padilla I mean even this photos a little like the confidence so he said oh yeah claiming you have disassociative identity disorder is not a cool excuse to mock people in the community and call them crazy did you mocked anyone exactly I wasn't even in a video I'm like I'm not just respecting anyone anything and then like did you see the next slide he did look oh how do I do that right there you can watch my video to learn like he's promote his own video right after I like watch mine that I did about this know what before actually haven't they're talking about it I think he's just a little too sensitive he's just a little too much of a good guy he means to [ __ ] [ __ ] up because seriously you're on the [ __ ] Internet you dumb prick just cuz your channel is dying and now you have to like exploit other people's stories to resurrect it would you get the ring with him like logan paul vks i like boxing thank you [ __ ] him up above you're sure I do that bolus air and [ __ ] yeah I would literally like yeah that would be awful alright oh why do guys come for me it's never a girl like you like girls never come from it's always like these men and I'm like [ __ ] you you little like [ __ ] [ __ ] like I hate that [ __ ] like you can't comfort like someone like your own level like he's not gonna come for a chain toss and you know what I mean like oh he wouldn't ever happen they come for me cuz I'm an easy target and I like no matter what like even like the nikah kado think everyone was like on my ass be like [ __ ] you and then once another girl did it they're like oh my god Nick you're so evil like here I'm not following the ghosting thing right I owe ya like everyone hated me forever and I got cancelled for it literally six months later another girl named Stephanie see it was a huge drama she said that like she goes to Nick and then she was scared of him which is what I said prior and I was like oh my god Nick you're such a monster why would you force someone to hang out with you like the exact same situation happened six months later but because it's like it's like a [ __ ] girl in school if she gets raped it's like oh she's a [ __ ] but I'd like the good girl in school gets raped it's like oh my god like did you could you believe what happened to her like I hate that [ __ ] I hate it and that's me forever because I'm like crazy well standard people I see what you're saying yes always gonna be the crazy one and I'll never they won't in short before we move on because if we should get to the we should get to the dating but I will say that their shots fired at Anthony Padilla and he should show his face and not be a coward yes I called him his girlfriend a coward I mean you're gonna admin to me you're gonna roll you don't at me at least you came you came for me you know you kept like putting my name in the title oh yeah let's go and now look at us I know how are you watching before the 90 days that's big because I love be good well he's he's a he's a star his stars rising as they say I heard you said that his PR person was like very strict about him his handler was crazy I love that episode I love I love they get i90 fiance is not realized so I want to ask you before we're gonna hit a break in eight minutes and then we'll do the dating but ice know that you quit YouTube recently since then you made nine videos are you quitting YouTube I counted I'm not making YouTube a priority is what I never titled my video I'm quitting YouTube everyone picked up on that I just had it's no longer a priority like it's not something I'm gonna like really focus on but ever since I did that now I can't stop making videos cuz I have a lot to say but it's not a priority I make no money on it no I'm on only fans only do you you announce that do you think the coronavirus will be good for your only fans career because think about all these guys everyone's at home you can't you can't go meet people everyone's at home just jerking off yeah dishes at her house squirting all over her bed yeah I might be like a little piece but I feel like people love it like you do yeah they love that how many how many fans followers do you have subscribers Oh 12,000 Wow 12,000 and me and what do they pay you per month what's the membership in it like didn't we see just recently was like twelve bucks a month or something oh you said it it's like twelve originally it's twenty dollars but I do like discounts like I'll do like promotions for seven days you can get it for like so what is so but it's 20 usually mm-hmm but we don't make money with oh let me do the quick math that's 120 km um no but no but then you you send a video and private messages it's even more for the tip so you're making more than a hundred money did they take from you yeah you are Wow really but flat there it'll happen yeah I guess the same as like streamers on Twitch so that sounds about right yeah I mean it's everything I did my first girl girl on there I saw that in your announcement video how excited so you did your first girl girl how was that girls but obviously not on camera so I was like holla nervous I never really did like a porn thing I was like it's masturbation it's fine I never did something with someone else so I have one more grogger and then I'm done I'm address court on each other that's to come house AK says you did it with Alina the plug I'm aware of her yeah we're friends so but I have one next week what's like a three-way with me her in another like pornstar blood female yeah how do three females have sex do you scissor [ __ ] each other yeah you can roll just like you just think about it like a regular thing like a regular scissor circle who's gonna be the third one I can say yeah but it'll yeah well that's very exciting by the way congratulations to you I mean I yeah I mean dude listen before the show started you said you started your career doing $5 [ __ ] and now look at you making probably $200,000 a month on only fans I mean that is amazed that is a true success story your natural-born hustler and I and you know goddamn it I respect the hustle I know you guys were watching sponge videos I was like sponge video I was okay you gained publicity to my competition honeybee ASMR you're like uma hurt sponges look good it's true but it's true you're sponges did not look anywhere close as good as her sponges were so she has like the Gucci level spine Brandis [ __ ] know what what is going on with no talkie Trisha ASMR what is happening I don't know what's the inspiration as you what's your favorite one here oh my God look at that thumbnail is that your time now that you broke no I make no money but I love it it's so much fun can you tell me what's inspiration for crunching a head of lettuce I know I know it's I was so proud of myself close up so now I do makeup and [ __ ] I was kinda like whatever okay you always highlight me looking the grossest wait why are you eating a candle who's that for probably how many number one youtuber ever right now david dobrik he gets more views than david why what does he do he just eats and doesn't talk no really that maybe he does he gets like 250 million we had a falling out I was so in love with him but we have a low volume you guys ate candles together and then you fell out yeah what does that traitors have paid us cuz we don't like type wait how did he how did he um how did you guys fall out yeah the nikah kado thing and then I was like on drugs so I was like the ring woman I ever saw each other on the bottle he posed on drugs anymore I was and when there's the poly I happened like December a lot of you post quite frequently - Arnie type exact Reuters penis could be had a really good one I'm really proud of this alright I promise you you won't be disappointed of this ASMR this is like so good we've done a bunch oh yeah there oh god these are so good they like turns because a freak look at that wait 18 million 12 million I gotta watch this one dude you guys are this guy's a freak bro so thin I know what the hell is that what's wrong with it was so much cheese what does he do this guy just something [ __ ] up this guy's twisted right be on it people always have a small stomachs and small bodies you know oh my god it's cheese it likes cheese and potato he's so smart and I like no no no tell me really this guy's [ __ ] up oh no this guy's twists you kind of looks like a cheetah serial killer rape that guy it does like he probably takes laxatives or something oh yeah I'm sure are people attracted to him that why he's so popular like that girl you said she was thin and pretty in comparison to me I write after me like this girl's been an attractive and eating sponges I was like okay so the primary audiences be no it wasn't even about that joy I mean I would take it personally exactly I was so not I have issues can we talk about this house can we talk about is actually he and talk he won't talk Allah he won't do podcast he won't talk what is wrong I don't know and so is the people who watch this females who want to be eating and are attracted to him I think females is anyone masturbating to this me swear god I was so in love with or no no I was I used to where I was he came to my Christmas party we did like collabs does he know that you would masturbate to him I think so he straight actual yeah does he [ __ ] with food I don't think he does know what I met him he had a girlfriend then he blew up and got really rich and like the girlfriends gone now and he just like dates a bunch of hos oh my god this guy he's got skeletons in the closet yeah for sure my dream has come true this was the happiest day of my life he's deliberately putting the most talk of people in the videos making him sit there let's get him off the screen all right well well so it's break time we will go to a quick break and when we come back it is finally time to start the Bachelorette [Applause] we are back we have alleviated our bladders Gila has emptied her : no I'm just kidding I just thought it'd be funny the image of ela taking a pill don't exactly there was weird tension between you two when I walked in today and I feel like you guys should talk about that more on the podcast cuz you guys seem perfect on the podcast and I wanna apologize to hila and I was like oh there's mention here yeah you want to tell them what I did well okay yeah now I don't remember so we didn't say anything on the podcast no yeah I don't remember um that shirt is really cute well I'm not just saying bad timing when I'm about to say why I was upset at you go ahead well we had discussed last night that we would tell our employees to work from home next week starting Monday so today try me trying to get more work done because I know we have the podcast I was like okay I'll go early before the podcast to get some stuff done before cuz Ethan he's always late to the podcast and then it takes forever so we I come in and I walk into the office and I know I was supposed to meet some people and they're like oh you're here Ethan said we're all evacuating and we packed our stuff and I was like well it didn't tell me his wife who lives with him did not tell me that we're kind of lying so I was upset yes and rightfully so now tokes now let me explain my side so I don't look like a total