BEST to WORST SKILL Proficiencies in Baldur's Gate 3

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skills that are important it's how you manipulate  a lot of portions of the game but you might be   getting a little bit of analysis paralysis when  it comes to selecting your skills for your first   character or maybe your 15th build that you've  made because you maybe haven't gotten past the   first act because you just keep making characters  like myself so in this video today I'm going to   go through which skills are actually particularly  very important in the game and which skills maybe   are more situational now if this is your first  time my channel the way I do things here is by   upfronting the knowledge of my videos so you can  decide to stick around and see if it's a video   for you so with that being said I'm just going to  tell you right out the gate that the skills that   I find to be the most important I'm just going to  give you my top three are any conversational skill   deception intimidation performance or well  deception intimidation and persuasion with   performance being kind of lower on that at that  scale sleight of hand and then perception that's   it if you just chose one if not all three of those  skills or spread those skills around your entire   party then you're good to go don't worry about  anything you're going to be picking locks left   and right you're going to be discovering all sorts  of booby traps and whatnot and then being able to   talk your way through any part of the game that's  it if that's all you wanted to know please feel   free to shut the video down again that was sleight  of hand perception and then a conversational skill   but if you want to jump ahead to any other part of  this video you can go ahead and navigate using the   chapters in both the timeline and the description  also don't forget to check me out on Twitch where   I do stream Baldur's Gate 3 and a number of  other games let's get started here on what   the best skills are in Border skate 3. now before  we get started it's just worth noting that all of   your skills are broken up according to their  ability that they coincide with right so you   know a stealth is a dexterity skill or nature is  in intelligent skill so you will get your ability   modifier added into this so Plus 2 to your wisdom  then it adds into all of your wisdom corresponding   skills and if you don't have any of these check  boxes it's because your character class is not   proficient in that skill so just kind of keep  those things in mind but before we actually get   started one thing I do want to say is all this  is purely my opinion it's my conjecture it's my   anecdotal experience so don't look at any of  the skills that I'm talking about as obsolete   as things that you cannot use in your character  or something if you did not choose them you're   screwed anything like that play this game like you  want how you want create the RP you have for your   character in your head and then choose the skills  if you're on the fence about skills is when I hope   this video helps you not to sit there and say okay  if I don't choose those skills my character's not   going to be good because I'm definitely not trying  to say that I'm saying that hey you know what I've   struggled when perception Insight investigation  which one's going to be useful for the situations   I don't really get it playing through the game I  Now understand so I'm giving you that information   here so you can make more informed decisions  and two you know if you have in your mind you   know hey my druid they're particularly good  with perception and Arcana because maybe they   they learned their uh their druidic skills at a  location with a wizard alongside them and they   learned our can or whatever it is the RP for  your character should always Trump any kind of   min max skill choice you have in this game if you  want to be an Indiana jones-like Bard that uses   Arcana history and investigation then that's what  you should do do not choose here what I'm saying   is the absolute best only use this guide as a  guide to help you when you are stuck trying to   decide between skills so to start us off in the  absolute best portion of the skill Branch are   the conversation skills now I'm approaching this  from your main character think of this though that   any skill after this point can just easily be  slotted into any one of your companions either   the origin companions the generic companions you  can find throughout the game and then the generic   hirelings you can get from Withers you can respect  all of them to have skills that fit into any gaps   you've got so just kind of keep that in mind  as you're going through this video as well but   conversational skills I think should be you should  have one conversational proficiency on your main   character and those are deception intimidation  and persuasion and you can kind of get around   this if you don't have a character that um has one  of these proficiencies unlock like right as a Bard   I can choose anything anything at all right but if  I say you know we looked this a little bit ago but   if I switch over to Barbarian maybe I really  wanted to go with persuasion maybe I wanted to   be a smooth talking Barbarian you can kind  of go around a lot of that stuff by using   your background to say hey you know what you're  you're a noble so now you have skill Proficiency   in Persuasion out the gate so keep those things  in mind uh when it does come to selecting your   your skill proficiencies but you will use  deception intimidation and persuasion in   almost every single conversation that you interact  with in this game you can completely bypass a ton   of fights you can completely bypass a lot of  portions of the game that do involve you know   throwing fisticuffs or dealing with some sort  of repercussion by simply talking your way out   of it but don't think that that also means that  you're losing access to stuff