Two Weapon Ranger/Rogue(Melee) | Baldur's Gate 3 Early Game Tactician Guide with Party!

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foreign shade here with my new party um I beat the game with my old party and I decided to try something new towards the end of the game which is probably gonna happen with this party too uh we just got super powerful and everything kind of felt really really easy but that's the nature of d d uh it becomes harder to sustain a party as they get higher level but uh I decided to go for a ranger Rogue two weapon fighter but unlike everybody else using hand crossbows I wanted to try straight up melee weapons with falling back on like a bow but not doing hand crossbows because that was kind of broken too with Sharpshooter all the flat damage and everything just kind of makes it ridiculous with this um so far I've been pretty surprised I haven't had much trouble I've gotten through all of Act One including the crash uh killing near getting the animantine forge I've done all of it with this group I don't have a cleric I'm using a druid to heal the party and keep it sustained I'll go through everybody's build and let you know how this is going this is up to I just hit level seven so this will be up to level seven now let's start with my main character I chose half work for the extra damage dice that you get on melee criticals and for the Relentless fortitude I think it's called where you can pop back up if your hip points get reduced to zero the first level class is Ranger this gives us access to medium armor Shields martial weapons simple weapons everything that we're gonna want for favorite enemy I chose Ranger Knight because that gives me access to Heavy Armor which is great just gives me a good armor class and there's some really great heavy armor pieces in the game you can go Bounty Hunter if you want this will give enemies a disadvantage to saving throws against your own snaring strike as for natural Explorer I chose Wasteland Wanderer fire because I took the street urchin background which gave me Proficiency in sleight of hand this is my utility character you can choose Urban tracker which gives you proficiency inside of hand but I chose it in my background so you can choose those the Wasteland Wanderers are actually really good because they give you resistance to whatever damage type they call out and that's half damage so you can choose what you want here but Urban tracker or one of the Wasteland Wanderers are my choice as far as billies go um I took 17 dexterity this is a DEX based two weapon fighter uh because it benefits both your range and finesse weapons uh my Dex is 17 I'm gonna get Ethel's hair and then use my one of my feets to get up to 20. I took 14 Constitution and then a 16 wisdom to beef up my perception and survival checks um but that 16 wisdom if you want something else you can definitely change it if you wish here are my skills sleight of hand and stuff are from my background history is from my favorite enemy Choice then I chose Insight perception and survival because I have a 16 wisdom that just makes those really high and then intimidation is because I'm a half work okay at level two you get to choose two spells I choose Hunter's Mark and then I actually chose longstrider because it's a buff that can go all day it's really easy I usually use most of my spells for Hunter's Mark anyway especially at this level but if you did choose Bounty Hunter you can grab in snaring strike and Hunter's Mark if you wish for fighting style uh this is the melee 2 weapon so I'm taking two weapon fighting what this does is when I make an attack with my offhand weapon I add my ability modifier to the damage of the attack um so this will add my dexterity to the damage on my off hand at third level you get to choose a new spell uh you can choose whichever spell that you want I'll just go with cure wounds for now uh as far as subclasses go you can choose between Beastmaster gloomstock or Hunter Beastmaster gives you an animal companion gloomstalker gives you a really awesome first round as well as dark vision and uh some extra spells but I'm going Hunter for the Hunter's prey and Colossus Lair particularly this allows me once per turn when I make a weapon attack to do an extra d8 damage if the target is below its hit point maximum at level four you get to choose a feat I am gonna actually go with Savage attacker what this allows us to do is when we make a melee weapon attack we roll our damage die twice and we use the highest result so for every melee weapon attack we do it get we are basically guaranteeing that we do the most damage that we can in that round as long as we hit uh you can choose your extra ability Improvement but I'm gonna hold that off until I get four levels in Rogue I think this is more beneficial early on at level five we take our fifth level of Ranger we get another set of spells this time we get second level spells if we want um you can choose spec growth you can choose restoration you can choose pass without Trace I'll just choose pass without trace the only issue I have with that is this concentration and that takes a slot from your Hunter's Mark but this can help you [Music] sneak around if you're if you really want to we also get extra attack this round so now we're able to make two attacks at sixth level we're going to want to take our first level of Rogue