Baldur's Gate 3 - 10 Best GAME BREAKING Multiclasses in Game - Ultimate Multiclass Guide Round 3!

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hello and welcome back to Ray's gaming in a new Baldur's game video today we're going to talk about another set of powerful and interesting unique multi-class Concepts that you might want to try after the many suggestions and ideas in the comments of these videos I also wanted to ask early in this video what build are you currently running or what are the favorites you've tried if you're running anything different and interesting let us know but with that said today I have a pile of new particularly powerful options to consider so let's get started we'll start with this one a combination of fighter and Rogue that I'd like to credit Alexandre pagal I hope that's pronounced right for the concept in the comments of last time this build is specifically Battle Master and Thief as the multi-class featuring The sharpshoot defeat an archery combat style it's all tied to Joanne crossbows that you can use multiple of these little fast shooting weapons in strong combination with this setup we're able to use two action attacks and two bonus attacks per turn all from range even without some sort of Ideal gear setup you'll be popping a good say 20 plus damage per each attack which then Stacks up high quickly you power that up with gear Aaron Buffs and auras we can scale that damage to huge levels and fast because we're running fighter on any one of those turns you could of course ax and surge to let another action attack that turn and this is all without say a haste bar for elixirs in the mix to push it even further specifically there's a hat for maxman players that sold by Roar Moonglow in the moonrise Towers during Act 2 that could be a core item to aim for for its plus one bonus to range attack rolls just for wearing it I find the concept fun and satisfying though just blasting rain shots from your double mini crossbows the level mix would be seven Battle Master fighter and five Thief Rogue seven on the fighter would net you two Feats and the extra superiority die at level seven well five in Thief will also get you the uncanny Dodge and another feat netting some nice survivability let us know if you'd like to see a full build video on this one I'd like to look into it next up how about one we've covered which gives you all the details you could ask for this awesome concept is the invisible assassin making use of Greater invisibility to great effect as you can see we're able to repeatedly attack targets from stealth without ever actually entering combat which means we can attack and attack an attack while the poor person panics and freaks out and can't really do anything about it or in combat you're going to be constantly sneak attacking for a big bursts of damage while moving around the fight somewhat completely ignored because of the true invisibility the stealth can break but thanks to this setup it is very unlikely because of the stealth check that occurs per each attack you're very likely to succeed but if it does break you can just stealth again for another invisibility or use a fog Cloud to break line of sight or react invisible based on the subclass we're using the build also makes use of a strong Rapier and ideal legendary one at that for extraversive damage the multi-class is a combination of Rogue and warlock letting you reach the spell slots needed to cast the greater invisibility while the Rogue provides the stealth perks and the all-important sneak attack the build has a high focus on Charisma though since we're making use of pact of the blade through the Warlock scaling that damage through Charisma for melee but also that benefits are a powerful can trip Eldritch blast and other spell the overall level balance of this one is five in Rogan 7 in warlock once again the fifth leveling Rogue provides uncanny Dodge and the seven levels in the Warlock provides us the powerful spells and spell slots that we'll need we have a full build video on this exact concept though with all the details down to the items and gameplay guide if you want to check that out but I should mention since it came up in the comments of that video once you do reach level 7 in this build and get your pact of the blade that begins of course scaling your weapon damage through Charisma you probably want to respe back at that point to fix your stats to focus Charisma as it becomes your new main stat should have highlighted that in the video originally moving on how about a potent and fun concept this comes from the comments of last time as well a concept by nasty nasty North just two levels into warlock can provide both dark vision and the spell Darkness meaning you can see through the various smoke clouds that exist in the game naturally if you're using these yourself like the darkness Cloud you'll be able to create these areas that you can fight in that you can see through but it'll be a nightmare for the enemy to deal with they'll be totally blinded and very likely to miss while they fight within if fact this concept can extend to your whole party imagine if you had everyone with dark vision and with just two levels of warlock you can achieve that it's a cool idea for a full team to have that dark vision and would work really well with the shadow heart unique build as your core if you go down her darker story with the Shah and the just to see a route she'll get that legendary spearing gear set that's tied to the very concept of being obscured generating clouds and fighting within them so just really cool potential in Synergy right there for our next multi-class concept I'd like to talk about the potential strongest version of the extra attack combined with deepened packed combo it's still up in the air if this is a bug or intended but considering it's still in the game after the various patches and hot fixes at this point I think