in fact I think   that actually keeping a lot of the people in the  game alive does actually unlock certain vendors   maybe that you didn't know you would have access  to or certain quests so playing through those ways   of playing is a very very fun and very rewarding  play way to play Maybe the trade-off here is you   don't maybe get certain items that you would  have gotten otherwise by killing them but   every single main character should have at  least one proficiency point in these and if   you are playing a character that doesn't have  high Charisma you know you can't benefit from   this just make sure your charisma is not eight  as long as it's not eight it's fine right so at   at eight I get a minus one meaning my my um and  every every one of these drops down quite a bit   right so having my charisma at least at a 10 keeps  this all at a baseline of zero so that I can play   around with proficiency bonuses from there now the  next two skills I want to talk about are kind of   tied for second place depending upon how you want  to personally approach the game and again remember   a lot of this is all my opinion in the way I have  perceived the game in my playthrough but sleight   of hand is just stupid important because you're  going to encounter tons of locked doors tons of   locked chest all sorts of things in which you  need to pick the lock now you don't need it on   your main character and that's what I'm trying to  say here's this is an example of a of a skill you   could just as you easily put on a sterion or  any character that you wanted to have have a   sleight of hand if you have a Bard or a ranger or  a I think Shadow monkey being a sleight of hand   um plenty of other classes have side of hand  proficiency options so I would say definitely use   that you're going to encounter a lot of traps in  this game and being able to disarm them is quite   nice but you can also work around a lot of those  things you can destroy chests with your weapon and   in a lot of other crpgs destroying chests degrades  the loot in the chest from my own personal   checking and from kind of looking on the internet  to see if I'm an idiot or not which I usually am   destroying chests does not degrade the loot in  Baldur's Gate 3. um if if that is if someone   wants to correct me in the comments by all means  and if you heard that and go I gotta double check   that check the comments to see if there is someone  that did correct me but I'm pretty sure from all   my personal testing and from checking destroying  chess does not degrade items so you can just blow   a chest up if you can't open it so keep that in  mind with sleight of hand it's easy for doors and   for traps but also getting through a lot of your  chests next up is perception now if you didn't   go a sleight of hand I'd say perception is your  number two slot right the tricky thing is that   perception is a wisdom based skill just like  sleight of hand is a dexterity based skill so   maybe you aren't going with the dexterity based  character but you will probably have a baseline   solid amount of dexterity because it dictates your  armor class and it dictates your initiative right   so pretty much everyone has somewhere between  12 to 14 Baseline decks um but perception on   the other hand is a wisdom-based skill and that's  probably going to be pretty low on your character   your main character unless you are going with  a wisdom-based character this is again another   example of someone you can just simply slot into  maybe a cleric you're playing with or a ranger or   a druid you're playing with because perception is  stupid good because you use this to spot certain   things in your environment it says observe your  environment spot hidden details that's like damn   near everything in the game you're going to use  this to find any and all traps you're going to   use it for a lot of things as you navigate through  the game so having a high perception is is is key   because when you look at perception insight and  investigation the three of them feel like they all   kind of sit somewhere in a similar brain process  even when you think about it from the DND tabletop   perspective that's kind of up to the DM as far as  which one you're going to be rolling for a certain   situation and and there's certain situations  that make more sense than the others but in   Baldur's Gate 3 you will be using perception a  lot so I weigh that higher than the other ones   not that the other ones are bad but it's I think  the best one of the kind of investigative type   of skills now another wisdom based skill and then  the third here on our list is Insight now insight   is conversational read people in situations  detect lies whereas uh perception is more about   your environment Insight is more about you in a  conversational setting the reason I've put Insight   so high up on this list um did I say number  three this number it's like this is number four   um the reason I put an Insight so high on this  list is that you use it conversationally and you   can actually miss context clues of certain  romances at certain points if your Insight   isn't high enough and it helps you a lot in  conversation way more than almost any of the other   um skills because this gives you more  conversational paths usually stuff like   history Arcana those things in conversation don't  always lead to more conversation options or ways   through the conversation they're usually  like oh you now discover this about that   like oh so it's not it's it's a little less  as important less as important as the others   um again though that's my opinion the way I  have approached it like an example would be I   was Romancing a character we were talking outside  on a beautiful moonlit uh night we both laid down   next to each other and stared at each other  and I failed the Insight check on one of my   characters the other character I passed it and  then it allowed me to kiss that individual that   led to further