psycho right well so a lot had come out in that morning when I was watching the news that they canceled all the schools in LA and our managers were kind of like yesterday there they were of the opinion when we were all talking with our managers were like oh it's not that big of a deal one of our got one of our dudes who's Cuban he goes trust me I grew up in Cuba and I've seen it so bad that people used to melt condoms on meat like it was cheese and eat it well as I will Wow he said that to me what why but regardless so but then this morning when I when it's like everything's closing the schools are closing and and then also I found out the two employees you didn't know this but we had two employees who called in sick well Keesha you knew about but ADA called in sick I shouldn't say their names let who cares whatever and I was like [ __ ] that to people calling in sick with symptoms I said okay everybody out but I was talking in our manager chat and so I thought I just assumed even either was driving to work I assume she saw it obviously you were driving you eye but it's only a 20-minute drive so thought maybe you were there I wasn't thinking I definitely [ __ ] up though I should have called and consulted you first saw me first yeah before I liked that collateral and really yeah absolutely no ideas but I'm with you 100% called and consulted you first so yeah this is real I yeah I mean I don't talk about that he was like groveling towards you and I was like well he should do that on the podcast like say I'm so sorry you're a team you might Jesus his mother too I just realized that you can play Marian like the scene you're so pretty anyways was married pretty Mary was gorge was it I'm your expect me to believe she was virgin Mark Burnett wife played her in the Jesus movie I forget her name she's famous she's beautiful but I did I did I did mess up and I knew when I came in that I that I was wrong I got a buyer like a ring with a diamond or something no well it's her with her money why would she want me to spend more money wait you're you're richer than him no we share we have any money you know what I mean like what am I gonna go buy her an expensive yeah obviously married for 10 years we're actually forced to share bank account from our first moment like dating technically Wow yeah not legal yeah I don't know no sign of Taurus not even the cameras oh but you're like okay let's get married so you stay here no no that was enough I got married in Israel happens I'll feel like in love with someone you're like oh that makes sense we should get married it like stay here yeah but that's not what happened I just came here to live with him for like six months until I had to leave the tourists yeah but while we were here we basically hadn't like we didn't have like the normal dating stage we just went straight into living together sharing bank account you couldn't open a big thing oh I guess yeah I was like just give me your money oh but you had money I just brought everything I had which wasn't a lot [ __ ] that was everything that I had oh I think you had like 1500 bucks and I had like 1500 bucks without we're balling hard was through nothing but then we all want and then we were paying rent and rant and rant and then we're like I was like oh you have to go you're gonna have to leave we can't pay rent married no no I went I moved to Israel I lived there for five years and we got married there we were set but anyway this is about you Trish you guys are very 90-day fiance and I'm like why are there no Israeli people on that if it wasn't really 90-day fiance because I moved to Israel for five years we were very established and comfortable there I had a good job Eva was in school crushing it and then and then once you finish school and after we got married after living there for five years we applied for a green card to bring her over okay and we waited yes that's so cool because it's really men always trying like you know get me to marry them that happened like a long time ago when I lived at the Grand Sherman Oaks there's a ton of Israeli guy right that's what I'm saying so I don't want that kind of noise really guys no you're not gonna let's let's here we got a Jewish not a Jewish not that's what we'd like to be called okay so here we go the winners this is what I'm thinking the winners that we'd select here today well in the next round call in via Skype for a one-on-one speed date with three minutes to seduce you seduce yeah all right man you know to woo you too to make you like them and so from them we will continue to narrow it down the winner will be going on a cruise to Antarctica dan look up crews say Hardin is that a real thing huh you know what she wasn't lying there how much is it how much is it well right now all cruises are like nothing um I just buy the tickets already now's a good time to shop no but how much is it look ten night cruise to enter tell me how much this one is nine grand per person or for both per person I'm not paying up $20,000 what am I I don't sponsor it's a 16 night cruise to Antarctica leaving from San Antonio Texas and it's 2700 dollars per person that's what's up I'm saying you guys to Texas I was just in San Antonio it's disgusting well you know I would never fly into that Airport okay no I need why is that one so much cheaper the prices are fluctuating yeah what is $20,000 one because it's a first-class I am NOT going in a place with no window I am NOT going on a cruise oh you're gonna be in a little no I'm not I need to wait we need some kind of sponsor to pay for Ash 10 fresh is not sponsoring the show yeah they always do you're always expensive exactly someone else's money to pay for it well we're only Teddy fresh on the cruise I'll do my own will you squirt and the color-block hoodie not publicly traded at unfortunately yeah it looks like it it all fluctuates between like five grand and about $20,000 is that dude do you want to spend twenty forty thousand dollars on that's 40s or 20k for the good one do we know that that's a good one or not because we're gonna sit well settle online how about that all right we better milk this for all it's worth I do swipe up I do everything well how they gonna charge me nine thousand dollars for a cruise during a HEPA delivering a [ __ ] pandemic maybe Corona can't survive in the cold of Antarctica actually actually it's the heat that kills it I think it flourishes in the cold well frozen you freeze lice I think lice is a little different like I don't have lice not currently I'm basically bald zone you are bald yeah I have like not a lot of hair what is what are you doing right now is just a wig extension this is my real hair but like it's very short it's really sure it's like I'll brush orders you're broken and brittle the bleach and I tease it a lot mm-hmm I'll fake it's all fake yep usually like normal like shampoo and everything yeah it's just like just wait her sweat her wig or or that is it's not a way to 6 inches do you wash your extensions yeah of course you know I'm not nasty I don't know basically like real hair how frequently do you change or what do you need to do about it well I think about at night they're clips so you like clip them in depending on your style so I clipped in I like long lines that long ones on yesterday you were with a guy and he's like whoa no can think guys are like used to it now and if they are then I'm like oh you have it with a lot of girls cuz I ever girl holiday is like some sort of extensions and I've never been with it I have never been with a girl with extensions so I think it would shock me I don't know it was less say yeah it's been a while yeah I'm just good were you with people before Allah like girls yeah really yeah you think I'm a virgin I before his love story as like a leave Riley never had sex before she was like so excited about this like military girl no I've had sex before EULA yes that was out are you press wait like 19 - so it wasn't like that far-fetched right weren't you really young no it was 20 let's get to the like I was bad insecure like that's true I'm so [ __ ] okay well don't [ __ ] I wasn't always fat you're skinny I used to I used to be a your assumption is not far from the truth I'm not bad I'm not offended I mean but I did I have no other people before me so mad but you are your actual process right I mean were yeah so but where's the logic with what being angry at dudes who slept with people before oh it's just being like a hypocrite okay but you were who's your ideal man virgin virgin not ideal yeah no I probably but it's hard to find all right let's go we'll find out in the next round of diversion okay this comes from Jason Grimes he sent the video with this note he said thank you for the opportunity I appreciate your visit Jason Mase Mason grind so here we go Mason's where do I look here Oh nine minutes what's your first take on his looks go ahead yo turn it up a little bit it's quiet not my like typical tight but hey my name is Mason 30 years old my birthday is November 14th 1989 officially I can be a Scorpio take it or leave it oh they're gonna leave it you're leaving this man openly or this won't be a yeah we're not you idiot you better be a whole totally honest and Oprah you're not going to n artists I don't I mean though so I'm not gonna be mean I'm just gonna say like it I am like nobody's have everything's I'm disgusting so I'm not saying like I'm a hot prize this is just probably we're not compatible for a number of reasons yes Batman Batman there's a lot of Batman I don't do it I can't do comic and he's got like some kind of oh but that's so nice and I like should we watch more thank you but let me see if he does like a mukbang or something yeah he does oh he does what's he eating pizza pepperoni and typically it's where when I have more than four digits in my bank account Oh broke they'll love that interested now Caesars do by the way yeah I can't and the Batman really throws me off Oh Mason we appreciate the application but he said take it or leave it and we leave all right well don't worry we got plenty more this one comes from Nikko Sani he says hey guys sorry this is late well that's doesn't matter to me now hope you still consider my best bread whoa he's wait wait whoa whoa okay sending it for a friend he worked super hard on this entry what is your what what why are you sending this for your friend Fred no I think what does he not know how to use the internet I mean I find that so weird okay Fred so what's on this table because I got really ghetto looking burger one slice of bread anything about lighting not good they're like muscle tanks I hate guys gonna thank Tom all right well let's do it wait but I have to say I'm getting red flags from not back then why was submitted by his friend I find that so disturbing okay anyway here we go Chris Fred submitted by Nico I'm here on my kitchen floor and today I'll be a sourdough baguette some chicken sliders some burritos I got some right here and some cheese dip whoa that's what's up right where I know oh wait wait what the [ __ ] was that hold on all right let's just watch oh I make some pretty mean cocktails yeah okay okay I'm getting so turned on now I was all about wow I love the way to eat