it's here to stay basically you can't stack normal extra attacks together but you can stack deep in packs extra attack and a normal extra attack resulting in yet three action attacks or more per turn this I somewhat highlighted in my original multi-class video but many people on that video and the video since keep bringing up the strongest quote strongest version of that that appears to be Paladin and warlock specifically oath breaker Paladin for the aura of hate and of course with the Warlock it's blade of the pack naturally warlock spells will scale with Charisma packed to the blade makes your weapon scale with Charisma and Paladin spells were already scaling with Charisma so there's raw Synergy there the level split is what's more Up For Debate though should you go level 7 into oath breaker and five into warlock or should you go five into Paladin or any Paladin subclass at that which will still get you extra attack then five into warlock for the Deep Impact extra attack and then the remaining two levels can go into fighter to get you action surge for another attack six attacks in a turn maybe seven if you use the Great Master Fee even more if you hasted there's a lot of potential there I guess the split comes down to you do you care more about attacking a hilarious amount of times truly maximizing this strange double extra attack stacking mechanic in the game or do you want to have say higher spell slots and benefit from the aura of hey via the oath breaker it'll add the charisma modifier to the damage of attacks which is obviously very strong and also fiends and Undead will benefit from that if they're in range I think you want to go the oath breaker version for the aura if you yourself are running Undead of fiends in the party but otherwise it's more personal choice next up let's talk about the awesome sword and fist multi-class that is barbarian mixed with monk yeah as you can see you can use both a heavy weapon like this legendary Greatsword and your fists at the same time to strong effect this unarmored monster build is very tanky thanks to the Barbarian raw that halves the incoming damage of most damage types including the most important one physical using this weapon in particular we can take on a giant form and while raging will smash for huge hits have big temporary hit points and attack many times a turn at that the fists come in handy for your bonus actions though allowing the Flurry of Blows to be used to say knock down enemies making them prone and more vulnerable or knock them flying instead our strength will synergize with both the weapon and fist attacks though if you're running the tavern brawler feet and the great sword uses mostly X actions while the fists are going to be using mostly bonus sections so potent Synergy there the monk comes in handy providing extra stuff like stunning strike which can use the weapon to do so or its impressive passive movement speed increases Reckless strike from the Barbarian provides a mighty hit and we also have resonant G from the monk to AOE should you need it so lots of options utility and damage and tankiness the level split here is three in Barbarian for Wild Heart The subclass and bear heart specifically and then 9 levels into the Open Hand monk to net the resonant strikes and all of the nice passives we have a full build video on this on the channel right now if you want the full details gear and gameplay guide so check it out moving on how about another multi-class concept to consider in general it's just one level of light cleric and now that's very impactful with that you get a bunch of spells that can be really useful like warding flare which is basically buffed up in Baldur's Gate 3 to be infinite it's just a consistent reaction to damage which will reduce incoming damage working is a worse but you know more consist distant spell shield with just one level into the cleric you'll also get things like healing word and bless which is a three-person buff but most important is sanctuary Sanctuary is a bonus Action level one spell slot spell for 10 turns you are your target become untargetable meaning very close to immune to damage until you break the effect it breaks when you choose to attack so basically you could use an action and then spend your bonus action to go back to being untargetable at the end of your turn in Boulder's Gate 3 compared to real DND it also has better range and the effect is just stronger instead of you know making them more likely to miss you it is that straight Target immunity it's also cheap so you can use it many times and there's nothing going to be stopping you from long resting after every fight to always have it so with a mix of useful spells of the level one light cleric and of course Sanctuary this simple concept of working a level 1 cleric for a multi-class for your builds is very strong probably best used with a true or even half custom main class to benefit from the spell slots most but yeah making yourself or even your entire party untargetable at the end of every turn is is very silly speaking of silly how about a silly Summoner concept where we go crazy on the amount of summons you have Josh recently highlighted this build in a full video after he wanted to see how far he could really go with summons as you can see you can summon quite a few allies to fight for you essentially a little army the life cleric combined with The Spar Druid allows for say fungal zombies Elemental summons B striads Ghouls and more the build allows for 13 summons total including some companions you pick up through the story thanks to just a few levels in cleric like we mentioned before you'll have access to a few Buffs to provide for your team letting them do the work for you and with this amount of bodies in play there's going to be a lot of damage that's not really going to be directed at you because there's so many targets and with the variety of summons there's a lot