romance so you won't miss romance  options entirely if you don't have Insight but   this does unlock them a little bit earlier now the  last wisdom based skill coincidentally I want to   talk about is survival and survival is used quite  a bit so stay alive in the Wilds track prey and   it's really not used like that in the game from  my experience you use survival quite a bit to find   hidden stashes which you would think otherwise  would be perception but survival is used for   finding hidden stashes whenever you discover it  in a book or what have you so oftentimes the book   will say hey this stash is hidden at this place  in the map and you go to that place in the map and   then you oftentimes then have to make a survival  roll and if you fail the survival role you just   don't get the stash you have to come back after a  certain amount of time so survival having that to   a good amount I think is pretty important because  it allows you not to miss out any of those stashes   in my experience though too just to let you know  I don't think I've seen a stash where I was like   man if I missed this that would have sucked it's  usually just nice to haves um some additional gold   some additional Scrolls uh some potions maybe an  item here and there but nothing completely crazy   and less used in conversations than the others  we've talked about so far moving into intelligence   we have investigation now this is a one again  you're going to probably have on a character that   is intelligence based so if you have Gail or any  character that you're going down a a intelligence   focused character in outage night a wizard what  have you investigation is going to be pretty good   for them to just have as a proficiency anyway and  investigations is analyze Clues solve Mysteries   and I I have it kind of lower on this list  because I just really don't use it as much   as I did Insider perception investigation is  is more like okay you've discovered something   and see if you can use an investigation role  on it or maybe you're you're walking through   um a portion of a laboratory through a hidden  door and you're in your and you're Meandering   through some some stuff and you read a book you  failed an investigation role it's just very it's   not used as often as you would think now with that  being said if you choose origin characters like if   you chose Gail as the origin character you are  playing as you will have a lot of Investigation   roles so kind of keep those things in mind when it  does come to these things like I said it is going   to be very based off of your playthrough but I  do find that investigation to not be as useful   as Insight or perception the next group of skills  are well a group of skills because I find them to   be very situational so nature religion and history  are very situational in that you almost will never   encounter them on a set situation of like hey you  know what the only way to get through this point   is if you have one of these three skills or the  only way to unlock a conversational portion is   to have one of these three skills it does it does  exist it's just not it's very rare in my opinion   so history and nature especially will will  grant you lore about a situation or lore   about what someone's talking about in the  middle of a conversation or maybe someone   will say something and you'll quickly make  the role and then your character will have   a self-reflective moment of saying like oh this  reminds you of that so this is why those are not   as important as it comes to pushing your way  through the game or maybe getting access to   items you couldn't get before or whatever it is  but this really does spice in how you're going   to play so don't think of these as useless skills  think of them as skills that make a lot of sense   for the character you're playing you know what  I'm playing a lore Bard so it makes a lot of sense   that maybe I know a lot about history I've poured  through some ancient tomes or maybe I'm a wizard   and that's the same exact thing I would know a lot  about Arcana I meant to throw our Cannon to this   Arcana history nature and religion all exist on  the same level of just being contextually based   or again I'm a druid I would know nature I'm a  cleric or Paladin I would know this religion so it   don't think that if you chose religion as  a paladin because of the role play you had   in mind you just chose a dead skill No in fact it  spices the playthrough up of playing as a paladin   or playing as a cleric and you will encounter  definite situations um and I try not to spoil   anything right um you'll find in one of the acts  you'll deal with certain things that have a lot of   religious connotation and iconography and having  a high religion role lets you discover more about   the world and the lore so it's not a complete  throwaway skill I'm just trying to explain to   you that it's not something that's going to Grant  you more um from I guess a min max power or gamer   perspective or whatever it is and the next  two skills I want to talk about are I I don't   know why they are so not good but they are not  great but animal handling and Medicine are very   situational to a ridiculous degree medicine I  think I've had one or two roles for it it was to   heal someone who was wounded it's like oh I hear  medicine roll there you go and it didn't really   do anything I could they all the alternative  was just to give them a small healing potion or   animal handling as long as I was able to talk to  animals the skill of animal handling didn't really   seem useful I can either use talk to animals or  befriend animal and animal handling has never   really had much of a part and my main character  is a ranger Beastmaster so it maybe I just haven't   encountered a lot of those situations in the  game or I've somehow kind of pushed past them   but I personally have not I've maybe used animal  handling once on my character and I've done plenty   of crazy