yet vegan neck done over canceled no but there's so much fake food no it went yeah well not good in he's going in with his hand wait is he really a vegan cuz he says it's cheese did I have a point I think he's pulling the multiple-personality you like a guy who's fair I'm working out I do like the guys fit no oh really oh he had ranch ranch isn't vegan the fried thing was I think a white did I get roll all the same guy yes he's like charlie that's cute we all got got we love that love he did that it's very high level went over my head no smarter than you look yeah he's rolling and I like it so we like his real name is Nico Nico or Fred well we don't know when I watched her mukbangs after first interview on h3 I knew I was hooked he found me through you guys put some working yeah kind of hot too now I'm like all got it okay looks like we have our first finalist all right so so let's wait and see we have to go through what we have a process we almost passed on him usually I consider myself straight all right so Fred again I'm just gonna race the rejects I'm putting in notes - yeah Wow okay we got a finalist we have someone you could use him to have been smitten by by Fred slash Nico I'm not gonna lie some people have split into my teams and showed me their video they sent to you guys oh that's how they just broke okay well as long as you're up be honest if you see one that you've already said you have to know he wasn't one of them but okay - so the next one we have is from Miguel aka meet Mickey it's his nickname but your kids but but horror kids sounds Mexican I mean it looks Mexican but I'm not saying it Miguel I mean you know any Miguel's that aren't Mexico I have a friend that has that same last name he's from Salvador yeah American okay no disp animals I'm down for that I feel like they're like they said they're good at sex is that not Hispanic wait who oh my god well Dan correct us we said he's Hispanic but he said no that South America no you said South America Salvador is in Central America yes what continent is a part of North that's North America but and then where's that in relation to Antarctica okay so Miguel and here's my video submission I tried to make it as cringy and awkward as I could at the same time however to what you do what you need for me but I don't mind getting roasted please do roast me I hope you guys like my video and I hope I make it to the finalists I forgot to mention I'm from Arizona I didn't know if that was necessary PS I'm a big fan isn't that funny how your fans like want you to like rip them apart like you're known as just being an [ __ ] no I please be mean to me well so he I mean I don't know if that's another time I mean why is it so many views Dawg 500 views that's good maybe if you are looking to see if anyone's trying to date me okay let's see what you got Nikki's video submission I said it's excited is her submission for the best results Peter smell a bright 20 watch oh and this is my submission for the best heart ab right here 20 wings with me first leg traction right away that's I like oh my Buffalo medium and five blazing let's dig in right let's get it started here we go well you know what Tricia maybe you don't really even like how I look right now let me go change real quick I'll take these with me I'm so horny right now oh no I was working oh what a legend let's take it wait way to get it hey I'm impressed that these people are good now let's do a game Wow we're mucking with him here that's the big deck right there oh you really are horny right yeah so turn on I was before but now I'm like what the custom ideas look good I'm a bit I'm a fan needs to be so I'll just do some cuts in between do you thing buddy because I think he's already a yes but let's see wait hold on let's catch this reference why or maybe three times a week I love me do you love wings I do you like all this someone's recording there's someone else there just how good I am I'm just saying don't get too excited truth so what till you get home like where are you okay he's in no you can't communicate with them that you ruined it today his tie ends up in the ranch yeah good 8:00 tomorrow all right I mean Wow okay that's an only fans in ranch cuz you're mad and just like a ranch down the [ __ ] yeah huge I could hook up with all these people after the show is over you can but sure I mean well you're supposed to marry the winner all your fans I just want to be on your show I feel like none of these guys actually would be interested no I think they are interested I think they are okay I went through a lot of effort no they are interested and anyway they have three minutes you can they want to be with me are you guys exactly yeah I mean you could say the same about the real bachelor show you know they just want to be there to be famous I don't like though I can tell okay but some couples made it and they have kids right Ian yeah yeah they're still in there in the relationship Ian is the one the main one with the hair the one that you like made fun of the other day oh the one that everyone's angry that I yeah that's Ian the salary to that guys one with the male yes main guy is one that's why I didn't like yeah yeah Ian is the one it's the one in the corner and he's one I was on The Bachelor yeah and he's in love oh I thought it was a main guy yeah yeah I asked are you and love I mean I think yeah I am yeah he is yeah alright but the season got ruined because they started talking into the DMS and then she refused to come on the show okay that got him well yeah exactly that's good that mean she liked him for him I didn't want to be here so right no actually she wanted to come on the ship no no I have to correct the record she was down to come on the show but Ian didn't want her on the show that's what happened you can ask her cuz she's coming tonight well she'll lie to me no I shouldn't say that no she's coming to visit she because he's not farmers coming to town visit where though what in the California okay but you're like she's no we're not doing it we're not there's no plan no we talked about doing a company but the virus is not nobody's coming to our house like am I not invited to this party no there's no there's no party she and can you explain because there's no there's no plan okay well he said she's somebody's not you like what did you mean by that what did you hear for nine days so if you come in contact with her you can she she she should join us for an episode let's see the next application that's on a show you owe it to them thank you thank you you guys can literally you could maybe come to the wedding I would I would expect to officiate it alright let's move on we have so many applications we already have two yeses so let's go let's go ace Jack C white hi my name is Jack C and I am your wildcard I'm true I'm a fully transition trans girl so when I heard that Trisha was into t girls I figured I had to take my chance well I'm open about it I wish to be fully recognized as a female you're not fully you're either transitioned or not but so if she's fully transitioned she means that she has female genitalia okay all right well Jack see which oh you're not into that you want the penis but isn't a t-girl shitty girl is someone with the penis yes girls usually like some either if they did it before this is every they have the dick and if they don't you girls are T girls no this is that's wow this is why I love to you girls cuz they go ultra feminine I have to first give it up to tricks or Jack C one minute that's what I'm talking into girls typically but here's the thing I couldn't even wait to eat this corndog for the video I got this just for this video is that really in France oh yeah yeah it's not crazy they're like so voice is like so natural well they get voice like feminization surgery and stuff like that I mean I've never I don't think I've ever heard of a trans person with the voice that sounded so genuine you know yeah I love them do not trying to be offensive on there's no it's amazing that's why I love t girls I don't date like regular like Jackson okay here we go eat it before I started filming so yeah I would love to be the wild card I've been watching ship ship for a long time and I'm such a huge fan I am bisexual as well actually I guess I'm pansexual so I meaning everybody and everything I think that she is like an amazing person deep down even though maybe misjudged by a lot of people I totally like I love girls but I'm the one with the blue hair so my name is Jack CY I will give you my Instagram as well and oh yes actually so it's hard to say a lot because he realized he also wanted seeing me a little but I would like he's so much she gave me the chance even though I'm not a guy even though I'm a girl he doesn't have a dick which is a big right like so ridiculous well thank you hold on hold on let's be discerning here because there's a lot of people could you see yourself marrying a girl that doesn't have a penis that's the hardest part because just be honest here because we have to call the hurt oh well yeah I mean I don't I don't see myself marrying so we have to say goodbye to I mean right what a good only fans like if she was eating me out with like a smurf like a smurf only fans like fetish thing okay well you can reach out to her first but as far as right I got you but it's done not ashamed then if they're gonna talk you can't I restrict you from talking to her we're trying to find love you know you can't settle down without a penis we all know that right yeah you're right yeah okay so apologies to Jack C white that we appreciate the submission we appreciate the brevity of the submission yeah I would be long ones I want to watch long ones eventually Kyle Watson says this is my audition to date Trisha I want the Trish in all-caps he said so Kyle Watson Oh a shirtless young man now my initial Wow I think this guy's young I'm here Peters bro you literally got a McNugget he literally got a McNugget meal mukbang I just did that yesterday I did a McNugget meal yeah but he just got like the straight up like numbered one or whatever so number seven I just got another stuff honestly and he ate all the fries already he's loki high but also sounds kind of dumb he's like hey h3h thank you with that this guy I'm not sure is looking for love if I'm being all right that's my first okay I see yeah well let's watch why is he so Jack never sounds high uh-huh how old is he he looks like eight I mean he looks young yeah I'm scared my name is Reno I'm 23 and I know tricked us that you only wanted older he's so hot but I really think we can make it work and here's why I have had chlamydia three times it didn't render me Owen wait he's that clean I can still give Trisha codes I think I could become a family man for Trish what do you think about a man who so wax his chest some people have employment no hairs that keeps true oh wait hey wait he's gay wait what women oh he's flaming gay he said some people think he's flaming but I think he's saying he's gay I hope that keeps true he's saying I hope that Colonel I think he actually I am getting the gay vibe a little bit hey I don't know if I can do another game in love them don't know if I should marry one she's just like the