this gives us our sneak attack both uh melee and ranged and then we also get to choose a couple abilities uh we'll get to choose our expertise abilities I suggest sleight of hand and perception and then you can choose another regular ability as well it can be whatever you want I'll just go with acrobatics because I don't really have anybody covering that and then at level seven we shake our second level of Rogue this unlocks cunning actions where we can use our bonus action to hide Dash or disengage this will get better once we take Thief at level eight but for now we'll get those in case we need them to navigate around the battlefield a little bit as far as early game items that you're going to want to use um because I have the ranger Knight I took adamantine splint armor it's the heavy armor that you get from the adamantine Forge this just attackers can't land Critical Hits on me damage is reduced because I am a front liner so I'll be taking a lot and then I can even send them Reeling I do get disadvantaged and stealth checks but uh I think every all the benefits outweigh everything else I'm wearing the shadow of menso baranzen which you get in the micanid colony this gives me a invis once a short rest I believe uh which I can use then to kind of go around and open up with another sneak attack I'm using gloves of power mainly for the sleight of hand but it also allows me on a melee head to inflict uh an enemy with Bane which helps I have disintegrating night Walkers this gives me Misty set and I can't be in web entangled or ensnared and I don't slip on Grease or ice which is great for maneuvering especially on a Melee character I'm wearing The Smuggler's ring for the sleight of hand boost and then I have a caustic band for the two acid damage on weapon attacks this adds up a lot it's actually a great source of damage and that's the one thing that you want to do as the melee attacker is you want to find a lot of these kinds of sources of damage so like the two acid damage there's also um on my I have the jolt shooter on here I get lightning charges and that adds lightning damage to my attacks and then once I get five lightning charges I do next should the eight of lightning damage so all these little bits of damage add up and it it really hits pretty hard I'm surprised at how much I could do with this character and then for my melee weapons I have the knife of the undermountain king which I bought in the Crush um this allows me to crit hit on a 19 or 20 and when I roll two damage or less I re-roll the dice and take the highest result so it just kind of adds into everything to trying to do the most damage possible um my offhand is the short sword at First Blood so sometimes I'll hit with this because I do an extra d8 of piercing damage if the enemy is at full hit points which is basically I'll hit them with that and then hit them with my main hand and I get the Colossus layer on the main hand attack so I'm basically doing 2d8 extra damage around I do want to say that some instances because I'm a half orc if I crit and I get Colossus layer Colossus layer rules an extra die too it's pretty interesting you can do a lot of damage now on to Shadow heart Shadow heart is my green witch build which you can find in my channel it's a druid Wizard and I wanted just to see how it works with all my builds the reason it takes me a little bit longer than some of the other channels is I play on tactician and I don't want to post a build if I don't think it if I can't make it work on tacticians so that's why it takes me a little bit of time to get a build up because I want to make sure that it actually works on tactician so Shadow heart she is my druid she is my support and some of the clips you might see her as another class I made this switch recently because of an item on Lazelle that I'll show you here in a little bit but um first level is druid you choose whatever cantrips you want shilaly is a pretty strong cantrip it adds your spell casting ability which is wisdom to my attack rolls as far as ability points go wisdom at 16 decks at 16 Constitution at 14 and then the other four points you can put wherever you want I threw them into strength um and as far as my skills go uh religion and insight are her backgrounds and then I just chose Arcana and animal handling at level two Drew is going to choose their subclass I am going circle of spores here this gives me the symbiotic entity ability which allows me to get temporary hit points and then while I have those temporary hit points I'm able to do an extra 1d6 of necrotic damage with a weapon attack and then I can cast my halo of spores reactionary ability and do double damage with that um I also get the cantrip bone chill which prevents a target from healing and any Undead Target receives disadvantage on attack rolls healing word speak with animals ice knife fairy fire and I already have that and jump uh those are good but choose whatever you want I I usually try to choose one damage spell and then the rest utility because mostly at these levels you'll be doing a lot of melee damage at level three we get second level spells um some good ones to note are Moonbeam this you cast down Moon it does 2d10 damage and then every round after you cast it you can move it as an action which is helpful it does it in a small AOE so you can if you can get the monsters kind of grouped up you