situations with animals crazy situation  and medicine again is another one I've heard   though that medicine does affect your Alchemy and  the output of certain things so if you do want to   go heavy into the Alchemy game and you do want  to go with medicine go with it it is part of the   origin of the dark urge so if you choose dark urge  your background gives you medicine uh proficiency   so that actually might play into the dark urge  and I do not know how or or in what way I have not   played through a dark urge playthrough so it might  have a big um bit of importance there so that just   a heads up to that but I find that animal handling  and Medicine are ridiculous levels of situational   now to close us out are the last three situational  quote-unquote skills that I think sit outside of   this entire spectrum because they depend upon  the character you're playing 100 like if I'm   playing a warrior then or I'm sorry a fighter then  stealth is never important to me necessarily right   like yeah you can use it situationally when it  comes to certain portions of the campaign but   my fighter kit is not based around it if I'm  playing a gloomstalker Ranger a shadow monk   a rogue a Rogue assassin a rogue Thief a rogue a  gloomstock or whatever then stealth is absolutely   pivotal to my character so I've put this aside  from everything not because it doesn't sit in this   in the in the Spectrum here at all for me I think  if you are a rogue this is your number one skill   if you're not a rogue then it doesn't even exist  for you so I think stealth is a really important   one and I wanted to kind of give it its own  little section alongside acrobatics and Athletics   so Athletics here is basically the ability to push  things it's it's the easiest way to break it down   into a a very quick digestible um situation like  okay you have the ability to shove you're going   to make an Athletics role to see if you shove  and then you'll pass or fail I find that I   almost never shove the AI does shove quite a bit  though so it is worth noting and then acrobatics   falls back a line with Athletics here keep your  balance land on your feet helps you resist being   shoved so you make an Athletics roll to shove and  then they make an acrobatics role against that so   I find that Athletics and acrobatics again are  very situational in how they exist Athletics used   to have a lot of other such other things that  would add to it it would help out with health   or would help out with um jumping distance and you  still get those benefits when it comes to Jumping   I believe with Athletics and acrobatics but um  you can use a potion of vaulting to get over any   of that or plenty of other ways to increase your  jumping capabilities or if you're a gethianki you   can just simply leap a 9 000 feet or you can use  the spell that allows you to jump very far so I   find Athletics and acrobatics proficiencies to  be better spent on any of the actual things that   bar me from certain portions of the game or or  prevent me from talking my way through certain   things or giving me access to certain doorways  and whatnot so I find that I just don't really   use them as much even though I really want to  use them as part of the role play of my of my   rogue I picked up acrobatics in my rogue simply  because I want my character to do certain things   in the role play in my head so don't think  that me telling you don't I really wouldn't   use the situational I've still picked it because  I even though I know it is situational it's just   the role play I've created for the way I want to  play my rogue so definitely look at these skills   and how they're going to be best exemplified for  you and your character and your playthrough this   is again going to be something that's going to  break down to your individual character class   and what you have in mind for them I've said that  animal handling is super situational but my Ranger   Beastmaster has it as a proficiency does that  mean he's a gimped character not even slightly   and if you try these skills out and you're like  you know what that guy's actually full of [ __ ]   I I use history all the time simply go to Withers  pay 100 gold and reset your skill proficiencies   it's that easy experiment try these things out  there's no reason not to play this game in any   way you see fit and if you don't like anything  just simply go and try to try a different route   because you can just so easily respect in this  game without any um penalty to you the only thing   of course you can't respect are your origin in  your race well and sub race I guess too right   so have a lot of fun try these different skill  proficiencies out hopefully this gave you a little   um breakdown on your analysis paralysis when  you are creating your character or helpful   to help push you into one Camp over the other  if you're maybe between Insider perception or   what have you and go ahead and let me know in the  comment section below are you saying you know what   no dude I'm using nature all the time and this is  the pretense in which I'm using it this is really   going to help people out who are on the fence  and maybe this video did not help them out in   deciding but as always guys thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take care thank you
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 42,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST to WORST SKILL Choices in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldur's gate 3 best skills, baldur's gate 3 best skills with proficiency, baldur's gate 3 best skill proficiencies, baldur's gate 3 best skills for rogue, baldur's gate 3 best skills for beginners, bg3 best skills, bg3 best skill choices, bg3 best skill proficiencies, skill proficiency bg3, baldur's gate 3 proficiency bonus, baldur's gate 3 proficiency guide, skill guide
Id: nY-w5NSgYHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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