perfect girl in that store you know see that's false careers you're not the perfect girl next door I am like so sweet I am so but that's not what the girl next door like wholesome and cue and like wholesome come on this guy's gay all right well well he said he was gay right so I okay oh that's what he said and we're not just assuming no he's gay I could tell my gaydar is going off no it's bouncing around well he said he's gay but then I was like oh I totally see it he's so cute he'll he left what is happening honey on the nug you really just bring me on What did he say I should bring him on cuz what you're after admit you have to admit I mean Trisha do have a lying problem what what am i honest ly this is a pretty low effort to make there after watching it he's not serious Kyle Watson is not serious Dan remove him to the graveyard next is from Jonathan Abe Ibrahim I think that is probably an Arabic name welcome in jump but Jonathan is not an Arabic name unless he's American Arab Ishmael is thank you Jonathan Abraham says here's my entrance video I believe I will win wow I really get into it in the second half we'll make sure to watch for that what's up Dan my name's John six-foot 500 250 pounds yeah that's huge it's like I think probably like uh okay because you oh my god all that meat I've been one isn't that how you do it that scares me yes I've nosey someone do that okay well are you turned on when you saw that yeah I don't like his lighting I'm 100% Egyptian oh where is that I think it's right next day it's south of in the Middle East it's in hay right next to Israel oh I never thought it was a made-up place let me pause Patra wait Egypt as in the fairy tale and it's like Atlantis and and Cleopatra it's a Disney story no no doesn't see that to me is that real I thought those were like the seventh one seven wonders or something that's like doesn't exist or it does exist oh wait Stonehenge don't henge an England but that doesn't exist right this is a real thing this is Egypt Wow actually real place yeah wow there's like Pharaohs and stuff over there yep really Oh yeah there's still a lot of Jews in prison they're building they build these pyramids here's the city of Egypt Weezy these are the pyramids ancient pyramids this is the desert that's like a you know a National Historic Site and then this is the city of Egypt Wow I mean not the city of the Cairo ah there's something like they don't know how they build the pyramids right is that the thing like it's a mystery they've figured it out the slaves yeah just like just human life really this is a real photo Wow so there you go yes to the Egyptian just straight I mean yeah just from these I mean if his people can do that no the Jews did that's Jewish later but just for the record know that you display it the Jewish slaves built the pyramids I don't want them to get any credit for that the difference with the Jewish slaves the Jewish slaves built the pair you want them to have the credit one yeah don't give the credit to the Egyptians okay but it was their vision to be fair yes Egyptians are cool though I love the Egyptians yeah isn't that guy who played Rami Malek is Egyptian and I'm obsessed with him so I will take it is he I thought you thought it was a fiction fictitious place I didn't know Egypt existed I thought some people were real you know how there's like people how's that possible like Jewish people there's no Julian do you know what I mean there is real okay right so what I'm saying is I knew there was Egyptian I didn't know they were from Egypt okay not they're like chips like Abu Dhabi or you know wherever we're gypsies from Oh hyung green right they are right I have cousins other gypsies what was the other you said something else that caught my attention anyway interesting a little bit was fake ID literally did cuz it's in the Bible like Joe 17 Technicolor Dreamcoat he went to pharaoh remember what the seven years of corn atlantis by the way that's Baker real because that's in the Bahamas no that place is real that's that that's east of Israel in the Mediterranean Atlantis the city is an underwater no it is a fictional looks like it's underwater no it's a fictional but there isn't a leonis in the Bahamas there is yes right I like him just because of the pyramids oh yeah any other nice watch you look like he's gonna high rise can you tell it's like so dark a little dark Nate that's a Rolex amore when you stand up commitment Oh how'd you spot that huge watch guy so how much that watch con Jack can you go to the is he single are you married no girlfriend so sure so wait you you need a better shot of the watch SAP yeah I can tell you exactly okay relax anyone right there all right that's a later that's an early model Submariner Yeah right there cause um you could probably get those for 9 10 grand oh okay it's not a presidential not mega no no no flex no it's a nice watch ten thousand for watches amazing I want to be a stand-up comedian now so Oh he's not very funny a very funny wait do you know this guy wants to be a stand-up comedian he's got the opportunity to be seen by a bunch of people he's sitting in the dark eating wings like bro he's got a hostile I did say sit in the I didn't I say sit in the dark and speak plainly as possible what we've we've had so much fun watching this is like the saddest new playing of all time what's he said oh he wants to he says no pretty yeah oh oh he's rich I think he wants your money I don't like that attitude though I'm down to share my money you should be down to share yours I do real estate sales oh that's the one most unfunny thing to me Realtors like mega instant turnoff yeah early in the video used to got real do you have why does he have money he's a realtor IG wagons like $170,000 car they make a lot of money I'm detailing this guy I'm sorry I forbid you know I'm putting the presidential stamp on this one but we did learn that Egypt is a real country that was excited Cairo is the Capitol's I don't want people to think I'm a dumbass flexing my knowledge no really we almost went once and then a war broke out it's awesome well she was in the military she could protect you yeah she could with gun moving on we have a so we have two finalists right only two yeah that's perfect we know we have a lot more dude Oh Mike I mean this is gonna be we're gonna have to do another episode or we just pick up the pace because we're spending with 28 how can I not because she wanted to say yes to that guy but that goes a big no that's we have to put in the time we're gonna have to do part two you're gonna have to come back on Tuesday I think it could be Friday oh we got a bump in crasher he's married I don't know him anyways I only like machine you don't know I think she is relatively famous I got black or something Jack Black is mega famous yeah I'll take him Jack what offer Chris oh no anyways interested good I'm not interested let's just keep going and that's how you're gonna bump me for okay here we go Arden elite head says a very serious application for the very serious Bachelorette Trish love a godless love a godless Oh love a godless t-girl sorry I misread that Satya girl godless though I mean I think she's yeah I think she's just being funny did they mean to say goddess no it says love a godless t girl so she saying she's godless yes but I think that should oh wait no wait do you know who this is no didn't you say this person's like somewhat uh no okay by the way this video with four views was age restricted what is going on in the city upside down cross and that's I hate that why is this age restricted is me oh by the uploader okay okay made me nervous maybe she's making a joke that she's just like dude he rides it sorry I'm sorry she rides a dragon dildo that's crazy don't that is you must a dragon dildo no actually I don't you don't you've never seen what looks like a dragon call Rick and Hugh well I can't show you we can't look on your let's show her on your just like it's called a show it on the screen if you want we just won't cut through it so yeah let me stage no I'll show you on the screen dragon dildo like a big one oh yeah bad dragon it's called right so it's like this dragon oh my god it's like that what I can't oh no I'm like this whole thing she makes me uncomfortable because she says she rides a bad dragon I'm gonna mix it right away because I think it's blasphemous where are none the upside-down cross like on it but let's watch a little more because I like my giant dragon dildo thank you that kills and in the meantime I listening h3 podcasters have paid it he's pretty where she decided she was going to accept video submissions for her next relationship and I thought I have to go Lord Baphomet is calling me Oh another Antichrist I think before we just burn in hell like I feel like that's where we're going can we get rid of this like illogical manipulation you may be inclined to put me through well it sounds like a big enough for Tricia's we're not where she is you care about something we love Jesus I love Jesus I love Jesus but Jewish is fine they don't believe in Jesus but I'll still do that because I believe in God so that's fine but no hating do you know lady yeah we anti God no anti God I can convince someone Jesus exists I can't convince someone God is real you know are you interested in saving her soul nope no she's pretty and hardened a godless t girl we are saying no to you thank you for the submission though and jesus loves you by the way Jesus Christ Jews court video love you God like this with you guys like with no windows it's so like intimate I don't know what it is I get really like endorphins rush to my head are you turned on currently so this one comes from Blair brine Gilson brine Gelson and it just says bagel Blair's the name so let's go ahead with bagel my name is Blair at your request I'm eating currently so I'm at an Einstein bagel I'm having my favorite miel basically simple man bacon bacon cheddar bagel I love a simple man with simple tastes videos yeah I was like don't think the right people so I mean the low effort nature of this makes me think he's not that dedicated entrepreneurs I live in Denver Colorado fish' I think you're [ __ ] hilarious I think you would be these people who invented them oh is the three guys Baxter what why did you guys find this one was except yeah what was the consensus on bagel Blaire I never there was no disagreement on this one so it was up to these two oh you guys put him through so how it worked was that if there Dan or Ian and Zach if they agreed they'd put him through if there was a dispute Dan broke the tie so Zach again what's going on with bagel Blaire he's not a bad-looking dude you guys just thought he was handsome less like Trisha he said you wanted like struggling or super rare so I got that but we don't eat basic Zach okay and you guys picked the two most basic interns to pick the basic people and that's why we're getting the interval way singer why are we based our T there's two that you loved I wasn't trying to insult them I'm just saying I don't get roasted in the comments cuz well if they are right we already have seen guys sitting in the dark that was like an immediate yes with terrible lighting and just to say with