can do multiple damage to multiple monsters um gusts of wind is pretty good you summon the wind and it can push back clouds or creatures so it's good for those poison clouds and then the unsung hero of this run so far is Spike growth you throw it out into a wide AOE and then if enemies have to walk they have to walk through this they and every meter and a half they take uh 2d4 piercing it's insane you just watch tons of enemies just kill themselves just trying to get to you at level four we'll take another level of Druid uh you can choose your cantrips I'll choose guidance because guidance is a great cantrip to use and as far as Feats go I'm gonna take warcaster Druid has a lot of concentration spells Spike growth Moonbeam are all concentration Spells at this level so getting this gives us a big Advantage because you get it an advantage on concentration checks and then as a reaction you can also cast chocolate grasp if you want but take that and the other feat that we get is going to be an ability Improvement to race our wisdom at level five this is when I Veer off from my previous build and I choose wizard reason I choose wizard is we now have level three spells available to us so your Fireballs your haste um things like that and with one level of wizard we can scribe Scrolls and that includes uh up to our casting level of spells so because we've taken all casting levels our overall Caster level is level three so we I can even though I only have one level of wizard I can scribe level three spells and cast them you can choose whatever can't trips you want uh the yellow boxes are ones that you've already chosen so don't choose those a second time because you can't have two instances of the same spell but choose what you want as far as spells go um I choose a lot of utility here I choose magic Missile just because it's a great spell it always hits unless they have Shield um Shield spell is really good too it's a reaction uh it raises your armor class by five so a lot of times it'll pop up and you can use it and not be hit it also blocks you for magic missiles even though I haven't encountered them casting magic Missile a lot featherfall is really good because it's a ritual spell and allows you to you know jump fall long distances and not take any damage so get that because as a wizard and a druid you can freely swap out spells as long as you're not in combat you can just change spells to whatever you want I'd also choose grease here um sleep and then you know whatever you want as a wizard you can describe whatever spells you you really really need at level six we're gonna go back to Druid and take our fifth level here that unlocks level three spells for Druid uh notable ones are called lightning and daylight call lightning is great it's concentration spell but you cast it and then you can drop lightning bolts each round on a mob it's it hits pretty hard it's it's really good and then daylight is great against Undead because you create daylight and it makes it sunlight and some Undead take extra damage because of it so that's it's situational but it's really good we also get animate dead in gaseous form because we're circles for Druids and these spells by the way are always memorized so you'll always be able to cast them you don't have to choose them from the list and then at level seven we take our sixth level of Druid this gives us another spell but it most importantly gives us fungal infestation we can create zombies now out of corpses um it just has to be a beast or a humanoid corpse and we can have four of them every day so you raise up your zombie and then you you can raise up four until your next long rest they have decent hit points they hit pretty hard and then they all have Undead fortitude which when they are dropped to zero hit points they pop back up with one they're really good fodder gives just extra Targets on the battlefield as far as items go I have the Warped headband of intellect on her this sets her intelligence to 17 which allows her to cast more wizard spells her intelligence was only eight but because I have this which is on the ogres in the blighted village this allows me to memorize four wizard spells so I can have haste and Fireball and shield and whatever other spells I want this is the other thing I made in the adamantine Forge this is the medium armor uh it does the same thing as the heavy armor by attackers can't land critical hits it reduces damage by a little bit less um but it works it's great it's great AC I'm wearing gloves of archery right now um because I haven't found anything else to replace it but I'm going to be working on that at some point uh boots of striding when I cast a spell that requires concentration to gain momentum for one turn I'm always casting spells I have concentration on her so getting momentum for a turn gives us some extra movement which is good and while you're concentrating I can't be knocked prone or moved against my will it's really good for casters just like this I bought the Amulet of restoration this just gives me two free casted healing spells that I can cast on my bonus the mass healing word actually has a huge radius so I cast it quite often actually then she has a strange conduit ring which while concentrating on spell the wearer's weapon the tax deal next to D4 psychic damage so when I'm concentrating on the spell say this is my growth and I do