of different attacks spells and types of movement to make use of and while this isn't necessarily as strong as the other multi-class suggestions on this list it is very fun and perfect if you want to go Max Summoner in true you could turn this back maybe and get less summons but make the individual summon stronger it's up to you but the mix here is three levels into live cleric and nine into sport Druid for all the details on this build though including how to reach this silly number of summons yourself check out the full video we have on the channel now moving on we've mentioned a variety of many attacks per turn build today so here's a simpler version of that that you might also consider it's the Battle Master fighter combined with war cleric it would result in an easy four attacks per turn with a fifth using your bonus action and even more if you have a haste buff from a party member the leveling order would matter here but again it's simple 11 levels into fighter Battle Master specifically and then the final level into war cleric this means The Limited cleric bonus action will be offered after the initial fighter ones letting you push it out right at the end of your chain like I said though this multi-class is a lot more purist being mostly just a fighter that eventually snags that one level of cleric at the end for the perks of that so if this simpler multi-class concept for many attacks per turn seems more approachable to you it is an option alright what about a true jack of all trades powerful bad multi-class where we triple up using Bard Wizard and Paladin from Maximum effect naturally this is indeed College of saltbard working great with Paladin as you should expect Paladin of course at low levels gets access to its subclass immediately and then smites at level 2. the third class would be wizard falling under divination only at level two there too this Nets you access to the wizard spells of course using that trick to learn wizard spells via Scrolls even at level 1 though yet that means they're going to be tied to intelligence rather than Charisma but there are many spells that are useful that don't need or benefit from a modifier anyway so yeah a true jack of all trades idea bad with all the fun and options that has smites from the Paladin and wizard spells from the scroll learning it comes with a lot of options and utility the spell slots you'll get from The Wizard and Bard will provide many ways to upcast your Divine smites for extra damage and the College of swordsbad will net as an extra attack passive as a whole the wizard can provide benefits like spell Shields haste which is obviously major and AOE utility options overall the level mix would be College of salt bot at level 8 divination wizard at level 2 and finally Paladin at level two so if you're looking for a bit of everything good AC tons of utility and melee arranged options this triple up pick could be for you finally for the last multi-class suggestion I'd like to highlight one of the strongest spellcaster Concepts out there it's the triple multi-class build that is Storm Sorcerer And Tempest cleric combined with just one level into wizard this one we've referenced in multi-class videos before but with only basic details where it wasn't exactly a triple class this version though has the highest single turn Nova damage we can do using spells benefiting from chromatic orbs that you cast up to level six maybe in its Thunder version powered up by The Tempest cleric destructive wrath and look of the fire Realms to make it a Max damage and a crit 100 guaranteed and it can be AOE smashing multiple Targets in one smooth shot so that is very deadly of course you could also use for the chromatic orb the lightning version which when used on wet targets will burst AOE The Tempest cleric again comes in handy there because you can generate water with that and fight where it targets because of that alternatively you could be using summoned water Elementals which will not only keep the area wet but spread it out the entire width of the screen much bigger this version is specifically though nine levels into storm Sorcerer And two into Tempest cleric with the final level going to wizard with specific gear and items you can really juice this up and fight from very long range at that dealing big damage long range AOE in the form of lightning bolts is going to be very strong it's powerful it's very cool and now we have a full build on the channel for you to follow instead of me just lightly referencing the concept but there you have it another big set of multi-class Concepts specifically strong as hell ones at that but like I said in the introduction I'd like to start seeing more varied and silly and interesting multi-class Concepts if you have anything along that line then let us know in the comments and maybe we'll include it obviously at this point it's clear there are many strong multi-class Concepts to use but it's about time we look at some more fun and weird stuff too but now though I've been Hollow you've been you thanks for watching and we'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice July into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world of stage is is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 133,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best build, baldurs gate 3 best build, best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclass guide, multiclass, multiclassing, sorcerer, paladin, wizard, warlock, fighter, guide, multiclass guide, multiclassing guide, feat guide, feats, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, best class, build guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, best, subclasses, level, class, multiclass build, multiclasses, druid, bg3, level 12, act 3, monk, ragegamingvideos
Id: fPQ08NbzsDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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