Matt she's the she's he's the mythical range Egyptian but I will say in their defense Trisha we do have two big yeses who were they I forgot who they were they're worthy let's not go back all right yeah but we only move forward I forgot no there was two big yeses you're very excited about but the lair the bagel boy is a basic [ __ ] of was that were calling oh yes tripolis yes sorry next we have Kai steel Smith he sometimes like a porn star hi hopefully there's enough energy in this for you all and I didn't almost die for nothing Oh adrenaline yes I love a guy who's gonna die for me yeah I love it that he didn't turn off his uh loveable engines that's quite a spread he's got butter sriracha what is he gonna do with the bottle let his skinny wages when I wrecked four and a half inches when a rat when drunk he's poor dude he's pouring butter over the chicken I love it yeah pretty awesome Lauren raised in California Bay Area where's he filming this like bro look at that wall oh my god it looks like a prison really loud fridge but nobody lives in a room like that Wow yeah don't even like that years there's no installation small apartment dude they're homeless he's homeless he was homeless he that he's been away this guy no no with the beard and they're my goal and then we meet up you got your father I love each other nice to be your husband I like him he sounds like he's been through it if he's been homeless and traveled around he's dedicated to we got butter melted butter married he has a ring on no I think this is probably tough for the audio listeners you getting turned on yeah can you tell me on one to ten how turned on you're getting okay ten what I'm ready to be mm right now now when you say ten what does that mean what's happening like what a fabulous face I dunno someone who looks like that actually I can show you a picture like I do doesn't want to look just like that laughing my name's that I cried someone is laughing about it I know that hold the [ __ ] song hold on there that's a female line yeah [ __ ] you go be homeless and eat your chicken somewhere else h3 doesn't want you your camp oh that's true you can bro that's not cool dude to have your girlfriend film ass enjoy you're not a joke I just make an aside here we this is not a joke you went through all this effort to have your girlfriend I blamed the interns no this was a good submission I mean they they could they probably didn't pick up this is dumb I'm over it oh are we getting the other side of Trish Deanna's like Trish I might not come back and you know what maybe I won't Wow but we didn't we didn't think you're turning on us wait we have two great ones already you're forgetting you want to see one of the good ones no no because honestly like I'm on your side I'm calling this guy out I was like yo I heard a female laugh he's out he's dead oh you're upset you're sabotaging me this is interesting I feel like we're getting the personality it's multiple it's the brain multiple loci steel Smith is a fraud you were turned on your fans are the worst I'm just gonna say h3 fans are the [ __ ] worst wait we had two great ones why are you flip-flopping I was just too and it's like we have like 20 more applicants we're going slow she is sensitive and you [ __ ] up the mood all right let's just go fast oh man let's go on to the next Derek black man oh I know him this is some black guy on YouTube he's a he's a friend he's a good dude I met up with them his name is Derek black man hey what's going on yes doing this is your boy black Chad aka some black guy aka Derek Blackman aka a dick down daddy so we're doing a very special video here it's gonna be a very special video doing a mini mukbang how do you say that and it is my official application to win Trisha Paytas heart so what we got here is one Papa John's regular pet cat you know it doesn't usually work I think it's pretty good I think Papa would give this to a good score we got you know this little thing right here like some Kool Aid [ __ ] see I live in LA so you gotta go to the local chicken joints cuz they're better than anything else I didn't show my face you like him oh you you've turned the music off good catch guys yeah he's awesome he's a good dude going to be 32 wait what happened is it yet wait is there music wait hold on is there copyright music honk you played before it was definitely caught but this sounds like we're LC free but I can't take my chances Derek wait why do we hate that you don't use what I mean oh it's good I hope on guys get claim because he's I'd be a good idea to put in music the whole channel just a MIDI the whole video I build a two hour podcast here I got I have employees to pay I got to send your ass 10 you fresh is one thing okay this is another got bills to pay there - he doesn't wanted to get D monetized yes oh okay yeah I don't have only fans okay you make like $10 it's not an are you imagined just are sexy no dude that would [ __ ] you know I would your no I'm not I'm horrified I mean it's just so awful because I'm sitting next to you too and you guys are like my ideals hold on I'm sorry Derek but our black met but I know his name let's show her him without a mask I'm just okay well yeah wasn't the mask I'm not I really don't know why he's wearing a mask but look how he eats he lifts it up and then I said I what it's some like let me show you his mane - oh wow yeah what was that I let me just show you his um let me show you his mane child this is how many subscribers he's called us some black dude I think or guy you got 440,000 oh alright clout know he's yeah okay we think yes to that rash and I'm excited a good dude I had no idea what he was like trying not to be associated with me he's like I'm gonna do it but I don't wanna be associated with Trisha we're talking about here okay oh oh really born in 20,000 is good no okay I'm black I won congratulations I mean and he's actually a good guy cuz we he's a good guy I got your house no no I went out with no he's a nice guy welcome there's way very we have a baby we don't do anything I'm great with babies okay Dre key mark and Drake Martin oh my gosh I would I would not trust you with him I would be so good actually Drake Martin says background music is from YouTube's audio library Drake Martin said in his application background musics from YouTube's audio library I said well I said if you submit don't use music cuz well [ __ ] I'm currently a second semester student at the Berkeley College Massachusetts not this little [ __ ] I'm a musician and a bass player so as you prefer I am extremely broke with very little prospects for the future I'm five seven and I choose to not know how much I weigh freshman 15 and my physician I am on track of obtaining full ethan klein the gentleman status i may not be the most attractive person that you will see on this screen today i think it is only fair do you judge me by this photo of myself completely undoctored i love watching movies and TV my favorite movie is ghostbusters my favorite TV show is Arrested Development and a good taste I felt I will lie and say it's offensive if it means I can have sex with you there's many perks of dating was you desperately [ __ ] me I've been watching h3 since I was a freshman in high school so I know every single questionable thing that Ethan has ever done online and you can bring it up on the podcast Oh maybe saying some batshit insane stories and coming up some quick video ideas now Trisha oh can I call you Trisha I'm going to need a bit of that lying about my gender identity for YouTube use because I'm trying to become a professional musician and I'm going to a pretty expensive school there's one more / - dating me and that's that you can always be serenaded with songs like this one did you clean your kitchen floor he made a mistake in he's he's catering to us because we have there's this one song where Dre are not direct are Kelly goes do you want to come to America but you don't know that reference and also like I need a musician I have a band coming out I'm forming a band and I need a bass player but feeling he's a talented music like yeah he looks like a nerd well he got a sink penis eh he's a sinker thank you very considerate is time to hand Ethan that rose also I'm 18 [Music] [Applause] well I will say Drake that was an awesome application the age is a killer number one if you were like even 24 I guess like damn 3 portray yeah well we enjoyed we enjoyed your application next up is stall bro he's a pretty popular Instagram account here's my application to date the love of my life Trisha show what she and I have is truly beautiful I love her personality and her other personality and her other personality and her other personality and her other personality and her other personality yes please don't get in the way of our true love oh so relevant because that was this is stall bro what the hell is this this is his Instagram what the [ __ ] voting under the stall dude what a jerk we do with the real savage culture oh this must be Turkish okay then are you registered to vote you are Wow now I just want to watch this video [Laughter] yo damn we gotta get this guy we gotta get this guy in the show yeah I think he follows us on all the we got we need we need some exclusive content I'm stopping the application I got to watch one more [Laughter] [Music] dude this guy's literally in the bathroom by himself that's the gnarly [ __ ] why Oh Charles on the song I'm just kidding gauged in the left stop yeah can I ask for help there's his girl on tinder and she and she's kind of fine you can see what do you mean she's fake she's hot what do you mean reader out of ten where you think all right I'm out all right no I'm just out on the Instagram let's watch the video application yeah stall bro oh it's probably under the stall or something right you tell me one penis all bro [ __ ] out like that beautiful and I think all nine of your personalities are beautiful too and I just wanted to let you know that I'm interested in becoming your bachelor and I hope you accept these flowers I got for you any questions you're probably wondering why I'm on the toilet music sounds like royalty free I'm I'm Stahl bro and I'm known for doing bathroom pranks what the emojis that turn you off because I'm wondering so I just wonder if he was gonna hand it to these flowers and I hope that I can see that's it what do you think I don't know he looks like something yeah where we gotta show him snow star bro oh that's a stall no an Atreus who was a well really didn't have much to say in his intro oh wow eggs and I'm here on the board my kitchen is that royalty-free I'm gonna assume it is yeah I think I'm racist against furries I have to see like them I'm arrived people say oh you don't like this you don't like that I'm just gonna flat out say I'm racist against first he works in medicine can you imagine if you knew your doctor the distance could you take his advice is he release somehow I like him I say yeah I like a doctor or medicine do you not want to see his face Angus beef hot dog mayonnaise and eggs oh he wait for the furry head that's hard you so do those fries the enzyme got you dude I'm gonna pass on this one for you but we can put him through all right like