a melee attack I'm doing the weapon damage any bonuses on the weapon 1d6 necrotic because of uh my entity and then 1d4 psychic damage because I'm concentrating on a spell it really adds up then I have the ring of salving I restore an additional two hit points every time I heal another creature just great for healers to have I have Harold as my range weapon which is it's a ranged weapon that I could use I guess I'm not even proficient with it but it was just something that I had on another character um like I said I just kind of swapped her so I'm still trying to suss out everything and then as melee weapons I have cacophony which adds Thunder damage to my melee hits and then I have the Woodward Shield which just it's mainly for the armor class but the engineering strike helps sometimes too I actually made her my blaster uh she's a pure sorcerer I'm debating going like the storm sorcerer Tempest cleric but for right now I just wanted a blaster that could just throw out tons of AOE and even haste multiple people so draconic sorcerer fits the bill as far as cantrips go choose what you want um she is a red dragon so she'll be more Fire based um but you can really choose what you want friends is a good one to choose if you want to make this your face character um but really choose any that you want as far as spells go I would select chromatic orb and magic Missile chromatic orb is great until you get fireball then you can replace it with something else and magic Missile is just always good as a cleanup spell it always hits um it's it's just really good there's also a necklace that I have that adds an extra bolt to that like I said I chose draconic bloodline for the extra AC so my AC is 13 and then you also get extra hit points for choosing this subclass and then my dragon ancestor is red so I get uh burning hands as a spell and then later on I'll be doing more damage to Firebase spells this is just a hey I look cool option as far as ability points go um I chose 16 Charisma 16 decks 14 Constitution and then I evened out my intelligence and wisdom and then you can really choose whatever you want she is a Barbarian so her background stuff doesn't really fit that well but you know I wanted to play something different and I like the group of people that I had so I'm kind of sticking with them level two uh we get another spell because we're a sorcerer we get to choose whatever spells we want um I choose Shield here just because like I said with Shadow heart this is just a great defensive option it's a great use of your reaction if you need to it really helps especially when things are barely gonna hit you you can turn a hit into a Miss quite easily we also get to choose metamagic and distance spell and twin spell are the two meta Magics that we want twin will allow me to cast some single Target spells at two different things and distance spell just increases the range by 50 percent level three we get another spell this time we can choose from second level spells um my choices would be scorching Ray mirror image and Misti step those are some of my favorite ones uh Cloud daggers is really good too um it just is a stationary AOE that sits there this is a great single Target spell this is a great escape and then this is just great overall AC because it increases your AC by nine I'm gonna choose Misty step because this is really good because moving this allows you to teleport away without taking any attacks of opportunity you also get another Amanda magic and quickened is exactly what we want this allows us to cast a spell as a bonus action for three points get it use it all the time it's it's great it sets up a really good burst round at level four we get another can trip I'll just choose friends here I didn't choose that before and then we get another spell I'll go with mirror image and then we also get defeat now here is where we're going to go either ability Improvement or as I said before we'll go with uh warcaster at level five we get haste which is a concentration spell and she is the one that I use I cast haston a lot uh because she can twin it so she can hit two people with it so going warcaster really helps with that because she is a target a lot of the times and having the advantage on saving throws with concentration really really helps but if you really want to do extra damage because of some of her things you can go with ability improvement over that it's it's really up to you all right at level five we get our third level spells so the best spells here are obviously Fireball and haste uh counterspell is really good lightning bolt can be good too if you want to use it even stinking cloud has its uses and slow is actually really good because you get to choose six enemies and they basically can only do one thing around if they fail their save this is a concentration so you have to make a choice if you want to slow the enemy or if you want to haste your guys um but it gives you a good option in case you really want to do this I'm gonna go with the tried and true Fireball um and then uh I'm go actually gonna replace like I said chromatic orb kind of falls out once you get fireball and I'm gonna replace it with haste because haste is just it's awesome at level six we get another spell we also get some subclass features uh we get element Elemental Affinity damage we basically get to add our Charisma modifier to damage this