I like a mr. Logan I like the I like the aspects I think he's good okay so we're keeping the otter so the next one is Jared trees l'heure my name is Jared and this is the link to my entry video that's all he said I'm very exciting I have to say oh they're little captions yeah that's what I'm reading oh wow he's [ __ ] with ya hello Trisha yeah my name is Jared no jambe Trish's future husband donut I don't know a lot about Trisha besides what I've seen at age three that's enough to know that she's a beautiful woman oh she's a hard-working go get her doing whatever tapes it's like a woman that really turns me on sincere about it it sounds like it yeah like the mers real one I think I'd make a nice trophy husband oh yeah you're hot as [ __ ] he's jacked yeah I don't think I don't think this guy's had a donut in like [ __ ] 10 years I know you're gonna ban down by the river I'll come right over right now oh that's against the rules were huh oh he lives in a van 31 years old me too US Navy veteran hot I enjoy going to gym okay what else to say your sex record for the day oh let's do it oh yes to him I love him not quite six one few inches shy okay wait through some platform shoes nice wig huh yeah doing it fast I don't know if they're in the beards or not but I love a beard you want me to shave it I can shave it I'll put a link to another video in the email options this seems yeah seems genuine you think the first one that's like not making too much of a joke of it while showing his personalities I'm just loving that doughnut too I know some giant balls that's actually true ha okay so that's from that was from Jarrod's yes so do you want to see the additional link okay I guess to him with no beard beard oh I love a beard oh it's him on stage oh so it wasn't a van for real I'm doubt I don't care oh that's really him so tan why did they do that other muscles that's him I guess it could be that guy's not a joke okay could look at it I know that's kind of crazy I can I just want to meet that guy he's everything okay yeah I think he's like the leader so far so jared is a big yes that's exciting you see I'm not here to sabotage you okay right come on I just really wanted to find like a real boyfriend that's what we're here to do we're not [ __ ] around Joey I don't I don't think Ethan actually gave us a time limit yes I did I said to keep it about three minutes max if it's too long I can shorten it let me know so this from Joey you guys haven't asked me about putting the wrong email on the [ __ ] thing oh then oh my god look at it screams she does turn yeah I want with this terrible lighting but you know sometimes we just have to live with what we got I don't really like the way of it smashed it yeah natural light do you hear oh he's like a pun can send that natural light trying to stab me but then you're like I've been from day one from well from the moment we started this it's always been serious and Joey too much stick too much deck you're out we're looking for a serious contestant Sakaki seven one one seven one like height I love that this is how we're quarantined rotavirus boy your application I had to cut down ten minutes of my horrible eating into three minutes that's my boy he follows instructions Sakaki [Music] [Laughter] I'm worried about the show yeah [Music] [Music] personality of yours you think he's not want you to like think they're funny and have them on is like a gas you know they want to be like a person on a dream they need to find a good balance of being entertaining and serious show your personality they don't want to date me and I feel like we said I'm not okay let's move on we have a lot yeah we're not wasting any time let's see yeah I was like hoping maybe like Papa John would apply or something like that's why we're jamming on for you guys do we have good ones why are you where you're you've been like ten at a ten turned on at the the last guy yeah I'm picking like the best of the are you seriously complaining about all these young men throwing themselves at you come on alright thank you guys for applying it's very so this guy is apparently famous Richie well we have - Richie a case social repost do you know him oh yeah you know him a youtuber he's a famous well he applied what do you know about him what did he really yes he said hi I did a little video for you here's the unlisted lane he's a cheater but that's fine he cheated on a famous youtuber he has a 1 million subs zero oh holy this will you expect my name is Richie from social repos and this is my dating application H 3 is this cause K or something kind and sensual person she receives a chubby chaser okay on the internet that just compounds itself over years and I would love to show Tricia just complaining about the quality of man which I believe I am mentally and physically equipped to handle I think what's going through your mind right now you seem so did you know he was interested in his for liking like chubby girls like he like he's like really into it have you guys been together no I never met him but um he's made videos like Trisha Paytas is hundred layers of con video he like made fun of me the whole time oh but that doesn't mean she doesn't wanna know so when we tax I'm like hey you can come on my podcast he's kind of like seem like he's kind of like a well-known youtuber he's been on the cares about talents up I think my my podcast what's his talent he does like he's a musician he does like he just like cups he plays the cups or something like he does like water he's like yeah so is this a yes he seems genuinely interested it's a lot of toxicity there and I feel like if anyone's gonna take it on it would be her potential partner to have a dick one my name is Richard so my nickname would be dick - Wow how'd he do that that's crazy older I am 80 years old 3 it is a match made in if you just so happen to see this I will treat you right I will treat you with respect and never let all those trolls get to you because they're just jealous the jealous of what you have they're jealous of what you will become and they probably look like feet so I just want to see us thrive together I call black shadow a void of a heart is in the right place and I hope that you pick me and I hope to hear so there you have it for people who are watching he's in this like really intricate costume he's got black feathers and wings and claws it's gnarly but it so so this is a yes are you attracted them no and they've already like established their like relationship of some sort so it's like it's kind of like not fair because I already know him no do you wish he did this off the show maybe though maybe this was his way of proclaiming his love for you so we're gonna move him through would you want to have sex with him in costume erratically I have like two different types like a really old ass like white man and like a really young emo looking boy like I have those are like me too okay so you like him cuz here he is out of the costume no he's super hot outside the costume but he dated a couple youtubers and cheated on them so I'm like nervous you sure is that contested here yeah he's hot well that's a yes then [ __ ] but it's like we really know him so I feel like that's like disqualifying cuz I we already talked it's kinda like he got an advantage yeah well if anything happens you have to tell us no yeah we haven't even met never met her Virginie I believe but he comes out to LA Loche always happens well hopefully Alexa Antarctica all right so he's throat congratulations social repo is you seemed really excited about it oh we're almost done were we're we're working with no no really I don't that's probably not my genre to be frank you just like Saul bro yes stall bros my [ __ ] valentino queen no nose no message holy [ __ ] Doug oh this guy's got a beautiful black mane yes his body's crazy dude he's got a nipple pierced I like that Hey I'm welcome back to my channel so today we move backward yes thirty thousand sub all right he's not thank you and the possible he's not gay I feel like it's no for you I just get bright you skip the four minutes forty seconds and he's had one slice he's not like you even you can't take you remembered I remember that was like the best episode ever I left as wet oh right what can I smell well sometimes it stinks that's true and sometimes mine does I'm not gonna lie there you go it's what you want you're like freshly washed it brings all the odor out it's long has dress anyway so Ritchie's I know or which ones don't know no no that guys I know I just do you okay Jake mole mullah Steen hey a tree podcast my boy Chris what all right I'm not gonna pass judgment yet my boy Chris engaging and moping to win the affection of the beautiful Trisha Paytas but please see the link below please reach out if you have any questions so I don't know if this is one of these split personality gags or is another friend who's never the Internet well I'm Chris from Orem Utah yeah yeah I'm sorry I would definitely wait me and what and what capacity it's two subscribers and this has three like I'm definitely interact with because the amount of cheese in that that's where do you get them a shoot impressive he's not wasting the time I love the cuts Dan is this music copyrighted is considerably lower that's a good point you got to get the best cost per nugget yeah you like a cheap guy I know no I don't like to guy but yeah he's definitely know that was him that was him hold on hold on he's too messy actually wait I'm curious if someone else was live for hmm I think it's him thank you someone else but it's a guy it sounded closer to the camera hmm I'll taste you messy I don't like messy I don't like cheap it's not your bro yeah bad Achatz cuz I feel like he goes all out I just want to give the guy the credit mm-hmm damn know that he looks like he just it looks like you have chlamydia and he just changed you out you like no you also think my [ __ ] smells you're like I smell no I didn't you did say that you said is this let's move past that it's not like a [ __ ] orgasm on the chair Jesus really going for it probably not your type I want to give him the credit oh I like dedication even resonates tallboy Sifl I like that not turned off not the slightest you're back to 1 or 0 I just realize I'm gonna be single forever like after watching mittens I'm like I'm done this is it oh my god I don't want to like he's committed I like one of you and I'm not kidding cute oh my god he's covered his whole head and not good he's kidding I guess that explains to the tarp doesn't it when you wanted to go down on you with why not that seems like something you'd be into when you want to make out with them why does that disgust you you literally put an alfredo sauce in your vagina you know it's funny here it looks like a a memorial it looks like he died thank you thank you thank you for the video I don't know if this Jake or Chris let's see if we can get it back we can moisten it back up with Ben Ferrell guys we're almost doing in here with three more three more I know how long with me going probably close to two hours that's perfect I mean I always get so pissed I'm like why don't they do long episode with me I can talk I can do a five-hour episode and Ferrell