is what I meant by earlier if you choose your ability to score adjustment you'll be able to add four to it instead of three um and then we can also get the ability uh to add resistance to the type of damage that we're casting if we spend a sorcery point but usually your sorcery points will be spent on quickening spells and twinning spells for the most part and as far as spells go um the one I haven't chosen is counter spell I like to actually have that around this level because you start running into a lot of enemy casters and having that as a reaction is good because it'll give you a choice if you want to stop them from like slowing your team or something and at level seven we get fourth level spells um there are quite a few good ones here as well there is blight which is a great single Target spell you do 88 necrotic but some mobs don't take damage don't take necrotic damage so you run into those this becomes useless while fire is great it allows you to create a wall of fire um and do some damage but the enemies move in take damage if they're standing there at the start of their turn they take damage they can move in and out and they'll take damage ice storm is a great AOE spell it also prones enemies so it's really good to use Druids get this spell as well polymorph is a great spell you can Target a big bad enemy turn him into a sheep and as long as you don't hit the Sheep they are effectively out of the game until you kill the Sheep then they're back in whatever hit point numbers they had and then greater invisibility is good too because attacks against whoever you cast this on have disadvantage and attacks by the person that has this have Advantage so it's it's a good kind of utility spell if you have a couple characters that kind of run in and out I I am going to choose wall of fire because I am a red dragon okay as far as items go she doesn't have much um not yet her stuff kind of comes in about act two but um for armor she has the graceful cloth which I got off the lady who wants the GIF eggs this gives her two more dexterity so it increases her AC by one her initiative by one um this also gives me a bonus to Dex saving throws and increases my jump Distance by one and a half meters which is pretty good uh I'm wearing braces to defense which give me two to AC I don't really have any hand things that I found yet so once I find some better gloves uh these might be replaced I'm wearing spider step boots I can't I'm immune to being a webbed um this is just something that she's wearing as you can tell I haven't outfitted her yet uh I do have the psychic spark though this uh allows me to shoot an extra magic Missile whenever I cast it so you can cast four with a level one spell it's really good this is just something I put on her because I didn't have anybody else who had a ring slot open and I wanted to uh do the Arcane Tower and then she has a staff of Crohn's from Ethel this allows me to cast Rave sickness once per short rest and finally we have Lazelle Lizella is going to be a warlock Paladin five levels of Warlock and seven levels of Paladin for the aura we'll start off with getting the five levels of warlock first uh for cantrips we're going to want to take Eldritch blast and friends she's the face of the party because she's a gith Yankee so I can automatically choose Proficiency in all Christmas skills so it just naturally makes her really good at talking uh subclass I choose is the fiend as most people do just for the extra temporary hit points but you can choose whichever one you want for spells I choose hex and then I also choose arms of Hadar you can choose whatever you want the temporary hit points from armor of agathis don't stack with the fiend though just FYI but hex is always good especially early levels and then for ability scores I go 16 Charisma 16 decks 14 Constitution and then you can choose whatever I just didn't even split for intelligence and wisdom and my skill proficiencies because she is Lazelle and a soldier she gets Athletics and intimidation then I chose Arcana in history uh because she's a elder tree person at level two we take our second level of warlock we get our choice of spells I choose hellish rebuke it's a great reactionary if something hits you and it gets really powerful later on in levels and then we get our two Eldritch invocations for her because she's a gift she does not have dark vision so I do choose Devil's sight at level two this gives her dark vision and the ability to see into and out of magical Darkness but I also choose agonizing blast this is a definite for any warlock this add your charisma Charisma bonus to your Eldritch blast damage it's really good at level three we take our third level warlock this unlocks another spell level two spells I choose Misty step but you can also choose scorching Ray a whole person um Mirror Image un cloud of daggers I just like the extra Escape option we also get to choose our pact I chose pact of the blade this allows us to set any weapon as a packed weapon which basically makes us proficient with us and later on it also adds our charisma bonuses to attack and damage I believe level four we take our fourth level of Warlock we get to choose a new cantrip choose whichever one you want I'll just choose bone chill and then we also get to choose another spell I'm gonna go with scorching Ray I want that extra single Target damage