says hello HT podcast gang my name's Ben I make a mukbang video for Trisha so here it is and if there's a problem with the link please don't hesitate to contact me well it's too late if there's a problem she wants a fly to youtube link and this is how I know Ian and Zach picked them because they all look like Ian and Zach them combined like they look like interns at age three pies what does that mean look like you guys what what does that mean yeah don't you think have a very similar vibe to your interns like all these guys the guy from Berkeley this guy like they all have very internalized for age three what do you mean by interning they just look like them that's what I'm saying like the people out there they don't look like [ __ ] boys no but um packet what does it say about them I just think okay like you're an intern at a podcast that's cool like that's you know they're not interns to all these guys okay employees that's what I met employees I might have that's cool like it someone help me podcast oh my god I know if they're in a boy [ __ ] like okay you know what I mean but isn't that good there's not something you want actually what if the guys got its to middle ground it's like not bad not good it's too good so you want something someone more pathetic or more gray why seeing a green screen in a restaurant in a Chinese buffet bang very cool paintings to show your head a buffet you could load that plate up I guess it should be I don't know oh it's real oh it is really you're right business so it's not really my fault that I'm at unemployed he's unemployed living with my parents he lives with his parents that's good here's the thing I'm pretty sure that I am NOT Trisha since I've been taking a head-on in my type but then again oh no that's how you get a girl because I'm not her type but she's not my let me skip to the hand I want to give me I know he hates not though hey I probably should have stopped like two plates ago but in for a penny in for cake so even if this doesn't end up working out for me yeah we got yeah it's not oh and he wrote he wrote I was actually planning off the contacting you guys answering related this is someone else I just made sound related today well yeah I just want to eight connects showcases that he's not serious does he wanted to show me this video year h3 cube build you wants to be an employer well you might be right I'm related to Trisha he made a cool am I not beautiful wait that's your head what's the beanie that's not picked out there of everyone in red beanie beanies at Disneyland no we were just we just all worry it's like your thing I maybe it used to be sure all right cool dude be a part of that group photo I do mean thank you for honoring me with the statue we are in a hurry though Ben so I don't have all the time to watch black Bugatti oh what is going on YouTube black here coming to you live but not live from Atlanta Georgia it's kind of 77,000 right now he lives in his car video well as the title says I want to ask is that a nice voice like a like a like I know you're saying what's the garbage character from the Sesame Street Oscar the ground I know she's pretty famous on YouTube she has millions of subscribers she's famous she's probably pretty loaded she's cute whatever she's a almost like a c-list celebrity and Alma well there i accidentally drink my own piss twice it within 15 minutes tell me more yeah you know that terribly attractive I got a bad disposition I at little children when they run in front of me at the supermarket I dig in dumpsters for food that people don't want anymore is that real I think thanks I have a small dick others follow the law I have road rage issues low-key so hot I am a suspect in several crimes I want to come from the heart for me I want to come from the heart for a minute now if I were able to show if he's gonna actually come to harm I'm really impressed after downing maybe a pint of taka I think that would be able to build up the liquid courage to ask her out on a date I will say this about Trisha Paytas I don't pull any punches she's an absolute [ __ ] show I think she would like me I think strong I'm not manly you know all these things you know what I'm saying I got a lot of faults psychological but I will say this oh he's got great hurt though I love his love like keep looking at them Wow apparently he knows it tells ya nice eyes and lips did what me and I think I do have a chance I have a small chance of possibly getting this video seen by her and her actually giving me a chance giving me a go we don't even got to make a video about it I would just like to meet her in person and I will pay for I will pay for it for what no I won't pay for it you'll pay for this because what I would do is I would start another GoFundMe oh my god what it said is number in the description but okay well he says Trisha call me here's his phone number I'll call him right now what's his name wait wait 972 isn't that okay yeah that's the country code yet 972 no no no no he's he's in America area code 972 it's Texas 972 no I mean he wrote it I'll write nine seven two seven six five eight nine seven two I mean this is a public video it's got already six thousand five let's just get him on the phone first yeah okay no you can't see it from there yeah what's his name Blackman daddy yeah yeah speaker it put it up to the mic oh no what a [ __ ] douche he did this he's one of those public number both what is that that why don't ya I said don't know and I am bothers me a little bit the other day and I texted him it's justice it's some kind of AD like it's so weird I texted Jared Leto and he's like hey this is really Jared Leto likes ain't my number but it was off from his Instagram but obviously it's not him so I'm so confused why they do that some kind of marketing scheme where they get your number and then text you [ __ ] you should leave a message like hey guess what idiot this is actually attrition you [ __ ] up yeah let's do it let's call and be like yo black Bugatti [ __ ] your [ __ ] number cuz I hate when people do now he has my phone number no just tell me we get it everyone gets it oh good hey I was really interested in dating you and then you gave this number and I called it and I'm really like upset now because I sat through here three hours we found your video I was so in love with you I thought you were gorgeous and we were so excited to fly you to LA and also maybe take a cruise to Antarctica and you [ __ ] it up so you dumb [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] don't spam me with this phone number don't call me back and don't talk to my friends h3h3 anymore bye [ __ ] number so but do you want to keep them or cut them for the [ __ ] number could you read all that so Samuel so this is the last one all right Samuel Sultana loved the show here's the link to my submission thanks and for every years Sam productions and h3 podcast this is Samuel Sultana making my entry for you Trisha Paytas my love I'm in a row with you already and everybody there's not a chance what is it that hates me I'm an artist in all right this is it real I make real films what I'm trying to say is that I'm a veteran x4 I'm also unemployed meaning how's that roommate best of both words like he murders people and that's the way a wallpaper he's in Eastern Europe but big I mean basically everything in between the ranges that you said yes basically Tricia it's very simple when you're gonna be talking about me to all your friends this is obviously not even in the country right I mean oh wow this guy's got a hole he's eating a salad you're gonna make a salad growing it through with that [ __ ] oh maybe you're right clearly not much to say there's still [ __ ] four minutes so we have in in the end we have six finalists Wow Thanks yeah that's pretty good we've got the four Reds a bit of my Nico anyway we don't need a bruise can I just say yeah I thought I don't know if I can say this you can cut it if I'm not supposed to say this but I was like low-key hoping because originally I was pitched the idea to come on as a contestant and heelas brothers gonna be the bachelor and then I thought maybe he would apply to be on my battery he was supposed to I don't know what happened we could take a last minute submission I don't say do you want go I think he's he's honestly super busy he's like a [ __ ] mega hard work he's like a he should make time though right you should make time he looks so hot I was like Loki impresses like holy [ __ ] what woman he's like he's strikingly high okay we'll make sure he gets in we'll take a last minute mm-hmm but he lives here in LA super successful long hair I love it I looked him up you get a chance to know Jesus I'm like he's Jewish he's okay we'll make sure we get ah if not we can just also hook up we don't have to date no no he's got to come to this why because then it's a shame he's gonna tell us you can't you guys can't get past us he's gonna tell you I don't think so so we have six strong contestants West's possibly seventh with us brother we're gonna get a last minute so that's exciting soap and probably two weeks we're going to contact the winners we're gonna set everyone up and then we're gonna bring you back in and we're gonna give each of them a three minutes to impress you on skype you guys are gonna have a conversation at speed dating three minutes or five so I come dressed up like a nice grass and my hair down like updo do whatever you like yeah I'm gonna come fancy for them so do you want three or five minutes to have a one-on-one blind date because I just feel like a five minutes could get awkward yeah maybe you should have an abort button you can be like if it gets too awkward you can abort well you thought like a bar okay I want an abortion with them or not I was like oh I don't know that's like I'm ready to say I mean yeah we didn't quite get there yet okay let's wait for the cruise to decide on that brother think I'm hot though he like was out I don't talk to him but he knew no he wanted yeah he wanted to he wanted to apply though he did tell us he was going to look in a serious way yes Wow why haven't you let them might even through all this why I'm just like oh like you that's where they want to see you I'd be like yes he doesn't want Miriam necessarily you know okay Jewish well I don't know all right come on what come on oh so that he said that he was going to apply it we're gonna that's all I know he definitely doesn't look for it - holy [ __ ] [ __ ] well make sure we got his application so you might oh are you really why would you some we're talking about like sardines in here all right well we well yeah this excited we'll get we'll get moses in here - okay and he looks like Jesus the hell of it sorry what was that what did she say his name is Moses he might spread your Red Sea yeah gonna eat you out when you're on your period he's into that let you out on your period oh yeah for sure are you kidding me [ __ ] is natural natural eating someone baby was born with blood on it well I can say drink it you just you look it up you don't actually like a sumo kay so next up we're gonna do a new segment with Dan if you'd like to stay enjoying oh you didn't protect you didn't prepare the news oh no no we're not no we're not a tower was a charity stream was a nightmare you can be you can be when do we do it next yeah yeah we should now because we're all quarantine for Corona no we're not stay here daddy bring him worthy he's at the house you like a babysitter his mom no he's taking care of himself [Laughter] all right oh my god really excited yeah I got really I remember this guy - you're super pumped about I'm well that's a different kind of weird to me but okay I'm done look how hot he is not my type I'm actually excited - about the guy that ate the wings with the tie that dip the time ran right what's with the whole like main thing well you're the one done is to date anything so exactly no I'm more of that like my background is like see my phone like that's my type okay the dude from My Chemical Romance let me knock is he doing promotion now for his tour I feel he's didn't like not come on my podcast but so okay well then that's it so we have six finals we've done it we've time we've talked about it all is there anything else to say here on this uh on this glorious Friday afternoon oh no should we do some dead air do you know what that air is just nobody talks so here we go dead air smiling okay dead air is great because an audio listeners be like did they stop talking I'm excited at hope my god I'm so not till two weeks cause so much time in between damn I found him through I went to your followers you are do follow on no I thought that was weird but maybe I can know really attractive person and you make yourself as honest as possible like you like video so you like you put your expectations low for people do you know what I think I've been I think about it I think that no this this is kind of like a really weird analysis of myself but I feel like I intent are subconsciously make myself as unattractive as possible because of my dad because he's such a creep and weirdo and I don't want female attention because I don't because I want to be true to you and faithful to you and I don't want other women to be attracted to me Oh because your dad was like a I heard that yeah yeah where's he is you applying to the show thank you stop is he single or married he's married my mom dads are always so hot I'm not gonna call me just one animal sobs I'll say could you render how [ __ ] your dad that'd be crazy my dad probably would really like that because he probably would that's a I mean I probably shouldn't even talk about that wait where is he is he Nellie yeah here he is yes what what yeah yeah he doesn't look anything like me holy [ __ ] that's my dad that's my mom that's Wendy well Wow we like low-key your parents are attracted that's so weird yeah they are both attractive is it a big age gap what is this oh they didn't realize they're on camera my dad was patting my mom's bass we actually where's your mom they were on the show oh yeah here it is live stream Phil wow this has 300,000 views Wow what's with that lower third it's so ghetto were you not here at the time dude this was like my second episode I was just coming in for us what's the show because my dad is a what did you expect this is what we're on Twitch and we didn't actually by the way I'm also surprise they're my parents I feel like I'm adopted I think I'm so confused you look nothing like either of them how old is your mom how old is your mom um this was this was two years ago so she's I think she's like 16 I honestly don't know her exact age she's like no she's she's like 60 not like in her sixties she's like 60 I'm so maybe she's 65 actually my dad is 70 well your dad a hippie no I don't look like one like I guess he was guys I'm so confused that is so bizarre you look nothing like them I agree I've always thought I was adopted and I'm and I'm nothing like them right you yeah nothing nothing like my dad right the only thing that makes me know that he's not adopted is that it has a brother and a sister and they all look alike the siblings oh I didn't know I think you're the only child you strike me isn't only T strikes me I don't know what do you think about this you think I'm on wait that's you these ugly faces on purpose I guess that makes sense if you don't want female attention cos you don't want to be tempted I don't want to be tempting yeah you're doing a good job of turning people off with that picture that's why you don't think I look in the Hat like all those people have ever seen a view i mchao you're disgusting but then I see you in person there's like oh he's like super hot so I feel like thank you for hot yeah I can see how pretty I could see how you were trying to make yourself on attractive I guess if you don't want to be tempted by people that's right that is that I think the deep psychological issues um you're like dark - you're like darkest [ __ ] damn it's not that dark how dark I just don't wanna be like my dad make yourself so ugly so no it's - Beatrice it's not like a it's not it's just a thought that's that I've thrown around because it's not it's not something I'm consciously doing can I ask you it like a personal question only cuz I relate to it okay so like your parents are both very attractive and fit and so are my parents they've always been in good shape and sup how do you feel because like I feel like for me I'm I'm always like the kind of the fat one of the family and they're like what happened to you like your sisters hot your brother's hot your parents are hot and it's like so how do you feel about that like having superhot parents um I think that they it doesn't bother me I think they're annoying and I think that they don't add they're not I think they're both really vain - do you think they love you less because no I feel like my parents maybe not let me last what they don't like I'll trash like don't think no I think they just worry about me being unhealthy that you're not you're not that and you know I think you're super hot I'm overweight I'm overweight well I mean yeah thing but I feel like everybody's overweight like 85% of the world's over way but I feel like that guy's so hot Gary Cola although he had an incident recently but anyways um I just wondered because I feel like really no I don't feel I don't feel like they were well which one all of it all of it right yes I don't feel that way I think it might be different for women I feel like if I had a mom that was like hotter than me it'd probably be weird so my actually my sister my mom have a weird tension you're heavy chubby kinda well she's done weight swings I'm not gonna say it one way or the other but what you called me fat you out oh yeah I want to call my sister fat like a stranger I'm joking I know but my sister my mom do you have a weird relationship I think where they had like yeah I think but both my dad I just I never liked him oh that's so brutal I guess I never connected with him though there was not math there wasn't really a competitive nature between us what do you think because you're not super like masculine and stuff maybe he was like oh I don't know it's not super masculine he likes sports and [ __ ] but I've never been yeah they're hot they're [ __ ] hot that's crazy and then they wanted to drop bull with them oh yeah he was exquisite your touch I don't picture you just like squeezing kilos trash out there you own a mob lick cuz I'm saying I like it when people do it in public that means that can't contain themselves what do we do here we go everything like someone just catch it I'll catch it one day on my tick-tock die do we have anything else to discuss No I love no I love by the way I love my dad because I say these things and he listens and he and then yeah you get sad I do love my dad it's just hard I want to talk about him in a way that I'm being too harsh I love my dad obviously his shortcomings as every human being does and he has to find Who I am not because I want to be anything like a movie I want to be the absolute opposite of them no I'm just kidding I came out and I'm just kidding again how do we cut this no no sex for me and your dad together you can follow him on Instagram I'm doing it right [ __ ] now holy [ __ ] my dad would actually responder damn right I know that's the thing I know he would answer your dams wait what a name this is so sick we have to stop I can find out I don't think he's on there I wouldn't add my dad are you crazy do you think I would tag my dad you know what's funny my dad on Twitter he follow those like um like porn encounter and it shows up on my keys sometimes he likes it and it shows up on my feet oh yeah was on the subreddit people saw my dad's Porsche clean up on their feed do you not follow your dad I think I may have unfolding because I don't want people to find his account do what you're doing right now where is he oh my god this is so annoying cause there's so many of them okay we're gonna wrap this up you don't follow my dad is there anything else Dan let's stay safe use the Clorox wipes stay six feet away from people apparently make it ten just to be safe if you're around Trisha make it 20 really all right well Bachelorette C of episode three is coming at you and we're gonna wrap this one up right down yeah and next week we have Bert Kreischer coming yeah Bert Christ don't shoot like that Wednesday Wednesday right he's coming in Wednesday so that episode won't go up until Thursday unless we're able to rush it out maybe we'll try and get it up once a just to keep consistent is a popular podcast guest bird is a very funny and he's a huge comedian so yeah he's awesome his last episode with us some of the hardest I've ever laughed on the show he's super boss why don't you post mome back that's your relevancy right there well people know us friends with him I didn't know I look googled it you guys like blogs together yeah we used to be close friends but I haven't talked to him in a while he got you famous for you I mean that that's yeah probably I mean I don't know how else to put it he doesn't really he I mean he's got a lot going on I don't play I'm not I'm not I don't blame him he's got a lot going doesn't moved away from LA doesn't live here where does he live him I got so many people to be I'm Gary Moses post well okay let's end the show love you guys have a fantastic weekend stay safe stay vigilant we will defeat the virus together not the Boomer Doomer what do they call it the boomer do rumor remover the Boomer remover that's very insensitive good the Boomer Goomer the Boomer doom that's crazy but it's actress it's actually true like they're I think like every old person is just mr. die I mean that's life no but like sudden oh yeah not like eventual there I've no one to [ __ ] you up later alright let's end this again get this turning into a nightmare alright and this quarter for me Dan thank you guys thanks everybody [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,876,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3, h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, trisha paytas, trisha, paytas, the bach3lorette, the bachelorette, the bach3lor, the bachelor
Id: 7OYtxY6d4MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 21sec (8841 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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