and then we get to choose a feat here um I'm gonna go with ability Improvement Charisma I want to try to boost Charisma as much as possible because of the packed weapon at fifth level we take our last level of warlock we get access to third level spells I'm gonna go with Hunger of Hadar um you can choose whatever you want there's also counter spell Fireball those are really good as well and then for Eldritch invocations I choose repelling blasts and then you have the opportunity to replace this Bell so I'm actually going to replace scorching I actually I'm going to replace arms of Adar with Fireball so it just gives me another at another way to do some AOE damage if I want to but you can change this to whatever you want I counterspell would actually be really good as well foreign at level six we take our first level of Paladin with the first level of Paladin we do get to choose our subclass right off the bat um there's oath of the Ancients with a devotion and oath of Vengeance I choose oath of Vengeance because the inquisitors might um but oath of ancients is pretty good too this allows you to kind of heal yourself in nearby allies and all paladins also get lay on hands and they get Divine sense which gives us advantage on attack rolls against Celestial schemes and Undead let me go with oh a vengeance at level one second level we're gonna take another level of Paladin this unlocks our smiting which we'll be able to spend spell slots to do extra radiant damage it gets pretty nuts and uh we also get to choose a fighting style the two I would choose between are defense and great weapon fighting great weapon fighting if you roll one or two damage die on an attack um it gets re-rolled again so that's really good it just allows us to do a little bit more damage gives us the opportunity um defense adds one AC to our overall armor class so choose whichever you want and this you can kind of just prepare your spells like a cleric so choose what you want um good ones to have are like thunderous Smite even maybe a steering Smite but thunderous Smite is really really good now onto equipment for Lazelle um because we took Paladin later and not at level one she does not have access to Heavy Armor she only has access to medium armor but that is a moot point because we'll be using hell dusk armor which adds heavy armor proficiency as one of its benefits on my head I'm wearing a diadem of Arcane Synergy whenever I inflict the condition like hunger of Hadar I gain Arcane Synergy which allows me to do extra damage based on the enemies spell casting ability I'm wearing luminous armor which whenever I deal radiant damage which I do all the time especially now that I have Smite I cause a radiant Shockwave I'm wearing gloves of missile snaring she has 16 decks mainly because I wanted to have high initiative but this also helps I roll a d10 and add my dexterity modifier and I can intercept missiles and take no damage from them once a turn I have boots of speed just for extra movement I'm wearing the guidance pendant just so I have a second set of guidance I have the ring of poison resistance so I have resistance to poison and then I also have crusher's ring to give me just a little bit of extra movement speed and then this is the weapon that I chose to change classes four so she was originally the green witch but now she is this because of this weapon the soul breaker great sword it is a when it's wielded by a gith it does 1v4 extra psychic damage and most things are not resistant to psychic so uh this will do just its regular damage plus I also get plus two to initiative rules so this sword is really good especially in the hands of a get Yankee and that's it that's the party so far um I've gotten through all of act one I'm about to move on to moonrise Towers in act two uh this group has been really good it's clearing out a lot of things that I didn't think it could especially on first try I am playing tactician just to show you guys I am I play tactician all the time which like I said earlier that's why these builds sometimes take a long time because I want to make sure that they actually work in tactician and then I can actually go hey do this this way it works it's great use it so it does take me a little bit longer but thanks for watching uh I do have a twitch stream uh shade go follow me watch me I do stream most nights um as I said earlier once Phantom Liberty comes out for cyberpunk I will be transitioning over to that for a little while because I I really enjoyed cyberpunk after all the changes of course but I will be playing that quite often and I'm up for being part of their support of streamer program so there are some extra drops that could happen I haven't been notified if I've been chosen but that can happen but also follow me here I'll be putting my cyberpunk Builds on I'm going to try to get this to the end so I can at least do a level 12 build of all these guys and show off kind of what they can do I appreciate everything I hope you guys have a great rest of your day and I will catch you later thanks thank you
Channel: Sheyde Gaming
Views: 32,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, bg3 ranger, bg3 melee, bg3 ranger rogue, bg3 rogue, bg3 damage, bg3 guide, bg3 build guide, bg3 ranger guide
Id: b35Hviu7GcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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